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gin commit from calculator1

New files: 1
Thomas Eggert 5 months ago
1 changed files with 188 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 188 0

+ 188 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+% Demo for plotting filtered and unfiltered fixation data 
+%% plot the trial shown in the Supporting Information S2 text Fig. A
+%% plot all trials of a given task, block, and subject
+% get the number of trials for this task, block, subject
+if isempty(subj_i)
+   error('SID=%d not found.');
+for k=1:NValidTrials
+   figure(k);
+   plot_eyeposition(results,task_i,block_i,k,SID,k);
+function plot_eyeposition(results,task_i,block_i,trial_number,SID,fignr)
+% plots left and right eye position during valid fixation intervals
+% Arguments:
+% results     : structured array stored in EggertStraube_FixationDriftData.mat
+%                   load data before calling : load('EggertStraube_FixationDriftData','results')
+% task_i      : scalar integer specifying the task type:  1:stereo task, 2: acuity task (default: 1)
+% block_i     : scalar integer specifying the measurement block: % 1: block A; 2: block B (default: 1)
+% trial_number: scalar integer specifying the trial number (default: 6)
+% SID         : integer vector containig the subject identifiers for which the plot is generated
+%                  SID=[] data of all subjects are be plotted  (default: 50)
+% fignr       : integer specifying the figure number: 0: plot in current figure; >0: plot in this figure(fignr)
+% calling plot_eyeposition(results) creates the plot shown in Supporting Information S2 text (Fig. A)
+if nargin<2 || isempty(task_i)
+   task_i=1;   % 1:stereo, 2: acuity
+if nargin<3 || isempty(block_i)
+   block_i=1;  % 1: block A; 2: block B
+if nargin<4 || isempty(trial_number)
+   trial_number=6; % trial number
+if nargin<5 || isempty(SID)
+   SID=50;     % subject identifier
+if nargin<5 || isempty(fignr)
+   fignr=1;     % figure number
+   dim=size(results);  % [NuberofTasks, NumberOfBlocks, NumberOfSubjects]
+   SIDall=[results(1,1,:).SubjectIdentifier];
+   if ~isempty(SID)
+      % find the subject index from the subject identifier
+      subj_i=NaN(size(SID));
+      for j=1:numel(SID)
+         ind=find(SIDall==SID(j),1,'first');
+         if ~isempty(ind)
+            subj_i(j)=ind;
+         else
+            fprintf('SID=%d not found.\n',SID(j));
+         end
+      end
+      subj_i=subj_i(~isnan(subj_i));
+      SIDall=SIDall(subj_i);
+      results=results(:,:,subj_i);
+   end   
+   for subj_i=1:length(SIDall)
+      NValidTrials=length(results(task_i,block_i,subj_i).VersVerg_deg);
+      fprintf('number of valid trials: %d\n',NValidTrials);
+      SamplingRate_Hz=results(task_i,block_i,subj_i).SamplingRate_Hz;
+      if trial_number>NValidTrials
+         fprintf('SID=%3d: specified trial number %d replaced by maximum trial number %d:\n',SIDall(subj_i),trial_number,NValidTrials);
+         vtrialn=NValidTrials;
+      else
+         vtrialn=trial_number;
+      end
+      VersVerg=results(task_i,block_i,subj_i).VersVerg_deg{vtrialn};
+      VersVergSlow=results(task_i,block_i,subj_i).VersVergSlow_deg{vtrialn};
+      Segmentation=results(task_i,block_i,subj_i).Segmentation{vtrialn};
+      PupilDiameter_mm=results(task_i,block_i,subj_i).PupilDiameter_mm_trace{vtrialn};
+      SegmentClass=zeros(size(VersVergSlow,1),1);
+      for fast_class=1:2
+         sind=find([Segmentation(:).class]==fast_class);
+         for sacc_i=1:length(sind)
+            fast_i=floor((Segmentation(sind(sacc_i)).t_start_s+[0,Segmentation(sind(sacc_i)).dur_s])*SamplingRate_Hz)+1;
+            fast_i=fast_i+[-1,1]*floor(0.001*SamplingRate_Hz);
+            fast_i(2)=min(fast_i(2),length(SegmentClass));
+            fast_i(1)=max(1,fast_i(1));
+            SegmentClass(fast_i(1):fast_i(2))=fast_class;
+         end
+      end
+      Elraw=VersVerg(:,1)+VersVerg(:,2)/2;  % raw version and vergence in left eye centred coordinates  (deg)
+      Erraw=VersVerg(:,1)-VersVerg(:,2)/2;  % raw version and vergence in right eye centred coordinates  (deg)
+      El=VersVergSlow(:,1)+VersVergSlow(:,2)/2;  % cleaned left eye centred coordinates
+      Er=VersVergSlow(:,1)-VersVergSlow(:,2)/2;  % cleaned right eye centred coordinates
+      t=(0:length(El)-1)'/SamplingRate_Hz;
+      axh=zeros(3,1);
+      ph=zeros(2,1);
+      if fignr>0
+         figure(fignr);
+      end
+      clf
+      set(gcf,'Position',[53    64   580   794]);
+      axh(1)=subplot(3,1,1);
+      hold on
+      set(gca,'Fontsize',12,'Linewidth',1.5);
+      title(sprintf('SID=%d: trial #= %d',SIDall(subj_i),vtrialn));
+      tmp=Elraw;
+      tmp(SegmentClass==1)=NaN;
+      ph(1)=plot(t,tmp,'-m','Linewidth',1.5);
+      tmp=Elraw;
+      tmp(SegmentClass==0)=NaN;
+      plot(t,tmp,'--m','Linewidth',1.5);
+      tmp=El;
+      tmp(SegmentClass==1)=NaN;
+      ylims=[1,2]+nanmean(tmp)-1.5;
+      ph(2)=plot(t,tmp,'-b','Linewidth',1.5);
+      tmp=El;
+      tmp(SegmentClass==0)=NaN;
+      plot(t,tmp,'--b','Linewidth',1.5);
+      set(gca,'YLim',ylims);
+      set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'string','left eye position (deg)');
+      axh(1)=subplot(3,1,2);
+      hold on
+      set(gca,'Fontsize',12,'Linewidth',1.5);
+      tmp=Erraw;
+      tmp(SegmentClass==1)=NaN;
+      ph(1)=plot(t,tmp,'-m','Linewidth',1.5);
+      tmp=Erraw;
+      tmp(SegmentClass==0)=NaN;
+      plot(t,tmp,'--m','Linewidth',1.5);
+      tmp=Er;
+      tmp(SegmentClass==1)=NaN;
+      ylims=[-2,-1]+nanmean(tmp)+1.5;
+      ph(2)=plot(t,tmp,'-b','Linewidth',1.5);
+      tmp=Er;
+      tmp(SegmentClass==0)=NaN;
+      plot(t,tmp,'--b','Linewidth',1.5);
+      set(gca,'YLim',ylims);
+      set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'string','right eye position (deg)');
+      legend(ph,'non-filtered','spline filter');
+      axh(2)=subplot(3,1,3);
+      hold on
+      set(gca,'Fontsize',12,'Linewidth',1.5);
+      plot(t,PupilDiameter_mm,'-k','Linewidth',1.5);
+      set(get(gca,'XLabel'),'string','time (s)');
+      set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'string','pupil diameter (mm)');
+      figure(gcf);
+      if subj_i<length(SIDall)
+         hstr=input('Press ENTER to continue!','s');
+      end
+   end