lh.curv.stats 16 KB

  1. Raw <mean> +- <std> (using 'lh.curv'): -0.03950 +- 0.1905
  2. Raw Min: -3.07172 at vertex 173482
  3. Raw Max: 2.12918 at vertex 113727
  4. Raw Curvature Calculation Type: discrete
  5. Raw Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84468 +- 0.23240 mm
  6. Raw Total Surface Area: 104015.60156 mm^2
  7. Raw Total Number of Vertices: 173766
  8. Raw Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.59860 mm^2
  9. Raw Natural Surface Integral: -1995.38635
  10. Raw Rectified Surface Integral: 14088.56934
  11. Raw Positive Surface Integral: 6046.59180
  12. Raw Negative Surface Integral: 8041.97803
  13. Raw Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.01148 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  14. Raw Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.08108 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  15. Raw Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.07113 across 85010 (48.92%) vertices
  16. Raw Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.09061 across 88756 (51.08%) vertices
  17. Raw AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.01918 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  18. Raw AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.13545 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  19. Raw AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.11124 across 54356.601562 (52.26%) mm^2
  20. Raw AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.16194 across 49659.035156 (47.74%) mm^2
  21. Raw <mean> +- <std> (using 'lh.sulc'): 0.00000 +- 5.6911
  22. Raw Min: -13.19375 at vertex 132994
  23. Raw Max: 17.30018 at vertex 39861
  24. Raw Curvature Calculation Type: discrete
  25. Raw Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84468 +- 0.23240 mm
  26. Raw Total Surface Area: 104015.60156 mm^2
  27. Raw Total Number of Vertices: 173766
  28. Raw Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.59860 mm^2
  29. Raw Natural Surface Integral: 35490.21875
  30. Raw Rectified Surface Integral: 477056.06250
  31. Raw Positive Surface Integral: 256273.14062
  32. Raw Negative Surface Integral: 220782.92188
  33. Raw Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.20424 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  34. Raw Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 2.74539 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  35. Raw Mean Positive Surface Integral: 3.17634 across 80682 (46.43%) vertices
  36. Raw Mean Negative Surface Integral: 2.37187 across 93084 (53.57%) vertices
  37. Raw AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.34120 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  38. Raw AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 4.58642 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  39. Raw AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 5.06083 across 50638.582031 (48.68%) mm^2
  40. Raw AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 4.13629 across 53377.019531 (51.32%) mm^2
  41. K <mean> +- <std> (using 'lh.smoothwm'): 0.22639 +- 9.0691 mm^-2
  42. K Min: -119.12146 at vertex 111259
  43. K Max: 2180.77490 at vertex 108780
  44. K Curvature Calculation Type: discrete
  45. K Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84468 +- 0.23240 mm
  46. K Total Surface Area: 104015.60156 mm^2
  47. K Total Number of Vertices: 173766
  48. K Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.59860 mm^2
  49. K Natural Surface Integral: 12.56627
  50. K Rectified Surface Integral: 7346.66992
  51. K Positive Surface Integral: 3679.61816
  52. K Negative Surface Integral: 3667.05200
  53. K Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.00007 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  54. K Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.04228 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  55. K Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.04674 across 78721 (45.30%) vertices
  56. K Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.03858 across 95045 (54.70%) vertices
  57. K AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.00012 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  58. K AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.07063 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  59. K AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.10276 across 35806.515625 (34.42%) mm^2
  60. K AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.05376 across 68209.046875 (65.58%) mm^2
  61. H <mean> +- <std> (using 'lh.smoothwm'): -0.07796 +- 0.8670 mm^-1
  62. H Min: -48.61963 at vertex 173482
  63. H Max: 76.96271 at vertex 108780
  64. H Curvature Calculation Type: discrete
  65. H Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84468 +- 0.23240 mm
  66. H Total Surface Area: 104015.60156 mm^2
  67. H Total Number of Vertices: 173766
  68. H Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.59860 mm^2
  69. H Natural Surface Integral: -1740.42676
  70. H Rectified Surface Integral: 18734.81641
  71. H Positive Surface Integral: 8497.19531
  72. H Negative Surface Integral: 10237.62207
  73. H Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.01002 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  74. H Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.10782 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  75. H Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.09137 across 93000 (53.52%) vertices
  76. H Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.12676 across 80766 (46.48%) vertices
  77. H AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.01673 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  78. H AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.18012 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  79. H AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.14289 across 59466.140625 (57.17%) mm^2
  80. H AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.22980 across 44549.480469 (42.83%) mm^2
  81. k1 <mean> +- <std> (using 'lh.smoothwm'): -0.16307 +- 1.5790 mm^-1
  82. k1 Min: -85.14880 at vertex 173482
  83. k1 Max: 138.13855 at vertex 108780
  84. k1 Curvature Calculation Type: discrete
  85. k1 Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84468 +- 0.23240 mm
  86. k1 Total Surface Area: 104015.60156 mm^2
  87. k1 Total Number of Vertices: 173766
  88. k1 Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.59860 mm^2
  89. k1 Natural Surface Integral: -4905.38184
  90. k1 Rectified Surface Integral: 41771.98047
  91. k1 Positive Surface Integral: 18433.29883
  92. k1 Negative Surface Integral: 23338.67969
  93. k1 Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.02823 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  94. k1 Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.24039 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  95. k1 Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.19821 across 93000 (53.52%) vertices
  96. k1 Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.28897 across 80766 (46.48%) vertices
  97. k1 AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.04716 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  98. k1 AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.40160 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  99. k1 AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.30998 across 59466.140625 (57.17%) mm^2
  100. k1 AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.52388 across 44549.480469 (42.83%) mm^2
  101. k2 <mean> +- <std> (using 'lh.smoothwm'): 0.00715 +- 0.2418 mm^-1
  102. k2 Min: -12.09046 at vertex 173482
  103. k2 Max: 15.78687 at vertex 108780
  104. k2 Curvature Calculation Type: discrete
  105. k2 Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84468 +- 0.23240 mm
  106. k2 Total Surface Area: 104015.60156 mm^2
  107. k2 Total Number of Vertices: 173766
  108. k2 Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.59860 mm^2
  109. k2 Natural Surface Integral: 1424.52795
  110. k2 Rectified Surface Integral: 10623.39453
  111. k2 Positive Surface Integral: 6023.96143
  112. k2 Negative Surface Integral: 4599.43359
  113. k2 Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.00820 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  114. k2 Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.06114 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  115. k2 Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.06338 across 95047 (54.70%) vertices
  116. k2 Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.05843 across 78719 (45.30%) vertices
  117. k2 AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.01370 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  118. k2 AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.10213 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  119. k2 AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.10761 across 55980.699219 (53.82%) mm^2
  120. k2 AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.09575 across 48035.046875 (46.18%) mm^2
  121. S <mean> +- <std> (using 'lh.smoothwm'): 2.12570 +- 64.6534 mm^-2
  122. S Min: 0.00000 at vertex 3
  123. S Max: 14969.93457 at vertex 108780
  124. S Curvature Calculation Type: discrete
  125. S Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84468 +- 0.23240 mm
  126. S Total Surface Area: 104015.60156 mm^2
  127. S Total Number of Vertices: 173766
  128. S Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.59860 mm^2
  129. S Natural Surface Integral: 47531.44531
  130. S Rectified Surface Integral: 47531.44531
  131. S Positive Surface Integral: 47531.44531
  132. S Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000
  133. S Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.27354 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  134. S Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.27354 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  135. S Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.27354 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  136. S Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices
  137. S AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.45697 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  138. S AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.45697 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  139. S AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.45697 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  140. S AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2
  141. C <mean> +- <std> (using 'lh.smoothwm'): 0.48017 +- 1.0289 mm^-2
  142. C Min: 0.00000 at vertex 24633
  143. C Max: 98.31451 at vertex 108780
  144. C Curvature Calculation Type: discrete
  145. C Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84468 +- 0.23240 mm
  146. C Total Surface Area: 104015.60156 mm^2
  147. C Total Number of Vertices: 173766
  148. C Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.59860 mm^2
  149. C Natural Surface Integral: 31078.81641
  150. C Rectified Surface Integral: 31078.81641
  151. C Positive Surface Integral: 31078.81641
  152. C Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000
  153. C Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.17885 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  154. C Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.17885 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  155. C Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.17885 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  156. C Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices
  157. C AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.29879 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  158. C AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.29879 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  159. C AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.29879 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  160. C AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2
  161. BE <mean> +- <std> (using 'lh.smoothwm'): 2.57827 +- 81.1470 mm^-2
  162. BE Min: 0.00000 at vertex 24633
  163. BE Max: 19331.48438 at vertex 108780
  164. BE Curvature Calculation Type: discrete
  165. BE Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84468 +- 0.23240 mm
  166. BE Total Surface Area: 104015.60156 mm^2
  167. BE Total Number of Vertices: 173766
  168. BE Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.59860 mm^2
  169. BE Natural Surface Integral: 47554.61328
  170. BE Rectified Surface Integral: 47554.61328
  171. BE Positive Surface Integral: 47554.61328
  172. BE Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000
  173. BE Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.27367 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  174. BE Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.27367 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  175. BE Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.27367 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  176. BE Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices
  177. BE AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.45719 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  178. BE AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.45719 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  179. BE AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.45719 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  180. BE AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2
  181. FI <mean> +- <std> (using 'lh.smoothwm'): 2.21828 +- 71.7925 mm^-2
  182. FI Min: 0.00000 at vertex 3
  183. FI Max: 16901.48438 at vertex 108780
  184. FI Curvature Calculation Type: discrete
  185. FI Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84468 +- 0.23240 mm
  186. FI Total Surface Area: 104015.60156 mm^2
  187. FI Total Number of Vertices: 173766
  188. FI Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.59860 mm^2
  189. FI Natural Surface Integral: 37954.66797
  190. FI Rectified Surface Integral: 37954.66797
  191. FI Positive Surface Integral: 37954.66797
  192. FI Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000
  193. FI Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.21842 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  194. FI Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.21842 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  195. FI Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.21842 across 173766 (100.00%) vertices
  196. FI Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices
  197. FI AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.36490 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  198. FI AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.36490 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  199. FI AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.36490 across 104014.859375 (100.00%) mm^2
  200. FI AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2
  201. curv -- calculation type: discrete
  202. curv -- Folding Index (FI): 3020.33643
  203. curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - positive (ICIp): 292.81470
  204. curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - negative (ICIn): 291.81473
  205. curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - natural (ICIt): 0.99999
  206. Mean across 10 curvatures: 7.3554e-01 +- 1.0485e+00