#1 Cambridge Neurotech ASSY-77 H6 probe map

3 лет назад открыта ruxyb2004k · комментариев: 3
Ruxandra Barzan прокомментировал 3 лет назад

Dear Spike & Probe Interface team,

thank you so much for the hard work you put into these projects. Last week I had the opportunity to attend your webinar, which I enjoyed a lot and found it very useful.

I recently discovered a discrepancy in the map of an electrode I am using (I received the wrong map with the electrode) and I noticed here in your database there is the same wrong map. I thought to raise this issue, so that others don't fall into the same trap as I did :)

Here is the correct map of Cambridge Neurotech ASSY-77-H6 probe: https://www.cambridgeneurotech.com/assets/files/ASSY-77-H6-map.pdf

Cheers, Ruxandra

Dear Spike & Probe Interface team, thank you so much for the hard work you put into these projects. Last week I had the opportunity to attend your webinar, which I enjoyed a lot and found it very useful. I recently discovered a discrepancy in the map of an electrode I am using (I received the wrong map with the electrode) and I noticed here in your database there is the same wrong map. I thought to raise this issue, so that others don't fall into the same trap as I did :) Here is the correct map of Cambridge Neurotech ASSY-77-H6 probe: https://www.cambridgeneurotech.com/assets/files/ASSY-77-H6-map.pdf Cheers, Ruxandra
Alessio Buccino прокомментировал 2 лет назад

Hi Ruxandra,

Sorry to reply to this issue so late!!! Thank you for the correct map. We'll double check and update it!

Cheers Alessio

Hi Ruxandra, Sorry to reply to this issue so late!!! Thank you for the correct map. We'll double check and update it! Cheers Alessio
Alessio Buccino прокомментировал 2 лет назад

Indeed the right shank is totally off!!

@samuelgarcia for you when you're back from vacation ;)

Indeed the right shank is totally off!! @samuelgarcia for you when you're back from vacation ;)
Samuel Garcia прокомментировал 1 год назад

Hi, the new repo has moved here: https://github.com/SpikeInterface/probeinterface_library

can you check that the problem is OK there ? If not, plase open an issue on the github new repo.

Hi, the new repo has moved here: https://github.com/SpikeInterface/probeinterface_library can you check that the problem is OK there ? If not, plase open an issue on the github new repo.
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