sub-0050208_task-rest_run-1_bold.json 2.8 KB

  1. {
  2. "aor": 0.009192833333333334,
  3. "aqi": 0.008272396166666668,
  4. "bids_meta": {
  5. "AcquisitionDuration": "6:10",
  6. "AcquisitionMatrix": "64x64",
  7. "EchoTime": 0.03,
  8. "FieldofViewDimensions": "220x220",
  9. "FieldofViewShape": "Rectangular",
  10. "FlipAngle": 90,
  11. "Instructions": "Participants were instructed to keep their eyes directed on a cross-hair in the center of the projector, relax, and try not to fall asleep for the duration of the scan.",
  12. "MagneicFieldStrength": 3,
  13. "Manufacturer": "GE",
  14. "ManufacturersModelName": "MR750",
  15. "NumberofMeasurements": 180.0,
  16. "ParallelAcquisition": "Yes",
  17. "ParallelAcquisitionTechnique": "ASSET",
  18. "ParallelReductionFactorIn-plane": 2.0,
  19. "PhaseEncodingDirection": "j-",
  20. "PixelSpacing": "3.4x3.4",
  21. "PlaneOrientationSequentialuence": "Axial",
  22. "PulseSequenceType": "EPI",
  23. "ReceiveCoilName": "8Ch",
  24. "ReceiveCoilType": "Head",
  25. "RepetitionTime": 2.0,
  26. "SliceAcquisitionOrder": "Interleaved Ascending",
  27. "SliceEncodingDirection": "k",
  28. "SliceThickness": 3.4,
  29. "SliceTiming": "n/a",
  30. "SpacingBetweenSlices": 3.4,
  31. "TaskName": "rest",
  32. "dataset": "unknown",
  33. "modality": "bold",
  34. "run_id": 1,
  35. "subject_id": "0050208",
  36. "task_id": "rest"
  37. },
  38. "dummy_trs": 0,
  39. "dvars_nstd": 20.52438269234637,
  40. "dvars_std": 1.074674580614525,
  41. "dvars_vstd": 0.9817569677653626,
  42. "efc": 0.3970775276020967,
  43. "fber": 67817.28125,
  44. "fd_mean": 0.23259096198435983,
  45. "fd_num": 80,
  46. "fd_perc": 44.44444444444444,
  47. "fwhm_avg": 3.006534697468697,
  48. "fwhm_x": 2.801149090909091,
  49. "fwhm_y": 3.412072727272727,
  50. "fwhm_z": 2.8063822742242737,
  51. "gcor": 0.0535475,
  52. "gsr_x": -0.007941405288875103,
  53. "gsr_y": 0.012049748562276363,
  54. "provenance": {
  55. "md5sum": "518392c8b779f6f0d97965b8733d755c",
  56. "settings": {
  57. "fd_thres": 0.2,
  58. "hmc_fsl": false
  59. },
  60. "software": "mriqc",
  61. "version": "0.15.2rc1",
  62. "webapi_port": null,
  63. "webapi_url": ""
  64. },
  65. "size_t": 180,
  66. "size_x": 64,
  67. "size_y": 64,
  68. "size_z": 42,
  69. "snr": 5.207795779728568,
  70. "spacing_tr": 2.0,
  71. "spacing_x": 3.4375,
  72. "spacing_y": 3.4375,
  73. "spacing_z": 3.4000000953674316,
  74. "summary_bg_k": 77.71748574994592,
  75. "summary_bg_mad": 28.107667922973633,
  76. "summary_bg_mean": 61.9243049621582,
  77. "summary_bg_median": 19.297222137451172,
  78. "summary_bg_n": 112380.0,
  79. "summary_bg_p05": 0.02222222276031971,
  80. "summary_bg_p95": 252.20612182617174,
  81. "summary_bg_stdv": 144.59878540039062,
  82. "summary_fg_k": 1.6976970286766635,
  83. "summary_fg_mad": 696.7159423828125,
  84. "summary_fg_mean": 4616.7685546875,
  85. "summary_fg_median": 4855.35009765625,
  86. "summary_fg_n": 26864.0,
  87. "summary_fg_p05": 2768.473315429688,
  88. "summary_fg_p95": 5763.55029296875,
  89. "summary_fg_stdv": 932.3060913085938,
  90. "tsnr": 51.02132034301758
  91. }