rh.aparc.pial.stats 6.5 KB

  1. # Table of FreeSurfer cortical parcellation anatomical statistics
  2. #
  3. # CreationTime 2017/10/11-02:10:45-GMT
  4. # generating_program mris_anatomical_stats
  5. # cvs_version $Id: mris_anatomical_stats.c,v 1.79 2016/03/14 15:15:34 greve Exp $
  6. # mrisurf.c-cvs_version $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.781.2.6 2016/12/27 16:47:14 zkaufman Exp $
  7. # cmdline mris_anatomical_stats -th3 -mgz -cortex ../label/rh.cortex.label -f ../stats/rh.aparc.pial.stats -b -a ../label/rh.aparc.annot -c ../label/aparc.annot.ctab 0051229 rh pial
  8. # sysname Linux
  9. # hostname tars-119
  10. # machine x86_64
  11. # user ntraut
  12. #
  13. # SUBJECTS_DIR /pasteur/projets/policy01/cinq/rto/data/abide/fs-6.0.0
  14. # anatomy_type surface
  15. # subjectname 0051229
  16. # hemi rh
  17. # AnnotationFile ../label/rh.aparc.annot
  18. # AnnotationFileTimeStamp 2017/10/11 03:24:45
  19. # Measure Cortex, NumVert, Number of Vertices, 144113, unitless
  20. # Measure Cortex, PialSurfArea, Pial Surface Total Area, 123860, mm^2
  21. # Measure Cortex, MeanThickness, Mean Thickness, 2.62154, mm
  22. # Measure BrainSeg, BrainSegVol, Brain Segmentation Volume, 1250030.000000, mm^3
  23. # Measure BrainSegNotVent, BrainSegVolNotVent, Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles, 1215607.000000, mm^3
  24. # Measure BrainSegNotVentSurf, BrainSegVolNotVentSurf, Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles from Surf, 1216485.515840, mm^3
  25. # Measure Cortex, CortexVol Total cortical gray matter volume, 586855.896458, mm^3
  26. # Measure SupraTentorial, SupraTentorialVol, Supratentorial volume, 1115099.515840, mm^3
  27. # Measure SupraTentorialNotVent, SupraTentorialVolNotVent, Supratentorial volume, 1083494.515840, mm^3
  28. # Measure EstimatedTotalIntraCranialVol, eTIV, Estimated Total Intracranial Volume, 1544042.678700, mm^3
  29. # NTableCols 10
  30. # TableCol 1 ColHeader StructName
  31. # TableCol 1 FieldName Structure Name
  32. # TableCol 1 Units NA
  33. # TableCol 2 ColHeader NumVert
  34. # TableCol 2 FieldName Number of Vertices
  35. # TableCol 2 Units unitless
  36. # TableCol 3 ColHeader SurfArea
  37. # TableCol 3 FieldName Surface Area
  38. # TableCol 3 Units mm^2
  39. # TableCol 4 ColHeader GrayVol
  40. # TableCol 4 FieldName Gray Matter Volume
  41. # TableCol 4 Units mm^3
  42. # TableCol 5 ColHeader ThickAvg
  43. # TableCol 5 FieldName Average Thickness
  44. # TableCol 5 Units mm
  45. # TableCol 6 ColHeader ThickStd
  46. # TableCol 6 FieldName Thickness StdDev
  47. # TableCol 6 Units mm
  48. # TableCol 7 ColHeader MeanCurv
  49. # TableCol 7 FieldName Integrated Rectified Mean Curvature
  50. # TableCol 7 Units mm^-1
  51. # TableCol 8 ColHeader GausCurv
  52. # TableCol 8 FieldName Integrated Rectified Gaussian Curvature
  53. # TableCol 8 Units mm^-2
  54. # TableCol 9 ColHeader FoldInd
  55. # TableCol 9 FieldName Folding Index
  56. # TableCol 9 Units unitless
  57. # TableCol 10 ColHeader CurvInd
  58. # TableCol 10 FieldName Intrinsic Curvature Index
  59. # TableCol 10 Units unitless
  60. # ColHeaders StructName NumVert SurfArea GrayVol ThickAvg ThickStd MeanCurv GausCurv FoldInd CurvInd
  61. bankssts 1483 1039 2856 2.654 0.431 0.120 0.024 20 1.8
  62. caudalanteriorcingulate 1107 787 1916 2.675 0.463 0.120 0.026 11 1.4
  63. caudalmiddlefrontal 3694 3034 7298 2.596 0.480 0.139 0.047 63 9.6
  64. cuneus 3117 2870 5512 2.228 0.574 0.163 0.039 46 5.8
  65. entorhinal 734 798 2240 3.198 1.228 0.185 0.049 15 1.6
  66. fusiform 5155 4499 11539 2.868 0.524 0.163 0.040 140 9.6
  67. inferiorparietal 9812 8489 20428 2.623 0.519 0.151 0.033 151 14.8
  68. inferiortemporal 5433 4871 12381 2.872 0.646 0.168 0.042 100 10.4
  69. isthmuscingulate 1677 1436 3200 2.468 0.920 0.165 0.045 55 2.8
  70. lateraloccipital 8363 7081 15277 2.409 0.605 0.150 0.037 132 13.7
  71. lateralorbitofrontal 4324 3567 8753 2.694 0.597 0.165 0.062 176 14.3
  72. lingual 5150 4386 9221 2.373 0.609 0.166 0.046 100 10.8
  73. medialorbitofrontal 3180 3042 6505 2.469 0.693 0.184 0.049 59 6.9
  74. middletemporal 5694 5751 14657 2.971 0.580 0.168 0.037 85 10.0
  75. parahippocampal 870 662 1698 2.817 0.635 0.145 0.038 15 1.4
  76. paracentral 2561 2158 5058 2.604 0.568 0.150 0.035 37 4.4
  77. parsopercularis 2546 2038 5215 2.732 0.517 0.146 0.034 38 3.7
  78. parsorbitalis 1375 1673 3750 2.790 0.712 0.222 0.048 22 3.2
  79. parstriangularis 2397 2217 5292 2.687 0.616 0.171 0.038 37 4.2
  80. pericalcarine 2729 1516 3087 1.965 0.496 0.115 0.032 58 3.5
  81. postcentral 6291 5245 10745 2.268 0.656 0.147 0.034 78 9.8
  82. posteriorcingulate 1817 1487 3665 2.633 0.740 0.164 0.048 43 3.6
  83. precentral 7972 6461 16007 2.634 0.572 0.140 0.033 122 11.9
  84. precuneus 6747 5087 12548 2.611 0.567 0.147 0.039 136 11.5
  85. rostralanteriorcingulate 1272 1187 2852 2.823 0.484 0.170 0.038 24 2.1
  86. rostralmiddlefrontal 10668 9759 20935 2.416 0.545 0.173 0.039 171 19.6
  87. superiorfrontal 12447 11301 28385 2.764 0.587 0.163 0.039 185 22.0
  88. superiorparietal 8648 7440 16125 2.405 0.507 0.157 0.037 131 13.9
  89. superiortemporal 5523 4805 12180 2.845 0.519 0.152 0.033 68 8.8
  90. supramarginal 6096 5005 12913 2.792 0.597 0.148 0.039 89 10.3
  91. frontalpole 521 672 1246 2.456 0.652 0.270 0.065 9 1.7
  92. temporalpole 622 908 2500 3.322 1.091 0.250 0.058 11 1.9
  93. transversetemporal 534 420 990 2.705 0.337 0.120 0.034 3 0.7
  94. insula 3569 2193 7766 3.235 0.744 0.135 0.037 63 6.1