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- function [lat,coeff] = latencyfit_jp(y,t,fig)
- %Must be col vectors
- % ----------------------------------------------
- % clear all;
- %
- % generate some example data
- % coeff = [0.004 0.11 0.07 80 14]; % typical values of V1 modulation
- % coeff = [0.04 0.2 1.3 50 7]; % typical values of V1 PSTH
- %
- % a = coeff(1);
- % c = coeff(2);
- % d = coeff(3);
- % m = coeff(4);
- % s = coeff(5);
- %
- % t = [-300:1:600]';
- % y = d * exp(m*a+0.5*s^2*a^2-a.*t).*normcdf(t,m+s^2*a,s)+c.*normcdf(t,m,s);
- %
- % y = y+0.1*randn(size(y)); % add some noise
- %
- % figure;plot(t,y,'b');legend({'data'});
- % make educated guess for starting values (instead of these you can also
- % use a list of starting values, for example based on previous data,
- % and loop over these and pick the one with the best fit)
- [Y,I] = max(y);
- m = t(I);
- st_=[0.004 Y/2 Y/2 m 200];
- % use curve tracing toolbox
- ft_ = fittype('d * exp(m*a+0.5*s^2*a^2-a.*t).*normcdf(t,m+s^2*a,s)+c.*normcdf(t,m,s);',...
- 'dependent',{'r'},'independent',{'t'},...
- 'coefficients',{'a', 'c', 'd', 'm', 's'});
- fo_ = fitoptions('method','NonlinearLeastSquares','MaxFunEvals',1000,'Lower',[0,0,0,0,0]);
- set(fo_,'Startpoint',st_);
- try
- [cfun,gof,output] = fit(t,y,ft_,fo_);
- catch
- %Fit went wrong
- lat = NaN;
- coeff = NaN(1,5);
- return
- end
- [coeff]=coeffvalues(cfun);
- if 0 % use optimization toolbox instead
- % r = d * exp(m*a+0.5*s^2*a^2-a.*t).*normcdf(t,m+s^2*a,s)+c.*normcdf(t,m,s);
- predicted = @(a,tdata) a(3) * exp(a(4)*a(1)+0.5*a(5)^2*a(1)^2-a(1).*t).*normcdf(t,a(4)+a(5)^2*a(1),a(5))+a(2).*normcdf(t,a(4),a(5));
- options = optimset('MaxFunEvals',2000);
- x0=st_;
- lb=[0,0,0,0,0];
- ub=[Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf];
- [coeff]=lsqcurvefit(predicted,x0,t,y,lb,ub,options);
- end
- % coefficients of fit
- a = coeff(1);
- c = coeff(2);
- d = coeff(3);
- m = coeff(4);
- s = coeff(5);
- yf = d * exp(m*a+0.5*s^2*a^2-a.*t).*normcdf(t,m+s^2*a,s)+c.*normcdf(t,m,s);
- [mf,mfix] = max(yf);
- ixs = [1:mfix]; % only search before max peak
- [l33,l33ix]=min(abs(yf(ixs)-mf*0.33));
- lat = t(l33ix);
- if fig
- figure; hold on;
- plot(t,y,'b',t,yf,'r');
- legend({'data','fit'});
- plot([t(l33ix),t(l33ix)],get(gca,'YLim')); % point where 33% of max response reached
- end