core.rst 11 KB

  1. ********
  2. Neo core
  3. ********
  4. .. currentmodule:: neo.core
  5. This figure shows the main data types in Neo:
  6. .. image:: images/base_schematic.png
  7. :height: 500 px
  8. :alt: Illustration of the main Neo data types
  9. :align: center
  10. Neo objects fall into three categories: data objects, container objects and grouping objects.
  11. Data objects
  12. ------------
  13. These objects directly represent data as arrays of numerical values with
  14. associated metadata (units, sampling frequency, etc.).
  15. * :py:class:`AnalogSignal`: A regular sampling of a single- or multi-channel continuous analog signal.
  16. * :py:class:`IrregularlySampledSignal`: A non-regular sampling of a single- or multi-channel continuous analog signal.
  17. * :py:class:`SpikeTrain`: A set of action potentials (spikes) emitted by the same unit in a period of time (with optional waveforms).
  18. * :py:class:`Event`: An array of time points representing one or more events in the data.
  19. * :py:class:`Epoch`: An array of time intervals representing one or more periods of time in the data.
  20. Container objects
  21. -----------------
  22. There is a simple hierarchy of containers:
  23. * :py:class:`Segment`: A container for heterogeneous discrete or continous data sharing a common
  24. clock (time basis) but not necessarily the same sampling rate, start time or end time.
  25. A :py:class:`Segment` can be considered as equivalent to a "trial", "episode", "run",
  26. "recording", etc., depending on the experimental context.
  27. May contain any of the data objects.
  28. * :py:class:`Block`: The top-level container gathering all of the data, discrete and continuous,
  29. for a given recording session.
  30. Contains :class:`Segment`, :class:`Unit` and :class:`ChannelIndex` objects.
  31. Grouping objects
  32. ----------------
  33. These objects express the relationships between data items, such as which signals
  34. were recorded on which electrodes, which spike trains were obtained from which
  35. membrane potential signals, etc. They contain references to data objects that
  36. cut across the simple container hierarchy.
  37. * :py:class:`ChannelIndex`: A set of indices into :py:class:`AnalogSignal` objects,
  38. representing logical and/or physical recording channels. This has two uses:
  39. 1. for linking :py:class:`AnalogSignal` objects recorded from the same (multi)electrode
  40. across several :py:class:`Segment`\s.
  41. 2. for spike sorting of extracellular signals, where spikes may be recorded on more than one
  42. recording channel, and the :py:class:`ChannelIndex` can be used to associate each
  43. :py:class:`Unit` with the group of recording channels from which it was obtained.
  44. * :py:class:`Unit`: links the :class:`SpikeTrain` objects within a :class:`Block`,
  45. possibly across multiple Segments, that were emitted by the same cell.
  46. A :class:`Unit` is linked to the :class:`ChannelIndex` object from which the spikes were detected.
  47. NumPy compatibility
  48. ===================
  49. Neo data objects inherit from :py:class:`Quantity`, which in turn inherits from NumPy
  50. :py:class:`ndarray`. This means that a Neo :py:class:`AnalogSignal` is also a :py:class:`Quantity`
  51. and an array, giving you access to all of the methods available for those objects.
  52. For example, you can pass a :py:class:`SpikeTrain` directly to the :py:func:`numpy.histogram`
  53. function, or an :py:class:`AnalogSignal` directly to the :py:func:`numpy.std` function.
  54. If you want to get a numpy.ndarray you use magnitude and rescale from quantities::
  55. >>> np_sig = neo_analogsignal.rescale('mV').magnitude
  56. >>> np_times = neo_analogsignal.times.rescale('s').magnitude
  57. Relationships between objects
  58. =============================
  59. Container objects like :py:class:`Block` or :py:class:`Segment` are gateways to
  60. access other objects. For example, a :class:`Block` can access a :class:`Segment`
  61. with::
  62. >>> bl = Block()
  63. >>> bl.segments
  64. # gives a list of segments
  65. A :class:`Segment` can access the :class:`AnalogSignal` objects that it contains with::
  66. >>> seg = Segment()
  67. >>> seg.analogsignals
  68. # gives a list of AnalogSignals
  69. In the :ref:`neo_diagram` below, these *one to many* relationships are represented by cyan arrows.
  70. In general, an object can access its children with an attribute *childname+s* in lower case, e.g.
  71. * :attr:`Block.segments`
  72. * :attr:`Segments.analogsignals`
  73. * :attr:`Segments.spiketrains`
  74. * :attr:`Block.channel_indexes`
  75. These relationships are bi-directional, i.e. a child object can access its parent:
  76. * :attr:`Segment.block`
  77. * :attr:`AnalogSignal.segment`
  78. * :attr:`SpikeTrain.segment`
  79. * :attr:`ChannelIndex.block`
  80. Here is an example showing these relationships in use::
  81. from import AxonIO
  82. import urllib
  83. url = ""
  84. filename = './test.abf'
  85. urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename)
  86. r = AxonIO(filename=filename)
  87. bl = # read the entire file > a Block
  88. print(bl)
  89. print(bl.segments) # child access
  90. for seg in bl.segments:
  91. print(seg)
  92. print(seg.block) # parent access
  93. In some cases, a one-to-many relationship is sufficient. Here is a simple example with tetrodes, in which each tetrode has its own group.::
  94. from neo import Block, ChannelIndex
  95. bl = Block()
  96. # the four tetrodes
  97. for i in range(4):
  98. chx = ChannelIndex(name='Tetrode %d' % i,
  99. index=[0, 1, 2, 3])
  100. bl.channelindexes.append(chx)
  101. # now we load the data and associate it with the created channels
  102. # ...
  103. Now consider a more complex example: a 1x4 silicon probe, with a neuron on channels 0,1,2 and another neuron on channels 1,2,3. We create a group for each neuron to hold the :class:`Unit` object associated with this spike sorting group. Each group also contains the channels on which that neuron spiked. The relationship is many-to-many because channels 1 and 2 occur in multiple groups.::
  104. bl = Block(name='probe data')
  105. # one group for each neuron
  106. chx0 = ChannelIndex(name='Group 0',
  107. index=[0, 1, 2])
  108. bl.channelindexes.append(chx0)
  109. chx1 = ChannelIndex(name='Group 1',
  110. index=[1, 2, 3])
  111. bl.channelindexes.append(chx1)
  112. # now we add the spiketrain from Unit 0 to chx0
  113. # and add the spiketrain from Unit 1 to chx1
  114. # ...
  115. Note that because neurons are sorted from groups of channels in this situation, it is natural that the :py:class:`ChannelIndex` contains a reference to the :py:class:`Unit` object.
  116. That unit then contains references to its spiketrains. Also note that recording channels can be
  117. identified by names/labels as well as, or instead of, integer indices.
  118. See :doc:`usecases` for more examples of how the different objects may be used.
  119. .. _neo_diagram:
  120. Neo diagram
  121. ===========
  122. Object:
  123. * With a star = inherits from :class:`Quantity`
  124. Attributes:
  125. * In red = required
  126. * In white = recommended
  127. Relationship:
  128. * In cyan = one to many
  129. * In yellow = properties (deduced from other relationships)
  130. .. image:: images/simple_generated_diagram.png
  131. :width: 750 px
  132. :download:`Click here for a better quality SVG diagram <./images/simple_generated_diagram.svg>`
  133. For more details, see the :doc:`api_reference`.
  134. Initialization
  135. ==============
  136. Neo objects are initialized with "required", "recommended", and "additional" arguments.
  137. - Required arguments MUST be provided at the time of initialization. They are used in the construction of the object.
  138. - Recommended arguments may be provided at the time of initialization. They are accessible as Python attributes. They can also be set or modified after initialization.
  139. - Additional arguments are defined by the user and are not part of the Neo object model. A primary goal of the Neo project is extensibility. These additional arguments are entries in an attribute of the object: a Python dict called :py:attr:`annotations`.
  140. Note : Neo annotations are not the same as the *__annotations__* attribute introduced in Python 3.6.
  141. Example: SpikeTrain
  142. -------------------
  143. :py:class:`SpikeTrain` is a :py:class:`Quantity`, which is a NumPy array containing values with physical dimensions. The spike times are a required attribute, because the dimensionality of the spike times determines the way in which the :py:class:`Quantity` is constructed.
  144. Here is how you initialize a :py:class:`SpikeTrain` with required arguments::
  145. >>> import neo
  146. >>> st = neo.SpikeTrain([3, 4, 5], units='sec', t_stop=10.0)
  147. >>> print(st)
  148. [ 3. 4. 5.] s
  149. You will see the spike times printed in a nice format including the units.
  150. Because `st` "is a" :py:class:`Quantity` array with units of seconds, it absolutely must have this information at the time of initialization. You can specify the spike times with a keyword argument too::
  151. >>> st = neo.SpikeTrain(times=[3, 4, 5], units='sec', t_stop=10.0)
  152. The spike times could also be in a NumPy array.
  153. If it is not specified, :attr:`t_start` is assumed to be zero, but another value can easily be specified::
  154. >>> st = neo.SpikeTrain(times=[3, 4, 5], units='sec', t_start=1.0, t_stop=10.0)
  155. >>> st.t_start
  156. array(1.0) * s
  157. Recommended attributes must be specified as keyword arguments, not positional arguments.
  158. Finally, let's consider "additional arguments". These are the ones you define for your experiment::
  159. >>> st = neo.SpikeTrain(times=[3, 4, 5], units='sec', t_stop=10.0, rat_name='Fred')
  160. >>> print(st.annotations)
  161. {'rat_name': 'Fred'}
  162. Because ``rat_name`` is not part of the Neo object model, it is placed in the dict :py:attr:`annotations`. This dict can be modified as necessary by your code.
  163. Annotations
  164. -----------
  165. As well as adding annotations as "additional" arguments when an object is
  166. constructed, objects may be annotated using the :meth:`annotate` method
  167. possessed by all Neo core objects, e.g.::
  168. >>> seg = Segment()
  169. >>> seg.annotate(stimulus="step pulse", amplitude=10*nA)
  170. >>> print(seg.annotations)
  171. {'amplitude': array(10.0) * nA, 'stimulus': 'step pulse'}
  172. Since annotations may be written to a file or database, there are some
  173. limitations on the data types of annotations: they must be "simple" types or
  174. containers (lists, dicts, tuples, NumPy arrays) of simple types, where the simple types
  175. are ``integer``, ``float``, ``complex``, ``Quantity``, ``string``, ``date``, ``time`` and
  176. ``datetime``.
  177. Array Annotations
  178. -----------------
  179. Next to "regular" annotations there is also a way to annotate arrays of values
  180. in order to create annotations with one value per data point. Using this feature,
  181. called Array Annotations, the consistency of those annotations with the actual data
  182. is ensured.
  183. Apart from adding those on object construction, Array Annotations can also be added
  184. using the :meth:`array_annotate` method provided by all Neo data objects, e.g.::
  185. >>> sptr = SpikeTrain(times=[1, 2, 3]*pq.s, t_stop=3*pq.s)
  186. >>> sptr.array_annotate(index=[0, 1, 2], relevant=[True, False, True])
  187. >>> print(sptr.array_annotations)
  188. {'index': array([0, 1, 2]), 'relevant': array([ True, False, True])}
  189. Since Array Annotations may be written to a file or database, there are some
  190. limitations on the data types of arrays: they must be 1-dimensional (i.e. not nested)
  191. and contain the same types as annotations:
  192. ``integer``, ``float``, ``complex``, ``Quantity``, ``string``, ``date``, ``time`` and ``datetime``.