task-YokedFixed_events.json 5.6 KB

  1. {
  2. "StimulusPresentation": {
  3. "OperatingSystem": "Windows 10 - Version 1903",
  4. "SoftwareName": "PsychoPy",
  5. "SoftwareRRID": "SCR_006571",
  6. "SoftwareVersion": "3.0.0",
  7. "Code": "doi:10.5281/zenodo.3354368"
  8. },
  9. "onset": {
  10. "Description": "onset of the event",
  11. "Units": "seconds"
  12. },
  13. "duration": {
  14. "Description": "duration of the event",
  15. "Units": "seconds"
  16. },
  17. "trial": {
  18. "Description": "zero indexed trial counter, where a trial is a sequence of steps that ends with a final choice."
  19. },
  20. "action_type": {
  21. "Description": "type of the action that the subject performed at this event within a trial",
  22. "Levels": {
  23. "sample": "the subject sampled either the left or the right option",
  24. "stop": "the subject decided to stop sampling the options and instead use the next action for a final choice",
  25. "forced_stop": "the subject took a maximum of samples and wanted to take another one, so we force stopped in this turn",
  26. "premature_stop": "the subject tried to stop sampling before taking a single sample. This lead to an error.",
  27. "final_choice": "the subject chose either the left or the right option as a final choice"
  28. }
  29. },
  30. "action": {
  31. "Description": "the concrete action that the subject performed for the action type",
  32. "Levels": {
  33. "0": "the subject picked the *left* option",
  34. "1": "the subject picked the *right* option",
  35. "2": "the subject decided to stop sampling - for action_type *stop* only"
  36. }
  37. },
  38. "outcome": {
  39. "Description": "the outcome that the subject received for their action. Numbers in the range 1 to 9."
  40. },
  41. "response_time": {
  42. "Description": "the time it took the subject to respond after the onset of the event",
  43. "Units": "milliseconds"
  44. },
  45. "value": {
  46. "Description": "the TTL trigger value (=EEG marker value) associated with an event",
  47. "Levels": {
  48. "1": "beginning of the experiment",
  49. "2": "end of the experiment",
  50. "3": "color of fixcross is changed to indicate start of new trial",
  51. "4": "onset of new sample within a trial (fixcross changes to white color)",
  52. "5": "subject chose *left* during sampling",
  53. "6": "subject chose *right* during sampling",
  54. "7": "subject chose *stop* during sampling",
  55. "8": "a masked outcome is shown after sampling (left side)",
  56. "9": "an outcome is revealed after sampling (left side)",
  57. "10": "a masked outcome is shown after sampling (right side)",
  58. "11": "an outcome is revealed after sampling (right side)",
  59. "12": "color of fixcross is changed to indicate start of a final choice",
  60. "13": "onset of new final choice at the end of trial (fixcross changes to white color)",
  61. "14": "subject chose *left* for final choice",
  62. "15": "subject chose *right* for final choice",
  63. "16": "a masked outcome is shown after final choice (left side)",
  64. "17": "an outcome is revealed after final choice (left side)",
  65. "18": "a masked outcome is shown after final choice (right side)",
  66. "19": "an outcome is revealed after final choice (right side)",
  67. "20": "color of fixcross is changed to indicate an error (ignore all markers prior to this marker within this trial)",
  68. "21": "subject took the maximum number of samples and wanted to take yet another one",
  69. "22": "subject tried to make a final choice before taking at least one sample",
  70. "23": "block feedback is displayed"
  71. }
  72. },
  73. "mag0_1": {
  74. "LongName": "magnitude 0_1",
  75. "Description": "the first of two possible magnitudes in outcomes for option 0"
  76. },
  77. "prob0_1": {
  78. "LongName": "probability 0_1",
  79. "Description": "the first of two possible probabilities in outcomes for option 0"
  80. },
  81. "mag0_2": {
  82. "LongName": "magnitude 0_2",
  83. "Description": "the second of two possible magnitudes in outcomes for option 0"
  84. },
  85. "prob0_2": {
  86. "LongName": "probability 0_2",
  87. "Description": "the second of two possible probabilities in outcomes for option 0"
  88. },
  89. "mag1_1": {
  90. "LongName": "magnitude 1_1",
  91. "Description": "the first of two possible magnitudes in outcomes for option 1"
  92. },
  93. "prob1_1": {
  94. "LongName": "probability 1_1",
  95. "Description": "the first of two possible probabilities in outcomes for option 1"
  96. },
  97. "mag1_2": {
  98. "LongName": "magnitude 1_2",
  99. "Description": "the second of two possible magnitudes in outcomes for option 1"
  100. },
  101. "prob1_2": {
  102. "LongName": "probability 1_2",
  103. "Description": "the second of two possible probabilities in outcomes for option 1"
  104. },
  105. "version": {
  106. "Description": "version of the experiment used for collecting this data."
  107. },
  108. "reset": {
  109. "Description": "boolean that describes whether of not to ignore events prior to this event in the current trial.",
  110. "Levels": {
  111. "0": "so far no error in this trial since the beginning or the last error",
  112. "1": "error committed: disregard all events prior to this event for the current trial."
  113. }
  114. },
  115. "system_time_stamp": {
  116. "Description": "system time in microseconds as measured from an arbitrary starting point. This should be used to connect the event with the eyetracking data.",
  117. "Units": "microseconds"
  118. }
  119. }