Selaa lähdekoodia

processed metadata

Xiao Gui 4 vuotta sitten

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 232 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+  "name": "generate_metadata",
+  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "lockfileVersion": 1,
+  "requires": true,
+  "dependencies": {
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+        "@types/node": "*"
+      }
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+      "version": "14.0.13",
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+      "version": "1.0.0",
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+      "integrity": "sha512-85Y2BjiufFzaMIlvJDvTTB8Fxl2xfLo4HgmHzVBz08w4wDePCTjYw66PdrolO0kzli3yam/YCgRufyo1DdQVTA==",
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+        "@types/node": "*"
+      }
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+      "version": "1.0.2",
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+      "integrity": "sha1-0dyXOSAxTfZ/vrlCI7TuNQI56Ws=",
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+        "mimic-response": "^1.0.0"
+      }
+    },
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+      "version": "4.10.1",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-gdDJVchi0oSLIcYXz1H/VSgLE6htHDqJyFsRU/vTkQgmVOZ3S0IR2LXnNbWUYG7VD76dYVwdfBLyx8AX9+An8A=="
+    },
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+      "requires": {
+        "mimic-response": "^3.1.0"
+      },
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+          "version": "3.1.0",
+          "resolved": "",
+          "integrity": "sha512-z0yWI+4FDrrweS8Zmt4Ej5HdJmky15+L2e6Wgn3+iK5fWzb6T3fhNFq2+MeTRb064c6Wr4N/wv0DzQTjNzHNGQ=="
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    "defer-to-connect": {
+      "version": "2.0.0",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-bYL2d05vOSf1JEZNx5vSAtPuBMkX8K9EUutg7zlKvTqKXHt7RhWJFbmd7qakVuf13i+IkGmp6FwSsONOf6VYIg=="
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+      "version": "1.4.4",
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+      "requires": {
+        "once": "^1.4.0"
+      }
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+    "get-stream": {
+      "version": "5.1.0",
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+      "requires": {
+        "pump": "^3.0.0"
+      }
+    },
+    "got": {
+      "version": "11.3.0",
+      "resolved": "",
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+      "requires": {
+        "@sindresorhus/is": "^2.1.1",
+        "@szmarczak/http-timer": "^4.0.5",
+        "@types/cacheable-request": "^6.0.1",
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+        "cacheable-lookup": "^5.0.3",
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+        "get-stream": "^5.1.0",
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+        "responselike": "^2.0.0"
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+      }
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+        "json-buffer": "3.0.1"
+      }
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+      "version": "2.0.0",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-tqNXrS78oMOE73NMxK4EMLQsQowWf8jKooH9g7xPavRT706R6bkQJ6DY2Te7QukaZsulxa30wQ7bk0pm4XiHmA=="
+    },
+    "mimic-response": {
+      "version": "1.0.1",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-j5EctnkH7amfV/q5Hgmoal1g2QHFJRraOtmx0JpIqkxhBhI/lJSl1nMpQ45hVarwNETOoWEimndZ4QK0RHxuxQ=="
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+    },
+    "once": {
+      "version": "1.4.0",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha1-WDsap3WWHUsROsF9nFC6753Xa9E=",
+      "requires": {
+        "wrappy": "1"
+      }
+    },
+    "p-cancelable": {
+      "version": "2.0.0",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-wvPXDmbMmu2ksjkB4Z3nZWTSkJEb9lqVdMaCKpZUGJG9TMiNp9XcbG3fn9fPKjem04fJMJnXoyFPk2FmgiaiNg=="
+    },
+    "pump": {
+      "version": "3.0.0",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-LwZy+p3SFs1Pytd/jYct4wpv49HiYCqd9Rlc5ZVdk0V+8Yzv6jR5Blk3TRmPL1ft69TxP0IMZGJ+WPFU2BFhww==",
+      "requires": {
+        "end-of-stream": "^1.1.0",
+        "once": "^1.3.1"
+      }
+    },
+    "quick-lru": {
+      "version": "5.1.1",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-WuyALRjWPDGtt/wzJiadO5AXY+8hZ80hVpe6MyivgraREW751X3SbhRvG3eLKOYN+8VEvqLcf3wdnt44Z4S4SA=="
+    },
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+      "version": "1.0.0",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-rTuiIEqFmGxne4IovivKSDzld2lWW9QCjqv80SYjPgf+gS35eaCAjaP54CCwGAwBtnCsvNLYtqxe1Nw+i6JEmA=="
+    },
+    "responselike": {
+      "version": "2.0.0",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-xH48u3FTB9VsZw7R+vvgaKeLKzT6jOogbQhEe/jewwnZgzPcnyWui2Av6JpoYZF/91uueC+lqhWqeURw5/qhCw==",
+      "requires": {
+        "lowercase-keys": "^2.0.0"
+      }
+    },
+    "wrappy": {
+      "version": "1.0.2",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha1-tSQ9jz7BqjXxNkYFvA0QNuMKtp8="
+    }
+  }

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+  "name": "generate_metadata",
+  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "description": "",
+  "main": "index.js",
+  "scripts": {
+    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+  },
+  "keywords": [],
+  "author": "",
+  "license": "ISC",
+  "dependencies": {
+    "csv-parse": "^4.10.1",
+    "got": "^11.3.0"
+  }

+ 138 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+const got = require('got')
+const csv = require('csv-parse/lib/sync')
+const fs = require('fs')
+const path = require('path')
+const { execSync } = require('child_process')
+const kgInfoApi = ``
+const ngRoot = ``
+const outputPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../output/taxonomy_metadata')
+const inputPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../input')
+const datasets = [
+  ['DiFuMo atlas (64 dimensions)',   ''],
+  ['DiFuMo atlas (128 dimensions)',  ''],
+  ['DiFuMo atlas (256 dimensions)',  ''],
+  ['DiFuMo atlas (512 dimensions)',  ''],
+  ['DiFuMo atlas (1024 dimensions)', '']
+const getKgId = fullId => {
+  const re = /\/([a-f0-9-]*)$/.exec(fullId)
+  return re && re[1]
+const kgIds = => {
+  const re = /\(([0-9]*)\sdimensions\)$/.exec(arr[0])
+  return {
+    key: re[1],
+    kgId: getKgId(arr[1])
+  }
+const getKgInfo = async kgId => {
+  const resp = await got(kgInfoApi, {
+    responseType: 'json',
+    searchParams: {
+      kgSchema: 'minds/core/dataset/v1.0.0',
+      kgId
+    }
+  })
+  return resp.body
+const main = async () => {
+  for (const {kgId, key} of kgIds) {
+    const r = await getKgInfo(kgId)
+    const labelFile = r.files.find(file => /^labels_[0-9]*_dictionary\.csv$/.test(
+    if (!labelFile) throw new Error('labelFile not found')
+    const { body: labelFileContent } = await got(labelFile.absolutePath, { responseType: 'text' })
+    const arr = csv(labelFileContent, {
+      comment: '#',
+      columns: true
+    })
+    const regions = []
+    const files = []
+    for (const { Component, Difumo_names, } of arr) {
+      /**
+       * region metadata to be interpreted by the viewer
+       */
+      const region = {
+        name: Difumo_names,
+        labelIndex: Component,
+        originDatasets: [
+          {
+            kgId,
+            kgSchema: 'minds/core/dataset/v1.0.0',
+            filename: `${Component}.nii.gz`
+          }
+        ],
+        ontologyMetadata: rest
+      }
+      regions.push(region)
+      /**
+       * preview metadata to be interpreted by viewer and kg previewer data
+       */
+      const volumeMetadata = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(
+        path.join(outputPath, '../metadata', key, `${Number(Component) - 1}.nii.gz.json`),
+        'utf-8'
+      ))
+       const file = {
+         filename: `${Component}.nii.gz`,
+         mimetype: 'application/nifti',
+         url: `${ngRoot}${key}/${Component}.nii.gz`,
+         referenceSpaces: [
+          {
+            name: "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+            fullId: "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/dafcffc5-4826-4bf1-8ff6-46b8a31ff8e2"
+          }
+        ],
+        volumeMetadata
+       }
+       files.push(file)
+    }
+    /**
+     * iterated over all files, now write to json
+     */
+    fs.writeFileSync(
+      path.join(outputPath, 'datasetpreview_metadata',  kgId),
+      JSON.stringify(files, null, 2),
+      'utf-8'
+    )
+    const difumoParcellation = {
+      name: `DiFuMo Atlas (${key} dimensions)`,
+      ngId: `DiFuMo Atlas (${key} dimensions)`,
+      auxillaryMeshIndices: [
+        65535
+      ],
+      originDatasets: [
+        {
+          kgSchema: "minds/core/dataset/v1.0.0",
+          kgId
+        }
+      ],
+      regions
+    }
+    fs.writeFileSync(
+      path.join(outputPath, 'taxonomy_metadata', `difumo_${key}.json`),
+      JSON.stringify(difumoParcellation, null, 2),
+      'utf-8'
+    )
+  }
+execSync(`rm -rf ${outputPath}/*`)
+execSync(`mkdir -p ${outputPath}/taxonomy_metadata`)
+execSync(`mkdir -p ${outputPath}/datasetpreview_metadata`)

Tiedoston diff-näkymää rajattu, sillä se on liian suuri
+ 15362 - 0

Tiedoston diff-näkymää rajattu, sillä se on liian suuri
+ 7682 - 0

Tiedoston diff-näkymää rajattu, sillä se on liian suuri
+ 3842 - 0

Tiedoston diff-näkymää rajattu, sillä se on liian suuri
+ 1922 - 0

+ 962 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+  {
+    "filename": "1.nii.gz",
+    "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+    "url": "",
+    "referenceSpaces": [
+      {
+        "name": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "fullId": "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/dafcffc5-4826-4bf1-8ff6-46b8a31ff8e2"
+      }
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+      "min": 0
+    }
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+        "name": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "fullId": "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/dafcffc5-4826-4bf1-8ff6-46b8a31ff8e2"
+      }
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+      "min": 0
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+        "name": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "fullId": "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/dafcffc5-4826-4bf1-8ff6-46b8a31ff8e2"
+      }
+    ],
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+      "max": 0.0010291269281879067,
+      "min": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "filename": "4.nii.gz",
+    "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+    "url": "",
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+      {
+        "name": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "fullId": "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/dafcffc5-4826-4bf1-8ff6-46b8a31ff8e2"
+      }
+    ],
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+      "min": 0
+    }
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+      }
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+    "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+    "url": "",
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+        "name": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
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+      }
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+      "min": 0
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+        "name": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
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+      }
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+      "max": 0.0008666424546390772,
+      "min": 0
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+    "mimetype": "application/nifti",
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+        "name": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
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+      "min": 0
+    }
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Tiedoston diff-näkymää rajattu, sillä se on liian suuri
+ 18447 - 0

Tiedoston diff-näkymää rajattu, sillä se on liian suuri
+ 2319 - 0

Tiedoston diff-näkymää rajattu, sillä se on liian suuri
+ 4623 - 0

Tiedoston diff-näkymää rajattu, sillä se on liian suuri
+ 9231 - 0

Tiedoston diff-näkymää rajattu, sillä se on liian suuri
+ 1167 - 0

+ 0 - 11

@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-for f in $(find . -name '*.nii.gz'); do
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-  num_name=${strip_prefix%.nii.gz}
-  mv $f ./$((num_name + 1))_.nii.gz;
-for f in $(find . -name '*.nii.gz'); do
-  mv $f ${f%_.nii.gz}.nii.gz;