environment.yml 700 B

  1. name: prodcom-data
  2. channels: [conda-forge, nodefaults]
  3. dependencies:
  4. - python=3.10.*
  5. - pip=23.*
  6. - doit=0.*
  7. - rdflib=6.*
  8. - pytest=7.*
  9. - pandas=1.*
  10. - pip:
  11. # These github links can be replaced with plain names/versions once the
  12. # modules are published
  13. - git+https://github.com/probs-lab/probs-module-data-conversion.git@4d315d8ca3ececac90bb0687e76b65bce7ab83ac#egg=probs-module-data-conversion
  14. - probs-module-endpoint==2.0.0a2
  15. - probs-module-ontology==2.0.0a1
  16. - https://github.com/probs-lab/probs-runner/archive/04392bc6d4c14d92e7d9ba62ba469e61107feda4.zip
  17. # This version of RDFox will be installed into the Conda environment
  18. - rdfox==6.3.1