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Split annotations into recording segments

Christian Olaf Häusler 6 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 263 tillägg och 0 borttagningar
  1. 263 0

+ 263 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+created on Wed Jan 30 2018
+author: Christian Olaf Haeusler
+To Do:
+    argparser
+from __future__ import print_function
+from collections import defaultdict
+from glob import glob
+from pprint import pprint
+from datetime import datetime
+import csv
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+# constants #
+MOVIE = True
+CROPPED = 0 # in sec; is a concatenated time series with cropped volumes used?
+INPUT_FILES = ['structure.csv',
+               'speech_vocalization.csv',
+               'speech_google_narrator.csv'] # sys.argv[1]
+OUT_DIR = './annos_segmented/output'
+SEGMENTS_OFFSETS =   ((0.00, 0.00),
+                   ( 886.00, 0.00),
+                   (1752.08, 0.08),  # third segment's start
+                   (2612.16, 0.16),
+                   (3572.20, 0.20),
+                   (4480.28, 0.28),
+                   (5342.36, 0.36),
+                   (6410.44, 0.44),  # last segment's start
+                   (7086.00, 0.00))  # movie's last time point
+# functions #
+def read_anno(anno):
+    '''not pretty but works with different kind of annoation formats
+    '''
+    with open(anno, 'r') as txt_file:
+        rows = txt_file.readlines()
+    print('\nReading:', os.path.basename(anno))
+    cleaned = []
+    for row in rows:
+        row = row.strip()
+        row = row.split(',')
+        # skip the header
+        if row[0] in ['time', 'start']:
+            continue
+        # skip column 1 if it cointains '???' (s.speech_google_narrator.csv)
+        if '???' in row[1]:
+            continue
+        # in column 0 and (maybe) column 1, convert time stamps (hh:mm:ss:ff)
+        # to seconds (s. structure.csv and speech_vocalization.csv)
+        regex = r'[\d#]+:[\d#]+:[\d#]+:[\d#]+'
+        # check if time info is given as a time stamp in column 0
+        # and if the time stamp does not contain a commentary ('#')
+        if re.match(regex, row[0]):
+            if not '#' in row[0]:
+              row[0] = time_stamp_to_msec(row[0]) / 1000.0
+            else:
+                print('skipping', row)
+                continue
+        # else time must be given in seconds already
+        else:
+            row[0] = float(row[0])
+        # check if column 1 gives time info, too ('end')
+        # check if it is given as a time stamp (hh:mm:ss:ff)
+        # and if the time stamp contains a commentary
+        if re.match(regex, row[1]):
+            if not '#' in row[1]:
+                row[1] = time_stamp_to_msec(row[1]) / 1000.0
+            else:
+                print('skipping', row)
+        # if it is not a time stamp it must be in seconds
+        # or the column does not provide time info at all
+        else:
+            try:
+                row[1] = float(row[1])
+            except ValueError as e:
+                pass
+        cleaned.append(row)
+    return cleaned
+def time_stamp_to_msec(t_stamp='01:50:34:01'):
+    '''
+    Input:
+        time stamp (str) in format HH:MM:SS:Frame
+    Output:
+        time point in milliseconds (int)
+    '''
+    splitted_stamp = t_stamp.split(':')
+    milliseconds = (int(splitted_stamp[0]) * 60 * 60 * 1000) +\
+                        (int(splitted_stamp[1]) * 60 * 1000) +\
+                        (int(splitted_stamp[2]) * 1000) +\
+                        (int(splitted_stamp[3]) * 40)
+    return milliseconds
+def msec_to_time_stamp(milliseconds=6634040):
+    '''
+    Input:
+        a time point in  milliseconds (int)
+    Output:
+        a time stamp (str) in format HH:MM:SS:Frame
+    '''
+    # convert in case function was called from the command line with the
+    # timing given as a string
+    millisseconds = int(milliseconds)
+    hours = (milliseconds / (60*60*1000))
+    minutes = (milliseconds % (60*60*1000) / (60*1000))
+    seconds = (milliseconds % (60*60*1000) % (60*1000) / 1000)
+    frame = (milliseconds % (60*60*1000) % (60*1000) % (1000) // 40)
+    time_stamp = '%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes, seconds, frame)
+    return time_stamp
+def get_run_number(starts, onset):
+    '''
+    '''
+    for start in sorted(starts, reverse=True):
+        if onset >= start:
+            run = starts.index(start)
+            break
+    return run
+def fix_segment_shift(timing_in_anno, cropped_time):
+    '''
+    the function is not necessary anymore since the correction
+    is implicitly done by additionally given offsets in SEGMENTS_OFFSETS
+    fixes the timing of the 8 stimulus movie sigments
+    '''
+    # regular case which will be kept in runs 1 and 2
+    timing_in_segment = timing_in_anno
+    # correct for the accumulating offsets in segments 3 to 8
+    for segment_start, offset in sorted(SEGMENTS_OFFSETS, reverse = True):
+        # if timing is in a critical segment, correct the timing
+        if timing_in_anno >= segment_start + cropped_time:
+            timing_in_segment = round(timing_in_anno - offset, 3)
+            break
+    return timing_in_segment
+def fix_audio_timing(uncorrected_audio):
+    '''the movie's audiotrack lacks behind the visual frames
+    there is an slightly increasing offset (but problably no continuous drift)
+    over the movie segments
+    '''
+    corrected_audio = uncorrected_audio
+    return corrected_audio
+def anno_time_to_seg_time(seg_starts, run_nr, anno_time, cropped_time):
+    '''
+    "The position of an event from a movie annotation with respect to the
+    cropped fMRI time series can now be determined by substracting the
+    start time of the respective segment as listed in Table 1"
+    events occur earlier in the cropped stimulus segments.
+    hence the cropped ammount is additionally substracted from the anno timing
+    '''
+    seg_time = round(anno_time - (seg_starts[run_nr] + cropped_time), 2)
+    return seg_time
+def write_segmented_annos(source_anno, movie, cropped, run_dict, out_dir, ):
+    '''
+    '''
+    if MOVIE == True:
+        stimulus = 'movie'
+    else:
+        stimulus = 'audio'
+    old_anno_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_anno))[0]
+    new_anno_name = '%s_%s_%scr' % ((old_anno_name, stimulus, cropped))
+    print('Writing results to %s' % new_anno_name)
+    for run in sorted(run_dict.keys()):
+        print(run)
+        tnow ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
+        out_fname = '%s_%s_run_%s.csv' % (new_anno_name, tnow, run + 1)
+        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_fname)
+        print(out_path)
+        # in case the OUT_DIR changes to a directory incl. subdirectories
+        path = os.path.dirname(out_path)
+        if not os.path.exists(path):
+            os.makedirs(path)
+        with open(out_path, 'w') as csv_file:
+            writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
+            writer.writerows(run_dict[run])
+#### main program #####
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # read the annotation file
+    for input_file in INPUT_FILES[:1]:
+        anno = read_anno(input_file)
+        segment_starts = [start for start, offset in SEGMENTS_OFFSETS]
+        run_events = defaultdict(list)
+        for row in anno:
+        # get the run number
+            run = get_run_number(segment_starts, row[0])
+            # SEGMENT SHIFT correction
+            # is now implicitly done by func 'anno_time_to_seg_time'
+            # using the adjusted segment starts (s. SEGMENTS_OFFSETS)
+#             row[0] = fix_segment_shift(row[0], CROPPED)
+#             if type(row[1]) == float:
+#                 row[1] = fix_segment_shift(row[1], CROPPED)
+            # finally convert the timings of the continouos annotation
+            # to timings in respect to the start of the corresponding segment
+            row[0] = anno_time_to_seg_time(segment_starts, run, row[0], CROPPED)
+            if type(row[1]) == float:
+                row[1] = anno_time_to_seg_time(segment_starts, run, row[1], CROPPED)
+            # AUDIO TIMING (MOVIE) correction
+            # Dialoge im Film kommen 1/2 frame spater als das Hoerspiel,
+            # das einem frame (40ms) nach vorn gezogen wurde
+            if MOVIE == True:
+                pass
+            # AUDIO TIMING (AUDIOBOOK) correction
+            if MOVIE == False:
+                pass
+            # append that shit
+            run_events[run].append(row)
+        write_segmented_annos(input_file, MOVIE, CROPPED, run_events, OUT_DIR)