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Hello and welcome to the data repository for my Bachelor thesis:

"Automated movement analysis of mouse beam walking using neural networks"

In this repository all data and results obtained during the thesis can be found.

  • Networks: the two DLC artifical neural networks used for the data processing.
  • R-scripts: R-codes used for the post-processing. Ready for application.
  • Thesis_figures: All figures and tables used in the thesis.
  • PB_T3_Stroke: the 20 original stroke-mice videos used for the evaluation in the results.
  • Manual_Rotating_Beam_Analysis: the results of the manual raters and the 20 analysed videos with added frame indices.
  • DLC_results: All pose predictions, pose plots, labeled videos and results of the statistical analysis. For the first results obtained by DLC (Iteration-0), the eight refined networks (25,000-200,000) and the sham treated mice for the further kinematic analysis. For the refined networks the results are divided in the four different video quailities which were applied (25-100 percent resolution)

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me: