documentation_guide.rst 1.2 KB

  1. .. _documentation_guide:
  2. ===================
  3. Documentation Guide
  4. ===================
  5. Writing the documentation
  6. -------------------------
  7. Each module (python source file) should start with a short description of the
  8. listed functionality. Class and function docstrings should conform to the
  9. `NumPy docstring standard <https://numpydoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/format.html>`_.
  10. .. note:: We highly recommend exploring our :ref:`style_guide`.
  11. Building the documentation
  12. --------------------------
  13. The documentation in :file:`doc/` folder is written in `reStructuredText
  14. <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html>`_, using the
  15. `Sphinx <http://sphinx-doc.org/>`_ documentation system. To build the
  16. documentation:
  17. 1. Install requirements-docs.txt and requirements-tutorials.txt in the same way
  18. as it's explained in :ref:`developers_guide` step 3::
  19. $ pip install -r requirements/requirements-docs.txt
  20. $ pip install -r requirements/requirements-tutorials.txt
  21. 2. Build the documentation::
  22. $ cd doc
  23. $ export PYTHONPATH=.:../.. # to find elephant package
  24. $ make html
  25. 3. Open :file:`_build/html/index.html` in your browser.
  26. 4. (Optional) To check that all URLs in the documentation are correct, run::
  27. $ make linkcheck