857 B

  1. #! /bin/bash
  2. export dataset_id=2c146972-9b3a-4907-826a-bdb74cc23a2a
  3. export tiff_url=""
  4. export filter="hbp-00138/122/341/381/hbp-00138_122_341_381_s013.tif"
  5. ingestion_param='{
  6. "type": "image",
  7. "num_channels": 1,
  8. "scales":[{
  9. "chunk_sizes": [],
  10. "encoding": "raw",
  11. "key": "full",
  12. "resolution": [
  13. 230000,
  14. 230000,
  15. 230000
  16. ],
  17. "size": [
  18. 37000,
  19. 1,
  20. 27000
  21. ],
  22. "voxel_offset": [
  23. 0,
  24. 0,
  25. 0
  26. ]
  27. }]
  28. }'
  29. payload=`echo "$ingestion_param" | jq -c '.'`
  30. cd ./is-nose/ && \
  31. node create_task.js \
  32. --desc "attempt to convert tiff to ng precomp" \
  33. --url $tiff_url \
  34. --filter $filter \
  35. --runtime-limit "5h" \
  36. --ingestion-parameters $payload \
  37. $dataset_id > create_task_2.log 2>&1 && \
  38. cd ..