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Functional aspects of interneuron morphology in the subiculum

Interneurons in the subiculum have a polar axonal cloud instead of a circular as found in other brain regions. Additionally, pyramidal neurons in the subiculum lack recurrent connections, but they connect via recurrent inhibition. Therefore, inhibition plays a major role in this circuitry and we pose the question, which function the extraordinary axon morphology serves in this setting.


How to run the scripts

It is recommended to use Anaconda ( to create a virtual environment with the necessary dependencies. With anaconda, it is a one button install. Af ter cloning the repository and changing into the root folder, type

conda env create -f environment.yml

This creates an environment called interneuron_polarity, which can be activated via

conda activate interneuron_polarity

To run the scripts, you also need to make the repository folder available in the python path (requires conda--build)

conda develop .

If you need additional packages, install them via conda install and update the environment file via

conda env export > environment.yml

To update the existing environment

conda-env update -f environment.yml