
Importer for emotion annotation raw data

Michael Hanke 6 年之前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 270 次插入0 次删除
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+# This source code is (C) by Michael Hanke <michael.hanke@gmail.com> and
+# made available under the terms of the Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike
+# 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
+import numpy as np
+# Load data
+def get_nsecond_segments(n=1):
+    onsets = np.recfromcsv(
+        opj('src', 'locations', 'data', 'structure.csv'),
+            names=('start', 'title', 'major', 'setting', 'locale', 'intext', 'temp', 'tod'))['start']
+    max = float(onsets[-1])
+    return np.array((np.arange(0, max - n, n), np.arange(n, max, n))).T
+def get_av_ratings():
+    import glob
+    return [np.recfromcsv(f) for f in glob.glob(
+        opj('src', 'emotions', 'data', 'raw', 'av*.csv'))]
+def get_ao_ratings():
+    import glob
+    return [np.recfromcsv(f) for f in glob.glob(
+        opj('src', 'emotions', 'data', 'raw', 'ao*.csv'))]
+# Segmentation
+def mk_thresh_emotion_episodes(rat, thresh, segments):
+    # yield per character list of emotion episodes with a minimum inter-observer
+    # agreement wrt any emotion attribute
+    chars = get_unique_characters(rat)
+    episodes = {}
+    def _postprocess(e):
+        return {k: np.median(v) for k, v in e.items()}
+    for char in chars:
+        ep = episodes.get(char, [])
+        ind = [get_arousal_modulation(rat, segments, char=char)]
+        labels = ['arousal']
+        for l, d in (('v_pos', dict(valence='POS')),
+                     ('v_neg', dict(valence='NEG')),
+                     ('d_self', dict(direction='SELF')),
+                     ('d_other', dict(direction='OTHER')),
+                     ('e_admiration', dict(emotion='ADMIRATION')),
+                     ('e_anger/rage', dict(emotion='ANGER/RAGE')),
+                     ('e_contempt', dict(emotion='CONTEMPT')),
+                     ('e_disappointment', dict(emotion='DISAPPOINTMENT')),
+                     ('e_fear', dict(emotion='FEAR')),
+                     ('e_fears_confirmed', dict(emotion='FEARS_CONFIRMED')),
+                     ('e_gloating', dict(emotion='GLOATING')),
+                     ('e_gratification', dict(emotion='GRATIFICATION')),
+                     ('e_gratitude', dict(emotion='GRATITUDE')),
+                     ('e_happiness', dict(emotion='HAPPINESS')),
+                     ('e_happy-for', dict(emotion='HAPPY-FOR')),
+                     ('e_hate', dict(emotion='HATE')),
+                     ('e_hope', dict(emotion='HOPE')),
+                     ('e_love', dict(emotion='LOVE')),
+                     ('e_pity/compassion', dict(emotion='PITY/COMPASSION')),
+                     ('e_pride', dict(emotion='PRIDE')),
+                     ('e_relief', dict(emotion='RELIEF')),
+                     ('e_remorse', dict(emotion='REMORSE')),
+                     ('e_resent', dict(emotion='RESENTMENT')),
+                     ('e_sadness', dict(emotion='SADNESS')),
+                     ('e_satisfaction', dict(emotion='SATISFACTION')),
+                     ('e_shame', dict(emotion='SHAME')),
+                     ('c_audio', dict(oncue='AUDIO')),
+                     ('c_context', dict(oncue='CONTEXT')),
+                     ('c_face', dict(oncue='FACE')),
+                     ('c_gesture', dict(oncue='GESTURE')),
+                     ('c_narrator', dict(oncue='NARRATOR')),
+                     ('c_verbal', dict(oncue='VERBAL')),
+                     ):
+            ind.append(_get_modulation(rat, segments, character=char, **d))
+            labels.append(l)
+        ind = np.array(ind)
+        # where is any above threshold agreement
+        flags = np.abs(ind) >= thresh
+        staging = None
+        last_ind = np.array([False] * len(ind))
+        # for each segment
+        for i, f in enumerate(flags.T):
+            # print i, f,
+            if not np.sum(f):
+                if staging:
+                    ep.append(_postprocess(staging))
+                    staging = None
+                    # print 'commit',
+                last_ind = f
+                # print 'skip'
+                continue
+            # continuing episode?
+            if np.all(f == last_ind):
+                # end of annotation is end of current segment
+                staging['end'] = segments[i, 1]
+                for nl, l in enumerate(labels):
+                    staging[l].append(ind[nl, i])
+                # print 'extend'
+            else:
+                # new episode
+                if staging:
+                    # print 'commit',
+                    ep.append(_postprocess(staging))
+                # print 'new'
+                staging = dict(start=segments[i, 0],
+                               end=segments[i, 1])
+                last_ind = f
+                for nl, l in enumerate(labels):
+                    staging[l] = [ind[nl, i]]
+        episodes[char] = ep
+    return episodes, labels
+def emo2eventstsv(data, labels):
+    # format output of `mk_thresh_emotion_episodes()` into a format that is
+    # importable by Advene, while merging all episodes of all characters
+    # into a single file
+    episodes = []
+    s = 'onset\tduration\tcharacter\tarousal\tvalence_positive\tvalence_negative\t'
+    s += '\t'.join(l for l in sorted(labels) if not l in ('arousal', 'v_pos', 'v_neg'))
+    s += '\n'
+    for char, ep in data.items():
+        for e in ep:
+            e['character'] = char
+            episodes.append(e)
+    episodes = sorted(episodes, key=lambda x: x['start'])
+    fmt = '{onset}\t{duration}\t{character}\t{arousal}\t{valence_positive}\t{valence_negative}\t'
+    fmt += '\t'.join('{%s}' % l for l in sorted(labels) if not l in ('arousal', 'v_pos', 'v_neg'))
+    fmt += '\n'
+    for e in episodes:
+        s += fmt.format(
+                onset=e['start'],
+                duration=e['end'] - e['start'],
+                valence_positive=e['v_pos'],
+                valence_negative=e['v_neg'],
+                **e)
+    return s
+# Helpers
+def get_unique_characters(rat):
+    return np.unique(
+        np.concatenate(
+            [np.unique([a['character'] for a in an])
+             for an in rat]))
+def get_unique_emotions(rat):
+    return [e for e in np.unique(
+            np.concatenate(
+                [np.unique(
+                    np.concatenate([a['emotion'].split() for a in an]))
+                    for an in rat])) if not '?' in e]
+def get_unique_oncues(rat):
+    return [e for e in np.unique(
+            np.concatenate(
+                [np.unique(
+                    np.concatenate([a['oncue'].split() for a in an]))
+                    for an in rat])) if not '?' in e]
+def slice2segments(ratings, cond, segments):
+    # compute a time series of inter-observer agreement wrt a particular
+    # emotion property (or combinations thereof)
+    # annotations given with start and stop time, are converted into a
+    # timeseries with data point locations given by the sequence of
+    # `segments`. Segments intersecting with a given annotation from an
+    # individual observer are set to one, the rest to zero. The mean
+    # across observers for any segment is returned
+    slicer = np.zeros(len(segments))
+    for rat in ratings:
+        rslicer = np.zeros(len(segments))
+        for e in rat:
+            use = True
+            for k, v in cond.items():
+                if v == '*':
+                    continue
+                if k in ('oncue', 'offcue', 'emotion'):
+                    if not v in e[k].split():
+                        use = False
+                else:
+                    if not v == e[k]:
+                        use = False
+            if not use:
+                continue
+            select = np.logical_and(segments.T[1] > e['start'],
+                                    segments.T[0] < e['end'])
+            rslicer[select] += 1
+        slicer += rslicer > 0
+    slicer = slicer.astype(float) / len(ratings)
+    return slicer
+def get_timeseries(rat, urat, segments, char='*'):
+    # yield time series representations of all relevant emotion attributes
+    # from raw annotations
+    vars = [get_arousal_modulation(rat, segments, char=char),
+            get_valence_modulation(rat, segments, char=char),
+            get_direction_modulation(rat, segments, char=char)]
+    labels = ['arousal', 'valence', 'direction']
+    for emo in get_unique_emotions(urat):
+        vars.append(_get_modulation(rat, segments, emotion=emo, character=char))
+        labels.append(emo.lower())
+    for oc in get_unique_oncues(urat):
+        vars.append(_get_modulation(rat, segments, oncue=oc, character=char))
+        labels.append(oc.lower())
+    return np.array(vars).T, labels
+def _get_modulation(ratings, segments, **kwargs):
+    return slice2segments(ratings, kwargs, segments)
+def get_arousal_modulation(ratings, segments, char='*'):
+    ts = _get_modulation(ratings, segments, character=char, arousal='HIGH') \
+        - _get_modulation(ratings, segments, character=char, arousal='LOW')
+    return ts
+def get_valence_modulation(ratings, segments, char='*'):
+    ts = _get_modulation(ratings, segments, character=char, valence='POS') \
+        - _get_modulation(ratings, segments, character=char, valence='NEG')
+    return ts
+def get_direction_modulation(ratings, segments, char='*'):
+    ts = _get_modulation(ratings, segments, character=char, direction='SELF') \
+        - _get_modulation(ratings, segments, character=char, direction='OTHER')
+    return ts
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # main function: compute stats, generate derived data, make figures
+    import os
+    from os.path import join as opj
+    outpath = 'researchcut'
+    if not os.path.exists(outpath):
+        os.makedirs(outpath)
+    second_segments = get_nsecond_segments()
+    avr = get_av_ratings()
+    aor = get_ao_ratings()
+    open(opj(outpath, 'emotions_av_1s_events.tsv'), 'w').write(
+        emo2eventstsv(
+            *mk_thresh_emotion_episodes(avr, .5, get_nsecond_segments(1))))
+    open(opj(outpath, 'emotions_ao_1s_events.tsv'), 'w').write(
+        emo2eventstsv(
+            *mk_thresh_emotion_episodes(aor, .5, get_nsecond_segments(1))))