brewermap.m 22 KB

  1. function [map,num,typ] = brewermap(N,scheme)
  2. % The complete selection of ColorBrewer colorschemes (RGB colormaps).
  3. %
  4. % (c) 2014 Stephen Cobeldick
  5. %
  6. % Returns any RGB colormap from the ColorBrewer colorschemes, especially
  7. % intended for mapping and plots with attractive, distinguishable colors.
  8. %
  9. %%% Syntax (basic):
  10. % map = brewermap(N,scheme); % Select colormap length, select any colorscheme.
  11. % brewermap('plot') % View a figure showing all ColorBrewer colorschemes.
  12. % schemes = brewermap('list')% Return a list of all ColorBrewer colorschemes.
  13. % [map,num,typ] = brewermap(...); % The current colorscheme's number of nodes and type.
  14. %
  15. %%% Syntax (preselect colorscheme):
  16. % old = brewermap(scheme); % Preselect any colorscheme, return the previous scheme.
  17. % map = brewermap(N); % Use preselected scheme, select colormap length.
  18. % map = brewermap; % Use preselected scheme, length same as current figure's colormap.
  19. %
  21. %
  22. %% Color Schemes %%
  23. %
  24. % This product includes color specifications and designs developed by Cynthia Brewer.
  25. % See the ColorBrewer website for further information about each colorscheme,
  26. % colour-blind suitability, licensing, and citations:
  27. %
  28. % To reverse the colormap sequence simply prefix the string token with '*'.
  29. %
  30. % Each colorscheme is defined by a set of hand-picked RGB values (nodes).
  31. % If <N> is greater than the requested colorscheme's number of nodes then:
  32. % * Sequential and Diverging schemes are interpolated to give a larger
  33. % colormap. The interpolation is performed in the Lab colorspace.
  34. % * Qualitative schemes are repeated to give a larger colormap.
  35. % Else:
  36. % * Exact values from the ColorBrewer sequences are returned for all colorschemes.
  37. %
  38. %%% Diverging
  39. %
  40. % Scheme|'BrBG'|'PRGn'|'PiYG'|'PuOr'|'RdBu'|'RdGy'|'RdYlBu'|'RdYlGn'|'Spectral'|
  41. % ------|------|------|------|------|------|------|--------|--------|----------|
  42. % Nodes | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 |
  43. %
  44. %%% Qualitative
  45. %
  46. % Scheme|'Accent'|'Dark2'|'Paired'|'Pastel1'|'Pastel2'|'Set1'|'Set2'|'Set3'|
  47. % ------|--------|-------|--------|---------|---------|------|------|------|
  48. % Nodes | 8 | 8 | 12 | 9 | 8 | 9 | 8 | 12 |
  49. %
  50. %%% Sequential
  51. %
  52. % Scheme|'Blues'|'BuGn'|'BuPu'|'GnBu'|'Greens'|'Greys'|'OrRd'|'Oranges'|'PuBu'|
  53. % ------|-------|------|------|------|--------|-------|------|---------|------|
  54. % Nodes | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
  55. %
  56. % Scheme|'PuBuGn'|'PuRd'|'Purples'|'RdPu'|'Reds'|'YlGn'|'YlGnBu'|'YlOrBr'|'YlOrRd'|
  57. % ------|--------|------|---------|------|------|------|--------|--------|--------|
  58. % Nodes | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
  59. %
  60. %% Examples %%
  61. %
  62. %%% Plot a scheme's RGB values:
  63. % rgbplot(brewermap(9,'Blues')) % standard
  64. % rgbplot(brewermap(9,'*Blues')) % reversed
  65. %
  66. %%% View information about a colorscheme:
  67. % [~,num,typ] = brewermap(0,'Paired')
  68. % num = 12
  69. % typ = 'Qualitative'
  70. %
  71. %%% Multi-line plot using matrices:
  72. % N = 6;
  73. % axes('ColorOrder',brewermap(N,'Pastel2'),'NextPlot','replacechildren')
  74. % X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
  75. % Y = bsxfun(@(x,n)n*sin(x+2*n*pi/N), X(:), 1:N);
  76. % plot(X,Y, 'linewidth',4)
  77. %
  78. %%% Multi-line plot in a loop:
  79. % set(0,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',brewermap(NaN,'Accent'))
  80. % N = 6;
  81. % X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
  82. % Y = bsxfun(@(x,n)n*sin(x+2*n*pi/N), X(:), 1:N);
  83. % for n = 1:N
  84. % plot(X(:),Y(:,n), 'linewidth',4);
  85. % hold all
  86. % end
  87. %
  88. %%% New colors for the COLORMAP example:
  89. % load spine
  90. % image(X)
  91. % colormap(brewermap([],'YlGnBu'))
  92. %
  93. %%% New colors for the SURF example:
  94. % [X,Y,Z] = peaks(30);
  95. % surfc(X,Y,Z)
  96. % colormap(brewermap([],'RdYlGn'))
  97. % axis([-3,3,-3,3,-10,5])
  98. %
  99. %%% New colors for the CONTOURCMAP example:
  100. % brewermap('PuOr'); % preselect the colorscheme.
  101. % load topo
  102. % load coast
  103. % figure
  104. % worldmap(topo, topolegend)
  105. % contourfm(topo, topolegend);
  106. % contourcmap('brewermap', 'Colorbar','on', 'Location','horizontal',...
  107. % 'TitleString','Contour Intervals in Meters');
  108. % plotm(lat, long, 'k')
  109. %
  110. %% Input and Output Arguments %%
  111. %
  112. %%% Inputs (*=default):
  113. % N = NumericScalar, N>=0, an integer to specify the colormap length.
  114. % = *[], same length as the current figure's colormap (see COLORMAP).
  115. % = NaN, same length as the defining RGB nodes (useful for Line ColorOrder).
  116. % = CharRowVector, to preselect a ColorBrewer colorscheme for later use.
  117. % = 'plot', create a figure showing all of the ColorBrewer colorschemes.
  118. % = 'list', return a cell array of strings listing all ColorBrewer colorschemes.
  119. % scheme = CharRowVector, a ColorBrewer colorscheme name.
  120. % = *none, uses the preselected colorscheme (must be set previously!).
  121. %
  122. %%% Outputs:
  123. % map = NumericMatrix, size Nx3, a colormap of RGB values between 0 and 1.
  124. % num = NumericScalar, the number of nodes defining the ColorBrewer colorscheme.
  125. % typ = CharRowVector, the colorscheme type: 'Diverging'/'Qualitative'/'Sequential'.
  126. % OR
  127. % schemes = CellOfCharRowVectors, a list of every ColorBrewer colorscheme.
  128. %
  129. % [map,num,typ] = brewermap(*N,*scheme)
  130. % OR
  131. % schemes = brewermap('list')
  132. %% Input Wrangling %%
  133. %
  134. persistent raw tok isr idp
  135. %
  136. if isempty(raw)
  137. raw = bmColors();
  138. end
  139. %
  140. msg = 'A colorscheme must be preselected before calling without a colorscheme name.';
  141. %
  142. if nargin==0 % Current figure's colormap length and the preselected colorscheme.
  143. assert(~isempty(idp),msg)
  144. [map,num,typ] = bmSample([],isr,raw(idp));
  145. elseif nargin==2 % Input colormap length and colorscheme.
  146. assert(isnumeric(N),'The first argument must be a scalar numeric, or empty.')
  147. assert(ischar(scheme)&&isrow(scheme),'The second argument must be a 1xN char.')
  148. tmp = strncmp('*',scheme,1);
  149. [map,num,typ] = bmSample(N,tmp,raw(bmMatch(scheme,tmp,raw)));
  150. elseif isnumeric(N) % Input colormap length and the preselected colorscheme.
  151. assert(~isempty(idp),msg)
  152. [map,num,typ] = bmSample(N,isr,raw(idp));
  153. else
  154. assert(ischar(N)&&isrow(N),'The first argument must be a 1xN char or a scalar numeric.')
  155. switch lower(N)
  156. case 'plot' % Plot all colorschemes in a figure.
  157. bmPlotFig(raw)
  158. case 'list' % Return a list of all colorschemes.
  159. map = {raw.str};
  160. typ = {raw.typ};
  161. num = [raw.num];
  162. otherwise % Store the preselected colorscheme token.
  163. tmp = strncmp('*',N,1);
  164. idp = bmMatch(N,tmp,raw);
  165. typ = raw(idp).typ;
  166. num = raw(idp).num;
  167. % Only update persistent values if colorscheme name is okay:
  168. isr = tmp;
  169. map = tok;
  170. tok = N;
  171. end
  172. end
  173. %
  174. end
  175. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%brewermap
  176. function idx = bmMatch(str,tmp,raw)
  177. % Match the requested colorscheme name to names in the raw data structure.
  178. str = str(1+tmp:end);
  179. idx = strcmpi({raw.str},str);
  180. assert(any(idx),'Colorscheme "%s" is not supported. Check the colorscheme list.',str)
  181. end
  182. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%bmMatch
  183. function [map,num,typ] = bmSample(N,isr,raw)
  184. % Pick a colorscheme, downsample/interpolate to the requested colormap length.
  185. %
  186. num = raw.num;
  187. typ = raw.typ;
  188. %
  189. if isempty(N)
  190. N = size(get(gcf,'colormap'),1);
  191. elseif isscalar(N)&&isnan(N)
  192. N = num;
  193. else
  194. assert(isscalar(N),'First argument must be a numeric scalar, or empty.')
  195. assert(isreal(N),'Input <N> must be a real numeric: %g+%gi',N,imag(N))
  196. assert(fix(N)==N&&N>=0,'Input <N> must be positive integer: %g',N)
  197. end
  198. %
  199. if N==0
  200. map = nan(0,3);
  201. return
  202. end
  203. %
  204. % downsample:
  205. [idx,itp] = bmIndex(N,num,typ);
  206. map = raw.rgb(idx,:)/255;
  207. % interpolate:
  208. if itp
  209. M = [...
  210. +3.2406255,-1.5372080,-0.4986286;...
  211. -0.9689307,+1.8757561,+0.0415175;...
  212. +0.0557101,-0.2040211,+1.0569959];
  213. wpt = [0.95047,1,1.08883]; % D65
  214. %
  215. map = bmRGB2Lab(map,M,wpt); % optional
  216. %
  217. % Extrapolate a small amount at both ends:
  218. %vec = linspace(0,num+1,N+2);
  219. %map = interp1(1:num,map,vec(2:end-1),'linear','extrap');
  220. % Interpolation completely within ends:
  221. map = interp1(1:num,map,linspace(1,num,N),'spline');
  222. %
  223. map = bmLab2RGB(map,M,wpt); % optional
  224. end
  225. % reverse order:
  226. if isr
  227. map = map(end:-1:1,:);
  228. end
  229. %
  230. end
  231. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%bmSample
  232. function rgb = bmGammaCor(rgb)
  233. % Gamma correction of sRGB data.
  234. idx = rgb <= 0.0031308;
  235. rgb(idx) = 12.92 * rgb(idx);
  236. rgb(~idx) = real(1.055 * rgb(~idx).^(1/2.4) - 0.055);
  237. end
  238. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%bmGammaCor
  239. function rgb = bmGammaInv(rgb)
  240. % Inverse gamma correction of sRGB data.
  241. idx = rgb <= 0.04045;
  242. rgb(idx) = rgb(idx) / 12.92;
  243. rgb(~idx) = real(((rgb(~idx) + 0.055) / 1.055).^2.4);
  244. end
  245. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%bmGammaInv
  246. function lab = bmRGB2Lab(rgb,M,wpt) % Nx3 <- Nx3
  247. % Convert a matrix of sRGB values to Lab.
  248. %
  249. %applycform(rgb,makecform('srgb2lab','AdaptedWhitePoint',wpt))
  250. %
  251. % RGB2XYZ:
  252. xyz = bmGammaInv(rgb) / M.';
  253. % Remember to include my license when copying my implementation.
  254. % XYZ2Lab:
  255. xyz = bsxfun(@rdivide,xyz,wpt);
  256. idx = xyz>(6/29)^3;
  257. F = idx.*(xyz.^(1/3)) + ~idx.*(xyz*(29/6)^2/3+4/29);
  258. lab(:,2:3) = bsxfun(@times,[500,200],F(:,1:2)-F(:,2:3));
  259. lab(:,1) = 116*F(:,2) - 16;
  260. %
  261. end
  262. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%bmRGB2Lab
  263. function rgb = bmLab2RGB(lab,M,wpt) % Nx3 <- Nx3
  264. % Convert a matrix of Lab values to sRGB.
  265. %
  266. %applycform(lab,makecform('lab2srgb','AdaptedWhitePoint',wpt))
  267. %
  268. % Lab2XYZ
  269. tmp = bsxfun(@rdivide,lab(:,[2,1,3]),[500,Inf,-200]);
  270. tmp = bsxfun(@plus,tmp,(lab(:,1)+16)/116);
  271. idx = tmp>(6/29);
  272. tmp = idx.*(tmp.^3) + ~idx.*(3*(6/29)^2*(tmp-4/29));
  273. xyz = bsxfun(@times,tmp,wpt);
  274. % Remember to include my license when copying my implementation.
  275. % XYZ2RGB
  276. rgb = max(0,min(1, bmGammaCor(xyz * M.')));
  277. %
  278. end
  279. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%cbLab2RGB
  280. function bmPlotFig(raw)
  281. % Creates a figure showing all of the ColorBrewer colorschemes.
  282. %
  283. persistent cbh axh
  284. %
  285. xmx = max([raw.num]);
  286. ymx = numel(raw);
  287. %
  288. if ishghandle(cbh)
  289. figure(cbh);
  290. delete(axh);
  291. else
  292. cbh = figure('HandleVisibility','callback', 'IntegerHandle','off',...
  293. 'NumberTitle','off', 'Name',[mfilename,' Plot'],'Color','white',...
  294. 'MenuBar','figure', 'Toolbar','none', 'Tag',mfilename);
  295. set(cbh,'Units','pixels')
  296. pos = get(cbh,'Position');
  297. pos(1:2) = pos(1:2) - 123;
  298. pos(3:4) = max(pos(3:4),[842,532]);
  299. set(cbh,'Position',pos)
  300. end
  301. %
  302. axh = axes('Parent',cbh, 'Color','none',...
  303. 'XTick',0:xmx, 'YTick',0.5:ymx, 'YTickLabel',{raw.str}, 'YDir','reverse');
  304. title(axh,['ColorBrewer Color Schemes (',mfilename,'.m)'], 'Interpreter','none')
  305. xlabel(axh,'Scheme Nodes')
  306. ylabel(axh,'Scheme Name')
  307. axf = get(axh,'FontName');
  308. %
  309. for y = 1:ymx
  310. num = raw(y).num;
  311. typ = raw(y).typ;
  312. map = raw(y).rgb(bmIndex(num,num,typ),:)/255; % downsample
  313. for x = 1:num
  314. patch([x-1,x-1,x,x],[y-1,y,y,y-1],1, 'FaceColor',map(x,:), 'Parent',axh)
  315. end
  316. text(xmx+0.1,y-0.5,typ, 'Parent',axh, 'FontName',axf)
  317. end
  318. %
  319. drawnow()
  320. %
  321. end
  322. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%bmPlotFig
  323. function [idx,itp] = bmIndex(N,num,typ)
  324. % Ensure exactly the same colors as the online ColorBrewer colorschemes.
  325. %
  326. itp = N>num;
  327. switch typ
  328. case 'Qualitative'
  329. itp = false;
  330. idx = 1+mod(0:N-1,num);
  331. case 'Diverging'
  332. switch N
  333. case 1 % extrapolated
  334. idx = 8;
  335. case 2 % extrapolated
  336. idx = [4,12];
  337. case 3
  338. idx = [5,8,11];
  339. case 4
  340. idx = [3,6,10,13];
  341. case 5
  342. idx = [3,6,8,10,13];
  343. case 6
  344. idx = [2,5,7,9,11,14];
  345. case 7
  346. idx = [2,5,7,8,9,11,14];
  347. case 8
  348. idx = [2,4,6,7,9,10,12,14];
  349. case 9
  350. idx = [2,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,14];
  351. case 10
  352. idx = [1,2,4,6,7,9,10,12,14,15];
  353. otherwise
  354. idx = [1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,15];
  355. end
  356. case 'Sequential'
  357. switch N
  358. case 1 % extrapolated
  359. idx = 6;
  360. case 2 % extrapolated
  361. idx = [4,8];
  362. case 3
  363. idx = [3,6,9];
  364. case 4
  365. idx = [2,5,7,10];
  366. case 5
  367. idx = [2,5,7,9,11];
  368. case 6
  369. idx = [2,4,6,7,9,11];
  370. case 7
  371. idx = [2,4,6,7,8,10,12];
  372. case 8
  373. idx = [1,3,4,6,7,8,10,12];
  374. otherwise
  375. idx = [1,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,13];
  376. end
  377. otherwise
  378. error('The colorscheme type "%s" is not recognized',typ)
  379. end
  380. %
  381. end
  382. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%bmIndex
  383. function raw = bmColors()
  384. % Return a structure of all colorschemes: name, scheme type, RGB values, number of nodes.
  385. % Order: first sort by <typ>, then case-insensitive sort by <str>:
  386. raw(35).str = 'YlOrRd';
  387. raw(35).typ = 'Sequential';
  388. raw(35).rgb = [255,255,204;255,255,178;255,237,160;254,217,118;254,204,92;254,178,76;253,141,60;252,78,42;240,59,32;227,26,28;189,0,38;177,0,38;128,0,38];
  389. raw(34).str = 'YlOrBr';
  390. raw(34).typ = 'Sequential';
  391. raw(34).rgb = [255,255,229;255,255,212;255,247,188;254,227,145;254,217,142;254,196,79;254,153,41;236,112,20;217,95,14;204,76,2;153,52,4;140,45,4;102,37,6];
  392. raw(33).str = 'YlGnBu';
  393. raw(33).typ = 'Sequential';
  394. raw(33).rgb = [255,255,217;255,255,204;237,248,177;199,233,180;161,218,180;127,205,187;65,182,196;29,145,192;44,127,184;34,94,168;37,52,148;12,44,132;8,29,88];
  395. raw(32).str = 'YlGn';
  396. raw(32).typ = 'Sequential';
  397. raw(32).rgb = [255,255,229;255,255,204;247,252,185;217,240,163;194,230,153;173,221,142;120,198,121;65,171,93;49,163,84;35,132,67;0,104,55;0,90,50;0,69,41];
  398. raw(31).str = 'Reds';
  399. raw(31).typ = 'Sequential';
  400. raw(31).rgb = [255,245,240;254,229,217;254,224,210;252,187,161;252,174,145;252,146,114;251,106,74;239,59,44;222,45,38;203,24,29;165,15,21;153,0,13;103,0,13];
  401. raw(30).str = 'RdPu';
  402. raw(30).typ = 'Sequential';
  403. raw(30).rgb = [255,247,243;254,235,226;253,224,221;252,197,192;251,180,185;250,159,181;247,104,161;221,52,151;197,27,138;174,1,126;122,1,119;122,1,119;73,0,106];
  404. raw(29).str = 'Purples';
  405. raw(29).typ = 'Sequential';
  406. raw(29).rgb = [252,251,253;242,240,247;239,237,245;218,218,235;203,201,226;188,189,220;158,154,200;128,125,186;117,107,177;106,81,163;84,39,143;74,20,134;63,0,125];
  407. raw(28).str = 'PuRd';
  408. raw(28).typ = 'Sequential';
  409. raw(28).rgb = [247,244,249;241,238,246;231,225,239;212,185,218;215,181,216;201,148,199;223,101,176;231,41,138;221,28,119;206,18,86;152,0,67;145,0,63;103,0,31];
  410. raw(27).str = 'PuBuGn';
  411. raw(27).typ = 'Sequential';
  412. raw(27).rgb = [255,247,251;246,239,247;236,226,240;208,209,230;189,201,225;166,189,219;103,169,207;54,144,192;28,144,153;2,129,138;1,108,89;1,100,80;1,70,54];
  413. raw(26).str = 'PuBu';
  414. raw(26).typ = 'Sequential';
  415. raw(26).rgb = [255,247,251;241,238,246;236,231,242;208,209,230;189,201,225;166,189,219;116,169,207;54,144,192;43,140,190;5,112,176;4,90,141;3,78,123;2,56,88];
  416. raw(25).str = 'Oranges';
  417. raw(25).typ = 'Sequential';
  418. raw(25).rgb = [255,245,235;254,237,222;254,230,206;253,208,162;253,190,133;253,174,107;253,141,60;241,105,19;230,85,13;217,72,1;166,54,3;140,45,4;127,39,4];
  419. raw(24).str = 'OrRd';
  420. raw(24).typ = 'Sequential';
  421. raw(24).rgb = [255,247,236;254,240,217;254,232,200;253,212,158;253,204,138;253,187,132;252,141,89;239,101,72;227,74,51;215,48,31;179,0,0;153,0,0;127,0,0];
  422. raw(23).str = 'Greys';
  423. raw(23).typ = 'Sequential';
  424. raw(23).rgb = [255,255,255;247,247,247;240,240,240;217,217,217;204,204,204;189,189,189;150,150,150;115,115,115;99,99,99;82,82,82;37,37,37;37,37,37;0,0,0];
  425. raw(22).str = 'Greens';
  426. raw(22).typ = 'Sequential';
  427. raw(22).rgb = [247,252,245;237,248,233;229,245,224;199,233,192;186,228,179;161,217,155;116,196,118;65,171,93;49,163,84;35,139,69;0,109,44;0,90,50;0,68,27];
  428. raw(21).str = 'GnBu';
  429. raw(21).typ = 'Sequential';
  430. raw(21).rgb = [247,252,240;240,249,232;224,243,219;204,235,197;186,228,188;168,221,181;123,204,196;78,179,211;67,162,202;43,140,190;8,104,172;8,88,158;8,64,129];
  431. raw(20).str = 'BuPu';
  432. raw(20).typ = 'Sequential';
  433. raw(20).rgb = [247,252,253;237,248,251;224,236,244;191,211,230;179,205,227;158,188,218;140,150,198;140,107,177;136,86,167;136,65,157;129,15,124;110,1,107;77,0,75];
  434. raw(19).str = 'BuGn';
  435. raw(19).typ = 'Sequential';
  436. raw(19).rgb = [247,252,253;237,248,251;229,245,249;204,236,230;178,226,226;153,216,201;102,194,164;65,174,118;44,162,95;35,139,69;0,109,44;0,88,36;0,68,27];
  437. raw(18).str = 'Blues';
  438. raw(18).typ = 'Sequential';
  439. raw(18).rgb = [247,251,255;239,243,255;222,235,247;198,219,239;189,215,231;158,202,225;107,174,214;66,146,198;49,130,189;33,113,181;8,81,156;8,69,148;8,48,107];
  440. raw(17).str = 'Set3';
  441. raw(17).typ = 'Qualitative';
  442. raw(17).rgb = [141,211,199;255,255,179;190,186,218;251,128,114;128,177,211;253,180,98;179,222,105;252,205,229;217,217,217;188,128,189;204,235,197;255,237,111];
  443. raw(16).str = 'Set2';
  444. raw(16).typ = 'Qualitative';
  445. raw(16).rgb = [102,194,165;252,141,98;141,160,203;231,138,195;166,216,84;255,217,47;229,196,148;179,179,179];
  446. raw(15).str = 'Set1';
  447. raw(15).typ = 'Qualitative';
  448. raw(15).rgb = [228,26,28;55,126,184;77,175,74;152,78,163;255,127,0;255,255,51;166,86,40;247,129,191;153,153,153];
  449. raw(14).str = 'Pastel2';
  450. raw(14).typ = 'Qualitative';
  451. raw(14).rgb = [179,226,205;253,205,172;203,213,232;244,202,228;230,245,201;255,242,174;241,226,204;204,204,204];
  452. raw(13).str = 'Pastel1';
  453. raw(13).typ = 'Qualitative';
  454. raw(13).rgb = [251,180,174;179,205,227;204,235,197;222,203,228;254,217,166;255,255,204;229,216,189;253,218,236;242,242,242];
  455. raw(12).str = 'Paired';
  456. raw(12).typ = 'Qualitative';
  457. raw(12).rgb = [166,206,227;31,120,180;178,223,138;51,160,44;251,154,153;227,26,28;253,191,111;255,127,0;202,178,214;106,61,154;255,255,153;177,89,40];
  458. raw(11).str = 'Dark2';
  459. raw(11).typ = 'Qualitative';
  460. raw(11).rgb = [27,158,119;217,95,2;117,112,179;231,41,138;102,166,30;230,171,2;166,118,29;102,102,102];
  461. raw(10).str = 'Accent';
  462. raw(10).typ = 'Qualitative';
  463. raw(10).rgb = [127,201,127;190,174,212;253,192,134;255,255,153;56,108,176;240,2,127;191,91,23;102,102,102];
  464. raw(09).str = 'Spectral';
  465. raw(09).typ = 'Diverging';
  466. raw(09).rgb = [158,1,66;213,62,79;215,25,28;244,109,67;252,141,89;253,174,97;254,224,139;255,255,191;230,245,152;171,221,164;153,213,148;102,194,165;43,131,186;50,136,189;94,79,162];
  467. raw(08).str = 'RdYlGn';
  468. raw(08).typ = 'Diverging';
  469. raw(08).rgb = [165,0,38;215,48,39;215,25,28;244,109,67;252,141,89;253,174,97;254,224,139;255,255,191;217,239,139;166,217,106;145,207,96;102,189,99;26,150,65;26,152,80;0,104,55];
  470. raw(07).str = 'RdYlBu';
  471. raw(07).typ = 'Diverging';
  472. raw(07).rgb = [165,0,38;215,48,39;215,25,28;244,109,67;252,141,89;253,174,97;254,224,144;255,255,191;224,243,248;171,217,233;145,191,219;116,173,209;44,123,182;69,117,180;49,54,149];
  473. raw(06).str = 'RdGy';
  474. raw(06).typ = 'Diverging';
  475. raw(06).rgb = [103,0,31;178,24,43;202,0,32;214,96,77;239,138,98;244,165,130;253,219,199;255,255,255;224,224,224;186,186,186;153,153,153;135,135,135;64,64,64;77,77,77;26,26,26];
  476. raw(05).str = 'RdBu';
  477. raw(05).typ = 'Diverging';
  478. raw(05).rgb = [103,0,31;178,24,43;202,0,32;214,96,77;239,138,98;244,165,130;253,219,199;247,247,247;209,229,240;146,197,222;103,169,207;67,147,195;5,113,176;33,102,172;5,48,97];
  479. raw(04).str = 'PuOr';
  480. raw(04).typ = 'Diverging';
  481. raw(04).rgb = [127,59,8;179,88,6;230,97,1;224,130,20;241,163,64;253,184,99;254,224,182;247,247,247;216,218,235;178,171,210;153,142,195;128,115,172;94,60,153;84,39,136;45,0,75];
  482. raw(03).str = 'PRGn';
  483. raw(03).typ = 'Diverging';
  484. raw(03).rgb = [64,0,75;118,42,131;123,50,148;153,112,171;175,141,195;194,165,207;231,212,232;247,247,247;217,240,211;166,219,160;127,191,123;90,174,97;0,136,55;27,120,55;0,68,27];
  485. raw(02).str = 'PiYG';
  486. raw(02).typ = 'Diverging';
  487. raw(02).rgb = [142,1,82;197,27,125;208,28,139;222,119,174;233,163,201;241,182,218;253,224,239;247,247,247;230,245,208;184,225,134;161,215,106;127,188,65;77,172,38;77,146,33;39,100,25];
  488. raw(01).str = 'BrBG';
  489. raw(01).typ = 'Diverging';
  490. raw(01).rgb = [84,48,5;140,81,10;166,97,26;191,129,45;216,179,101;223,194,125;246,232,195;245,245,245;199,234,229;128,205,193;90,180,172;53,151,143;1,133,113;1,102,94;0,60,48];
  491. % number of nodes:
  492. for k = 1:numel(raw)
  493. switch raw(k).typ
  494. case 'Diverging'
  495. raw(k).num = 11;
  496. case 'Qualitative'
  497. raw(k).num = size(raw(k).rgb,1);
  498. case 'Sequential'
  499. raw(k).num = 9;
  500. end
  501. end
  502. %
  503. end
  504. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%bmColors
  505. % Code and Implementation:
  506. % Copyright (c) 2014 Stephen Cobeldick
  507. % Color Values Only:
  508. % Copyright (c) 2002 Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower, and The Pennsylvania State University.
  509. %
  510. % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  511. % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  512. % You may obtain a copy of the License at
  513. %
  514. %
  515. %
  516. % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  517. % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  518. % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  519. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  520. %
  521. % Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  522. % modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  523. %
  524. % 1. Redistributions as source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
  525. % list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  526. %
  527. % 2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must
  528. % include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes color
  529. % specifications and designs developed by Cynthia Brewer
  530. % (" Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the
  531. % software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
  532. %
  533. % 4. The name "ColorBrewer" must not be used to endorse or promote products
  534. % derived from this software without prior written permission. For written
  535. % permission, please contact Cynthia Brewer at
  536. %
  537. % 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "ColorBrewer", nor
  538. % may "ColorBrewer" appear in their name, without prior written permission of Cynthia Brewer.
  539. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%license