lh.aparc.stats 5.8 KB

  1. # Table of FreeSurfer cortical parcellation anatomical statistics
  2. #
  3. # CreationTime 2013/08/08-18:52:32-GMT
  4. # generating_program mris_anatomical_stats
  5. # cvs_version $Id: mris_anatomical_stats.c,v 1.72 2011/03/02 00:04:26 nicks Exp $
  6. # mrisurf.c-cvs_version $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.693.2.7 2013/05/12 22:28:01 nicks Exp $
  7. # cmdline mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -cortex ../label/lh.cortex.label -f ../stats/lh.aparc.stats -b -a ../label/lh.aparc.annot -c ../label/aparc.annot.ctab sub014 lh white
  8. # sysname Linux
  9. # hostname snake5
  10. # machine x86_64
  11. # user fkaule
  12. #
  13. # SUBJECTS_DIR /home/data/exppsy/forrest_gump/openfmri.org/freesurfer
  14. # anatomy_type surface
  15. # subjectname sub014
  16. # hemi lh
  17. # AnnotationFile ../label/lh.aparc.annot
  18. # AnnotationFileTimeStamp 2013/08/08 20:39:34
  19. # Measure Cortex, NumVert, Number of Vertices, 115629, unitless
  20. # Measure Cortex, WhiteSurfArea, White Surface Total Area, 77355.7, mm^2
  21. # Measure Cortex, MeanThickness, Mean Thickness, 2.41399, mm
  22. # NTableCols 10
  23. # TableCol 1 ColHeader StructName
  24. # TableCol 1 FieldName Structure Name
  25. # TableCol 1 Units NA
  26. # TableCol 2 ColHeader NumVert
  27. # TableCol 2 FieldName Number of Vertices
  28. # TableCol 2 Units unitless
  29. # TableCol 3 ColHeader SurfArea
  30. # TableCol 3 FieldName Surface Area
  31. # TableCol 3 Units mm^2
  32. # TableCol 4 ColHeader GrayVol
  33. # TableCol 4 FieldName Gray Matter Volume
  34. # TableCol 4 Units mm^3
  35. # TableCol 5 ColHeader ThickAvg
  36. # TableCol 5 FieldName Average Thickness
  37. # TableCol 5 Units mm
  38. # TableCol 6 ColHeader ThickStd
  39. # TableCol 6 FieldName Thickness StdDev
  40. # TableCol 6 Units mm
  41. # TableCol 7 ColHeader MeanCurv
  42. # TableCol 7 FieldName Integrated Rectified Mean Curvature
  43. # TableCol 7 Units mm^-1
  44. # TableCol 8 ColHeader GausCurv
  45. # TableCol 8 FieldName Integrated Rectified Gaussian Curvature
  46. # TableCol 8 Units mm^-2
  47. # TableCol 9 ColHeader FoldInd
  48. # TableCol 9 FieldName Folding Index
  49. # TableCol 9 Units unitless
  50. # TableCol 10 ColHeader CurvInd
  51. # TableCol 10 FieldName Intrinsic Curvature Index
  52. # TableCol 10 Units unitless
  53. # ColHeaders StructName NumVert SurfArea GrayVol ThickAvg ThickStd MeanCurv GausCurv FoldInd CurvInd
  54. bankssts 1251 880 1975 2.281 0.433 0.122 0.030 11 1.6
  55. caudalanteriorcingulate 928 631 1881 2.886 0.489 0.170 0.050 22 2.0
  56. caudalmiddlefrontal 3469 2419 6208 2.312 0.413 0.134 0.048 80 5.6
  57. cuneus 2433 1529 3705 2.098 0.388 0.167 0.079 64 6.4
  58. entorhinal 486 365 1797 3.381 0.786 0.138 0.039 5 0.8
  59. fusiform 4317 2862 8891 2.737 0.638 0.159 0.066 94 11.5
  60. inferiorparietal 5620 3816 10818 2.524 0.505 0.153 0.057 170 13.8
  61. inferiortemporal 4547 3091 9397 2.510 0.669 0.162 0.073 118 12.6
  62. isthmuscingulate 1569 1023 2682 2.481 0.745 0.157 0.066 35 3.7
  63. lateraloccipital 5831 3749 9222 2.217 0.440 0.157 0.056 107 13.0
  64. lateralorbitofrontal 3464 2279 6554 2.509 0.607 0.152 0.060 71 8.5
  65. lingual 4119 2721 6548 2.177 0.458 0.164 0.161 217 11.2
  66. medialorbitofrontal 2081 1362 3539 2.130 0.798 0.160 0.092 78 7.5
  67. middletemporal 3956 2756 8745 2.608 0.586 0.171 0.082 119 11.9
  68. parahippocampal 923 621 2372 3.168 0.751 0.142 0.062 17 2.2
  69. paracentral 1754 1137 2772 2.210 0.495 0.127 0.041 19 2.8
  70. parsopercularis 2083 1444 4402 2.543 0.470 0.140 0.044 34 3.7
  71. parsorbitalis 807 552 2065 3.064 0.619 0.197 0.200 55 5.8
  72. parstriangularis 1827 1239 3273 2.281 0.507 0.153 0.055 41 4.3
  73. pericalcarine 2043 1370 2573 1.902 0.430 0.140 0.065 55 5.4
  74. postcentral 6433 4254 9663 2.003 0.535 0.137 0.049 125 13.2
  75. posteriorcingulate 1818 1232 3625 2.590 0.725 0.174 0.072 42 5.8
  76. precentral 6631 4307 11656 2.482 0.482 0.132 0.044 92 12.0
  77. precuneus 5709 3878 9698 2.307 0.517 0.150 0.059 105 12.7
  78. rostralanteriorcingulate 1079 736 2321 2.564 0.868 0.162 0.074 27 3.3
  79. rostralmiddlefrontal 7684 5225 13941 2.293 0.523 0.165 0.070 198 21.7
  80. superiorfrontal 9524 6536 19367 2.605 0.510 0.144 0.048 153 18.0
  81. superiorparietal 8514 5486 12521 2.075 0.386 0.137 0.047 140 16.1
  82. superiortemporal 5450 3696 11133 2.594 0.619 0.135 0.044 90 10.0
  83. supramarginal 4589 3150 8733 2.437 0.527 0.151 0.055 87 9.2
  84. frontalpole 290 184 631 2.483 0.495 0.171 0.071 11 0.6
  85. temporalpole 827 540 2878 3.755 0.535 0.147 0.069 17 2.4
  86. transversetemporal 628 394 1081 2.403 0.371 0.129 0.039 8 0.9
  87. insula 2945 1890 6096 2.994 0.821 0.120 0.046 34 5.4