registration.log 24 KB

  1. Notice: '/data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz' has no defined reference (stroke) mask - will proceed without.
  2. Output of reg_aladin -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_TemplateAff.nii.gz -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixAff.txt:
  3. [NiftyReg ALADIN] Command line:
  4. reg_aladin -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_TemplateAff.nii.gz -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixAff.txt
  5. [reg_aladin_sym] Parameters
  6. [reg_aladin_sym] Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz
  7. [reg_aladin_sym] 256x256x48 voxels
  8. [reg_aladin_sym] 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm
  9. [reg_aladin_sym] Floating image name: /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz
  10. [reg_aladin_sym] 228x160x264 voxels
  11. [reg_aladin_sym] 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm
  12. [reg_aladin_sym] Maximum iteration number: 5 (10 during the first level)
  13. [reg_aladin_sym] Percentage of blocks: 50 %
  14. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  15. [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 1 / 3
  16. [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 64x64x48 voxels 0.273438x0.273438x0.3 mm
  17. [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 57x40x66 voxels 0.2x0.2x0.2 mm
  18. [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4]
  19. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  20. [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [16 16 12]
  21. [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [15 10 17]
  22. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix::
  23. 1 0 0 -8.725
  24. 0 1 0 -11.325
  25. 0 0 1 -4.575
  26. 0 0 0 1
  27. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix::
  28. 1 0 0 8.725
  29. 0 1 0 11.325
  30. 0 0 1 4.575
  31. 0 0 0 1
  32. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  33. [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix::
  34. 1.02023 0.0246196 0.0471831 -9.52603
  35. -0.0155512 1.12928 -0.0964649 -11.7347
  36. -0.0618759 0.0890259 0.963316 -4.41215
  37. 0 0 0 1
  38. [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix::
  39. 0.976895 -0.0173881 -0.0495895 8.88309
  40. 0.0186654 0.878252 0.0870325 10.8678
  41. 0.0610232 -0.0822815 1.02685 4.14639
  42. 0 0 0 1
  43. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  44. [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 2 / 3
  45. [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 128x128x48 voxels 0.136719x0.136719x0.3 mm
  46. [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 114x80x132 voxels 0.1x0.1x0.1 mm
  47. [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4]
  48. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  49. [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [32 32 12]
  50. [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [29 20 33]
  51. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix::
  52. 1.02023 0.0246196 0.0471831 -9.52603
  53. -0.0155512 1.12928 -0.0964649 -11.7347
  54. -0.0618759 0.0890259 0.963316 -4.41215
  55. 0 0 0 1
  56. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix::
  57. 0.976895 -0.0173881 -0.0495895 8.88309
  58. 0.0186654 0.878252 0.0870325 10.8678
  59. 0.0610232 -0.0822815 1.02685 4.14639
  60. 0 0 0 1
  61. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  62. [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix::
  63. 1.01265 0.0269735 0.0393553 -9.43407
  64. -0.0136979 1.14382 -0.09167 -11.8727
  65. -0.050393 0.0625713 0.974686 -4.39159
  66. 0 0 0 1
  67. [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix::
  68. 0.985147 -0.0209479 -0.0417479 8.86189
  69. 0.0157985 0.869455 0.0811351 10.8281
  70. 0.0499196 -0.0568989 1.0186 4.2687
  71. 0 0 0 1
  72. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  73. [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 3 / 3
  74. [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 256x256x48 voxels 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm
  75. [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 228x160x264 voxels 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm
  76. [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4]
  77. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  78. [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [64 64 12]
  79. [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [57 40 66]
  80. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix::
  81. 1.01265 0.0269735 0.0393553 -9.43407
  82. -0.0136979 1.14382 -0.09167 -11.8727
  83. -0.050393 0.0625713 0.974686 -4.39159
  84. 0 0 0 1
  85. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix::
  86. 0.985147 -0.0209479 -0.0417479 8.86189
  87. 0.0157985 0.869455 0.0811351 10.8281
  88. 0.0499196 -0.0568989 1.0186 4.2687
  89. 0 0 0 1
  90. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  91. [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix::
  92. 1.0101 0.0232244 0.0414122 -9.38601
  93. -0.015195 1.13784 -0.0945123 -11.7931
  94. -0.0566372 0.0551175 0.987718 -4.31299
  95. 0 0 0 1
  96. [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix::
  97. 0.987314 -0.018063 -0.0431237 8.86793
  98. 0.0178048 0.874475 0.0829298 10.8376
  99. 0.0556205 -0.0498339 1.00533 4.27036
  100. 0 0 0 1
  101. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  102. Registration Performed in 2 min 31 sec
  103. Have a good day !
  104. Output of reg_aladin -ref /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz -flo /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_IncidenceData.nii.gz -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixInv.txt:
  105. [NiftyReg ALADIN] Command line:
  106. reg_aladin -ref /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz -flo /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_IncidenceData.nii.gz -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixInv.txt
  107. [reg_aladin_sym] Parameters
  108. [reg_aladin_sym] Reference image name: /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz
  109. [reg_aladin_sym] 228x160x264 voxels
  110. [reg_aladin_sym] 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm
  111. [reg_aladin_sym] Floating image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz
  112. [reg_aladin_sym] 256x256x48 voxels
  113. [reg_aladin_sym] 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm
  114. [reg_aladin_sym] Maximum iteration number: 5 (10 during the first level)
  115. [reg_aladin_sym] Percentage of blocks: 50 %
  116. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  117. [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 1 / 3
  118. [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 57x40x66 voxels 0.2x0.2x0.2 mm
  119. [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 64x64x48 voxels 0.273438x0.273438x0.3 mm
  120. [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4]
  121. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  122. [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [15 10 17]
  123. [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [16 16 12]
  124. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix::
  125. 1 0 0 8.725
  126. 0 1 0 11.325
  127. 0 0 1 4.575
  128. 0 0 0 1
  129. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix::
  130. 1 0 0 -8.725
  131. 0 1 0 -11.325
  132. 0 0 1 -4.575
  133. 0 0 0 1
  134. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  135. [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix::
  136. 1.00107 -0.0162229 -0.0560843 8.88426
  137. 0.0164359 0.915436 0.0858778 11.0154
  138. 0.0614178 -0.0680761 1.0355 4.16224
  139. 0 0 0 1
  140. [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix::
  141. 0.99538 0.0215161 0.0521272 -9.29719
  142. -0.0122572 1.08542 -0.0906817 -11.4699
  143. -0.0598442 0.0700817 0.956668 -4.22218
  144. 0 0 0 1
  145. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  146. [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 2 / 3
  147. [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 114x80x132 voxels 0.1x0.1x0.1 mm
  148. [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 128x128x48 voxels 0.136719x0.136719x0.3 mm
  149. [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4]
  150. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  151. [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [29 20 33]
  152. [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [32 32 12]
  153. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix::
  154. 1.00107 -0.0162229 -0.0560843 8.88426
  155. 0.0164359 0.915436 0.0858778 11.0154
  156. 0.0614178 -0.0680761 1.0355 4.16224
  157. 0 0 0 1
  158. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix::
  159. 0.99538 0.0215161 0.0521272 -9.29719
  160. -0.0122572 1.08542 -0.0906817 -11.4699
  161. -0.0598442 0.0700817 0.956668 -4.22218
  162. 0 0 0 1
  163. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  164. [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix::
  165. 1.00353 -0.00496077 -0.055247 8.92287
  166. 0.00647737 0.900269 0.0911429 10.9602
  167. 0.0561761 -0.0419951 1.00431 4.25494
  168. 0 0 0 1
  169. [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix::
  170. 0.993408 0.00798934 0.0539224 -9.18105
  171. -0.00151555 1.10608 -0.100463 -11.6819
  172. -0.0556298 0.0458041 0.988495 -4.21163
  173. 0 0 0 1
  174. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  175. [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 3 / 3
  176. [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 228x160x264 voxels 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm
  177. [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 256x256x48 voxels 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm
  178. [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4]
  179. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  180. [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [57 40 66]
  181. [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [64 64 12]
  182. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix::
  183. 1.00353 -0.00496077 -0.055247 8.92287
  184. 0.00647737 0.900269 0.0911429 10.9602
  185. 0.0561761 -0.0419951 1.00431 4.25494
  186. 0 0 0 1
  187. [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix::
  188. 0.993408 0.00798934 0.0539224 -9.18105
  189. -0.00151555 1.10608 -0.100463 -11.6819
  190. -0.0556298 0.0458041 0.988495 -4.21163
  191. 0 0 0 1
  192. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  193. [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix::
  194. 1.00176 -0.0101535 -0.0500625 8.89388
  195. 0.0123282 0.89563 0.0925611 10.9311
  196. 0.0553195 -0.0507149 1.01856 4.24715
  197. 0 0 0 1
  198. [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix::
  199. 0.995438 0.0139834 0.0476551 -9.20856
  200. -0.00807314 1.1107 -0.101331 -11.6391
  201. -0.0544654 0.0545431 0.97414 -4.24913
  202. 0 0 0 1
  203. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  204. Registration Performed in 2 min 42 sec
  205. Have a good day !
  206. Output of reg_f3d -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz -sx 3 -sy 3 -sz 3 -jl 0.3 -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_Template.nii.gz -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixAff.txt:
  207. [NiftyReg F3D] Command line:
  208. reg_f3d -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz -sx 3 -sy 3 -sz 3 -jl 0.3 -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_Template.nii.gz -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixAff.txt
  209. [NiftyReg F3D] OpenMP is used with 8 thread(s)
  210. [NiftyReg F3D] **************************************************
  211. [NiftyReg F3D] INPUT PARAMETERS
  212. [NiftyReg F3D] **************************************************
  213. [NiftyReg F3D] Reference image:
  214. [NiftyReg F3D] * name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz
  215. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 256 x 256 x 48 x 1
  216. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.0683594 x 0.0683594 x 0.3 mm
  217. [NiftyReg F3D] * intensity threshold for timepoint 1/1: [-3.4e+38 3.4e+38]
  218. [NiftyReg F3D] * gaussian smoothing sigma: 0
  219. [NiftyReg F3D]
  220. [NiftyReg F3D] Floating image:
  221. [NiftyReg F3D] * name: /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz
  222. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 228 x 160 x 264 x 1
  223. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.05 x 0.05 x 0.05 mm
  224. [NiftyReg F3D] * intensity threshold for timepoint 1/1: [-3.4e+38 3.4e+38]
  225. [NiftyReg F3D] * gaussian smoothing sigma: 0
  226. [NiftyReg F3D]
  227. [NiftyReg F3D] Warped image padding value: nan
  228. [NiftyReg F3D]
  229. [NiftyReg F3D] Level number: 3
  230. [NiftyReg F3D]
  231. [NiftyReg F3D] Maximum iteration number per level: 300
  232. [NiftyReg F3D]
  233. [NiftyReg F3D] Final spacing in mm: 3 3 3
  234. [NiftyReg F3D]
  235. [NiftyReg F3D] The NMI is used as a similarity measure.
  236. [NiftyReg F3D] Similarity measure term weight: 0.695
  237. [NiftyReg F3D]
  238. [NiftyReg F3D] Bending energy penalty term weight: 0.005
  239. [NiftyReg F3D]
  240. [NiftyReg F3D] Linear energy penalty term weights: 0 0
  241. [NiftyReg F3D]
  242. [NiftyReg F3D] L2 norm of the displacement penalty term weights: 0
  243. [NiftyReg F3D]
  244. [NiftyReg F3D] Jacobian-based penalty term weight: 0.3
  245. [NiftyReg F3D] * Jacobian-based penalty term is approximated
  246. [NiftyReg F3D] **************************************************
  247. [NiftyReg F3D] Current level: 1 / 3
  248. [NiftyReg F3D] Current reference image
  249. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 64 x 64 x 48 x 1
  250. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.273438 x 0.273438 x 0.3 mm
  251. [NiftyReg F3D] Current floating image
  252. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 57 x 40 x 66 x 1
  253. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.2 mm
  254. [NiftyReg F3D] Current control point image
  255. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 5 x 5 x 5
  256. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 12 x 12 x 12 mm
  257. [NiftyReg F3D] Initial objective function: 0.790208 = (wSIM)0.795608 - (wBE)1.77645e-15 - (wLE)0 - (wL2)0 - (wJAC)0.00540038
  258. [NiftyReg F3D] [9] Current objective function: 0.792299 = (wSIM)0.797765 - (wBE)2.25e-08 - (wJAC)5.47e-03 [+ 0.15 mm]
  259. [NiftyReg F3D] [16] Current objective function: 0.792299 = (wSIM)0.797765 - (wBE)2.25e-08 - (wJAC)5.47e-03 [+ 0 mm]
  260. [NiftyReg F3D] Current registration level done
  261. [NiftyReg F3D] --------------------------------------------------
  262. [NiftyReg F3D] **************************************************
  263. [NiftyReg F3D] Current level: 2 / 3
  264. [NiftyReg F3D] Current reference image
  265. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 128 x 128 x 48 x 1
  266. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.136719 x 0.136719 x 0.3 mm
  267. [NiftyReg F3D] Current floating image
  268. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 114 x 80 x 132 x 1
  269. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 mm
  270. [NiftyReg F3D] Current control point image
  271. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 6 x 6 x 6
  272. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 6 x 6 x 6 mm
  273. [NiftyReg F3D] Initial objective function: 0.78842 = (wSIM)0.793976 - (wBE)4.3764e-08 - (wLE)0 - (wL2)0 - (wJAC)0.00555682
  274. [NiftyReg F3D] [9] Current objective function: 0.789539 = (wSIM)0.795065 - (wBE)2.51e-07 - (wJAC)5.52e-03 [+ 0.15 mm]
  275. [NiftyReg F3D] [20] Current objective function: 0.792259 = (wSIM)0.797812 - (wBE)5.48e-06 - (wJAC)5.55e-03 [+ 0.4965 mm]
  276. [NiftyReg F3D] [29] Current objective function: 0.793205 = (wSIM)0.798741 - (wBE)1.09e-05 - (wJAC)5.53e-03 [+ 0.15 mm]
  277. [NiftyReg F3D] [38] Current objective function: 0.795731 = (wSIM)0.801126 - (wBE)3.38e-05 - (wJAC)5.36e-03 [+ 0.2325 mm]
  278. [NiftyReg F3D] [47] Current objective function: 0.796233 = (wSIM)0.801559 - (wBE)3.62e-05 - (wJAC)5.29e-03 [+ 0.2325 mm]
  279. [NiftyReg F3D] [55] Current objective function: 0.796233 = (wSIM)0.801559 - (wBE)3.62e-05 - (wJAC)5.29e-03 [+ 0 mm]
  280. [NiftyReg F3D] Current registration level done
  281. [NiftyReg F3D] --------------------------------------------------
  282. [NiftyReg F3D] **************************************************
  283. [NiftyReg F3D] Current level: 3 / 3
  284. [NiftyReg F3D] Current reference image
  285. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 256 x 256 x 48 x 1
  286. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.0683594 x 0.0683594 x 0.3 mm
  287. [NiftyReg F3D] Current floating image
  288. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 228 x 160 x 264 x 1
  289. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.05 x 0.05 x 0.05 mm
  290. [NiftyReg F3D] Current control point image
  291. [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 9 x 9 x 8
  292. [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 3 x 3 x 3 mm
  293. [NiftyReg F3D] Initial objective function: 0.792609 = (wSIM)0.798066 - (wBE)5.57664e-05 - (wLE)0 - (wL2)0 - (wJAC)0.00540114
  294. [NiftyReg F3D] [9] Current objective function: 0.794224 = (wSIM)0.799647 - (wBE)5.46e-05 - (wJAC)5.37e-03 [+ 0.3 mm]
  295. [NiftyReg F3D] [18] Current objective function: 0.7951 = (wSIM)0.800507 - (wBE)7.32e-05 - (wJAC)5.33e-03 [+ 0.3 mm]
  296. [NiftyReg F3D] [27] Current objective function: 0.795348 = (wSIM)0.800799 - (wBE)1.08e-04 - (wJAC)5.34e-03 [+ 0.3 mm]
  297. [NiftyReg F3D] [35] Current objective function: 0.795348 = (wSIM)0.800799 - (wBE)1.08e-04 - (wJAC)5.34e-03 [+ 0 mm]
  298. [NiftyReg F3D] Current registration level done
  299. [NiftyReg F3D] --------------------------------------------------
  300. [NiftyReg F3D] Registration Performed in 0 min 57 sec
  301. [NiftyReg F3D] Have a good day !
  302. Output of reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_TemplateAllen.nii.gz:
  303. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  304. Command line:
  305. reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_TemplateAllen.nii.gz
  306. Parameters
  307. Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz
  308. 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes
  309. 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm
  310. Floating image name: /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz
  311. 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes
  312. 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm
  313. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  314. [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_TemplateAllen.nii.gz
  315. Output of reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annoVolume.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_Anno_parental.nii.gz:
  316. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  317. Command line:
  318. reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annoVolume.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_Anno_parental.nii.gz
  319. Parameters
  320. Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz
  321. 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes
  322. 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm
  323. Floating image name: /aida/lib/annoVolume.nii.gz
  324. 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes
  325. 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm
  326. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  327. [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_Anno_parental.nii.gz
  328. Output of reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annoVolume+2000_rsfMRI.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit_parental.nii.gz:
  329. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  330. Command line:
  331. reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annoVolume+2000_rsfMRI.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit_parental.nii.gz
  332. Parameters
  333. Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz
  334. 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes
  335. 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm
  336. Floating image name: /aida/lib/annoVolume+2000_rsfMRI.nii.gz
  337. 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes
  338. 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm
  339. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  340. [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit_parental.nii.gz
  341. Output of reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annotation_50CHANGEDanno.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_Anno.nii.gz:
  342. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  343. Command line:
  344. reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annotation_50CHANGEDanno.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_Anno.nii.gz
  345. Parameters
  346. Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz
  347. 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes
  348. 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm
  349. Floating image name: /aida/lib/annotation_50CHANGEDanno.nii.gz
  350. 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes
  351. 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm
  352. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  353. [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_Anno.nii.gz
  354. Output of reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/ARA_annotationR+2000.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit.nii.gz:
  355. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  356. Command line:
  357. reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/ARA_annotationR+2000.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit.nii.gz
  358. Parameters
  359. Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz
  360. 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes
  361. 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm
  362. Floating image name: /aida/lib/ARA_annotationR+2000.nii.gz
  363. 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes
  364. 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm
  365. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  366. [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsT1c13m1/ses-P21/anat/sub-SPsT1c13m1_ses-P21_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit.nii.gz
  367. Registration completed