1. Metadata-Version: 2.1
  2. Name: odML
  3. Version: 1.5.1
  4. Summary: open metadata Markup Language
  5. Home-page:
  6. Author: Hagen Fritsch, Jan Grewe, Christian Kellner, Achilleas Koutsou, Michael Sonntag, Lyuba Zehl
  7. Author-email:
  8. License: BSD
  9. Description: [![Travis build](](
  10. [![Build status](](
  11. [![Test coverage](](
  12. [![PyPI version](](
  13. [![Read the Docs](](
  14. # odML (Open metaData Markup Language) core library
  15. The open metadata Markup Language is a file based format (XML, JSON, YAML) for storing
  16. metadata in an organised human- and machine-readable way. odML is an initiative to define
  17. and establish an open, flexible, and easy-to-use format to transport metadata.
  18. The Python-odML library can be easily installed via ```pip```. The source code is freely
  19. available on [GitHub]( If you are not familiar
  20. with the version control system **git**, but still want to use it, have a look at the
  21. documentation available on the [git-scm website](
  22. # odML Project page
  23. More information about the project including related projects as well as tutorials and
  24. examples can be found at our odML [project page](
  25. # Getting started
  26. ## Installation
  27. *python-odml* is most conveniently installed via pip.
  28. ```
  29. pip install odml
  30. ```
  31. To install the latest development version of odml you can use the git installation option of pip:
  32. ```
  33. pip install git+
  34. ```
  35. Please note that this version might not be stable.
  36. ## Tutorial and examples
  37. - We have assembled a set of
  38. [tutorials]( "Python Tutorial").
  39. ## Python convenience scripts
  40. The Python installation features multiple convenience commandline scripts.
  41. - `odmlconvert`: Converts odML files of previous file versions into the current one.
  42. - `odmltordf`: Converts odML files to the supported RDF version of odML.
  43. - `odmlview`: Render and browse local XML odML files in the webbrowser.
  44. All scripts provide detailed usage descriptions by adding the `help` flag to the command.
  45. odmlconvert -h
  46. odmltordf -h
  47. odmlview -h
  48. # Breaking changes
  49. odML Version 1.4 introduced breaking format and API changes compared to the previous
  50. versions of odML. Files saved in the previous format versions can be converted to a 1.4
  51. compatible format using the version converter from the odml/tools package.
  52. Be aware that the value dtype ```binary``` has been removed. Incorporating actual binary
  53. data into odML files is discouraged, provide references to the original files using the
  54. ```URL``` dtype instead.
  55. For details regarding the introduced changes please check the [github
  56. release notes](
  57. # Dependencies
  58. * Python 3.6+
  59. * Python packages:
  60. * lxml (version 3.7.2)
  61. * yaml (version >= 5.1)
  62. * rdflib (version >=4.2.2)
  63. * These packages will be downloaded and installed automatically if the ```pip```
  64. method is used to install odML. Alternatively, they can be installed from the OS
  65. package manager. On Ubuntu, they are available as:
  66. * python-lxml
  67. * python-yaml
  68. * python-rdflib
  69. * If you prefer installing using the Python package manager, the following packages are
  70. required to build the lxml Python package on Ubuntu 14.04:
  71. * libxml2-dev
  72. * libxslt1-dev
  73. * lib32z1-dev
  74. ## Previous Python versions
  75. Python 2 has reached end of life. We will not keep any future versions of odml Python 2 compatible and will completely drop support for Python 2 with August 2020. We also recommend using a Python version >= 3.6. If a Python version < 3.6 is a requirement, the following dependency needs to be installed as well:
  76. * pip install
  77. * enum34 (version 0.4.4)
  78. * apt install
  79. * python-enum
  80. # Building from source
  81. To download the Python-odML library please either use git and clone
  82. the repository from GitHub:
  83. ```
  84. $ git clone
  85. ```
  86. If you don't want to use git download the ZIP file also provided on
  87. GitHub to your computer (e.g. as above on your home directory under a "toolbox"
  88. folder).
  89. To install the Python-odML library, enter the corresponding directory and run:
  90. ```
  91. $ cd python-odml
  92. $ python install
  93. ```
  94. **Note** The master branch is our current development branch, not all features might be
  95. working as expected. Use the release tags instead.
  96. # Contributing and Governance
  97. See the [CONTRIBUTING]( document
  98. for more information on this.
  99. # Bugs & Questions
  100. Should you find a behaviour that is likely a bug, please file a bug report at
  101. [the github bug tracker](
  102. If you have questions regarding the use of the library, feel free to join the
  103. [#gnode]( IRC channel on freenode.
  104. Platform: UNKNOWN
  105. Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  106. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
  107. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
  108. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
  109. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
  110. Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
  111. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
  112. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
  113. Description-Content-Type: text/markdown