README.txt 707 B

  1. High-resolution structural images were used to generate the cortical surfaces
  2. using FreeSurfer (v5.3.0, freely available at,
  3. [Dale et al., 1999]). Additional high-resolution T2w images were included
  4. in the reconstruction (recon-all -T2 t2file).
  5. The surface quality was checked by inspecting the slice screenshots of QATool
  6. (v1.1, freely available at, [no
  7. source paper linked]). The QATool was adopted to take sreenshots of the
  8. high-resoluton pial surface.
  9. References
  10. ----------
  11. Dale, A.M., Fischl, B., Sereno, M.I., 1999. Cortical surface-based analysis. I.
  12. Segmentation and surface reconstruction. Neuroimage 9, 179-194.