sample_odml.rdf 4.0 KB

  1. @prefix odml: <> .
  2. @prefix rdf: <> .
  3. @prefix rdfs: <> .
  4. @prefix xml: <> .
  5. @prefix xsd: <> .
  6. odml:Hub odml:hasDocument <>,
  7. <> ;
  8. odml:hasTerminology <> .
  9. <> a odml:Property ;
  10. odml:hasDefinition "Nickname(s) of the subject" ;
  11. odml:hasDtype "string" ;
  12. odml:hasName "Nickname" .
  13. <> a odml:Section ;
  14. odml:hasDefinition "Information on the crew" ;
  15. odml:hasName "TheCrew" ;
  16. odml:hasProperty <>,
  17. <> ;
  18. odml:hasSection <> ;
  19. odml:hasType "crew" .
  20. <> a odml:Section ;
  21. odml:hasDefinition "Information on Arthur Dent" ;
  22. odml:hasName "Arthur Philip Dent" ;
  23. odml:hasProperty <>,
  24. <> ;
  25. odml:hasType "crew/person" .
  26. <> a odml:Property ;
  27. odml:hasDefinition "Number of crew members" ;
  28. odml:hasDtype "int" ;
  29. odml:hasName "NoCrewMembers" ;
  30. odml:hasUncertainty "1" ;
  31. odml:hasValue odml:ce5f326a-91c9-4c41-9425-d4b8495aa832 .
  32. <> a odml:Document ;
  33. odml:hasAuthor "D. N. Adams" ;
  34. odml:hasDate "1979-10-12"^^xsd:date ;
  35. odml:hasDocVersion "42" ;
  36. odml:hasSection odml:b44da455-8ee8-47b7-a011-016b9c3a6f9d .
  37. <> a rdf:Bag ;
  38. rdf:li "Human" .
  39. <> a odml:Property ;
  40. odml:hasDefinition "Species to which subject belongs to" ;
  41. odml:hasDtype "string" ;
  42. odml:hasName "Species" ;
  43. odml:hasValue <> .
  44. <> a odml:Document ;
  45. odml:hasAuthor "D. N. Adams" ;
  46. odml:hasDate "1979-10-12"^^xsd:date ;
  47. odml:hasDocVersion "42" ;
  48. odml:hasSection <> ;
  49. odml:hasTerminology <> .
  50. <> a odml:Property ;
  51. odml:hasDefinition "List of crew members names" ;
  52. odml:hasDtype "person" ;
  53. odml:hasName "NameCrewMembers" ;
  54. odml:hasValue odml:d98afe9b-3982-44bf-9373-12aaa4798628 .
  55. odml:b44da455-8ee8-47b7-a011-016b9c3a6f9d a odml:Section ;
  56. odml:hasDefinition "Information on the crew" ;
  57. odml:hasName "TheCrew" ;
  58. odml:hasProperty odml:bb02a18d-7de2-45aa-8be1-ca34b74f2360 ;
  59. odml:hasType "crew" .
  60. odml:bb02a18d-7de2-45aa-8be1-ca34b74f2360 a odml:Property ;
  61. odml:hasDefinition "Number of crew members" ;
  62. odml:hasDtype "int" ;
  63. odml:hasName "NoCrewMembers" .
  64. odml:ce5f326a-91c9-4c41-9425-d4b8495aa832 a rdf:Bag ;
  65. rdf:li 4 .
  66. odml:d98afe9b-3982-44bf-9373-12aaa4798628 a rdf:Bag ;
  67. rdf:li "Arthur Philip Dent",
  68. "Ford Prefect",
  69. "Tricia Marie McMillan",
  70. "Zaphod Beeblebrox" .
  71. <> a <> .