# Functional aspects of interneuron morphology in the subiculum Interneurons in the subiculum have a polar axonal cloud instead of a circular as found in other brain regions. Additionally, pyramidal neurons in the subiculum lack recurrent connections, but they connect via recurrent inhibition. Therefore, inhibition plays a major role in this circuitry and we pose the question, which function the extraordinary axon morphology serves in this setting. ### Ressources - [Project wiki](https://itbgit.biologie.hu-berlin.de/compneurophys/subiculum_polar_interneurons/-/wikis/home) - [Shared dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com/home/Hubinterneuron%20Freigabe) - [Trello board](https://trello.com/b/E8kT6IC3/planar-interneurons) - [Seafile](https://box.hu-berlin.de/#shared-libs/lib/71baa918-7a65-4fad-a385-4bbef07c4ef5) ### How to run the scripts It is recommended to use Anaconda (https://www.continuum.io/downloads) to create a virtual environment with the necessary dependencies. With anaconda, it is a one button install. Af ter cloning the repository and changing into the root folder, type ``` conda env create -f environment.yml ``` This creates an environment called interneuron_polarity, which can be activated via ```bash conda activate interneuron_polarity ``` To run the scripts, you also need to make the repository folder available in the python path (requires conda--build) ```bash conda develop . ``` If you need additional packages, install them via `conda install` and update the environment file via ```bash conda env export > environment.yml ``` To update the existing environment ```bash conda-env update -f environment.yml ```