123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134 |
- # Table of FreeSurfer cortical parcellation anatomical statistics
- #
- # CreationTime 2017/10/07-23:50:36-GMT
- # generating_program mris_anatomical_stats
- # cvs_version $Id: mris_anatomical_stats.c,v 1.79 2016/03/14 15:15:34 greve Exp $
- # mrisurf.c-cvs_version $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.781.2.6 2016/12/27 16:47:14 zkaufman Exp $
- # cmdline mris_anatomical_stats -th3 -mgz -cortex ../label/rh.cortex.label -f ../stats/rh.aparc.a2009s.stats -b -a ../label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot -c ../label/aparc.annot.a2009s.ctab 0051355 rh white
- # sysname Linux
- # hostname tars-110
- # machine x86_64
- # user ntraut
- #
- # SUBJECTS_DIR /pasteur/projets/policy01/cinq/rto/data/abide/fs-6.0.0
- # anatomy_type surface
- # subjectname 0051355
- # hemi rh
- # AnnotationFile ../label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot
- # AnnotationFileTimeStamp 2017/10/08 01:50:18
- # Measure Cortex, NumVert, Number of Vertices, 136517, unitless
- # Measure Cortex, WhiteSurfArea, White Surface Total Area, 87431.4, mm^2
- # Measure Cortex, MeanThickness, Mean Thickness, 2.714, mm
- # Measure BrainSeg, BrainSegVol, Brain Segmentation Volume, 1145926.000000, mm^3
- # Measure BrainSegNotVent, BrainSegVolNotVent, Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles, 1134805.000000, mm^3
- # Measure BrainSegNotVentSurf, BrainSegVolNotVentSurf, Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles from Surf, 1134894.083533, mm^3
- # Measure Cortex, CortexVol Total cortical gray matter volume, 534333.691639, mm^3
- # Measure SupraTentorial, SupraTentorialVol, Supratentorial volume, 984995.083533, mm^3
- # Measure SupraTentorialNotVent, SupraTentorialVolNotVent, Supratentorial volume, 977515.083533, mm^3
- # Measure EstimatedTotalIntraCranialVol, eTIV, Estimated Total Intracranial Volume, 1423633.507679, mm^3
- # NTableCols 10
- # TableCol 1 ColHeader StructName
- # TableCol 1 FieldName Structure Name
- # TableCol 1 Units NA
- # TableCol 2 ColHeader NumVert
- # TableCol 2 FieldName Number of Vertices
- # TableCol 2 Units unitless
- # TableCol 3 ColHeader SurfArea
- # TableCol 3 FieldName Surface Area
- # TableCol 3 Units mm^2
- # TableCol 4 ColHeader GrayVol
- # TableCol 4 FieldName Gray Matter Volume
- # TableCol 4 Units mm^3
- # TableCol 5 ColHeader ThickAvg
- # TableCol 5 FieldName Average Thickness
- # TableCol 5 Units mm
- # TableCol 6 ColHeader ThickStd
- # TableCol 6 FieldName Thickness StdDev
- # TableCol 6 Units mm
- # TableCol 7 ColHeader MeanCurv
- # TableCol 7 FieldName Integrated Rectified Mean Curvature
- # TableCol 7 Units mm^-1
- # TableCol 8 ColHeader GausCurv
- # TableCol 8 FieldName Integrated Rectified Gaussian Curvature
- # TableCol 8 Units mm^-2
- # TableCol 9 ColHeader FoldInd
- # TableCol 9 FieldName Folding Index
- # TableCol 9 Units unitless
- # TableCol 10 ColHeader CurvInd
- # TableCol 10 FieldName Intrinsic Curvature Index
- # TableCol 10 Units unitless
- # ColHeaders StructName NumVert SurfArea GrayVol ThickAvg ThickStd MeanCurv GausCurv FoldInd CurvInd
- G&S_frontomargin 889 577 2237 3.001 0.895 0.145 0.058 18 2.5
- G&S_occipital_inf 1738 1104 3909 2.919 0.597 0.145 0.040 31 2.7
- G&S_paracentral 1451 835 2346 2.376 0.574 0.130 0.056 19 3.1
- G&S_subcentral 1720 1086 3802 2.929 0.499 0.138 0.045 30 3.0
- G&S_transv_frontopol 1119 751 2875 2.891 0.663 0.166 0.056 31 2.6
- G&S_cingul-Ant 3171 2186 7257 2.987 0.596 0.139 0.048 48 6.2
- G&S_cingul-Mid-Ant 1457 970 2904 2.898 0.539 0.128 0.038 24 2.2
- G&S_cingul-Mid-Post 1677 1128 3654 3.027 0.491 0.136 0.044 25 2.9
- G_cingul-Post-dorsal 541 337 1592 3.347 0.737 0.157 0.045 12 0.9
- G_cingul-Post-ventral 287 171 803 3.180 0.940 0.144 0.048 5 0.5
- G_cuneus 2770 1729 4304 2.095 0.623 0.149 0.047 46 4.8
- G_front_inf-Opercular 1445 953 4023 3.049 0.547 0.148 0.053 27 3.0
- G_front_inf-Orbital 529 336 1481 3.001 0.463 0.157 0.065 14 1.4
- G_front_inf-Triangul 1675 1032 4000 2.899 0.600 0.162 0.062 36 4.3
- G_front_middle 5323 3260 12409 2.812 0.567 0.161 0.070 147 15.1
- G_front_sup 7866 4858 18285 2.953 0.742 0.154 0.069 201 23.6
- G_Ins_lg&S_cent_ins 770 506 1851 3.694 0.835 0.129 0.052 12 1.4
- G_insular_short 792 468 2343 3.548 0.767 0.143 0.082 18 3.1
- G_occipital_middle 2942 1780 6509 2.823 0.563 0.140 0.041 57 4.9
- G_occipital_sup 2019 1162 3120 2.299 0.523 0.132 0.051 35 3.9
- G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor 2248 1367 5490 3.096 0.627 0.140 0.049 49 3.9
- G_oc-temp_med-Lingual 2418 1532 3638 1.935 0.618 0.145 0.053 44 5.2
- G_oc-temp_med-Parahip 1046 619 2569 3.001 0.741 0.132 0.063 19 2.9
- G_orbital 2762 1756 8140 3.255 0.718 0.163 0.080 85 8.6
- G_pariet_inf-Angular 2777 1739 7521 3.020 0.637 0.140 0.048 56 5.1
- G_pariet_inf-Supramar 2526 1490 5426 2.780 0.693 0.134 0.067 52 6.9
- G_parietal_sup 2795 1721 5759 2.584 0.544 0.139 0.045 46 5.0
- G_postcentral 2139 1143 2710 1.959 0.491 0.124 0.050 34 4.4
- G_precentral 2947 1681 5280 2.503 0.616 0.133 0.063 56 8.0
- G_precuneus 2658 1685 6369 2.952 0.554 0.152 0.049 49 4.9
- G_rectus 893 561 2757 3.147 0.923 0.163 0.063 23 2.2
- G_subcallosal 505 301 948 3.221 0.922 0.092 0.052 5 0.9
- G_temp_sup-G_T_transv 535 297 1056 2.853 0.476 0.126 0.038 8 0.7
- G_temp_sup-Lateral 1723 1097 5330 3.413 0.586 0.142 0.051 31 3.4
- G_temp_sup-Plan_polar 914 585 2298 3.513 0.624 0.103 0.031 6 1.4
- G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo 921 587 1698 2.574 0.627 0.111 0.037 10 1.2
- G_temporal_inf 2806 1738 7120 2.937 0.899 0.148 0.071 67 8.2
- G_temporal_middle 3395 2013 10287 3.462 0.639 0.137 0.050 64 6.5
- Lat_Fis-ant-Horizont 354 239 567 2.458 0.459 0.101 0.023 2 0.4
- Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical 205 144 318 2.451 0.364 0.119 0.025 1 0.2
- Lat_Fis-post 1578 1050 2228 2.641 0.464 0.113 0.028 11 1.8
- Pole_occipital 4245 2544 6372 2.256 0.728 0.141 0.042 66 7.4
- Pole_temporal 1729 1133 5211 3.381 0.748 0.150 0.068 35 4.7
- S_calcarine 2404 1733 3065 2.059 0.657 0.149 0.041 32 4.4
- S_central 2822 1917 3000 1.869 0.440 0.127 0.037 21 4.8
- S_cingul-Marginalis 1308 899 2081 2.529 0.497 0.111 0.025 8 1.4
- S_circular_insula_ant 652 434 1056 2.956 0.564 0.119 0.037 6 1.1
- S_circular_insula_inf 1137 743 1762 2.918 0.551 0.095 0.022 5 1.1
- S_circular_insula_sup 1501 1003 2328 2.863 0.451 0.114 0.028 9 2.0
- S_collat_transv_ant 826 576 2316 3.489 0.632 0.129 0.041 13 1.3
- S_collat_transv_post 612 400 812 2.461 0.410 0.157 0.041 7 1.1
- S_front_inf 2313 1567 4118 2.653 0.481 0.134 0.038 25 3.8
- S_front_middle 1937 1329 3259 2.507 0.443 0.112 0.025 14 2.1
- S_front_sup 3069 2023 5023 2.648 0.537 0.131 0.049 41 6.4
- S_interm_prim-Jensen 582 417 857 2.353 0.395 0.121 0.022 4 0.6
- S_intrapariet&P_trans 4165 2735 6246 2.444 0.468 0.119 0.033 40 5.4
- S_oc_middle&Lunatus 1076 742 1388 2.236 0.337 0.109 0.021 6 1.0
- S_oc_sup&transversal 1508 1002 2157 2.423 0.357 0.119 0.025 13 1.4
- S_occipital_ant 914 624 1342 2.366 0.457 0.122 0.028 9 0.9
- S_oc-temp_lat 1323 892 2241 2.841 0.523 0.100 0.019 7 1.1
- S_oc-temp_med&Lingual 2157 1469 3283 2.483 0.532 0.109 0.025 15 2.1
- S_orbital_lateral 540 364 774 2.471 0.410 0.125 0.030 4 0.8
- S_orbital_med-olfact 655 461 1142 2.609 0.723 0.110 0.031 4 0.8
- S_orbital-H_Shaped 1218 808 2608 3.099 0.716 0.147 0.053 18 2.8
- S_parieto_occipital 2094 1408 3239 2.660 0.682 0.121 0.029 18 2.5
- S_pericallosal 1571 969 1227 1.602 0.501 0.128 0.027 28 1.7
- S_postcentral 2827 1868 3436 2.112 0.460 0.117 0.033 22 3.8
- S_precentral-inf-part 2063 1380 3496 2.674 0.457 0.126 0.036 25 2.9
- S_precentral-sup-part 1454 975 1920 2.288 0.458 0.130 0.040 18 2.3
- S_suborbital 363 260 677 2.674 0.967 0.150 0.038 4 0.7
- S_subparietal 1110 762 1872 2.679 0.556 0.133 0.036 12 1.9
- S_temporal_inf 1684 1127 2522 2.679 0.429 0.112 0.024 10 1.8
- S_temporal_sup 6108 4135 10792 2.871 0.466 0.102 0.022 37 5.5
- S_temporal_transverse 224 159 397 3.235 0.409 0.146 0.028 3 0.3