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Add helper to generate a PyMVPA movie dataset

Michael Hanke 8 роки тому
1 змінених файлів з 78 додано та 0 видалено
  1. 78 0

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+from mvpa2.suite import fmri_dataset, vstack
+import numpy as np
+import nibabel as nb
+def preprocessed_fmri_dataset(
+        bold_fname, preproc_img=None, preproc_ds=None, add_sa=None,
+        **kwargs):
+    """
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    bold_fname : str
+      File name of BOLD scan
+    preproc_img : callable or None
+      See get_bold_run_dataset() documentation
+    preproc_ds : callable or None
+      If not None, this callable will be called with each run bold dataset
+      as an argument before ``modelfx`` is executed. The callable must
+      return a dataset.
+    add_sa : dict or None
+    Returns
+    -------
+    Dataset
+    """
+    # open the BOLD image
+    bold_img = nb.load(bold_fname)
+    if not preproc_img is None:
+        bold_img = preproc_img(bold_img)
+    # load (and mask) data
+    ds = fmri_dataset(bold_img, **kwargs)
+    if not add_sa is None:
+        for sa in add_sa:
+            ds.sa[sa] = add_sa[sa]
+    if not preproc_ds is None:
+        ds = preproc_ds(ds)
+    return ds
+def movie_dataset(subj, task, label, **kwargs):
+    # ds = movie_dataset(
+    #       2,
+    #       'avmovie',
+    #       'bold3Tp2',
+    #       mask='raw/tnt/sub-02/bold3Tp2/brain_mask.nii.gz')
+    cur_max_time = 0
+    segments = []
+    if not 'add_sa' in kwargs:
+        add_sa = {}
+    for seg in range(1, 9):
+        print 'Seg', seg
+        mc = np.recfromtxt(
+            'sub-%.2i/in_%s/sub-%.2i_task-%s_run-%i_bold_mcparams.txt'
+            % (subj, label, subj, task, seg),
+            names=('mc_xtrans', 'mc_ytrans', 'mc_ztrans', 'mc_xrot',
+                   'mc_yrot', 'mc_zrot'))
+        for i in mc.dtype.fields:
+            add_sa[i] = mc[i]
+        ds = preprocessed_fmri_dataset(
+            'sub-%.2i/in_%s/sub-%.2i_task-%s_run-%i_bold.nii.gz'
+            % (subj, label, subj, task, seg),
+            add_sa=add_sa,
+            **kwargs)
+        ds.sa['movie_segment'] = [seg] * len(ds)
+        TR = np.diff(ds.sa.time_coords).mean()
+        ## truncate segment time series to remove overlap
+        if seg > 1:
+            ds = ds[4:]
+        if seg < 8:
+            ds = ds[:-4]
+        ds.sa['movie_time'] = np.arange(len(ds)) * TR + cur_max_time
+        cur_max_time = ds.sa.movie_time[-1] + TR
+        segments.append(ds)
+    return vstack(segments)