index.rst 2.1 KB

  1. *********************************************
  2. Elephant - Electrophysiology Analysis Toolkit
  3. *********************************************
  4. *Elephant* (Electrophysiology Analysis Toolkit) is an emerging open-source,
  5. community centered library for the analysis of electrophysiological data in
  6. the Python programming language.
  7. The focus of Elephant is on generic analysis functions for spike train data and
  8. time series recordings from electrodes, such as the local field potentials
  9. (LFP) or intracellular voltages. In addition to providing a common platform for
  10. analysis codes from different laboratories, the Elephant project aims to
  11. provide a consistent and homogeneous analysis framework that is built on a
  12. modular foundation. Elephant is the direct successor to Neurotools_ and
  13. maintains ties to complementary projects such as ephyviewer_ and
  14. neurotic_ for raw data visualization.
  15. The input-output data format is either Neo_, Quantity_ or Numpy_ array.
  16. Quantity is a Numpy-wrapper package for handling physical quantities like
  17. seconds, milliseconds, Hz, volts, etc. Quantity is used in both Neo and
  18. Elephant.
  19. **Visualization of Elephant analysis objects**
  20. `Viziphant <>`_ package is developed
  21. by Elephant team and provides a high-level API to easily generate plots and
  22. interactive visualizations of neuroscientific data and analysis results.
  23. The API uses and extends the same structure as in Elephant to ensure intuitive
  24. usage for scientists that are used to Elephant.
  25. Table of Contents
  26. -----------------
  27. .. toctree::
  28. :maxdepth: 1
  29. install
  30. tutorials
  31. modules
  32. developers_guide
  33. authors
  34. release_notes
  35. get_in_touch
  36. acknowledgments
  37. citation
  38. .. Indices and tables
  39. .. ==================
  40. .. * :ref:`genindex`
  41. .. * :ref:`modindex`
  42. .. * :ref:`search`
  43. .. _Neurotools:
  44. .. _ephyviewer:
  45. .. _neurotic:
  46. .. _Neo:
  47. .. _Numpy:
  48. .. _Quantity:
  49. .. |date| date::
  50. .. |time| date:: %H:%M