@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+function NEV = openNEV(varargin)
+% Opens an .nev file for reading, returns all file information in a NEV
+% structure. Works with File Spec 2.1 & 2.2.
+% This version reads only waveforms of a specified list of neuron IDs.
+% Use OUTPUT = openNEV(fname, 'read', 'wave_elec', 'wave_unit', 'report', 'noparse', 'nowarning', 'precision').
+% All input arguments are optional. Input arguments can be in any order.
+% fname: Name of the file to be opened. If the fname is omitted
+% the user will be prompted to select a file using an open
+% file user interface.
+% DEFAULT: Will open Open File UI.
+% 'read': Will read the waveform data if user passes this argument.
+% The field .Data.Spikes.WaveformIndices contains the index
+% of each waveform i in .Data.Spikes.Waveform(i,:) into
+% arrays such as, e.g., .Data.Spikes.Electrode (useful when
+% selecting only sets of electrodes/units using 'wave_unit'
+% and 'wave_elec').
+% DEFAULT: will not read data.
+% 'wave_unit': User can specify which units are used to read spike
+% waveforms (option "read"). The units can be selected
+% either by specifying a range (e.g. 1:3) or by indicating
+% individual units (e.g. 1,2,4) or both. This field needs
+% to be followed by the prefix 'u:'. See example for more
+% details.
+% DEFAULT: will read all existing units.
+% 'wave_elec': User can specify which electrodes are used to read spike
+% waveforms (option "read"). The number of electrodes can
+% be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to
+% 128. The electrodes can be selected either by specifying
+% a range (e.g. 20:45) or by indicating individual
+% electrodes (e.g. 3,6,7,90) or both. This field needs to
+% be followed by the prefix 'e:'. See example for more
+% details.
+% DEFAULT: will read from all existing channels.
+% 'report': Will show a summary report if user passes this argument.
+% DEFAULT: will not show report.
+% 'noparse': The code will not parse the experimental parameters.
+% See below for format.
+% DEFAULT: will parse the parameters.
+% 'nowarning': The code will not give a warning if there is an error in
+% parsing or several other actions.
+% DEFAULT: will give warning message.
+% 'nosave': The code will not save a copy of the NEV structure as a
+% MAT file. By default the code will save a copy in the
+% same folder as the NEV file for easy future access. If
+% "wave_elec" (e:) or "wave_unit" (u:) is specified, the
+% mat file is never saved!
+% DEFAULT: will save the MAT file, unless e: or u: is
+% specified.
+% 'nomat': Will not look for a MAT file. This option will force
+% openNEV to open a NEV file instead of any available MAT
+% files. If "wave_elec" (e:) or "wave_unit" (u:) is
+% specified, the mat file is never loaded!
+% DEFAULT: will load the MAT file if available, unless e:
+% or u: is specified.
+% 'compact': If specified the spike data is stored in 'int16' type
+% instead of default double precision.
+% OUTPUT: Contains the NEV structure.
+% openNEV('report','read','c:\data\sample.nev','u:1','e:80');
+% In the example above, the file c:\data\sample.nev will be used. A
+% report of the file contents will be shown. The digital data will be
+% parsed. The data needs to be in the proper format (refer below). The
+% waveforms of unit 1 on electrode 80 is also stored in the resulting
+% structure.
+% The experimental parameters need to be in the following format for the
+% code to properly parse them:
+% *Label:Parameter1=value1;Parameter2=value2;Parameter3=value3;#
+% *ExpParameter:Intensity=1.02;Duration=400;Trials=1;PageSegment=14;#
+% *Stimulation:StimCount=5;Duration=10;#
+% The above line is an "ExpParameter". The parameters are, "Intensity,
+% Duration, Trials, and PageSement." The values of those parameters are,
+% respectively, "1.02, 400, 1, and 14." The second example is a
+% "Stimulation". The name of the parameters are "StimCount" and
+% "Duration" and the values are "5" and "10" respectively.
+% It can also read single value markers that follow the following format.
+% *MarkerName=Value;#
+% *WaitSeconds=10;# OR
+% *JuiceStatus=ON;#
+% The above line is a "Marker". The marker value is 10 in the first
+% and it's ON in the second example.
+% The label, parameter name, and values are flexible and can be anything.
+% The only required formatting is that the user needs to have a label
+% followed by a colon ':', followed by a field name 'MarkerVal', followed
+% by an equal sign '=', followed by the parameter value '10', and end
+% with a semi-colon ';'.
+% NOTE:
+% Every parameter requires a pound-sign '#' at the very end.
+% Every parameter requires a star sign '*' at the very beginning. If you
+% use my LabVIEW SendtoCerebus VI then there is no need for a '*' in the
+% beginning.
+% Kian Torab
+% kian.torab@utah.edu
+% Department of Bioengineering
+% University of Utah
+% Version 3.5.0 - March 22, 2010
+% 2010-06-28: - Added code for selecting only specific waveforms using the
+% directives "e:" and "u:". A further field
+% .Data.Spikes.WaveformIndices was added to save the packet
+% indices of those waveforms that make up
+% .Data.Spikes.Waveform. A few clear statements have been
+% removed/moved to enable this functionality -- this should
+% not cause siginificant memory problems (however, current
+% optimizations with "clear" are very quick-and-dirty
+% anyhow, so there should be room for improvement/cleanup).
+% - Changed default behavior to NOT read the matlab files or
+% write them if either e: or u: is supplied for obvious
+% readons.
+% Author: Michael Denker
+NEVver = '3.5.0'; % optimize for memory, supporting general usage
+disp(['openNEV version ' NEVver])
+ %% Validating existance of parseCommand
+if exist('parseCommand.m', 'file') ~= 2
+ disp('This version of openNEV requires function parseCommand.m to be placed in path.');
+ return;
+%% Defining structures
+NEV = struct('MetaTags',[],'IOLabels',[], 'ElectrodesInfo', [], 'Data',[]);
+NEV.MetaTags = struct('Subject', [], 'Experimenter', [], 'DateTime',[],...
+ 'SampleRes',[],'Comment',[],'FileTypeID',[],'Flags',[]);
+NEV.Data = struct('SerialDigitalIO', [], 'Spikes', []);
+NEV.Data.Spikes = struct('Timestamps',[],'Electrode',[],...
+ 'Unit',[],'Waveform',[]);
+NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO = struct('InputType',[],'TimeStamp',[],...
+ 'TimeStampSec',[],'Type',[],'Value',[]);
+%% Validating input arguments
+for i=1:length(varargin)
+ if strncmp(varargin{i}, 'e:', 2)
+ Electrodes = str2num(varargin{i}(3:end)); %#ok<ST2NM>
+ elseif strncmp(varargin{i}, 'u:', 2)
+ Units = str2num(varargin{i}(3:end)); %#ok<ST2NM>
+ else
+ switch varargin{i}
+ case 'report'
+ Report = varargin{i};
+ case 'read'
+ ReadData = varargin{i};
+ case 'nosave'
+ SaveFile = varargin{i};
+ case 'nomat'
+ NoMAT = varargin{i};
+ case 'nowarning'
+ WarningStat = varargin{i};
+ case 'noparse'
+ ParseData = 'noparse';
+ case 'compact'
+ Compact = 'compact';
+ otherwise
+ temp = varargin{i};
+ if length(temp)>3 && strcmpi(temp(end-3),'.')
+ fname = varargin{i};
+ if exist(fname, 'file') ~= 2
+ disp('The file does not exist.');
+ clear variables;
+ if nargout; NEV = []; end;
+ return;
+ end
+ else
+ if ~isnumeric(varargin{i})
+ disp(['Invalid argument ''' varargin{i} ''' .']);
+ else
+ disp(['Invalid argument ''' num2str(varargin{i}) ''' .']);
+ end
+ clear variables;
+ return;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+%% Defining and validating variables
+if ~exist('fname', 'var')
+ [fname, fpath] = uigetfile('D:\Data\*.nev');
+ [fpath,fname, fext] = fileparts(fname);
+ fname = [fname fext];
+ fpath = [fpath '/'];
+if ~exist('Report', 'var'); Report = 'noreport'; end
+if ~exist('WarningStat', 'var'); WarningStat = 'warning'; end;
+if ~exist('ReadData', 'var'); ReadData = 'noread'; end
+if ~exist('ParseData', 'var'); ParseData = 'parse'; end
+if ~exist('SaveFile', 'var'); SaveFile = 'save'; end;
+if ~exist('NoMAT', 'var'); NoMAT = 'yesmat'; end;
+if ~exist('Compact', 'var'); Compact = 'non-compact'; end;
+if fname==0; clear variables; if nargout; NEV = []; end; disp('No file was selected.'); return; end;
+matPath = [fpath fname(1:end-4) '.mat'];
+%if only part of the waveforms are read, do not load or save the MAT file.
+if (~isempty(Units) || ~isempty(Electrodes)) && (strcmp(NoMAT,'yesmat') || strcmp(SaveFile,'save') )
+ NoMAT='nomat';
+ SaveFile='nosave';
+ if strcmp(WarningStat,'warning')
+ disp('WARNING: Overriding and enabling nomat/nosave options, as electrodes (e:) and/or units (u:) was specified.');
+ end
+%% Check for a MAT file and load that instead of NEV
+if exist(matPath, 'file') == 2 && strcmpi(NoMAT, 'yesmat')
+ disp('MAT file corresponding to selected NEV file already exists. Loading MAT instead...');
+ load(matPath);
+ if isempty(NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform) && strcmpi(ReadData, 'read')
+ disp('The MAT file does not contain waveforms. Loading NEV instead...');
+ else
+ if ~nargout
+ assignin('base', 'NEV', NEV);
+ clear variables;
+ end
+ return;
+ end
+%% Reading BasicHeader information from file
+FID = fopen([fpath fname], 'r', 'ieee-le');
+BasicHeader = fread(FID, 336, '*uint8');
+NEV.MetaTags.FileTypeID = char(BasicHeader(1:8)');
+fileSpec = num2str((BasicHeader(9:10)'));
+NEV.MetaTags.Flags = dec2bin(typecast(BasicHeader(11:12), 'uint16'),16);
+fExtendedHeader = double(typecast(BasicHeader(13:16), 'uint32'));
+PacketBytes = double(typecast(BasicHeader(17:20), 'uint32'));
+TimeRes = double(typecast(BasicHeader(21:24), 'uint32'));
+NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes = typecast(BasicHeader(25:28), 'uint32');
+t = typecast(BasicHeader(29:44), 'uint16');
+NEV.MetaTags.Comment = char(BasicHeader(77:332)');
+NEV.MetaTags.Filename = fname;
+ExtHeaderCount = typecast(BasicHeader(333:336), 'uint32');
+if strcmpi(NEV.MetaTags.FileTypeID, 'NEURALEV')
+ disp(['Current NEV Filespec: ' fileSpec]);
+ if exist([fpath fname(1:end-8) '.sif'], 'file') == 2
+ METATAGS = textread([fpath fname(1:end-8) '.sif'], '%s');
+ NEV.MetaTasg.Subject = METATAGS{3}(5:end-5);
+ NEV.MetaTags.Experimenter = [METATAGS{5}(8:end-8) ' ' METATAGS{6}(7:end-7)];
+ end
+elseif strcmpi(fileSpec, '2 1')
+ disp('Current NEV Filespec: 2.1');
+ disp('Unknown filespec. Cannot open file.')
+ clear variables;
+ return;
+%% Parsing and validating FileSpec and DateTime variables
+NEV.MetaTags.DateTime = [num2str(t(2)) '/' num2str(t(4)) '/' num2str(t(1))...
+ ' ' datestr(double(t(3)), 'dddd') ' ' num2str(t(5)) ':' ...
+ num2str(t(6)) ':' num2str(t(7)) '.' num2str(t(8))] ;
+%% Removing extra garbage characters from the Comment field.
+NEV.MetaTags.Comment(find(NEV.MetaTags.Comment==0,1):end) = 0;
+%% Recording after BasicHeader file position
+fBasicHeader = ftell(FID); %#ok<NASGU>
+%% Reading ExtendedHeader information
+for ii=1:ExtHeaderCount
+ ExtendedHeader = fread(FID, 32, '*uint8');
+ PacketID = char(ExtendedHeader(1:8)');
+ switch PacketID
+ case 'ARRAYNME'
+ NEV.ArrayInfo.ElectrodeName = char(ExtendedHeader(9:end));
+ case 'ECOMMENT'
+ NEV.ArrayInfo.ArrayComment = char(ExtendedHeader(9:end));
+ case 'CCOMMENT'
+ NEV.ArrayInfo.ArrayCommentCont = char(ExtendedHeader(9:end));
+ case 'MAPFILE'
+ NEV.ArrayInfo.MapFile = char(ExtendedHeader(9:end));
+ case 'NEUEVWAV'
+ PacketID = typecast(ExtendedHeader(9:10), 'uint16');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.ElectrodeID = PacketID;
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.ConnectorBank = char(ExtendedHeader(11)+64);
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.ConnectorPin = ExtendedHeader(12);
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.DigitalFactor = typecast(ExtendedHeader(13:14),'uint16');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.EnergyThreshold = typecast(ExtendedHeader(15:16),'uint16');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.HighThreshold = typecast(ExtendedHeader(17:18),'int16');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.LowThreshold = typecast(ExtendedHeader(19:20),'int16');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.Units = ExtendedHeader(21);
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.WaveformBytes = ExtendedHeader(22);
+ case 'NEUEVLBL'
+ PacketID = typecast(ExtendedHeader(9:10), 'uint16');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.ElectrodeLabel = char(ExtendedHeader(11:26));
+ case 'NEUEVFLT'
+ PacketID = typecast(ExtendedHeader(9:10), 'uint16');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.HighFreqCorner = typecast(ExtendedHeader(11:14),'uint32');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.HighFreqOrder = typecast(ExtendedHeader(15:18),'uint32');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.HighFilterType = typecast(ExtendedHeader(19:20),'uint16');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.LowFreqCorner = typecast(ExtendedHeader(21:24),'uint32');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.LowFreqOrder = typecast(ExtendedHeader(25:28),'uint32');
+ NEV.ElectrodesInfo{PacketID, 1}.LowFilterType = typecast(ExtendedHeader(29:30),'uint16');
+ case 'DIGLABEL'
+ Label = char(ExtendedHeader(9:24));
+ Mode = ExtendedHeader(25);
+ NEV.IOLabels{Mode+1, 1} = Label;
+ case 'NSASEXEV' %% Not implemented in the Cerebus firmware.
+ %% Needs to be updated once implemented into the
+ %% firmware by Blackrock Microsystems.
+ NEV.NSAS.Freq = typecast(ExtendedHeader(9:10),'uint16');
+ NEV.NSAS.DigInputConf = char(ExtendedHeader(11));
+ NEV.NSAS.AnalCh1Conf = char(ExtendedHeader(12));
+ NEV.NSAS.AnalCh1Detect = typecast(ExtendedHeader(13:14),'uint16');
+ NEV.NSAS.AnalCh2Conf = char(ExtendedHeader(15));
+ NEV.NSAS.AnalCh2Detect = typecast(ExtendedHeader(16:17),'uint16');
+ NEV.NSAS.AnalCh3Conf = char(ExtendedHeader(18));
+ NEV.NSAS.AnalCh3Detect = typecast(ExtendedHeader(19:20),'uint16');
+ NEV.NSAS.AnalCh4Conf = char(ExtendedHeader(21));
+ NEV.NSAS.AnalCh4Detect = typecast(ExtendedHeader(22:23),'uint16');
+ NEV.NSAS.AnalCh5Conf = char(ExtendedHeader(24));
+ NEV.NSAS.AnalCh5Detect = typecast(ExtendedHeader(25:26),'uint16');
+ otherwise
+ display(['PacketID ' PacketID ' is unknown.']);
+ end
+%% Recording after ExtendedHeader file position and calculating Data Length
+% and number of data packets
+fseek(FID, 0, 'eof');
+fData = ftell(FID);
+DataPacketCount = (fData - fExtendedHeader)/PacketBytes;
+DataLen = PacketBytes - 8; %#ok<NASGU>
+UnparsedDigitalDataFlag = 0;
+%% Reading data packets if 'read' is passed as an argument
+fseek(FID, fExtendedHeader, 'bof');
+Timestamps = fread(FID, DataPacketCount, '*uint32', PacketBytes-4);
+fseek(FID, fExtendedHeader+4, 'bof');
+PacketIDs = fread(FID, DataPacketCount, '*uint16', PacketBytes-2);
+fseek(FID, fExtendedHeader+6, 'bof');
+tempClassOrReason = fread(FID, DataPacketCount, '*uchar', PacketBytes-1);
+fseek(FID, fExtendedHeader+8, 'bof');
+tempDigiVals = fread(FID, DataPacketCount, '*uint16', PacketBytes-2);
+%% Populate the NEV structure with spike timestamps, electrode numbers
+% and unit numbers
+nonNeuralIndices = find(PacketIDs == 0);
+neuralIndices = find(PacketIDs ~= 0);
+nonNeuTimestamps = Timestamps(nonNeuralIndices);
+NEV.Data.Spikes.Timestamps = Timestamps(neuralIndices);
+clear Timestamps; % save memory
+NEV.Data.Spikes.Electrode = PacketIDs(neuralIndices);
+NEV.Data.Spikes.Unit = tempClassOrReason(neuralIndices);
+%% Parse read digital data. Please refer to help to learn about the proper
+% formatting if the data.
+if strcmp(ParseData, 'parse')
+ try
+ InsertionReason = tempClassOrReason(find(PacketIDs == 0));
+ DigiValues = char(tempDigiVals(nonNeuralIndices)');
+ % % This section needs to be uncommented out for Justin
+ % if int16(DigiValues(1)) > 128
+ % DigiValues = char(DigiValues-128);
+ % end
+ AsteriskIndices = find(DigiValues == '*');
+ DataBegTimestamps = nonNeuTimestamps(AsteriskIndices);
+ Inputs = {'Digital'; 'AnCh1'; 'AnCh2'; 'AnCh3'; 'AnCh4'; 'AnCh5'; 'PerSamp'; 'Serial'};
+ if ~isempty(DigiValues)
+ if ~int8(DigiValues(2))
+ DigiValues(find(DigiValues == DigiValues(2))) = [];
+ end
+ if strcmp(ParseData, 'parse') && ~isempty(DigiValues)
+ splitDigiValues = regexp(DigiValues(2:end), '*', 'split')';
+ for idx = 1:length(splitDigiValues)
+ try
+ if isempty(find(splitDigiValues{idx} == ':', 1))
+ splitDigiValues{idx}(find(splitDigiValues{idx} == '#')) = [];
+ NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).Value = splitDigiValues{idx};
+ NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).Type = 'Marker';
+ else
+ [tempParsedCommand error] = parseCommand(splitDigiValues{idx});
+ if ~error
+ pcFields = fields(tempParsedCommand);
+ for fidx = 1:length(pcFields)
+ NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).(pcFields{fidx}) = tempParsedCommand.(pcFields{fidx});
+ end
+ else
+ NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).Value = splitDigiValues{idx};
+ NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).Type = 'UnparsedData';
+ UnparsedDigitalDataFlag = 1;
+ end
+ end
+ catch
+ disp(['Error parsing: ' splitDigiValues{idx}]);
+ disp('Please refer to the help for more information on how to properly format the digital data for parsing.');
+ end
+ end
+ % Populate the NEV structure with timestamps and inputtypes for the
+ % digital data
+ if ~isempty(DataBegTimestamps)
+ c = num2cell(DataBegTimestamps); [NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(1:length(NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO)).TimeStamp] = deal(c{1:end});
+ c = num2cell(DataBegTimestamps/NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes); [NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.TimeStampSec] = deal(c{1:end});
+ c = {Inputs{InsertionReason(AsteriskIndices)}}; [NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.InputType] = deal(c{1:end});
+ end
+ elseif ~isempty(DigiValues)
+ NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.TimeStamp = nonNeuTimestamps;
+ NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.UnparsedData = DigiValues;
+ end
+ else
+ disp('No digital data to read.');
+ end
+ catch
+ disp('An error occured during reading digital data. This is due to a problem with formatting digital data.');
+ disp('Refer to help ''help openNEV'' for more information on how to properly format the digital data.');
+ end
+ %clear tempClassOrReason;
+ %clear PacketIDs;
+ NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.UnparsedData = tempDigiVals(nonNeuralIndices);
+ clear tempDigiVals;
+ NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.TimeStamp = nonNeuTimestamps;
+ NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.TimeStampSec = double(nonNeuTimestamps) / double(NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes);
+ clear nonNeuTimestamps;
+%% Reads the waveforms if 'read' is passed to the function
+if strcmp(ReadData, 'read')
+ if (strcmp(Compact, 'compact'))
+ SpikeWaveformType='int16';
+ else
+ SpikeWaveformType='double';
+ end
+ %read all waveforms or only a specific subset?
+ if isempty(Units) && isempty(Electrodes)
+ fseek(FID, fExtendedHeader + 8, 'bof'); % go to where spikes are located
+ NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform = fread(FID,...
+ [(PacketBytes-8)/2 DataPacketCount], ...
+ [num2str((PacketBytes-8)/2) '*int16=>' SpikeWaveformType],...
+ 8)';
+ %remove non neural indices -- these have no waveform
+ NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform(nonNeuralIndices, :) = [];
+ %retain a list of all packet indices
+ NEV.Data.Spikes.WaveformIndices=neuralIndices;
+ else
+ %find all data packets that correspond to this electrode and/or
+ %unit
+ waveform_inds=find((isempty(Units) | ismember(tempClassOrReason,Units)) & ((isempty(Electrodes) & PacketIDs~=0) | ismember(PacketIDs,Electrodes)));
+ %pre-allocate waveform array
+ NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform=zeros(length(waveform_inds),(PacketBytes-8)/2,SpikeWaveformType);
+ for k=1:length(waveform_inds)
+ fseek(FID, fExtendedHeader + 8 + (waveform_inds(k)-1)*PacketBytes, 'bof'); % go to where the packet ist located
+ NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform(k,:) = fread(FID,...
+ [(PacketBytes-8)/2 1], ...
+ [num2str((PacketBytes-8)/2) '*int16=>' SpikeWaveformType])';
+ end
+ %retain a list of all packet indices -- this time respective the
+ %neural data packets only
+ NEV.Data.Spikes.WaveformIndices=find((isempty(Units) | ismember(tempClassOrReason(neuralIndices),Units)) & (isempty(Electrodes) | ismember(PacketIDs(neuralIndices),Electrodes)));
+ end
+% save memory
+clear nonNeuralIndices;
+clear neuralIndices;
+%% Calculating the length of the data
+fseek(FID, -PacketBytes, 'eof');
+DataDuration = fread(FID, 1, 'uint32=>double');
+%% Show a report if 'report' is passed as an argument
+if strcmp(Report, 'report')
+ disp( '*** FILE INFO **************************');
+ disp(['File Path = ' fpath(1:end-1)]);
+ disp(['File Name = ' fname]);
+ disp(['Filespec = ' fileSpec]);
+ disp(['Data Duration (min) = ' num2str(round(DataDuration/NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes/60))]);
+ disp(['Packet Counts = ' num2str(DataPacketCount)]);
+ disp(' ');
+ disp( '*** BASIC HEADER ***********************');
+ disp(['File Type ID = ' NEV.MetaTags.FileTypeID]);
+ disp(['Sample Resolution = ' num2str(NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes)]);
+ disp(['Date and Time = ' NEV.MetaTags.DateTime]);
+ disp(['Comment = ' NEV.MetaTags.Comment(1:64) ]);
+ disp([' ' NEV.MetaTags.Comment(65:128) ]);
+ disp([' ' NEV.MetaTags.Comment(129:192)]);
+ disp([' ' NEV.MetaTags.Comment(193:256)]);
+%% Display how fast the function was executed.
+if strcmp(Report, 'report')
+ disp(['The load time was for NEV file was ' num2str(toc, '%0.1f') ' seconds.']);
+%% Closing and clearing memory
+if strcmp(ParseData, 'parse')
+ if UnparsedDigitalDataFlag && strcmp(WarningStat, 'warning')
+ fprintf(2, 'WARNING: The NEV file contains unparsed digital data.\n'); % where the file is opened?
+ pause;
+ end
+%% Saving the NEV structure as a MAT file for easy access
+if strcmp(SaveFile, 'save')
+ if exist(matPath, 'file') == 2
+ disp(['File ' matPath ' already exists.']);
+ overWrite = input('Would you like to overwrite (Y/N)? ', 's');
+ if strcmpi(overWrite, 'y')
+ disp('Saving MAT file. This may take a few seconds...');
+ save(matPath, 'NEV');
+ else
+ disp('File was not overwritten.');
+ end
+ else
+ disp('Saving MAT file. This may take a few seconds...');
+ save(matPath, 'NEV');
+ end
+%% Closing and clearing memory
+if ~nargout
+ assignin('base', 'NEV', NEV);
+ fclose(FID);
+ clear variables;
+ fclose(FID);