install.rst 3.0 KB

  1. .. _install:
  2. ****************************
  3. Prerequisites / Installation
  4. ****************************
  5. Elephant is a pure Python package so that it should be easy to install on any system.
  6. Dependencies
  7. ============
  8. The following packages are required to use Elephant:
  9. * Python_ >= 2.7
  10. * numpy_ >= 1.8.2
  11. * scipy_ >= 0.14.0
  12. * quantities_ >= 0.10.1
  13. * neo_ >= 0.5.0
  14. The following packages are optional in order to run certain parts of Elephant:
  15. * For using the pandas_bridge module:
  16. * pandas >= 0.14.1
  17. * For using the ASSET analysis
  18. * scikit-learn >= 0.15.1
  19. * For building the documentation:
  20. * numpydoc >= 0.5
  21. * sphinx >= 1.2.2
  22. * For running tests:
  23. * nose >= 1.3.3
  24. All dependencies can be found on the Python package index (PyPI).
  25. Debian/Ubuntu
  26. -------------
  27. For Debian/Ubuntu, we recommend to install numpy and scipy as system packages using apt-get::
  28. $ apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-pip python-six
  29. Further packages are found on the Python package index (pypi) and should be installed with pip_::
  30. $ pip install quantities
  31. $ pip install neo
  32. We highly recommend to install these packages using a virtual environment provided by virtualenv_ or locally in the home directory using the ``--user`` option of pip (e.g., ``pip install --user quantities``), neither of which require administrator privileges.
  33. Windows/Mac OS X
  34. ----------------
  35. On non-Linux operating systems we recommend using the Anaconda_ Python distribution, and installing all dependencies in a `Conda environment`_, e.g.::
  36. $ conda create -n neuroscience python numpy scipy pip six
  37. $ source activate neuroscience
  38. $ pip install quantities
  39. $ pip install neo
  40. Installation
  41. ============
  42. Automatic installation from PyPI
  43. --------------------------------
  44. The easiest way to install Elephant is via pip_::
  45. $ pip install elephant
  46. Manual installation from pypi
  47. -----------------------------
  48. To download and install manually, download the latest package from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/elephant
  49. Then::
  50. $ tar xzf elephant-0.6.0.tar.gz
  51. $ cd elephant-0.6.0
  52. $ python setup.py install
  53. or::
  54. $ python3 setup.py install
  55. depending on which version of Python you are using.
  56. Installation of the latest build from source
  57. --------------------------------------------
  58. To install the latest version of Elephant from the Git repository::
  59. $ git clone git://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant.git
  60. $ cd elephant
  61. $ python setup.py install
  62. .. _`Python`: http://python.org/
  63. .. _`numpy`: http://www.numpy.org/
  64. .. _`scipy`: http://scipy.org/scipylib/
  65. .. _`quantities`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/quantities
  66. .. _`neo`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/neo
  67. .. _`pip`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
  68. .. _`virtualenv`: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/
  69. .. _`this snapshot`: https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/python-neo/archive/snapshot-20150821.zip
  70. .. _Anaconda: http://continuum.io/downloads
  71. .. _`Conda environment`: http://conda.pydata.org/docs/faq.html#creating-new-environments