PRODCOM2017DATA.csv 622 KB

  2. 1,07101000,Iron ores and concentrates (excluding roasted iron pyrites),2205400,673700,9128730900,699218450,0,0,kg
  3. 2,07101010,Iron ores and concentrates. Non-agglomerated (excluding roasted iron pyrites),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4. 3,07101020,Iron ores and concentrates. Agglomerated (excluding roasted iron pyrites),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  5. 4,07291100,Copper ores and concentrates,331300,1626820,36700,181670,0,0,kg
  6. 5,07291200,Nickel ores and concentrates,4900,84000,28400,260580,0,0,kg
  7. 6,07291300,Aluminium ores and concentrates,4494600,2076280,14029400,6217100,0,0,kg
  8. 7,07291400,Precious metal ores and concentrates,88700,8291180,164200,349358550,0,0,kg
  9. 8,07291410,Silver ores and concentrates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  10. 9,07291420,Other precious-metal ores and concentrates (excl. silver ores and concentrates),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  11. 10,07291500,"Lead, zinc and tin ores and concentrates",18005300,14782090,1260700,3518130,:,:,kg
  12. 11,07291510,Lead ores and concentrates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  13. 12,07291520,Zinc ores and concentrates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  14. 13,07291530,Tin ores and concentrates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  15. 14,07291900,Other non-ferrous metal ores and concentrates,2027000,7969480,288907400,308762730,:,:,kg
  16. 15,07291905,Cobalt ores and concentrates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  17. 16,07291910,Chromium ores and concentrates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  18. 17,07291915,"Manganese ores and concentrates, including ferruginous manganese ores and concentrates with a manganese content of 20 % or more, calculated on the dry weight",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  19. 18,07291920,Tungsten ores and concentrates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  20. 19,07291925,Molybdenum ores and concentrates. Roasted.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  21. 20,07291926,Molybdenum ores and concentrates. Other than roasted,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  22. 21,07291930,Titanium ores and concentrates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  23. 22,07291935,Zirconium ores and concentrates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  24. 23,07291940,"Niobium, tantalum or vanadium ores and concentrates",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  25. 24,07291945,Antimony ores and concentrates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  26. 25,07291990,Other ores and concentrates n.e.s.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  27. 26,08111133,"Marble and travertine, crude or roughly trimmed",95000,142480,9012600,2196140,0,0,kg
  28. 27,08111136,Marble and travertine merely cut into rectangular or square blocks or slabs,701400,267910,6184600,6083840,0,0,kg
  29. 28,08111150,"Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone of an apparent specific gravity >= 2,5",37200,118010,14969600,5115550,0,0,kg
  30. 29,08111220,"Quartzite (crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  31. 30,08111233,"Granite, crude or roughly trimmed",72500,11270,2306513600,34935960,:,:,kg
  32. 31,08111236,Granite merely cut into rectangular (including square) blocks or slabs,13843400,2472050,57084600,19553070,:,:,kg
  33. 32,08111250,Sandstone,206500,83070,398534700,101542570,615830000,14534545,kg
  34. 33,08111260,Other monumental or building stone,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  35. 34,08111290,"Porphyry, basalt, quartzites and other monumental or building stone, crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut (excluding calcareous monumental or building stone of a gravity >= 2,5, granite and sandstone)",222500,292800,110336400,16122010,2484932000,49307037,kg
  36. 35,08112030,Gypsum and anhydrite,9201600,2335220,1523565100,23515660,0,0,kg
  37. 36,08112050,"Limestone flux, limestone and other calcareous stone used for the manufacture of lime or cement (excluding crushed limestone aggregate and calcareous dimension stone)",209182900,3857100,462832800,28777240,2362784000,23219684,kg
  38. 37,08113010,Chalk,25151200,3099260,13216500,1753840,794828000,11767256,kg
  39. 38,08113030,"Dolomite, crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut into rectangular or square blocks or slabs (excluding calcined or sintered dolomite, agglomerated dolomite and broken or crushed dolomite for concrete aggregates, road metalling or railway or other ballast)",273300,101730,241711500,9279320,:,:,kg
  40. 39,08114000,"Slate, crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut into rectangular or square blocks or slabs",68360300,1465700,77561700,21336560,:,18630728,kg
  41. 40,08121150,Silica sands (quartz sands or industrial sands),91001400,4581430,154051500,13671170,4490367000,93779872,kg
  42. 41,08121190,"Construction sands such as clayey sands; kaolinic sands; feldspathic sands (excluding silica sands, metal bearing sands)",120425200,8371740,329975900,13169490,17267469000,281166231,kg
  43. 42,08121210,"Gravel and pebbles of a kind used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast; shingle and flint",2289171900,21856780,301945000,8131880,31355644000,449037836,kg
  44. 43,08121230,"Crushed stone of a kind used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast (excluding gravel, pebbles, shingle and flint)",4304570300,35914220,124425700,3530680,60255156000,772111513,kg
  45. 44,08121235,"Limestone, dolomite and other calcareous stone, broken or crushed",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  46. 45,08121240,"Other broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast (excluding pebbles, gravel, shingle, flint, limestone, dolomite and other calcareous stone)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  47. 46,08121250,"Granules, chippings and powder of marble",387000,52700,126492000,10156380,0,0,kg
  48. 47,08121290,"Granules, chippings and powder of travertine, ecaussine, granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other monumental stone",48290100,4964900,105788800,7069260,1627245000,26412447,kg
  49. 48,08121300,"Mixtures of slag and similar industrial waste products, whether or not incorporating pebbles, gravel, shingle and flint for construction use",5100,5650,46500,12800,:,:,kg
  50. 49,08122140,"Kaolin, not calcined",:,:,:,:,779629000,:,kg
  51. 50,08122160,Kaolinitic clays (ball and plastic clays),643779400,53001700,4533700,2267460,:,:,kg
  52. 51,08122210,Bentonite,31920700,17202420,128865500,15272730,0,0,kg
  53. 52,08122230,Fireclay,1203300,919720,6274900,2288600,:,:,kg
  54. 53,08122250,"Common clays and shales for construction use (excluding bentonite, fireclay, expanded clays, kaolin and kaolinic clays); andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite; mullite; chamotte or dinas earths",101731100,14347710,171212300,36278320,312479000,1797712,kg
  55. 54,08122255,Bentonite,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  56. 55,08122260,"Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  57. 56,08122270,Mullite,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  58. 57,08122280,Chamotte or dinas earths,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  59. 58,08911100,Natural calcium phosphates; natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk,233700,245420,558400,327040,0,0,kg
  60. 59,08911200,Unroasted iron pyrites; crude or unrefined sulphur (including recovered sulphur),19709700,2550020,9381400,2291180,:,:,kg
  61. 60,08911220,Natural calcium phosphates; natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  62. 61,08911230,Crude or unrefined sulphur (including recovered sulphur),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  63. 62,08911900,Other chemical and fertiliser minerals,50628600,31194130,81847200,31449120,495285610,35695302,kg
  64. 63,08931000,"Salt (including denatured salt but excluding salt suitable for human consumption) and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free-flowing agents",246790900,22960270,537541300,62634210,2427579000,116948225,kg
  65. 64,08991000,Natural bitumen and natural asphalt; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks,47023900,2165610,572500,1241520,1642730000,100232699,kg
  66. 65,08992100,"Precious and semi-precious stones (excluding industrial diamonds), unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped",:,1332789930,:,1339460150,0,0,c/k
  67. 66,08992110,Diamonds unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  68. 67,08992120,"Precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones, unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  69. 68,08992200,"Industrial diamonds, unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted; pumice stone; emery; natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives",1602600,9104430,14356300,10996530,0,0,kg
  70. 69,08992210,"Industrial diamonds. Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted, but not mounted or set",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  71. 70,08992220,Pumice stone,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  72. 71,08992230,"Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives, whether or not heat-treated",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  73. 72,08992900,Other minerals,23640500,27829240,349163900,93182520,101677000,38722666,kg
  74. 73,100000Z1,"Prepared and preserved meat, meat offal or blood, including prepared meat and offal dishes",73965000,227101390,743538500,2684991250,1492751815,6393915612,kg
  75. 74,100000Z2,"Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, other aquatic invertebrates and seaweed, otherwise prepared or preserved, including prepared meals and dishes",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  76. 75,100000Z3,"Vegetables (except potatoes), preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, including prepared vegetable dishes",63674800,102819990,634847800,609850750,2048814384,6937096057,kg
  77. 76,100000Z4,"Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates and seaweed, frozen, dried, salted, in brine or otherwise prepared or preserved; Fish, otherwise prepared or preserved; Prepared meals and dishes based on fish, crustaceans and molluscs",69673100,472310470,309205800,1748591300,58992947,542559914,kg
  78. 77,10111140,"Fresh or chilled carcases, half-carcases and quarters with bone in, of beef and veal",21205300,59665790,40580300,150998820,176132109,586723625,kg
  79. 78,10111190,"Fresh or chilled cuts, of beef and veal",56678300,327192610,138264000,774309810,636856160,3963973901,kg
  80. 79,10111230,"Fresh or chilled carcases and half-carcases, of pig meat (including fresh meat packed with salt as a temporary preservative)",33801300,43279470,14673100,28584920,80148316,175420626,kg
  81. 80,10111250,"Fresh or chilled hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in, of pig meat (including fresh meat packed with salt as a temporary preservative)",11458200,20902690,115237100,217566850,179664339,412563450,kg
  82. 81,10111290,"Fresh or chilled pig meat (including fresh meat packed with salt as a temporary preservative; excluding carcases and half-carcases, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in)",48933300,101955840,212353900,549848850,287916066,997980996,kg
  83. 82,10111300,"Fresh or chilled carcases, half-carcases and cuts, of lamb or sheep",77577900,397778670,31490600,202999520,248708757,1506766514,kg
  84. 83,10111400,"Meat of goats, fresh or chilled",25000,28130,43600,192820,0,0,kg
  85. 84,10111500,"Meat of horses and other equines, fresh or chilled",540600,1541600,0,0,0,0,kg
  86. 85,10112000,"Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses and other equines, fresh or chilled",27276800,39099700,6237400,12590330,142519530,139530268,kg
  87. 86,10113100,"Frozen carcases, half-carcases, quarters and cuts, of beef and veal",26222400,69863380,72721800,200796000,35329462,140064106,kg
  88. 87,10113230,"Frozen carcases and half-carcases, of pig meat",79300,511860,872600,2827390,:,:,kg
  89. 88,10113250,"Frozen hams, shoulders and cuts with bone in, of pig meat",15422800,19822270,1710700,5026870,:,:,kg
  90. 89,10113290,"Frozen pig meat (excluding carcases and half-carcases, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in)",104226000,146191660,87796600,202312500,121268162,165422565,kg
  91. 90,10113300,"Frozen carcases, half-carcases and cuts, of lamb or sheep",11642600,38382390,43794800,201533630,7080702,30120798,kg
  92. 91,10113400,"Frozen meat, of goats",161500,832020,194400,841700,0,0,kg
  93. 92,10113500,"Frozen meat, of horses and other equines",100,3990,3200,4930,0,0,kg
  94. 93,10113910,"Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses and other equines, frozen",100524600,130729180,24875400,33219010,41145046,34682378,kg
  95. 94,10113930,"Fresh, chilled or frozen edible meat and offal (including meat and offal of rabbits, hares and game; excluding frog legs, and meat and offal of poultry, bovine and equine animals, swine, sheep and goat)",2990400,14135760,3770300,17577010,3803313,24244014,kg
  96. 95,10114100,Greasy wool not carded or combed (including fleece-washed wool) (excluding shorn wool),578400,1927130,130900,250490,0,0,kg
  97. 96,10114200,"Raw hides and skins of bovine or equine animals, whole (except those linked to HS 4101 90)",3838169,127877620,500746,28665310,5950857,142515428,p/st
  98. 97,10114300,Other raw hides and skins of bovine and equine animals,2721800,1532050,415000,1872800,:,:,kg
  99. 98,10114400,Skins of sheep or lambs,16609515,52560540,608134,1379850,8795863,23056566,p/st
  100. 99,10114500,"Raw hides and skins of goats or kids but not tanned, fresh or preserved",:,30380,:,42760,0,0,p/st
  101. 100,10115040,Pig fat free of lean meat; fresh; chilled; frozen; salted; in brine or smoked (excluding rendered),4236600,2422880,4140500,3343180,22453147,12495010,kg
  102. 101,10115060,Lard and other pig fat; rendered,2605700,1709520,12619100,12341630,5327701,5694275,kg
  103. 102,10115070,Fats of bovine animals; sheep or goats; raw or rendered,93301200,66150540,17989600,10576040,177036480,94754012,kg
  104. 103,10116030,"Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals, whole or in pieces (excluding fish)",11718900,29279620,4316400,21663330,58821000,64687967,kg
  105. 104,10116090,"Animal disposal, unfit for human consumption (excluding fish, guts, bladders and stomachs)",61281500,26825420,118235600,74295740,557275310,74480705,kg
  106. 105,101200Z1,"Fresh or chilled or frozen whole geese, ducks and guinea fowls",3163400,7883810,7043800,19666220,:,:,kg
  107. 106,101200Z2,"Fresh or chilled or frozen cuts of geese, ducks and guinea fowls",2640400,4104940,3604800,17507770,:,:,kg
  108. 107,101200Z3,Fresh or chilled or frozen poultry offal (excluding fresh or chilled fatty livers of geese and ducks),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  109. 108,10121010,Fresh or chilled whole chickens,11361900,5938640,43433800,84250700,539791741,1145270170,kg
  110. 109,10121020,Fresh or chilled whole turkeys,210100,333860,1178500,4364000,6967332,36954612,kg
  111. 110,10121030,"Fresh or chilled whole geese, ducks and guinea fowls",:,:,:,:,:,26605222,kg
  112. 111,10121040,Fresh or chilled fatty livers of geese and ducks,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  113. 112,10121050,Fresh or chilled cuts of chicken,115095300,71696320,178378100,525664030,803916907,2923363409,kg
  114. 113,10121060,Fresh or chilled cuts of turkey,10264200,13801480,26589400,97065020,54292884,251578131,kg
  115. 114,10121070,"Fresh or chilled cuts of geese, ducks and guinea fowls",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  116. 115,10122013,Frozen whole chickens,11204200,3763650,16266600,46064810,1500459,3053601,kg
  117. 116,10122015,Frozen whole turkeys,246100,857810,1287800,9194820,:,:,kg
  118. 117,10122017,"Frozen whole geese, ducks and guinea fowls",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  119. 118,10122053,Frozen cuts of chicken,141426600,157467210,127970600,382778880,225427275,416088152,kg
  120. 119,10122055,Frozen cuts of turkey,16268000,25679520,12036000,26848730,12616584,29528785,kg
  121. 120,10122057,"Frozen cuts of ducks, geese and guinea fowls",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  122. 121,10122080,Frozen poultry livers,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  123. 122,10123000,Fats of poultry,31282900,19260270,5376700,5370510,:,18839472,kg
  124. 123,10124000,Edible offal of poultry,23564500,16993240,11486200,8128100,202368466,33100254,kg
  125. 124,10124020,Fresh or chilled poultry offal (excluding fatty livers of geese and ducks),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  126. 125,10124050,Frozen poultry offal (excluding liver),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  127. 126,10125000,"Prepared skins of birds with feathers or down, feathers, etc.",25400,605780,484200,5323830,:,:,kg
  128. 127,10131120,"Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in, of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked",505300,1279540,3044800,12662530,85219090,398400767,kg
  129. 128,10131150,"Bellies and cuts thereof of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked",2133100,12485520,17636300,63456090,22268982,87051000,kg
  130. 129,10131180,"Pig meat salted, in brine, dried or smoked (including bacon, 3/4 sides/middles, fore-ends, loins and cuts thereof; excluding hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in, bellies and cuts thereof)",15865700,45108500,185855200,528108400,269887555,1120796879,kg
  131. 130,10131200,"Beef and veal salted, in brine, dried or smoked",71200,440980,1448100,6093410,218341,1538777,kg
  132. 131,10131300,"Meat salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal (excluding pig meat, beef and veal salted, in brine, dried or smoked)",4282900,13301520,46156700,103627050,654812,6126593,kg
  133. 132,10131430,Liver sausages and similar products and food preparations based thereon (excluding prepared meals and dishes),:,:,:,:,89377,255512,kg
  134. 133,10131460,"Sausages and similar products of meat, offal or blood and food preparations based thereon (excluding liver sausages and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,349519719,1053541241,kg
  135. 134,10131505,Prepared or preserved goose or duck liver (excluding sausages and prepared meals and dishes),:,:,:,:,426439,4716712,kg
  136. 135,10131515,Prepared or preserved liver of other animals (excluding sausages and prepared meals and dishes),:,:,:,:,5386485,8856240,kg
  137. 136,10131525,"Prepared or preserved meat or offal of turkeys (excluding sausages, preparations of liver and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,32132035,162303946,kg
  138. 137,10131535,"Other prepared or preserved poultry meat (excluding sausages, preparations of liver and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,178546390,890527793,kg
  139. 138,10131545,Prepared or preserved meat of swine: hams and cuts thereof (excluding prepared meals and dishes),:,:,:,:,141163007,793812951,kg
  140. 139,10131555,"Prepared or preserved meat of swine: shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine (excluding prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,2042103,6909099,kg
  141. 140,10131565,"Prepared or preserved meat, offal and mixtures of domestic swine, including mixtures, containing < 40 % meat or offal of any kind and fats of any kind (excluding sausages and similar products, homogenised preparations, preparations of liver and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,46170392,265556025,kg
  142. 141,10131575,"Other prepared or preserved meat, offal and mixtures of swine, including mixtures (excluding sausages and similar products, homogenised preparations, preparations of liver and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,75969922,306119749,kg
  143. 142,10131585,"Prepared or preserved meat or offal of bovine animals (excluding sausages and similar products, homogenised preparations, preparations of liver and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,236131388,952664058,kg
  144. 143,10131595,"Other prepared or preserved meat or offal, including blood (excluding sausages and similar products, homogenised preparations, preparations of liver and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,14834232,63422953,kg
  145. 144,10131600,"Flours, meals and pellets of meat or meat offal unfit for human consumption; greaves",182952100,69472850,29633700,20350080,384813761,145817697,kg
  146. 145,10139100,Cooking and other preparation services for the production of meat products,:,:,:,:,:,7277539,:
  147. 146,10201100,"Fresh or chilled fish fillets and fish meat, whether or not minced",16855200,117863340,21532800,180954750,52706280,633230292,kg
  148. 147,10201110,"Fresh or chilled fish fillets and fish meat (including shark fins), whether or not minced",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  149. 148,10201200,Fresh or chilled fish livers and roes,234800,694530,79400,265060,0,0,kg
  150. 149,10201330,Frozen whole salt water fish,125410700,153543530,37731200,125465370,150076015,173292117,kg
  151. 150,10201360,Frozen whole fresh water fish,384100,1133550,13675400,44175220,0,0,kg
  152. 151,10201400,Frozen fish fillets,22559700,74519420,151827700,707614830,27130314,103390101,kg
  153. 152,10201500,"Frozen fish meat, whether or not minced (excluding fillets)",9395600,17531070,9191900,33380310,:,:,kg
  154. 153,10201510,"Frozen fish meat, whether or not minced (excluding fillets and surimi)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  155. 154,10201520,Frozen surimi raw,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  156. 155,10201600,Frozen fish livers and roes,1758600,2363610,214100,1054530,0,0,kg
  157. 156,10202100,"Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked",2540500,11532180,1031900,3711050,2061554,6767655,kg
  158. 157,10202200,"Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption; fish livers and roes, dried, smoked, salted or in brine",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  159. 158,10202250,"Fish livers, roes, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal dried, smoked, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption",632500,1551710,707800,2597630,29662566,8145596,kg
  160. 159,10202300,"Dried fish, whether or not salted; fish, salted but not dried; fish in brine (excluding fillets, smoked)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  161. 160,10202350,"Dried fish, whether or not salted; fish, salted but not dried; fish in brine (excluding fillets, smoked, heads, tails and maws)",2145400,4810540,1822400,11398980,:,:,kg
  162. 161,10202420,"Smoked Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon (including fillets)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  163. 162,10202425,"Smoked Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon (including fillets, excluding heads, tails and maws)",4838900,57578130,3422400,46611770,23783860,467016095,kg
  164. 163,10202450,Smoked herrings (including fillets),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  165. 164,10202455,"Smoked herrings (including fillets, excluding heads, tails and maws)",128800,672630,335500,495360,2295311,11299577,kg
  166. 165,10202470,"Smoked trout (incl. fillets, excluding heads, tails and maws)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  167. 166,10202475,"Smoked fish (excl. herrings, trout , Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  168. 167,10202480,"Smoked fish (including fillets) (excluding Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon, herrings)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  169. 168,10202485,"Smoked fish (excluding herrings, Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon), including fillets, excluding head, tails and maws",349600,2192200,11382100,24949900,16643086,165201273,kg
  170. 169,10202510,"Prepared or preserved salmon, whole or in pieces (excluding minced products and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,:,22770256,kg
  171. 170,10202520,"Prepared or preserved herrings, whole or in pieces (excluding minced products and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  172. 171,10202530,"Prepared or preserved sardines, sardinella, brisling and sprats, whole or in pieces (excluding minced products and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  173. 172,10202540,"Prepared or preserved tuna, skipjack and Atlantic bonito, whole or in pieces (excluding minced products and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  174. 173,10202550,"Prepared or preserved mackerel, whole or in pieces (excluding minced products and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  175. 174,10202560,"Prepared or preserved anchovies, whole or in pieces (excluding minced products and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  176. 175,10202570,Fish fillets in batter or breadcrumbs including fish fingers (excluding prepared meals and dishes),:,:,:,:,105180475,553024513,kg
  177. 176,10202580,"Other fish, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces (excluding minced products and prepared meals and dishes)",:,:,:,:,1026000,14325801,kg
  178. 177,10202590,Prepared or preserved fish (excluding whole or in pieces and prepared meals and dishes),:,:,:,:,4191027,27658070,kg
  179. 178,10202630,Caviar (sturgeon roe),16200,201250,78800,2738470,0,0,kg
  180. 179,10202660,Caviar substitutes,8200,85150,284100,2348520,0,0,kg
  181. 180,10203100,"Crustaceans frozen, dried, salted or in brine",:,:,:,:,22200962,279994753,kg
  182. 181,10203200,"Molluscs (scallops, mussels, cuttle fish, squid and octopus), frozen, dried, smoked, salted or in brine",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  183. 182,10203250,"Molluscs (scallops, mussels, cuttle fish, squid and octopus), frozen, dried, salted or in brine",:,:,:,:,12204911,70796309,kg
  184. 183,10203300,"Other aquatic invertebrates (striped venus, jellyfish, etc.), frozen, dried, smoked, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, fit for human consumption, frozen, dried, smoked, salted or in brine",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  185. 184,10203350,"Other aquatic invertebrates (striped venus, jellyfish, etc.), frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, fit for human consumption, frozen, dried, salted or in brine",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  186. 185,10203400,"Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates and seaweed, otherwise prepared or preserved",:,:,:,:,24587074,191768853,kg
  187. 186,10204100,"Flours, meals and pellets of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption",31176000,46181200,77451900,101002100,:,:,kg
  188. 187,10204200,"Other inedible products of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates or seaweed (including fish waste; excluding whalebone and whalebone hair, coral or similar materials, shells an cuttle-bone, unworked or simply prepared/natural sponges)",7544800,3873550,7602300,13789700,15107904,3599986,kg
  189. 188,10204250,"Fish heads, tails and maws, other edible fish offal: dried, salted or in brine, smoked",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  190. 189,10311110,"Frozen potatoes, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water",19727300,11891500,37767800,48958510,:,:,kg
  191. 190,10311130,"Frozen potatoes, prepared or preserved (including potatoes cooked or partly cooked in oil and then frozen; excluding by vinegar or acetic acid)",51101300,54345170,612456700,497938850,434015676,531647028,kg
  192. 191,10311200,Dried potatoes whether or not cut or sliced but not further prepared,20800,148140,4494400,4053550,0,0,kg
  193. 192,10311300,"Dried potatoes in the form of flour, meal, flakes, granules and pellets",2951900,3180250,47960400,43407520,:,:,kg
  194. 193,10311430,"Potatoes prepared or preserved in the form of flour, meal or flakes (excluding frozen, crisps, by vinegar or acetic acid)",1931000,7045560,1909700,4932990,0,0,kg
  195. 194,10311460,"Potatoes prepared or preserved, including crisps (excluding frozen, dried, by vinegar or acetic acid, in the form of flour, meal or flakes)",52571400,169380460,40651400,65033500,201446248,656494462,kg
  196. 195,10321100,Tomato juice,:,818910,:,13749910,10985990,8004152,l
  197. 196,10321210,Frozen unconcentrated orange juice,187700,323100,15234600,12972500,0,0,kg
  198. 197,10321220,Unconcentrated orange juice (excluding frozen),:,24816650,:,295453690,367845919,328704073,l
  199. 198,10321230,Orange juice n.e.c.,:,11663610,:,58141460,:,:,l
  200. 199,10321300,Grapefruit juice,:,415640,:,18783850,5296699,4464622,l
  201. 200,10321400,Pineapple juice,:,2730430,:,25463600,:,:,l
  202. 201,10321500,Grape juice (including grape must),:,4316520,:,20655010,:,:,l
  203. 202,10321600,Apple juice,:,4449220,:,118930500,172579988,96971494,l
  204. 203,10321700,Mixtures of fruit and vegetable juices,:,64036070,:,215679460,288562494,243407440,l
  205. 204,10321910,Unconcentrated juice of any single citrus fruit (excluding orange and grapefruit),:,2003240,:,35227510,:,:,l
  206. 205,10321920,"Unconcentrated juice of any single fruit or vegetable, not fermented and not containing added spirit (excluding orange, grapefruit, pineapple, tomato, grape and apple juices)",:,12475080,:,80361390,:,:,l
  207. 206,10321930,Other fruit and vegetable juices n.e.c.,:,2393510,:,14008270,:,:,l
  208. 207,10391100,"Frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water (excluding potatoes)",55228400,53470740,365333200,322392430,256490165,294930818,kg
  209. 208,10391200,"Vegetables provisionally preserved by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption",576200,966710,20391900,17981510,0,0,kg
  210. 209,10391330,"Dried onions, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared",394800,1222620,12304300,25256720,:,:,kg
  211. 210,10391350,"Dried mushrooms and truffles, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared",19200,201860,1580100,8959130,0,0,kg
  212. 211,10391390,"Dried vegetables (excluding potatoes, onions, mushrooms and truffles) and mixtures of vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared",907900,5110570,13151500,45174550,334682,2236874,kg
  213. 212,10391500,"Beans, preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, except prepared vegetable dishes",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  214. 213,10391600,"Peas, preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, except prepared vegetable dishes",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  215. 214,10391710,"Preserved tomatoes, whole or in pieces (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and tomatoes preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  216. 215,10391721,Unconcentrated tomato puree and paste,1216200,979590,36277400,27561890,:,:,kg
  217. 216,10391725,Concentrated tomato puree and paste,477600,904100,123412300,103975540,0,0,kg
  218. 217,10391730,"Prepared or preserved mushrooms and truffles (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and mushrooms and truffles dried, frozen or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)",:,:,:,:,1179621,4328881,kg
  219. 218,10391740,"Frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables (excluding prepared vegetable dishes, frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)",:,:,:,:,27043144,34393786,kg
  220. 219,10391750,"Preserved sauerkraut (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and sauerkraut dried, frozen or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  221. 220,10391760,"Preserved asparagus (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and asparagus dried, frozen or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  222. 221,10391770,"Prepared or preserved olives (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and olives dried, frozen or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)",:,:,:,:,11607442,52983449,kg
  223. 222,10391780,"Prepared or preserved sweetcorn (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and sweetcorn dried, frozen or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)",:,:,:,:,20296,:,kg
  224. 223,10391790,"Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, n.e.c. (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables)",:,:,:,:,630956557,1460308896,kg
  225. 224,10391800,"Vegetables (excluding potatoes), fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid",7332700,17826600,109766400,148636290,81001461,141353075,kg
  226. 225,10392100,Frozen fruit and nuts uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water,4980000,11413440,80902100,159026530,0,0,kg
  227. 226,10392230,"Citrus fruit jams, marmalades, jellies, purees or pastes, being cooked preparations (excluding homogenised preparations)",5113100,11023370,5309500,10200420,26884557,62245771,kg
  228. 227,10392290,"Jams, marmalades, fruit jellies, fruit or nut purees and pastes, being cooked preparations (excluding of citrus fruit, homogenised preparations)",9618800,30998890,61822000,128170440,95390012,224396865,kg
  229. 228,10392330,"Prepared or preserved groundnuts (including peanut butter; excluding by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, purees and pastes)",11000400,34868100,23167600,62294860,57998513,197374154,kg
  230. 229,10392390,"Prepared or preserved nuts (other than groundnuts); and other seeds and mixtures (excluding by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, purees and pastes, preserved by sugar)",2888500,19181190,34549000,133629860,13725107,110920871,kg
  231. 230,10392410,"Peel of citrus fruit or melons, fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions",179500,638530,671200,2255620,:,:,kg
  232. 231,10392430,"Other fruit and nuts provisionally preserved by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable for immediate consumption",1184600,1257990,7580200,9232310,1632812,1527371,kg
  233. 232,10392500,"Groundnuts and nuts, shelled and sunflower seeds, peeled",7051500,57068860,160858500,591873590,3118210,32021171,kg
  234. 233,10392510,Dried grapes,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  235. 234,10392520,"Dried fruit (excluding bananas, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, citrus fruit and grapes); mixtures of nuts or dried fruits",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  236. 235,10392550,"Fruit, prepared or preserved, n.e.c. (excluding Müsli)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  237. 236,10392910,Dried grapes,3153700,6954630,103323500,165680830,11982432,:,kg
  238. 237,10392920,"Dried fruit (excluding dates, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, citrus fruit and grapes); mixtures of dried nuts and/or dried fruits",4839600,21896270,48115200,184015730,25067364,132212805,kg
  239. 238,10392930,Dried fruit (excluding grapes); mixtures of dried nuts and/or dried fruits,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  240. 239,10392950,"Fruit, prepared or preserved, n.e.c. (excluding Müsli)",9343000,37124250,195620500,301058560,247178091,549846579,kg
  241. 240,10393000,"Vegetable by-products and waste for animal consumption, n.e.c.",32054600,6624840,598519500,95032950,476284448,7830769,kg
  242. 241,10399100,"Cooking and other preparation services (concentration, etc.) for the preservation of fruit and vegetables",:,:,:,:,:,186818301,:
  243. 242,10411100,"Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and tallow oil (excluding emulsified, mixed or otherwise prepared)",55710900,34411750,8851800,4294890,:,:,kg
  244. 243,10411200,Fats and oils and their fractions of fish or marine mammals (excluding chemically modified),11777900,37385350,20770000,42328100,:,21340983,kg
  245. 244,10411900,"Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined (excluding chemically modified)",4670400,3731250,988600,2558580,0,0,kg
  246. 245,10412100,Crude soya-bean oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  247. 246,10412110,Crude groundnut oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),5600,27870,62400,239960,0,0,kg
  248. 247,10412200,Crude groundnut oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  249. 248,10412210,Virgin olive oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),937900,4433840,37549900,145003630,932051,7807955,kg
  250. 249,10412220,"Oils and their fractions obtained solely from olives, crude (including those blended with virgin olive oil, refined) (excluding virgin olive oil and chemically modified oils)",0,0,1300,2710,0,0,kg
  251. 250,10412300,Crude sunflower-seed and safflower oil and their fractions (excluding chemically modified),19416200,18661590,224741300,174064240,:,:,kg
  252. 251,10412310,Virgin olive oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  253. 252,10412330,"Oils and their fractions obtained solely from olives, crude (including those blended with virgin olive oil, refined) (excluding virgin olive oil and chemically modified oils)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  254. 253,10412400,Crude sunflower-seed and safflower oil and their fractions (excluding chemically modified),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  255. 254,10412410,"Crude rape, colza or mustard oil and their fractions (excluding chemically modified)",40269600,35155980,49455600,19734020,:,:,kg
  256. 255,10412500,Crude cotton-seed oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  257. 256,10412510,Crude palm oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),10159200,9358920,201191900,142805790,0,0,kg
  258. 257,10412600,"Crude rape, colza or mustard oil and their fractions (excluding chemically modified)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  259. 258,10412700,Crude palm oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  260. 259,10412800,Crude coconut (copra) oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  261. 260,10412900,"Other vegetable oils, crude (excluding chemically modified oils)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  262. 261,10412910,"Other vegetable oils, crude (excluding chemically modified oils)",17810300,29332110,107333600,106707050,:,:,kg
  263. 262,10413000,Cotton linters,64400,180870,20800,74410,0,0,kg
  264. 263,10414130,Oilcake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil,77001900,23605980,1914213500,649975870,:,:,kg
  265. 264,10414150,Oilcake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of sunflower seed fats or oils,36000,103970,451059200,77947000,0,0,kg
  266. 265,10414170,Oilcake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of rape or colza seed fats or oils,94562400,19066910,153397400,33054050,:,:,kg
  267. 266,10414190,"Oilcake and other solid residues from extraction of vegetable fats/oils (including cotton seeds, linseed, coconut, copra, palm nuts or kernels; excluding soya beans, sunflower, rape or colza seeds)",5675000,1352740,444697800,56364370,0,0,kg
  268. 267,10414200,Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits (excluding of mustard),436800,1767600,7019000,10175080,23194194,14697663,kg
  269. 268,10415100,Refined soya-bean oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),10594300,12340120,102835100,79403800,:,:,kg
  270. 269,10415200,Refined groundnut oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),150200,607420,3000000,5061870,:,:,kg
  271. 270,10415310,Refined olive oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),969300,4906720,33875300,105568990,:,:,kg
  272. 271,10415330,"Oils and their fractions obtained solely from olives (including those blended with virgin olive oil, refined) (excluding crude oils, virgin olive oil and chemically modified oils)",319800,675460,4206400,9629010,:,:,kg
  273. 272,10415400,Refined sunflower-seed and safflower oil and their fractions (excluding chemically modified),14592500,17317330,111110900,100208370,:,67711910,kg
  274. 273,10415500,Refined cotton-seed oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),6500,149800,104800,217420,0,0,kg
  275. 274,10415600,"Refined rape, colza or mustard oil and their fractions (excluding chemically modified)",47861200,45816270,80704200,64707180,:,:,kg
  276. 275,10415700,Refined palm oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),27673000,32879760,213328400,164107730,329257949,282613754,kg
  277. 276,10415800,Refined coconut (copra) oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),686700,3999500,17151800,35835470,:,:,kg
  278. 277,10415900,"Other oils and their fractions, refined but not chemically modified; fixed vegetable fats and other vegetable oils (except maize oil) and their fractions n.e.c. refined but not chemically modified",8017000,26568810,30919400,73760230,4255921,16858111,kg
  279. 278,10416030,"Animal fats and oils and their fractions partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, but not further prepared (including refined)",20904900,23981840,2642700,8893680,2406016,:,kg
  280. 279,10416050,"Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, but not further prepared (including refined)",17389000,25493710,26672100,49071760,:,:,kg
  281. 280,10417100,Vegetable waxes (including refined) (excluding triglycerides),360900,2002320,1216600,4685430,0,0,kg
  282. 281,10417200,Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes,931600,847510,103900,213160,:,:,kg
  283. 282,10421030,Margarine and reduced and low fat spreads (excluding liquid margarine),11583000,26275830,50572900,68988110,79056370,69479964,kg
  284. 283,10421050,"Other edible preparations of fats and oils, including liquid margarine",12387900,27687980,25552300,36690600,124455089,203529264,kg
  285. 284,10511133,"Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 1 %, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of a net content <= 2 l",10065800,6995480,23215600,12978240,371010000,185947962,kg
  286. 285,10511137,"Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 1 %, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of a net content > 2 l",5360100,6430980,32096800,9436970,464800000,221987749,kg
  287. 286,10511142,"Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 1 % but <= 6 %, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of a net content <= 2 l",56126400,24699670,51989400,34505000,2833156000,1504033445,kg
  288. 287,10511148,"Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 1 % but <= 6 %, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of a net content > 2 l",743712100,260594630,124260500,42520340,3496159000,1585172300,kg
  289. 288,10511210,"Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 6 % but <= 21 %, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of <= 2 l",1508300,999840,1900900,3548550,:,42151551,kg
  290. 289,10511220,"Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 6 % but <= 21 %, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of > 2 l",1775700,3314680,917900,1729700,38112000,33440177,kg
  291. 290,10511230,"Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 21 %, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of <= 2 l",5151600,12717770,13953600,24605510,83503000,167439287,kg
  292. 291,10511240,"Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 21 %, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of > 2 l",18193300,50221480,10495300,32810630,214442000,475912259,kg
  293. 292,10512130,"Skimmed milk powder (milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5 %), in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg",2334300,11005300,4629700,13595560,:,13169151,kg
  294. 293,10512160,"Skimmed milk powder (milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5 %), in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg",52686200,120104260,29236400,55200850,72152000,151989916,kg
  295. 294,10512230,"Whole milk powder or full cream powder (milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 1,5 %), in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg",3756400,44318470,4520900,9301320,:,:,kg
  296. 295,10512260,"Whole milk powder or full cream powder (milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 1,5 %), in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg",54912900,84515130,18591600,51501570,:,:,kg
  297. 296,10513030,Butter of a fat content by weight <= 85 %,32598800,145489840,59099000,288107450,150731000,533895308,kg
  298. 297,10513050,Butter of a fat content by weight > 85 % and other fats and oils derived from milk (excluding dairy spreads of a fat content by weight < 80 %),18793100,101704150,16994700,77608820,24483000,125578610,kg
  299. 298,10513070,Dairy spreads of a fat content by weight < 80 %,2832300,6573250,6912100,24620580,64589000,143058391,kg
  300. 299,10514030,Unripened or uncured cheese (fresh cheese) (including whey cheese and curd),59831500,210736270,180286600,456109840,426632000,819981293,kg
  301. 300,10514050,"Grated, powdered, blue-veined and other non-processed cheese (excluding fresh cheese, whey cheese and curd)",96500900,434301020,249739900,1053974930,367972000,1463887210,kg
  302. 301,10514070,Processed cheese (excluding grated or powdered),11271200,43766490,48271200,223433350,9482000,45761803,kg
  303. 302,10515104,"Condensed or evaporated milk, unsweetened",7875600,4599880,16614100,22842200,:,:,kg
  304. 303,10515108,"Condensed or evaporated milk, sweetened",2034900,14799970,27371200,50274790,:,:,kg
  305. 304,10515241,"Curdled milk, cream, yogurt and other fermented products",23559200,44222100,106312500,162680130,184240564,272770826,kg
  306. 305,10515245,Flavoured liquid yoghurt or acidified milk (curdled milk; cream; yoghurt and other fermented products flavoured or containing added fruit; nuts or cocoa),26932200,46555200,213841700,276756080,:,:,kg
  307. 306,10515263,Buttermilk powder,653300,1296980,5939400,8073430,:,:,kg
  308. 307,10515265,Buttermilk,650200,1924630,6455300,6807840,:,25421196,kg
  309. 308,10515300,Casein and caseinates,243700,1741600,4777900,23105070,0,0,kg
  310. 309,10515400,Lactose and lactose syrup (including chemically pure lactose),17213100,14817390,18553800,19518690,:,:,kg
  311. 310,10515530,"Whey and modified whey in powder, granules or other solid forms, whether or not concentrated or containing added sweetening matter",48739900,63070540,51649200,82021920,37748000,38876658,kg
  312. 311,10515560,Whey and modified whey in liquid or paste forms; whether or not concentrated or containing added sweetening matter,1924700,1716570,186700,1276590,105002000,49616161,kg
  313. 312,10515600,"Products consisting of natural milk constituents, n.e.c.",1415800,7425290,27332300,30700360,64779000,45594123,kg
  314. 313,10521000,"Ice cream and other edible ice (including sherbet, lollipops) (excluding mixes and bases for ice cream)",:,122912480,:,294078160,288292487,436769822,l
  315. 314,10611100,Husked (brown) rice,3063300,3779110,309861600,227617630,:,:,kg
  316. 315,10611230,"Semi-milled or wholly milled (bleached) rice, whether or not polished or glazed",58273600,49205570,251370700,195107930,176893132,280684864,kg
  317. 316,10611250,Broken rice,2984100,1357160,111925000,35467500,:,:,kg
  318. 317,10612100,Wheat or meslin flour,241049800,106043480,71319100,34698970,3862289000,1243190710,kg
  319. 318,10612200,Cereal flours (excluding wheat or meslin),9363300,6939430,30629800,20297840,61970088,31007106,kg
  320. 319,10612300,"Flour and meal of dried peas, beans, lentils, sago, manioc, arrowroot, salep, jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes or similar roots or tubers; flour, meal, powder of edible fruit, nuts",2574700,9126630,10179600,18380250,13276645,13316299,kg
  321. 320,10612400,"Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bread, cakes, pastry, crispbread, biscuits, waffles, wafers, rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products and other bakers¿ wares",87520100,116102850,111168900,171176600,214396065,348651146,kg
  322. 321,10613133,Groats and meal of durum wheat,378300,429840,6140400,3344270,:,:,kg
  323. 322,10613135,Groats and meal of common wheat and spelt,33500,22170,276200,273880,:,:,kg
  324. 323,10613230,"Groats and meal of oats, maize, rice, rye, barley and other cereals (excluding wheat)",55832300,18644290,19476000,8683200,98520474,24489260,kg
  325. 324,10613240,Pellets of wheat,5300,1310,7639800,1042000,:,:,kg
  326. 325,10613250,"Pellets of oats, maize, rice, rye, barley and other cereals (excluding wheat)",41300,53400,504300,546900,:,:,kg
  327. 326,10613333,"Rolled, flaked, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled cereal grains (excluding rice)",130151000,98554210,34437900,22312690,390792230,166826742,kg
  328. 327,10613335,"Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground (excluding rice)",24148700,4690190,2696000,1438930,59672898,22110943,kg
  329. 328,10613351,Muesli type preparations based on unroasted cereal flakes,7148900,24146900,7947200,22967700,110785506,177107692,kg
  330. 329,10613353,Other prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals,132231000,397727160,97015700,235512460,502234277,1513374474,kg
  331. 330,10613355,"Cereals in grain form, precooked or otherwise prepared (excluding maize)",23898300,63641080,28012200,48962420,62182538,158718788,kg
  332. 331,10614010,"Bran, sharps and other residues from the sifting, milling or other working of maize (corn)",257700,42620,8495400,1669270,13592225,2125087,kg
  333. 332,10614030,"Bran, sharps and other residues from the sifting, milling or other working of rice",1600,5670,1318600,460690,19905420,7117844,kg
  334. 333,10614050,"Bran, sharps and other residues from the sifting, milling or other working of wheat",28319600,4609040,175364400,25478020,877955786,120288136,kg
  335. 334,10614090,"Bran, sharps and other residues from the sifting, milling or other working of cereals (excluding maize (corn), rice, wheat)",22000,34860,5859300,2244870,71012938,10538743,kg
  336. 335,10621111,Wheat starch,5076700,1579630,65316100,22002810,:,:,kg
  337. 336,10621113,Maize (corn) starch,1427800,2829110,86154100,52693920,:,:,kg
  338. 337,10621115,Potato starch,509400,576720,56412300,35445300,14931329,:,kg
  339. 338,10621119,"Starches (including rice, manioc, arrowroot and sago palm pith) (excluding wheat, maize (corn) and potato)",775600,1014860,11642900,8809710,:,:,kg
  340. 339,10621130,Inulin,79400,135370,1553000,3376710,0,0,kg
  341. 340,10621150,Wheat gluten (excluding wheat gluten prepared for use as a glue or as a glazing or dressing for the textile industry),38255400,53697710,38632900,38423410,71980208,97596587,kg
  342. 341,10621170,"Dextrins and other modified starches (including esterified or etherified, soluble starch, pregelatinised or swelling starch, dialdehyde starch, starch treated with formaldehyde or epichlorohydrin)",18429000,60201410,123020200,110227140,:,:,kg
  343. 342,10621200,"Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or similar forms",145900,363520,1477800,1923760,0,0,kg
  344. 343,10621310,Glucose and glucose syrup (excluding with added flavouring or colouring matter),24178300,10924010,348999700,148206670,:,:,kg
  345. 344,10621320,"Chemically pure fructose in solid form; fructose and fructose syrup, containing in the dry state > 50 % of fructose; isoglucose excluding with added flavouring or colouring matter",294300,811550,12795600,12900120,0,0,kg
  346. 345,10621330,Maltodextrine and maltodextine syrup (excluding with added flavouring or colouring matter),323000,837220,44681800,37041670,0,0,kg
  347. 346,10621390,Other sugars (including invert sugar) n.e.c.,6540900,8793050,11505300,12084440,:,:,kg
  348. 347,10621430,Crude maize (corn) oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),4400,5170,0,0,0,0,kg
  349. 348,10621460,Refined maize (corn) oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified),674600,4629970,2033100,3228590,0,0,kg
  350. 349,10622000,Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues,613600,453550,105790300,40432850,:,:,kg
  351. 350,10711100,Fresh bread containing by weight in the dry matter state <= 5 % of sugars and <= 5 % of fat (excluding with added honey; eggs; cheese or fruit),102723600,127430990,126783400,195904120,3084450000,3678209589,kg
  352. 351,10711200,Cake and pastry products; other bakers¿ wares with added sweetening matter,38622500,154348390,176352000,444251760,1058573000,3765877696,kg
  353. 352,10721130,Crispbread,8067400,25555020,46965000,84760110,:,:,kg
  354. 353,10721150,"Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products",6862600,8686900,6811900,23797870,172541994,157397881,kg
  355. 354,10721230,Gingerbread and the like,5626900,22459230,7741200,20403410,3004248,15010209,kg
  356. 355,10721253,Sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers completely or partially coated or covered with chocolate or other preparations containing cocoa,52615900,195534620,77277600,270118570,244871494,951684214,kg
  357. 356,10721255,Sweet biscuits (including sandwich biscuits; excluding those completely or partially coated or covered with chocolate or other preparations containing cocoa),74823800,224935260,95398100,243858630,287585065,813668769,kg
  358. 357,10721257,"Waffles and wafers with a water content > 10 % by weight of the finished product (excluding ice cream cornets, sandwiched waffles, other similar products)",320400,1705190,2536700,6099550,0,0,kg
  359. 358,10721259,Waffles and wafers (including salted) (excluding those completely or partially coated or covered with chocolate or other preparations containing cocoa),1324600,7885590,11003400,28500170,4198178,25019677,kg
  360. 359,10721910,Matzos,999100,4527910,2050900,5795010,861295,3230406,kg
  361. 360,10721920,"Communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products",72900,496230,827700,2187170,:,:,kg
  362. 361,10721940,"Biscuits (excluding those completely or partially coated or covered with chocolate or other preparations containing cocoa, sweet biscuits, waffles and wafers)",14744600,48926780,33256000,82819710,:,645175494,kg
  363. 362,10721950,Savoury or salted extruded or expanded products,15819700,53232850,51115300,191243920,144442982,618968369,kg
  364. 363,10721990,"Bakers¿ wares, no added sweetening (including crepes, pancakes, quiche, pizza; excluding sandwiches, crispbread, waffles, wafers, rusks, toasted, savoury or salted extruded/expanded products)",55153000,138555240,242644200,534709960,449640398,1648022631,kg
  365. 364,10731130,"Uncooked pasta, containing eggs (excluding stuffed or otherwise prepared)",1187600,4357170,32666200,45557200,3541832,8784377,kg
  366. 365,10731150,"Uncooked pasta (excluding containing eggs, stuffed or otherwise prepared)",2841900,6703960,99549400,98149550,:,:,kg
  367. 366,10731200,Couscous,1360700,4495090,14872400,13504170,6367476,20586994,kg
  368. 367,10811100,"Raw cane and beet sugar in solid form, not containing added flavouring or colouring matter",70412000,36192570,488757400,211727970,:,:,kg
  369. 368,10811230,Refined white cane or beet sugar in solid form,132660200,72411360,514271400,252448610,:,:,kg
  370. 369,10811290,Refined cane or beet sugar in a solid form (excluding white sugar),2689800,2495580,12443800,7896190,:,:,kg
  371. 370,10811300,"Refined cane or beet sugar, containing added flavouring or colouring matter; maple sugar and maple syrup",2431600,4685370,6586300,20809860,:,:,kg
  372. 371,10811430,Cane molasses,38895200,10609320,404010700,63495120,:,:,kg
  373. 372,10811450,Molasses obtained from the extraction or refining of sugar (excluding cane molasses),3086600,3236010,129353100,16262840,:,:,kg
  374. 373,10812000,"Beet-pulp, bagasse and other sugar manufacturing waste (including defecation scum and filter press residues)",6895900,1604390,235428400,39708910,:,:,kg
  375. 374,10821100,Cocoa paste (excluding containing added sugar or other sweetening matter),1807600,6604110,14094800,45114510,0,0,kg
  376. 375,10821200,"Cocoa butter, fat and oil",12312900,55273960,53365200,258423990,:,:,kg
  377. 376,10821300,"Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter",1723300,6240770,19149900,35446220,0,0,kg
  378. 377,10821400,"Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter",2792900,15927410,4237300,25993200,:,:,kg
  379. 378,10822130,"Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars > 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form, in containers or immediate packings of a content > 2 kg, containing >= 18 % by weight of cocoa butter",16830200,45973160,35157300,107809930,:,:,kg
  380. 379,10822150,Chocolate milk crumb containing 18 % or more by weight of cocoa butter and in packings weighing > 2 kg,12043700,25403370,1980200,5770310,0,0,kg
  381. 380,10822170,Chocolate flavour coating containing 18 % or more by weight of cocoa butter and in packings weighing > 2 kg,4727200,12589490,1586200,4176910,:,:,kg
  382. 381,10822190,"Food preparations containing <18 % of cocoa butter and in packings weighing > 2 kg (excluding chocolate flavour coating, chocolate milk crumb)",4091800,11542080,6748300,17179450,:,:,kg
  383. 382,10822233,"Filled chocolate blocks, slabs or bars consisting of a centre (including of cream, liqueur or fruit paste; excluding chocolate biscuits)",19557600,97263080,88207000,290495120,35563069,220263041,kg
  384. 383,10822235,"Chocolate blocks, slabs or bars with added cereal, fruit or nuts (excluding filled, chocolate biscuits)",6315000,38809430,40101700,145565320,7549371,57671644,kg
  385. 384,10822239,"Chocolate blocks, slabs or bars (excluding filled, with added cereal; fruit or nuts, chocolate biscuits)",15782500,82427280,48396300,219058000,30997529,208202630,kg
  386. 385,10822243,"Chocolates (including pralines) containing alcohol (excluding in blocks, slabs or bars)",760400,4142810,4225100,16429140,180884,11284748,kg
  387. 386,10822245,"Chocolates (excluding those containing alcohol, in blocks, slabs or bars)",34388500,184481880,57713000,322670350,124945813,809277151,kg
  388. 387,10822253,"Filled chocolate confectionery (excluding in blocks, slabs or bars, chocolate biscuits, chocolates)",6432300,45554170,37330100,193780190,14533293,40129125,kg
  389. 388,10822255,"Chocolate confectionery (excluding filled, in blocks, slabs or bars, chocolate biscuits, chocolates)",4830400,28688850,23564600,99904230,35141032,236332942,kg
  390. 389,10822260,"Sugar confectionery and substitutes therefor made from sugar substitution products, containing cocoa (including chocolate nougat) (excluding white chocolate)",5702200,24716170,24007900,90550990,3888144,12944437,kg
  391. 390,10822270,Chocolate spreads,2559300,12305960,26030200,81109250,0,0,kg
  392. 391,10822280,Preparations containing cocoa for making beverages,14009300,78461960,11196200,38645220,21193986,61910411,kg
  393. 392,10822290,"Food products with cocoa (excluding cocoa paste, butter, powder, blocks, slabs, bars, liquid, paste, powder, granular, other bulk form in packings > 2 kg, to make beverages, chocolate spreads)",14353900,69329020,11006300,34502780,9642285,21014749,kg
  394. 393,10822310,Chewing gum,3305600,19121330,2496100,11115090,:,:,kg
  395. 394,10822320,"Liquorice cakes, blocks, sticks and pastilles containing > 10 % by weight of sucrose, but not containing any other substances",605100,2508140,906700,2570640,2769715,9834944,kg
  396. 395,10822330,White chocolate,6687900,24578400,14559200,50191490,:,:,kg
  397. 396,10822353,"Sugar confectionery pastes in immediate packings of a net content >= 1 kg (including marzipan, fondant, nougat and almond pastes)",2002900,3771540,17372000,19587470,37821491,86825145,kg
  398. 397,10822355,Throat pastilles and cough drops consisting essentially of sugars and flavouring agents (excluding pastilles or drops with flavouring agents containing medicinal properties),2045800,15975610,2387700,6172430,11681372,83439607,kg
  399. 398,10822363,Sugar-coated (panned) goods (including sugar almonds),2765900,12430360,21723300,61157320,10490637,34153102,kg
  400. 399,10822365,"Gums, fruit jellies and fruit pastes in the form of sugar confectionery (excluding chewing gum)",21451300,58990040,55805000,142048510,111152727,350111216,kg
  401. 400,10822373,Boiled sweets,4971200,18102560,12390500,40176130,32005636,77592481,kg
  402. 401,10822375,"Toffees, caramels and similar sweets",5436000,22921320,27254300,69947560,32452377,121946685,kg
  403. 402,10822383,Compressed tablets of sugar confectionery (including cachous),2504800,12114990,17631600,10396520,22134453,77512633,kg
  404. 403,10822390,"Sugar confectionery, n.e.c.",15071600,44662410,21108400,73298750,27571893,98585557,kg
  405. 404,10822400,"Drained, glace or crystallised fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants",937300,3370710,8580300,23910300,:,:,kg
  406. 405,10831130,"Decaffeinated coffee, not roasted",333800,1991230,5688800,19716500,:,:,kg
  407. 406,10831150,"Roasted coffee, not decaffeinated",24456700,266650580,47964200,403615300,24827000,210499960,kg
  408. 407,10831170,Roasted decaffeinated coffee,578500,6705140,2711800,26820740,1457000,14134167,kg
  409. 408,10831210,Coffee substitutes containing coffee,278200,2691860,723400,3905600,0,0,kg
  410. 409,10831240,"Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee",35114400,283625490,58296000,320322300,55113000,:,kg
  411. 410,10831270,"Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof",79000,590820,757200,1056160,145386000,1823947,kg
  412. 411,10831300,Tea in immediate packings of a content <= 3 kg,15248000,102490850,11796100,57875750,91720000,594481390,kg
  413. 412,10831400,"Extracts, essences and concentrates of tea or maté, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates, or with a basis of tea or maté",2558700,28853430,3824100,20216790,1805000,25263782,kg
  414. 413,10831500,Herbal Infusions,:,:,:,:,1102158,1761210,kg
  415. 414,10841130,Wine vinegar,425558,819130,8551766,8830750,:,:,l
  416. 415,10841190,Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar (excluding made from wine),10606397,8045840,16718102,21732850,84228052,49589926,l
  417. 416,10841210,Soya sauce,6001200,9380860,19807200,28631260,:,7626587,kg
  418. 417,10841230,Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces,22549700,29722040,163601400,149185100,142434451,221200680,kg
  419. 418,10841253,Mustard flour and meal,924900,4977250,2602100,3954460,:,:,kg
  420. 419,10841255,Prepared mustard,2150400,6900390,12934400,17312480,1901646,5444466,kg
  421. 420,10841270,"Sauces and preparations therefor, mixed condiments and mixed seasonings (excluding soya sauce, tomato ketchup, other tomato sauces, mustard flour or meal and prepared mustard)",133742100,321273930,309303100,527116890,657763409,1695236520,kg
  422. 421,10843000,Salt suitable for human consumption,95416600,26616710,26586000,11732970,:,59412322,kg
  423. 422,10851100,"Prepared meals and dishes based on meat, meat offal or blood",:,:,:,:,410340326,1885229334,kg
  424. 423,10851200,"Prepared meals and dishes based on fish, crustaceans and molluscs",:,:,:,:,80480935,505817468,kg
  425. 424,10851300,Prepared meals and dishes based on vegetables,:,:,:,:,202840354,668678066,kg
  426. 425,10851410,"Cooked or uncooked pasta stuffed with meat, fish, cheese or other substances in any proportion",4066600,11192270,45424100,112885820,47731795,166778834,kg
  427. 426,10851430,"Dried, undried and frozen pasta and pasta products (including prepared dishes) (excluding uncooked pasta, stuffed pasta)",18809500,36207360,144321200,186866940,115559010,437917346,kg
  428. 427,10851900,Other prepared dishes and meals (including frozen pizza),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  429. 428,10851910,"Other prepared dishes and meals, including frozen pizza, excluding fresh pizza",:,:,:,:,100185843,318773313,kg
  430. 429,10861010,"Homogenised preparations of meat, meat offal or blood (excluding sausages and similar products of meat; food preparations based on these products)",317700,1325280,6095000,20347810,0,0,kg
  431. 430,10861030,"Homogenised vegetables (excluding frozen, preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)",692300,3094780,2313900,7157460,0,0,kg
  432. 431,10861050,"Homogenised preparations of jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut puree and fruit or nut pastes",2467800,9051190,6015200,15693590,0,0,kg
  433. 432,10861060,Homogenised composite food preparations for infant food or dietetic purposes p.r.s. in containers <= 250 g,10970300,34605780,20318300,64311770,:,:,kg
  434. 433,10861070,"Food preparations for infants, p.r.s. (excluding homogenised composite food preparations)",3325300,23322350,35305100,204533170,:,:,kg
  435. 434,10891100,Soups and broths and preparations therefor,13505000,39839740,38126600,91253980,249226000,450689541,kg
  436. 435,10891230,"Egg products, fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved (excluding albumin, in the shell)",5642500,9560330,50091000,102875180,39338000,86219444,kg
  437. 436,10891250,Egg albumin,92500,750080,2606200,18080640,:,:,kg
  438. 437,10891334,Bakers¿ yeast,14562100,16699280,36846900,24543310,66518000,42143566,kg
  439. 438,10891339,Active yeast (excluding bakers¿ yeast),4357900,14936120,3780200,16468410,47037000,:,kg
  440. 439,10891350,Inactive yeasts and other dead single-cell micro-organisms,8096700,42657090,16378300,47388850,0,0,kg
  441. 440,10891370,Prepared baking powders,319100,1146830,1449800,3171240,:,:,kg
  442. 441,10891400,"Extracts and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates",700500,2538940,1555000,3848000,1960504,15220094,kg
  443. 442,10891600,"Perishable foods including fresh pizza, sandwiches",:,:,:,:,247643828,1675927088,kg
  444. 443,10891700,Dietary supplements (products for human consumption intended to provide nutrients),:,:,:,:,33349793,403464245,kg
  445. 444,10891910,Caramel,10686400,10034720,4434100,7892020,16107502,14202608,kg
  446. 445,10891925,Malt extract,28150400,43158750,1262100,3249070,:,:,kg
  447. 446,10891930,"Food preparations of flour, meal, starch, etc.",53488300,120057700,59173300,133425420,389082294,507899210,kg
  448. 447,10891935,Protein concentrates and flavoured or coloured sugar syrups,36413600,283818860,42680100,118179110,93162373,419927681,kg
  449. 448,10891940,Other food preparations n.e.c.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  450. 449,10891950,Other food preparations n.e.c.,:,:,:,:,205400350,832358812,kg
  451. 450,109010Z0,"Preparations for animal feeds (excluding dog or cat food, p.r.s.)",507013400,962466060,614512600,430708340,16349813112,5046145072,kg
  452. 451,10911010,Premixtures for farm animal feeds,:,:,:,:,1663233000,748678522,kg
  453. 452,10911033,Preparations used for farm animal feeding (excluding premixtures): pigs,:,:,:,:,1880507000,519108673,kg
  454. 453,10911035,Preparations used for farm animal feeding (excluding premixtures): cattle,:,:,:,:,5301400000,1377182976,kg
  455. 454,10911037,Preparations used for farm animal feeding (excluding premixtures): poultry,:,:,:,:,4934011000,1424489260,kg
  456. 455,10911039,Preparations used for farm animal feeding (excluding premixtures): n.e.c.,:,:,:,:,2313330000,778049893,kg
  457. 456,10912000,Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets,2935600,1189050,21730200,4862990,4355785,1875278,kg
  458. 457,10921030,"Dog or cat food, p.r.s.",246509100,370424390,462806100,712205260,1684534000,1983082574,kg
  459. 458,10921060,"Preparation used for feeding pets (excluding dog or cat food, p.r.s.)",:,:,:,:,257332112,198635747,kg
  460. 459,109900Z0,"Herbal infusions ,Food supplements, perishable food, other prepared dishes and meals, other food preparations n.e.c.",159838900,1115632800,329696300,1499251720,340038144,1556357580,kg
  461. 460,110000Z1,"Non-alcoholic beverages, not containing milk, milk products and fats derived therefrom (excl. water, fruit or vegetable juices)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  462. 461,11011020,Spirits obtained from distilled grape wine or grape marc (important: excluding alcohol duty),649476,24579730,13265554,127391440,0,0,l alc 100%
  463. 462,11011030,Whisky (important: excluding alcohol duty),357542415,5018665430,20140017,247620770,682504000,3824208653,l alc 100%
  464. 463,11011040,Rum and other spirits obtained by distilling fermented sugar-cane products (important: excluding alcohol duty),3640917,42287570,11665067,81716910,:,:,l alc 100%
  465. 464,11011050,Gin and geneva (important: excluding alcohol duty),51360327,593675140,2437598,18440850,82840303,525923095,l alc 100%
  466. 465,11011063,"Vodka of an alcoholic strength by volume of <= 45,4 % (important: excluding alcohol duty)",10271876,120656820,19522930,139030100,14997336,65542336,l alc 100%
  467. 466,11011065,"Spirits distilled from fruit (excluding liqueurs, gin, geneva; grape wine or grape marc (important: excluding alcohol duty))",35111,254660,797714,2867210,:,:,l alc 100%
  468. 467,11011070,Pure alcohols (important: excluding alcohol duty),995891,989930,21590,282510,:,:,l alc 100%
  469. 468,11011080,"Spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages (excluding spirits distilled from grape wine, grape marc or fruit/whisky, rum, tafia, gin and geneva, Vodka of an alcoholic strength by volume of <= 45.4%, spirits distilled from fruit) (important: excluding alcohol duty)",29247898,526340360,18937226,260795600,1803197,26788872,l alc 100%
  470. 469,11021130,Champagne (important: excluding alcohol duty),526250,25288170,20452744,332632450,0,0,l
  471. 470,11021190,Sparkling wine from fresh grapes (excluding champagne; alcohol duty),2211805,10795320,121893382,373982880,726565,12185885,l
  472. 471,11021193,"Sparkling wine from fresh grapes, of an actual alcoholic strength by volume of > 8.5 % volume (excluding Champagne; alcohol duty)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  473. 472,11021195,"Sparkling wine from fresh grapes, of an actual alcoholic strength by volume of <= 8.5 % (excluding alcohol duty)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  474. 473,11021211,White wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO),:,:,:,:,157597,1663112,l
  475. 474,11021213,"White wine (other), not v.q.p.r.d.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  476. 475,11021215,"Wine and grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol, put up with pressure of CO2 in solution >= 1 bar < 3, at 20 °C (excluding sparkling wine)",668506,2476410,15810025,40849370,0,0,l
  477. 476,11021217,"Quality wine and grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol, with a protected designation of origin (PDO) produced of an alcoholic strength of <= 15 % (excluding white wine and sparkling wine)",:,:,:,:,68131,864635,l
  478. 477,11021219,"Wine and grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol, of an alcoholic strength <=15% (excluding white wine and sparkling wine v.q.p.r.d.)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  479. 478,11021220,"Wine and grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol, of an alcoholic strength <= 15 % (excluding sparkling wine and wine (PDO))",86711775,249308160,951117120,1744933240,:,:,l
  480. 479,11021230,"Port, Madeira, Sherry and other > 15% alcohol",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  481. 480,11021231,"Port, Madeira, Sherry and other > 15 % alcohol",520410,5683630,14755308,69154030,0,0,l
  482. 481,11021250,Grape must (excluding alcohol duty),164302,850680,1922446,1546520,0,0,l
  483. 482,110212Z0,"Wine and grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol, with a protected designation of origin (PDO) produced of an alcoholic strength of <= 15 % (excluding sparkling wine)",5504912,337403280,203287511,899348580,225728,2527747,l
  484. 483,11031000,"Fermented beverages and mixtures thereof (including with non-alcoholic beverages, cider, perry and mead; excluding malt beer, wine of grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances)",60432080,67497770,173756703,177466790,1107071000,998555899,l
  485. 484,11041000,Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances (excluding alcohol duty),77279,366090,17758399,25766190,:,:,l
  486. 485,11051000,"Beer made from malt (excluding non-alcoholic beer, beer containing <= 0,5 % by volume of alcohol, alcohol duty)",559946570,590657990,1024228614,520919430,5607742000,4178314531,l
  487. 486,11051010,Non-alcoholic beer and beer containing <= 0.5% alcohol,5644687,11085140,19506195,18449970,:,:,l
  488. 487,11052000,Brewing or distilling dregs and waste (excluding alcohol duty),96203800,18338150,477044800,79718730,579761332,25952753,kg
  489. 488,11061030,"Malt, not roasted (excluding alcohol duty)",227492800,100040140,97101900,33693200,1144986000,452038966,kg
  490. 489,11061050,"Roasted malt (excluding alcohol duty, products which have undergone further processing, roasted malt put up as coffee substitutes)",25630500,16844220,4192500,2266990,40198000,23402192,kg
  491. 490,11071130,"Mineral waters and aerated waters, unsweetened",119368043,52173670,628692579,143996790,2251825545,465696328,l
  492. 491,11071150,Unsweetened and non-flavoured waters; ice and snow (excluding mineral and aerated waters),:,9352700,:,15239110,268045227,:,l
  493. 492,11071930,"Waters, with added sugar, other sweetening matter or flavoured, i.e. soft drinks (including mineral and aerated)",458595164,404222950,647941072,431323600,7717230000,4349297911,l
  494. 493,11071950,"Non-alcoholic beverages not containing milk fat (excluding sweetened or unsweetened mineral, aerated or flavoured waters)",62419921,54733090,214150776,225364080,:,:,l
  495. 494,11071970,Non-alcoholic beverages containing milk fat,5253170,8982000,130366049,259000820,28501802,51767484,l
  496. 495,12001130,"Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco or mixtures of tobacco and tobacco substitutes (excluding tobacco duty)",69472000,535330,17915209000,39738140,0,0,p/st
  497. 496,12001150,Cigarettes containing tobacco or mixtures of tobacco and tobacco substitutes (excluding tobacco duty),417554000,4029970,23160301000,216205070,0,0,p/st
  498. 497,12001170,Cigars; cheroots; cigarillos and cigarettes containing only tobacco substitutes (excluding tobacco duty),21400,2314880,0,2920,0,0,kg
  499. 498,12001200,Cured stemmed/striped tobacco leaves,390600,6571560,10957200,58456840,0,0,kg
  500. 499,12001930,Smoking tobacco (excluding tobacco duty),1521400,23773170,14093200,185296010,62623,9889696,kg
  501. 500,12001990,"Manufactured tobacco, extracts and essences, other homogenised or reconstituted tobacco, n.e.c.",12038300,87873790,150600,2216690,102555,1852464,kg
  502. 501,13101000,"Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom, including lanolin",3828300,28697780,4972900,19209420,:,:,kg
  503. 502,13102100,Raw silk (not thrown),2400,17480,8900,457510,0,0,kg
  504. 503,13102200,"Wool, degreased or carbonised, not carded or combed",23501300,56744300,23291500,52444550,:,:,kg
  505. 504,13102300,Noils of wool or fine animal hair,410600,2051610,741900,1627040,3869,20532,kg
  506. 505,13102400,"Wool or animal hair, carded or combed (including wool tops)",4411800,27359390,2797100,17384320,2096523,11405660,kg
  507. 506,13102500,"Cotton, carded or combed",35000,327920,12141800,18282060,0,0,kg
  508. 507,13102600,"Jute and other textile fibres (except flax, true hemp and ramie), processed but not spun",22200,80720,217900,279210,0,0,kg
  509. 508,13102900,"Other vegetable textile fibres, processed but not spun",77800,336010,28505700,29141630,0,0,kg
  510. 509,13103100,"Synthetic staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning",578500,1711180,428500,967560,210907,435740,kg
  511. 510,13103200,"Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning",400,3650,5900,43950,0,0,kg
  512. 511,13104010,"Silk yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding spun from silk waste)",26400,518340,65300,4063130,:,:,kg
  513. 512,13104030,"Yarn spun from silk waste, n.p.r.s.",2100,16530,12100,414000,0,0,kg
  514. 513,13104050,"Silk yarn and silk waste yarn, p.r.s.; silk-worm gut",285200,368930,22700,255000,0,0,kg
  515. 514,13105010,"Yarn of carded wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s.",5769900,61082650,10937100,63772350,:,89909544,kg
  516. 515,13105030,"Yarn of combed wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s.",2325300,23990530,4485700,59379590,:,23758085,kg
  517. 516,13105050,"Yarn of wool or fine animal hair, p.r.s.",221400,4420880,551500,9392620,:,:,kg
  518. 517,13106132,"Yarn of uncombed cotton, n.p.r.s., for woven fabrics (excluding for carpets and floor coverings)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  519. 518,13106133,"Yarn of uncombed cotton, n.p.r.s., for knitted fabrics and hosiery",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  520. 519,13106135,"Yarn of uncombed cotton, n.p.r.s., for other uses (including carpets and floor coverings)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  521. 520,13106152,"Yarn of combed cotton, n.p.r.s., for woven fabrics (excluding for carpets and floor coverings)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  522. 521,13106153,"Yarn of combed cotton, n.p.r.s., for knitted fabrics and hosiery",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  523. 522,13106155,"Yarn of combed cotton, n.p.r.s., for other uses (including carpets and floor coverings)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  524. 523,13106160,"Cotton yarn, p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)",334100,17862630,640500,5843290,:,:,kg
  525. 524,131061Z1,"Cotton yarn of uncombed fibres, n.p.r.s.",332400,1349250,4931100,9926310,:,:,kg
  526. 525,131061Z2,"Cotton yarn of combed fibres, n.p.r.s.",139200,840060,1912100,14424550,:,:,kg
  527. 526,13106200,Cotton sewing thread,128600,1541960,272600,1731210,0,0,kg
  528. 527,13107110,"Flax yarn, n.p.r.s.",32900,405170,547600,3015480,0,0,kg
  529. 528,13107120,"Flax yarn, p.r.s.",3600,113770,3800,115890,0,0,kg
  530. 529,13107200,Yarn of vegetable or bast fibres (excluding flax); paper yarn,298700,460640,2563700,3577250,228713,1043722,kg
  531. 530,13108110,"Multiple or cabled synthetic filament yarn, n.p.r.s.",254500,2934460,11513200,32883520,:,:,kg
  532. 531,13108130,"Multiple or cabled yarn of artificial filaments, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)",18100,108520,17200,158690,0,0,kg
  533. 532,13108150,"Man-made filament yarn, p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)",66800,457290,461200,3296670,:,:,kg
  534. 533,13108210,"Yarn (other than sewing thread) containing >= 85 % by weight of synthetic staple fibres, n.p.r.s.",355600,1373940,9240500,39657940,:,:,kg
  535. 534,13108250,"Yarn (other than sewing thread) containing >= 85 % by weight of synthetic staple fibres, p.r.s.",292000,3354520,2423700,17400690,0,0,kg
  536. 535,13108320,"Yarn containing < 85 % by weight of polyester staple fibres (other than sewing thread), mixed with artificial fibres, n.p.r.s.",102200,1013750,303300,879500,:,:,kg
  537. 536,13108333,"Yarn containing < 85 % by weight of synthetic staple fibres (other than sewing thread) mixed with carded wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s.",:,:,:,:,6238303,38510500,kg
  538. 537,13108336,"Yarn containing < 85 % by weight of synthetic staple fibres, mixed with combed wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s.",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  539. 538,13108340,"Yarn containing < 85 % by weight of synthetic staple fibres (other than sewing thread), mixed with cotton, n.p.r.s.",367400,1094070,1122200,3074690,:,:,kg
  540. 539,13108380,"Other yarns, containing < 85 % by weight of synthetic staple fibres (other than sewing thread), n.p.r.s., n.e.c.",106500,327830,357000,1682400,116550,1155509,kg
  541. 540,13108390,"Yarn containing < 85 % by weight of synthetic staple fibres (other than sewing thread), p.r.s.",44900,905540,248900,2313900,:,:,kg
  542. 541,131083Z0,"Yarn of synthetic staple fibres mixed with wool, n.p.r.s",20400,171330,195600,1784160,6238303,38510500,kg
  543. 542,13108410,"Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres, n.p.r.s.",197700,1976870,3648700,12216910,0,0,kg
  544. 543,13108430,"Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres, p.r.s.",6200,48100,38600,240970,0,0,kg
  545. 544,13108510,Sewing thread of man-made filaments,1582700,26568540,1017500,14262640,2306338,39123045,kg
  546. 545,13108550,Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres,177800,747260,863700,3468000,70075,1057410,kg
  547. 546,13201100,Woven fabrics of silk or silk waste,1114682,21339020,4681219,23908500,:,10420112,m2
  548. 547,13201230,Woven fabrics of carded wool or carded fine animal hair,5590002,83284500,1586163,15699470,8562787,126085072,m2
  549. 548,13201260,Woven fabrics of combed wool or combed fine animal hair; woven fabrics of coarse animal hair,9225377,117958110,2913919,29194310,6007693,77948373,m2
  550. 549,13201330,"Woven fabrics of flax, containing >= 85 % by weight of flax",2394279,24835270,2566656,17040470,1120223,4409869,m2
  551. 550,13201360,"Woven fabrics of flax, containing < 85 % by weight of flax",1182824,13954590,1211244,10494190,:,:,m2
  552. 551,13201400,"Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp, ramie)",221714,835410,12951315,6643560,0,0,m2
  553. 552,13201900,"Woven fabrics of true hemp, ramie or other vegetable textile fibres (excluding flax, jute, other textile bast fibres); paper yarn",60321,256260,415610,614050,:,:,m2
  554. 553,13202014,"Woven fabrics of cotton, not of yarns of different colours, weighing <= 200 g/m², for clothing",:,:,:,:,493024,4772605,m2
  555. 554,13202017,"Woven fabrics of cotton, not of yarns of different colours, weighing <= 200 g/m², for household linen or home furnishing textiles",:,:,:,:,0,0,m2
  556. 555,13202019,"Woven fabrics of cotton, not of yarns of different colours, weighing <= 200 g/m², for technical or industrial uses (excluding gauze, medical gauze)",:,:,:,:,3393271,7680199,m2
  557. 556,13202020,"Woven fabrics of cotton weighing <= 100 g/m², for medical gauzes, bandages and dressings",51513,522210,584652,1170250,0,0,m2
  558. 557,13202031,"Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns of different colours, weighing <= 200 g/m², for shirts and blouses",:,:,:,:,468833,2962346,m2
  559. 558,13202042,"Woven fabrics of cotton, not of yarns of different colours, weighing > 200 g/m², for clothing",:,:,:,:,:,:,m2
  560. 559,13202044,"Woven fabrics of cotton, not of yarns of different colours, weighing > 200 g/m², for household linen or home furnishing textiles",:,:,:,:,2498707,8018981,m2
  561. 560,13202049,"Woven fabrics of cotton, not of yarns of different colours, weighing > 200 g/m², for technical or industrial uses",:,:,:,:,:,:,m2
  562. 561,13202060,Woven fabrics of denim cotton weighing > 200 g/m² (including denim other than blue),1013945,969790,1020401,826110,0,0,m2
  563. 562,13202072,"Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns of different colours, for other clothing",:,:,:,:,:,1828510,m2
  564. 563,13202074,"Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns of different colours, for household linen or home furnishing textiles",:,:,:,:,169485,:,m2
  565. 564,13202079,"Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns of different colours, for technical or industrial uses",:,:,:,:,:,:,m2
  566. 565,132020Z1,"Cotton fabrics, <= 200 g/m² (excluding gauze and coloured yarns)",21164912,51572270,74116891,83204460,3886295,12452804,m2
  567. 566,132020Z2,"Cotton fabrics, > 200 g/m² (excluding coloured yarns)",16815500,62942480,39870677,68263040,:,:,m2
  568. 567,132020Z3,Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns of different colours (excluding denim),1813801,11722450,5033172,23487870,:,:,m2
  569. 568,13203130,"Woven fabrics of man-made filament yarns obtained from high tenacity yarn, strip or the like (including nylon, other polyamides, polyester, viscose rayon)",144047076,94986100,87979754,51314870,424851520,187674952,m2
  570. 569,13203150,Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarns (excluding those obtained from high tenacity yarn or strip and the like),48810782,120231000,148956049,202014790,10234666,52907023,m2
  571. 570,13203170,Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarns (excluding those obtained from high tenacity yarn),4005279,10766780,4964043,16893760,15402374,36935221,m2
  572. 571,13203210,"Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85 % or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres",17216993,33494020,23442318,35904260,3766255,28511298,m2
  573. 572,13203220,"Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton (excluding fabrics of yarns of different colours)",29293017,43194540,50573674,51694840,:,:,m2
  574. 573,13203230,"Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of yarns of different colours",1182984,2127360,1908352,3829500,66670,347907,m2
  575. 574,13203240,Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres mixed mainly or solely with carded wool or fine animal hair,89367,784570,40086,400670,1930501,9248634,m2
  576. 575,13203250,Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres mixed mainly or solely with combed wool or fine animal hair,359429,3006950,365908,1092360,2692449,27875940,m2
  577. 576,13203290,"Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres mixed other than with wool, fine animal hair or cotton",32480280,61933980,40085941,30946020,847526,3906829,m2
  578. 577,13203330,"Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, not of yarns of different colours",9548064,18344530,12150424,18028720,:,:,m2
  579. 578,13203350,"Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, of yarns of different colours",967473,12483080,6761613,25782230,85063,1975658,m2
  580. 579,13204100,"Warp and weft pile fabrics; chenille fabrics (excluding terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics of cotton, tufted textile fabrics, narrow fabrics)",6438354,64707160,39568250,155873600,:,2316721,m2
  581. 580,13204200,Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics of cotton,168560,693230,1541612,2448920,0,0,m2
  582. 581,13204300,Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics (excluding of cotton),121397,151210,508610,1315520,0,0,m2
  583. 582,13204400,"Gauze (excluding medical gauze, narrow woven fabrics)",27747,313480,781552,458190,:,:,m2
  584. 583,13204500,Tufted textile fabrics (excluding tufted carpets and other textile floor coverings),103079,49810,2725682,864760,:,:,m2
  585. 584,13204600,"Woven fabrics of glass fibre (including narrow fabrics, glass wool)",6017900,71578480,7871400,50300720,377822894,97073015,kg
  586. 585,13301110,Dyeing of fibres,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  587. 586,13301121,Dyeing of silk yarn,:,:,:,:,:,35361,:
  588. 587,13301122,"Dyeing of yarns of wool, fine or coarse animal hair and horsehair",:,:,:,:,:,8640652,:
  589. 588,13301123,Dyeing of cotton yarn (excluding sewing thread),:,:,:,:,:,3042194,:
  590. 589,13301124,"Dyeing of flax, jute, other textile bast fibres, vegetable textile fibres and paper yarn",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  591. 590,13301125,Dyeing of thread of synthetic filaments (excluding sewing thread),:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  592. 591,13301126,Dyeing of thread of artificial filaments (excluding sewing thread),:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  593. 592,13301127,Dyeing of yarn of synthetic staple fibres (excluding sewing thread),:,:,:,:,:,2434211,:
  594. 593,13301128,Dyeing of yarn of artificial staple fibres (excluding sewing thread),:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  595. 594,13301210,Bleaching of woven fabrics of silk,:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  596. 595,13301220,"Bleaching of woven fabrics of wool, fine or coarse animal hair or horsehair",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  597. 596,13301230,Bleaching of woven fabrics of cotton,:,:,:,:,:,4042570,:
  598. 597,13301240,"Bleaching of woven fabrics of flax, jute, other textile bast fibres, vegetable textile fibres and paper yarn",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  599. 598,13301250,Bleaching of woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn or of synthetic fibres,:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  600. 599,13301260,Bleaching of woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn or of artificial fibres,:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  601. 600,13301270,"Bleaching of woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics (excluding terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics of cotton, narrow woven fabrics)",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  602. 601,13301280,Bleaching of terry towelling and similar terry fabrics (excluding tufted textile fabrics),:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  603. 602,13301290,Bleaching of knitted or crocheted fabrics,:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  604. 603,13301310,Dyeing of woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  605. 604,13301320,"Dyeing of woven fabrics of wool, fine or coarse animal hair or horsehair",:,:,:,:,:,6993510,:
  606. 605,13301330,Dyeing of woven fabrics of cotton,:,:,:,:,:,43506679,:
  607. 606,13301340,"Dyeing of woven fabrics of flax, jute, other textile bast fibres, vegetable textile fibres and paper yarn",:,:,:,:,:,2617861,:
  608. 607,13301350,Dyeing of woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn or of synthetic fibres,:,:,:,:,:,63591773,:
  609. 608,13301360,Dyeing of woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn or of artificial fibres,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  610. 609,13301370,"Dyeing of woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics (excluding terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics of cotton, narrow woven fabrics)",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  611. 610,13301380,Dyeing of terry towelling and similar terry fabrics (excluding tufted textile fabrics),:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  612. 611,13301390,Dyeing of knitted or crocheted fabrics and non-wovens,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  613. 612,13301410,Printing of woven fabrics of silk,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  614. 613,13301420,"Printing of woven fabrics of wool, fine or coarse animal hair or horsehair",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  615. 614,13301430,Printing of woven fabrics of cotton,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  616. 615,13301440,"Printing of woven fabrics of flax, jute, other textile bast fibres, vegetable textile fibres and paper yarn",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  617. 616,13301450,Printing of woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn or of synthetic fibres,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  618. 617,13301460,Printing of woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn or of artificial fibres,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  619. 618,13301470,"Printing of woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics (excluding terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics of cotton, narrow woven fabrics)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  620. 619,13301480,Printing of terry towelling and similar terry fabrics (excluding tufted textile fabrics),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  621. 620,13301490,Printing of knitted or crocheted fabrics and non-wovens,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  622. 621,13301910,"Finishing of woven fabrics of silk (excluding bleaching, dyeing, printing)",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  623. 622,13301920,"Finishing of woven fabrics of wool, fine or coarse animal hair or horsehair (excluding bleaching, dyeing, printing)",:,:,:,:,:,11260794,:
  624. 623,13301930,"Finishing of woven fabrics of cotton (excluding bleaching, dyeing, printing)",:,:,:,:,:,24425382,:
  625. 624,13301940,"Finishing of woven fabrics of flax, jute, other textile bast fibres, vegetable textile fibres and paper yarn (excluding bleaching, dyeing, printing)",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  626. 625,13301950,"Finishing of woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn or of synthetic fibres (excluding bleaching, dyeing, printing)",:,:,:,:,:,3877172,:
  627. 626,13301960,"Finishing of woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn or of artificial fibres (excluding bleaching, dyeing, printing)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  628. 627,13301970,"Finishing (excluding bleaching, dyeing, printing) of woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics (excluding terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics of cotton, narrow woven fabrics)",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  629. 628,13301980,"Finishing (excluding bleaching, dyeing, printing), of terry towelling and similar terry fabrics (excluding tufted textile fabrics)",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  630. 629,13301990,"Finishing of knitted or crocheted fabrics and non-wovens (excluding bleaching, dyeing, printing)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  631. 630,13301995,Finishing services of clothing,:,:,:,:,:,128526127,:
  632. 631,13911100,"Pile fabrics, terry fabrics, knitted or crocheted",1883100,15849910,4321500,23285490,906311,11443302,kg
  633. 632,13911910,Knitted or crocheted fabrics (excluding pile fabrics),14968800,88135210,42843300,179412920,9859957,146782712,kg
  634. 633,13911920,Artificial fur and articles thereof,:,942840,:,4459040,:,:,:
  635. 634,13921130,Blankets and travelling rugs of wool or fine animal hair (excluding electric blankets),295895,11574920,1117234,10526250,471653,15193859,p/st
  636. 635,13921150,Blankets and travelling rugs of synthetic fibres (excluding electric blankets),1771110,5405120,18550982,58300360,285463,4620895,p/st
  637. 636,13921190,"Blankets (excluding electric blankets) and travelling rugs of textile materials (excluding of wool or fine animal hair, of synthetic fibres)",587230,5326340,7723617,25479470,:,:,p/st
  638. 637,13921230,Bed linen of knitted or crocheted textiles,508100,5446670,3929800,24205610,0,0,kg
  639. 638,13921253,Bed linen of cotton (excluding knitted or crocheted),5483600,35361170,41551600,305274310,49675,2306455,kg
  640. 639,13921255,Bed linen of flax or ramie (excluding knitted or crocheted),6100,337930,1275700,7320770,0,0,kg
  641. 640,13921259,"Bed linen of woven textiles (excluding of cotton, of flax or ramie)",3383800,16627800,44113600,254000990,:,10558135,kg
  642. 641,13921270,Bed linen of non-woven man-made fibres (excluding knitted or crocheted),207600,1066820,2766200,5407250,:,3826982,kg
  643. 642,13921330,Table linen of knitted or crocheted textiles,72200,522120,230200,1745270,0,0,kg
  644. 643,13921353,Table linen of cotton (excluding knitted or crocheted),238900,3203300,2840100,19103880,1461,138022,kg
  645. 644,13921355,Table linen of flax (excluding knitted or crocheted),7700,444150,74300,975340,9496,805320,kg
  646. 645,13921359,"Table linen of woven man-made fibres and of other woven or non-woven textiles (excluding of cotton, of flax)",240200,1508720,1998500,11387870,:,:,kg
  647. 646,13921370,Table linen of non-woven man-made fibres,95000,51770,575600,2803600,0,0,kg
  648. 647,13921430,"Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry fabrics of cotton",2997100,24529640,36746200,216347260,:,1395052,kg
  649. 648,13921450,"Woven toilet linen and kitchen linen, of textiles (excluding terry towelling or similar terry fabrics of cotton)",919700,7824770,7638000,46806720,163784,3033068,kg
  650. 649,13921470,"Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of non-woven man-made fibres",51100,339430,144000,836690,0,0,kg
  651. 650,13921530,"Curtains and interior blinds, curtain or bed valances, of knitted or crocheted materials",408597,2157420,4478940,7103400,1135004,31072125,m2
  652. 651,13921550,"Curtains and interior blinds, curtain or bed valances, of woven materials",2903882,20076000,51134928,195550660,26396369,532096456,m2
  653. 652,13921570,"Curtains and interior blinds, curtain or bed valances, of non-woven materials",394901,2313160,9546324,14017000,10328285,25740587,m2
  654. 653,13921620,"Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais, and needle-worked tapestries (including petit point, cross-stitch) whether or not made up",:,1706160,:,396130,:,0,:
  655. 654,13921640,Bedspreads (excluding eiderdowns),328288,2365950,3040494,21893730,9540,556652,p/st
  656. 655,13921660,"Furnishing articles including furniture and cushion covers as well as cushion covers, etc. for car seats (excluding blankets, travelling rugs, bed linen, table linen, toilet linen, kitchen linen, curtains, blinds, valances and bedspreads)",:,15720040,:,95742110,:,114323520,:
  657. 656,13921680,"Sets of woven fabrics and yarns for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered table cloths, serviettes, or similar textile articles, p.r.s.",:,1510380,:,2396380,:,:,:
  658. 657,13922130,"Sacks and bags, of cotton, used for packing goods",65800,4481060,528500,4512960,:,1205699,kg
  659. 658,13922150,"Sacks and bags, of knitted or crocheted polyethylene or polypropylene strip, used for packing goods",25200,66730,982600,3767950,0,0,kg
  660. 659,13922170,"Sacks and bags, of polyethylene or polypropylene strip, used for packing goods (excluding knitted or crocheted)",1831000,7906690,19976200,48023070,347842,4841046,kg
  661. 660,13922173,"Sacks and bags, of polyethylene or polypropylene strip, weighing <= 120 g/m2, used for packing goods (excluding knitted or crocheted)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  662. 661,13922175,"Sacks and bags, of polyethylene or polypropylene strip, weighing > 120 g/m2, used for packing goods (excluding knitted or crocheted)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  663. 662,13922190,"Sacks and bags, used for packing goods (excluding of cotton, polyethylene or polypropylene strip)",2949900,36714080,15111400,45314650,:,:,kg
  664. 663,13922210,"Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds (excluding caravan awnings)",555400,7617240,2757300,14374130,3610435,36983129,kg
  665. 664,13922230,Tents (including caravan awnings),2101500,24986630,18073700,101709470,2239226,8780955,kg
  666. 665,13922250,Sails,408700,23260600,873900,13067140,:,:,kg
  667. 666,13922270,"Pneumatic mattresses and other camping goods (excluding caravan awnings, tents, sleeping bags)",672000,3433660,5063000,19866450,:,:,kg
  668. 667,13922300,"Parachutes and rotochutes, parts and accessories (including dirigible parachutes)",87500,18661490,27300,6005530,:,:,kg
  669. 668,13922430,Sleeping bags,356750,7931940,2848091,26606990,:,:,p/st
  670. 669,13922493,"Articles of bedding of feathers or down (including quilts and eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes, pillows) (excluding mattresses, sleeping bags)",:,10667530,:,42913220,1437742,18500690,p/st
  671. 670,13922499,"Articles of bedding filled other than with feathers or down (including quilts and eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes, pillows) (excluding mattresses, sleeping bags)",:,48584970,:,297400760,63099218,315542907,p/st
  672. 671,13922953,"Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths, of non-woven textiles",799900,4126940,5662200,22255680,3912960,17698792,kg
  673. 672,13922957,"Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths (excluding knitted or crocheted, articles of non-woven textiles)",2342000,7974990,6686900,33917420,196509,3045616,kg
  674. 673,13922990,"Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths, knitted or crocheted; life-jackets, life-belts and other made up articles",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  675. 674,13922993,"Sanitary towels, tampons and similar article of textile materials (excluding wadding)",148000,1108850,2710700,10293720,0,0,kg
  676. 675,13922997,Napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar article of textile materials (excluding wadding),491100,5532620,5085900,24996820,0,0,kg
  677. 676,13922999,"Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths, knitted or crocheted; life-jackets, life-belts and other made up articles (excluding sanitary towels and napkins and similar articles)",9418700,155799670,54804400,324514450,4677296,180237718,kg
  678. 677,13931100,Knotted carpets and other knotted textile floor coverings,147116,9497960,2581305,33802990,:,2346379,m2
  679. 678,13931200,Woven carpets and other woven textile coverings (excluding tufted or flocked),2932127,61041890,16578075,139665340,2720226,73916069,m2
  680. 679,13931300,Tufted carpets and other tufted textile floor coverings,17085758,150447220,114628704,638459760,65731338,654444660,m2
  681. 680,13931930,Needlefelt carpets and other needlefelt textile floor coverings (excluding tufted or flocked),1956151,11892810,16267541,31754320,4488449,38480842,m2
  682. 681,13931990,"Carpets and other textile floor coverings (excluding knotted, woven, tufted, needlefelt)",3970416,44909820,11218355,51761290,4102723,38758028,m2
  683. 682,13941130,"Twine, cordage, rope or cables, of sisal or other textile fibres of `agave¿, of jute or other textile bast fibres and hard leaf fibres (excluding binder or baler twine)",122300,672570,656900,1903450,:,:,kg
  684. 683,13941133,"Twine, cordage, rope or cables, of sisal or other textile fibres of 'agave' measuring >100,000 decitex, of jute or other textile bast fibres and hard leaf fibres (excluding binder or baler twine)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  685. 684,13941135,"Twines of sisal measuring <= 100,000 decitex (10 g/m) (excluding binder or baler twine)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  686. 685,13941153,Sisal binder or baler (agricultural) twines,133700,2116250,66000,177720,0,0,kg
  687. 686,13941155,Polyethylene or polypropylene binder or baler (agricultural) twines,296500,1050840,6270200,11401150,:,:,kg
  688. 687,13941160,"Cordage, ropes or cables of polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon or other polyamides or of polyesters measuring > 50 000 decitex, of other synthetic fibres (excluding binder or baler twine)",1851500,18377220,6341200,21024700,3615454,31369843,kg
  689. 688,13941170,"Twines of polyethylene or polypropylene, of nylon or other polyamides or polyesters measuring <= 50 000 decitex (5 g/m) (excluding binder or baler twine)",55500,8481420,1785300,5730680,744073,6776780,kg
  690. 689,13941190,"Twines, cordage, rope and cables of textile materials (excluding jute and other textile bast fibres, sisal, abaca or other hard leaf fibres, synthetic fibres)",269600,4168640,935700,4066100,:,:,kg
  691. 690,13941233,"Made-up fishing nets from twine, cordage or rope of man-made fibres (excluding fish landing nets)",22200,213360,133000,390360,:,:,kg
  692. 691,13941235,Made-up fishing nets from yarn of man-made fibres (excluding fish landing nets),43000,338650,661600,4711780,0,0,kg
  693. 692,13941253,"Made-up nets from twine, cable or rope of nylon or other polyamides (excluding netting in the piece produced by crochet, hairnets, sports and fishing nets)",173000,5933660,1167600,6835370,1061754,11079426,kg
  694. 693,13941255,"Made-up nets of nylon or other polyamides (excluding netting in the piece produced by crochet, hairnets, sports and fishing nets, those made from twine, cable or rope)",52100,1497360,821900,3619890,:,:,kg
  695. 694,13941259,"Knotted netting of textile materials (excluding made-up fishing nets of man-made textiles, other made-up nets of nylon or other polyamides)",806800,4586190,1646500,8213440,:,:,kg
  696. 695,13941280,"Articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables",372800,10205590,5025300,17212190,1591,2362348,kg
  697. 696,13951010,"Non-wovens of a weight <= 25 g/m² (including articles made from non-wovens) (excluding articles of apparel, coated or covered)",3967700,20936980,17321800,50473390,1700647,4796560,kg
  698. 697,13951020,"Non-wovens of a weight of > 25 g/m² but <= 70 g/m² (including articles made from non-wovens) (excluding articles of apparel, coated or covered)",4033000,33285860,57966500,168339630,11431221,52251132,kg
  699. 698,13951030,"Non-wovens of a weight of > 70 g/m² but <= 150 g/m² (including articles made from non-wovens) (excluding articles of apparel, coated or covered)",5830900,27969790,33622500,101285790,7097967,44434052,kg
  700. 699,13951050,"Non-wovens of a weight of > 150 g/m² (including articles made from non-wovens) (excluding articles of apparel, coated or covered)",3287000,23235560,15477000,50828460,16941160,100712925,kg
  701. 700,13951070,"Non-wovens, coated or covered (including articles made from non-wovens) (excluding articles of apparel)",4620400,55749580,8248500,36059060,3554983,33734472,kg
  702. 701,13961100,Metallised yarn or metallised gimped yarn,392700,12408220,163700,3644840,:,:,kg
  703. 702,13961200,"Woven fabrics of metal thread and woven fabrics of metallised yarn, used in apparel, as furnishing fabrics or similar purposes",16200,373130,106500,1613290,0,0,kg
  704. 703,13961300,"Rubber thread and cord, textile covered; textile yarn and strip impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics",901900,5824520,1990600,11072120,51035,4277550,kg
  705. 704,13961400,"Textile fabrics, impregnated, coated or covered n.e.c.",60255749,238011310,81888258,146588720,28239176,157405865,m2
  706. 705,13961500,"Tyre cord fabrics of high tenacity yarn, of nylon, other polyamides, polyesters or viscose rayon",537186,1337300,23780614,47959560,:,:,m2
  707. 706,13961620,"Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing, whether or not impregnated or coated, with or without lining, armour or accessories of other materials",1034800,18857960,299500,8076150,1949009,29316619,kg
  708. 707,13961650,"Textile wicks, conveyor belts or belting (including reinforced with metal or other material)",3268100,52150970,8021600,68668190,7234090,84856331,kg
  709. 708,13961680,"Textile fabrics and felts, for paper-making machines or similar machines (including for pulp or asbestos-cement)",788100,20682240,779500,16998620,:,8099969,kg
  710. 709,13961730,"Narrow woven fabrics other than labels, badges and other similar articles",:,35898530,:,42450060,:,69086429,:
  711. 710,13961750,"Labels, badges and similar articles in textile materials (excluding embroidered)",:,20095560,:,14141310,:,30417375,:
  712. 711,13961770,"Braids in the piece; tassels and pompons, ornamental trimmings (excluding knitted or crocheted)",:,4505530,:,9084850,:,1910639,:
  713. 712,13991130,"Tulles and other net fabrics (excluding woven, knitted or crocheted)",:,2803290,:,4807310,:,11609842,:
  714. 713,13991150,"Machine-made lace in the piece, in strips or in motifs",:,5087520,:,3144270,:,5064620,:
  715. 714,13991170,"Hand-made lace in the piece, in strips or in motifs",:,1597660,:,571710,:,0,:
  716. 715,13991230,"Embroidery (without visible ground) in the piece, in strips or in motifs",:,1729770,:,1726150,:,0,:
  717. 716,13991250,"Cotton embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs (excluding embroidery without visible ground)",:,2699800,:,3186650,:,:,:
  718. 717,13991270,"Embroidery of textiles in the piece, in strips or in motifs (excluding without visible ground, cotton)",:,9981870,:,26051660,:,1174900,:
  719. 718,13991300,"Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, n.e.c.",9075400,37894310,10093300,20301420,45329299,106426592,kg
  720. 719,13991400,Textile flock and dust and mill neps,4424700,17418530,2634800,9222810,4983241,20420455,kg
  721. 720,13991500,"Gimped yarn and gimped strip and the like, of man-made textile materials of an apparent width <= 5 mm; chenille yarn; loop wale-yarn",38700,1030180,262700,2654860,0,0,kg
  722. 721,13991600,Quilted textile products in the piece (excluding embroidery),754243,4097580,716599,2839760,:,:,m2
  723. 722,13991900,Powder-puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics or toilet preparations,:,16470470,:,13637140,:,:,p/st
  724. 723,14111000,"Articles of apparel of leather or of composition leather (including coats and overcoats) (excluding clothing accessories, headgear, footwear)",:,78835970,:,147146590,8080,2434211,p/st
  725. 724,14121120,"Men¿s or boys¿ ensembles, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial and occupational wear",90778,2550600,351006,3667280,197911,8913274,p/st
  726. 725,14121130,"Men¿s or boys¿ jackets and blazers, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial and occupational wear",890576,15208680,2511827,22202310,200280,4627739,p/st
  727. 726,14121240,"Men¿s or boys¿ trousers and breeches, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear",1965095,19215530,11838790,75780960,442713,6505298,p/st
  728. 727,14121250,"Men¿s or boys¿ bib and brace overalls, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear",223509,2970700,728822,5153840,4643,69581,p/st
  729. 728,14122120,"Women¿s or girls¿ ensembles, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear",30498,480830,208854,1228260,270627,3740290,p/st
  730. 729,14122130,"Women¿s or girls¿ jackets and blazers, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear",410141,4470520,1293945,7368290,273301,5143326,p/st
  731. 730,14122240,"Women¿s or girls¿ trousers and breeches, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear",1628579,6835340,10551843,18621380,651489,8677153,p/st
  732. 731,14122250,"Women¿s or girls¿ bib and brace overalls, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear",22372,389330,156005,854230,0,0,p/st
  733. 732,14123013,"Men¿s or boys¿ other garments, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear",:,28426890,:,67850970,2780539,58131338,p/st
  734. 733,14123023,"Women¿s or girls¿ other garments, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear",:,13257050,:,30161670,802390,9585135,p/st
  735. 734,14131110,"Men¿s or boys¿ overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles, of knitted or crocheted textiles (excluding jackets and blazers, anoraks, wind-cheaters and wind-jackets)",1896677,26489660,4955012,23800540,:,:,p/st
  736. 735,14131120,"Men¿s or boys¿ waistcoats, anoraks, ski-jackets, wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, of knitted or crocheted textiles (excluding jackets and blazers)",4261949,44987930,12653546,124514680,:,:,p/st
  737. 736,14131230,"Men¿s or boys¿ jackets and blazers, of knitted or crocheted textiles",2050271,23002240,10437846,66863470,135918,8404531,p/st
  738. 737,14131260,"Men¿s or boys¿ suits and ensembles, of knitted or crocheted textiles",3034024,11628870,9556910,25806920,5780,11310984,p/st
  739. 738,14131270,"Men¿s or boys¿ trousers, breeches, shorts, bib and brace overalls, of knitted or crocheted textiles",16820144,93796360,81507446,305388870,:,1620906,p/st
  740. 739,14131310,"Women¿s or girls¿ overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles, of knitted or crocheted textiles (excluding jackets and blazers)",3010919,26533790,8198978,52521410,111381,7533051,p/st
  741. 740,14131320,"Women¿s or girls¿ waistcoats, anoraks, ski-jackets, wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, of knitted or crocheted textiles (excluding jackets and blazers)",5825608,47647820,16572553,136489180,0,0,p/st
  742. 741,14131430,"Women¿s or girls¿ jackets and blazers, of knitted or crocheted textiles",2634833,18793190,13281446,70481290,133054,3416337,p/st
  743. 742,14131460,"Women¿s or girls¿ suits and ensembles, of knitted or crocheted textiles",5504122,24092880,11970114,41169680,7054,929654,p/st
  744. 743,14131470,"Women¿s or girls¿ dresses, of knitted or crocheted textiles",20335646,308558980,73941063,561720480,5244271,71927863,p/st
  745. 744,14131480,"Women¿s or girls¿ skirts and divided skirts, of knitted or crocheted textiles",4719857,30312850,14118427,72895220,2638776,26540203,p/st
  746. 745,14131490,"Women¿s or girls¿ trousers, breeches, shorts, bib and brace overalls, of knitted or crocheted textiles",32448253,118045630,195358197,643447550,1967926,20472926,p/st
  747. 746,14132110,Men's or boys' raincoats,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  748. 747,14132115,"Men¿s or boys¿ raincoats, overcoats, car-coats, capes, etc.",4285118,99156170,12606301,211482180,93881,15496139,p/st
  749. 748,14132120,"Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, etc",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  750. 749,14132130,"Men¿s or boys¿ waistcoats, anoraks, ski-jackets, wind-jackets and similar articles (excluding jackets and blazers, knitted or crocheted, impregnated, coated, covered, laminated or rubberised)",8612847,155280190,27372162,428778410,140948,4079072,p/st
  751. 750,14132200,Men¿s or boys¿ suits & ensembles (excluding knitted or crocheted),5600936,55605930,5766512,99075720,:,20072547,p/st
  752. 751,14132210,Men's or boys' suits (excluding knitted or crocheted),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  753. 752,14132220,Men's or boys' ensembles (excluding knitted or crocheted),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  754. 753,14132300,Men¿s or boys¿ jackets and blazers (excluding knitted or crocheted),3728812,119658500,15549380,349097760,144604,3445995,p/st
  755. 754,14132442,"Men¿s or boys¿ trousers and breeches, of denim (excluding for industrial or occupational wear)",10334062,167408770,36503438,376110100,115240,4301505,p/st
  756. 755,14132444,"Men¿s or boys¿ trousers, breeches and shorts, of wool or fine animal hair (excluding knitted or crocheted, for industrial or occupational wear)",633688,14589690,3326337,61933890,1055,680986,p/st
  757. 756,14132445,"Men¿s or boys¿ trousers and breeches, of man-made fibres (excluding knitted or crocheted, for industrial or occupational wear)",7259421,44060780,34594884,209676760,:,:,p/st
  758. 757,14132448,"Men¿s or boys¿ trousers and breeches, of cotton (excluding denim, knitted or crocheted)",17195692,94922280,45092259,289627980,:,:,p/st
  759. 758,14132449,"Men¿s or boys¿ trousers, breeches, shorts and bib and brace overalls (excluding of wool, cotton and man-made fibres, knitted or crocheted)",271473,4708460,4574815,25855820,0,0,p/st
  760. 759,14132455,"Men¿s or boys¿ bib and brace overalls (excluding knitted or crocheted, for industrial or occupational wear)",127942,939370,857153,5504960,:,:,p/st
  761. 760,14132460,"Men¿s or boys¿ shorts, of cotton or man-made fibres (excluding knitted or crocheted)",8580086,55764130,36818640,205948460,26993,255512,p/st
  762. 761,14133110,Woman's or girls' raincoats,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  763. 762,14133115,"Woman¿s or girls¿ raincoats and overcoats, etc",7507787,191697090,23280679,416828070,684551,48762932,p/st
  764. 763,14133120,"Woman's or girls' overcoats, etc",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  765. 764,14133130,"Women¿s or girls¿ waistcoats, anoraks, ski-jackets, wind-jackets and similar articles (excluding jackets and blazers, knitted or crocheted, impregnated, coated, covered, laminated or rubberised)",10218170,147515820,26392777,346822650,144610,3314816,p/st
  766. 765,14133200,Women¿s or girls¿ suits & ensembles (excluding knitted or crocheted),5865732,37363900,10145058,50925060,144223,11921247,p/st
  767. 766,14133210,Women's or girls' suits (excluding knitted or crocheted),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  768. 767,14133220,Women's or girls' ensembles (excluding knitted or crocheted),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  769. 768,14133330,Women¿s or girls¿ jackets and blazers (excluding knitted or crocheted),5520685,111536150,19682943,295366210,2312467,36799480,p/st
  770. 769,14133470,Women¿s or girls¿ dresses (excluding knitted or crocheted),26503639,679983420,91065847,1078070140,24207717,331232961,p/st
  771. 770,14133480,Women¿s or girls¿ skirts and divided skirts (excluding knitted or crocheted),5581650,87234980,27685551,227784010,5997357,56217277,p/st
  772. 771,14133542,"Women¿s or girls¿ trousers and breeches, of denim (excluding for industrial or occupational wear)",13948004,206992410,60326007,530775030,837842,15201843,p/st
  773. 772,14133548,"Women¿s or girls¿ trousers and breeches, of cotton (excluding denim, for industrial or occupational wear)",10438657,59146750,50580900,247645850,1387238,7773735,p/st
  774. 773,14133549,"Women¿s or girls¿ trousers and breeches, of wool or fine animal hair or man-made fibres (excluding knitted or crocheted and for industrial and occupational wear)",15028972,87566240,47643945,307862370,6272478,37138262,p/st
  775. 774,14133551,"Women¿s or girls¿ bib and brace overalls, of cotton (excluding knitted or crocheted, for industrial or occupational wear)",219869,2812340,814781,6857060,0,0,p/st
  776. 775,14133561,"Women¿s or girls¿ shorts, of cotton (excluding knitted and crocheted)",3857572,32187520,13803417,81808670,23231,253231,p/st
  777. 776,14133563,"Women's or girls' bib and brace overalls, of wool or fine animal hair and man-made fibres (excluding cotton, knitted or crocheted, for industrial or occupational wear) and women's or girls' shorts, of wool or fine animal hair (excluding knitted or crocheted)",482360,3761250,624191,7112660,0,0,p/st
  778. 777,14133565,"Women¿s or girls¿ shorts, of man-made fibres (excluding knitted or crocheted)",1484536,14541200,7507687,44194810,25591,176805,p/st
  779. 778,14133569,"Women¿s or girls¿ trousers, breeches, bib and brace overalls, of textiles (excluding cotton, wool or fine animal hair, man-made fibres, knitted or crocheted)",1040158,18574170,8134400,65795040,:,595435,p/st
  780. 779,14141100,"Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted",17660013,123388180,100447513,461397710,159581,7147501,p/st
  781. 780,14141220,"Men¿s or boys¿ underpants and briefs, of knitted or crocheted textiles (including boxer shorts)",32252420,39149050,187846772,195445970,63571,:,p/st
  782. 781,14141230,"Men¿s or boys¿ nightshirts and pyjamas, of knitted or crocheted textiles",2350482,11125240,19418675,53914430,:,:,p/st
  783. 782,14141240,"Men¿s or boys¿ dressing gowns, bathrobes and similar articles, of knitted or crocheted textiles",751752,4834770,6439851,31943440,:,:,p/st
  784. 783,14141310,"Women¿s or girls¿ blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, of knitted or crocheted textiles",12966507,84089360,53542122,208352170,6895340,49090308,p/st
  785. 784,14141420,"Women¿s or girls¿ briefs and panties, of knitted or crocheted textiles (including boxer shorts)",36010305,38324830,295134974,255960240,0,0,p/st
  786. 785,14141430,"Women¿s or girls¿ nighties and pyjamas, of knitted or crocheted textiles",7695720,32912550,47620403,175538740,:,2863107,p/st
  787. 786,14141440,"Women¿s or girls¿ negligees, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, of knitted or crocheted textiles",2971233,10708030,22594107,72127980,0,0,p/st
  788. 787,14141450,"Women¿s or girls¿ slips and petticoats, of knitted or crocheted textiles",1053735,6232860,1540095,7250280,7100,234980,p/st
  789. 788,14142100,Men¿s or boys¿ shirts (excluding knitted or crocheted),21211144,199836580,96862054,640822810,222036,12114022,p/st
  790. 789,14142220,Men¿s or boys¿ underpants and briefs (including boxer shorts) (excluding knitted or crocheted),11118267,14305390,22801964,33171550,:,:,p/st
  791. 790,14142230,Men¿s or boys¿ nightshirts and pyjamas (excluding knitted or crocheted),1244856,5085710,7358782,26651890,0,0,p/st
  792. 791,14142240,"Men¿s or boys¿ singlets, vests, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles (excluding knitted or crocheted)",:,3952690,:,11908450,0,0,p/st
  793. 792,14142300,"Women¿s or girls¿ blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses (excluding knitted or crocheted)",33832692,308170580,139213991,857705910,23351440,123020065,p/st
  794. 793,14142430,Women¿s or girls¿ nightdresses and pyjamas (excluding knitted or crocheted),7133981,14535400,12850449,57629240,346002,:,p/st
  795. 794,14142450,Women¿s or girls¿ slips and petticoats (excluding knitted or crocheted),394885,3244300,1619698,3869710,:,:,p/st
  796. 795,14142460,"Women¿s or girls¿ singlets and other vests, briefs, panties, negligees, bathrobes, dressing gowns, housecoats and similar articles of cotton (excluding knitted or crocheted)",:,4626960,:,17759690,699645,3096946,p/st
  797. 796,14142480,"Women's or girls' negligees, bathrobes, dressing gowns, singlets, vests, briefs and panties (including boxer shorts), of man-made fibres (excluding knitted or crocheted)",:,5397100,:,26726790,:,:,p/st
  798. 797,14142489,"Women¿s or girls¿ singlets, vests, briefs, panties, negligees, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, of textiles (excluding cotton, man-made fibres, knitted or crocheted)",:,2737590,:,8808540,0,0,p/st
  799. 798,14142530,Brassieres,26092483,100379780,126182811,423925810,:,2598469,p/st
  800. 799,14142550,"Girdles, panty-girdles and corselettes (including bodies with adjustable straps)",596028,3073570,3182816,9987960,8577,483648,p/st
  801. 800,14142570,"Braces, suspenders, garters and similar articles and parts thereof",:,11880730,:,23521860,:,3801887,:
  802. 801,14143000,"T-shirts, singlets and vests, knitted or crocheted",137555064,651426530,590976131,1984828350,1156865,13942533,p/st
  803. 802,14191100,"Babies¿ garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted including vests, rompers, underpants, stretch-suits, gloves or mittens or mitts, outerwear (for children of height <= 86 cm)",:,79669310,:,441118980,:,:,:
  804. 803,14191210,"Track-suits, of knitted or crocheted textiles",2861926,30872280,7614503,59917450,:,:,p/st
  805. 804,14191230,"Ski-suits, of knitted or crocheted textiles",:,354930,:,621590,0,0,p/st
  806. 805,14191240,"Men¿s or boys¿ swimwear, of knitted or crocheted textiles",2734078,14958190,4656013,16675890,:,:,p/st
  807. 806,14191250,"Women¿s or girls¿ swimwear, of knitted or crocheted textiles",11517304,90083890,35382425,169946000,:,:,p/st
  808. 807,14191290,"Other garments, knitted or crocheted (including bodies with a proper sleeve)",4276300,105756740,10617800,219743470,1201815,8137612,kg
  809. 808,14191300,"Gloves, mittens and mitts, of knitted or crocheted textiles",24704079,31428230,241460914,138185070,478031,3967285,pa
  810. 809,14191930,"Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like, of knitted or crocheted textiles",:,21286890,:,52115310,1930007,13616298,p/st
  811. 810,14191960,"Clothing accessories and parts thereof, of knitted or crocheted textiles (excluding gloves, mittens, shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas and veils)",:,12736590,:,24371060,:,573762,:
  812. 811,14192100,"Babies' clothing and accessories, of textiles, not knitted or crocheted (for children of height <= 86 cm) including vests, rompers, underpants, stretch-suits, napkins, gloves, mittens and outerwear",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  813. 812,14192150,"Babies clothing and accessories, of textiles, not knitted or crocheted (for children of height <= 86 cm) including vests, rompers, underpants, stretch-suits, gloves, mittens and outerwear (excluding sanitary towels and napkins and similar articles)",:,29046170,:,118871680,:,1025471,:
  814. 813,14192210,"Other men¿s or boys¿ apparel n.e.c., including tracksuits and jogging suits (excluding waistcoats, ski-suits, knitted or crocheted)",:,27569450,:,80561290,2158428,46285375,p/st
  815. 814,14192220,"Other women¿s or girls¿ apparel n.e.c., including tracksuits and jogging suits (excluding waistcoats, ski-suits, knitted or crocheted)",:,77996650,:,164376780,1265746,12036456,p/st
  816. 815,14192230,Ski-suits (excluding of knitted or crocheted textiles),19759,655710,112843,1441020,0,0,p/st
  817. 816,14192240,Men¿s or boys¿ swimwear (excluding of knitted or crocheted textiles),1705808,15824550,7237361,39465980,:,:,p/st
  818. 817,14192250,Women¿s or girls¿ swimwear (excluding of knitted or crocheted textiles),2126636,9727740,5748945,18831630,:,666157,p/st
  819. 818,14192310,Handkerchiefs,1238198,2017780,7756569,6464060,67154,650188,p/st
  820. 819,14192333,"Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like (excluding articles of silk or silk waste, knitted or crocheted)",20537300,91081700,57197222,126114190,2643372,85876099,p/st
  821. 820,14192338,"Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like, of silk or silk waste (excluding knitted or crocheted)",455577,6125930,2453352,26424370,63699,602279,p/st
  822. 821,14192353,"Ties, bow ties and cravats (excluding articles of silk or silk waste, knitted or crocheted)",2387648,5771190,9259469,11306490,3354536,10169163,p/st
  823. 822,14192358,"Ties, bow ties and cravats, of silk or silk waste (excluding knitted or crocheted)",759887,14435270,4066249,23034990,446707,16131498,p/st
  824. 823,14192370,"Gloves, mittens and mitts (excluding knitted or crocheted)",2710644,11993920,13948367,35813890,0,0,pa
  825. 824,14192393,"Clothing accessories of textiles (excluding shawls, scarves and mufflers, mantillas and veils, ties, bow-ties and cravats, gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  826. 825,14192395,"Parts of garments or of clothing accessories, of textiles (excluding bras, girdles and corsets, braces, suspenders and garters, knitted or crocheted)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  827. 826,14192396,"Clothing accessories, parts of garments or of clothing accessories, of textiles, n.e.c. and parts thereof, (excluding shawls, scarves and mufflers, mantillas and veils, ties, bow-ties and cravats, gloves, mittens and mitts and parts thereof; bras, girdles and corsets, braces, suspenders and garters",:,134280470,:,41160020,:,1695051,:
  828. 827,14193175,"Gloves, mittens and mitts, of leather or composition leather (excluding for sport, protective for all trades)",913245,19320300,5922311,29391190,74266,1545621,pa
  829. 828,14193180,"Belts and bandoliers, of leather or composition leather",:,23364100,:,75001200,957265,8742172,p/st
  830. 829,14193190,"Clothing accessories of leather or composition leather (excluding gloves, mittens and mitts, belts and bandoliers)",:,7161150,:,4824220,:,1084787,:
  831. 830,14193200,"Garments made up of felt or non-wovens, textile fabrics impregnated or coated",:,200485440,:,349164500,201666,28261490,p/st
  832. 831,14194130,"Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods, plateaux and manchons of felt (including slit manchons) (excluding those blocked to shape, those with made brims)",84827,667570,158717,705640,0,0,p/st
  833. 832,14194150,"Hat-shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material (excluding those blocked to shape, those with made brims, those lined or trimmed)",42284,245080,360669,1095140,0,0,p/st
  834. 833,14194230,"Felt hats and other felt headgear, made from hat bodies or hoods and plateaux",532672,3112140,1643679,4446190,47830,1571857,p/st
  835. 834,14194250,"Hats and other headgear, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material",1770694,7518350,8031777,15380720,354221,7260429,p/st
  836. 835,14194270,"Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted or made-up from lace, felt or other textile fabric in the piece (but not in strips); hair-nets of any material",:,90183790,:,201549980,1357823,19075593,p/st
  837. 836,14194300,"Other headgear (except headgear of rubber or of plastics, safety headgear and asbestos headgear); headbands, linings, covers, hat foundations, hat frames, peaks and chinstraps, for headgear",:,16282670,:,31327510,:,:,:
  838. 837,14201030,"Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of furskins (excluding hats and headgear)",:,18016790,:,44852790,:,747145,:
  839. 838,14201090,"Articles of furskin (excluding apparel, clothing accessories, hats and headgear)",:,4421200,:,7418690,:,:,:
  840. 839,14311033,"Panty hose and tights, of knitted or crocheted synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn < 67 decitex",10096341,8215120,47683677,58270280,:,:,p/st
  841. 840,14311035,"Panty hose and tights, of knitted or crocheted synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn >= 67 decitex",929104,1750430,8134158,17638270,1403902,3910251,p/st
  842. 841,14311037,"Pantyhose and tights of textile materials, knitted or crocheted (excl. graduated compression hosiery, those of synthetic fibres and hosiery for babies)",5159472,7893240,45614543,34882990,29923,151710,p/st
  843. 842,14311050,"Women¿s full-length or knee-length knitted or crocheted hosiery, measuring per single yarn < 67 decitex",278818,720380,11479858,10507690,:,:,pa
  844. 843,14311090,"Knitted or crocheted hosiery and footwear (including socks; excluding women¿s full-length/knee-length hosiery, measuring <67decitex, panty-hose and tights, footwear with applied soles)",:,115848430,:,449943000,15251131,32914324,pa
  845. 844,14391031,"Men¿s or boys¿ jerseys, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats and cardigans, of wool or fine animal hair (excluding jerseys and pullovers containing >= 50 % of wool and weighing >= 600 g)",2545670,62058260,8727542,127102570,538226,34604811,p/st
  846. 845,14391032,"Women¿s or girls¿ jerseys, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats and cardigans, of wool or fine animal hair (excluding jerseys and pullovers containing >= 50 % of wool and weighing >= 600 g)",2734116,84027200,9178458,184416270,292516,33647781,p/st
  847. 846,14391033,"Jerseys and pullovers, containing >= 50 % by weight of wool and weighing >= 600 g per article",868875,30636390,2188201,40923190,216209,14453557,p/st
  848. 847,14391053,"Lightweight fine knit roll, polo or turtle neck jumpers and pullovers, of cotton",3862352,42890670,8074605,56417330,0,0,p/st
  849. 848,14391055,"Lightweight fine knit roll, polo or turtle neck jumpers and pullovers, of man-made fibres",3415580,24350980,8340784,50848460,220217,1222809,p/st
  850. 849,14391061,"Men¿s or boys¿ jerseys, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats and cardigans, of cotton (excluding lightweight fine knit roll, polo or turtle neck jumpers and pullovers)",17602013,149773820,66636428,486571260,128494,5492375,p/st
  851. 850,14391062,"Women¿s or girls¿ jerseys, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats and cardigans, of cotton (excluding lightweight fine knit roll, polo or turtle neck jumpers and pullovers)",17127448,132910070,71037040,408067780,4879033,33899871,p/st
  852. 851,14391071,"Men¿s or boys¿ jerseys, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats and cardigans, of man-made fibres (excluding lightweight fine knit roll, polo or turtle neck jumpers and pullovers)",12937964,66801900,48584726,252071330,480754,5106825,p/st
  853. 852,14391072,"Women¿s or girls¿ jerseys, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats and cardigans, of man-made fibres (excluding lightweight fine knit roll, polo or turtle neck jumpers and pullovers)",29896778,138032380,136255383,693958600,6503142,60964787,p/st
  854. 853,14391090,"Jerseys, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats and cardigans, of textile materials (excluding those of wool or fine animal hair, cotton, man-made fibres)",8028379,25980840,16695684,59341040,:,:,p/st
  855. 854,15111030,"Tanned or dressed whole furskins, not assembled, of rabbit, hare or lamb",17024,594460,294347,5237970,:,:,p/st
  856. 855,15111050,"Tanned or dressed furskins or skins (excluding rabbit, hare or lamb)",:,13633470,:,8673820,:,0,:
  857. 856,15112100,Chamois leather and combination chamois leather,:,3006880,:,3371850,:,:,m2
  858. 857,15112200,Patent leather; patent laminated leather and metallised leather,15011,79050,133010,1463480,0,0,m2
  859. 858,15113100,"Leather, of bovine animals, without hair, whole",6657700,68726340,2454800,55368380,5684912,15869141,kg
  860. 859,15113200,"Leather, of bovine animals, without hair, not whole",5012200,113678820,3317500,56934710,9593122,262479610,kg
  861. 860,15113300,"Leather, of equine animals, without hair",361900,4474020,1220600,19446500,0,0,kg
  862. 861,15114130,"Sheep or lamb skin leather without wool on, tanned but not further prepared (excluding chamois leather)",1147700,2223060,102600,3134800,:,:,kg
  863. 862,15114150,"Sheep or lamb skin leather without wool on, parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning (excluding chamois, patent, patent laminated leather and metallised leather)",480144,9253930,225365,1721140,:,:,m2
  864. 863,15114230,Goat or kid skin leather without hair on; tanned or pre-tanned but not further prepared (excluding chamois leather),61800,586100,75300,696350,0,0,kg
  865. 864,15114250,"Goat or kid skin leather without hair on, parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning (excluding chamois leather, patent leather, patent laminated leather and metallised leather)",135257,1951050,26247,716720,:,:,m2
  866. 865,15114330,"Leather of swine without hair on, tanned but not further prepared",0,80,3000,85700,0,0,kg
  867. 866,15114350,Leather of swine without hair on; parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning (excluding patent leather; patent laminated leather and metallised leather),1,530,110613,1029130,:,:,m2
  868. 867,15115100,"Leather of other animals, without hair on",2881600,6258780,28800,1129990,0,0,kg
  869. 868,15115200,"Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fibre, in slabs, sheets or strips",:,27828650,:,1271280,:,:,m2
  870. 869,15121100,"Saddlery and harness for any animal made from any material (including traces, leads, knee pads, muzzles, saddle cloths, saddle bags, dog coats and the like)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  871. 870,15121110,"Saddlery and harness for any animal made from any material (including riding whips and crops and their parts, traces, leads, kneepads, muzzles, saddle cloths, dog coats,",:,:,:,:,:,36428759,:
  872. 871,15121210,"Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers of leather, composition leather, patent leather, plastics, textile materials, aluminium or other materials",:,144814340,:,387331780,907462,28451983,p/st
  873. 872,15121220,"Handbags of leather, composition leather, patent leather, plastic sheeting, textile materials or other materials (including those without a handle)",28633293,312320340,93556203,1083536800,168738,:,p/st
  874. 873,15121230,Articles normally carried in pocket or handbag,:,78337090,:,304762100,:,8333809,:
  875. 874,15121250,"Cases and containers, n.e.c.",:,232739290,:,763378760,:,26766058,:
  876. 875,15121270,Travel sets for personal toilet; sewing; or shoe or clothes cleaning (excluding manicure sets),:,4805760,:,18799980,0,0,p/st
  877. 876,15121300,"Watch straps, bands, bracelets and parts thereof (including of leather, composition leather or plastic; excluding of precious metal, metal or base metal clad/plated with precious metal)",:,9861640,:,22226370,0,0,p/st
  878. 877,15121930,Articles of leather or composition leather of a kind used in machinery or mechanical appliances or for other technical uses,200000,6856450,117500,4405200,:,2372615,kg
  879. 878,15121960,"Articles of leather or of composition leather, n.e.c.",:,11285100,:,57588110,:,:,:
  880. 879,15201100,"Waterproof footwear, with uppers in rubber or plastics (excluding incorporating a protective metal toecap)",970881,21111210,6903916,53619420,450776,3091243,pa
  881. 880,15201210,"Sandals with rubber or plastic outer soles and uppers (including thong-type sandals, flip flops)",11516510,51603740,40453014,168501980,:,:,pa
  882. 881,15201231,Town footwear with rubber or plastic uppers,60085475,174779460,140873104,654843600,117821,547526,pa
  883. 882,15201237,"Slippers and other indoor footwear with rubber or plastic outer soles and plastic uppers (including bedroom and dancing slippers, mules)",18804726,7544660,22573822,9539120,1272,38783,pa
  884. 883,15201330,Footwear with a wooden base and leather uppers (including clogs) (excluding with an inner sole or a protective metal toe-cap),231565,28313650,1808707,34617160,0,0,pa
  885. 884,15201351,"Men¿s town footwear with leather uppers (including boots and shoes; excluding waterproof footwear, footwear with a protective metal toe-cap)",7807693,323400020,28188282,664629600,1149943,155977734,pa
  886. 885,15201352,"Women¿s town footwear with leather uppers (including boots and shoes; excluding waterproof footwear, footwear with a protective metal toe-cap)",8899127,291089700,40088340,920493290,1362905,74359793,pa
  887. 886,15201353,"Children¿s town footwear with leather uppers (including boots and shoes; excluding waterproof footwear, footwear with a protective metal toe-cap)",4472656,70173240,17786928,281528210,34775,411786,pa
  888. 887,15201361,"Men¿s sandals with leather uppers (including thong type sandals, flip flops)",1279136,18058360,975683,28294820,3610,122053,pa
  889. 888,15201362,"Women¿s sandals with leather uppers (including thong type sandals, flip flops)",2025219,86077730,8150518,176891000,335856,15840624,pa
  890. 889,15201363,"Children¿s sandals with leather uppers (including thong type sandals, flip flops)",265905,11410670,971200,10734380,0,0,pa
  891. 890,15201370,"Slippers and other indoor footwear with rubber, plastic or leather outer soles and leather uppers (including dancing and bedroom slippers, mules)",832843,10803700,6173723,21606640,372278,6880582,pa
  892. 891,15201380,"Footwear with wood, cork or other outer soles and leather uppers (excluding outer soles of rubber, plastics or leather)",5254941,16991600,11518577,39338990,0,0,pa
  893. 892,15201444,"Slippers and other indoor footwear (including dancing and bedroom slippers, mules) with uppers of textile materials",8776222,30545140,61437833,139567580,357659,13772571,pa
  894. 893,15201445,"Footwear with rubber, plastic or leather outer soles and textile uppers (excluding slippers and other indoor footwear, sports footwear)",31517613,218474730,111856419,837533230,67156,970719,pa
  895. 894,15201446,"Footwear with textile uppers (excluding slippers and other indoor footwear as well as footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather)",6258951,35754450,14431724,58820050,:,100380,pa
  896. 895,15202100,"Sports footwear with rubber or plastic outer soles and textile uppers (including tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like)",7697124,219811490,40408610,769043850,1056,27376,pa
  897. 896,15202900,"Other sports footwear, except snow-ski footwear and skating boots",11649098,148668400,13482607,264145400,:,:,pa
  898. 897,15203120,"Footwear (including waterproof footwear), incorporating a protective metal toecap, with outer soles and uppers of rubber or of plastics",921361,6823850,2623694,28476100,0,0,pa
  899. 898,15203150,"Footwear with rubber, plastic or leather outer soles and leather uppers, and with a protective metal toe-cap",1319619,19154270,9421663,163242340,65786,1368816,pa
  900. 899,15203200,"Wooden footwear, miscellaneous special footwear and other footwear n.e.c.",3069077,51618760,19667447,79803100,772,17110,pa
  901. 900,15204020,Leather uppers and parts thereof of footwear (excluding stiffeners),:,244510,:,31226970,:,2861966,:
  902. 901,15204050,"Uppers and parts thereof of footwear (excluding stiffeners, of leather)",:,997000,:,2658260,:,:,:
  903. 902,15204080,Parts of footwear (excluding uppers) other materials,:,13005230,:,39422800,:,5174125,:
  904. 903,16101010,"Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, not impregnated",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  905. 904,16101032,"Coniferous wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm and end-jointed or sanded",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  906. 905,16101033,"Coniferous wood; sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm, end-jointed, sanded or planed",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  907. 906,16101034,"Coniferous wood; sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6mm, planed (excluding end-jointed or sanded)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  908. 907,16101035,"Spruce wood (Picea abies Karst.), fir wood (Abies alba Mill.)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  909. 908,16101037,Pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  910. 909,16101039,"Coniferous wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness of > 6 mm (excl. planed or sanded, and spruce ""Picea abies Karst."", silver fir ""Abies alba Mill."" and pine ""Pinus sylvestris L."")",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  911. 910,16101050,"Wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm (excluding coniferous and tropical woods and oak blocks, strips and friezes)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  912. 911,16101071,"Tropical wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, end-jointed or planed/sanded, of a thickness > 6 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  913. 912,16101077,"Oak blocks, strips or friezes for parquet or wood block flooring, planed but not assembled (excluding continuously shaped)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  914. 913,16101133,"Coniferous wood; sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm, end-jointed, sanded or planed",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  915. 914,16101134,"Spruce wood (Picea abies Karst.), fir wood (Abies alba Mill.) sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm",145474,25105050,3484478,749991080,1556826,307536473,m3
  916. 915,16101135,"Spruce wood (Picea abies Karst.), fir wood (Abies alba Mill.) sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm, end-jointed, sanded or planed",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  917. 916,16101136,"Pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm",116763,14148160,2684810,437123350,254027,69754868,m3
  918. 917,16101137,"Pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm, end-jointed, sanded or planed",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  919. 918,16101138,"Coniferous wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness of > 6 mm (excl. spruce ""Picea abies Karst."", silver fir ""Abies alba Mill."" and pine ""Pinus sylvestris L."")",11544,1250930,1017864,166133940,1015219,202770712,m3
  920. 919,16101139,"Coniferous wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness of > 6 mm (excl. planed or sanded, and spruce ""Picea abies Karst."", silver fir ""Abies alba Mill."" and pine ""Pinus sylvestris L."")",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  921. 920,16101250,"Wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm (excluding coniferous and tropical woods and oak blocks, strips and friezes)",308034,15768130,1628731,246178440,71774,62550333,m3
  922. 921,16101271,"Tropical wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, end-jointed or planed/sanded, of a thickness > 6 mm",25697,2766670,488671,80126150,22691,9521257,m3
  923. 922,16101277,"Oak blocks, strips or friezes for parquet or wood block flooring, planed but not assembled (excluding continuously shaped)",4586,165800,32556,799090,:,443725,m2
  924. 923,16101300,"Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, not impregnated",2445,315980,122748,9789450,:,:,m3
  925. 924,16102110,"Coniferous wood continuously shaped (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled)",23072300,14212170,47071500,45233170,214726162,133270216,kg
  926. 925,16102150,"Non-coniferous wood continuously shaped (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  927. 926,16102200,Wood wool; wood flour,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  928. 927,16102210,"Bamboo, incl. strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled, continuously shaped ""tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed beaded, moulded, rounded or the like"" along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed",189500,1104050,2430300,4396770,0,0,kg
  929. 928,16102300,"Wood, incl. strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled, continuously shaped ""tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed beaded, moulded, rounded or the like"" along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed (excl. coniferous wood and bamboo)",6303900,9530430,127533700,137865070,5251426,17461531,kg
  930. 929,16102303,Coniferous wood in chips or particles,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  931. 930,16102305,Non-coniferous wood in chips or particles,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  932. 931,16102400,Wood wool; wood flour,530700,930360,6108300,2542410,:,:,kg
  933. 932,16102503,Coniferous wood in chips or particles,62766900,6338540,58639200,1295620,5158014,239522283,kg
  934. 933,16102505,Non-coniferous wood in chips or particles,152577500,3372110,20051500,3618390,:,:,kg
  935. 934,16103116,"Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives",36944,3818920,112600,15076280,872968,62824096,m3
  936. 935,16103200,Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of impregnated wood,687,53510,178454,4322790,:,987829,m3
  937. 936,16103900,"Other wood in the rough, including split poles and pickets",:,5966070,:,12152360,31382,6342181,m3
  938. 937,16109100,Treatment; impregnation and preservation of wood (including seasoning and drying),:,:,:,:,:,32743222,:
  939. 938,16211100,"Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, of bamboo",201236,1348120,22154,1133310,0,0,m3
  940. 939,16211200,"Particle board, of wood",322766,28892670,1972098,168467440,2507823,709525819,m3
  941. 940,16211211,"Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood (excluding of bamboo), each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness, with at least one outer ply of tropical wood",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  942. 941,16211214,"Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood (excluding of bamboo), each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness, with at least one outer ply of non-coniferous wood (excluding tropical wood)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  943. 942,16211217,"Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood (excluding of bamboo), each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness (excluding products with at least one outer ply of tropical wood or non-coniferous wood)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  944. 943,16211221,"Veneered panels and similar laminated wood with blockboard, laminboard or battenboard",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  945. 944,16211224,"Veneered panels and similar laminated wood (excluding with blockboard, laminboard or battenboard)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  946. 945,16211313,"Particle board, of wood",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  947. 946,16211316,"Oriented strand board (OSB), of wood",141524,19518050,323126,57643560,:,:,m3
  948. 947,16211319,"Waferboard and similar board, of wood (excluding particle board and oriented strand board [OSB])",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  949. 948,16211350,Particle board and similar board of ligneous materials (excluding wood),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  950. 949,16211419,"Waferboard and similar board, of wood (excluding particle board and oriented strand board [OSB])",1507,20530,54545,8051710,0,0,m3
  951. 950,16211423,"Medium density fibreboard (MDF), of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  952. 951,16211426,"Medium density fibreboard (MDF), of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a thickness exceeding 5 mm but not exceeding 9 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  953. 952,16211429,"Medium density fibreboard (MDF), of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a thickness exceeding 9 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  954. 953,16211443,"Fibreboard (excluding medium density fibreboard [MDF]), of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a density exceeding 0,8 g/cm³",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  955. 954,16211446,"Fibreboard (excluding medium density fibreboard [MDF]), of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a density exceeding 0,5 g/cm³ but not exceeding 0,8 g/cm³",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  956. 955,16211449,"Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials (excluding medium density fibreboard [MDF]), whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a density not exceeding 0,5 g/cm³",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  957. 956,16211450,Particle board and similar board of ligneous materials (excluding wood),16846,606000,186005,22104060,0,0,m3
  958. 957,16211523,"Medium density fibreboard (MDF), of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm",:,847740,:,46571710,108469,515587,m2
  959. 958,16211526,"Medium density fibreboard (MDF), of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a thickness exceeding 5 mm but not exceeding 9 mm",:,2741110,:,62869990,4779953,15358117,m2
  960. 959,16211529,"Medium density fibreboard (MDF), of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a thickness exceeding 9 mm",:,10099890,:,159773730,47437231,198340310,m2
  961. 960,16211543,"Fibreboard (excluding medium density fibreboard [MDF]), of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a density exceeding 0,8 g/cm³",:,1888420,:,70172430,12475237,59608519,m2
  962. 961,16211546,"Fibreboard (excluding medium density fibreboard [MDF]), of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a density exceeding 0,5 g/cm³ but not exceeding 0,8 g/cm³",:,6883780,:,726270,0,0,m2
  963. 962,16211549,"Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials (excluding medium density fibreboard [MDF]), whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances, of a density not exceeding 0,5 g/cm³",:,399850,:,15470140,0,0,m2
  964. 963,16211600,"Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, of coniferous wood",96554,8736510,713960,180149270,33584,47714647,m3
  965. 964,16211610,"Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, of coniferous wood",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  966. 965,16211617,"Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood (excluding of bamboo), each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness (excluding products with at least one outer ply of tropical wood or non-coniferous wood)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  967. 966,16211711,"Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood (excluding of bamboo), each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness, with at least one outer ply of tropical wood",57904,22049950,341832,95984500,0,0,m3
  968. 967,16211800,"Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, of other wood",43955,2590620,862542,293136540,64750,42272463,m3
  969. 968,16211810,"Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, of other wood",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  970. 969,16211814,"Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood (excluding of bamboo), each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness, with at least one outer ply of non-coniferous wood (excluding tropical wood)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  971. 970,16212100,"Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes",102892,3672530,138712,4481340,0,0,m3
  972. 971,16212113,"Veneer sheets, sheets for plywood and other wood sawn lengthwise, sliced/peeled, thickness <= 6 mm and end-jointed, planed/sanded/small boards for the manufacture of pencils",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  973. 972,16212118,"Wood veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness <= 6 mm excluding end-jointed, planed or sanded",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  974. 973,16212200,"Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  975. 974,16212210,"Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood and other wood sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness <= 6 mm of coniferous wood",85990,1877810,681240,2666480,0,0,m3
  976. 975,16212300,"Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood and other wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness <= 6 mm, of tropical wood",53510,645550,12051,5021630,0,0,m3
  977. 976,16212400,"Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood and other wood sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness <= 6 mm of other wood than coniferous or tropical wood",418203,3736800,1342904,13687240,0,0,m3
  978. 977,16221030,Assembled parquet panels of wood for mosaic floors,16063,246130,4467,253590,:,:,m2
  979. 978,16221060,Assembled parquet panels of wood (excluding those for mosaic floors),156713,6443040,7260309,150588580,28691,3824700,m2
  980. 979,16231110,"Windows, french windows and their frames, of wood",92052,12895670,958943,199331580,446259,298843350,p/st
  981. 980,16231150,"Doors and their frames and thresholds, of wood",1766848,21674530,6534220,282328380,12512789,838187687,p/st
  982. 981,16231200,"Shuttering for concrete constructional work, shingles and shakes, of wood",777700,1838720,5766400,11153230,:,704940,kg
  983. 982,16231900,"Builders¿ joinery and carpentry of wood (excluding windows, french windows and doors, their frames and thresholds, parquet panels, shuttering for concrete constructional work, shingles and shakes)",12884200,16539080,108151900,140198230,826979130,1676538492,kg
  984. 983,16232000,Prefabricated buildings of wood,:,14380320,:,88366340,:,1266792522,:
  985. 984,16241133,Flat pallets and pallet collars of wood,10688181,24096690,11156001,29555330,39382138,289591294,p/st
  986. 985,16241135,Box pallets and load boards of wood (excluding flat pallets),:,4878680,:,8014730,912274,11427333,p/st
  987. 986,16241200,"Casks, barrels, vats, tubs, and coopers products and parts thereof of wood (including staves)",5364400,6540920,54652700,128316610,:,:,kg
  988. 987,16241320,"Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings of wood (excluding cable drums)",5939500,7496010,5027100,13358400,202267830,151012354,kg
  989. 988,16241350,Cable-drums of wood,3638400,4713060,891900,661980,2480392,21115129,kg
  990. 989,16291130,"Tools, tool bodies and handles and broom or brush bodies and handles of wood; boot and shoe lasts and trees of wood",295800,4310030,3303000,7757710,129100,3447135,kg
  991. 990,16291180,Roughly shaped blocks of wood or root for the manufacture of pipes,1700,137430,50200,70000,0,0,kg
  992. 991,16291200,Tableware and kitchenware of wood,1890100,14464820,14734900,58349620,:,2770712,kg
  993. 992,16291300,"Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery and similar articles; statuettes and other ornaments; coat or hat racks; office letter trays, ash trays, pen-trays, ink stands",:,9388650,:,73251030,:,992392,:
  994. 993,16291410,"Wooden parts of footwear (excluding uppers, stiffeners)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  995. 994,16291420,"Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects",:,9958620,:,51419430,7589245,33020407,m
  996. 995,16291490,Other articles of wood (excluding pallet collars),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  997. 996,16291491,Other articles of wood (excluding pallet collars and wooden coffins),:,33787710,:,266273450,:,370544218,:
  998. 997,16291500,Pellets and briquettes of pressed and agglomerated wood and of vegetable waste and scrap,72604100,7110070,6839773600,1093252430,101714651,18359246,kg
  999. 998,16292130,"Waste cork; crushed, granulated or ground cork (excluding natural cork raw or simply prepared)",5900,164240,131500,487940,0,0,kg
  1000. 999,16292150,"Natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, in rectangular or square blocks, plates, sheets or strips",14100,305580,269300,3518790,0,0,kg
  1001. 1000,16292250,Corks and stoppers of natural cork,7000,155650,8617900,17513180,0,0,kg
  1002. 1001,16292290,"Articles of natural cork, others",34400,230410,402600,1419370,0,0,kg
  1003. 1002,16292320,"Corks and stoppers, cylindrical, for sparkling wine, of agglomerated cork, incl. those with discs of natural cork",3600,108270,85100,1500430,0,0,kg
  1004. 1003,16292350,"Corks and stoppers, cylindrical, of agglomerated cork (excl. such products for sparkling wine)",4500,53300,24700,574000,0,0,kg
  1005. 1004,16292380,"Agglomerated cork - blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders or discs including agglomerated expanded cork or burnt cork (excluding corks and stoppers)",1171900,2608400,317200,1038020,:,:,kg
  1006. 1005,16292400,"Agglomerated cork; other articles of agglomerated cork, n.e.c.",63400,1149990,555100,2050880,:,:,kg
  1007. 1006,16292500,"Manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basket ware and wickerwork",1246000,6289480,21208300,74704530,:,3504169,kg
  1008. 1007,17111100,"Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades",66,3930,46050517,39934580,0,0,kg 90% sdt
  1009. 1008,17111200,"Chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate, other than dissolving grades",124508,67370,863931848,486589490,0,0,kg 90% sdt
  1010. 1009,17111300,"Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, other than dissolving grades",12041,34210,2418334,3491520,:,:,kg 90% sdt
  1011. 1010,17111400,Mechanical wood pulp; semi-chemical wood pulp; pulps of fibrous cellulosic material other than wood,:,4427530,:,90473320,:,:,kg 90% sdt
  1012. 1011,171200Z0,"Creped or crinkled sack kraft paper in rolls or sheets; paper and paperboard, creped, crinkled, embossed or perforated",10995400,33788100,15648700,18132680,:,:,kg
  1013. 1012,17121100,Newsprint in rolls or sheets,249909200,138858320,529783500,229020990,:,:,kg
  1014. 1013,17121200,Handmade paper and paperboard,894900,2304640,763300,1952420,0,0,kg
  1015. 1014,17121300,"Paper and paperboard used as a base for photo-sensitive, heat-sensitive or electro-sensitive paper; carbonising base paper; wallpaper base",3596300,5984670,17550300,22178190,0,0,kg
  1016. 1015,17121410,"Graphic paper, paperboard : mechanical fibres <= 10 %, weight < 40 g/m²",822600,2442970,19797200,21555400,0,0,kg
  1017. 1016,17121435,"Graphic paper, paperboard : mechanical fibres <= 10 %, weight >= 40 g/m² but <= 150 g/m², in rolls",8728300,17089790,252542500,188645040,238278000,38015445,kg
  1018. 1017,17121439,"Graphic paper, paperboard : mechanical fibres <= 10 %, weight >= 40 g/m² but <= 150 g/m², sheets",48426200,173709290,519343200,390276840,41927000,206726590,kg
  1019. 1018,17121450,"Graphic paper, paperboard : mechanical fibres <= 10 %, weight > 150 g/m²",20995300,41643180,71331900,69211760,52679000,106010243,kg
  1020. 1019,17121470,"Graphic paper, paperboard : mechanical fibres > 10 %",11658500,45908430,303663700,171725570,:,:,kg
  1021. 1020,17122030,"Cellulose wadding for household or sanitary purposes, in rolls of a width > 36 cm or in rectangular (including square sheets) with at least one side > 36 cm in an unfolded state",231500,477530,119730600,51777400,21179000,17755826,kg
  1022. 1021,17122055,"Creped paper and webs of cellulose fibres for household/ sanitary purposes, in rolls, width > 36 cm, rectangular sheets min. one side > 36 cm in unfolded state, weight <= 25 g/m²/ply",17501700,18814880,160199000,168240890,:,:,kg
  1023. 1022,17122057,"Creped paper and webs of cellulose fibres for household/sanitary purposes, in rolls, width > 36 cm, rectangular sheets min. one side > 36 cm in unfolded state, weight > 25 g/m²/ply",1100500,1066900,16574000,25448470,:,:,kg
  1024. 1023,17122090,Paper stock for household : others,9733900,18568140,74068900,83305480,56269000,53982684,kg
  1025. 1024,17123100,"Uncoated, unbleached kraftliner in rolls or sheets (excluding for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, punch card stock and punch card tape paper)",3844600,3935380,259744300,133497320,0,0,kg
  1026. 1025,17123200,"Uncoated kraftliner in rolls or sheets (excluding unbleached, for writing; printing or other graphic purposes, punch card stock and punch card tape paper",1187700,832700,104725700,61432140,11543000,27376,kg
  1027. 1026,17123300,Semi-chemical fluting,17600,63760,25287300,13822740,69000000,32087330,kg
  1028. 1027,17123400,Recycled fluting and other fluting,98020100,42463770,171631200,76160150,:,:,kg
  1029. 1028,17123520,"Uncoated testliner (recycled liner board), weight <= 150 g/m², in rolls or sheets",51400000,23269910,236101600,109765960,:,:,kg
  1030. 1029,17123540,"Uncoated testliner (recycled liner board), weight > 150 g/m², in rolls or sheets",13500000,6575320,64985000,30251590,:,:,kg
  1031. 1030,17124120,"Uncoated, unbleached sack kraft paper (excluding for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, punch card stock and punch card tape paper)",386200,449580,29208100,20062470,0,0,kg
  1032. 1031,17124140,"Uncoated sack kraft paper (excluding unbleached, for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, punch card stock and punch card tape paper)",21300,30840,4041800,3302190,0,0,kg
  1033. 1032,17124160,"Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard weighing <= 150 g/m² (excluding kraftliner, sack kraft paper, for writing, printing and other graphic purposes, etc.)",29913900,38296190,49324600,52670640,22951000,27854267,kg
  1034. 1033,17124180,Creped or crinkled sack kraft paper; in rolls or sheets,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  1035. 1034,17124220,Sulphite wrapping paper in rolls or sheets,393100,1182710,4080000,5267720,4190000,5361196,kg
  1036. 1035,17124240,"Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weight <= 150 g/m² (excluding products of HS 4802, fluting paper, testliner, sulphite wrapping paper, filter or felt paper and paperboard)",10616600,9216840,22552100,16677390,:,:,kg
  1037. 1036,17124260,"Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weight > 150 g/m² and < 225 g/m² (excluding products of HS 4802, fluting paper, testliner, sulphite wrapping paper, filter or felt paper and paperboard)",32205200,19164090,36449300,17246420,14605000,21336421,kg
  1038. 1037,17124280,"Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weight >= 225 g/m² (excluding products of HS 4802, fluting paper, testliner, sulphite wrapping paper, filter or felt paper and paperboard)",36385800,18964790,69462600,41377980,155100000,75624808,kg
  1039. 1038,17124330,Uncoated filter paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets,7321000,40079730,4595000,12909060,24792000,130646652,kg
  1040. 1039,17124360,Uncoated felt paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets,13200,122680,1134300,686430,318000,962734,kg
  1041. 1040,17124400,"Cigarette paper (excluding in the form of booklets or tubes), in rolls > 5 cm wide",2911200,17878210,69500,616290,:,:,kg
  1042. 1041,17125100,"Uncoated, inside grey paperboard",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1043. 1042,17125110,"Uncoated, inside grey paperboard",75000,154430,1384000,1867380,0,0,kg
  1044. 1043,17125900,Other uncoated paperboard,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1045. 1044,17125910,Other uncoated paperboard,3888400,5017250,52452100,29929710,0,0,kg
  1046. 1045,17126000,"Vegetable parchment, greaseproof papers, tracing papers and glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers",7715100,21175170,55988100,75906020,24811000,42420751,kg
  1047. 1046,17127100,Composite paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets (including strawpaper and paperboard) (excluding surface coated or impregnated),19697300,14715510,60678100,41347400,7212000,17050886,kg
  1048. 1047,17127200,"Paper and paperboard, creped, crinkled, embossed or perforated",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  1049. 1048,17127335,"Coated base for paper..., for photo-, heat-, electro-sensitive paper, weight <= 150 g/m², m.f. <= 10%",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1050. 1049,17127336,"Coated bases for paper and paperboard of a kind used for: photo-, heat- and electro-sensitive paper and having 10 % or less of mechanical and chemi-mechanical fibres, and paper and paperboard of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, which weighs less than or equal to 150 g/m²",29242400,42541170,556144500,410070740,7244000,26381649,kg
  1051. 1050,17127337,"Coated paper, for writing, printing, graphic purposes (excluding coated base, weight <= 150 g/m²)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1052. 1051,17127360,"Lightweight coated paper for writing, printing, graphic purposes, m.f. > 10 %",11582500,6367130,234296600,137015670,:,:,kg
  1053. 1052,17127375,"Other coated mechanical graphic paper for writing, printing, graphic purposes, m.f. > 10 %, rolls",4927400,4234420,171037100,105121120,0,0,kg
  1054. 1053,17127379,"Other coated mechanical graphic paper for writing, printing, graphic purposes, m.f. > 10 %, sheets",340100,900590,106841500,78562970,591000,2039536,kg
  1055. 1054,17127400,"Kraft paper (other than that of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes), coated with kaolin or with other inorganic substances",563700,394770,11601100,13855060,0,0,kg
  1056. 1055,17127500,"Kraft paperboard (other than that of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes), coated with kaolin or with other inorganic substances",2209600,2430200,4031900,3493980,0,0,kg
  1057. 1056,17127600,"Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer paper, in rolls or sheets",866700,2548050,19864100,32985380,0,0,kg
  1058. 1057,17127710,"Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets",483000,944300,1400800,2321330,:,:,kg
  1059. 1058,17127733,Self-adhesive paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets,48827700,135965140,72269900,138161140,744388000,172063604,kg
  1060. 1059,17127735,Gummed paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets (excluding self-adhesives),6312700,33467550,9078400,28445690,2703000,14531123,kg
  1061. 1060,17127755,"Bleached paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets, coated, impregnated or covered with plastics weighing > 150 g/m² (excluding adhesives)",4297300,8501740,68706400,80648760,10921000,14904126,kg
  1062. 1061,17127759,"Paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets, coated, impregnated or covered with plastics (excluding adhesives, bleached and weighing > 150 g/m²)",22048200,69016190,78676600,151989420,218525000,161490641,kg
  1063. 1062,17127770,"Paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets, coated, impregnated or covered with wax, paraffin wax, stearin, oil or glycerol",4821900,15584680,7355100,16100520,6978000,13398428,kg
  1064. 1063,17127780,"Other paper, paperboard, coated..., n.e.c.",53043700,130311130,68396700,144892680,195508000,158216889,kg
  1065. 1064,17127820,"Kraft paper and paperboard, coated on one or both sides with kaolin or other inorganic substances, in rolls or in square or rectangular sheets, of any size (excluding that for writing, printing or other graphic purposes; paper and paperboard bleached uniformly in the mass and containing > 95 % chemi",1469400,1190910,84082400,55427170,0,0,kg
  1066. 1065,17127850,"Multi-ply paper and paperboard, coated, others",112140700,113082410,205152500,149353670,:,:,kg
  1067. 1066,17127953,"Multi-ply paper and paperboard, coated, of which each layer in bleached",6475800,7439900,140691000,117983850,0,0,kg
  1068. 1067,17127955,"Multi-ply paper and paperboard, coated, with one bleached outer layer",4094100,4162560,105449900,78685830,962000,3185919,kg
  1069. 1068,17127970,"Paper/paperboard in rolls or sheets, coated on one/both sides with kaolin or other inorganic substances excluding of a kind used for any graphic purposes, multi-ply paper/paperboard",2264800,3007430,17100900,16899480,0,0,kg
  1070. 1069,17211100,Corrugated paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets,21444000,34751740,17038000,14140070,793362000,635907468,kg
  1071. 1070,17211230,"Sacks and bags, with a base width >= 40 cm, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres",2492100,5125840,9225800,20455740,43987000,76984498,kg
  1072. 1071,17211250,"Sacks and bags of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres (excluding those with a base width >= 40 cm)",18564600,53490200,60058000,163322320,86889000,155467850,kg
  1073. 1072,17211300,"Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard",122285400,149916920,106905000,210140140,2928436000,2799872244,kg
  1074. 1073,17211400,"Folding cartons, boxes and cases of non-corrugated paper or paperboard",28106200,95271120,135549200,297166810,562836000,1113610595,kg
  1075. 1074,17211530,"Other packaging containers, including record sleeves, n.e.c.",3876800,14695760,22067900,87609880,32828000,78033924,kg
  1076. 1075,17211550,"Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like",3722900,9202140,5596900,21390750,7585000,21646686,kg
  1077. 1076,17221120,Toilet paper,47799300,90419270,42250100,61288040,781977000,1279087912,kg
  1078. 1077,17221140,"Handkerchiefs and cleansing or facial tissues of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres",11502700,27237710,26940800,52749140,96987000,171727104,kg
  1079. 1078,17221160,"Hand towels of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres",14455400,36488880,88589600,131643720,218911000,391841856,kg
  1080. 1079,17221180,"Tablecloths and serviettes of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres",6918500,21597810,29032800,58116690,27035000,58205482,kg
  1081. 1080,17221210,"Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar sanitary articles, of wadding",838100,7121640,4014600,23263050,1482150,3248657,kg
  1082. 1081,17221220,"Sanitary towels, tampons and similar articles of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres",2867200,30067590,23915000,128367370,1395000,27119669,kg
  1083. 1082,17221230,"Napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar sanitary articles of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers, (excluding toilet paper, sanitary towels, tampons and similar articles)",14287900,71676130,186147400,530194180,:,:,kg
  1084. 1083,17221240,Wadding; other articles of wadding,5613800,27589600,10805400,57035420,3278475,32216227,kg
  1085. 1084,17221250,"Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of paper pulp; paper; cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres (excluding handkerchiefs, headgear)",131400,1239510,2427600,12983070,:,2175277,kg
  1086. 1085,17221260,"Sanitary towels (pads), tampons and similar articles, of other textile materials (excl. of wadding of textile materials)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1087. 1086,17221270,"Napkins and napkin liners for babies, of other textile materials (excl. of wadding of textile materials)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1088. 1087,17221290,"Household, sanitary or hospital articles of paper, etc., n.e.c.",9184900,29976920,17486000,46167760,24191000,40859160,kg
  1089. 1088,17221300,"Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like of paper or paperboard",15401900,65979660,44853700,99895930,71296000,191082163,kg
  1090. 1089,17231100,"Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers; duplicator stencil and offset plates of paper; gummed or adhesive paper",228200,3023370,8793500,7773540,:,:,kg
  1091. 1090,17231230,Envelopes of paper or paperboard,4501400,13765390,32308400,45376460,83365287,196175300,kg
  1092. 1091,17231250,"Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards of paper or paperboard",286400,3806550,1225300,6106040,:,:,kg
  1093. 1092,17231270,"Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums of paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery",646300,3398350,2706700,10288040,:,:,kg
  1094. 1093,17231313,"Registers, account books, order books and receipt books, of paper or paperboard",2818200,35336000,4542500,7869370,2885861,3889719,kg
  1095. 1094,17231315,"Notebooks, letter pads, memorandum pads, of paper or paperboard",4610900,22316690,39725500,102502010,17902134,47593735,kg
  1096. 1095,17231317,"Diaries, of paper or paperboard",1064100,9549410,9241900,35058340,1344596,19121220,kg
  1097. 1096,17231319,"Engagement books, address books, telephone number books and copy books, of paper or paperboard (excluding diaries)",:,7011410,:,21816050,:,:,:
  1098. 1097,17231330,"Exercise books, of paper or paperboard",329200,2381940,8958500,13458850,9321429,11199197,kg
  1099. 1098,17231350,"Binders, folders and file covers, of paper or paperboard (excluding book covers)",5274400,13426070,20095300,39842380,15385244,48846202,kg
  1100. 1099,17231370,"Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets, of paper or paperboard",239400,2535740,127200,2726220,24665051,51213113,kg
  1101. 1100,17231375,"Continuous multi-part business forms, including interleaved carbon sets, carbonless paper and books",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1102. 1101,17231379,"Multi-part business forms, including single leaf forms, interleaved carbon sets, carbonless paper and books (excluding continuous forms)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1103. 1102,17231380,"Albums for samples, collections, stamps or photographs, of paper or paperboard",316100,2686900,3596500,15860200,95290,10748628,kg
  1104. 1103,17231390,"Blotting pads and book covers, of paper or paperboard",:,5256050,:,10283500,:,0,:
  1105. 1104,17231400,"Other paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing or printing or other graphic purposes, printed, embossed or perforated",2043900,4011630,10213200,24373930,22281000,31501021,kg
  1106. 1105,17241100,Wallpaper and similar wall coverings; window transparencies of paper,11805700,88230310,16379500,54527710,28580491,131977825,kg
  1107. 1106,17241200,Textile wall coverings,74500,1396250,151800,6034620,2559,66159,kg
  1108. 1107,17291120,Self-adhesive printed labels of paper or paperboard,10478300,124197170,15311800,65385620,178339617,938695290,kg
  1109. 1108,17291140,Printed labels of paper or paperboard (excluding self-adhesive),2450100,20729530,7817700,36765380,1925818,36045490,kg
  1110. 1109,17291160,Self-adhesive labels of paper or paperboard (excluding printed),3427300,25955190,6734600,20563010,16529314,51548473,kg
  1111. 1110,17291180,"Labels of paper or paperboard (excluding printed, self-adhesive)",1385500,11060490,3477400,15488350,:,176805,kg
  1112. 1111,17291200,"Filter blocks, slabs and plates of paper pulp",2671700,8693810,4611200,5254590,0,0,kg
  1113. 1112,17291910,Cigarette paper in rolls of a width <= 5 cm or in the form of booklets or tubes,473900,8041010,1855900,26637850,0,0,kg
  1114. 1113,17291920,"Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of paper pulp, paper or paperboard used for winding textile yarn",179700,163560,2332700,2947050,3599406,3644473,kg
  1115. 1114,17291930,"Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of paper pulp, paper or paperboard (excluding of a kind used for winding textile yarn)",3835700,4804660,4907700,8916740,51544693,40170189,kg
  1116. 1115,17291951,Filter paper and paperboard cut to shape,22745100,121119710,14094700,20937650,15402609,56143133,kg
  1117. 1116,17291955,"Rolls, sheets and dials of paper or paperboard, printed for self-recording apparatus",1481800,5071650,1052500,3166430,:,:,kg
  1118. 1117,17291957,Moulded or pressed articles of paper pulp,7516400,11709180,14738300,25070460,53000807,66595184,kg
  1119. 1118,17291985,Other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c.,9467000,35630010,31894200,62247460,28290268,63519911,kg
  1120. 1119,18111000,"Printed newspapers, journals and periodicals, appearing at least four times a week",:,:,:,:,:,97264649,:
  1121. 1120,18121100,"Printed new stamps, stamp-impressed paper, cheque forms, banknotes, etc.",:,:,:,:,:,585933133,:
  1122. 1121,18121230,Printed commercial catalogues,:,:,:,:,:,228050464,:
  1123. 1122,18121250,Printed trade advertising material (excluding commercial catalogues),:,:,:,:,:,1612461930,:
  1124. 1123,18121300,"Printed newspapers, journals and periodicals, appearing less than four times a week",:,:,:,:,:,516326554,:
  1125. 1124,18121407,"Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, in single sheets",:,:,:,:,:,468607344,:
  1126. 1125,18121414,"Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter (excluding in single sheets)",:,:,:,:,:,1208737609,:
  1127. 1126,18121421,"Printed children¿s picture, drawing or colouring books",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1128. 1127,18121428,"Printed dictionaries and encyclopaedias, and serial instalments thereof",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1129. 1128,18121435,"Printed maps, hydrographic or similar charts, in book-form",:,:,:,:,:,286311,:
  1130. 1129,18121442,"Printed maps, hydrographic or similar charts (excluding in book-form)",:,:,:,:,:,12168775,:
  1131. 1130,18121449,"Printed postcards, whether or not illustrated",:,:,:,:,:,5893894,:
  1132. 1131,18121456,"Printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages or announcements, whether or not illustrated, with or without envelopes or trimmings",:,:,:,:,:,76981076,:
  1133. 1132,18121463,"Printed pictures, designs and photographs",:,:,:,:,:,61813453,:
  1134. 1133,18121610,Printing onto textiles,:,:,:,:,:,124717397,:
  1135. 1134,18121620,Printing onto materials other than fabric or paper,:,:,:,:,:,1504489717,:
  1136. 1135,18121910,"Printed calendars of any kind, including calendar blocks",:,:,:,:,:,25536405,:
  1137. 1136,18121920,Printed music (including braille music),:,:,:,:,:,5839141,:
  1138. 1137,18121930,Printed transfers (decalcomanias),:,:,:,:,:,39810875,:
  1139. 1138,18121990,"Other printed matter, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,1425973285,:
  1140. 1139,18131000,"Composition, plate-making services, typesetting and phototypesetting",:,:,:,:,:,116624271,:
  1141. 1140,18132000,Printing components,:,26264330,:,20290270,:,97576055,:
  1142. 1141,18133000,Other graphic services,:,:,:,:,:,295598116,:
  1143. 1142,18141010,"Bookbinding and finishing of books and similar articles (folding, assembling, stitching, glue, cutting, cover laying)",:,:,:,:,:,52092578,:
  1144. 1143,18141030,"Binding and finishing of brochures, magazines, catalogues, samples and advertising literature including folding, assembling, stitching, gluing, cutting, cover laying",:,:,:,:,:,95106482,:
  1145. 1144,18141050,"Binding and finishing including finishing of printed paper/cardboard excluding finishing of books, brochures, magazines, catalogues, samples, advertising literature",:,:,:,:,:,66649937,:
  1146. 1145,18201010,Reproduction of sound on gramophone records,:,:,:,:,:,1006080,:
  1147. 1146,18201030,Reproduction of sound on magnetic tapes of a width <= 4 mm,:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  1148. 1147,18201050,"Reproduction of sound on magnetic tapes of a width > 4 mm but <= 6,5 mm",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  1149. 1148,18201070,Reproduction of sound on compact discs,:,:,:,:,:,13357364,:
  1150. 1149,18202050,"Reproduction of sound and vision video recording on magnetic tapes of a width > 6,5 mm",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  1151. 1150,18202070,Reproduction of sound and vision on video discs and other supports (excluding magnetic tapes),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1152. 1151,18203030,Reproduction of magnetic tapes bearing data or instructions of a kind used in automatic data-processing machines; of a width <= 4 mm (excluding sound or vision recordings),:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  1153. 1152,18203050,Reproduction of magnetic tapes bearing data or instructions of a kind used in automatic data-processing machines; of a width > 4 mm (excluding sound or vision recordings),:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  1154. 1153,18203070,"Reproduction of computer supports bearing data or instructions of a kind used in automatic data-processing machines (excluding magnetic tapes, sound or vision recordings)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1155. 1154,19103000,"Pitch and pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars",693500,425470,6519200,3002610,0,0,kg
  1156. 1155,20111120,Argon,7272565,2577290,17317487,5303800,:,:,m3
  1157. 1156,20111130,Rare gases (excluding argon),1218275,10350800,4680885,72926580,:,:,m3
  1158. 1157,20111140,Helium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1159. 1158,20111150,Hydrogen,72176,183180,1684056,1258580,294444000,:,m3
  1160. 1159,20111160,Nitrogen,5559633,2074590,14786811,2361140,:,:,m3
  1161. 1160,20111170,Oxygen,1528756,1463200,7689900,2058680,:,:,m3
  1162. 1161,20111190,Nitrogen,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1163. 1162,20111230,Carbon dioxide,49042800,3943920,122846200,10927970,:,:,kg
  1164. 1163,20111250,Sulphur trioxide (sulphuric anhydride); diarsenic trioxide,2435200,1170070,45300,64520,:,:,kg
  1165. 1164,20111270,Nitrogen oxides,1259800,3539660,1079600,5615930,0,0,kg
  1166. 1165,20111290,"Inorganic oxygen compounds of non metals (excluding sulphur trioxide (sulphuric anhydride); diarsenic trioxide, nitrogen oxides, silicon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide)",14800,645960,2817000,1547000,:,:,kg
  1167. 1166,20111300,Liquid air; compressed air,126800,4263340,95600,474940,0,0,kg
  1168. 1167,20121130,Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide,895500,2612200,17638600,42725440,555761,1600374,kg
  1169. 1168,20121150,Titanium oxides,:,7409790,:,16164110,432090,1320908,kg TiO2
  1170. 1169,20121200,"Chromium, manganese, lead and copper oxides and hydroxides",2653100,5911150,26199100,75381910,2237658,2350942,kg
  1171. 1170,20121210,Manganese oxides. Manganese dioxide,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1172. 1171,20121220,Manganese oxides. Manganese oxide containing by weight 77 % or more of manganese,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1173. 1172,20121230,Manganese oxides. Manganese oxide containing by weight less than 77 % of manganese,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1174. 1173,20121240,"Chromium, lead and copper oxides and hydroxides",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1175. 1174,20121910,Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colours containing 70 % or more by weight of combined iron evaluated as Fe2O3,5773000,12448850,30128800,31099040,:,:,kg
  1176. 1175,20121930,Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides,1241300,40475550,165900,4588220,:,:,kg
  1177. 1176,20121950,Lithium oxide and hydroxide; vanadium oxides and hydroxides; nickel oxides and hydroxides; germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide,1543500,28916950,1426900,17278400,:,:,kg
  1178. 1177,20121955,Lithium oxide and hydroxide,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1179. 1178,20121960,Vanadium oxides and hydroxides,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1180. 1179,20121965,Nickel oxides and hydroxides,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1181. 1180,20121970,Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1182. 1181,20121973,Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides,200,16250,1572800,14505490,0,0,kg
  1183. 1182,20121975,Antimony oxides,78200,661410,1690200,11402250,:,:,kg
  1184. 1183,20121980,Beryllium oxide and hydroxide,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1185. 1184,20121981,Tungsten oxides and hydroxides,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1186. 1185,20121990,"Other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.c.",4065500,15704870,1435600,3663920,3205737,33945498,kg
  1187. 1186,20121995,"Other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1188. 1187,20122110,Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon,1076200,19498470,1744900,32653680,8010598,28925365,kg
  1189. 1188,20122120,Acid and mordant dyes and preparations based thereon,879100,11408240,1733800,15033360,719587,6201878,kg
  1190. 1189,20122130,Basic dyes and preparations based thereon,2317800,13825300,2328900,11351760,1370756,11906419,kg
  1191. 1190,20122140,Direct dyes and preparations based thereon,2051900,16348740,2940400,8004300,462450,:,kg
  1192. 1191,20122150,Other synthetic organic colouring matters,20954200,138398610,24116000,174245990,47650304,203667286,kg
  1193. 1192,20122160,Synthetic organic products used as fluorescent brightening agents,1401200,15673160,3994100,9693460,:,:,kg
  1194. 1193,20122170,Colour lakes; preparations based on colour lakes,662700,24333320,341800,4521320,:,:,kg
  1195. 1194,20122250,"Tanning extracts of vegetable origin; tannins and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives",454400,831970,1115800,1819890,0,0,kg
  1196. 1195,20122270,Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin and preparations based thereon (including dyeing extracts) (excluding animal black),2377900,37461480,6832200,56258560,:,:,kg
  1197. 1196,20122330,Synthetic organic tanning substances,325700,525270,713600,1134840,0,0,kg
  1198. 1197,20122350,Inorganic tanning substances; tanning preparations; enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning,232600,1970030,3049400,5081350,0,0,kg
  1199. 1198,20122415,Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide containing >= 80 % by weight of titanium dioxide,:,473572140,:,95565550,:,:,kg TiO2
  1200. 1199,20122419,Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide (excluding those containing >= 80 % by weight of titanium dioxide),:,56715360,:,37045580,1920835,:,kg TiO2
  1201. 1200,20122440,Pigments and preparations based on chromium or cadmium compounds,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1202. 1201,20122450,Other colouring matter; pigments and preparations based on inorganic or mineral colouring matter; inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores,40001800,169634500,27583200,57245760,32631002,193577971,kg
  1203. 1202,20122470,"Other colouring matter, preparations and luminophores",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1204. 1203,201300Z0,"Phosphides (excluding ferrophosphorus), whether or not chemically defined; hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides, whether or not chemically defined, other than compounds which are also carbides of heading; Other inorganic compounds n.e.c.; amalgams (excluding distilled and co",427400,8289740,3074800,22651000,0,0,kg
  1205. 1204,20132111,Chlorine,59600,2269520,1204100,1823470,:,:,kg
  1206. 1205,20132116,Iodine; fluorine; bromine,3442900,8454020,7605300,29158820,0,0,kg
  1207. 1206,20132120,"Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulphur",87400,162870,261400,397980,:,:,kg
  1208. 1207,20132130,"Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon, n.e.c.)",7833000,5510210,52425600,62971430,:,:,kg
  1209. 1208,20132140,Boron; tellurium,1800,155290,1800,3102960,0,0,kg
  1210. 1209,20132141,Boron,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1211. 1210,20132142,Tellurium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1212. 1211,20132150,Silicon,3419400,19652380,97971400,206888370,5459131,63080749,kg
  1213. 1212,20132160,"Silicon. Containing by weight not less than 99,99 % of silicon",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1214. 1213,20132170,"Silicon. Other than containing by weight not less than 99,99 % of silicon",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1215. 1214,20132180,Phosphorus; arsenic; selenium,48500,1272390,1899100,8021800,0,0,kg
  1216. 1215,20132181,Phosphorus,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1217. 1216,20132185,Arsenic; selenium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1218. 1217,20132210,Phosphorus oxychloride,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1219. 1218,20132220,Phosphorus trichloride,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1220. 1219,20132230,Phosphorus trichloride,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1221. 1220,20132235,Chlorides and chloride oxides of phosphorus,176900,573140,23389500,21556150,3164990,5494656,kg
  1222. 1221,20132237,Halides and halide-oxides of non-metals (excluding chlorides and chloride oxides of phosphorus),25500,552630,1542100,2475360,:,:,kg
  1223. 1222,20132240,"Chlorides and chloride oxides of phosphorus (excl. phosphorus oxy-, tri- and pentachloride)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1224. 1223,20132260,Sulphides of non-metals; commercial phosphorus trisulphide,103600,1599770,1760600,1348800,0,0,kg
  1225. 1224,20132270,"Phosphorus sulphides, commercial phosphorus trisulphide",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1226. 1225,20132280,Sulphides of non-metals (excluding phosphorus sulphides; commercial phosphorus trisulphide),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1227. 1226,20132300,"Alkali or alkaline-earth metals; rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium; mercury",72400,1716700,893400,14832080,:,:,kg
  1228. 1227,20132413,Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid),:,1711520,:,5001020,67959423,12885122,kg HCl
  1229. 1228,20132415,Chlorosulphuric acid,18300,206400,58000,157140,0,0,kg
  1230. 1229,20132433,Sulphuric acid,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1231. 1230,20132434,Sulphuric acid; oleum,:,6809300,:,10329870,:,:,kg H2SO4
  1232. 1231,20132435,Oleum,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1233. 1232,20132453,Diphosphorus pentaoxide,3670,42690,404667,662800,0,0,kg P2O5
  1234. 1233,20132455,Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids,1191784,1992430,60090076,50132950,1901296,2431930,kg P2O5
  1235. 1234,20132460,Oxides of boron; boric acids; inorganic acids (excluding hydrogen fluoride),899000,2218840,15814200,12418200,:,301140,kg
  1236. 1235,20132462,Diboron trioxide,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1237. 1236,20132465,Oxides of boron and boric acids (excl. diboron trioxide),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1238. 1237,20132469,Other inorganic acids and other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals (excluding hydrogen fluoride),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1239. 1238,20132473,Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid),:,862320,:,6482270,:,:,kg HF
  1240. 1239,20132475,Silicon dioxide,:,88409020,:,56214990,:,:,kg SiO2
  1241. 1240,20132477,Sulphur dioxide,:,31530,:,678140,:,:,kg SO2
  1242. 1241,20132525,"Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), solid",:,1868170,:,15579740,:,:,kg NaOH
  1243. 1242,20132527,Sodium hydroxide in aqueous solution (soda lye or liquid soda),28584,713050,119589670,34301060,403676679,121271402,kg NaOH
  1244. 1243,20132530,Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash),5265674,3133120,11924240,9379240,:,:,kg KOH
  1245. 1244,20132535,"Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash), solid",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1246. 1245,20132537,Potassium hydroxide in an aqueous solution (potassium lye or liquid potassium),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1247. 1246,20132550,Peroxides of sodium or potassium,8900,1483820,216600,646650,8143,:,kg
  1248. 1247,20132560,"Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium; oxides, hydroxides and peroxides of strontium or barium",630100,1200380,12268000,8162660,:,:,kg
  1249. 1248,20132563,Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1250. 1249,20132565,"Oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, of strontium or barium",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1251. 1250,20132570,Aluminium hydroxide,:,553300,:,30206470,0,0,kg Al2O3
  1252. 1251,20132580,Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts,538800,2023390,908500,2922690,:,:,kg
  1253. 1252,20133110,Fluorides; fluorosilicates; fluoroaluminates and other complex fluorine salts,:,3369220,:,13159540,:,:,kg F
  1254. 1253,20133115,"Fluorides; fluorosilicates; fluoroaluminates and other complex fluorine salts (Lithium hexafluorophosphate (1-), Lithium difluorophosphate, Lithium hexafluoroarsenate monohydrate, Lithium tetrafluoroborate)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1255. 1254,20133119,"Fluorides; fluorosilicates; fluoroaluminates and other complex fluorine salts (excl. sodium hexafluoroaluminate ""synthetic cryolite""; hexafluorophosphate (1-), difluorophosphate, hexafluoroarsenate monohydrate and tetrafluoroborate of lithium; inorganic or organic compounds of mercury)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1256. 1255,20133130,Chlorides (excluding ammonium chloride),11326100,22057190,79422900,25296250,86417980,32775161,kg
  1257. 1256,20133131,Magnesium chlorides,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1258. 1257,20133132,Nickel chlorides,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1259. 1258,20133133,Tin chlorides,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1260. 1259,20133134,Cobalt chlorides,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1261. 1260,20133139,Other chlorides n.e.s.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1262. 1261,20133150,Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides of copper and other metals,5066900,3757130,9996900,13170680,:,:,kg
  1263. 1262,20133170,Bromides and bromide oxides; iodides and iodide oxides,2775700,11362510,9794700,17497020,:,:,kg
  1264. 1263,20133171,Bromides and bromide oxides (excl. bromides of sodium or of potassium),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1265. 1264,20133179,Bromides of sodium or of potassium; iodides and iodide oxides,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1266. 1265,20133230,Hypochlorites; commercial calcium hypochlorite; chlorites; hypobromites,:,9270320,:,8663630,421460331,76329748,kg Cl
  1267. 1266,20133250,Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates and perbromates; iodates and periodates,349500,6649300,1887800,5260720,:,:,kg
  1268. 1267,20134110,"Sulphides; polysulphides, whether or not chemically defined; dithionites and sulphoxylates",277300,577150,6203500,7089800,0,0,kg
  1269. 1268,20134111,"Sulphides of calcium, of antimony or of iron",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1270. 1269,20134120,"Sulphides; polysulphides, whether or not chemically defined; dithionites and sulphoxylates (excluding of calcium, antimony and iron)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1271. 1270,20134133,Sulphites,13516500,5032570,7267000,3251180,:,:,kg
  1272. 1271,20134135,Thiosulphates,460000,255280,2050400,786130,:,:,kg
  1273. 1272,20134150,Sulphates of aluminium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1274. 1273,20134151,Sulphates of barium or aluminium,1009900,1093570,4193200,5337890,:,:,kg
  1275. 1274,20134155,Sulphates of barium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1276. 1275,20134157,Sulphates (excluding those of aluminium and barium),11381700,10151210,210291000,52719900,:,23167212,kg
  1277. 1276,20134160,Sulphates of magnesium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1278. 1277,20134161,Sulphates of nickel,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1279. 1278,20134162,Sulphates of cobalt; of titanium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1280. 1279,20134165,"Sulphates (excluding those of aluminium, barium, magnesium, nickel, cobalt, titanium)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1281. 1280,20134173,Alums,72200,33450,441300,181610,0,0,kg
  1282. 1281,20134175,Peroxosulphates (persulphates),142700,715980,2982800,3453230,0,0,kg
  1283. 1282,20134210,Nitrates (excluding those of potassium),:,11367270,:,4273420,4694880,14397664,kg N
  1284. 1283,20134211,Nitrates of barium; of beryllium; of cadmium; of cobalt; of nickel; of lead,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1285. 1284,20134212,"Nitrates of copper and other (excluding those of potassium, of barium, of beryllium, of cadmium, of cobalt, of nickel, of lead)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1286. 1285,20134220,Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates (phosphites),873100,1799710,1130900,2193990,2205864,252090,kg
  1287. 1286,20134230,Phosphates of mono- or di-sodium,:,665220,:,2581780,:,:,kg P2O5
  1288. 1287,20134240,Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate (dicalcium phosphate),:,1260380,:,16791540,0,0,kg P2O5
  1289. 1288,20134270,Sodium triphosphate (sodium tripolyphosphate),:,1018790,:,7546670,0,0,kg P2O5
  1290. 1289,20134280,Phosphates (excluding calcium hydrogenorthophosphate and mono- or disodium phosphate); polyphosphates (excluding sodium triphosphate),4283900,10686070,83206000,66607040,:,1721286,kg
  1291. 1290,20134310,Disodium carbonate,:,0,:,73548760,:,:,kg Na2CO3
  1292. 1291,20134320,Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate),0,0,18840200,7359660,:,:,kg
  1293. 1292,20134340,Calcium carbonate,59704700,31506780,5713900,3577820,67885780,34786180,kg
  1294. 1293,20134350,Lithium carbonates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1295. 1294,20134390,Other carbonates,6814200,25205510,59639400,64062040,13633660,25355037,kg
  1296. 1295,20134395,Other carbonates n.e.s.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1297. 1296,20135110,"Manganites, manganates and permanganates; molybdates; tungstates (wolframates)",120800,2521460,358600,3000900,:,:,kg
  1298. 1297,20135115,Tungstates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1299. 1298,20135120,"Manganites, manganates and permanganates; molybdates",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1300. 1299,20135125,Chromates and dichromates; peroxochromates,24600,184990,1542500,2786890,:,:,kg
  1301. 1300,20135175,"Salts of oxometallic and peroxometallic acids (excluding chromates, dichromates, peroxochromates, manganites, manganates, permanganates, molybdates, tungstates)",557500,8506830,2359400,1332860,:,:,kg
  1302. 1301,20135178,Salts of oxometallic and peroxometallic acids: zincates and vanadates,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1303. 1302,20135179,Other salts of oxometallic and peroxometallic acids,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1304. 1303,20135183,Silver nitrate,275900,75482000,12200,265970,:,:,kg
  1305. 1304,20135185,Colloidal precious metals; compounds and amalgams of precious metals (excluding silver nitrate),631900,289318460,62200,57602120,313274,145058004,kg
  1306. 1305,20135250,Distilled and conductivity water and water of similar purity,787500,5320280,819100,2899510,813882,3790480,kg
  1307. 1306,20135270,"Compounds, inorganic or organic, of mercury, chemically defined as mercury (excluding amalgams)",3200,97690,16600,166600,0,0,kg
  1308. 1307,20135275,"Compounds, inorganic or organic, of mercury, not chemically defined (excluding amalgams)",114600,631400,760100,1597900,0,0,kg
  1309. 1308,20135290,"Other inorganic compounds n.e.c.; amalgams (excluding distilled and conductivity water and water of similar purity, liquid air and compressed air, those of precious metals)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  1310. 1309,20136100,Heavy water (deuterium oxide); isotopes and their compounds (excluding radioactive and the fissile or fertile chemical isotopes),4200,5431950,39500,12809100,:,:,kg
  1311. 1310,20136220,Cyanides; cyanide oxides and complex cyanides,10700,165160,5318900,8087970,:,:,kg
  1312. 1311,20136230,Borates; peroxoborates (perborates),:,959580,:,22769730,39735,85551,kg B2O3
  1313. 1312,20136240,Silicates; commercial alkali metal silicates,:,2643140,:,8442830,:,:,kg SiO2
  1314. 1313,20136270,Double or complex silicates,9185800,19691570,7157400,7546620,:,:,kg
  1315. 1314,20136280,Salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids (excluding azides and double or complex silicates),764100,4225770,869000,2729970,:,:,kg
  1316. 1315,20136300,Hydrogen peroxide,8016525,6540350,6723426,6759860,:,:,kg H2O2
  1317. 1316,20136410,"Carbides of silicon, whether or not chemically defined",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1318. 1317,20136420,"Carbides of boron, whether or not chemically defined",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1319. 1318,20136430,"Carbides of tungsten, whether or not chemically defined",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1320. 1319,20136450,Carbides whether or not chemically defined,331500,3384980,11686300,74347810,:,:,kg
  1321. 1320,20136451,"Carbides of aluminium, of chromium, of molybdenum, of vanadium, of tantalum; of titanium, whether or not chemically defined",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1322. 1321,20136480,"Phosphides (excluding ferrophosphorus), whether or not chemically defined; hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides, whether or not chemically defined, other than compounds which are also carbides of heading",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  1323. 1322,20136490,Other carbides n.e.s.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1324. 1323,20136500,"Compounds of rare-earth metals, of yttrium or of scandium or mixtures of these metals",1053000,22444130,1930300,32438010,0,0,kg
  1325. 1324,20136510,"Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals or of mixtures of these metals. Cerium compounds",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1326. 1325,20136520,"Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals or of mixtures of these metals. Compounds of lanthanum, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1327. 1326,20136550,"Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals or of mixtures of these metals. Compounds of europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium or yttrium",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1328. 1327,20136580,"Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals or of mixtures of these metals. Scandium compounds",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1329. 1328,20136585,"Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals or of mixtures of these metals. Compounds of mixtures of metals",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1330. 1329,20136600,"Sulphur (excluding crude, sublimed, precipitated and colloidal)",30480000,4231830,6403300,5465860,0,0,kg
  1331. 1330,20136700,Roasted iron pyrites,200,2840,77300,77840,0,0,kg
  1332. 1331,20136800,"Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped",1417284,3349310,607460,254900,0,0,g
  1333. 1332,20141120,Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons,998100,4354030,582660100,187141500,488576,3199608,kg
  1334. 1333,20141130,Ethylene,995165500,782843880,30668200,27778650,0,0,kg
  1335. 1334,20141140,Propene (propylene),221397900,177885010,110537700,73399550,:,:,kg
  1336. 1335,20141150,Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof,46100,327590,14697400,12234320,:,:,kg
  1337. 1336,20141160,"Buta-1,3-diene and isoprene",57875200,81965490,46229900,49183080,0,0,kg
  1338. 1337,20141165,Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons; buta-1.3-diene,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1339. 1338,20141167,Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons; Isoprene,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1340. 1339,20141190,"Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons (excluding ethylene, propene, butene, buta-1,3-diene and isoprene)",102556000,122629370,28348800,35332440,:,:,kg
  1341. 1340,20141213,Cyclohexane,25125800,22551660,1401300,1425910,:,:,kg
  1342. 1341,20141215,Cyclanes; cyclenes and cycloterpenes (excluding cyclohexane),1512600,4786840,10308600,15266490,:,:,kg
  1343. 1342,20141223,Benzene,588261900,306451170,159202400,117488750,:,9125,kg
  1344. 1343,20141225,Toluene,23545100,15092230,10082500,5969110,:,:,kg
  1345. 1344,20141243,o-Xylene,29039500,16881690,7645600,4393160,0,0,kg
  1346. 1345,20141245,p-Xylene,100,2650,1400,14230,0,0,kg
  1347. 1346,20141247,m-Xylene and mixed xylene isomers,305500,644140,6888200,4178720,141162,482508,kg
  1348. 1347,20141250,Styrene,88600,246940,37724000,43979870,0,0,kg
  1349. 1348,20141260,Ethylbenzene,154468300,123860040,1001000,991020,:,:,kg
  1350. 1349,20141270,Cumene,3600,10780,1068200,730390,0,0,kg
  1351. 1350,20141290,Other cyclic hydrocarbons,4470300,9428250,11199400,15384320,985436,4218235,kg
  1352. 1351,20141313,Chloromethane (methyl chloride) and chloroethane (ethyl chloride),159000,207160,30815500,19082640,0,0,kg
  1353. 1352,20141315,Dichloromethane (methylene chloride),1296500,1045770,9847300,5066070,:,779084,kg
  1354. 1353,20141323,Chloroform (trichloromethane),0,0,708400,830350,:,:,kg
  1355. 1354,20141325,Carbon tetrachloride,0,0,70400,18520,:,:,kg
  1356. 1355,20141353,"1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride)",301369000,131054330,21191700,6658070,:,:,kg
  1357. 1356,20141357,"Saturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons, n.e.c.",11000,97410,2270700,5010770,0,0,kg
  1358. 1357,20141371,Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene),10700,43320,308882300,189636650,0,0,kg
  1359. 1358,20141374,Trichloroethylene; tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene),4025000,4411850,3416300,2065300,0,0,kg
  1360. 1359,20141379,"Unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons (excluding vinyl chloride, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene)",953300,851560,2333600,2858750,0,0,kg
  1361. 1360,20141450,Derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only sulpho groups; their salts and ethyl esters,39326600,40350010,5799400,8312740,:,:,kg
  1362. 1361,20141470,Derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only nitro or only nitroso groups,3600,41380,103200,934610,0,0,kg
  1363. 1362,20141490,"Derivatives of hydrocarbons (excluding those containing only sulpho groups; their salts and ethyl esters, those containing only nitro or only nitroso groups)",16900,553600,866600,3188030,:,:,kg
  1364. 1363,20141910,Fluorinated; brominated or iodinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons,13536600,91693380,25265600,124878760,:,:,kg
  1365. 1364,20141930,Halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing >= 2 different halogens,454800,1991370,2443700,7175350,:,:,kg
  1366. 1365,20141950,"Halogenated derivatives of cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic hydrocarbons",33100,2947270,69600,317580,:,:,kg
  1367. 1366,20141970,Halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons,121300,3517920,6993500,17611180,:,:,kg
  1368. 1367,20142100,Industrial fatty alcohols,88804900,136100440,55737600,81568210,:,:,kg
  1369. 1368,20142210,Methanol (methyl alcohol),5971900,4759000,859566500,267530150,:,711784,kg
  1370. 1369,20142220,Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol),3476300,7105280,30039800,32508590,2857995,6638758,kg
  1371. 1370,20142230,Butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol),269800,629010,11227900,10480040,:,:,kg
  1372. 1371,20142240,Butanols (excluding butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol)),18174200,21566030,6601800,5144910,:,:,kg
  1373. 1372,20142263,Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof,641700,1032700,35806100,40555640,0,0,kg
  1374. 1373,20142265,"Lauryl alcohol; cetyl alcohol; stearyl alcohol and other saturated monohydric alcohols (excluding methyl, propyl and isopropyl, n-butyl, other butanols, octyl)",1422700,4195790,39402100,59123600,:,:,kg
  1375. 1374,20142270,Unsaturated monohydric alcohols,408400,7683390,3283800,20497600,29592,1712161,kg
  1376. 1375,20142310,Ethylene glycol (ethanediol),1521000,3561890,63739000,122018930,2927198,4789716,kg
  1377. 1376,20142320,"Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol)",4398300,7785980,50134400,60179300,:,:,kg
  1378. 1377,20142333,D-glucitol (sorbitol),137300,330410,22545500,27654180,0,0,kg
  1379. 1378,20142337,"Diols and polyhydric alcohols (excluding ethylene glycol and propylene glycol, D-glucitol and tetramethylene glycol having a bio-based carbon content of 100 % by mass)",736500,3466170,32684700,61906070,:,:,kg
  1380. 1379,20142338,"Butane-1,4-diol or tetramethylene glycol (1,4-butanediol) having a bio-based carbon content of 100 % by mass",27500,89540,67300,141810,0,0,kg
  1381. 1380,20142339,"Diols and polyhydric alcohols (excluding ethylene glycol and propylene glycol, D-glucitol)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1382. 1381,20142350,"Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of acyclic alcohols",267700,2138610,952000,6750590,29532,1513682,kg
  1383. 1382,20142360,"Glycerol (including synthetic; excluding crude, waters and lyes)",13909300,7100850,69361300,46544690,:,:,kg
  1384. 1383,20142373,"Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives",275100,7189260,2482700,22526630,5,6844,kg
  1385. 1384,20142375,"Aromatic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives",441000,1795070,5698300,15878150,:,:,kg
  1386. 1385,20142410,Monophenols,29443600,68085990,81642600,111957230,:,:,kg
  1387. 1386,20142433,"4,4-Isopropylidenediphenol (bisphenol A; diphenylolpropane) and its salts",17300,59430,3009700,4054530,:,:,kg
  1388. 1387,20142439,"Polyphenols (including salts; excluding 4,4 isopropylidenediphenol) and phenol-alcohols",1370900,11057020,5630700,29146400,:,:,kg
  1389. 1388,20142450,"Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols",2690900,16062060,1052500,7324570,:,:,kg
  1390. 1389,20143120,Industrial stearic acid,459700,994650,16005500,15578460,0,0,kg
  1391. 1390,20143130,Industrial oleic acid,93700,221310,3616900,4637270,0,0,kg
  1392. 1391,20143150,Industrial tall oil fatty acids,497200,930850,9700000,9436150,:,:,kg
  1393. 1392,20143195,"Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids distilled (excluding stearic, oleic tall oil)",328300,916910,36185000,41056240,:,:,kg
  1394. 1393,20143197,"Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids (excluding stearic, oleic, tall oil, distilled)",9629900,6360810,67159200,52289950,:,:,kg
  1395. 1394,20143215,Ethyl acetate,138649000,97877220,7857900,7838940,41594,295436,kg
  1396. 1395,20143219,Esters of acetic acid (excluding ethyl acetate),29847800,49321550,86316400,91981230,35970793,57237045,kg
  1397. 1396,20143220,"Mono-, di- or tri-chloroacetic acids; propionic, butanoic and pentanoic acids; their salts and esters",6975300,19125690,38610600,42638870,1436568,4627739,kg
  1398. 1397,20143230,"Palmitic acid, its salts and esters",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1399. 1398,20143235,"Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and esters",6492700,12449960,9837800,18254950,13379855,17264193,kg
  1400. 1399,20143240,"Stearic acid, its salts and esters",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1401. 1400,20143250,"Formic acid, its salts and esters",3394200,7594460,13840300,15142110,4686045,5437622,kg
  1402. 1401,20143271,Acetic acid,0,0,20163000,8549410,:,:,kg
  1403. 1402,20143277,Acetic anhydride,0,0,3278900,2820700,:,:,kg
  1404. 1403,20143278,Salts of acetic acid,7884700,17013590,2567100,5015320,6537498,16831875,kg
  1405. 1404,20143280,Lauric acid and others; salts and esters,34542300,73358550,65279900,136620070,36826636,67861339,kg
  1406. 1405,20143310,Acrylic acid and its salts and other monocarboxylic acid,1361300,66351990,26006900,45936480,89503,760834,kg
  1407. 1406,20143320,Esters of acrylic acid,1832800,6280220,44007700,67897980,469280,2107977,kg
  1408. 1407,20143330,Methacrylic acid and its salts,0,0,7476900,14397350,:,:,kg
  1409. 1408,20143340,Esters of methacrylic acid,15734600,43287510,9457200,26978740,:,:,kg
  1410. 1409,20143350,"Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids; their salts and esters",4286000,8409280,1311300,4036710,7853116,14342911,kg
  1411. 1410,20143363,Benzoic acid; its salts and esters,3262600,15745500,8460900,13885130,2338231,8535709,kg
  1412. 1411,20143365,Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chloride,72500,483930,1706600,5061540,57300,236121,kg
  1413. 1412,20143367,Phenylacetic acid; its salts and esters,14400,307780,1630100,3524560,0,0,kg
  1414. 1413,20143370,"Aromatic monocarboxylic acids, (anhydrides), halides, peroxides, peroxyacids, derivatives excluding benzoic acid, phenylacetic acids their salts/esters, benzoyl peroxide, benzoyl chloride",301500,22082180,1354300,16414170,:,:,kg
  1415. 1414,20143381,"Oxalic, azelaic, malonic, other, cyclanic, cylenic or cycloterpenic polycarboxylic acids, salts (excluding butanedioic acid having a bio-based carbon content of 100 % by mass)",12694000,30140910,11216100,23306820,:,15708305,kg
  1416. 1415,20143382,"Ethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid or butanedioic acid (succinic acid) having a bio-based carbon content of 100 % by mass",510300,368080,88800,286590,0,0,kg
  1417. 1416,20143383,"Oxalic, azelaic, malonic, other, cyclanic, cylenic or cycloterpenic polycarboxylic acids, salts",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1418. 1417,20143385,Adipic acid; its salts and esters,1140400,3694550,11676400,14987030,:,:,kg
  1419. 1418,20143387,Maleic anhydride,506100,887260,18432400,14849490,:,:,kg
  1420. 1419,20143410,Dibutyl and dioctyl orthophthalates,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  1421. 1420,20143420,Other esters of orthophthalic acid,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  1422. 1421,20143430,Phthalic anhydride; terephthalic acid and its salts,87100,174050,49111500,98719110,:,:,kg
  1423. 1422,20143440,"Aromatic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives (excluding esters of orthophthalic acid, phthalic anhydride, terephthalic acid and its salts)",371100,2201280,29019800,41167100,:,:,kg
  1424. 1423,20143473,Citric acid and its salts and esters,1802100,4844150,42978800,51741790,3470968,3052460,kg
  1425. 1424,20143475,"Carboxylic acid with alcohol, phenol, aldehyde or ketone functions",20002900,93392270,40048200,100279710,:,1238779,kg
  1426. 1425,201434Z1,Esters of orthophthalic acid,273400,1335120,38323000,49357840,:,:,kg
  1427. 1426,20144113,Methylamine; di- or trimethylamine and their salts,16900,306410,23377200,32618550,0,0,kg
  1428. 1427,20144119,Other acylic monoamines and their derivatives; salts thereof,1172300,7613930,8725200,30175740,288311,1663112,kg
  1429. 1428,20144123,Hexamethylenediamine and its salts; ethylenediamine and its salts,431800,856280,14520400,26251620,:,:,kg
  1430. 1429,20144129,Other acyclic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof,3764300,14763130,8095100,24046730,1671512,6394652,kg
  1431. 1430,20144130,"Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic mono- or polyamines, and their derivatives; salts thereof",187600,2435160,2743000,13567210,334642,4720134,kg
  1432. 1431,20144151,Aniline and its salts (excluding derivatives),297973900,250095930,246000,288590,0,0,kg
  1433. 1432,20144153,Aniline derivatives and their salts,134900,809610,514300,6789750,:,:,kg
  1434. 1433,20144159,Other aromatic monoamines and their derivatives; salts thereof,254700,2338370,450500,4053850,249863,1764632,kg
  1435. 1434,20144170,Aromatic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof,450000,5752590,7610400,25045290,70873,889730,kg
  1436. 1435,20144233,Monoethanolamine and its salts,1477200,2562910,23018900,20202870,:,:,kg
  1437. 1436,20144235,Diethanolamine and its salts,727600,1019410,3338700,3398770,:,:,kg
  1438. 1437,20144237,Triethanolamine and its salts,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1439. 1438,20144238,"Amino-alcohols, their ethers and esters with only 1 oxygen function and their salts (excluding monoethanolamine and its salts, diethanolamine and its salts)",10651200,28582200,30863100,66747250,675632,7763469,kg
  1440. 1439,20144239,"Amino-alcohols, their ethers and esters with only 1 oxygen function and their salts (excluding monoethanolamine and its salts, diethanolamine and its salts, triethanolamine and its salts)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1441. 1440,20144290,"Oxygen-function amino-compounds (excluding amino-alcohols, their esters and ethers and salts thereof, lysine and its salts and esters, glutamic acid its salts and esters)",13924100,218375440,41016100,173749180,8258183,30468705,kg
  1442. 1441,20144310,Ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof,51500,2298790,356000,2496800,0,0,kg
  1443. 1442,20144320,Saccharin and its salts,70800,680890,786300,9590980,0,0,kg
  1444. 1443,20144330,"Imides and their derivatives, and salts thereof (excluding saccharin and its salts)",30262200,67824340,1367000,5399630,:,:,kg
  1445. 1444,20144340,Imines and their derivatives; and salts thereof,714600,7350220,3620300,28975480,98131,935358,kg
  1446. 1445,20144350,Acrylonitrile,158965700,201526750,5561000,7205670,:,:,kg
  1447. 1446,20144360,1-Cyanoguanidine (dicyandiamide),105400,886860,366100,1343140,71356,741442,kg
  1448. 1447,20144370,"Nitrile-function compounds (excluding acrylonitrile, 1-cyanoguanidine (dicyandiamide))",7127200,69349860,66920800,163814980,:,31577446,kg
  1449. 1448,20144420,"Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds",357300,1998560,1325200,9728710,705428,1379082,kg
  1450. 1449,20144430,Organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine,1562600,86699090,1471700,10488250,918693,8296166,kg
  1451. 1450,20144450,Isocyanates,805900,3508310,36088200,93167040,6608035,24950095,kg
  1452. 1451,20144490,Compounds with other nitrogen function (excluding isocyanates),11429300,29314190,1101800,4840190,43762733,95812563,kg
  1453. 1452,20145133,"Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates; thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulphides; methionine",1960500,7320720,16851900,45145820,:,:,kg
  1454. 1453,20145139,Other organo-sulphur compounds,8190200,89314690,10792800,66329030,664958,7514800,kg
  1455. 1454,20145150,Organo-inorganic compounds (excluding organo-sulphur compounds),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1456. 1455,20145151,Organo-inorganic compounds (excluding organo-sulphur compounds),104772200,217785020,18207100,99070650,7517225,53202459,kg
  1457. 1456,20145210,Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen only hetero-atom(s) (including coumarin; methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins) (excluding other lactones),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1458. 1457,20145215,"Tetrahydrofuran, 2-Furaldehyde, Furfuryl alcohol, Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol and Piperonal",1469700,3142380,5936300,12133290,:,:,kg
  1459. 1458,20145225,Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen only hetero-atom(s) (excluding other lactones),5074400,85173760,4353200,92282880,:,:,kg
  1460. 1459,20145230,Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen only hetero-atom(s); containing an unfused imidazole ring (excluding hydantoin and its derivatives),542300,7900710,1139800,211363500,859266,:,kg
  1461. 1460,20145260,Melamine,955600,1396270,31866800,35265560,0,0,kg
  1462. 1461,20145280,"Compounds containing in the structure an unfused pyridine ring or a quinoline or isoquinoline ring-system, not further fused; lactames; other heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only (excluding compounds containing in the structure an unfused pyrazole ring, an unfused imidazole ring,",25654200,1491458690,31724400,875542820,1115087,80541139,kg
  1463. 1462,20145290,"Nucleic acids and other heterocyclic compounds - thiazole, benzothiazole, other cycles",9804300,847277710,11055700,419225000,851839,24684317,kg
  1464. 1463,20145350,Phosphoric esters; and their salts (including lactophosphates; their halogenated; sulphonated; nitrated or nitrosated derivatives),2947000,9290480,15388100,30599880,3303011,17458109,kg
  1465. 1464,20145380,"Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives",15948900,20164250,18785000,27062700,:,:,kg
  1466. 1465,20146111,Methanal (formaldehyde),7153600,3125360,140100,322480,93859081,31996076,kg
  1467. 1466,20146113,Ethanal (acetaldehyde),40500,693440,69600,1140960,0,0,kg
  1468. 1467,20146115,Butanal (butyraldehyde; normal isomer),:,:,:,:,:,919388,kg
  1469. 1468,20146119,"Acyclic aldehydes, without other oxygen function (excluding methanal (formaldehyde), ethanal (acetaldehyde), butanal (butyraldehyde; normal isomer))",:,:,:,:,2061526,9836084,kg
  1470. 1469,20146120,Cyclic aldehydes; without other oxygen function,10655900,56671950,8257100,20228540,:,:,kg
  1471. 1470,20146130,Aldehyde-alcohols,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1472. 1471,20146135,"Aldehyde-alcohols, Aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes with other oxygen function",260500,3272690,1396900,15213890,:,:,kg
  1473. 1472,20146140,"Aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes with other oxygen function",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1474. 1473,20146150,Cyclic polymers of aldehydes,12500,78440,89500,360410,0,0,kg
  1475. 1474,20146160,Paraformaldehyde,0,0,1081900,744680,357000,414067,kg
  1476. 1475,20146170,"Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of cyclic polymers of aldehydes or paraformaldehyde",3400,604220,64200,556530,1,3422,kg
  1477. 1476,201461Z0,"Acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function (excluding methanal, ethanal)",2876100,15699840,9642900,22493700,:,10755472,kg
  1478. 1477,20146211,Acetone,2150300,3356050,157531700,104367780,104387,376424,kg
  1479. 1478,20146213,Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone),500,5240,9246000,12441870,:,:,kg
  1480. 1479,20146215,4-Methylpentan-2-one (methyl isobutyl ketone),353300,408180,2329200,4395570,0,0,kg
  1481. 1480,20146219,"Acyclic ketones; without other oxygen function (excluding acetone, butanone (methyl ethyl ketone), 4-methylpentan-2-one (methyl isobutyl ketone))",745900,7069170,1931000,6934940,:,:,kg
  1482. 1481,20146231,Camphor; aromatic ketones without other oxygen function; ketone-alcohols; ketone-aldehydes; ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen function,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  1483. 1482,20146233,Cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones,1231700,8648000,36858300,40498650,:,:,kg
  1484. 1483,20146235,Ionones and methylionones,13700,651160,260600,2661600,0,0,kg
  1485. 1484,20146239,"Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones without other oxygen function (excluding camphor, cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones, ionones and methylionones)",:,:,:,:,101,100380,kg
  1486. 1485,20146260,Quinones,695300,9033260,281400,4340250,:,:,kg
  1487. 1486,20146270,Halogenated; sulphonated; nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of ketones and quinones,187000,4259640,2215500,33917900,1,2281,kg
  1488. 1487,201462Z0,"Aromatic ketones without other oxygen function; ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes; ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen function; other cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones without other oxygen function",1098200,12734840,4385200,37103670,:,:,kg
  1489. 1488,20146310,"Acyclic ethers and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives",99962100,66769470,7395200,62675860,357038,1223950,kg
  1490. 1489,20146323,"Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ethers and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives",198900,4823650,406100,4103950,:,:,kg
  1491. 1490,20146325,"Aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives",274000,2046800,3620700,10293810,11030629,35922297,kg
  1492. 1491,20146333,"2,2-Oxydiethanol (diethylene glycol; digol)",100900,225900,27640600,26836030,0,0,kg
  1493. 1492,20146339,"Ether-alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives (excluding 2,2-Oxydiethanol)",1797500,8986090,69641700,102619710,26645,:,kg
  1494. 1493,20146350,"Ether-phenols; ether-alcohol-phenols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives",166700,3174080,573700,7057510,:,:,kg
  1495. 1494,20146360,"Alcohol, ether and ketone peroxides and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives",104400,428370,2096900,8272370,0,0,kg
  1496. 1495,20146373,Oxirane (ethylene oxide),28900,580420,14328700,18795540,0,0,kg
  1497. 1496,20146375,Methyloxirane (propylene oxide),0,2710,15917200,18291140,0,0,kg
  1498. 1497,20146379,"Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, -phenols, epoxyethers, with a 3-membered ring and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated/nitrosated derivatives excluding oxirane, methyloxirane (propylene oxide)",385600,1194860,3022500,7200980,:,:,kg
  1499. 1498,20146380,Acetals and hemiacetals and their halogenated; sulphonated; nitrated or nitrosated derivatives,91300,1353500,2264800,3776440,109,9125,kg
  1500. 1499,20146430,"Other organic compounds, n.e.c.",2017600,26175300,2903100,23782220,62215,13075616,kg
  1501. 1500,20146450,Rennet and concentrates thereof,6200,259440,236700,1735890,0,0,kg
  1502. 1501,20146470,Enzymes; prepared enzymes (not elsewhere specified or included) (excluding rennet and concentrates),1998600,75847020,10068100,91882940,2546536,60037414,kg
  1503. 1502,20147120,Activated natural mineral products; animal black,5933300,8838320,22526700,10601070,19582808,22439458,kg
  1504. 1503,20147130,Tall oil; whether or not refined,72200,128790,10815300,5933650,0,0,kg
  1505. 1504,20147140,"Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils, pine oil and other alike",97300,325380,1591400,5073790,:,:,kg
  1506. 1505,20147150,Rosin and resin acids; and derivatives; rosin spirit and oils; run gums,9228100,23617280,20076000,35365910,183673,418630,kg
  1507. 1506,20147170,"Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood creosote; wood naphtha; vegetable pitch; brewers¿ pitch and similar preparations based on rosin, resin acids or on vegetable pitch",286200,1504260,85200,139040,542472,1113304,kg
  1508. 1507,20147200,Wood charcoal whether or not agglomerated (including shell or nut charcoal),2965700,1598680,79423100,37373670,:,:,kg
  1509. 1508,20147320,"Benzol (benzene), toluol (toluene) and xylol (xylenes)",86770800,45690300,32927600,19548130,0,0,kg
  1510. 1509,20147340,"Naphthalene and other aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures (excluding benzene, toluene, xylene)",396741000,191408290,62651300,35526060,:,:,kg
  1511. 1510,20147360,Phenols,100800,350040,769947100,7849950,0,0,kg
  1512. 1511,20147390,"Other oils and oil products, n.e.c.",86132100,51915650,368837000,108932740,23649,22814,kg
  1513. 1512,20147400,Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume >= 80 % (important: excluding alcohol duty),580849000,340072600,509357382,368775660,:,:,l
  1514. 1513,20147500,Denatured ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits; of any strength,3152779,3266130,59130769,39300450,:,:,l
  1515. 1514,20148000,"Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp, excluding tall oil",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1516. 1515,20151050,Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids,:,1812960,:,2982880,66690177,37140543,kg N
  1517. 1516,20151075,Anhydrous ammonia,:,64458180,:,304540,208855461,63554131,kg N
  1518. 1517,20151077,Ammonia in aqueous solution,:,1507340,:,400860,:,10806803,kg N
  1519. 1518,20152030,Ammonium chloride,367800,527380,6951900,2546520,0,0,kg
  1520. 1519,20152080,Nitrites,:,230030,:,2068990,0,0,kg N
  1521. 1520,20153130,Urea containing > 45 % by weight of nitrogen on the dry anhydrous product (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),12472898,7363550,301785728,144107450,:,:,kg N
  1522. 1521,20153180,Urea containing <= 45 % by weight of nitrogen on the dry anhydrous product (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),1735232,3985100,65054733,31170350,355674,639922,kg N
  1523. 1522,20153200,Ammonium sulphate (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),31058,93240,52862136,32166490,:,:,kg N
  1524. 1523,20153300,Ammonium nitrate (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),62912926,35900350,101066852,59799130,451429461,235802525,kg N
  1525. 1524,20153400,Double salts and mixtures of calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),140279,589290,11421736,5426630,:,:,kg N
  1526. 1525,20153530,"Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate, <= 28 % nitrogen by weight",8247178,6460180,122002492,78067080,:,:,kg N
  1527. 1526,20153580,"Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate, > 28 % nitrogen by weight",3,4990,66414376,38914790,0,0,kg N
  1528. 1527,20153600,Mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate in aqueous or ammoniacal solution (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),236249,550500,114123464,52016980,:,:,kg N
  1529. 1528,20153930,Double salts and mixtures of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),88287,1271730,17068894,12534390,79280,386691,kg N
  1530. 1529,20153960,Mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate in aqueous or ammoniacal solution (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1531. 1530,20153990,"Mineral or chemical fertilisers, nitrogenous, n.e.c.",2962926,15302860,398178,1899880,12856708,20361139,kg N
  1532. 1531,20154100,"Superphosphates (excluding potassic, in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg)",3995,178950,57598597,35541390,:,:,kg P2O5
  1533. 1532,20154900,"Mineral or chemical fertilisers, phosphatic n.e.c.",130709,1396740,5401987,1771580,:,:,kg P2O5
  1534. 1533,20155100,Potassium chloride (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),13837829,8690030,221381993,86984890,:,86863928,kg K2O
  1535. 1534,20155200,Potassium sulphate (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),745213,422190,6356155,5371390,:,:,kg K2O
  1536. 1535,20155900,"Mineral or chemical fertilisers, potassic, n.e.c.",63929292,24410110,1316688,1876200,11748678,14419337,kg K2O
  1537. 1536,20156000,Sodium nitrate,662400,467900,454000,252130,:,:,kg
  1538. 1537,20157100,"Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the three fertilising elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (excluding those in tablets or similar forms, or in packages with a gross weight of <= 10 kg)",79002600,38879640,446775700,116055720,1070535907,326633739,kg
  1539. 1538,20157130,"Fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, > 10% nitrogen",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1540. 1539,20157180,"Fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, <= 10% nitrogen",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1541. 1540,20157200,Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate) (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg),564500,241450,157863400,52326450,:,:,kg
  1542. 1541,20157300,Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate (monoammonium phosphate),218400,330990,7518300,3853840,:,:,kg
  1543. 1542,20157400,Other mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the two fertilising elements nitrogen and phosphorus,15801400,23131360,4923300,2072620,:,:,kg
  1544. 1543,20157500,Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the two fertilising elements phosphorus and potassium,6606800,8305450,26303500,7841930,:,:,kg
  1545. 1544,20157600,Nitrates of potassium,:,256390,:,5200790,0,0,kg N
  1546. 1545,20157930,Fertilisers in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight of <= 10 kg),8935700,19632800,5087400,5008340,11198592,18983198,kg
  1547. 1546,20157980,"Other fertilisers, n.e.c.",6269300,5033780,17576900,11021900,:,:,kg
  1548. 1547,20158000,Animal or vegetable fertilisers,42085900,18806990,152882800,28435840,179542313,35215075,kg
  1549. 1548,20161035,"Linear polyethylene having a specific gravity < 0,94, in primary forms",175221400,142018950,171035000,234713300,30738483,54150364,kg
  1550. 1549,20161039,"Polyethylene having a specific gravity < 0,94, in primary forms (excluding linear)",321657100,379186640,262394600,337331170,25059389,45251919,kg
  1551. 1550,20161050,"Polyethylene having a specific gravity of >= 0,94, in primary forms",49389300,61019060,517884000,591610980,23665708,24427664,kg
  1552. 1551,20161070,"Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, in primary forms",33398300,74129400,41925100,70026180,:,:,kg
  1553. 1552,20161090,"Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms (excluding polyethylene, ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers)",15711800,31004920,157960800,244311990,5640293,18103733,kg
  1554. 1553,20162035,"Expansible polystyrene, in primary forms",3323900,6053480,49298200,82367160,14400070,48869016,kg
  1555. 1554,20162039,"Polystyrene, in primary forms (excluding expansible polystyrene)",6744400,8189070,51037500,75580410,3152284,3996943,kg
  1556. 1555,20162050,"Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers, in primary forms",288400,636520,6263400,10225520,986919,2398850,kg
  1557. 1556,20162070,"Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers, in primary forms",9989100,13764810,49735500,92999620,12205297,25170247,kg
  1558. 1557,20162090,"Polymers of styrene, in primary forms (excluding polystyrene, styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers)",12374200,22321670,64780900,75558710,:,:,kg
  1559. 1558,20163010,"Polyvinyl chloride, not mixed with any other substances, in primary forms",102461500,100742180,269885500,243397860,:,:,kg
  1560. 1559,20163023,"Non-plasticised polyvinyl chloride mixed with any other substance, in primary forms",29541400,29268850,13544100,16458560,71653854,94467702,kg
  1561. 1560,20163025,"Plasticised polyvinyl chloride mixed with any other substance, in primary forms",28777600,56122540,5634000,10320760,93408131,135731803,kg
  1562. 1561,20163040,"Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers and other vinyl chloride copolymers, in primary forms",519500,2594840,21844400,24607300,0,0,kg
  1563. 1562,20163060,Fluoropolymers,4098400,68284920,3125000,56044800,:,87542633,kg
  1564. 1563,20163090,"Polymers of halogenated olefins, in primary forms, n.e.c.",944100,3567190,3671600,10797470,0,0,kg
  1565. 1564,20164013,"Polyacetals, in primary forms",599700,3087400,8732700,18948740,0,0,kg
  1566. 1565,20164015,"Polyethylene glycols and other polyether alcohols, in primary forms",11676000,31055760,155872100,274587360,:,:,kg
  1567. 1566,20164020,"Polyethers, in primary forms (excluding polyacetals, polyether alcohols)",10070900,266580030,12949400,42191950,5093939,:,kg
  1568. 1567,20164030,"Epoxide resins, in primary forms",12339000,80797510,53593400,177048500,11574455,70024068,kg
  1569. 1568,20164040,"Polycarbonates, in primary forms",4629500,13298440,88329900,186286280,5971370,16850126,kg
  1570. 1569,20164050,"Alkyd resins, in primary forms",4652700,9421590,30276500,47113950,16542547,27047806,kg
  1571. 1570,20164062,Polyethylene terephthalate in primary forms having a viscosity number of >= 78 ml/g,977400,553320,98890900,106301700,:,:,kg
  1572. 1571,20164064,Other polyethylene terephthalate in primary forms,3237700,1707660,46888800,54390570,:,:,kg
  1573. 1572,20164070,"Unsaturated liquid polyesters, in primary forms (excluding polyacetals, polyethers, epoxide resins, polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyethylene terephthalate)",18078700,51231400,33371500,57935510,79271004,170626347,kg
  1574. 1573,20164080,"Unsaturated polyesters, in primary forms (excluding liquid polyesters, polyacetals, polyethers, epoxide resins, polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyethylene terephthalate)",2544000,13270350,4241300,14270910,6173108,18176737,kg
  1575. 1574,20164090,"Polyesters, in primary forms (excluding polyacetals, polyethers, epoxide resins, polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyethylene terephthalate, other unsaturated polyesters)",56193400,191000440,100106000,201342810,60947596,172768545,kg
  1576. 1575,20165130,"Polypropylene, in primary forms",249704000,271879760,309582700,393366080,240000983,267204307,kg
  1577. 1576,20165150,"Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, in primary forms (excluding polypropylene)",77842400,144672320,318186500,454767990,166059635,355212338,kg
  1578. 1577,20165230,"Polymers of vinyl acetate, in aqueous dispersion, in primary forms",16896400,20182830,28174800,27152360,36949686,36783510,kg
  1579. 1578,20165250,"Polymers of vinyl acetate, in primary forms (excluding in aqueous dispersion)",2048600,5692710,10819500,22333120,:,:,kg
  1580. 1579,20165270,"Polymers of vinyl esters or other vinyl polymers, in primary forms (excluding vinyl acetate)",44604900,141458530,17629500,64225920,38657215,147047350,kg
  1581. 1580,20165350,"Polymethyl methacrylate, in primary forms",4556100,25600470,7196600,22953960,1622384,15789294,kg
  1582. 1581,20165390,"Acrylic polymers, in primary forms (excluding polymethyl methacrylate)",209234900,442919820,164361100,291323660,182250010,320743267,kg
  1583. 1582,20165450,"Polyamide -6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12, in primary forms",19837800,65637270,85677700,262092360,:,:,kg
  1584. 1583,20165490,"Polyamides, in primary forms (excluding polyamide -6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12)",3168200,16994170,18241500,80535080,726218,3017099,kg
  1585. 1584,20165550,"Urea resins and thiourea resins, in primary forms",24284400,19199190,7357700,17601520,285129883,108867647,kg
  1586. 1585,20165570,"Melamine resins, in primary forms",1754100,2949240,3074300,6718680,38345132,26761495,kg
  1587. 1586,20165630,"Amino resins, in primary forms (excluding urea and thiourea resins, melamine resins)",8913900,25260640,117575200,224411800,4125776,11282467,kg
  1588. 1587,20165650,"Phenolic resins, in primary forms",35661300,63122340,9109400,26537010,:,:,kg
  1589. 1588,20165670,"Polyurethanes, in primary forms",38727700,120702100,36863800,120639080,150229626,407212520,kg
  1590. 1589,20165700,"Silicones, in primary forms",162689000,415952170,39895200,230056290,:,:,kg
  1591. 1590,20165920,"Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones, etc., n.e.c., in primary forms",37687200,105767690,37831600,134770350,:,13862685,kg
  1592. 1591,20165940,"Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, n.e.c., in primary forms",4055200,62551520,21945700,98120370,304615,6530393,kg
  1593. 1592,20165945,"Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones, etc., n.e.c., in primary forms",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1594. 1593,20165950,"Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones, etc., n.e.c., in primary forms",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1595. 1594,20165955,"Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones, etc., n.e.c., in primary forms",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1596. 1595,20165960,"Natural and modified natural polymers, in primary forms (including alginic acid, hardened proteins, chemical derivatives of natural rubber)",4343800,56822540,13423100,103952060,:,:,kg
  1597. 1596,20165965,"Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones, etc., n.e.c., in primary forms",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1598. 1597,20165970,"Ion-exchangers based on synthetic or natural polymers, in primary forms",1092000,18176340,6805400,31381130,817,10266,kg
  1599. 1598,20171050,Synthetic latex rubber,1773000,5755880,35539200,42524050,4123335,4432683,kg
  1600. 1599,20171090,Synthetic rubber (excluding latex),31391400,67417760,83585200,190431020,98816601,177359782,kg
  1601. 1600,20201100,Insecticides,:,196042500,:,169954930,2007048,86589024,kg act.subst.
  1602. 1601,20201130,"Insecticides based on chlorinated hydrocarbons, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1603. 1602,20201140,"Insecticides based on carbamates, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1604. 1603,20201150,"Insecticides based on organophosphorus products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1605. 1604,20201160,"Insecticides based on pyrethroids, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1606. 1605,20201190,Other insecticides (excluding hazardous pesticides),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1607. 1606,20201220,"Herbicides based on phenoxy-phytohormone products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,24993450,:,6964480,:,:,kg act.subst.
  1608. 1607,20201230,"Herbicides based on triazines, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,8655710,:,7627450,0,0,kg act.subst.
  1609. 1608,20201240,"Herbicides based on amides, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,18776110,:,45815270,:,:,kg act.subst.
  1610. 1609,20201250,"Herbicides based on carbamates, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,12879300,:,11200150,:,:,kg act.subst.
  1611. 1610,20201260,"Herbicides based on dinitroanilines derivatives, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,2802430,:,26388220,0,0,kg act.subst.
  1612. 1611,20201270,"Herbicides based on urea; uracil and sulphonylurea, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,10337180,:,52514490,0,0,kg act.subst.
  1613. 1612,20201290,"Herbicides p.r.s. or as preparations/articles excluding based on phenoxy-phytohormones, triazines, amides, carbamates, dinitroanaline derivatives, urea, uracil, sulphonylurea (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,79851510,:,131935770,1035829,10087034,kg act.subst.
  1614. 1613,20201350,Anti-sprouting products put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles,:,4592290,:,851040,0,0,kg act.subst.
  1615. 1614,20201370,Plant-growth regulators put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles,:,9625300,:,19576210,:,:,kg act.subst.
  1616. 1615,20201430,Disinfectants based on quaternary ammonium salts put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides),:,30148830,:,3811350,10681169,48321489,kg act.subst.
  1617. 1616,20201450,Disinfectants based on halogenated compounds put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations (excluding hazardous pesticides),:,18671710,:,3858030,4900447,39786921,kg act.subst.
  1618. 1617,20201490,"Disinfectants put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding those based on quaternary ammonium salts, those based on halogenated compounds and those being hazardous pesticides)",:,122772160,:,35075200,12386469,62345010,kg act.subst.
  1619. 1618,20201515,"Inorganic fungicides, bactericides and seed treatments, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,39370600,:,4137140,309605,2810636,kg act.subst.
  1620. 1619,20201530,"Fungicides, bactericides and seed treatments based on dithiocarbamates, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,4868960,:,6786950,:,:,kg act.subst.
  1621. 1620,20201545,"Fungicides, bactericides and seed treatments based on benzimidazoles, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,831310,:,1279230,0,0,kg act.subst.
  1622. 1621,20201560,"Fungicides, bactericides and seed treatment based on triazoles or diazoles, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,12527920,:,109189470,:,:,kg act.subst.
  1623. 1622,20201575,"Fungicides, bactericides and seed treatments based on diazines or morpholines, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,28243880,:,14808030,0,0,kg act.subst.
  1624. 1623,20201590,"Other fungicides, bactericides and seeds treatments (ex: Captan,...) (excluding hazardous pesticides)",:,401741850,:,94592220,6267357,36931799,kg act.subst.
  1625. 1624,20201600,"Goods of heading 3808 containing one or more of the following substances: aldrin (ISO); binapacryl (ISO); camphechlor (ISO) (toxaphene); captafol (ISO); chlordane (ISO); chlordimeform (ISO); chlorobenzilate (ISO); DDT (ISO) (clofenotane (INN), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane); dieldri",:,18876110,:,5538850,573933,1396192,kg act.subst.
  1626. 1625,20201930,"Goods of heading 3808 containing one or more of the following substances: aldrin (ISO); binapacryl (ISO); camphechlor (ISO) (toxaphene); captafol (ISO); chlordane (ISO); chlordimeform (ISO); chlorobenzilate (ISO); DDT (ISO) (clofenotane (INN), 1,1,1-trich",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1627. 1626,20201980,"Rodenticides and other plant protection products put up for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excluding insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, disinfectants and hazardous pesticides)",:,78873290,:,39135510,:,72639648,kg act.subst.
  1628. 1627,20301150,"Paints and varnishes, based on acrylic or vinyl polymers dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium (including enamels and lacquers)",49898800,96331210,95610600,145542760,423854082,986709936,kg
  1629. 1628,20301170,"Other paints, varnishes dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium",61342100,129502930,24993800,86930830,63367289,137175904,kg
  1630. 1629,20301225,"Paints and varnishes, based on polyesters dispersed/dissolved in a non-aqueous medium, weight of the solvent > 50 % of the weight of the solution including enamels and lacquers",4954600,21175350,1773000,5981240,6604452,29914335,kg
  1631. 1630,20301229,"Paints and varnishes, based on polyesters dispersed/dissolved in a non-aqueous medium including enamels and lacquers excluding weight of the solvent > 50 % of the weight of the solution",12825600,52767630,12194900,47617850,22015058,75146863,kg
  1632. 1631,20301230,"Paints and varnishes, based on acrylic or vinyl polymers dispersed/dissolved in non-aqueous medium, weight of the solvent > 50 % of the solution weight including enamels and lacquers",9485400,32876210,7007700,24281350,5400245,27721948,kg
  1633. 1632,20301250,Other paints and varnishes based on acrylic or vinyl polymers,24206800,118234580,18058000,77982970,45665255,244468272,kg
  1634. 1633,20301270,Paints and varnishes: solutions n.e.c.,10654600,35866320,7493500,26399830,10399111,43463333,kg
  1635. 1634,20301290,Other paints and varnishes based on synthetic polymers n.e.c.,66960600,237756930,29594000,103986560,137138208,516600317,kg
  1636. 1635,20302130,"Prepared pigments, opacifiers, colours and similar preparations for ceramics, enamelling or glass",1459500,16690130,4866700,9707640,6021533,73592116,kg
  1637. 1636,20302150,"Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips) and similar preparations for ceramics, enamelling or glass",1030800,2501550,7630600,5471280,4364204,7967650,kg
  1638. 1637,20302170,Liquid lustres and similar preparations; glass frit and other glass in powder; granules or flakes,12561700,66458090,6157100,41808860,20469,15088916,kg
  1639. 1638,20302213,Oil paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers),633000,4430290,3869400,11981070,14291,141444,kg
  1640. 1639,20302215,"Prepared water pigments for finishing leather; paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers and distempers) (excluding of oil)",3546800,16817290,4797100,12365840,8738519,53655309,kg
  1641. 1640,20302220,Prepared driers,3177400,11000330,721100,5183610,:,:,kg
  1642. 1641,20302230,Stamping foils,2957800,35071470,2608800,23123560,:,:,kg
  1643. 1642,20302240,"Pigments, including metallic powders and flakes, dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints; colorants and other colouring matter, n.e.c. put up for retail sale",3639600,36625440,4751200,52116970,14694886,27286208,kg
  1644. 1643,20302253,"Glaziers¿ putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics",34813800,116907140,52412200,177526280,112451926,246567123,kg
  1645. 1644,20302255,Painters¿ fillings,3034200,11657250,6535500,11916630,77721097,120525397,kg
  1646. 1645,20302260,"Non-refractory surfacing preparations for façades, indoor walls, floors, ceilings or the like",33342600,70008070,80064200,42267020,155458265,135721537,kg
  1647. 1646,20302273,Organic composite solvents and thinners used in conjunction with coatings and inks; based on butyl acetate,2102500,4547520,747400,2746730,1392617,5025836,kg
  1648. 1647,20302279,Organic composite solvents and thinners used in conjunction with coatings and inks (excluding those based on butyl acetate),27685900,58545610,15554400,28981130,72728619,129658823,kg
  1649. 1648,20302350,"Artists¿, students¿, or signboard painters¿ colours, amusement colours and modifying tints in sets of tablets, tubes, jars, bottles or pans",690200,4495770,1967000,10722250,560835,5029258,kg
  1650. 1649,20302370,"Artists¿, students¿ or signboard painters¿ colours, amusement colours and modifying tints in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles or pans (excluding in sets)",3674200,22565010,2000000,9247230,3390044,18777875,kg
  1651. 1650,20302450,Black printing inks,9848000,113485340,9173200,125762600,17862376,105525454,kg
  1652. 1651,20302470,Printing inks (excluding black),25910700,303973190,30594900,346959640,55278224,387085220,kg
  1653. 1652,20411000,"Glycerol (glycerine), crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes",18897500,4360330,22018900,14679440,0,0,kg
  1654. 1653,20412020,Anionic organic surface-active agents (excluding soap),26573400,48193840,40255300,60494550,57539314,70726727,kg
  1655. 1654,20412030,Cationic organic surface-active agents (excluding soap),17679300,19899970,8762200,23189010,6357919,4066524,kg
  1656. 1655,20412050,Non-ionic organic surface-active agents (excluding soap),24613200,78379800,75468000,153497990,33138819,58260235,kg
  1657. 1656,20412090,"Organic surface-active agents (excluding soap, anionic, cationic, non-ionic)",25390900,47924460,15995600,28258300,65418868,66303170,kg
  1658. 1657,20413120,"Soap and organic surface-active products in bars, etc., n.e.c.",34484900,66746810,15883400,37534210,58384994,84822111,kg
  1659. 1658,20413150,"Soap in the form of flakes, wafers, granules or powders",5846700,9963980,11228400,14985810,:,:,kg
  1660. 1659,20413180,"Soap in forms excluding bars, cakes or moulded shapes, paper, wadding, felt and non-wovens impregnated or coated with soap/detergent, flakes, granules or powders",14271400,40102860,35004600,55541670,36145304,80796651,kg
  1661. 1660,20413240,"Surface-active preparations, whether or not containing soap, p.r.s. (excluding those for use as soap)",19666900,29919040,52063400,48104490,44997415,77170429,kg
  1662. 1661,20413250,"Washing preparations and cleaning preparations, with or without soap, p.r.s. including auxiliary washing preparations excluding those for use as soap, surface-active preparations",430936700,515503410,421546800,582991160,332771839,335235607,kg
  1663. 1662,20413260,"Surface-active preparations, whether or not containing soap, n.p.r.s. (excluding those for use as soap)",177599600,263242890,43972600,79289710,43365453,63451470,kg
  1664. 1663,20413270,"Washing preparations and cleaning preparations, with or without soap, n.p.r.s. including auxiliary washing preparations excluding those for use as soap, surface-active preparations",53061900,96457370,39600400,65833750,294144086,386494348,kg
  1665. 1664,20414100,Preparations for perfuming or deodorising rooms,:,96858160,:,174174190,:,102596188,:
  1666. 1665,20414270,Artificial and prepared waxes of polyethylene glycol,1221700,1199320,3983900,8565400,:,:,kg
  1667. 1666,20414280,Artificial and prepared waxes (including sealing waxes) (excluding of polyethylene glycol),15792700,47489810,24371300,58264080,34795789,79930875,kg
  1668. 1667,20414330,"Polishes, creams and similar preparations, for footwear or leather (excluding artificial and prepared waxes)",1413800,20820970,1421300,8581500,975599,4615192,kg
  1669. 1668,20414350,"Polishes, creams and similar preparations, for the maintenance of wooden furniture, floors or other woodwork (excluding artificial and prepared waxes)",1756100,5185450,2526300,4291010,11126087,22232995,kg
  1670. 1669,20414370,"Polishes and similar preparations, for coachwork (excluding artificial and prepared waxes, metal polishes)",6268500,30005550,993300,5872660,12442491,66648796,kg
  1671. 1670,20414383,Metal polishes,3129100,13792330,887300,4539860,3419953,12027331,kg
  1672. 1671,20414389,"Other polishes, creams and similar preparations, n.e.c.",3661300,11743970,4005900,8680410,:,:,kg
  1673. 1672,20414400,Scouring pastes and powders and other scouring preparations,3596900,5240540,13609100,10541340,247376,1383645,kg
  1674. 1673,20421150,Perfumes,:,361197780,:,452596300,12634150,192667708,l
  1675. 1674,20421170,Toilet waters,:,360657760,:,501436010,144672,5475264,l
  1676. 1675,20421250,Lip make-up preparations,:,172419580,:,230689480,:,43114285,:
  1677. 1676,20421270,Eye make-up preparations,:,189320440,:,293367290,:,44145460,:
  1678. 1677,20421300,Manicure or pedicure preparations,:,70482840,:,107898750,:,24640971,:
  1679. 1678,20421400,"Powders, whether or not compressed, for cosmetic use (including talcum powder)",:,113218850,:,176292690,:,46261421,:
  1680. 1679,20421500,"Beauty, make-up and skin care preparations including suntan (excluding medicaments, lip and eye make-up, manicure and pedicure preparations, powders for cosmetic use and talcum powder)",:,1288485300,:,1321503920,:,725156558,:
  1681. 1680,20421630,Shampoos,:,215545060,:,193942300,:,159488747,:
  1682. 1681,20421650,Preparations for permanent waving or straightening of hair,:,8716400,:,7160650,:,1425850,:
  1683. 1682,20421670,Hair lacquers,:,20022680,:,39177150,:,20073688,:
  1684. 1683,20421700,"Hair preparations (excluding shampoos, permanent waving and hair straightening preparations, lacquers)",:,228891570,:,377848210,:,82499686,:
  1685. 1684,20421850,"Dentifrices (including toothpaste, denture cleaners)",:,244292620,:,134437460,:,:,:
  1686. 1685,20421890,"Preparations for oral or dental hygiene (including denture fixative pastes; powders and tablets, mouth washes and oral perfumes, dental floss) (excluding dentifrices)",:,59387950,:,98939990,:,20948590,:
  1687. 1686,20421915,"Soap and organic surface-active products in bars, etc., for toilet use",50544300,125201250,44317700,100830930,113277135,340190722,kg
  1688. 1687,20421930,"Organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin; whether or not containing soap, p.r.s.",52738700,192133920,116069800,234139300,111093487,275711499,kg
  1689. 1688,20421945,"Pre-shave, shaving and after-shave preparations (excluding shaving soap in blocks)",:,137575090,:,47912930,:,24834887,:
  1690. 1689,20421960,Personal deodorants and anti-perspirants,:,378204390,:,172043840,:,72805046,:
  1691. 1690,20421975,Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations,:,69765540,:,111937100,:,135977050,:
  1692. 1691,20421990,"Other personal preparations (perfumeries, toilet, depilatories...)",:,95012440,:,78771190,:,:,:
  1693. 1692,20511130,Propellant powders,0,0,0,0,0,0,kg
  1694. 1693,20511150,Prepared explosives (excluding propellant powders),0,0,0,0,50241007,38202516,kg
  1695. 1694,20511250,Safety fuses; detonating fuses,:,0,:,0,:,:,km
  1696. 1695,20511270,Percussion or detonating caps; igniters and electric detonators,:,0,:,0,:,:,p/st
  1697. 1696,20511300,Fireworks,83600,2655480,9937700,29183640,0,0,kg
  1698. 1697,20511400,"Signalling flares, rain rockets, fog signals and other pyrotechnic articles (excluding fireworks)",0,9840,0,0,3919042,127351227,kg
  1699. 1698,20512000,Matches (excluding Bengal matches and other pyrotechnic products),230700,789630,817700,3528630,0,0,kg
  1700. 1699,20521010,Adhesives based on natural polymers,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1701. 1700,20521020,Casein glues,269700,681160,133400,1262670,:,:,kg
  1702. 1701,20521040,Isinglass; bone glues; other glues of animal origin (excluding casein glues),0,0,84800,499600,:,:,kg
  1703. 1702,20521060,"Glues based on starches, dextrins or other modified starches",6233500,7223280,15490800,8443930,6828481,:,kg
  1704. 1703,20521080,"Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, n.e.c.",44341400,185531040,65249300,242286030,276720981,479681066,kg
  1705. 1704,20531020,Essential oils,5027400,187077310,8982000,221837810,3400734,90475321,kg
  1706. 1705,20531030,Resinoids,234200,7912600,173000,2639740,:,:,kg
  1707. 1706,20531050,"Concentrates of essential oils in fats... aqueous distillates, etc.",2235000,46012840,4728600,47395320,:,5541424,kg
  1708. 1707,20531075,Mixtures of odoriferous substances of a kind used in the food or drink industries,21294300,261920760,140230900,587905170,51233075,310101863,kg
  1709. 1708,20531079,Mixtures of odoriferous substances (excluding those of a kind used in the food or drink industries),28570800,493944560,14954900,211314220,25918547,369962472,kg
  1710. 1709,20591130,"Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitised and unexposed, of any material; instant print film in the flat, sensitised and unexposed (excluding paper; paperboard or textiles)",:,31884770,:,77773610,:,:,m2
  1711. 1710,20591150,"Photographic film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed of any material; instant print film in rolls sensitised and unexposed (excluding paper, paperboard or textiles)",:,17581290,:,12435770,:,:,m2
  1712. 1711,20591170,Photographic paper; paperboard and textiles; sensitised and unexposed,:,14023140,:,9221440,:,:,m2
  1713. 1712,20591200,"Chemical preparations for photographic uses, unmixed products for photographic uses put up in measured portions or p.r.s. in form ready to use (excluding varnishes, glues and adhesives)",5554600,170974390,12008600,392981430,1680306,10519352,kg
  1714. 1713,20592000,Animal or vegetable fats and oils chemically modified,93640400,72157720,212809600,146453180,42710935,26834499,kg
  1715. 1714,20593000,Inks (excluding printing ink),7398900,534444810,300998900,268463170,1360682,15490435,kg
  1716. 1715,20594155,"Lubricating preparations containing as basic constituents < 70% by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals for textiles, leather, hides, furskins and other materials",311200,1966050,511800,1565030,79262,125475,kg
  1717. 1716,20594157,"Lubricating preparations obtained from petroleum or bituminous minerals, excluding the ones used for the treatment of textiles, leather, hides, furskins and other materials",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1718. 1717,20594158,"Lubricating preparations obtained from petroleum or bituminous minerals, excluding the ones used for the treatment of textiles, leather, hides, furskins and other materials (excluding lubricants having a bio-based carbon content of at least 25 % by mass and which are biodegradable at a level of at l",33009600,111088690,19608600,64701480,13787742,21087753,kg
  1719. 1718,20594159,Lubricants having a bio-based carbon content of at least 25 % by mass and which are biodegradable at a level of at least 60 %,2915400,18843860,515900,1991940,246896,606842,kg
  1720. 1719,20594175,"Lubricating preparations not containing petroleum oil or bituminous mineral oils, used for treatment of textiles, leather, hides, furskins and other materials",3144300,15757610,1456200,4874250,4773972,23759225,kg
  1721. 1720,20594179,"Lubricating preparations not containing petroleum oil or bituminous mineral oils, excluding the ones used for treatment of textiles, leather, hides, furskins or other materials",14141300,71993990,21550000,82002270,14846962,39239395,kg
  1722. 1721,20594250,Anti-knock preparations,1411200,11311590,893600,2622720,:,:,kg
  1723. 1722,20594270,Additives for lubricating oils,16427400,43260580,30889900,88762000,:,6485907,kg
  1724. 1723,20594290,"Additives for mineral oils or for other liquids used for the same purpose as mineral oils (including gasoline) (excluding anti-knock preparations, additives for lubricating oils)",22735200,68100490,20104500,38476150,2020123,7892365,kg
  1725. 1724,20594330,Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission; not containing or containing < 70 % by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous mineral,32203400,84239810,9705500,25899980,41707681,70284143,kg
  1726. 1725,20594350,Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids,28041900,34242950,36665300,37922220,34107079,36889594,kg
  1727. 1726,20595100,"Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives; hide powder including glutelins and prolamins, globulins, glycinin, keratins, nucleoproteids, protein isolates",1670800,32191950,13656400,46051340,:,:,kg
  1728. 1727,20595210,"Composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents, including paper impregnated or coated with diagnostic or laboratory reagents",17138300,1562373800,20444300,919127060,6145144,900725473,kg
  1729. 1728,20595230,Modelling pastes; dental wax and dental impression compounds; other preparations for use in dentistry with a basis of plaster (including modelling pastes for children¿s amusement),1191800,7569700,4107000,25408570,1011339,5179828,kg
  1730. 1729,20595250,Preparations and charges for fire-extinguishers; charged fire-extinguishing grenades,4747000,13086090,772500,3366710,:,12647861,kg
  1731. 1730,20595270,Prepared culture media for development of micro-organisms,6960900,201746830,2352900,53665480,:,:,kg
  1732. 1731,20595300,"Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the form of discs, wafers or similar forms; chemical compounds doped for use in electronics",337100,165742580,395300,99961110,:,:,kg
  1733. 1732,20595400,Activated carbon,17097800,41505460,27408300,38329630,42625915,81653302,kg
  1734. 1733,20595550,"Finishing agents, etc., with amylaceous basis",512300,2795540,3321900,7211640,:,:,kg
  1735. 1734,20595570,"Finishing agents, etc, used in the textile industry (excluding with amylaceous basis)",42347400,61948250,171239600,136983370,6000456,15801841,kg
  1736. 1735,20595580,"Finishing agents, etc, used in the paper industry (excluding with amylaceous basis)",2797900,6128310,12275400,11292760,:,:,kg
  1737. 1736,20595590,"Finishing agents, dye carriers and other preparations, n.e.c.",287600,1917180,1030900,3534190,0,0,kg
  1738. 1737,20595620,Pickling preparations for metal surfaces,4266800,55896890,10505700,23344580,2516915,55686861,kg
  1739. 1738,20595630,Prepared rubber accelerators,1554000,9372750,4185500,9989270,909207,6630773,kg
  1740. 1739,20595640,Compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics,515000,2660020,4161500,9605620,1470161,7922023,kg
  1741. 1740,20595650,Anti-oxidising preparations and other compounds stabilisers for rubber or plastics,21159000,67058410,15715800,57261440,24676928,70481481,kg
  1742. 1741,20595660,"Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations",25508600,543088190,63682900,230716120,582388555,250832126,kg
  1743. 1742,20595662,"Supported catalysts with nickel or a nickel compound as the active substance, n.e.s.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1744. 1743,20595664,"Supported catalysts with precious metal or a precious-metal compound as the active substance, n.e.s.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1745. 1744,20595666,"Catalyst in the form of grains of which 90 % or more by weight have a particle-size not exceeding 10 micrometres, consisting of a mixture of oxides on a magnesium silicate support, containing by weight: 20% or more but not more than 35% of copper and 2% or more but not more than 3% of bismuth, and of an apparent specific gravity of 0,2 or more but not exceeding 1,0",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1746. 1745,20595669,"Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations, not elsewhere specified or included",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1747. 1746,20595670,"Mixed alkylbenzenes, mixed alkylnaphthalenes other than HS 2707 or 2902",720600,1454070,54737700,64127580,1041665,2814058,kg
  1748. 1747,20595720,Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores,13195400,32448900,2150400,6521900,12241936,20809427,kg
  1749. 1748,20595730,"Naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts and their esters",952400,3350780,617300,2768690,0,0,kg
  1750. 1749,20595740,Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixed together or with metallic binders,1515500,53032540,248300,5870460,:,:,kg
  1751. 1750,20595750,"Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes",14679000,18738270,17972900,29247230,101364268,106858909,kg
  1752. 1751,20595770,Sorbitol (excluding D-glucitol),419800,761680,18077600,8804940,0,0,kg
  1753. 1752,20595800,"Biodiesel and mixtures thereof, not containing or containing < 70 % by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals",40164100,34068040,271212400,249086850,:,:,kg
  1754. 1753,20595910,"Ion-exchangers; getters for vacuum tubes; petroleum sulphonates (excluding petroleum sulphonates of alkali metals, of ammonium or of ethanolamines); thiophenated sulphonic acids of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, and their salts",:,4996500,:,11399260,:,0,:
  1755. 1754,20595920,Pyrolignites; crude calcium tartrate; crude calcium citrate; anti-rust preparations containing amines as active constituents,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1756. 1755,20595930,Inorganic composite solvents and thinners for varnishes and similar products,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1757. 1756,20595940,Anti-scaling and similar compounds,15149800,23944440,15170400,23125730,45091216,61334368,kg
  1758. 1757,20595953,Preparations for electroplating,3877200,9911700,412900,2085290,3877757,18725404,kg
  1759. 1758,20595957,"Mixtures of mono-, di- and tri-, fatty acid esters of glycerol (emulsifiers for fats)",341900,964250,6987300,19533070,0,0,kg
  1760. 1759,20595963,Products and preparations for pharmaceutical or surgical uses,455200,33489270,955500,20610790,:,:,kg
  1761. 1760,20595965,Auxiliary products for foundries (excluding prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores),3497500,4533250,5593400,6992910,3158296,26572142,kg
  1762. 1761,20595967,"Fire-proofing, water-proofing and similar protective preparations used in the building industry",19383300,34016040,2093700,8552280,51637598,81304254,kg
  1763. 1762,20595971,"Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane, ethane or propane",3250500,36141270,4552000,35146740,:,:,kg
  1764. 1763,20595975,"Mixtures and preparations containing oxirane (ethylene oxide), polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) or tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate",16600,143750,3500,32470,46273,108365,kg
  1765. 1764,20595990,"Biofuels (diesel substitute), other chemical products, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1766. 1765,20595993,"Other chemical products, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1767. 1766,20595994,"Other chemical products, n.e.c.",216630300,688216910,229809700,681544000,203312216,312234934,kg
  1768. 1767,20595997,Biofuels (diesel substitute),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1769. 1768,20596020,Caseinates and other casein derivatives (excluding casein glues),1153500,959340,717800,4833970,0,0,kg
  1770. 1769,20596050,Albumins; albuminates and other derivatives (excluding egg albumin),8627300,65779460,15062100,94866390,:,:,kg
  1771. 1770,20596080,"Gelatin and its derivatives (excluding casein glues, bone glues and isinglass)",0,0,13650400,67966640,:,:,kg
  1772. 1771,20601110,"Aramids staple, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning",26300,187050,330800,3435340,0,0,kg
  1773. 1772,20601120,"Other polyamide tow and staple, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning",636600,3567870,5336700,13837970,:,:,kg
  1774. 1773,20601130,"Polyester tow and staple, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning",16756000,24189830,123696500,131305870,:,:,kg
  1775. 1774,20601140,"Acrylic tow and staple, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning",1104300,6933620,8765700,28243490,:,:,kg
  1776. 1775,20601150,"Polypropylene synthetic tow and staple not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning",16832500,23412450,5478900,10551040,:,:,kg
  1777. 1776,20601190,"Other synthetic tow and staple not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning",680000,3856400,2724900,6219490,507804,3388960,kg
  1778. 1777,20601220,High-tenacity filament yarn of aramids (excluding sewing thread and yarn put up for retail sale),5797400,110227910,975500,16932890,:,:,kg
  1779. 1778,20601240,"High-tenacity filament yarn of nylon or other polyamides (excluding sewing thread, yarn put up for retail sale and high-tenacity filament yarn of aramids)",468300,2274350,8484400,38213230,161350,:,kg
  1780. 1779,20601260,High-tenacity filament yarn of polyesters (excluding that put up for retail sale),245000,623970,11119400,23644940,73749,965015,kg
  1781. 1780,20601310,"Polyamide textile filament yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)",135000,2358620,12613800,33823890,:,:,kg
  1782. 1781,20601320,"Polyamide carpet filament yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)",2810100,11716240,21548900,89300660,0,0,kg
  1783. 1782,20601330,"Polyester textile filament yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)",1643600,4171530,25824300,57701590,20091,236121,kg
  1784. 1783,20601340,"Polypropylene filament yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)",1492400,4296930,18509600,52720530,:,:,kg
  1785. 1784,20601350,"Elastomeric filament yarn, n.p.r.s.",162700,626170,478200,2993640,0,0,kg
  1786. 1785,20601390,"Other synthetic filament yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)",440400,5648820,1401100,7805360,:,:,kg
  1787. 1786,20601420,Polypropylene monofilament of >= 67 decitex and with a cross-sectional dimension of <= 1 mm (excluding elastomers),13200,452060,24700,140550,2024581,5604161,kg
  1788. 1787,20601440,"Synthetic monofilament of >= 67 decitex and with a cross-sectional dimension of <= 1 mm (excluding polypropylene monofilament); strip and the like (for example, artificial straw), of synthetic textile materials, of an apparent width <= 5 mm",2763300,17059240,5898000,22745710,696152,18633009,kg
  1789. 1788,20602120,"Artificial filament tow and staple fibres (not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning), of viscose rayon",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1790. 1789,20602140,"Artificial filament tow, of acetate",5400,35050,19000,11240,0,0,kg
  1791. 1790,20602150,"Artificial filament tow and staple fibres (not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, excluding the ones of acetate)",184300,718490,5493700,13076590,:,:,kg
  1792. 1791,20602190,"Other artificial filament tow and staple fibres (not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1793. 1792,20602200,"High tenacity filament yarn of viscose rayon, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)",21300,47020,13300,40270,0,0,kg
  1794. 1793,20602320,"Yarn of viscose rayon filament, including monofilament of < 67 decitex, single, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread and high-tenacity yarn)",12100,112520,396900,2268500,0,0,kg
  1795. 1794,20602340,"Filament yarn of cellulose acetate, including monofilament of < 67 decitex, single, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread and high-tenacity yarn)",0,0,0,0,0,0,kg
  1796. 1795,20602390,"Other artificial filament yarn, including artificial monofilament of < 67 decitex, single, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)",0,3510,600,6420,0,0,kg
  1797. 1796,20602400,Artificial monofilament of >= 67 decitex and of which the cross-sectional dimension <= 1 mm; strip and the like of artificial textile materials of an apparent width <= 5 mm,44000,59310,114800,206470,0,0,kg
  1798. 1797,21101030,Salicylic acid and its salts,342800,460880,228800,996010,0,0,kg
  1799. 1798,21101050,O-acetylsalicylic acid; its salts and esters,3800,45240,134400,636990,0,0,kg
  1800. 1799,21101070,Esters of salicylic acid and their salts (excluding of O-acetylsalicylic acid),2837500,11396700,3057600,10374960,1762064,6117467,kg
  1801. 1800,21102010,"Lysine and its esters, and salts thereof",3152100,4090140,52918000,63495390,0,0,kg
  1802. 1801,21102020,Glutamic acid and its salts,475100,898310,9702000,13684640,0,0,kg
  1803. 1802,21102040,"Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids, whether or not chemically defined",10686100,26395770,34587200,67451880,16753102,11946342,kg
  1804. 1803,21102060,"Acyclic amides and their derivatives, and salts thereof (including acyclic carbamates)",19525100,137479590,50459100,64856820,:,:,kg
  1805. 1804,21102070,"Cyclic amides and their derivatives, and salts thereof (including cyclic carbamates) (excluding ureines and their derivatives, and salts thereof)",4361000,41535860,8807100,129780430,:,:,kg
  1806. 1805,21103110,"Lactones (excluding coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1807. 1806,21103117,"Phenolphthalein; 1-Hydroxy-4-[1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxycarbonyl-1-naphthyl)-3-oxo-1H,3H-benzo[de]isochromen-1-yl]-6-octadecyloxy-2-naphthoic acid; 3'-Chloro-6'-cyclohexylaminospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'-xanthen]-3-one; 6'-(N-Ethyl-p-toluidino)-2'-methylspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'-xanthen]-3-one; Meth",44500,2317230,984000,2732000,0,0,kg
  1808. 1807,21103119,"Lactones (excluding phenolphthalein; 1-Hydroxy-4-[1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxycarbonyl-1-naphthyl)-3-oxo-1H,3H-benzo[de]isochromen-1-yl]-6-octadecyloxy-2-naphthoic acid; 3¿-Chloro-6¿-cyclohexylaminospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9¿-xanthen]-3-one; 6¿-(N-Ethyl-p-toluidino)-2¿-methylspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9¿-",13221400,48605860,1761400,107037430,15223592,54284965,kg
  1809. 1808,21103130,Compounds containing an unfused pyrazole ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure,149300,5245630,148500,22740660,:,:,kg
  1810. 1809,21103140,Hydantoin and its derivatives,145000,622690,738400,2493480,13148,106083,kg
  1811. 1810,21103155,"Malonylurea (barbituric acid) and its derivatives, and salts thereof",1800,2981050,6700,5451890,0,0,kg
  1812. 1811,21103159,Compounds containing a pyrimidine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) or piperazine ring in the structure (excluding malonylurea (barbituric acid) and its derivatives),34333200,655523560,10894500,680701710,368189,16302600,kg
  1813. 1812,21103170,Compounds containing an unfused triazine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure (excluding melamine),16840400,17671980,7032400,30925670,0,0,kg
  1814. 1813,21103180,Compounds containing a phenothiazine ring-system (whether or not hydrogenated); not further fused,2100,46140,172800,1575600,0,0,kg
  1815. 1814,21103200,Sulphonamides,440800,149800400,1307600,58019580,15358,5823172,kg
  1816. 1815,21104000,"Sugars, pure (excluding glucose, etc.); sugar ethers and salts, etc.",9505500,11376860,2954500,46543690,:,:,kg
  1817. 1816,21105100,"Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis (including natural concentrates), derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, and intermixtures of the foregoing, whether or not in any solvent",:,67851260,:,153686820,:,173937742,:
  1818. 1817,21105200,"Hormones, prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, natural or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives and structural analogues thereof, including chain modified polypeptides, used primarily as hormones",19104934,350391490,35230107,294336900,:,:,g
  1819. 1818,21105300,"Glycosides and vegetable alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives",:,175212710,:,118480770,:,126136403,:
  1820. 1819,21105400,Antibiotics,1987500,93009510,3929500,182207930,:,:,kg
  1821. 1820,21106020,Extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions (for organo-therapeutic uses),:,338464010,:,7532510,:,:,:
  1822. 1821,21106040,"Glands and other organs or substances for therapeutic or prophylactic use, n.e.c. (excluding blood and extracts of glands or other organs)",:,32575470,:,33453900,:,:,:
  1823. 1822,21106050,"Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; cultures of micro-organisms; toxins (excluding yeasts)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1824. 1823,21106055,"Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; cultures of micro-organisms; toxins (excluding yeasts)",:,401620050,:,287877290,:,383133904,:
  1825. 1824,21201130,"Medicaments containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivatives, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, n.p.r.s.",:,69391200,:,760740,:,:,:
  1826. 1825,21201150,"Medicaments of other antibiotics, n.p.r.s.",:,27189540,:,35368990,:,:,:
  1827. 1826,21201160,"Medicaments of penicillins, streptomycins or derivatives thereof, in doses or p.r.s.",:,368085450,:,92419640,:,:,:
  1828. 1827,21201180,"Medicaments of other antibiotics, p.r.s.",:,811099070,:,504454210,:,236345489,:
  1829. 1828,21201230,"Medicaments containing insulin but not antibiotics, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or for retail sale",:,557050,:,115120,:,0,:
  1830. 1829,21201250,"Medicaments containing hormones but not antibiotics, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or for retail sale (excluding insulin)",:,20471440,:,36483030,:,:,:
  1831. 1830,21201260,"Medicaments containing insulin but not antibiotics, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses or for retail sale",:,57294710,:,416581110,:,:,:
  1832. 1831,21201270,"Medicaments containing corticosteroid hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues, put up in measured doses or for retail sale",:,2423560440,:,1078751890,:,:,:
  1833. 1832,21201310,"Medicaments of alkaloids or derivatives thereof, n.p.r.s.",:,5438000,:,15508540,:,:,:
  1834. 1833,21201320,"Other medicaments for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, of HS 3003, n.p.r.s.",:,452369250,:,3634150580,:,73408466,:
  1835. 1834,21201340,"Medicaments of alkaloids or derivatives thereof, p.r.s.",:,316661840,:,107167660,:,191925126,:
  1836. 1835,21201360,"Medicaments containing vitamins, provitamins, derivatives and intermixtures thereof, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses or for retail sale",:,96535210,:,143196420,:,335715834,:
  1837. 1836,21201380,"Other medicaments of mixed or unmixed products, p.r.s., n.e.c.",:,14080432220,:,13109404020,:,6762932460,:
  1838. 1837,21202120,Antisera and other blood fractions,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1839. 1838,21202125,"Antisera, other immunological products which are directly involved in the regulation of immunological processes and other blood fractions",:,4452254530,:,6704471600,:,686804613,:
  1840. 1839,21202140,Vaccines for human medicine,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1841. 1840,21202145,Vaccines for human medicine,:,3684025690,:,1949274060,:,219686997,:
  1842. 1841,21202160,Vaccines for veterinary medicine,:,104104080,:,111523440,:,7270695,:
  1843. 1842,21202200,Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones or spermicides,:,17110840,:,42139760,:,:,:
  1844. 1843,21202320,Blood-grouping reagents,:,48755610,:,5882330,:,:,:
  1845. 1844,21202340,Opacifying preparations for X-ray examinations; diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patient,:,14517960,:,47200700,:,:,:
  1846. 1845,21202420,Adhesive dressings or similar articles; impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances; or put up in forms for retail sale,:,526673540,:,199183490,:,544987281,:
  1847. 1846,21202430,Sterile surgical catgut,:,15543530,:,7491670,:,0,:
  1848. 1847,21202440,"Wadding, gauze, etc., with pharmaceutical substances, p.r.s., n.e.c.",:,289779150,:,189958690,:,130001027,:
  1849. 1848,21202460,First-aid boxes and kits,:,24224930,:,10933690,:,:,:
  1850. 1849,22111100,New pneumatic rubber tyres for motor cars (including for racing cars),11927646,414647670,47068078,1694945510,10615914,526447808,p/st
  1851. 1850,22111200,"New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, of a kind used on motorcycles or bicycles",684154,17944820,3783146,60813690,:,:,p/st
  1852. 1851,22111355,New pneumatic rubber tyres for buses or lorries with a load index <= 121,1397417,109908900,1567719,80667010,:,:,p/st
  1853. 1852,22111357,New pneumatic rubber tyres for buses or lorries with a load index > 121,462632,82305930,1840648,279505670,0,0,p/st
  1854. 1853,22111370,New pneumatic rubber tyres for aircraft,104692,58041300,38605,16411670,:,:,p/st
  1855. 1854,22111400,"Agrarian tyres; other new pneumatic tyres, of rubber",116214,20615610,2258076,231781000,0,0,p/st
  1856. 1855,22111530,Solid or cushion rubber tyres; interchangeable rubber tyre treads,:,5686420,:,30753870,:,:,p/st
  1857. 1856,22111550,Rubber tyre flaps,:,236170,:,346500,0,0,p/st
  1858. 1857,22111570,"Inner tubes, of rubber",344000,2913300,2600900,15234210,:,:,kg
  1859. 1858,22111600,Camel-back strips for retreading rubber tyres,288500,632640,1273300,3408830,0,0,kg
  1860. 1859,22112030,Retreaded tyres of rubber of a kind used on motor cars,188667,9492180,53493,455580,65665,1057410,p/st
  1861. 1860,22112050,Retreaded tyres of rubber of a kind used on buses and lorries,371622,24086950,121554,12805990,624408,103736868,p/st
  1862. 1861,22112090,Retreaded tyres of rubber (including of a kind used on aircraft; excluding of a kind used on motor cars; buses or lorries),137152,14896710,67281,10336630,:,:,p/st
  1863. 1862,22191000,"Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strips",2129200,1525960,4589700,4424800,66824324,11783225,kg
  1864. 1863,22192013,"Rubber compounded with carbon black or silica, unvulcanised",47274100,122214990,28933400,74246890,53783034,168121414,kg
  1865. 1864,22192019,"Other compounded rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip",28177100,70631130,22954500,58100300,63190771,55058346,kg
  1866. 1865,22192030,Forms and articles of unvulcanised rubber (including rods; tubes; profile shapes; discs and rings) (excluding camel-back; strips for retreading tyres),3381900,30226370,7892200,20056690,442842,13964205,kg
  1867. 1866,22192050,Vulcanised rubber thread and cord,807100,4684010,7424100,16168550,:,:,kg
  1868. 1867,22192070,"Plates, sheets and strip of vulcanised rubber",15261300,68003920,20644200,70496820,6600833,78279170,kg
  1869. 1868,22192083,Extruded rods and profile shapes of cellular vulcanised rubber,142300,3630990,592900,1502450,:,:,kg
  1870. 1869,22192085,"Plates, sheets, strips for floor covering of solid vulcanised rubber",3875900,34449190,8700400,22071800,524370,56305109,kg
  1871. 1870,22192087,Extruded solid rubber rods and profiles,2799100,35884620,3600500,21620480,2080600,25528420,kg
  1872. 1871,22193030,Rubber tubing not reinforced,1131400,17500420,3353500,52991770,11726082,72842689,kg
  1873. 1872,22193055,Rubber hose reinforced with metal,895500,10433490,19731000,32289610,717920,108617838,kg
  1874. 1873,22193057,Rubber hose reinforced with textiles,2962900,21435380,8968100,116838260,1508471,21706001,kg
  1875. 1874,22193059,Rubber hose reinforced or combined with other materials (excluding rubber hose reinforced with metal or textiles),382700,6201620,2512200,23875210,:,:,kg
  1876. 1875,22193070,Rubber hose assemblies,8702600,136891020,12053500,150712460,16570560,180011863,kg
  1877. 1876,22194030,Rubber transmission belts of trapezoidal and/or striped configuration (including V-belts),2819900,35012710,1606200,29052780,:,:,kg
  1878. 1877,22194050,Rubber conveyor belts,4573000,27252310,8123800,30465320,3987403,22199916,kg
  1879. 1878,22194070,Rubber synchronous belts,1763800,73217470,1046700,26570350,:,:,kg
  1880. 1879,22194090,"Rubber transmission belts (excluding V-belts and V-belting, trapezoidal and/or striped configuration, conveyor belt, synchronous belt)",974900,42328470,1480400,31258340,:,:,kg
  1881. 1880,22195050,Adhesive tape of rubberised textiles of a width <= 20 cm,3278200,18055250,3633000,15538930,1913702,36230280,kg
  1882. 1881,22195070,Rubberised textile fabrics (excluding adhesive tape of a width <= 20 cm),4351400,39559140,1456800,8983610,4459005,24887358,kg
  1883. 1882,22196000,"Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves, mittens and mitts), for all purposes, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber",7020000,41953750,49060200,261295650,4504,1525089,kg
  1884. 1883,22197120,Sheath contraceptives,:,8218710,:,12579810,0,0,p/st
  1885. 1884,22197130,Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles of rubber (excluding sheath contraceptives),389100,10506300,2432600,20682140,122618,13093867,kg
  1886. 1885,22197150,"Teats, nipple shields and similar articles for babies",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1887. 1886,22197180,"Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles of rubber (excluding sheath contraceptives, teats, nipple shields and similar articles for babies)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1888. 1887,22197200,"Floor coverings and mats of vulcanised rubber, non-cellular",5828400,21147210,29401400,60438640,7337833,25504466,kg
  1889. 1888,22197310,"Articles of cellular rubber, n.e.s.",1695000,15046820,2383800,12269490,8414171,20163802,kg
  1890. 1889,22197321,"Erasers, of vulcanised rubber",642600,5013690,1568000,6593350,:,:,kg
  1891. 1890,22197323,"Seals, of vulcanised rubber",14575800,277767540,24575100,338139190,30719517,378074988,kg
  1892. 1891,22197330,"Boat or dock fenders, whether or not inflatable, of vulcanised rubber; other inflatable articles, of vulcanised rubber",882900,12255600,3093300,18418860,1705807,18715138,kg
  1893. 1892,22197343,Expansion joints for pipes,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1894. 1893,22197345,Rubber-to-metal bonded articles for tractors and motor vehicles,987700,11152640,7116000,63287260,2455303,116433778,kg
  1895. 1894,22197347,Moulded rubber articles for tractors and motor vehicles,1702100,22335320,5450400,53360860,8501979,41808206,kg
  1896. 1895,22197349,Rubber-to-metal bonded articles for other uses than for tractors and motor vehicles,3417700,45307410,5933500,30022760,3522489,57012331,kg
  1897. 1896,22197350,"Outer soles and heels, of rubber",:,2137740,:,4976040,2773498,3357021,p/st
  1898. 1897,22197360,"Articles of vulcanized solid rubber (including rubber bands, tobacco-pouches, characters for date stamps and the like, stoppers and rings for bottles; excluding hard rubber)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1899. 1898,22197365,Articles of vulcanised solid rubber other than for tractors and motor vehicles,8770600,62017090,25911100,148868360,:,80010722,kg
  1900. 1899,22197379,"Hard rubber in all forms incl.waste and scrap; articles of hard rubber, n.e.s.",952200,3495790,2811400,4846890,4877819,13942533,kg
  1901. 1900,22211050,"Monofilament with any cross-sectional dimension > 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, of polymers of ethylene (including surface worked but not otherwise worked)",1262800,11145980,2578100,7859770,50439061,90557450,kg
  1902. 1901,22211070,"Monofilament with any cross-sectional dimension > 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, of polymers of vinyl chloride (including surface worked but not otherwise worked)",8430500,25898300,13947900,32792560,90808019,194042228,kg
  1903. 1902,22211090,"Monofilament with any cross-sectional dimension > 1 mm; rods; sticks and profile shapes of plastics (excluding of polymers of ethylene, of polymers of vinyl chloride)",7037600,90021820,13417500,78823840,4342180,85221349,kg
  1904. 1903,22212130,Artificial guts (sausage skins) of hardened protein or cellulosic materials,1185300,35964600,2248200,13409980,:,:,kg
  1905. 1904,22212153,"Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses of polymers of ethylene",21042100,79129090,31432200,43048480,98251000,173847628,kg
  1906. 1905,22212155,"Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses of polymers of propylene",1156900,10791290,2326600,8205320,39152000,61538549,kg
  1907. 1906,22212157,"Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses of polymers of vinyl chloride",10776200,24411640,18624300,32593050,:,333911278,kg
  1908. 1907,22212170,"Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses of plastics (excluding of polymers of ethylene, of polymers of propylene, of polymers of vinyl chloride)",2437300,37609590,6409700,51703820,90957477,265632450,kg
  1909. 1908,22212920,"Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses of plastics, with a burst pressure >= 27,6 MPa",15370500,130329510,2830200,31901980,81464210,362175049,kg
  1910. 1909,22212935,"Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses of plastics, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings",13522200,88126350,10437200,65380630,:,:,kg
  1911. 1910,22212937,"Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses of plastics, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, with fittings, seals or connectors",3025100,33210550,4509400,21101060,21634941,54135536,kg
  1912. 1911,22212950,"Plastic tubes, pipes and hoses (excluding artificial guts, sausage skins, rigid, flexible tubes and pipes having a minimum burst pressure of 27,6 MPa)",4068800,80504210,7874900,64653500,29155227,152621853,kg
  1913. 1912,22212970,"Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses",26455100,181817840,20419300,129160860,106551572,490128555,kg
  1914. 1913,22213010,"Other plates..., of polymers of ethylene, not reinforced, thickness <= 0,125 mm",107314400,249988620,141526400,326649580,218801497,465253744,kg
  1915. 1914,22213017,"Other plates..., of polymers of ethylene, not reinforced, etc., thickness > 0,125 mm",25723000,119868300,66423500,109153990,113992687,213953939,kg
  1916. 1915,22213021,"Other plates..., of biaxially orientated polymers of propylene, thickness <= 0,10 mm",68339800,240062570,99432600,250628870,110210536,379798556,kg
  1917. 1916,22213023,"Other plates..., of polymers of propylene, thickness <= 0,10 mm, others",2498000,14346600,23239600,56317960,4795723,29577834,kg
  1918. 1917,22213025,"Strip of polymers of propylene, of a thickness of > 0.10 mm and a width of > 5 mm but <= 20 mm, of the kind used for packaging (excluding self-adhesive products)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1919. 1918,22213026,"Other plates..., of non-cellular polymers of propylene, thickness > 0,10 mm, n.e.c.",8143400,28341600,20991200,62783350,22487766,63519911,kg
  1920. 1919,22213029,"Other stripes, thickness > 0.10 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1921. 1920,22213030,"Other plates..., of polymers of styrene, not reinforced, etc.",16209100,35590840,19007100,57038350,33558063,70140418,kg
  1922. 1921,22213035,"Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of polymers of vinyl chloride, containing >= 6  % of plasticisers, thickness <= 1 mm",10686900,70596390,23610800,79052470,13729303,123878997,kg
  1923. 1922,22213036,"Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of polymers of vinyl chloride, containing >= 6  % of plasticisers, thickness > 1 mm",6302000,11095760,7881900,23814390,20794044,18720841,kg
  1924. 1923,22213037,"Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of polymers of vinyl chloride, containing < 6  % of plasticisers, thickness <= 1 mm",14591000,26366020,35259300,88597090,459287,8690841,kg
  1925. 1924,22213038,"Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of polymers of vinyl chloride, containing < 6  % of plasticisers, thickness > 1 mm",5102200,12285560,13185900,51436290,40301413,78905403,kg
  1926. 1925,22213053,"Plates..., of polymethyl methacrylate, not reinforced, etc.",0,0,26690500,95812400,:,:,kg
  1927. 1926,22213059,"Plates..., of other acrylic polymers, not reinforced, etc., n.e.c.",324800,19121240,4050900,20209780,:,:,kg
  1928. 1927,22213061,"Plates, sheets, film, foil, strip of polycarbonates, non-cellular excluding floor, wall, ceiling coverings - self-adhesive, reinforced, laminated, supported/similarly combined with other materials",29216600,100098660,5540100,23738580,49630131,150213878,kg
  1929. 1928,22213063,"Plates..., of unsaturated polyesters, not reinforced, etc.",188100,11926700,3056300,6765080,0,0,kg
  1930. 1929,22213065,"Plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, of polyethylene terephthalate, not reinforced, etc., of a thickness <= 0,35 mm",33514800,154147320,56424800,155593710,65012314,213465728,kg
  1931. 1930,22213067,"Plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, of polyethylene terephthalate, not reinforced, etc., of a thickness > 0,35 mm",3215400,7773520,44288300,58675260,585736,3886297,kg
  1932. 1931,22213069,"Plates, sheets, film, foil, strip of polyesters, non-cellular excluding floor, wall, ceiling coverings, self-adhesive - of polycarbonates, polyethylene terephthalate, unsaturated polyesters",2053200,18994540,9108800,33173820,15146985,70775777,kg
  1933. 1932,22213070,"Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular cellulose or its chemical derivatives, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials (excluding self-adhesive products as well as and floor, wall and ceiling coverings of HS 3918)",12076800,65707580,1002400,5599060,:,84484470,kg
  1934. 1933,22213082,"Plates, sheets, film, foil, strip of polyamides, non-cellular (excluding floor, wall, ceiling coverings, self-adhesive, reinforced, laminated, supported/similarly combined with other materials)",1886300,14679380,5070900,22956140,:,:,kg
  1935. 1934,22213086,"Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular poly(vinyl butyral), amino-resins, phenolic resins or polymerisation products, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials (excluding self-adhesive products as well as and floor, wall and ceiling coverings of H",5016600,139525000,7267000,51730630,36838852,175631652,kg
  1936. 1935,22213090,"Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular plastics, n.e.c., not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials (excluding self-adhesive products, floor, wall and ceiling coverings of HS 3918 and sterile surgical or dental adhesion barriers of CN 3006 10 30)",5130500,44704540,13586500,64994600,33451177,64992529,kg
  1937. 1936,22214120,"Plates, sheet, film, foil and strip of cellular polymers of styrene",2572100,10082780,7085300,25968940,27860068,88900042,kg
  1938. 1937,22214130,"Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of cellular polymers of vinyl chloride",18162700,39783130,13541400,46601410,17527825,32986186,kg
  1939. 1938,22214150,"Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of cellular polyurethanes",13934900,77535630,37590400,133621030,130745104,668790993,kg
  1940. 1939,22214170,"Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of regenerated cellular cellulose",82600,1406080,277700,1390120,0,0,kg
  1941. 1940,22214180,"Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of cellular plastics (excluding of polymers of styrene, of polymers of vinyl chloride, of polyurethanes, of regenerated cellulose)",12445900,128483310,17141900,77625930,40060628,172365885,kg
  1942. 1941,22214230,"Non-cellular plates, sheets, film, foil, strip of condensation or rearrangement polymerisation products, polyesters, reinforced, laminated, supported/similarly comb. with other materials)",2133600,27120590,12221300,58075520,15998198,56301687,kg
  1943. 1942,22214250,"Non-cellular plates, strips..., of phenolic resins",1069200,15758580,11831600,25222440,:,19994981,kg
  1944. 1943,22214275,"Non-cellular plates, sheets, film, foil, strip of condensation or rearrangement polymerisation products, amino-resins (high pressure laminates, decorative surface one/both sides)",11806900,47428300,29194500,88165340,:,:,kg
  1945. 1944,22214279,"Other plates, sheets, films, foil and strip, of polymerisation products",10467400,77837160,31664300,137971900,3151659,25639066,kg
  1946. 1945,22214280,"Other plates..., non-cellular of plastics other than made by polymerisation",20548900,106682650,45258500,153871400,47902123,248040882,kg
  1947. 1946,22221100,Sacks and bags of polymers of ethylene (including cones),33301400,190893570,249828600,517046960,198122000,668176167,kg
  1948. 1947,22221200,Plastic sacks and bags (including cones) (excluding of polymers of ethylene),18047700,80960270,72106900,209579970,92699000,243331014,kg
  1949. 1948,22221300,"Plastic boxes, cases, crates and similar articles for the conveyance or packing of goods",87509300,297292900,90423500,259902460,326304000,912296531,kg
  1950. 1949,22221450,"Plastic carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of a capacity <= 2 litres",1669581527,144807360,2043319531,305211770,19781029000,936174387,p/st
  1951. 1950,22221470,"Plastic carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of a capacity > 2 litres",76574459,28350600,128456028,64062170,2461559000,369244984,p/st
  1952. 1951,22221910,"Spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports, of plastics",2573200,5016540,1883500,7365000,683000,2433071,kg
  1953. 1952,22221920,Plastic caps and capsules for bottles,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1954. 1953,22221925,"Plastic stoppers, lids, caps, capsules and other closures",41552200,200992260,76331900,318678650,471645000,343465614,kg
  1955. 1954,22221930,"Plastic stoppers, lids, caps and other closures (excluding for bottles)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1956. 1955,22221940,Plastic netting extruded in tubular form,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1957. 1956,22221950,"Articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics (excluding boxes, cases, crates and similar articles; sacks and bags, including cones; carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles; spools, spindles, bobbins and similar supports; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures)",35726700,119768570,773706600,261648640,122350000,359761370,kg
  1958. 1957,22221990,Other articles for the conveyance or packing of goods of plastics,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1959. 1958,22231155,"Floor coverings in rolls or in tiles and wall or ceiling coverings consisting of a support impregnated, coated or covered with polyvinyl chloride",7556652,75490780,35830170,151102850,4576915,29018901,m2
  1960. 1959,22231159,"Other floor, wall, ceiling... coverings of polymers of vinyl chloride",11577275,106469490,22530004,134461250,23535023,238980460,m2
  1961. 1960,22231190,Floor coverings in rolls or in tiles; and wall or ceiling coverings of plastics (excluding of polymers of vinyl chloride),3115751,14170350,19280315,45629120,:,:,m2
  1962. 1961,22231250,"Plastic baths, shower-baths, sinks and wash-basins",:,24816420,:,63286620,3873765,164028654,p/st
  1963. 1962,22231270,Plastic lavatory seats and covers,:,12278730,:,48906330,2100704,27175562,p/st
  1964. 1963,22231290,"Plastic bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware (excluding baths, showers-baths, sinks and wash-basins, lavatory seats and covers)",:,27980620,:,64181010,5866650,38923426,p/st
  1965. 1964,22231300,"Plastic reservoirs, tanks, vats, intermediate bulk and similar containers, of a capacity > 300 litres",4613800,18656500,6223900,13500280,101978238,305904160,kg
  1966. 1965,22231450,"Plastic doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors",1557366,39655850,4038654,87066940,12500864,2719398405,p/st
  1967. 1966,22231470,"Plastic shutters, blinds and similar articles and parts thereof",1295000,25580240,14000000,65891740,253485000,56664423,kg
  1968. 1967,22231500,"Linoleum, floor coverings consisting of a coating or covering applied on a textile backing (excluding sheets and plates of linoleum compounds)",3618120,26288110,2571424,13185850,:,:,m2
  1969. 1968,22231950,Builder¿s fittings and mountings intended for permanent installation of plastics,13643200,54326240,16795900,54573860,197166511,413688161,kg
  1970. 1969,22231990,"Builders¿ ware for the manufacture of flooring, walls, partition walls, ceilings, roofing, etc., guttering and accessories, banisters, fences and the like, fitted shelving for shops, factories, warehouses, storerooms, etc., architectural ornaments such as fluting, vaulting and friezes, of plastics,",18466300,45819640,57942700,134967540,143762975,464759830,kg
  1971. 1970,22232000,"Prefabricated buildings, of plastics",:,:,:,:,:,293193562,:
  1972. 1971,22291000,"Plastic articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves, raincoats, aprons, belts and babies¿ bibs) (excluding headgear)",4378900,42204990,33957500,143517730,:,6841799,kg
  1973. 1972,22291010,"Plastic articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including headgear, gloves, raincoats, aprons, belts and babies¿ bibs) (excluding safety headgear)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1974. 1973,22292130,"Self-adhesive strips of plastic with a coating consisting of unvulcanised natural or synthetic rubber, in rolls of a width <= 20 cm",19093900,113582970,27829700,103563300,16831187,63616868,kg
  1975. 1974,22292140,"Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, in rolls <= 20 cm wide (excluding plastic strips coated with unvulcanised natural or synthetic rubber)",4498700,60421950,13893300,80028800,10997328,95712184,kg
  1976. 1975,22292150,"Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, in rolls of a width <= 20 cm, of condensation or rearrangement polymerisation products, whether or not chemically modified (excluding strips of plastic with a coating consisting of unvulcanized natural or synthetic rubber)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1977. 1976,22292170,"Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, in rolls of a width <= 20 cm, of addition polymerisation products (excluding strips of plastic with a coating consisting of unvulcanized natural or synthetic rubber)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1978. 1977,22292190,"Strips, of other plastic materials, in rolls width <= 20 cm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1979. 1978,22292230,"Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip, other flat shapes of plastic, further worked than surface-worked, or cut to shapes excluding in rolls, of a width <= 20 cm, rectangular/square",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1980. 1979,22292240,"Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rolls > 20 cm wide (excluding floor, wall and ceiling coverings of HS 3918)",36013100,275186240,88037400,331587340,54615116,303153980,kg
  1981. 1980,22292250,"Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of condensation polymerization products and rearrangement polymerization products, whether or not chemically modified, whether or not in rolls of a width of > 20 cm, not worked, or only surface-worked, or only cut to rectan",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1982. 1981,22292270,"Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of addition polymerization products, whether or not in rolls of a width of > 20 cm, not worked, or only surface-worked, or only cut to rectangular, including square, shapes (excluding floor, wall and ceiling coverings of HS",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1983. 1982,22292290,"Other self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rolls > 20 cm wide, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (excluding floor, wall and ceiling coverings of HS 39.18)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1984. 1983,22292320,Tableware and kitchenware of plastic,18287500,125622580,87094300,353768250,47368441,147220733,kg
  1985. 1984,22292340,"Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excluding tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)",33100800,97597830,52902600,201242490,67042281,229723841,kg
  1986. 1985,22292350,"Household and toilet articles, of regenerated cellulose",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1987. 1986,22292390,Other toiletry and household articles of plastics n.e.c.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1988. 1987,22292400,"Plastic parts for lamps, lighting fittings and illuminated signs and name-plates",:,5160970,:,21396830,:,78765100,:
  1989. 1988,22292500,"Office or school supplies of plastic (including paperweights, paper-knives, blotting pads, pen-rests and book marks)",7275900,49466230,23840200,80194530,7844068,36931799,kg
  1990. 1989,22292610,"Plastic fittings for furniture, coachwork or the like",4303700,58808840,33611200,203194240,57162139,28830689,kg
  1991. 1990,22292620,"Statuettes and other ornamental articles of plastic (including photograph, picture and similar frames)",2430600,20635470,17491100,80032770,70868,2518622,kg
  1992. 1991,22292630,"Perforated buckets and similar articles used to filter water at the entrance to drains, of plastic",2222500,20970740,3907100,18616750,:,:,kg
  1993. 1992,22292910,"Hard rubber or plastic combs, hair-slides and the like (excluding electro-thermic hairdressing apparatus)",597900,7384160,1855700,18658790,:,:,kg
  1994. 1993,22292915,"Hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, hair-curlers and the like, and parts thereof, of plastic (excluding electro-thermic hairdressing apparatus)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  1995. 1994,22292920,Outer soles and heels of plastics,:,1287220,:,1600550,0,0,p/st
  1996. 1995,22292950,Other articles made from sheet,8531300,92990780,43178500,225584700,113052912,554969373,kg
  1997. 1996,22292990,Other articles of plastics or other materials,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  1998. 1997,22292995,Other articles of plastic n.e.c (excluding appliances identifiable for ostomy use),:,902535760,:,1231210310,:,1721833757,:
  1999. 1998,22299110,"Plastic parts for machinery and mechanical appliances, excluding internal combustion piston engines, gas turbines",:,:,:,:,:,51192581,:
  2000. 1999,22299125,Plastic parts for apparatus of HS 8509 and 8516,:,:,:,:,:,17452405,:
  2001. 2000,22299127,"Plastic parts for turntables, record players, cassette-players, magnetic tape recorders, other sound or video recording/reproducing apparatus excluding pick-up cartridges",:,:,:,:,:,491633,:
  2002. 2001,22299130,Plastic parts for apparatus of HS 8525 to 8528,:,:,:,:,:,4609488,:
  2003. 2002,22299140,"Plastic products, parts of apparatus of HS 8535 to 8537, and 8542",:,:,:,:,:,18783579,:
  2004. 2003,22299150,"Plastic parts for locomotives or rolling stock, railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings, mechanical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment",:,:,:,:,:,17445561,:
  2005. 2004,22299160,Plastic parts and accessories for all land vehicles (excluding for locomotives or rolling stock),:,:,:,:,:,1410762316,:
  2006. 2005,22299180,Plastic parts for aircraft and spacecraft,:,:,:,:,:,109434565,:
  2007. 2006,22299193,"Plastic parts for electrical machinery and equipment, sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers",:,:,:,:,:,20372546,:
  2008. 2007,22299197,"Plastic parts for optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus",:,:,:,:,:,260769731,:
  2009. 2008,23111110,"Non-wired sheets, of cast or rolled glass, whether or not with absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked",1183617,4146890,567661,5783690,:,:,m2
  2010. 2009,23111130,"Wired sheets or profiles, of cast or rolled glass, whether or not with absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked",3321000,1834780,1024600,1086610,:,:,kg
  2011. 2010,23111150,"Sheets, of drawn glass or blown glass, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked",439798,5560970,221912,1610700,:,:,m2
  2012. 2011,23111212,"Non-wired sheets, of float, surface ground or polished glass, having a non-reflecting layer",6213,862460,155776,3533730,:,:,m2
  2013. 2012,23111214,"Non-wired sheets, of float, surface ground or polished glass, having an absorbent or reflective layer, of a thickness <= 3,5 mm",260862,1411730,1467304,3653120,0,0,m2
  2014. 2013,23111217,"Non-wired sheets, of float, surface ground or polished glass, having an absorbent or reflecting layer, not otherwise worked, of a thickness > 3,5 mm",2011158,15347700,2802664,19324460,:,:,m2
  2015. 2014,23111230,"Non-wired sheets, of float, surface ground or polished glass, coloured throughout the mass, opacified, flashed or merely surface ground",34930,360900,1384072,6713160,:,:,m2
  2016. 2015,23111290,"Other sheets of float/ground/polished glass, n.e.c.",2228082,13173500,5954706,24762790,28514781,131400641,m2
  2017. 2016,23121150,"Optical glass of HS 7003, 7004 or 7005, bent, edge-worked, engraved, etc.",34800,2928830,93500,735240,891982,5038384,kg
  2018. 2017,23121190,"Other glass of HS 7003, 7004 or 7005, bent, edge-worked, engraved, etc.",496900,3132570,5615400,9496750,38428428,89958593,kg
  2019. 2018,23121210,"Toughened (tempered) safety glass, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in motor vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft, vessels and other vehicles",:,43831360,:,208974720,:,199019015,m2
  2020. 2019,23121230,"Toughened (tempered) safety glass, n.e.c.",1532307,7293280,4975846,34013850,9617600,193826639,m2
  2021. 2020,23121250,"Laminated safety glass, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in motor vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft, vessels and other vehicles",8416300,64285910,55372500,248680760,13104146,:,kg
  2022. 2021,23121270,"Laminated safety glass, n.e.c.",1075218,24985180,1694269,27230170,1713188,55869369,m2
  2023. 2022,23121330,Multiple-walled insulating units of glass,2699108,7787580,1118930,31201000,15629263,573528238,m2
  2024. 2023,23121350,Glass rear-view mirrors for vehicles,4916013,74222280,12977388,164288290,2186317,40333307,p/st
  2025. 2024,23121390,"Other glass mirrors, whether or not framed",3729400,19119830,52346300,142268080,5789325,23395348,kg
  2026. 2025,23131110,"Glass preserving jars, stoppers, lids and other closures (including stoppers and closures of any material presented with the containers for which they are intended)",1554800,4977800,13653300,15970580,0,0,kg
  2027. 2026,23131120,Containers made from tubing of glass (excluding preserving jars),17064708,9836070,2387002,2008080,:,391253,p/st
  2028. 2027,23131130,"Glass containers of a nominal capacity >= 2,5 litres (excluding preserving jars)",5245165,905410,9053395,4708990,:,:,p/st
  2029. 2028,23131140,"Bottles of colourless glass of a nominal capacity < 2,5 litres, for beverages and foodstuffs (excluding bottles covered with leather or composition leather, infant¿s feeding bottles)",257969583,47938760,345697477,77585460,3758648000,463475424,p/st
  2030. 2029,23131150,"Bottles of coloured glass of a nominal capacity < 2,5 litres, for beverages and foodstuffs (excluding bottles covered with leather or composition leather, infant¿s feeding bottles)",334537908,57663700,104336601,18266650,2886209000,362702043,p/st
  2031. 2030,23131160,"Glass containers for beverages and foodstuffs of a nominal capacity < 2,5 litres (excluding bottles, flasks covered with leather or composition leather, domestic glassware, vacuum flasks and vessels)",21191091,3371650,124511859,14309660,:,:,p/st
  2032. 2031,23131170,"Glass containers for pharmaceutical products of a nominal capacity < 2,5 litres",32920790,5411440,124994131,19441400,:,:,p/st
  2033. 2032,23131180,"Glass containers of a nominal capacity < 2,5 litres for the conveyance or packing of goods (excluding for beverages and foodstuffs, for pharmaceutical products, containers made from glass tubing)",32705542,8504990,96677873,28787220,:,:,p/st
  2034. 2033,23131220,"Drinking glasses (including stemware drinking glasses), other than of glass ceramics, of lead crystal, gathered by hand",143916,1783380,694492,1645930,58672,1574139,p/st
  2035. 2034,23131240,"Drinking glasses (including stemware drinking glasses), other than of glass ceramics, of lead crystal, gathered mechanically",1281621,5904030,4779762,7773590,0,0,p/st
  2036. 2035,23131260,"Drinking glasses (excluding stemware drinking glasses and products of glass ceramics or lead crystal), of toughened glass",1259915,3311570,23570642,19422560,0,0,p/st
  2037. 2036,23131290,Other drinking glasses,12494777,20096390,107750590,92896710,0,0,p/st
  2038. 2037,23131310,"Table or kitchen glassware of lead crystal gathered by hand (excluding of glass-ceramics, of toughened glass, drinking glasses)",44424,2859000,305710,4778110,:,:,p/st
  2039. 2038,23131330,"Table or kitchen glassware of lead crystal gathered mechanically (excluding of glass ceramics, of toughened glass, drinking glasses)",392948,4696210,1997978,9183250,0,0,p/st
  2040. 2039,23131350,"Table/kitchen glassware with linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6/K, temperature range of 0 °C to 300 °C excluding of glass-ceramics, lead crystal/toughened glass, drinking glasses",168590,756130,7675127,14593840,0,0,p/st
  2041. 2040,23131360,"Glass-ceramic table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purpose glassware",643201,3656540,2654337,5331560,:,:,p/st
  2042. 2041,23131390,"Table/kitchen glassware (excluding drinking), toughened glass",7849985,22941210,78588467,104557290,:,:,p/st
  2043. 2042,23131400,Glass inners for vacuum flasks or for other vacuum vessels (including unfinished and finished),:,240460,:,3959960,1114,141444,p/st
  2044. 2043,23141110,Glass fibre threads cut into lengths of at least 3 mm but <= 50 mm (chopped strands),474800,2318080,24215600,27747340,:,:,kg
  2045. 2044,23141130,Glass fibre filaments (including rovings),49108700,54006350,22191700,25367960,60427,169961,kg
  2046. 2045,23141150,Slivers; yarns and chopped strands of filaments of glass fibres (excluding glass fibre threads cut into lengths of at least 3 mm but <= 50 mm),2203600,31127010,14652200,32064600,2322608,:,kg
  2047. 2046,23141162,Glass fibre mats made of filaments,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2048. 2047,23141167,Glass fibre voiles made of filaments,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2049. 2048,23141170,Staple glass fibre articles,3744200,3281350,879900,2242170,:,:,kg
  2050. 2049,23141210,Glass fibre mats (including of glass wool),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2051. 2050,23141217,Glass fibre mats made of glass wool,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2052. 2051,23141220,Mats of irregularly laminated glass fibres (excl. glass wool),2399500,7111750,12233800,16799220,:,:,kg
  2053. 2052,23141230,Glass fibre voiles (including of glass wool),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2054. 2053,23141237,Glass fibre voiles made of glass wool,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2055. 2054,23141240,"Thin sheets ""voiles"" of irregularly laminated glass fibres (excl. glass wool)",6708700,48357230,3794600,13245200,4440192,42663716,kg
  2056. 2055,23141250,Non-woven glass fibre webs; felts; mattresses and boards,44104400,73833610,23935300,45692760,:,:,kg
  2057. 2056,23141293,"Other articles of glass fibre, of non-textile fibres, bulk, flocks, others",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2058. 2057,23141295,"Other articles of glass fibre, pads, casings for insulating tubes or pipes",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2059. 2058,23141297,"Glass fibres, incl. glass wool, and articles thereof (excl. staple fibres, rovings, yarn, chopped strands, woven fabrics, also narrow fabrics, thin sheets ""voiles"", webs, mats, mattresses and boards and similar nonwoven products, mineral wool and articles thereof, electrical insulators or parts ther",37520100,159847220,18595300,169264410,273372038,310438363,kg
  2060. 2059,23141299,Glass fibre articles of textile fibres,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2061. 2060,23191110,"Glass in the mass (excluding glass in the form of powder, granules or flakes)",346800,13021940,26900,173000,921452,:,kg
  2062. 2061,23191130,"Unworked glass in balls or rods (excluding glass balls as toys, glass balls which have been ground after shaping, used as stoppers for bottles, glass microspheres <= 1 mm in diameter)",2258700,1724970,1301600,4675060,:,:,kg
  2063. 2062,23191150,Unworked glass tubes (including tubes which have had fluorescent material added to them in the mass) (excluding tubes coated inside with fluorescent material),66900,3100030,446900,3589790,:,:,kg
  2064. 2063,23191200,"Paving blocks, bricks, tiles and other articles of pressed or moulded glass; leaded lights and the like; multicellular or foam glass in blocks, plates or similar forms",174300,1405920,2529800,7801400,1278122,66970468,kg
  2065. 2064,23192100,"Open glass envelopes for electric lamps, cathode-ray tubes or the like",173400,6029700,1104500,4418650,79101,1309501,kg
  2066. 2065,23192200,"Clock or watch glasses, glasses for spectacles, not optically worked",144600,2191990,50300,1902140,:,453991,kg
  2067. 2066,23192330,"Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware whether or not graduated",1032300,27076550,2252300,31253070,1486247,23759225,kg
  2068. 2067,23192350,Glass ampoules used for the conveyance or packing of goods,682860,946040,95180504,5308510,0,0,p/st
  2069. 2068,23192400,"Glass parts for lamps and lighting fittings, etc.",:,3041510,:,8408630,:,6009103,:
  2070. 2069,23192500,"Glass electrical insulators (excluding insulating fittings (other than insulators) for electrical machinery, appliances or equipment)",30900,2403340,1099400,3008860,:,:,kg
  2071. 2070,23192640,"Signalling glassware and optical elements of glass, not optically worked; glass cubes and other glass smallwares, for mosaic or similar decorative purposes (excluding finished panels and other decorative motifs made from mosaic cubes)",141000,4524660,6114300,18322530,:,6168798,kg
  2072. 2071,23192670,"Glass smallware (including beads, imitation pearls/stones, etc.)",14431000,11556480,5163100,20403240,34938426,15484732,kg
  2073. 2072,23192690,"Other articles of glass, n.e.c.",:,30688290,:,139345650,:,27441341,:
  2074. 2073,23201100,"Ceramic goods of siliceous fossil meals or earths including bricks, blocks, slabs, panels, tiles, hollow bricks, cylinder shells and pipes excluding filter plates containing kieselguhr and quartz",1809900,2299170,77217900,19858810,:,:,kg
  2075. 2074,23201210,"Refractory ceramic constructional goods containing >50 % of MgO, CaO or Cr2O3 including bricks, blocks and tiles excluding goods of siliceous fossil meals or earths, tubing and piping",2329400,2074560,12757800,12259100,0,0,kg
  2076. 2075,23201233,"Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, >= 93% silica (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)",527100,1375590,2274700,4798630,:,:,kg
  2077. 2076,23201235,"Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 7 % but < 45 % alumina, but > 50 % by weight combined with silica",3836300,6107580,3516900,3834620,2990158,8079437,kg
  2078. 2077,23201237,"Refractory bricks, blocks..., weight > 50 % Al2O3 and/or SiO2: others",10704800,13250190,5755600,7653520,9227965,12382082,kg
  2079. 2078,23201290,"Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles, etc., n.e.c.",3565000,8320060,9214700,6822960,9596887,7703013,kg
  2080. 2079,23201300,"Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (including refractory plastics, ramming mixes, gunning mixes) (excluding carbonaceous pastes)",85981900,84776730,42299600,24115770,166141770,150421481,kg
  2081. 2080,23201410,"Articles of stone or other mineral substances, n.e.s. containing magnesite, dolomite or chromite",123900,745530,3562900,4712800,0,0,kg
  2082. 2081,23201430,"Refractory ceramic goods, n.e.c., by weight > 25 % graphite or other forms of carbon",5552200,13984370,158100,1308360,:,25655036,kg
  2083. 2082,23201455,"Refractory ceramic goods, n.e.c., alumina or silica or mixture > 50 % : alumina < 45 %",563800,16188400,1200000,4401120,:,:,kg
  2084. 2083,23201459,"Refractory ceramic goods, n.e.c., alumina or silica or mixture > 50 % : alumina >= 45 %",10461000,37716090,2086100,10283620,10258219,23537933,kg
  2085. 2084,23201490,"Refractory ceramic goods, n.e.c.",1785500,20142280,3059500,12272280,6471857,18257725,kg
  2086. 2085,23311000,Ceramic tiles and flags,1780762,21402400,42806537,321765040,:,123332611,m2
  2087. 2086,23311010,"Unglazed ceramic mosaic tiles, cubes and similar articles, with a surface area < 49 cm²",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2088. 2087,23311020,"Glazed ceramic mosaic tiles, cubes and similar articles, with a surface area < 49 cm²",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2089. 2088,23311030,Unglazed ceramic double tiles of the Spaltplatten type,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2090. 2089,23311050,"Unglazed ceramic and stoneware flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; unglazed ceramic and stoneware mosaic cubes and the like, whether or not on a backing",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2091. 2090,23311053,"Unglazed stoneware flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles (excluding double tiles of the Spaltplatten type)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2092. 2091,23311057,"Earthenware or fine pottery and other unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles (excluding of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths, refractory ceramic goods, articles of stoneware, double tiles of the ''Spaltplatten'' type, tiles made into stands, ornamental articles and",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2093. 2092,23311071,Glazed ceramic double tiles of the spaltplatten type,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2094. 2093,23311073,"Glazed stoneware flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles, with a face of > 90 cm²",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2095. 2094,23311075,"Glazed earthenware or fine pottery ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles, with a face of > 90 cm²",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2096. 2095,23311079,"Glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles excluding double tiles of the spaltplatten type, stoneware, earthenware or fine pottery flags, paving or tiles with a face of not > 90 cm²",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2097. 2096,23321110,Non-refractory clay building bricks (excluding of siliceous fossil meals or earths),:,9448180,:,88145030,2457675,687473051,m3
  2098. 2097,23321130,"Non-refractory clay flooring blocks, support or filler tiles and the like (excluding of siliceous fossil meals or earths)",1003900,796960,38549100,10968030,190306,270341,kg
  2099. 2098,23321250,Non-refractory clay roofing tiles,549702,382410,58657733,31642370,236440856,125923095,p/st
  2100. 2099,23321270,"Non-refractory clay constructional products (including chimneypots, cowls, chimney liners and flue-blocks, architectural ornaments, ventilator grills, clay-lath; excluding pipes, guttering and the like)",1811100,1775360,1726400,1968820,15550033,35740929,kg
  2101. 2100,23321300,"Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings: drain pipes and guttering with fittings",7687700,3932740,98400,1798200,:,:,kg
  2102. 2101,23411130,"Porcelain or china tableware and kitchenware (excluding electro-thermic apparatus, coffee or spice mills with metal working parts)",15855700,98857130,48064600,131838420,13655569,119590040,kg
  2103. 2102,23411150,"Household and toilet articles, n.e.c., of porcelain or china",1293900,11444490,2971300,10542830,994993,8985137,kg
  2104. 2103,23411210,"Ceramic tableware, other household articles : common pottery",1940300,16664590,7210400,22859010,27149,270341,kg
  2105. 2104,23411230,"Ceramic tableware, other household articles : stoneware",7310100,56924830,39639200,82211510,:,:,kg
  2106. 2105,23411250,"Ceramic tableware, other household articles : earthenware or fine pottery",3151400,29504980,4484900,12813600,25479000,163575804,kg
  2107. 2106,23411290,"Ceramic tableware, other household articles : others",1680600,11768920,5135400,22477780,:,:,kg
  2108. 2107,23411330,"Statuettes and other ornamental articles, of porcelain or china",:,5500110,:,7897250,:,:,:
  2109. 2108,23411350,Ceramic statuettes and other ornamental articles,:,11820200,:,42636420,:,:,:
  2110. 2109,23421030,"Ceramic sinks, etc. and other sanitary fixtures, of porcelain or china",:,31185780,:,147923900,91643,13866107,p/st
  2111. 2110,23421050,"Ceramic sinks, wash basins, baths... and other sanitary fixtures, n.e.c.",:,8962300,:,99118460,:,:,p/st
  2112. 2111,23431030,Electrical insulators of ceramics (excluding insulating fittings),354200,5235670,2140400,8153380,5529710,38891487,kg
  2113. 2112,23431033,Ceramic electrical insulators (excluding with metallic parts),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2114. 2113,23431035,Ceramic electrical insulators for overhead power transmission or traction lines (including with metallic parts) (excluding lightning arresters),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2115. 2114,23431039,"Ceramic electrical insulators (including with metallic parts) (excluding for overhead power transmission or traction lines, lightning arresters)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2116. 2115,23431050,"Insulating fittings for electrical purposes, of ceramics",94200,2774690,161400,1800680,53690,2996567,kg
  2117. 2116,23431053,"Ceramic insulating fittings for electrical machines, appliances or equipment; containing >= 80 % by weight of metallic oxides",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2118. 2117,23431055,"Ceramic insulating fittings for electrical machines, appliances or equipment (excluding fittings containing >= 80% by weight of metallic oxides)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2119. 2118,23441100,"Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical, technical use, of porcelain or china",99600,2173000,169600,2595720,0,0,kg
  2120. 2119,23441210,"Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical, technical use, other material than porcelain or china",2009200,39937410,8095600,210465250,:,:,kg
  2121. 2120,23441230,Permanent magnets and articles intended to become permanent magnets (excluding of metal),818700,19874510,2891500,14946130,262021,17568754,kg
  2122. 2121,23491100,Ceramic articles for use in agriculture and for the conveyance or packing of goods,188900,5968160,1410700,4144600,:,:,kg
  2123. 2122,23491230,"Other ceramic articles of porcelain/china including non-refractory firebrick cheeks, parts of stoves/fireplaces, flower-pots, handles and knobs, signs/motifs for shops, radiator humidifiers",121000,2668690,17669300,10108470,5506,313687,kg
  2124. 2123,23491250,"Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excluding of porcelain or china)",1983700,11665100,40961400,50296690,4054947,14028084,kg
  2125. 2124,23491255,"Other ceramic articles (common pottery) including heating apparatus, non-refractory firebrick cheeks, stoves/fireplaces parts, flower-pots, handles/knobs, shopssigns, radiator humidifiers",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2126. 2125,23491259,"Ceramic articles, n.e.c. : other than porcelain or common pottery",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2127. 2126,23511100,Cement clinker,23649500,1764960,532976600,55025620,0,0,kg
  2128. 2127,23511210,Portland cement,138181000,17883140,2422995900,158939400,9003012000,934069832,kg
  2129. 2128,23511290,Other hydraulic cements,68336200,37851200,47479400,7840520,268441000,99606465,kg
  2130. 2129,23521033,Quicklime,7254600,2493010,183800,199080,:,:,kg
  2131. 2130,23521035,Slaked lime,122656000,27658720,1188400,289810,348486000,:,kg
  2132. 2131,23521050,Hydraulic lime,1961500,459640,6729300,1584880,:,:,kg
  2133. 2132,23522000,"Plasters consisting of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate (including for use in building, for use in dressing woven fabrics or surfacing paper, for use in dentistry)",26365100,13670750,820058700,25145140,1067696000,210890073,kg
  2134. 2133,23523030,"Calcined and sintered dolomite, crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut into rectangular or square blocks or slabs",0,0,2400,6910,:,:,kg
  2135. 2134,23523050,Agglomerated dolomite (including tarred dolomite),783000,59170,892500,126260,0,0,kg
  2136. 2135,23611130,"Building blocks and bricks of cement, concrete or artificial stone",66087000,7817900,231480800,31407410,22052973000,784118311,kg
  2137. 2136,23611150,"Tiles, flagstones and similar articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone (excluding building blocks and bricks)",112907400,17930290,43414300,33905030,7205456000,812683222,kg
  2138. 2137,23611200,"Prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering, of cement, concrete or artificial stone",18088100,5234580,335305500,111009140,5326122000,1007236474,kg
  2139. 2138,23612000,Prefabricated buildings of concrete,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2140. 2139,23621050,"Boards, sheets, panels, tiles and similar articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster, faced or reinforced with paper or paperboard only (excluding articles agglomerated with plaster, ornamented)",8781494,16696620,23574631,40563170,305823689,553370139,m2
  2141. 2140,23621090,"Boards, sheets, panels, tiles and similar articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster, not faced or reinforced with paper or paperboard only (excluding articles agglomerated with plaster, ornamented)",277689,535510,2565512,11911160,:,:,m2
  2142. 2141,23631000,Ready-mixed concrete,77407700,1863990,63100,23780,29524063000,2175030513,kg
  2143. 2142,23641000,Factory made mortars,14990900,10179270,15821700,10195710,2811029000,274387170,kg
  2144. 2143,23651100,"Panels, boards, tiles, blocks and similar articles of vegetable fibre, of straw or of shavings, chips, particles, sawdust or other waste of wood, agglomerated with cement, plaster or other mineral binders",:,2918130,:,21799840,:,:,m2
  2145. 2144,23651220,"Articles of asbestos-cement, of cellulose fibre-cement or similar mixtures of fibres (asbestos, cellulose or other vegetable fibres, synthetic polymer, glass or metallic fibres, etc.) and cement or other hydraulic binders, containing asbestos",86400,148480,2427600,10506880,0,0,kg
  2146. 2145,23651240,"Sheets, panels, tiles and similar articles, of cellulose fibre-cement or similar mixtures of fibres (cellulose or other vegetable fibres, synthetic polymer, glass or metallic fibres, etc.) and cement or other hydraulic binders, not containing asbestos",:,8686660,:,74897680,:,:,m2
  2147. 2146,23651260,"Tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings, of cellulose fibre-cement or similar mixtures of fibres (cellulose or other vegetable fibres, synthetic polymer, glass or metallic fibres, etc) and cement or other hydraulic binders, not containing asbestos",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2148. 2147,23651270,"Articles of cellulose fibre-cement or the like, not containing asbestos (excluding corrugated and other sheets, panels, paving, tiles and similar articles)",4310500,3857730,11315900,6884130,5538368,10569542,kg
  2149. 2148,23651280,"Articles of cellulose fibre-cement or similar mixtures of fibres (cellulose or other vegetable fibres, synthetic polymer, glass or metallic fibres, etc) and cement or other hydraulic binders, not containing asbestos (excluding sheets, panels, tiles and similar articles as well as tubes, pipes and tu",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2150. 2149,23691100,"Articles of plaster or compositions based on plaster, n.e.c.",3096600,1294870,3415200,3365500,3760007,20243649,kg
  2151. 2150,23691930,"Pipes of cement, concrete or artificial stone",:,:,:,:,701782560,112128851,kg
  2152. 2151,23691980,"Articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone for non-constructional purposes (including vases, flower pots, architectural or garden ornaments, statues and ornamental goods)",:,:,:,:,60512895,134485040,kg
  2153. 2152,236919Z0,"Pipes and other articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone, and accessories",20121000,51780070,167031600,154231630,762295455,246613891,kg
  2154. 2153,23701100,"Worked monumental/building stone and articles thereof, in marble, travertine and alabaster (excluding tiles, cubes/similar articles, largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is < 7 cm, setts, kerbstones, flagstones)",782400,3781620,51079900,52356710,51246851,126096479,kg
  2155. 2154,23701210,"Natural stone setts, kerbstones and flagstones (excluding of slate)",3686800,1586410,272668900,73498430,284592962,114938346,kg
  2156. 2155,23701230,"Tiles, cubes and similar articles of natural stone, whether or not rectangular (including square), the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is < 7 cm; artificially coloured granules, chippings and powder of natural stone",291800,913360,4766900,4185260,4435048,353611,kg
  2157. 2156,23701260,"Worked monumental or building stone and articles thereof, of granite (excluding tiles, cubes and similar articles, of which the largest surface area is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is < 7 cm, setts, kerbstones and flagstones)",1059400,1932340,91187700,77381020,69628125,234827244,kg
  2158. 2157,23701270,"Worked monumental or building stone and articles thereof (excluding of granite or slate, tiles; cubes and similar articles; of which the largest surface area is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is < 7 cm)",6962100,2971710,28615300,31503500,65699894,90669237,kg
  2159. 2158,23701280,Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated slate,13284200,8333730,163797800,82492480,10000654,22414363,kg
  2160. 2159,23911110,"Millstones and grindstones, without frameworks, for milling, grinding or pulping",83000,964990,436600,2841380,0,0,kg
  2161. 2160,23911120,"Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond (excluding millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping)",197200,9779510,904800,18163690,30541,7398451,kg
  2162. 2161,23911130,"Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, of artificial abrasives, with binder of synthetic or artificial resin, reinforced (excluding millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping)",188900,1257430,3493800,16417050,200414,1156650,kg
  2163. 2162,23911140,"Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, of artificial abrasives, with binder of synthetic or artificial resin, non-reinforced (excluding millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping)",341500,2855310,526800,3223540,714252,2458166,kg
  2164. 2163,23911150,"Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, of artificial abrasives, with binder of ceramics or silicates (excluding millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping)",2072900,5219300,867900,8276190,:,:,kg
  2165. 2164,23911190,"Other millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks; hand sharpening or polishing stones",309200,5429860,2043100,15874100,:,:,kg
  2166. 2165,23911230,"Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain, on a base of woven textile fabric only",:,6308930,:,23296700,1429841,15856594,m2
  2167. 2166,23911250,"Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain, on a base of paper or paperboard only",:,46066900,:,28941290,3274986,43611621,m2
  2168. 2167,23911290,"Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain on a base (excluding on a base of woven textile only, on a base of paper or paperboard only)",:,70624980,:,41154230,24612869,76353702,m2
  2169. 2168,23991100,"Fabricated asbestos fibres; mixtures with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate; articles of such mixtures, or of asbestos; friction material for brakes, clutches and the like, not mounted",2510400,84190840,5981700,49219330,16376553,17341759,kg
  2170. 2169,23991253,Roofing or water-proofing felts based on bitumen (in rolls),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2171. 2170,23991255,"Articles of asphalt or of similar materials, e.g. petroleum bitumen or coal tar pitch, in rolls",1400312,8559870,19583001,55157270,33511560,59980380,m2
  2172. 2171,23991259,Other products based on bitumen (in rolls),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2173. 2172,23991290,Products based on bitumen (excluding in rolls),1064600,2128330,9270400,7026090,:,:,kg
  2174. 2173,23991310,Bituminous mixtures based on natural and artificial aggregate and bitumen or natural asphalt as a binder,14894600,13643850,42276400,18848030,13897949000,927716244,kg
  2175. 2174,23991320,Pre-coated aggregates,82626400,5088080,0,0,3101492000,221223493,kg
  2176. 2175,23991400,"Artificial graphite, colloidal, semi-colloidal graphite, and preparations",35819200,25225970,11614800,25393150,33721701,44477397,kg
  2177. 2176,23991500,Artificial corundum (excluding mechanical mixtures),10426400,8569580,30185000,20091260,6931184,6131155,kg
  2178. 2177,23991910,"Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools and mixtures thereof, in bulk, sheets or rolls",47246400,86422440,28159900,39552500,183885443,282219079,kg
  2179. 2178,23991920,"Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag and similar expanded mineral materials and mixtures thereof",12608400,24709700,35348500,9761470,19573443,18813236,kg
  2180. 2179,23991930,Mixtures and articles of heat/sound-insulating materials n.e.c.,30491100,100835120,48851300,84349230,139322107,249218064,kg
  2181. 2180,23991940,Calcined kaolin,:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2182. 2181,23991950,Worked mica and articles of mica,918800,12918170,1099300,5459910,:,:,kg
  2183. 2182,23991970,Non-electrical articles of graphite or other carbon,10734600,375222450,10272400,261326500,23663473,371748777,kg
  2184. 2183,23991980,"Articles of peat (including sheets, cylinder shells and plant pots) (excluding textile articles of peat fibre)",32000,399490,122900,559520,0,0,kg
  2185. 2184,23991990,"Articles of stone or other mineral substances, n.e.c.",18999500,15519680,24504600,29413780,6662736,6147125,kg
  2186. 2185,24101100,"Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms",4469600,919770,42349900,16452110,0,0,kg
  2187. 2186,24101210,"Ferro-manganese, containing by weight > 2% carbon, with a granulometry <= 5 mm and a manganese content by weight > 65%",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2188. 2187,24101215,Ferro-manganese,2131900,5500870,21902800,29610860,0,0,kg
  2189. 2188,24101220,"Ferro-manganese, containing by weight > 2% carbon, with a granulometry <= 5 mm and a manganese content by weight > 65%",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2190. 2189,24101225,"Ferro-manganese, containing by weight > 2% carbon, with a granulometry <= 5 mm and a manganese content by weight > 65%",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2191. 2190,24101230,Ferro-silicon,2964000,6304920,34399300,38199740,0,0,kg
  2192. 2191,24101235,"Ferro-silicon, containing by weight > 55% of silicon",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2193. 2192,24101236,"Ferro-silicon, containing by weight <= 55% silicon and >= 4% but <= 10% of magnesium",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2194. 2193,24101239,"Other ferro-silicon, containing by weight <= 55% silicon (excl. that containing by weight >= 4% but <= 10% of magnesium)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2195. 2194,24101240,Ferro-nickel,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2196. 2195,24101245,Ferro-silico-manganese,156400,211670,31735100,34522470,0,0,kg
  2197. 2196,24101250,Ferro-tungsten and ferro-silico-tungsten,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2198. 2197,24101255,Ferro-titanium and ferro-silico-titanium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2199. 2198,24101260,Ferro-chromium,3325300,9391390,52664800,74796230,0,0,kg
  2200. 2199,24101265,Ferro-chromium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2201. 2200,24101270,Ferro-niobium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2202. 2201,24101275,Ferro-molybdenum,12832600,143973160,219800,2029500,0,0,kg
  2203. 2202,24101280,Ferro-phosphorus,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2204. 2203,24101285,Ferro-silico-magnesium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2205. 2204,24101290,Other ferro alloys n.e.c.,17181200,59724440,23049100,51921540,:,:,kg
  2206. 2205,24101295,Ferro-silico-magnesium,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2207. 2206,24101300,"Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore and other spongy ferrous products, in lumps, pellets or similar forms; iron having a minimum purity by weight of 99,94  %, in lumps, pellets or similar forms",16589400,4208620,614600,491440,0,0,kg
  2208. 2207,24101410,"Granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel",27938600,61096210,20695900,36425430,:,:,kg
  2209. 2208,24101420,"Remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel (excluding products whose chemical composition conforms to the definitions of pig iron, spiegeleisen, or ferro-alloys)",363100,151110,52700,443980,:,314828,kg
  2210. 2209,24102110,Flat semi-finished products (of non-alloy steel),146551500,52789370,275336400,113284830,0,0,kg
  2211. 2210,24102121,"Ingots, other primary forms and long semi-finished products for seamless tubes (of non-alloy steel)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2212. 2211,24102122,"Other ingots, primary forms and long semi-finished products including blanks (of non-alloy steel)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2213. 2212,241021Z0,"Ingots, other primary forms and long semi-finished products, of non-alloy steel",431549100,247194250,133688000,137781030,0,0,kg
  2214. 2213,24102210,Flat semi-finished products (slabs) (of stainless steel),175376100,326952860,2334700,14301450,:,:,kg
  2215. 2214,24102221,"Ingots, other primary forms and long semi-finished products for seamless tubes (of stainless steel)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2216. 2215,24102222,"Other ingots, primary forms and long semi-finished products (of stainless steel)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2217. 2216,241022Z0,"Ingots, other primary forms and long semi-finished products, of stainless steel",67154000,135772810,3244500,15362810,:,:,kg
  2218. 2217,24102310,Flat semi-finished products (of alloy steel other than of stainless steel),315000,1206090,117400,209430,0,0,kg
  2219. 2218,24102321,"Ingots, other primary forms and long semi-finished products for seamless tubes (of alloy steel other than of stainless steel)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2220. 2219,24102322,"Other ingots, primary forms and long semi-finished products (of alloy steel other than of stainless steel)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2221. 2220,241023Z0,"Ingots, other primary forms and long semi-finished products, of alloy steel other than stainless steel",19668800,34376810,7794600,10759740,0,0,kg
  2222. 2221,24103110,"Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width >= 600 mm, simply hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated, in coils",427859700,224142230,580890700,305566540,0,0,kg
  2223. 2222,24103130,"Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width >= 600 mm, not in coils, simply hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated, with patterns in relief directly due to the rolling process and products of a thickness < 4,75 mm, without patterns in relief (excluding rolled on four faces or in a cl",13542900,8260290,16564200,10199280,0,0,kg
  2224. 2223,24103150,"Flat-rolled products, of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width >= 600 mm (excluding `wide flats¿), not in coils, simply hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated, without patterns in relief; flat-rolled products of iron or steel, of a width >= 600 mm, hot-rolled and further worked, but not clad, plated o",115777900,74027500,321673000,187607210,0,0,kg
  2225. 2224,24103210,"Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, simply hot-rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, not clad, plated or coated, of a width of > 150 mm but < 600 mm and a thickness of >= 4 mm, not in coils, without patterns in relief, commonly known as `wide flats¿",53200,82990,17918700,12119090,0,0,kg
  2226. 2225,24103230,"Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width < 600 mm, simply hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated (excluding `wide flats¿)",14093900,11935540,6054600,8053810,0,0,kg
  2227. 2226,24103310,"Hot-rolled flat products in coil for rerolling of a width of 600 mm or more, of stainless steel",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2228. 2227,24103320,"Other hot-rolled flat products in coil of a width of 600 mm or more, of stainless steel",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2229. 2228,24103330,"Plates and sheets produced by cutting from hot-rolled wide strip of a width of 600 mm or more, of stainless steel",2762100,6728710,30936500,69389260,0,0,kg
  2230. 2229,24103340,"Plates and sheets produced on a reversing mill (quarto) of a width of 600 mm or more and wide flats, of stainless steel",954800,2901200,8035000,22127780,:,:,kg
  2231. 2230,241033Z0,"Hot-rolled flat products in coil of a width >= 600 mm, of stainless steel",382700,1552610,2475400,4574040,0,0,kg
  2232. 2231,24103410,"Hot-rolled flat products in coil for rerolling of a width of less than 600 mm, of stainless steel",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2233. 2232,24103420,"Other hot-rolled flat products in coil of a width of less than 600 mm, of stainless steel",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2234. 2233,241034Z0,"Hot-rolled flat products in coil of a width < 600 mm, of stainless steel",3304600,6235180,3549300,8591470,:,:,kg
  2235. 2234,24103510,"Flat-rolled products, of tool steel or alloy steel other than stainless steel, of a width >= 600 mm, not further worked than hot-rolled, in coils (excluding products of high-speed or silicon-electrical steel)",20323300,7243470,66856500,39780970,0,0,kg
  2236. 2235,24103520,"Flat-rolled products of high-speed steel, of a width >= 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled `cold-reduced¿",300396800,163586450,3331700,2107610,0,0,kg
  2237. 2236,24103530,"Flat-rolled products, of tool steel or alloy steel other than stainless steel, of a width >= 600 mm, not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils (excluding organic coated products, products of a thickness < 4,75 mm and products of high-speed or silicon-electrical steel)",1119300,1893360,43970000,54292360,0,0,kg
  2238. 2237,24103540,"Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width >= 600 mm, not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils, of a thickness of < 4,75 mm (excluding products of tool steel, high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)",326600,381050,8386200,9583900,0,0,kg
  2239. 2238,24103550,"Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width >= 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled `cold-reduced¿ and further worked (excluding plated or coated with zinc and products of silicon-electrical steel)",955800,1306730,25157500,23013560,0,0,kg
  2240. 2239,24103600,"Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width of < 600 mm, not further worked than hot-rolled (excluding products of high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)",20267200,33687540,1053200,1728410,0,0,kg
  2241. 2240,24104110,"Uncoated cold-rolled sheet, plate and strip of a width >= 600 mm, of steel other than stainless steel",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2242. 2241,24104130,Electrical sheet and strip not finally annealed of a width of 600 mm or more,:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2243. 2242,24104150,"Electrical sheet and strip, grain non-oriented of a width >= 600 mm",2037100,1384890,11414300,7722030,0,0,kg
  2244. 2243,241041Z0,"Uncoated cold-rolled sheet, plate and strip (including electrical sheet and strip not finally annealed), of a width >= 600 mm, of steel other than stainless steel",77063700,45489750,335821200,210537350,0,0,kg
  2245. 2244,24104200,"Cold-rolled sheet, plate and wide strip of a width of 600 mm or more (of stainless steel)",22311500,64447590,138012700,306844720,0,0,kg
  2246. 2245,24104300,"Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width of >= 600 mm, simply cold-rolled (excluding products of high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)",14916800,7795910,52605000,39234260,0,0,kg
  2247. 2246,24105110,"Tinplate, other tinned sheet and strip, including electrolytically chromium coated steel (ECCS)",230945400,231744400,125423700,84843230,0,0,kg
  2248. 2247,24105120,"Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width >= 600 mm, electrolytically plated or coated with zinc",1632000,1889300,80406000,54204200,0,0,kg
  2249. 2248,24105130,Hot-dipped metal coated sheet and strip of a width >= 600 mm,115815400,95992620,1329083700,909727650,722312,1334596,kg
  2250. 2249,24105140,Organic coated sheet of a width >= 600 mm,109620000,137106270,157509800,157978160,:,:,kg
  2251. 2250,24105150,"Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width >= 600 mm, clad",30700,997140,15500,155860,0,0,kg
  2252. 2251,24105210,"Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width >= 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled `cold-reduced¿ and electrolytically plated or coated with zinc (excluding products of silicon-electrical steel)",800,11660,16366600,12109200,0,0,kg
  2253. 2252,24105230,"Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width >= 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled `cold-reduced¿ and plated or coated with zinc (excluding products electrolytically plated or coated and products of silicon-electrical steel)",104651900,64436250,323567000,249612650,0,0,kg
  2254. 2253,24105310,"Electrical sheet and strip, grain oriented of a width of 600 mm or more",41543200,57031490,4582300,10282630,0,0,kg
  2255. 2254,24105330,"Flat-rolled products of silicon-electrical steel, of a width >= 600 mm, non-grain-oriented",57000,1717560,16752100,15721890,0,0,kg
  2256. 2255,24105410,"Electrical cold-rolled slit strip, grain oriented, in silicon-alloy steel, of a width of < 600 mm",12803400,18878020,1452800,3348020,0,0,kg
  2257. 2256,24105430,"Flat-rolled products of silicon-electrical steel, of a width < 600 mm, non-grain-oriented",310500,551150,7009600,6373780,0,0,kg
  2258. 2257,24105500,"Flat rolled products of high speed steel, of a width < 600 mm",22800,204370,26300,134930,0,0,kg
  2259. 2258,24106110,Ribbed or other deformed wire rod (of non-alloy steel),8540900,6897590,83412900,38341280,0,0,kg
  2260. 2259,24106120,Wire rod of free-cutting steel,93358500,54515400,30138900,18138360,0,0,kg
  2261. 2260,24106130,Wire rod used for concrete reinforcing (mesh/cold ribbed bars),18703400,8724070,44714800,19902730,3130750,1728130,kg
  2262. 2261,24106140,Wire rod for tyre cord,58680900,33061240,0,0,0,0,kg
  2263. 2262,24106190,Other wire rod (of non-alloy steel),357037100,186755390,70214800,35206330,0,0,kg
  2264. 2263,24106210,Hot-rolled concrete reinforcing bars,20167500,9762300,374911800,161315690,:,:,kg
  2265. 2264,24106230,Hot-rolled bars in free-cutting steels,8056200,6405290,11938200,7374380,0,0,kg
  2266. 2265,24106250,Forged bars of steel and hot-rolled bars (excluding hollow drill bars and rods) of non-alloy steel (of other than of free-cutting steel),195069600,107199700,107203800,65282070,0,0,kg
  2267. 2266,24106300,"Hot-rolled wire rod in coil, of stainless steel",18088700,50917920,1463500,5046710,0,0,kg
  2268. 2267,24106410,"Hot-rolled round bars, of stainless steel",8882800,46422440,11014900,39848370,0,0,kg
  2269. 2268,24106430,"Bars and rods of stainless steel, only hot-rolled, only hot-drawn or only extruded (excluding of circular cross-section)",405200,2000180,1984300,8096310,:,:,kg
  2270. 2269,24106450,"Forged bars, of stainless steel",619900,3821790,3442100,12955050,:,:,kg
  2271. 2270,24106470,"Bars and rods of stainless steel, cold-formed or cold-finished and further worked, or hot-formed and further worked, n.e.s. (excluding forged products)",1604600,9636230,1137000,5298200,0,0,kg
  2272. 2271,24106510,"Bars and rods of high-speed steel, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils",40200,144170,349500,2330950,0,0,kg
  2273. 2272,24106530,"Bars and rods of silico-manganese steel, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils",897500,606310,7390700,4326380,0,0,kg
  2274. 2273,24106550,"Hot-rolled wire rod, of bearing steel",46800,675170,2694700,3207230,0,0,kg
  2275. 2274,24106570,"Bars and rods of alloy steel other than stainless, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils (excluding products of bearing steel, high-speed steel or silico-manganese steel)",60245900,36412180,17960100,19100790,0,0,kg
  2276. 2275,24106610,Hot-rolled bars of high speed steel,249900,1628520,2836000,5271670,0,0,kg
  2277. 2276,24106620,Hot-rolled bars of silico-manganese steel,192400,504230,12887100,12205460,0,0,kg
  2278. 2277,24106630,Hot-rolled bars in bearing steels,200,6910,31200,63210,0,0,kg
  2279. 2278,24106640,Hot-rolled bars in tool steels,500200,1292990,2914900,8131250,0,0,kg
  2280. 2279,24106650,"Hot-rolled bars (excluding hollow drill bars and rods) of alloy steel (other than of stainless, tool, silico-manganese, bearing and high speed steel)",45830700,87978590,55355200,56129180,0,0,kg
  2281. 2280,24106660,"Bars and rods, of alloy steel, cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing), painted, coated, clad or further worked (excluding stainless steel)",630300,3205390,910000,3270400,0,0,kg
  2282. 2281,24106700,Hollow drill bars and rods,2052200,6735620,119000,412060,0,0,kg
  2283. 2282,24107110,U-sections of a web height of 80 mm or more (of non-alloy steel),21634400,12364230,61565400,30641470,0,0,kg
  2284. 2283,24107120,I-sections of a web height of 80 mm or more (of non-alloy steel),74266800,42784950,312437100,157810680,0,0,kg
  2285. 2284,24107130,H-sections of a web height of 80 mm or more (of non-alloy steel),131794200,67622880,207555300,106753420,0,0,kg
  2286. 2285,24107140,"Other open sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of non-alloy steel",83463600,51472270,55259800,33515560,0,0,kg
  2287. 2286,24107200,"Open sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of stainless steel",939700,8640450,2767400,12918950,:,:,kg
  2288. 2287,24107300,"Open sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of other alloy steel",71510400,56189470,1251700,1524870,0,0,kg
  2289. 2288,24107410,Sheet piling (of steel),1065700,5175670,72833900,55210580,0,0,kg
  2290. 2289,24107420,Welded and cold-formed sections (of steel),4693900,28473010,2987600,11169010,:,:,kg
  2291. 2290,24107500,Railway material (of steel),94470800,87872920,18721800,27334020,:,1711020,kg
  2292. 2291,2410T110,Pig iron,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2293. 2292,2410T121,Crude steel: non-alloy steel produced in electric furnaces,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2294. 2293,2410T122,Crude steel: non-alloy steel produced by other processes than in electric furnaces,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2295. 2294,2410T131,Crude steel: alloy steel other than stainless steel produced in electric furnaces,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2296. 2295,2410T132,Crude steel: alloy steel other than stainless steel produced by other processes than in electric furnaces,:,:,:,:,:,0,kg
  2297. 2296,2410T141,Crude steel: stainless and heat resisting steel produced in electric furnaces,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2298. 2297,2410T142,Crude steel: stainless and heat resisting steel produced by other processes than in electric furnaces,:,:,:,:,:,0,kg
  2299. 2298,2410T211,Hot-rolled flat products in coil (wide strip) of a width of 600 mm or more,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2300. 2299,2410T212,Hot-rolled flat products in coil of a width less than 600 mm,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2301. 2300,2410T221,Plate and sheet rolled in lengths in wide strip mills,:,:,:,:,:,0,kg
  2302. 2301,2410T222,"Plate, sheet and wide flat, hot-rolled in mills other than wide strip mills",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2303. 2302,2410T231,Hot-rolled wire rod,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2304. 2303,2410T241,Concrete reinforcing bars,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2305. 2304,2410T242,Other hot-rolled bars,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2306. 2305,2410T243,Hot-rolled and forged light sections of a web height of less than 80 mm and angles,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2307. 2306,2410T244,Heavy sections,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2308. 2307,2410T251,Sheet piling,:,:,:,:,:,0,kg
  2309. 2308,2410T252,Railway material,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2310. 2309,2410T260,Welded sections,:,:,:,:,:,0,kg
  2311. 2310,2410T310,"Cold-rolled sheet, plate and strip and blackplate, >= 600 mm wide",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2312. 2311,2410T320,Electrical sheet and strip,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2313. 2312,2410T330,"Tinplate, other tinned sheet and electrically chromium-coated steel (ECCS)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2314. 2313,2410T340,Hot-dipped metal-coated sheet,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2315. 2314,2410T350,Electrolytically metal-coated sheet,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2316. 2315,2410T360,Organic-coated sheet,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2317. 2316,24201110,"Line pipe, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, seamless, of stainless steel",1926800,13573810,1356400,14651920,:,:,kg
  2318. 2317,24201150,"Line pipe, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, seamless, of steel other than stainless steel",10974200,35383760,23208100,26934160,:,:,kg
  2319. 2318,24201210,"Casing, tubing and drill pipe, of a kind used in the drilling for oil or gas, seamless, of stainless steel",11409100,63288200,2791200,29853570,:,:,kg
  2320. 2319,24201250,"Casing, tubing and drill pipe, of a kind used in the drilling for oil or gas, seamless, of steel other than stainless steel",25038700,78115950,54365800,114856180,0,0,kg
  2321. 2320,24201310,"Tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, seamless, of stainless steel (excluding line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines and casing, tubing and drill pipe used for oil or gas drilling)",1871100,32013680,8175800,87610370,955881,60575815,kg
  2322. 2321,24201330,"Precision tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, cold-drawn or cold-rolled, seamless, of steel other than stainless steel",2522700,8700820,12044700,23397630,15095593,24945533,kg
  2323. 2322,24201350,"Tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, cold-drawn or cold-rolled, seamless, of steel other than stainless steel (excluding precision tubes and pipes)",1541800,6833760,8997300,23175960,:,:,kg
  2324. 2323,24201370,"Tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, hot-finished, seamless, of steel other than stainless steel (excluding line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines and casing, tubing and drill-pipe used for oil or gas drilling)",6257600,21076180,34727400,58487880,28298581,16226174,kg
  2325. 2324,24201400,"Tubes and pipes, of non-circular cross-section, seamless, and hollow profiles, seamless, of steel",1661000,8611050,53982700,101345760,:,:,kg
  2326. 2325,24202110,"Line pipe, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, longitudinally welded, of an external diameter > 406,4 mm, of steel",26339700,23347030,13792100,12358880,:,:,kg
  2327. 2326,24202150,"Line pipe, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, other than longitudinally welded, of an external diameter > 406,4 mm, of steel",142900,786450,8800900,32581330,0,0,kg
  2328. 2327,24202200,"Casing, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas, welded, of an external diameter > 406,4 mm, of steel",9269600,20181480,1274700,2093480,:,:,kg
  2329. 2328,24202300,"Tubes and pipes, welded, of an external diameter > 406,4 mm, of steel (excluding line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines and casing used for oil or gas drilling)",29000100,27162640,58130300,137387740,:,14626941,kg
  2330. 2329,24202400,"Tubes and pipes, riveted or similarly closed, of an external diameter > 406,4 mm, of steel (excluding line pipe for oil and gas pipelines, casing used for oil or gas drilling and welded tubes and pipes)",111500,1830740,12179700,12891400,0,0,kg
  2331. 2330,24203110,"Line pipe, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, longitudinally or spirally welded, of an external diameter <= 406,4 mm, of stainless steel",2285500,2321090,4306300,15075060,0,0,kg
  2332. 2331,24203150,"Line pipe, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, longitudinally or spirally welded, of an external diameter <= 406,4 mm, of steel other than stainless steel",42583200,37174300,14451500,32326890,:,:,kg
  2333. 2332,24203210,"Casing and tubing, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas, welded, of an external diameter <= 406,4 mm, of stainless steel",68000,442990,24800,90790,0,0,kg
  2334. 2333,24203250,"Casing and tubing, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas, welded, of an external diameter <= 406,4 mm, of steel other than stainless steel",4268900,5350220,965800,6135850,0,0,kg
  2335. 2334,24203310,"Tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, welded, of an external diameter <= 406,4 mm, of stainless steel (excluding line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, and casing and tubing used for oil or gas drilling)",1634100,20941320,28347800,106882650,2766229,14841388,kg
  2336. 2335,24203340,"Precision tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, welded, of an external diameter <= 406,4 mm, of steel other than stainless steel",9605000,15010180,50904400,61755350,:,:,kg
  2337. 2336,24203370,"Tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, hot- or cold-formed and welded, of an external diameter <= 406,4 mm, of steel other than stainless steel",54395600,57280600,93028500,71973550,:,58139323,kg
  2338. 2337,24203410,"Tubes and pipes, of non-circular cross-section, hot- or cold-formed and welded, of stainless steel",549200,609840,9411900,27651830,:,:,kg
  2339. 2338,24203430,"Tubes and pipes, of square or rectangular cross-section, of a wall thickness <= 2 mm, hot- or cold-formed and welded, of steel other than stainless steel",1164200,838940,20338000,12039100,:,:,kg
  2340. 2339,24203450,"Tubes and pipes, of square or rectangular cross-section, of a wall thickness > 2 mm, hot- or cold-formed and welded, of steel other than stainless steel",156033900,119976310,145143000,82711330,:,:,kg
  2341. 2340,24203470,"Tubes and pipes, of other non-circular cross-section than square or rectangular, hot- or cold-formed and welded, of steel other than stainless steel",1342900,2497150,9548700,8763340,:,:,kg
  2342. 2341,24203500,"Tubes and pipes, open seam, riveted or similarly closed, of steel (excluding line pipe for oil and gas pipelines, casing and tubing used for oil or gas drilling and other welded tubes and pipes)",10642800,26053970,95936300,187213360,0,0,kg
  2343. 2342,24204010,"Flanges, of steel (excluding cast fittings)",4310200,52682300,20196600,64855170,5156113,51796001,kg
  2344. 2343,24204030,"Elbows, bends, couplings, sleeves and other threaded tube or pipe fittings, of steel (excluding cast fittings)",6419700,153092670,6656400,86469770,31677604,169487949,kg
  2345. 2344,24204050,"Elbows, bends, couplings and sleeves and other socket welding tube or pipe fittings, of steel (excluding cast fittings)",7941100,141720620,15792100,115941530,19580021,117815141,kg
  2346. 2345,24204073,"Butt welding elbows and bends, for tubes or pipes, of steel (excluding cast fittings)",2552800,16763420,5856800,16089370,1170222,15037585,kg
  2347. 2346,24204075,"Butt welding tube or pipe fittings, other than elbows and bends, of steel (excluding cast fittings)",1130900,19205560,1514300,15072300,3273149,14390820,kg
  2348. 2347,24311010,"Bars and rods, of non-alloy free-cutting steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing)",31844000,31223240,1716000,1694540,92609000,74794392,kg
  2349. 2348,24311020,"Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing), containing by weight < 0,25 % of carbon, of square or other than rectangular cross-section (excluding those of free-cutting steel)",2939200,3105250,4187900,3439890,26586000,23455804,kg
  2350. 2349,24311030,"Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing), containing by weight < 0,25 % of carbon of rectangular `other than square¿ cross-section (excluding those of free-cutting steel)",4173700,5492440,4257800,3202480,:,:,kg
  2351. 2350,24311040,"Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, cold-formed or cold-finished and further worked, or hot-formed and further worked, n.e.c. (excluding hot-rolled, hot-drawn or hot-extruded, not further worked than clad, and forged products)",12402500,10819790,19563700,21527870,0,0,kg
  2352. 2351,24311050,"Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing), containing by weight >= 0,25  % of carbon (excluding those of free-cutting steel)",6655400,6200600,3122300,2732600,34000000,31383531,kg
  2353. 2352,24311060,"Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing) (excluding profiled sheet)",244700,545210,1111600,1553750,:,:,kg
  2354. 2353,24312010,"Bars and rods, of high-speed steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished, even further worked, or hot-formed and further worked (excluding forged, semi-finished or flat-rolled products, hot-rolled bars and rods in irregularly wound coils); bars and rods, of silico-manganese steel, on",756300,2973340,490600,4248880,0,0,kg
  2355. 2354,24312020,"Bars/rods, 0,9 % to 1,15 % of carbon, 0,5 % to 2 % of chromium and, if present <= 0,5 % of molybdenum, only cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing) (excluding semi-finished or flat-rolled products; hot-rolled bars or rods in irregularly wound coils)",23800,84380,309200,830990,0,0,kg
  2356. 2355,24312030,"Bars and rods of tool steel, only cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing) (excluding semi-finished products, flat-rolled products and hot-rolled bars and rods in irregularly wound coils)",137000,909490,2643700,9179340,:,:,kg
  2357. 2356,24312040,"Bars and rods, of alloy steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing) (excluding stainless steel, high-speed steel, silico-manganese steel, alloy bearing steel, tool steel)",4267400,9138140,17544700,23742560,:,:,kg
  2358. 2357,24312050,"Sections, of alloy steel other than stainless, cold-finished or cold-formed (e.g. by cold-drawing)",781100,2084320,472900,1670910,:,:,kg
  2359. 2358,24313000,Cold-drawn bars and solid profiles of stainless steel,9021600,40630940,29765500,99817390,:,:,kg
  2360. 2359,24321011,"Cold-rolled narrow strip of non-alloy steel, containing by weight < 0,25 % of carbon, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2361. 2360,24321012,"Cold-rolled narrow strip of non-alloy steel, containing by weight >= 0,25 % but < 0,6 % of carbon, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2362. 2361,24321014,"Cold-rolled narrow strip of non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,1195000,2512918,kg
  2363. 2362,24321016,"Cold-rolled narrow strip of alloy steel other than stainless and electrical steel, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2364. 2363,24321018,"Cold-rolled narrow strip of stainless steel (excluding insulated electric strip, corrugated strip with one edge serrated or bevelled), of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,4379000,10515930,kg
  2365. 2364,24321022,"Cold-rolled slit strip of non-alloy steel and of alloy steel other than stainless and electrical steel, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2366. 2365,24321025,"Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of < 600 mm, simply cold-rolled `cold-reduced¿, not clad, plated or coated, containing by weight < 0,25 % of carbon `electrical¿",32000,75420,7500,247270,0,0,kg
  2367. 2366,24321028,"Cold-rolled slit strip of stainless steel, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2368. 2367,24321030,"Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width of < 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled `cold-reduced¿ and electrolytically plated or coated with zinc (excluding products of high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)",27900,104250,115000,652310,0,0,kg
  2369. 2368,24321040,"Flat -rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width of < 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled `cold-reduced¿ and plated or coated with zinc (excluding electrolytically plated or coated, and products of high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)",15600,17830,6800,96240,0,0,kg
  2370. 2369,24321050,"Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width of < 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled `cold-reduced¿ and further worked (excluding plated or coated with zinc, and products of high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)",224900,1455890,3669300,6125920,0,0,kg
  2371. 2370,243210Z1,"Cold-rolled narrow strip and cold-rolled slit strip, of non-alloy steel and of alloy steel (other than stainless steel), of a width < 600 mm",7670200,17559370,34910900,58164370,:,:,kg
  2372. 2371,243210Z2,"Cold-rolled narrow strip and cold-rolled slit strip, of stainless steel (excluding insulated electric strip, corrugated strip with one edge serrated or bevelled), of a width < 600 mm",4303200,15081210,33714600,100146880,4379000,10515930,kg
  2373. 2372,24322010,"Clad, cold-rolled narrow strip of non-alloy steel (excluding insulated electric strip), of a width of < 600 mm",2562300,10370040,10200,74280,:,:,kg
  2374. 2373,24322020,"Steel sheet and strip, hot-dipped or electrolytically metal coated, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2375. 2374,24322030,"Organic coated steel sheet, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2376. 2375,24322040,"Cold-rolled slit strip of non-alloy steel, hot-dipped metal coated, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2377. 2376,24322050,"Cold-rolled slit strip of non-alloy steel, electrolytically metal coated, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2378. 2377,24322060,"Cold-rolled slit strip of organic coated steel sheet, of a width of < 600 mm",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2379. 2378,243220Z1,"Steel sheet and strip as well as cold-rolled slit strip (of non-alloy steel), hot-dipped or electrolytically metal-coated, of a width < 600 mm",26096900,16461240,23156000,21125220,0,0,kg
  2380. 2379,243220Z2,"Organic-coated steel sheet and cold-rolled slit strip of organic-coated steel sheet, of a width < 600 mm",22298100,39195980,9688300,10546210,0,0,kg
  2381. 2380,24331110,"Cold-formed sections, obtained from flat products, of non-alloy steel, not coated",5082400,8220120,6557400,8591890,68660000,71374634,kg
  2382. 2381,24331130,"Cold-formed sections, obtained from flat products, of non-alloy steel, coated with zinc",16092500,21073430,1067300,1938160,100725000,116400698,kg
  2383. 2382,24331150,"Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel, cold-formed or cold-finished and further worked, or hot-forged, or hot-formed by other means and further worked, n.e.s. (excl. from flat-rolled products)",1649300,4067640,584800,2144990,0,0,kg
  2384. 2383,24331200,"Cold-formed sections, obtained from flat products, of stainless steel",545200,4746230,735500,3973810,:,4026601,kg
  2385. 2384,24332000,"Cold-profiled (ribbed) sheets, of non-alloy steel",2018600,2628420,468000,473640,:,:,kg
  2386. 2385,24333000,"Structures, solely or principally of iron or steel sheet comprising two walls of profiled (ribbed) sheet with an insulating core (excluding prefabricated buildings)",59102700,108714550,26304600,53595940,200498000,417928069,kg
  2387. 2386,24341130,"Iron or non-alloy steel wire containing < 0,25 % of carbon including crimping wire excluding stranded wire, barbed wire used for fencing - duplex wire - saw-tooth wire, insulated electric wire",17453500,24387430,93954400,81899250,27637000,31548929,kg
  2388. 2387,24341150,"Iron or non-alloy steel wire containing 0,25-0,6 % of carbon including crimped wire excluding stranded wire, barbed wire used for fencing, duplex wire, saw-tooth wire, insulated electric wire",8131400,8240470,6894200,7407890,34195000,28983540,kg
  2389. 2388,24341170,"Iron or non-alloy steel wire containing >= 0,6 % of carbon including crimping wire excluding stranded wire, barbed wire used for fencing, duplex wire, saw-tooth wire, insulated electric wire",20017300,31756110,40512400,33028780,34099000,45235950,kg
  2390. 2389,24341200,Stainless steel wire (excluding very fine sterile stainless wire used for surgical sutures),2847600,17015370,12438100,41953360,3360000,25053897,kg
  2391. 2390,24341300,"Alloy steel wire (excluding stranded wire, barbed wire of a kind used for fencing, duplex wire, saw-tooth wire, insulated electric wire, of stainless steel)",9455400,17070900,27627400,31975780,:,10268402,kg
  2392. 2391,24411030,"Silver, unwrought or in powder form (including plated with gold or platinum)",1372100,676071710,5090500,2289485590,22025,1192011,kg
  2393. 2392,24411050,"Silver, in semi-manufactured forms (including plated with gold or platinum) (excluding unwrought or in powder form)",89100,29790740,298900,138026230,39580,30979730,kg
  2394. 2393,24412030,"Gold, unwrought or in powder form for non-monetary use (including plated with platinum)",2200,70679380,3300,119972400,:,660454,kg
  2395. 2394,24412035,"Gold (including gold plated with platinum), in powder form",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2396. 2395,24412040,"Gold (including gold plated with platinum), unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2397. 2396,24412050,"Gold, in semi-manufactured forms for non-monetary use (including plated with platinum) (excluding unwrought or in powder form)",422600,15049872720,835300,30285183990,:,:,kg
  2398. 2397,24412070,Monetary gold (including gold plated with platinum),0,0,0,0,0,0,kg
  2399. 2398,24413010,Platinum. Unwrought or in powder form,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2400. 2399,24413015,Palladium. Unwrought or in powder form,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2401. 2400,24413020,Rhodium. Unwrought or in powder form,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2402. 2401,24413025,"Iridium, osmium and ruthenium. Unwrought or in powder form",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2403. 2402,24413030,"Platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, osmium and ruthenium, unwrought or in powder form",125300,3106012750,715900,1533346480,0,0,kg
  2404. 2403,24413040,"Platinum in bars, rods, wire and sections; plates; sheets and strips of a thickness, excluding any backing, exceeding 0,15 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2405. 2404,24413045,Platinum in semi-manufactured forms,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2406. 2405,24413050,"Platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, osmium and ruthenium, in semi-manufactured forms (excluding unwrought or in powder form)",77600,1830970920,68800,1411772740,:,:,kg
  2407. 2406,24413055,Palladium in semi-manufactured forms,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2408. 2407,24413060,Rhodium in semi-manufactured forms,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2409. 2408,24413065,"Iridium, osmium and ruthenium in semi-manufactured forms",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2410. 2409,24413070,Platinum catalysts in the form of wire cloth or grill,359500,89410130,423900,7249740,:,:,kg
  2411. 2410,24414000,"Base metals or silver, clad with gold, semi-manufactured but not further worked",38500,663400,15900,1260620,0,0,kg
  2412. 2411,24415030,"Base metals clad with silver, semi-manufactured but not further worked",6200,562060,1516700,3433370,0,0,kg
  2413. 2412,24415050,"Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, semi-manufactured but not further worked",7500,872150,45800,278940,0,0,kg
  2414. 2413,24421130,Unwrought non-alloy aluminium (excluding powders and flakes),4613800,9752690,162676200,303279420,:,:,kg
  2415. 2414,24421153,Unwrought aluminium alloys in primary form (excluding aluminium powders and flakes),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2416. 2415,24421154,Unwrought aluminium alloys (excluding aluminium powders and flakes),270008600,537348850,72035200,146256510,402632000,726818529,kg
  2417. 2416,24421155,Unwrought aluminium alloys in secondary form (excluding aluminium powders and flakes),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2418. 2417,24421200,Aluminium oxide (excluding artificial corundum),3364700,3654380,140835500,128278170,44000,86692,kg
  2419. 2418,24422100,"Aluminium powders and flakes (excluding prepared powders or flakes for use as colours, paints or the like)",8470500,24822520,2363300,12907380,:,:,kg
  2420. 2419,24422230,"Aluminium bars, rods and profiles (excluding rods and profiles prepared for use in structures)",60106700,63170510,15455500,58373840,7923000,35935985,kg
  2421. 2420,24422250,"Aluminium alloy bars, rods, profiles and hollow profiles (excluding rods and profiles prepared for use in structures)",17318200,78603510,116400000,372280550,94308000,300455131,kg
  2422. 2421,24422330,"Non-alloy aluminium wire (excluding insulated electric wire and cable, twine and cordage reinforced with aluminium wire, stranded wire and cables)",293000,2010160,7991700,17652260,0,0,kg
  2423. 2422,24422350,"Aluminium alloy wire (excluding insulated electric wire and cable, twine and cordage reinforced with aluminium wire, stranded wire and cables)",7905600,30094470,1263800,6353790,:,:,kg
  2424. 2423,24422430,"Aluminium plates, sheets and strips > 0,2 mm thick",116278700,325987000,64740500,173600090,:,:,kg
  2425. 2424,24422450,"Aluminium alloy plates, sheets and strips > 0,2 mm thick",51566900,243114250,489799400,1472326380,154598000,527191532,kg
  2426. 2425,24422500,"Aluminium foil of a thickness (excluding any backing) <= 0,2 mm",10650900,56690920,97620200,336854540,29411000,100542964,kg
  2427. 2426,24422630,"Aluminium tubes and pipes (excluding hollow profiles, tube or pipe fittings, flexible tubing, tubes and pipes prepared for use in structures, machinery or vehicle parts, or the like)",197100,6534090,2974100,17825700,3120000,2728507,kg
  2428. 2427,24422650,"Aluminium alloy tubes and pipes (excluding hollow profiles, tubes or pipe fittings, flexible tubing, tubes and pipes prepared for use in structures, machinery or vehicle parts, or the like)",1037800,19448750,2286000,26462790,:,:,kg
  2429. 2428,24422670,"Aluminium tube or pipe fittings (including couplings, elbows and sleeves) (excluding fittings with taps, cocks and valves, tube supports, bolts and nuts, clamps)",505800,25995440,1258800,28187420,:,4521656,kg
  2430. 2429,24431130,Refined unwrought lead (excluding lead powders or flakes),87047200,192748680,30717000,65471920,:,:,kg
  2431. 2430,24431150,Unwrought lead containing antimony (excluding lead powders or flakes),10648800,23947370,9700,37170,:,:,kg
  2432. 2431,24431190,"Unwrought lead (excluding lead powders or flakes, unwrought lead containing antimony, refined)",75003500,180863870,150486800,408434920,84000,1356269,kg
  2433. 2432,24431230,"Unwrought non-alloy zinc (excluding zinc dust, powders and flakes)",3410800,8717830,98731500,268080760,0,0,kg
  2434. 2433,24431250,"Unwrought zinc alloys (excluding zinc dust, powders and flakes)",26723600,77362360,6036000,17519710,41461000,117606397,kg
  2435. 2434,24431330,Unwrought non-alloy tin (excluding tin powders and flakes),224200,3818940,4868800,87270350,0,0,kg
  2436. 2435,24431350,Unwrought tin alloys (excluding tin powders and flakes),465100,5803040,150100,2759720,136000,2212919,kg
  2437. 2436,24432100,"Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and flakes (excluding lead powders or flakes prepared as colours; paints or the like, insulated electric strip)",25856400,50357750,5168800,10522070,94163000,221517789,kg
  2438. 2437,24432200,"Zinc dust, powders and flakes (excluding zinc dust powders or flakes prepared as colours, paints or the like, zinc pellets)",370400,815940,1383300,4202580,:,:,kg
  2439. 2438,24432300,"Zinc bars, rods, profiles, wire, plates, sheets, strip and foil",3810800,6468350,5589900,27281820,866000,2587062,kg
  2440. 2439,24432400,"Tin bars, rods, profiles and wires",171800,1127940,1985100,12483070,237000,4258159,kg
  2441. 2440,24441100,Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper) (excluding copper powder),1069400,5232770,28400,174110,0,0,kg
  2442. 2441,24441200,"Unrefined copper, copper anodes for electrolytic refining (including blister copper) (excluding electrocopper-plating, electroplating anodes)",221500,4939470,34600,276300,0,0,kg
  2443. 2442,24441330,"Unwrought unalloyed refined copper (excluding rolled, extruded or forged sintered products)",20779100,120257060,21612600,114536820,0,0,kg
  2444. 2443,24441370,"Unwrought copper alloys (excluding rolled, extruded or forged sintered products); master alloys of copper (including alloys which are not usefully malleable) (excluding copper phosphide (phosphor copper) containing > 15 % by weight of phosphorous)",12790000,46668140,2662500,17470690,:,:,kg
  2445. 2444,24442100,"Copper powders and flakes excluding cement copper, powders/flake powders used in the preparation of paints such as bronzes/golds, (chemical compounds), refined copper shot",4979000,37706660,1038800,9213320,:,:,kg
  2446. 2445,24442200,"Copper and copper alloy bars, rods, profiles and hollow profiles (excluding bars and rods obtained by casting or sintering, copper wire rod in coils)",8117700,60966340,33056300,158841960,3374000,28965289,kg
  2447. 2446,24442330,"Copper wire, refined (transv. section > 6 mm), of copper alloy",728400,8743310,73293500,404473940,:,:,kg
  2448. 2447,24442350,"Copper wire with cross-sectional dimension > 0,5 mm, <= 6 mm (excluding twine or cord reinforced with wire, stranded wire and cables)",2215300,7982820,6411500,23709410,:,:,kg
  2449. 2448,24442370,"Copper wire with cross-sectional dimension <= 0,5 mm (excluding twine or cord reinforced with wire, stranded wire and cables)",3445800,19918570,1959300,12490880,:,:,kg
  2450. 2449,24442400,"Copper and copper alloy plates, sheets and strip of a thickness > 0,15 mm (excluding expanded copper metal, insulated electric strip)",15588400,120056930,25406200,153887170,:,:,kg
  2451. 2450,24442500,"Copper foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) <= 0,15 mm",299300,9639150,1786200,17569920,:,7733811,kg
  2452. 2451,24442630,Copper tubes and pipes,11854600,89210030,36156200,231800730,:,:,kg
  2453. 2452,24442650,"Copper and copper alloy tube/pipe fittings including couplings, elbows, sleeves, tees and joints excluding bolts and nuts used for assembling/fixing pipes/tubes, fittings with taps, cocks, valves",10811100,78857990,14204100,157231830,8734000,112411740,kg
  2454. 2453,24451100,"Nickel, unwrought",33930400,382079150,14859400,174199400,:,116353930,kg
  2455. 2454,24451110,"Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2456. 2455,24451120,Unwrought nickel alloys,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2457. 2456,24451200,"Nickel mattes, nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy (including impure nickel oxides, nickel speiss, impure ferro-nickel)",226200,2988830,52114100,373220930,0,0,kg
  2458. 2457,24451210,Nickel mattes,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2459. 2458,24451220,Nickel mattes,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2460. 2459,24452100,Nickel powders and flakes (excluding nickel oxide sinters),8180200,105983320,957100,16326610,:,:,kg
  2461. 2460,24452200,"Nickel and nickel alloy bars, rods, profiles and wires (excluding prepared bars, rods or profiles for use in structures, insulated electric bars and wire, enamelled wire)",8440300,205067600,8932700,185886210,8788000,174975761,kg
  2462. 2461,24452300,"Nickel and nickel alloy plate, sheet, strip and foil (excluding expanded metal)",1652500,42390000,3502400,65585810,:,:,kg
  2463. 2462,24452400,"Nickel tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings",2330300,89107100,617800,31956900,3196000,83113372,kg
  2464. 2463,24453013,"Tungsten (wolfram) and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.",170700,13848300,370000,12436410,:,:,kg
  2465. 2464,24453017,"Molybdenum and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.",91200,2671640,449300,12001920,:,:,kg
  2466. 2465,24453020,"Tantalum, unwrought, incl. bars and rods of tantalum obtained simply by sintering; tantalum powder",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2467. 2466,24453021,"Tantalum and articles thereof. Bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering, profiles, wire, plates, sheets, strip and foil",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2468. 2467,24453022,"Other articles of tantalum (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.s.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2469. 2468,24453023,"Tantalum and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.",5800,2373110,24700,6240030,:,:,kg
  2470. 2469,24453024,"Unwrought magnesium, containing >= 99,8% by weight of magnesium",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2471. 2470,24453025,"Magnesium and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.",2183600,32841190,12000800,49125330,:,:,kg
  2472. 2471,24453026,"Unwrought magnesium, containing < 99,8% by weight of magnesium",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2473. 2472,24453027,"Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; cobalt and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.",1797200,77621950,5619500,119995900,:,:,kg
  2474. 2473,24453028,"Other articles of magnesium (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.s.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2475. 2474,24453030,"Bismuth and articles thereof, including waste and scrap, n.e.c.; cadmium and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.",224100,4680980,305100,1111980,:,:,kg
  2476. 2475,24453031,Unwrought bismuth; bismuth powders; (excluding waste and scrap),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2477. 2476,24453032,"Articles of bismuth, n.e.s. (excluding waste and scrap)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2478. 2477,24453033,"Cadmium and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2479. 2478,24453035,Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; powders (excl. cobalt waste and scrap),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2480. 2479,24453036,"Articles of cobalt, n.e.s.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2481. 2480,24453043,"Titanium and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.",8302900,429868240,17462900,517257540,11067000,453886867,kg
  2482. 2481,24453045,Antimony. Unwrought antimony; powders,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2483. 2482,24453046,Antimony and articles thereof (excluding unwrought antimony; powders; waste and scrap),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2484. 2483,24453047,"Zirconium and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.; antimony and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.",667600,7195190,407900,9617340,:,:,kg
  2485. 2484,24453048,"Zirconium and articles thereof (excluding waste and scrap), n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2486. 2485,24453055,"Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium (`celtium¿), indium, niobium (`columbium¿), rhenium and thallium, and articles of these metals, n.e.c.; waste and scrap of these metals (excluding of beryllium, chromium and thallium)",7965700,96085920,2061800,49578410,19000,133460,kg
  2487. 2486,24453057,"Manganese and articles thereof, including waste and scrap, n.e.c.; cermets and articles thereof, including waste and scrap, n.e.c.",272900,2887290,3829800,14959330,0,0,kg
  2488. 2487,24453060,Unwrought beryllium; beryllium powders,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2489. 2488,24453061,"Articles of beryllium, n.e.s. (excluding waste and scrap)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2490. 2489,24453062,"Unwrought hafnium ""celtium""; hafnium powders;",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2491. 2490,24453063,"Articles of hafnium ""celtium"" and germanium, n.e.s.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2492. 2491,24453064,"Unwrought niobium ""columbium"" and rhenium; niobium ""columbium"" or rhenium powders",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2493. 2492,24453065,"Articles of niobium ""columbium"" or rhenium, n.e.s.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2494. 2493,24453066,"Niobium ""columbium"", rhenium, gallium, indium, vanadium and germanium waste and scrap (excl. ashes and residues containing these metals)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2495. 2494,24453070,Unwrought indium; indium powders,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2496. 2495,24453071,"Articles of gallium, indium and vanadium, n.e.s.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2497. 2496,24453073,Unwrought gallium; gallium powders,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2498. 2497,24453076,Unwrought vanadium; vanadium powders (excl. ash and residues containing vanadium),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2499. 2498,24453079,Unwrought germanium; germanium powders,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2500. 2499,24453082,"Chromium and thallium, and articles of these metals, n.e.c.; (excluding waste and scrap of these metals)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2501. 2500,24453085,Manganese. Unwrought manganese; powders,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2502. 2501,24453086,Manganese waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing manganese),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2503. 2502,24453087,"Articles of manganese, n.e.s.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2504. 2503,24453090,"Cermets and articles thereof, n.e.s.; waste and scrap of cermets (excl. ash and residues containing cermets)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2505. 2504,24511110,"Malleable iron castings for land vehicles, piston engines and other machinery and mechanical appliances",:,:,:,:,38822000,49422246,kg
  2506. 2505,24511190,Parts for other utilisation (malleable iron casting),:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2507. 2506,24511210,Parts of land vehicles (nodular iron castings),:,:,:,:,:,153546945,kg
  2508. 2507,24511220,"Ductile iron castings for transmission shafts, crankshafts, camshafts, cranks, bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding for bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings)",:,:,:,:,33648000,34477055,kg
  2509. 2508,24511240,Other parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering (nodular iron castings),:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2510. 2509,24511250,Ductile iron castings for machinery and mechanical appliances excluding for piston engines,:,:,:,:,14532000,46798681,kg
  2511. 2510,24511290,"Ductile iron castings for locomotives/rolling stock/parts, used other than in land vehicles, bearing housings, plain shaft bearings, piston engines, gearing, pulleys, clutches, machinery",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2512. 2511,24511310,"Grey iron castings for land vehicles (excluding for locomotives or rolling stock, construction industry vehicles)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2513. 2512,24511320,"Grey iron castings for transmission shafts, crankshafts, camshafts, cranks, bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings)",:,:,:,:,1246000,2872232,kg
  2514. 2513,24511340,Other parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering (cast iron: not ductile),:,:,:,:,14096000,34496447,kg
  2515. 2514,24511350,Grey iron castings for machinery and mechanical appliances excluding for piston engines,:,:,:,:,9320000,28227269,kg
  2516. 2515,24511390,"Grey iron castings for locomotives/rolling stock/parts, used other than in land vehicles, bearing housings, plain shaft bearings, piston engines, gearing, pulleys, clutches, machinery",:,:,:,:,1471000,4536485,kg
  2517. 2516,24512000,"Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of cast iron excluding tubes, pipes, hollow profiles made into identifiable parts of articles, such as sections of central heating radiators and machinery parts",3899800,11041680,27295600,31121250,:,:,kg
  2518. 2517,24513030,"Tube or pipe fittings, of non-malleable cast iron",6522400,36637460,14749100,36165780,:,:,kg
  2519. 2518,24513050,Tube or pipe fittings of malleable cast iron,1133300,4518080,9932300,21669300,:,:,kg
  2520. 2519,24521010,"Steel castings for land vehicles excluding for locomotives or rolling stock, construction industry vehicles",:,:,:,:,245000,2297330,kg
  2521. 2520,24521030,Steel castings for bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding for bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings),:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2522. 2521,24521040,Other parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering,:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2523. 2522,24521050,"Steel castings for machinery and mechanical appliances excluding piston engines, turbojets, turboprops, other gas turbines, lifting or handling equipment, construction industry machinery/vehicles",:,:,:,:,14066000,113395006,kg
  2524. 2523,24521090,"Steel castings for locomotives/rolling stock/parts, use other than in land vehicles, bearing housings, plain shaft bearings, piston engines, gearing, pulleys, clutches, machinery",:,:,:,:,1490000,10578667,kg
  2525. 2524,24523000,Tube or pipe fittings of cast steel,2659400,33874170,3237600,20296530,1356991,69617986,kg
  2526. 2525,24531010,"Light metal castings for land vehicles excluding for locomotives or rolling stock, construction industry vehicles",:,:,:,:,38850000,254045422,kg
  2527. 2526,24531020,"Light metal castings for transmission shafts, crankshafts, camshafts, cranks, bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding for bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings)",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  2528. 2527,24531040,Other parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering,:,:,:,:,9524000,65495568,kg
  2529. 2528,24531050,"Light metal castings for machinery and mechanical appliances excluding for piston engines, turbojets, gas turbines, lifting or handling equipment, construction industry machinery/vehicles",:,:,:,:,6209000,68931297,kg
  2530. 2529,24531090,Parts for other utilisation,:,:,:,:,14951000,130956917,kg
  2531. 2530,24541010,"Non-ferrous cast parts for land vehicles excluding locomotives/ rolling stock, straddle carriers, works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment, agricultural/road rollers, bulldozers etc.",:,:,:,:,:,22140600,kg
  2532. 2531,24541020,"Non-ferrous cast parts, other than of light metals, for transmission shafts, crankshafts, camshafts, cranks, bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding for bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings)",:,:,:,:,98741,4652834,kg
  2533. 2532,24541040,Other parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering,:,:,:,:,1876075,11563074,kg
  2534. 2533,24541050,"Non-ferrous cast parts, other than of light metals, for machinery and mechanical appliances (excluding for piston engines)",:,:,:,:,2495661,50592583,kg
  2535. 2534,24541090,Parts for other utilisation,:,:,:,:,4267530,31251212,kg
  2536. 2535,25111030,"Prefabricated buildings, of iron or steel",:,72191830,:,67892440,:,954331733,:
  2537. 2536,25111050,"Prefabricated buildings, of aluminium",:,:,:,:,:,411500337,:
  2538. 2537,25112100,Iron or steel bridges and bridge-sections,12836500,41530260,6924400,14336250,33134787,186100813,kg
  2539. 2538,25112200,Iron or steel towers and lattice masts,5349500,22576770,23633700,38791500,11310486,26549329,kg
  2540. 2539,25112310,"Iron or steel equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping/pit-propping including pit head frames and superstructures, extensible coffering beams, tubular scaffolding and similar equipment",31042400,47174320,167078300,190926500,9513668,15953552,kg
  2541. 2540,25112330,"Weirs, sluices, lock-gates, fixed landing stages, fixed docks and other maritime and waterway structures of iron or steel",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2542. 2541,25112350,Other structures principally of sheet: other,12070800,39251120,37155300,64659430,600057113,1512815541,kg
  2543. 2542,25112355,"Weirs, sluices, lock-gates, landing stages, fixed docks and other maritime and waterway structures, of iron or steel, Structures and parts of structures of iron or steel, n.e.s. (excluding bridges and bridge-sections; towers; lattice masts; gates; doors, windows and their frames and thresholds; equi",105035800,266089090,212045300,487977310,1771896675,3747275486,kg
  2544. 2543,25112360,Other structures of iron or steel,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2545. 2544,25112370,"Aluminium structure and parts of structures..., n.e.c.",6420600,83488370,45754600,307697610,86649920,409026201,kg
  2546. 2545,25121030,"Iron or steel doors, thresholds for doors, windows and their frames",678795,37971230,3539167,62809860,983897,541288056,p/st
  2547. 2546,25121050,"Aluminium doors, thresholds for doors, windows and their frames",1850805,34003130,3863764,129124580,2400584,1561684556,p/st
  2548. 2547,25211100,"Radiators for central heating, not electrically heated, and parts thereof, of iron or steel",:,53423190,:,231722390,:,205694275,:
  2549. 2548,25211200,Boilers for central heating other than those of HS 8402,:,138637740,:,385195320,1383902,794687853,p/st
  2550. 2549,25211300,Parts of boilers for central heating,:,12072740,:,283397950,:,120667982,:
  2551. 2550,25291110,"Iron or steel reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for gases, of a capacity > 300 litres (excluding compressed or liquefied gas, fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)",493200,4114140,211800,1407430,797771,3728883,kg
  2552. 2551,25291120,"Iron or steel reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers lined or heat-insulated, for liquids, of a capacity > 300 litres (excluding fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)",8582100,34281610,887200,6710740,28596,74362075,kg
  2553. 2552,25291130,"Iron or steel reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for liquids, of a capacity > 300 litres (excluding fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment, lined or heat insulated)",6638000,25916350,4609000,18361140,43216820,141188817,kg
  2554. 2553,25291150,"Iron or steel reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for solids, of a capacity > 300 litres (excluding fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)",9365600,18887570,6166300,9754500,27146426,54531352,kg
  2555. 2554,25291170,"Aluminium reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of a capacity > 300 litres (excluding fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)",1133100,12082910,79600,2584470,0,0,kg
  2556. 2555,25291200,"Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of metal",10829300,116399060,50899400,133521010,10204517,109201866,kg
  2557. 2556,25301110,Watertube boilers (excluding central heating hot water boilers capable of producing low pressure steam),:,6292480,:,1759510,:,:,p/st
  2558. 2557,25301150,"Vapour generating boilers (including hybrid boilers) (excluding central heating hot water boilers capable of producing low pressure steam, watertube boilers)",:,12712040,:,7843390,554,37301379,p/st
  2559. 2558,25301170,Super-heated water boilers (excluding central heating hot water boilers capable of producing low pressure steam),:,1368390,:,10162820,0,0,p/st
  2560. 2559,25301230,Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of HS 8402 or 8403,753500,18351570,4811400,54645510,446915,28595709,kg
  2561. 2560,25301250,Condensers for steam or other vapour power units,41700,1131020,28600,235860,:,898856,kg
  2562. 2561,25301330,Parts of vapour generating boilers and super-heater water boilers,:,12070730,:,54267320,:,40524941,:
  2563. 2562,25301350,Parts of apparatus of HS 8404 10 and 8404 20,:,21370040,:,12288790,:,35994160,:
  2564. 2563,25302100,Nuclear reactors,14300,476510,500,212060,:,:,kg
  2565. 2564,25302200,Parts of nuclear reactors,:,52990,:,12829410,:,:,:
  2566. 2565,25401230,"Revolvers and pistols (excluding military firearms, machine-pistols, signal flare firearms, blank firers, captive-bolt humane killers, muzzle loaders, spring, air or gas weapons, imitation weapons)",638,225940,0,1122710,0,0,p/st
  2567. 2566,25401250,"Shotguns, rifles, carbines and muzzle-loaders (including punt-guns, combination shotgun-rifles, sporting guns made to resemble walking sticks) (excluding military firearms)",27406,26892680,46801,32197090,182,15068384,p/st
  2568. 2567,25401270,"Firearms which operate by firing an explosive charge, n.e.c. (excluding military firearms)",2,3987300,0,1202440,2620,2236874,p/st
  2569. 2568,25401290,"Other arms (spring, air or gas guns and pistols, truncheons) (excluding for military purposes)",260415,9780190,518855,31057500,27837,12013643,p/st
  2570. 2569,25401300,"Cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts thereof, including shot and cartridge wads (excluding for military purposes)",3458000,157264590,10981800,62711370,13989056,72919114,kg
  2571. 2570,25401400,"Parts and accessories for revolvers, pistols, non-military firearms and similar devices",:,47042770,:,130599450,:,2371474,:
  2572. 2571,25501134,"Open die forged ferrous parts for transmission shafts, camshafts, crankshafts and cranks; works of HS 7326; parts of machineries, apparatus and vehicles of HS 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90 (open die forgings of steel)",:,:,:,:,:,56212714,:
  2573. 2572,25501137,"Open die-forged non-ferrous metal parts for machinery and appliances excluding piston engines, turbojets, gas turbines, lifting/handling equipment, construction industry machinery/vehicles",:,:,:,:,:,56309672,:
  2574. 2573,25501151,Parts of land vehicles of HS 87 (cold extrusion of steel),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2575. 2574,25501152,"Cold extrusion steel parts for transmission shafts, camshafts, crankshafts and cranks",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2576. 2575,25501153,Parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering of HS 8483 (cold extrusion of steel),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2577. 2576,25501154,Cold extrusion steel parts for machinery and mechanical appliances excluding for piston engines,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2578. 2577,25501156,"Cold extrusion steel parts for electrical machinery and equipment sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  2579. 2578,25501157,"Works of HS 7326; parts of vehicles and apparatus for fixture tracks and land vehicles and air crafts of HS 86, 87, 88 (cold extrusion of steel)",:,:,:,:,:,501899,:
  2580. 2579,25501158,"Parts of machineries, apparatus, tools and vehicles of HS 84, 85, 87, 88, 90 in cold extrusion of non-ferrous metal",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2581. 2580,25501210,Drop forged (and precision forged) steel parts for land vehicles excluding locomotives and rolling stock,:,:,:,:,:,22542120,:
  2582. 2581,25501220,"Drop forged (and precision forged) steel parts for transmission shafts, camshafts, crankshafts, cranks, bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings)",:,:,:,:,:,31897978,:
  2583. 2582,25501230,Parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering of HS 8483 (drop forging of steel),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2584. 2583,25501240,"Parts of mechanical and technical equipment and implements for farming, forestry and market gardening (drop forging of steel)",:,:,:,:,:,7853582,:
  2585. 2584,25501250,"Drop forged steel parts for pulley tackle and hoists, winches and capstans, jacks, fork-lift trucks, other trucks fitted with lifting/handling equipment, lifts, escalators, conveyors and teleferics",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2586. 2585,25501260,"Parts of mechanical engineering and apparatus of HS 8426, 8429, 8430 (drop forging of steel)",:,:,:,:,:,8831145,:
  2587. 2586,25501270,"Drop forged steel parts for machinery and appliances (excluding for piston engines, turbojets, gas turbines, lifting or handling equipment, construction industry machinery)",:,:,:,:,:,37334459,:
  2588. 2587,25501280,"Drop forged steel parts for locomotives or rolling stock, aircraft, spacecraft, electrical machinery and equipment, optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking or precision apparatus",:,:,:,:,:,119209052,:
  2589. 2588,25501290,"Parts of machineries, apparatus and vehicles of HS 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90 (drop forging of non-ferrous metal)",:,:,:,:,:,117482063,:
  2590. 2589,25501310,Sheet metal forming of steel as parts for land vehicles excluding locomotives and rolling stock,:,:,:,:,:,1041708967,:
  2591. 2590,25501320,Parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering of HS 8483 (sheet metal forming of steel),:,:,:,:,:,15675226,:
  2592. 2591,25501330,Steel sheet forming parts for machinery and mechanical appliances excluding for piston engines,:,:,:,:,:,197343356,:
  2593. 2592,25501340,"Sheet metal forming of steel as parts for electrical machinery and equipment, for sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers",:,:,:,:,:,133861088,:
  2594. 2593,25501350,"Articles of HS 7323, 7326; parts of furniture of HS 9403; parts of land vehicles and track fixtures of 86; apparatus of 90 (sheet metal formings of non-ferrous metal)",:,:,:,:,:,43060673,:
  2595. 2594,25501370,"Household articles, parts of mechanical engineering, apparatus, furniture and vehicles of HS 84, 85, 86, 88, 94 (sheet metal formings of non-ferrous metal)",:,:,:,:,:,65691765,:
  2596. 2595,25502020,Products of steel powder metallurgy,:,:,:,:,:,7431531,:
  2597. 2596,25502080,"Parts of articles of HS 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90 (products manufactured of non-ferrous powdered metallurgy)",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  2598. 2597,25611130,Metallic coating by immersion in molten metals (zinc galvanising or tin dipping),:,:,:,:,:,248571298,:
  2599. 2598,25611150,Metallic coating by thermal spraying,:,:,:,:,:,71848016,:
  2600. 2599,25611170,Metallic coating in zinc by electrolysis,:,:,:,:,:,37813544,:
  2601. 2600,25611190,"Metallic coating by electrolysis or chemical treatments of metals other than zinc (including nickel, copper, chromium, precious metals, etc.)",:,:,:,:,:,163868959,:
  2602. 2601,25611230,Plastic coating of metals (including powder coating),:,:,:,:,:,354233634,:
  2603. 2602,25611250,Other coatings (phosphating etc.),:,:,:,:,:,50721480,:
  2604. 2603,25612100,"Heat treatment of metals (excluding metallic coating, plastic coating)",:,:,:,:,:,167645750,:
  2605. 2604,25612230,Wet painting and varnishing of metals,:,:,:,:,:,195276444,:
  2606. 2605,25612250,Anodising of metals,:,:,:,:,:,51964821,:
  2607. 2606,25612270,Vapour deposition of metals,:,:,:,:,:,24700286,:
  2608. 2607,25612290,Other metallic surface treatments,:,:,:,:,:,167765522,:
  2609. 2608,25621001,"Turned metal parts for taps, valves and similar articles",:,:,:,:,:,316827312,:
  2610. 2609,25621003,Turned metal parts for machinery and mechanical appliances,:,:,:,:,:,815061540,:
  2611. 2610,25621005,"Turned metal parts for land vehicles (excluding for locomotives or rolling stock, made by casting, forging, pressing, stamping, roll forming or powder metallurgy)",:,:,:,:,:,347370162,:
  2612. 2611,25621007,"Turned metal parts for aircraft, spacecraft and satellites",:,:,:,:,:,611783225,:
  2613. 2612,25621009,"Turned metal parts for electrical machinery and equipment, sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers",:,:,:,:,:,19898023,:
  2614. 2613,25621011,"Turned metal parts for optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking or precision instruments and apparatus",:,:,:,:,:,69608861,:
  2615. 2614,25621013,"Turned metal parts for articles of HS 7326, 7419, 7616; turned metal parts for vehicles and apparatus for fixing railway track of HS 86",:,:,:,:,:,362689495,:
  2616. 2615,25622000,Metal parts (excluding turned metal parts),:,:,:,:,:,3328587724,:
  2617. 2616,25711115,Table knives (excluding fish-knives and butter-knives) with stainless steel handles,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2618. 2617,25711120,"Table knives having fixed blades of base metal, including handles (excluding butter knives and fish knives)",:,2679320,:,10304060,0,0,p/st
  2619. 2618,25711130,"Table knives (excluding fish-knives and butter-knives) with handles other than of stainless steel (silver-, gold- or platinum plated, of wood, plastic, etc)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2620. 2619,25711145,"Knives with fixed blades of base metal including pruning knives (excluding fish, butter/ table knives with fixed blades, knives and cutting blades for machines/mechanical appliances)",:,7596050,:,27112550,1412000,5149030,p/st
  2621. 2620,25711160,Clasp knives,:,4591380,:,13868370,:,:,p/st
  2622. 2621,25711175,"Blades and handles of base metal for table knives, pocket knives, including pruning knives (excluding fish and butter knives, knives/cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances)",:,10206640,:,5289270,:,12272577,p/st
  2623. 2622,25711190,"Scissors, tailors¿ shears and similar shears, and blades therefor (including scissor blades)",:,4318590,:,17001310,:,:,p/st
  2624. 2623,25711230,"Razors, parts thereof (excluding razor blades)",:,26786160,:,89423030,:,2086304,:
  2625. 2624,25711280,Safety razor blades (including razor blades blanks in strips),16842508000,32351710,58914009000,66046960,0,0,p/st
  2626. 2625,25711330,"Paper knives, letter openers, erasing knives, pencil sharpeners and their blades (including packet type pencil sharpeners) (excluding pencil sharpening machines)",:,799750,:,4650240,:,0,:
  2627. 2626,25711350,Manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including nail files),:,4327880,:,13542770,:,0,:
  2628. 2627,25711370,"Split-, chapping and mincing knives, hair cutting and hair shearing appliances and similar articles of cutlery",:,2393500,:,6610900,0,0,p/st
  2629. 2628,25711430,"Table flatware (excluding table knives, including fish-knives and butter-knives) and similar tableware of stainless steel or other base metal",:,18386260,:,82230390,329685,2954361,p/st
  2630. 2629,25711480,"Table flatware (excluding table knives, including fish-knives and butter-knives) and similar tableware of base metal, silver-, gold- or platinum plated",:,6065380,:,9172130,207757,2139916,p/st
  2631. 2630,25711500,"Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and similar arms and parts thereof",24800,641840,158600,2128260,0,0,kg
  2632. 2631,25721130,Base metal padlocks,:,10482590,:,35882070,583554,:,p/st
  2633. 2632,25721150,Base metal motor vehicle locks,:,40305750,:,125335380,22537281,71035852,p/st
  2634. 2633,25721170,Base metal furniture locks,:,1339460,:,6482150,5948784,17144422,p/st
  2635. 2634,25721230,Base metal cylinder locks used for doors of buildings,:,5338410,:,36251150,3113001,34656142,p/st
  2636. 2635,25721250,Base metal locks used for doors of buildings (excluding cylinder locks),:,13159660,:,38992510,:,57903202,p/st
  2637. 2636,25721270,"Base metal locks (excluding padlocks, motor vehicle locks, furniture locks and locks used for doors of buildings)",:,46132840,:,58538270,:,111961171,p/st
  2638. 2637,25721330,"Base metal clasps and frames with clasps, with locks (excluding fasteners and clasps for handbags, brief-cases and executive-cases)",50200,1283160,395100,4073150,:,426614,kg
  2639. 2638,25721350,"Base metal keys presented separately (including roughly cast, forged or stamped blanks, skeleton keys)",140500,5878980,1021400,16564400,172600,3066148,kg
  2640. 2639,25721370,"Base metal parts for padlocks, locks and for clasps and frames with locks",:,11565390,:,90221650,:,4805685,:
  2641. 2640,25721410,Base metal hinges,3121000,38461170,32154200,148960820,16888737,98258182,kg
  2642. 2641,25721420,Castors with mountings of base metal,4282800,15118410,7983400,25641000,2439835,19255820,kg
  2643. 2642,25721430,"Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles (excluding hinges, castors, locks and keys)",11593700,89255430,30826800,239261850,1849997,30573648,kg
  2644. 2643,25721440,"Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for buildings (excluding hinges, castors, locks, keys, spy holes fitted with optical elements and key operated door bolts)",6754900,64882650,53414900,297647640,6182025,64781503,kg
  2645. 2644,25721450,"Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excluding hinges, castors, locks and keys)",2755900,31721970,52331200,209718970,2785864,13787400,kg
  2646. 2645,25721460,"Other base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles (excluding for motor vehicles, buildings or furniture)",4652300,161485340,17593600,142198770,:,72498203,kg
  2647. 2646,25721470,Base metal automatic door closers,577300,7460020,5359400,61269860,411280,7125828,kg
  2648. 2647,25721480,"Base metal hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets, coat racks, towel racks, dish-cloth racks, brush racks and key racks (excluding coat-racks having the character of furniture)",2332200,20402940,14487700,64441790,197568,14445572,kg
  2649. 2648,25731010,Spades and shovels,404100,2571390,5199800,14671740,:,:,kg
  2650. 2649,25731020,"Forks of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2651. 2650,25731030,"Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes",271500,3203590,1965800,7154730,72918,338782,kg
  2652. 2651,25731040,"Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools (excluding ice axes)",159800,794220,984400,3555050,:,404941,kg
  2653. 2652,25731050,"Secateurs and similar one-handed pruners and shears (including poultry shears) (excluding secateur type scissors with secateur blades with finger rings, pruning knives)",124900,1561650,1386700,11170910,0,0,kg
  2654. 2653,25731055,"Forks and other hand tools (excluding clasp knives) for agriculture, horticulture or forestry",1370300,9162280,6474100,27054820,334288,1682503,kg
  2655. 2654,25731060,"Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears",112800,1417730,2589700,11549040,0,0,kg
  2656. 2655,25731070,"Other hand tools (excluding clasp knives) for agriculture, horticulture or forestry",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2657. 2656,25732010,Hand saws (excluding hand saws with a self-contained motor),436400,4806530,5095100,29041840,:,:,kg
  2658. 2657,25732020,Band saw blades,2014800,29649950,677400,10763630,1252288,36293018,kg
  2659. 2658,25732030,Circular saw blades with steel working parts (including slotting or slitting saw blades),268700,2792320,938400,13916400,165454,2968050,kg
  2660. 2659,25732050,"Circular saw blades with non-steel working parts (including slitting or slotting saw blades, parts)",39700,1492430,920600,14696690,:,923951,kg
  2661. 2660,25732093,Straight saw blades for working metal,177300,2675040,284200,3544820,:,:,kg
  2662. 2661,25732095,"Saw blades with working part of steel, for working metal; saw blades with working part of other materials excluding band-, circular-, chain- or straight saw blades",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2663. 2662,25732097,"Saw blades with working part of base metal (excluding band saw blades, circular saw blades, musical saw blades)",248900,4408610,1802000,28446560,:,6201878,kg
  2664. 2663,25732099,"Saw blades with working part of steel, for working materials other than metal (excluding band saw blades, circular saw blades, straight saw blades, musical saw blades)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2665. 2664,25733013,"Files, rasps and similar tools (excluding punches and files for machine tools)",252200,3388290,583800,7252610,:,:,kg
  2666. 2665,25733015,Tweezers,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2667. 2666,25733016,"Pliers, including cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal",907800,20353280,3723200,51400990,181055,9676389,kg
  2668. 2667,25733017,"Pliers, pincers and similar tools (including cutting pliers) (excluding tweezers, sugar tongs)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2669. 2668,25733023,Metal cutting shears and similar hand tools,115700,2346960,664600,4709080,:,2210638,kg
  2670. 2669,25733025,"Pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar tools excluding punches and files for machine tools, machine-type metal cutting shears and office perforating punches, ticket punches",232700,3848750,937600,7852530,4416939,2571093,kg
  2671. 2670,25733033,Non-adjustable hand-operated spanners and wrenches (including torque meter wrenches) (excluding tap wrenches),778100,16743100,5164100,38387890,:,:,kg
  2672. 2671,25733035,Adjustable hand-operated spanners and wrenches (including torque meter wrenches) (excluding tap wrenches),410900,9334410,1997300,17380570,11217,634218,kg
  2673. 2672,25733037,Interchangeable spanner sockets,979100,20641980,5839300,44081130,:,:,kg
  2674. 2673,25733053,"Drilling, threading or tapping hand tools excluding interchangeable hand tools, machine-tools or power-operated hand tools, pneumatic tools or hand tools with a self-contained motor",240100,7101680,2918800,16896870,1126,115209,kg
  2675. 2674,25733055,Hammers and sledge hammers with working part of metal,624700,5004290,3503600,14539820,:,4425839,kg
  2676. 2675,25733057,"Planes, chisels, gouges and similar cutting tools for working wood",680100,12292670,1464700,9477990,1407911,6744841,kg
  2677. 2676,25733063,Screwdrivers,627000,10850500,3320900,28636190,0,0,kg
  2678. 2677,25733065,Household hand tools,1077800,12480660,4640800,33438610,:,:,kg
  2679. 2678,25733073,"Other tools for masons, moulders, cement workers, plasterers and painters",555200,9389570,4096700,26616560,1167818,6284007,kg
  2680. 2679,25733077,Other hand tools (including cartridge operated riveting) wallplugging and similar hand tools,5518900,76503110,9302500,84641540,2180622,22171399,kg
  2681. 2680,25733083,Blow lamps (excluding gas-operated welding appliances),39000,1086430,241400,3047930,:,:,kg
  2682. 2681,25733085,"Vices, clamps and the like",1763000,23328930,5042000,23916430,2510615,23962266,kg
  2683. 2682,25733087,"Anvils, portable forges, hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels with frameworks (excluding grindstones and the like presented separately)",76500,782200,200800,1169090,0,0,kg
  2684. 2683,25734014,Tapping tools for working metal,671200,2225340,165700,9511240,44676,4769183,kg
  2685. 2684,25734016,Threading tools for working metal,53000,3079940,188800,2164130,32989,8096547,kg
  2686. 2685,25734019,"Tapping or threading tools (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools, for working metal)",11100,1244600,102400,2819430,52133,1784024,kg
  2687. 2686,25734023,"Drilling tools with working part of diamond or agglomerated diamond (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools, for rock drilling)",72900,2361240,508200,9044000,2830610,27703697,kg
  2688. 2687,25734025,"Masonry drills with working part of materials other than diamond or agglomerated diamond (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools, for rock drilling)",293400,3757440,1606200,17511340,:,:,kg
  2689. 2688,25734027,"Drilling tools with working part of sintered metal carbide, for working metal excluding unmounted sintered metal carbide plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools",11100,1499450,114800,12760250,:,10416690,kg
  2690. 2689,25734031,"Drilling tools with working part of high speed steel, for working metal excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools - for rock drilling",232200,8509900,1596200,28619700,112943,13237592,kg
  2691. 2690,25734033,"Tools for drilling metal, interchangeable, with working parts of materials other than diamond, agglomerated diamond, sintered metal carbide, cermets or high speed steel (excl. tools for tapping)",117000,3699800,119000,10964300,:,1034597,kg
  2692. 2691,25734035,"Drilling tools (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools, with working part of diamond or agglomerated diamond, for rock drilling, masonry drills, for working metal)",323700,7653170,2927800,28444140,12078,1967673,kg
  2693. 2692,25734037,"Boring or broaching tools with working part of diamond or agglomerated diamond (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools, for earth boring)",7500,905510,148400,2615450,:,850947,kg
  2694. 2693,25734044,"Boring tools for working metal, with working part of materials other than diamond or agglomerated diamond",24000,2252710,34700,3653740,14795,2940673,kg
  2695. 2694,25734045,"Boring or broaching tools (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools, with diamond or agglomerated diamond working parts, for working metal, for earth boring)",25100,663980,219000,2589160,:,8293885,kg
  2696. 2695,25734048,"Broaching tools for working metal, with working part of materials other than diamond or agglomerated diamond",44400,2452980,6400,342180,76563,5243706,kg
  2697. 2696,25734050,"Milling tools with working part of sintered metal carbide, for working metal excluding unmounted sintered metal carbide plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools",25200,6275560,619400,28138850,:,42716187,kg
  2698. 2697,25734061,Shank type milling tools for working metal (excluding with working part of sintered metal carbide),22900,5384560,77600,11503530,:,7455485,kg
  2699. 2698,25734065,Hob type milling tools for working metal (excluding with working part of sintered metal carbide),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2700. 2699,25734066,"Tools for milling, hobs, interchangeable, for working metal, with working part of materials other than sintered metal carbide or cermets (excluding shank-type )",18700,4176260,67100,5836550,1048,280607,kg
  2701. 2700,25734067,"Milling tools with working part of materials other than sintered metal carbide, for working metal (including bore type) (excluding shank type)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2702. 2701,25734069,Milling tools (excluding for working metal),43100,6688610,234400,16059360,0,0,kg
  2703. 2702,25734071,"Turning tools with working part of sintered metal carbide, for working metal excluding unmounted sintered metal carbide plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools",3200,661170,21000,2089070,:,7442937,kg
  2704. 2703,25734074,"Tools for turning, interchangeable, for working metal, with working part of materials other than sintered metal carbide or cermets",53800,3337210,62000,1387010,:,2178699,kg
  2705. 2704,25734079,"Turning tools (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools, for working metal)",13500,903100,64100,1726830,:,868058,kg
  2706. 2705,25734081,Other interchangeable tools of CN 82.07 with working part of diamond,106300,10050200,491600,10446740,19574,4681351,kg
  2707. 2706,25734083,Screwdriver bits with working part of materials other than diamond or agglomerated diamond (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools),158000,1929960,1470300,16272050,0,0,kg
  2708. 2707,25734085,Gear-cutting tools with working part of materials other than diamond or agglomerated diamond (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools),43200,5281900,14100,177750,:,:,kg
  2709. 2708,25734087,"Interchangeable hand tools with working part of sintered metal carbide excluding unmounted sintered metal carbide plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools",176600,10063750,89700,2917220,0,0,kg
  2710. 2709,25734089,Interchangeable tools in other materials,1548600,47630560,3472100,47056830,30411,8442173,kg
  2711. 2710,25735013,"Moulding boxes for metal foundry, mould bases, moulding patterns (excluding moulding patterns of wood)",225300,7131010,1085500,5303180,328909,15975224,kg
  2712. 2711,25735015,Moulding patterns of wood,:,435020,:,54060,10503,19126923,p/st
  2713. 2712,25735020,Injection or compression type moulds for metal or metal carbides (excluding ingot moulds),:,1539920,:,7411950,13326,9701484,p/st
  2714. 2713,25735030,Moulds for metal or metal carbides (excluding injection or compression types),:,5273980,:,12560180,1981,15120855,p/st
  2715. 2714,25735050,Moulds for glass,:,935140,:,17091830,:,:,p/st
  2716. 2715,25735060,Moulds for mineral materials,:,11220650,:,10349040,1081,4786294,p/st
  2717. 2716,25735070,Injection or compression type moulds for rubber or plastics,:,28485430,:,115970000,26921,185927430,p/st
  2718. 2717,25735080,Moulds for rubber or plastics (excluding injection or compression types),:,17488020,:,36106500,11144,55446177,p/st
  2719. 2718,25736013,Rock drilling or earth boring tools with working part of cermets,2571600,21213370,80200,2349950,:,33161851,kg
  2720. 2719,25736018,"Rock-drilling or earth-boring tools, interchangeable, and parts therefor, with working parts of materials other than sintered metal carbide or cermets",1496600,61704850,1670000,33140070,:,9140269,kg
  2721. 2720,25736023,"Interchangeable dies for drawing or extruding metal, with working parts of diamond or agglomerated diamond",19900,1887590,400,128180,1062,1083646,kg
  2722. 2721,25736024,"Dies for drawing or extruding metal (excluding unmounted plates, sticks, tips, rods, pellets, rings, etc. of sintered metal carbides or cermets)",921100,14742170,188000,3337750,1092416,25518154,kg
  2723. 2722,25736033,"Pressing, stamping or punching tools for working metal (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools)",956000,39201550,1866600,34469900,7398507,133952342,kg
  2724. 2723,25736039,"Pressing, stamping or punching tools (excluding work and tool holders for machines or hand tools, for working metal)",461200,27819250,2649600,29235190,523303,49338976,kg
  2725. 2724,25736043,Knives and cutting blades for machines or for mechanical appliances for working metal,380700,8597390,310300,7873240,2079436,8461565,kg
  2726. 2725,25736045,Knives and cutting blades for machines or for mechanical appliances for working wood,57500,1224350,430000,9038880,454884,4683632,kg
  2727. 2726,25736050,"Knives and cutting blades, of base metal, for kitchen appliances or for machines used by the food industry",546000,11663070,432600,7669760,420722,12601093,kg
  2728. 2727,25736053,Circular knives and cutting blades for kitchen appliances or for machines used by the food industry,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2729. 2728,25736055,Knives and cutting blades for kitchen appliances or for machines used by the food industry (excluding circular knives),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2730. 2729,25736063,"Knives and cutting blades for agricultural, horticultural or forestry machines (excluding coulters for ploughs, discs for harrows)",150400,1197440,1075000,10443530,533668,1697332,kg
  2731. 2730,25736065,"Knives and cutting blades, of base metal, for machines or for mechanical appliances (excl. those for metal or wood-working, kitchen appliances or machines used by the food industry and those for agricultural, horticultural or forestry machines)",1066400,34374810,1322400,25819330,1604228,36946628,kg
  2732. 2731,25736067,"Indexable inserts for tools, unmounted, of sintered metal carbides and cermets",70800,5982160,4012400,78828170,:,4471466,kg
  2733. 2732,25736090,"Unmounted sintered metal carbides or cermet plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools (excluding indexable inserts)",413900,44278050,151000,10743110,75236,7903772,kg
  2734. 2733,25911100,"Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (excluding gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity >= 50 l but <= 300 l, not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment",:,23105190,:,32423620,4131000,94874924,p/st
  2735. 2734,25911200,"Tanks, casks, drums, cans (except those to be closed by soldering or crimping), boxes and similar containers, for any material (excluding gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity < 50 l, not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment",:,108937220,:,110856780,7359000,14512873,p/st
  2736. 2735,25921133,"Cans used for preserving food and drink of iron or steel, < 50 l, food cans",:,20712480,:,1790270,:,:,p/st
  2737. 2736,25921135,"Cans used for preserving food and drink of iron or steel, < 50 l, drinks",:,63996550,:,9791990,0,0,p/st
  2738. 2737,25921150,"Cans other than for preserving food and drink of iron or steel, < 50 l",:,21705400,:,44061150,855790000,229999886,p/st
  2739. 2738,25921210,"Aluminium collapsible tubular containers of a capacity <= 300 litres, for any material except compressed or liquefied gas",:,2704420,:,12815160,0,0,p/st
  2740. 2739,25921230,"Aluminium rigid tubular containers of a capacity <= 300 litres, for any material except compressed or liquefied gas (excluding aerosols)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2741. 2740,25921240,"Casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, of aluminium, for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), n.e.s. (other than collapsible tubular containers and containers for aerosols)",:,121930910,:,62293960,10182509000,524323862,p/st
  2742. 2741,25921250,"Non-tubular aluminium containers of a capacity of >= 50 litres but <= 300 litres, for any material except compressed or liquefied gas",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2743. 2742,25921260,"Aluminium aerosol containers, with a capacity <= 300 litres",204965407,38391370,337530497,57608530,751236449,86318683,p/st
  2744. 2743,25921280,"Non-tubular aluminium containers of a capacity < 50 litres, for any material except compressed or liquefied gas",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2745. 2744,25921330,Crown corks of base metal,:,506360,:,7308620,0,0,p/st
  2746. 2745,25921350,Capsules of lead; capsules of aluminium of a diameter > 21 mm (excl. crown corks),1504700,26413470,4515100,33975990,6255621,72667024,kg
  2747. 2746,25921370,"Base metal closures, stoppers, caps and lids (excluding of lead, crown corks, aluminium closures, stoppers, caps and lids of a diameter > 21 mm)",21521000,110746460,69133400,224037280,46912623,174902757,kg
  2748. 2747,25931130,"Stranded wire, ropes and cables, of iron or steel (excl. electrically insulated products and twisted fencing wire and barbed wire)",28235300,83835430,51600100,78620780,61400000,162454515,kg
  2749. 2748,25931150,"Iron or steel plaited bands, slings and the like (excluding electrically insulated)",1806000,8486470,2260500,7724210,:,2761586,kg
  2750. 2749,25931230,Barbed wire and barbed wire entanglements made from steel or steel wire,3608100,5329300,1480000,1708730,6689000,9388938,kg
  2751. 2750,25931250,"Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of copper (excl. electrically insulated products)",5040700,19671630,11139700,67923590,833000,12174478,kg
  2752. 2751,25931270,"Stranded wires, cables, plaited bands and the like, ropes and similar articles, of aluminium (excl. such products electrically insulated)",439600,2332850,4595000,14644340,0,0,kg
  2753. 2752,25931313,"Endless bands for machinery, of stainless steel",105500,3191640,12100,664030,:,6806438,kg
  2754. 2753,25931315,"Woven cloth, including endless bands, of iron or steel wire (excluding endless bands for machinery of stainless steel)",765800,8221150,1014900,8432600,3958000,15794997,kg
  2755. 2754,25931320,"Welded grill, netting and fencing manufactured from wire of a diameter of >= 3 mm, with mesh size of >= 100 cm² including with a backing of paper as used in cementing and plastering",14607800,12128070,60912600,48322150,:,129898365,kg
  2756. 2755,25931330,"Welded grill, netting and fencing, not classified in HS 7314 20",16417600,21278990,28865900,33015110,:,:,kg
  2757. 2756,25931343,"Woven, not welded, wire mesh, grill, netting and fencing (excluding plastic coated)",7567400,13269440,12722000,20103550,29422000,44849259,kg
  2758. 2757,25931345,"Woven, not welded, wire mesh, grill, netting and fencing, plastic coated",333600,1279870,2646600,4370390,1030000,1452086,kg
  2759. 2758,25931350,Iron or steel expanded metal,8048800,12362760,1762500,4234980,:,:,kg
  2760. 2759,25931360,"Copper wire cloth, grill and netting and copper expanded metal (including of copper alloys, copper wire endless bands)",241500,6562040,57200,1616070,57360,2361208,kg
  2761. 2760,25931400,"Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (other than those of HS 8305) and similar articles of iron, steel, copper, aluminium",6480400,39729910,47753800,110800460,10193000,31860335,kg
  2762. 2761,25931410,Iron or steel drawing pins (excluding with copper or copper heads),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2763. 2762,25931480,"Other nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples and similar articles",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2764. 2763,25931510,Base metal coated electrodes for electric arc-welding,1033400,8193330,3265700,11054860,783000,6542941,kg
  2765. 2764,25931530,"Base metal cored wire for electric arc-welding (excluding wire and rods of cored solder, the solder consisting of an alloy containing 2 % or more by weight, of any one precious metal)",1392000,9184540,1629100,4947060,:,:,kg
  2766. 2765,25931550,"Coated rods and cored wire, of base metal, for soldering, brazing or welding by flame (excl. wire and rods cored with solder which, excl. the flux material, contains >= 2% by weight of precious metal)",116900,3461890,2325600,6488790,42000,1549044,kg
  2767. 2766,25931570,"Base metal wire and rods of agglomerated base powder, used for metal spraying (including parts)",:,31391200,:,9874860,:,:,:
  2768. 2767,25931613,Iron or steel hot-worked laminated leaf-springs and leaves therefor,229400,2089720,4719200,10995550,:,3925080,kg
  2769. 2768,25931615,Iron or steel hot-worked non-laminated leaf-springs and leaves therefor,15900,209950,1521200,4984510,:,2583640,kg
  2770. 2769,25931617,Iron or steel cold-formed leaf-springs and leaves therefor,42600,1867480,1908100,6245720,1542791,11612123,kg
  2771. 2770,25931631,Iron or steel hot-worked helical springs,6497000,19296080,28212700,37396610,:,:,kg
  2772. 2771,25931633,Iron or steel cold-formed helical coil compression springs,4496500,34659290,10705000,37833680,16305603,77116817,kg
  2773. 2772,25931635,Iron or steel cold-formed helical coil tension springs,427700,3464440,326000,2539030,1400418,11469538,kg
  2774. 2773,25931637,"Iron or steel cold-formed helical springs (excluding helical coil compression springs, helical coil tension springs)",2264700,17523200,7133300,20265350,29027936,84230098,kg
  2775. 2774,25931653,Iron or steel flat spiral springs,209500,1935190,346700,3852970,2355616,13410976,kg
  2776. 2775,25931655,Iron or steel discs springs,174400,1825210,1713600,9395640,:,:,kg
  2777. 2776,25931660,"Iron or steel springs (excluding leaf-springs and leaves therefor, helical springs, flat spiral springs, discs springs)",2919300,30286270,24799900,39083410,15001931,35762602,kg
  2778. 2777,25931680,Copper springs (including of copper alloys) (excluding clock or watch springs),61000,1775530,195400,2262160,6266,558933,kg
  2779. 2778,25931710,"Iron/steel stud-link chain excluding chains fitted with cutting, or other articles where chains play a subsidiary role, door guards finished with chains, surveying chains, imitation jewellery",346700,721750,1368800,2015720,:,:,kg
  2780. 2779,25931723,"Other welded link chain (excluding stud-link) of iron or steel, <= 16 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2781. 2780,25931724,"Welded link chain of iron or steel (excluding articulated link chain, skid chain and stud-link chain)",519700,2762340,5887300,10800810,:,3696944,kg
  2782. 2781,25931725,"Other welded link chain (excluding stud-link) of iron or steel, > 16 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2783. 2782,25931730,"Skid chain for motor vehicles, of iron or steel",114600,1285830,234800,1348270,0,0,kg
  2784. 2783,25931750,"Iron or steel chain excluding articulated link chain, skid chain, stud-link and welded link chain - chain saws, or other articles in which chains play a subsidiary role, surveying chains",794700,4300590,2106600,7548920,373118,3287440,kg
  2785. 2784,25931770,Chain and parts thereof of copper,:,1442770,:,458320,:,1414443,:
  2786. 2785,25931780,"Parts of chains, n.e.c., of iron or steel",:,10437960,:,12407530,:,12590827,:
  2787. 2786,25931800,"Sewing, knitting needles, bodkins... of iron or steel, for use in the hand",306600,9182370,518900,7262880,:,5325835,kg
  2788. 2787,25941113,"Screws, turned from bars, rods, profiles, or wire, of a shank thickness <= 6 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2789. 2788,25941115,"Screws and bolts for fixing railway truck construction material, iron or steel",561100,10450690,1737500,11519340,404421,:,kg
  2790. 2789,25941116,Screws and bolts without heads in steel,13414100,65550730,14117000,43719010,:,22974437,kg
  2791. 2790,25941117,Screws and bolts without heads in steel,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2792. 2791,25941122,Slotted and cross-recessed screws of stainless steel,336700,5190640,1291100,7086040,:,:,kg
  2793. 2792,25941123,Slotted and cross-recessed screws of stainless steel,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2794. 2793,25941124,Other screws and bolts with heads,654400,4309510,13856900,23287940,:,:,kg
  2795. 2794,25941125,Other screws and bolts with heads,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2796. 2795,25941126,Hexagon socket head screws of stainless steel,572600,5386260,1511100,6286020,:,706081,kg
  2797. 2796,25941127,Hexagon socket head screws of stainless steel,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2798. 2797,25941128,Other hexagon socket head screws,1713700,11358220,5069500,16186500,:,:,kg
  2799. 2798,25941129,Other hexagon socket head screws,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2800. 2799,25941131,Stainless steel hexagon bolts with heads,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2801. 2800,25941132,Stainless steel hexagon bolts with heads,4315700,15260100,5887700,19182930,3535947,20218554,kg
  2802. 2801,25941133,"Iron or steel hexagon bolts with heads, with a tensile strength < 800 MPa (excluding of stainless steel)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2803. 2802,25941134,"Iron or steel hexagon bolts with heads, with a tensile strength < 800 MPa (excluding of stainless steel)",563100,3534490,10935600,23790360,:,:,kg
  2804. 2803,25941135,"Iron or steel hexagon bolts with heads, with a tensile strength >= 800 MPa (excluding of stainless steel)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2805. 2804,25941136,"Iron or steel hexagon bolts with heads, with a tensile strength >= 800 MPa (excluding of stainless steel)",12472300,50735950,50089700,126411850,:,55070893,kg
  2806. 2805,25941138,Iron or steel bolts with heads (excluding hexagon bolts),5931200,89558430,34130400,150285600,:,11535698,kg
  2807. 2806,25941139,Iron or steel bolts with heads (excluding hexagon bolts),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2808. 2807,25941153,Iron or steel wood screws,2080300,22777840,28970100,74663770,:,189353,kg
  2809. 2808,25941157,Iron or steel screw hooks and screw rings,162200,2171660,1265900,4905770,:,149429,kg
  2810. 2809,25941173,"Stainless steel self-tapping screws (excluding threaded mechanisms used to transmit motion, or to act as an active machinery part)",272900,4218770,4797700,36384010,27410,611405,kg
  2811. 2810,25941175,"Iron or steel self-tapping screws (excluding of stainless steel, threaded mechanisms used to transmit motion, or to act as an active machinery part)",2912000,18434330,29702900,91208960,:,:,kg
  2812. 2811,25941183,"Iron or steel nuts turned from bars, rods, profiles, or wire, of solid section, of a hole diameter <= 6 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2813. 2812,25941184,Stainless steel nuts,1121400,34453110,4467000,35022370,:,890871,kg
  2814. 2813,25941185,"Stainless steel nuts (excluding those turned from bars, rods, profiles, or wire, of solid section, of a hole diameter <= 6 mm)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2815. 2814,25941186,Iron or steel nuts (including self-locking nuts),3950000,47906060,29399600,131176120,:,9666123,kg
  2816. 2815,25941187,"Iron or steel nuts (including self-locking nuts) (excluding of stainless steel, turned from bars, rods, profiles, or wire, of solid section, of a hole diameter <= 6 mm)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2817. 2816,25941190,"Threaded articles, n.e.c., of iron or steel",3927500,62255490,23959300,91163880,3381031,24731085,kg
  2818. 2817,25941210,Iron or steel spring washers and other lock washers,536100,13436860,1209500,9439160,256946,13473713,kg
  2819. 2818,25941230,Iron or steel washers (excluding spring washers and other lock washers),6303900,56764130,10474000,43110320,4005188,40384637,kg
  2820. 2819,25941250,Iron or steel rivets (including partly hollow rivets) (excluding tubular or bifurcated rivets for all purposes),1434000,24294470,2163200,18185880,6646978,82443793,kg
  2821. 2820,25941270,"Iron or steel cotters and cotter-pins and similar non-threaded articles (excluding washers, rivets)",13285700,155646300,16243900,129970810,4079350,52099422,kg
  2822. 2821,25941310,"Washers, rivets, cotters, cotter pins and the like, not threaded, of copper",186700,5927620,273500,3760280,:,4960818,kg
  2823. 2822,25941340,"Copper screws, bolts and nuts (excluding pointed screw nails, screw stoppers, threaded mechanisms used to transmit motion/to act as active machinery part, screw hooks, rings)",357000,5278730,2544600,10881080,:,252090,kg
  2824. 2823,25941370,"Threaded articles of copper, n.e.c.",342700,9289030,669300,7138120,:,:,kg
  2825. 2824,25991110,Stainless steel sinks and wash basins,:,6912720,:,57358030,912187,43267136,p/st
  2826. 2825,25991127,Baths of iron or steel,54061,2032080,249395,21187720,386,471101,p/st
  2827. 2826,25991131,Sanitary ware and parts of sanitary ware of iron or steel,1449500,27902750,7290000,47394170,289935,14695381,kg
  2828. 2827,25991135,Sanitary ware and parts thereof of copper,446600,11379550,3340900,39974800,302276,21739081,kg
  2829. 2828,25991137,Sanitary ware and parts thereof of aluminium,131800,1239500,950900,7068530,:,20377109,kg
  2830. 2829,25991217,"Table, kitchen or household articles... of cast iron",860700,6961630,6502000,25790970,0,0,kg
  2831. 2830,25991223,Table articles... of stainless steel,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2832. 2831,25991225,"Table, kitchen or household articles and parts thereof of stainless steel (excluding cutlery)",6249000,34869640,37045000,193010680,883365,16677883,kg
  2833. 2832,25991229,Stainless steel kitchen and household articles and parts thereof (excluding cutlery),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2834. 2833,25991237,"Other table, kitchen and household articles of iron or steel (excluding cast iron), enamelled",687100,6007290,5909500,23886910,:,:,kg
  2835. 2834,25991243,"Table articles... of iron or steel, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2836. 2835,25991245,"Table, kitchen or household articles and parts thereof of iron other than cast iron, or steel other than stainless (excl. enamelled)",3024600,15876210,36157700,118568890,4908561,37538641,kg
  2837. 2836,25991249,"Other, varnished or painted",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2838. 2837,25991253,"Table, kitchen, household articles and parts thereof... of copper",129000,2405840,575600,4488790,0,0,kg
  2839. 2838,25991255,"Table, kitchen, household articles, parts thereof... of aluminium, cast",905600,4539340,5547600,27722940,:,:,kg
  2840. 2839,25991257,"Table, kitchen, household articles, parts thereof... of aluminium, other",2716200,20004870,17679900,89757270,:,:,kg
  2841. 2840,25991270,"Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing <= 10 kg, for food or drink",572100,8728860,3203400,21070760,:,:,kg
  2842. 2841,25991280,"Iron or steel wool, pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, and gloves and the like",632600,4455520,3405200,10053700,50610,569199,kg
  2843. 2842,25992120,"Armoured or reinforced safes, strongboxes and doors and safe deposit lockers for strongrooms, of base metal",706600,3314100,6076000,19946780,25553,9490458,kg
  2844. 2843,25992130,Base metal armoured or reinforced safes and strong-boxes,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2845. 2844,25992150,Base metal armoured or reinforced doors and safe deposit lockers for strong-rooms,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2846. 2845,25992170,Base metal cash or deed boxes and the like,:,3466920,:,16609410,:,:,:
  2847. 2846,25992200,"Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office-stamp stands and similar office or desk equipment, of base metal (excl. office furniture of heading 9403 and waste paper bins)",:,10136500,:,11183960,:,7837613,:
  2848. 2847,25992330,Base metal fittings for loose-leaf binders or files,:,355190,:,1297540,:,0,:
  2849. 2848,25992350,"Base metal staples in strips for use in offices, upholstery and packaging",:,1608410,:,11116540,:,0,:
  2850. 2849,25992370,"Office articles such as letter clips, letter corners... of base metal",:,4068880,:,16572240,:,:,:
  2851. 2850,25992400,"Statuettes, frames, mirrors and other ornaments of base metal",:,24272560,:,99772180,:,20237946,:
  2852. 2851,25992530,"Base metal hooks, eyes, eyelets and the like, used for clothing, footwear, awnings, handbags, travel goods or other made-up articles excluding snap hooks, rivets, press studs and push buttons",:,5006310,:,8315680,:,6761951,:
  2853. 2852,25992550,Base metal tubular or bifurcated rivets,:,36110630,:,19940350,:,12137977,:
  2854. 2853,25992570,"Articles such as clasps, frames with clasps...; parts of base metal",:,15759540,:,25700000,:,6801875,:
  2855. 2854,25992600,Ships¿ or boats¿ propellers and blades therefor,304045,12126580,45347,6746840,3614,8206052,p/st
  2856. 2855,25992910,Railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof,:,:,:,:,:,122677861,:
  2857. 2856,25992911,"Iron or steel anchors, grapnels and parts thereof (excluding masonry anchors)",1257300,6480350,1846500,5145630,:,9753955,kg
  2858. 2857,25992913,"Articles of non-malleable cast iron, n.e.c.",20510700,44108610,74160300,84105000,1135412,8423922,kg
  2859. 2858,25992919,"Cast articles of iron or steel, n.e.c.",15000700,60702540,43698500,95730480,81530500,178625937,kg
  2860. 2859,25992922,"Forged or stamped articles of iron or steel, n.e.c.",17555800,86213560,14398700,66670370,45204142,95512565,kg
  2861. 2860,25992925,"Finished products of iron/steel wire; snares, traps, etc., fodder ties, animal nose rings, mattress hooks, butchers¿ hooks, tile hangers, waste-paper baskets excluding lampshade frames",18302300,58463260,29947000,81835600,24732413,45164087,kg
  2862. 2861,25992927,"Iron or steel snuff boxes, cigarette cases, cosmetic and powder boxes and cases, and similar pocket articles",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2863. 2862,25992928,"Hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, hair-curlers and the like, and parts thereof, of metal (excluding electro-thermic hairdressing apparatus)",:,:,:,:,0,0,kg
  2864. 2863,25992929,"Combs, hair-slides and the like (excluding of hard rubber or plastics, electro-thermic hairdressing apparatus)",446000,12758860,1310400,23385040,0,0,kg
  2865. 2864,25992931,Iron or steel ladders and steps (excluding forged or stamped),:,17999950,:,14308850,169824,17106779,p/st
  2866. 2865,25992933,Iron or steel pallets and similar platforms for handling goods,29946500,97417250,24289200,67293730,1034223,55680016,kg
  2867. 2866,25992935,"Iron or steel reels for cables, piping and the like",3097200,16207560,1049500,6017860,2266067,3644473,kg
  2868. 2867,25992937,"Iron or steel non-mechanical ventilators, guttering, hooks and similar articles used in the building industry (excluding forged or stamped)",3137100,10784730,3972900,16166800,71323739,122453147,kg
  2869. 2868,25992941,Perforated buckets and similar articles of iron or steel sheet used to filter water at the entrance to drains (excluding forged or stamped),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2870. 2869,25992945,"Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.",:,635585990,:,790022840,:,340223801,:
  2871. 2870,25992949,"Articles of iron or steel, n.e.c. (excluding cast articles)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2872. 2871,25992955,"Articles of aluminium, n.e.c.",11912300,155763420,41171300,278976110,18698216,217427310,kg
  2873. 2872,25992958,"Articles of copper, n.e.c.",4023400,73011580,4322100,52909800,1723693,48894111,kg
  2874. 2873,25992960,"Other articles of tin, n.e.c.",483900,7376080,5538200,20370550,2827933,18699168,kg
  2875. 2874,25992963,"Tin plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness > 0,2 mm; tin foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials), of a thickness (excluding any backing) <= 0,2 mm; tin powders and flakes; tin tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplin",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2876. 2875,25992967,"Other articles of tin, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2877. 2876,25992971,"Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (couplings, elbows, sleeves)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2878. 2877,25992972,"Articles of zinc, n.e.c.",4597500,49166490,4706500,24607080,17058023,63563256,kg
  2879. 2878,25992973,"Articles of zinc, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2880. 2879,25992974,"Other articles of lead, n.e.c.",860300,3366270,1506300,4569310,4845000,14475230,kg
  2881. 2880,25992975,"Lead tubes, pipes, and tube or pipe fittings (couplings, elbows, sleeves)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2882. 2881,25992976,"Lead bars, rods, profiles and wire (excluding coated rods, cast rods intended for rolling, drawing or for re-casting into shaped articles, bars and rods by sintering, insulated electric wire)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2883. 2882,25992977,"Other articles of lead, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2884. 2883,25992979,"Other articles of nickel, n.e.c.",1756000,138837800,1095100,83064690,1613365,17273318,kg
  2885. 2884,25992982,"Bells, gongs, etc., non-electric, of base metal",118300,1908980,314500,2578250,:,868058,kg
  2886. 2885,25992983,"Iron or steel flexible tubing (excluding rubber tubing incorporating or fitted with external metallic reinforcements, flexible tubing made into the form of machinery or vehicle parts)",14714400,114770600,3224900,26574250,7496170,52473565,kg
  2887. 2886,25992985,"Base metal flexible tubing excluding rubber tubing incorporating/fitted with external metallic reinforcements, flexible tubing (form of machinery/vehicle parts), iron or steel",219000,7210980,1436500,8037860,177295,4212532,kg
  2888. 2887,25992987,"Base metal sign-plates, name-plates, address-plates and similar plates, numbers, letters and other symbols (excluding illuminated)",769800,14833740,2861600,25423710,14633158,245140133,kg
  2889. 2888,25992995,"Permanent magnets and articles intended to become permanent magnets, of metal",2161400,30321010,29427500,52424200,1001610,53542382,kg
  2890. 2889,26111100,Cathode-ray television picture tubes; television camera tubes; other cathode-ray tubes,281125,32661110,128658,22633430,4274,36249672,p/st
  2891. 2890,26111200,"Magnetrons, klystrons, microwave tubes, valves and tubes",463227,74466470,781861,26998070,:,42375124,p/st
  2892. 2891,26112120,Semiconductor diodes,:,76261050,:,71429900,:,198136129,p/st
  2893. 2892,26112150,"Transistors, other than photosensitive transistors",:,237818760,:,99605900,6543712000,297631948,p/st
  2894. 2893,26112180,"Semiconductor thyristors, diacs and triacs",:,33037020,:,15502580,142752,21311326,p/st
  2895. 2894,26112220,Semiconductor light emitting diodes (LEDs),:,75935650,:,160898100,2518664,14774088,p/st
  2896. 2895,26112240,"Photosensitive semiconductor devices; solar cells, photo-diodes, photo-transistors, etc.",:,101449120,:,304788990,265090,62595960,p/st
  2897. 2896,26112260,"Semiconductor devices (excluding photosensitive semiconductor devices, photovoltaic cells, thyristors, diacs and triacs, transistors, diodes, and light-emitting diodes)",:,29503930,:,30897460,46304000,26228798,p/st
  2898. 2897,26112280,"Mounted piezo-electric crystals (including quartz, oscillator and resonators)",:,40665520,:,55140030,:,:,p/st
  2899. 2898,26113003,"Multichip integrated circuits: processors and controllers, whether or not combined with memories, converters, logic circuits, amplifiers, clock and timing circuits, or other circuits",:,109098880,:,129294300,647943,202382881,p/st
  2900. 2899,26113006,"Electronic integrated circuits (excluding multichip circuits): processors and controllers, whether or not combined with memories, converters, logic circuits, amplifiers, clock and timing circuits, or other circuits",:,512814190,:,3401893470,:,95656290,p/st
  2901. 2900,26113023,Multichip integrated circuits: memories,:,6467770,:,18045080,0,0,p/st
  2902. 2901,26113027,Electronic integrated circuits (excluding multichip circuits): dynamic random-access memories (D-RAMs),1333572,9842390,12288310,112726440,0,0,p/st
  2903. 2902,26113034,"Electronic integrated circuits (excluding multichip circuits): static random-access memories (S-RAMs), including cache random-access memories (cache-RAMs)",571650,2444300,1319142,5507230,:,:,p/st
  2904. 2903,26113054,"Electronic integrated circuits (excluding multichip circuits): UV erasable, programmable, read only memories (EPROMs)",1609156,1068340,627997,1016930,0,0,p/st
  2905. 2904,26113065,"Electronic integrated circuits (excluding multichip circuits): electrically erasable, programmable, read only memories (E²PROMs), including flash E²PROMs",108624232,30305360,92434127,35795740,:,:,p/st
  2906. 2905,26113067,Electronic integrated circuits (excluding multichip circuits): other memories,:,9008190,:,33782010,0,0,p/st
  2907. 2906,26113080,Electronic integrated circuits: amplifiers,:,36937300,:,62320050,:,:,p/st
  2908. 2907,26113091,Other multichip integrated circuits n.e.c.,:,209223570,:,21724490,0,0,p/st
  2909. 2908,26113094,Other electronic integrated circuits n.e.c.,:,354503360,:,560438410,8010066,:,p/st
  2910. 2909,26114010,Pick-up cartridges for discs or mechanically recorded sound films,:,3203560,:,2660230,12920,950187,p/st
  2911. 2910,26114040,"Parts of cathode ray tubes; parts of thermionic, cold cathode or photo cathode valves and tubes, n.e.c.",:,3957610,:,4144920,:,679845,:
  2912. 2911,26114070,"Parts of diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices, photosensitive semiconductor devices and photovoltaic cells, light-emitting diodes and mounted piezo-electric crystals",:,28096580,:,37970690,:,13807932,:
  2913. 2912,26114090,Parts of integrated circuits and microassemblies (excluding circuits consisting solely of passive elements),:,72631710,:,82878670,:,10911746,:
  2914. 2913,26115020,"Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts",:,101659090,:,74322480,13484,105176406,p/st
  2915. 2914,26115050,Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits),:,31296330,:,83403690,:,51295242,p/st
  2916. 2915,26121020,Bare multilayer printed circuit boards,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2917. 2916,26121050,Bare printed circuit boards other than multilayer,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2918. 2917,26121080,"Passive networks (including networks of resistors and/or capacitors) (excluding resistor chip arrays, capacitor chip arrays, boards containing active components, hybrids)",:,107512760,:,250300890,:,862354,p/st
  2919. 2918,26122000,"Network communications equipment (e.g. hubs, routers, gateways) for LANs and WANs and sound, video, network and similar cards for automatic data processing machines",:,:,:,:,79394,76381078,p/st
  2920. 2919,26123000,Smart cards,76398784,122663970,315149205,164130150,46490262,29237912,p/st
  2921. 2920,26201100,Laptop PCs and palm-top organisers,4189493,769837540,17270901,5358535600,135334,67054878,p/st
  2922. 2921,26201200,"Point-of-sale terminals, ATMs and similar machines capable of being connected to a data processing machine or network",2273,3256600,83430,43415960,:,:,p/st
  2923. 2922,26201300,Desk top PCs,690030,215099590,713835,282221940,186210,132622309,p/st
  2924. 2923,26201400,Digital data processing machines: presented in the form of systems,1204838,244890760,6129632,915917230,13459,22329953,p/st
  2925. 2924,26201500,"Other digital automatic data processing machines whether or not containing in the same housing one or two of the following units: storage units, input/output units",3411734,647291050,10553228,1970537810,:,594085574,p/st
  2926. 2925,26201610,"Printers, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2927. 2926,26201620,"Machines which only perform one of the functions of copying or facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data-processing machine or to a network",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2928. 2927,26201640,"Printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network (excluding printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other components, and machines performing two or more of the functions of printing, copyi",617769,195109940,1403178,319731010,109255,126944004,p/st
  2929. 2928,26201650,Keyboards,1252137,45475610,5737326,115533060,220329,16394995,p/st
  2930. 2929,26201660,"Other input or output units, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing",2789735,164201270,11352890,275564340,292870,81263189,p/st
  2931. 2930,26201700,"Monitors and projectors, principally used in an automatic data processing system",797513,174921340,3926960,621636860,19893,15339866,p/st
  2932. 2931,26201800,"Machines which perform two or more of the functions of printing, copying or facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network",686658,71793100,5308754,604287800,44328,47153433,p/st
  2933. 2932,26202100,Storage units,6858670,646270350,12081742,1364959570,:,:,p/st
  2934. 2933,26202200,"Solid-state, non-volatile data storage devices for recording data from an external source (flash memory cards or flash electronic storage cards), unrecorded",955000,426033700,2390100,1042581050,0,0,kg
  2935. 2934,26203000,"Other units of automatic data processing machines (excluding network communications equipment (e.g. hubs, routers, gateways) for LANs and WANs and sound, video, network and similar cards for automatic data processing machines)",:,:,:,:,725197,124382037,p/st
  2936. 2935,26204000,Parts and accessories of the machines of HS 8471; parts and accessories equally suitable for use with machines of two or more of HS 8469 to 8472,:,1184119740,:,3705438600,:,172271208,:
  2937. 2936,263000Z0,"Parts of telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks and of other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, n.e.s.",:,362337370,:,727466870,:,65250322,:
  2938. 2937,26301100,"Transmission apparatus for radio-broadcasting and television, with reception apparatus",2876225,132830180,1254944,186823200,72221,149353805,p/st
  2939. 2938,26301200,"Transmission apparatus for radio-broadcasting and television, without reception apparatus",401350,84514830,663395,34189540,161523,43466755,p/st
  2940. 2939,26301300,Television cameras (including closed circuit TV cameras) (excluding camcorders),658140,169464970,5458213,296328020,193964,95054011,p/st
  2941. 2940,26302100,Line telephone sets with cordless handsets,856238,29629490,3904394,85038450,0,0,p/st
  2942. 2941,26302200,Telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks,6977763,1342070510,31565301,9188038700,:,:,p/st
  2943. 2942,26302310,Base stations,524414,52494850,1247010,103261940,:,8969167,p/st
  2944. 2943,26302320,"Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, including switching and routing apparatus",:,2360888550,:,5692225220,449560,216880924,p/st
  2945. 2944,26302330,Telephone sets (excluding line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks); videophones,:,318471980,:,245116200,38128,6318227,p/st
  2946. 2945,26302340,Portable receivers for calling or paging,:,:,:,:,56497,4519374,p/st
  2947. 2946,26302370,"Other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as a local or wide area network), other than transmission or reception apparatus of HS 8443, 8525, 8527 or 8528",:,130707730,:,218851020,694047,33295311,p/st
  2948. 2947,26303000,Parts of electrical telephonic or telegraphic apparatus,:,:,:,:,:,55275075,:
  2949. 2948,26304010,"Telescopic and whip-type aerials for portable apparatus or for apparatus for fitting in motor vehicles, suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of HS 8525 to 8528",:,31228050,:,23532740,:,:,p/st
  2950. 2949,26304035,Outside aerials for radio or television reception via satellite (including rotor systems) (excluding aerial amplifiers and radio frequency oscillator units),:,8538450,:,9750750,:,16934536,p/st
  2951. 2950,26304039,"Outside aerials for radio or television reception (including rotor systems) (excluding for reception via satellite, aerial amplifiers and radio frequency oscillator units)",:,18761210,:,28199210,296530,5130779,p/st
  2952. 2951,26304040,Aerials and aerial reflectors of all kinds for apparatus of HS 8517; parts suitable for use therewith,:,:,:,:,:,9975247,:
  2953. 2952,26304050,Inside aerials for radio or television reception (including built-in types) (excluding aerial amplifiers and radio frequency oscillator units),:,4777310,:,13558900,0,0,p/st
  2954. 2953,26304060,"Other aerials and parts, suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of HS 8525 to 8528",:,119614250,:,117612130,:,80479542,:
  2955. 2954,26304065,"Organic light-emitting diode ""OLED"" modules and OLED panels for television reception apparatus",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2956. 2955,26304070,"Cabinets and cases for transmission and reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, television cameras, etc.; parts suitable for use solely or principally with television cameras, reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, and monitors and projectors, n.e.c. (excluding a",:,20864650,:,101682140,:,24693442,:
  2957. 2956,26305020,Electrical burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus (excluding of a kind used for motor vehicles or buildings),4500532,96610310,14534577,65954580,1527995,56078114,p/st
  2958. 2957,26305080,Electric burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus for buildings,22336314,300902360,18412155,239792390,41636819,431633340,p/st
  2959. 2958,26401100,"Radio broadcast receivers (except for cars), capable of operating without an external source of power",745055,45073350,6121113,214500390,:,:,p/st
  2960. 2959,26401250,"Radio broadcast receivers, only mains-operated (excl. these of a kind used in motor vehicles)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2961. 2960,26401270,Radio broadcast receivers for motor vehicles with sound recording or reproducing apparatus,431412,19928060,1047311,113265030,0,0,p/st
  2962. 2961,26401290,"Radio broadcast receivers for motor vehicles, n.e.c.",800712,9485520,1017020,195793130,:,:,p/st
  2963. 2962,26402020,Tuner blocks for CTV/VCR and cable TV receiver units (colour video tuners) (excluding those which isolate high-frequency television signals),605302,41731370,6649129,589141530,252,1387067,p/st
  2964. 2963,26402040,Colour television projection equipment,17047,6629420,91242,13953940,0,0,p/st
  2965. 2964,26402090,"Other television receivers, whether or not combined with radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproduction apparatus n.e.c.",667154,144436530,9310431,1861251080,284,180227,p/st
  2966. 2965,26403100,"Turntables, record-players, cassette-players and other sound reproducing apparatus",772147,76202950,2973097,136638070,70438,35112414,p/st
  2967. 2966,26403200,Magnetic tape recorders and other sound recording apparatus,197219,11301180,502643,30879430,687,1119007,p/st
  2968. 2967,26403300,Video camera recorders,922964,170193760,4657051,343549440,15155,18141376,p/st
  2969. 2968,26403400,"Monitors and projectors, not incorporating television reception apparatus and not principally used in an automatic data processing system",586006,345191610,2889355,838467980,8600,30395702,p/st
  2970. 2969,26403420,Video projectors,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2971. 2970,26403440,Colour video monitors with cathode-ray tube,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2972. 2971,26403460,"Flat panel video monitor, LCD or plasma, etc., without tuner (colour video monitors) (excluding with cathode-ray tube)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2973. 2972,26403480,Black and white or other monochrome video monitors,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2974. 2973,26404100,Microphones and their stands (excluding cordless microphones with a transmitter),:,53102570,:,70906300,4521023,20702203,p/st
  2975. 2974,26404235,Single loudspeakers mounted in their enclosures (including frames or cabinets mainly designed for mounting loudspeakers),2204407,57580360,8918999,117308050,91775,14102228,p/st
  2976. 2975,26404237,Multiple loudspeakers mounted in the same enclosure (including frames or cabinets mainly designed for mounting loudspeakers),757980,100804610,4156319,244833910,276371,124136790,p/st
  2977. 2976,26404239,"Loudspeakers (including speaker drive units, frames or cabinets mainly designed for mounting loudspeakers) (excluding those mounted in their enclosures)",2011434,22830390,17172004,75726360,56110,7534192,p/st
  2978. 2977,26404270,"Headphones and earphones, even with microphone, and sets consisting of microphone and one or more loudspeakers (excluding airmen¿s headgear with headphones, telephone sets, cordless microphones with transmitter, hearing aids)",:,184299790,:,452023960,165067,27489249,p/st
  2979. 2978,26404355,Telephonic and measurement amplifiers (excluding high or intermediate frequency amplifiers),:,5148910,:,2255290,0,0,p/st
  2980. 2979,26404359,"Audio-frequency electric amplifiers (including hi-fi amplifiers) (excluding high or intermediate frequency amplifiers, telephonic and measurement amplifiers)",275833,47415760,1200839,68692160,49258,61535127,p/st
  2981. 2980,26404370,Electric sound amplifier sets (including public address systems with microphone and speaker),297392,27534600,1491465,31572450,288870,40707450,p/st
  2982. 2981,26404400,"Radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy reception apparatus (excluding portable receivers for calling or paging, those combined with radio receivers)",:,:,:,:,:,:,p/st
  2983. 2982,26405150,Precious or semi-precious stones for styli,:,582820,:,3517470,0,0,p/st
  2984. 2983,26405170,"Other parts and accessories of apparatus of HS 8519, 8520, 8521",:,22172750,:,21568950,:,6323930,:
  2985. 2984,26405180,Parts of apparatus of HS 8518,:,28570930,:,36082690,:,20320075,:
  2986. 2985,26405190,LED backlight modules for LCDs of headings 8525 to 8528 (excl. for computer monitors),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2987. 2986,26405200,Parts of radio receivers and transmitters,:,44146070,:,58261080,:,36750431,:
  2988. 2987,26406000,Video games of a kind used with a television receiver,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2989. 2988,26406050,Video game consoles (not operated by means of payments),:,230216070,:,1032787290,:,:,p/st
  2990. 2989,265100Z0,Cathode-ray oscilloscopes and cathode-ray oscillographs; Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities n.e.c.,:,259338850,:,175140230,1601,138435215,p/st
  2991. 2990,26511120,"Direction finding compasses (including magnetic, gyroscopic, binnacle and position finding)",:,28366280,:,42399050,18329,7334573,p/st
  2992. 2991,26511150,Instruments and appliances for aeronautical or space navigation (excluding compasses),:,492000660,:,401819480,268935,554505116,p/st
  2993. 2992,26511180,"Instruments and appliances for navigation (including for marine or river navigation) (excluding for aeronautical or space navigation, compasses)",:,169499880,:,86811960,11314,54938574,p/st
  2994. 2993,26511190,Radio navigational receivers (excl. radar apparatus),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2995. 2994,26511200,"Theodolites and tachymetres (tachometers); other surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments and appliances",:,292642360,:,158007230,212209,178479930,p/st
  2996. 2995,26511215,"Electronic rangefinders, theodolites, tacheometers and photogrammetrical instruments and appliances",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2997. 2996,26511235,"Electronic instruments and apparatus for meteorological, hydrological and geophysical purposes (excluding compasses)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2998. 2997,26511239,"Other electronic instruments, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  2999. 2998,26511250,"Electronic theodolites and tachymetres (tachometers); surveying (including photogrammatrical surveying), hydrographic and oceanographic instruments and appliances(excluding rangefinders, levels and compasses), electronic.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3000. 2999,26511270,"Surveying (including photogrammetrical surveying), hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments and appliances (excluding levels and compasses), non-electronic; rangefinders, non-electronic",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3001. 3000,26511280,"Non electronic surveying (including photogrammatrical surveying), hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments and appliances (excluding rangefinders, levels and compasses),",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3002. 3001,26512020,Radar apparatus,:,260924910,:,158563460,127457,489490914,p/st
  3003. 3002,26512050,"Radio navigational aid apparatus (including radio beacons and radio buoys, receivers, radio compasses equipped with multiple aerials or with a directional frame aerial)",:,467952860,:,701977790,63125,41818472,p/st
  3004. 3003,26512060,Radio navigational aid apparatus (excl. receivers and radar apparatus),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3005. 3004,26512080,"Radio remote control apparatus (including for ships, pilotless aircraft, rockets, missiles, toys, and model ships or aircraft, for machines, for the detonation of mines)",:,28176910,:,63201870,43798,10262699,p/st
  3006. 3005,26513100,"Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better, with or without weights; parts and accessories thereof",:,3288600,:,7769920,:,3526983,:
  3007. 3006,26513200,"Drafting tables and machines and other drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments",:,6440200,:,9130420,:,2300752,p/st
  3008. 3007,26513300,"Micrometers, callipers and gauges (excluding gauges without adjustable devices of HS 9031 80)",244456,33293250,1141090,13419240,377467,35970205,p/st
  3009. 3008,26513310,"Micrometers and callipers (including vernier, dial indicating or electronic callipers)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3010. 3009,26513330,Gauges with adjustable measuring devices,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3011. 3010,26514100,Instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting ionising radiations,:,81413510,:,46364990,1190610,142598697,p/st
  3012. 3011,26514200,Cathode-ray oscilloscopes and cathode-ray oscillographs,:,:,:,:,0,0,p/st
  3013. 3012,26514300,Instruments for measuring electrical quantities without a recording device,:,102185130,:,63042870,1175185,138625709,p/st
  3014. 3013,26514310,Multimeters without recording device,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3015. 3014,26514330,"Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking voltage, current, resistance or electrical power, without recording device (excluding multimeters, and oscilloscopes and oscillographs)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3016. 3015,26514355,Voltmeters without recording device,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3017. 3016,26514359,"Non-electronic instruments and apparatus, for measuring or checking voltage, current, resistance or power, without a recording device (excluding multimeters, voltmeters)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3018. 3017,26514400,"Instruments and apparatus, for telecommunications",:,158303570,:,111911610,:,:,p/st
  3019. 3018,26514500,Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities n.e.c.,:,:,:,:,1601,138435215,p/st
  3020. 3019,26514520,Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking semiconductor wafers or devices,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3021. 3020,26514530,"Instruments and apparatus, with a recording device, for measuring or checking electric gains (excluding gas, liquid or electricity supply or production meters)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3022. 3021,26514555,"Electronic instruments and apparatus, without a recording device, for measuring or checking electric gains (excluding gas, liquid or electricity supply or production meters)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3023. 3022,26514559,"Non-electronic instruments and apparatus, without a recording device, for measuring or checking electrical gains (excluding multimeters, voltmeters)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3024. 3023,26515110,"Thermometers, liquid-filled, for direct reading, not combined with other instruments (excluding clinical or veterinary thermometers)",511451,2544660,1244173,2053670,1519316,5364618,p/st
  3025. 3024,26515135,"Electronic thermometers and pyrometers, not combined with other instruments (excluding liquid filled)",1278910,42646090,9370780,36197140,1113066,41728358,p/st
  3026. 3025,26515139,"Thermometers, not combined with other instruments and not liquid filled, n.e.c.",5054700,41188680,6738714,34297890,1725546,17350885,p/st
  3027. 3026,26515150,"Barometers, not combined with other instruments (including barometric altimeters, sympiesometers)",28993,2249770,140652,1172190,233,42205,p/st
  3028. 3027,26515175,"Electronic hydrometers, hygrometers and psychrometers",:,25415490,:,22285830,:,:,p/st
  3029. 3028,26515179,"Non-electronic hydro-, hygro-, psychrometers (including hygrographs, thermo-hygrographs, baro-thermo-hygrographs, actinometers, pagoscopes; excluding radio-sondes for atmospheric soundings)",:,3268030,:,5402380,109716,571481,p/st
  3030. 3029,26515235,"Electronic flow meters (excluding supply meters, hydrometric paddle-wheels)",581287,121676590,472492,44444810,3762559,143485006,p/st
  3031. 3030,26515239,Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the level of liquids,403068,57604550,1271838,45988630,521201,44259528,p/st
  3032. 3031,26515255,"Non-electronic flow meters (excluding supply meters, hydrometric paddle-wheels)",129340,18410640,240592,16021440,:,41545850,p/st
  3033. 3032,26515259,Non-electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the level of liquids,682413,61793130,2784606,42084710,1987021,36624956,p/st
  3034. 3033,26515271,"Electronic pressure gauges, sensors, indicators and transmitters",43977428,395656450,13316760,118662200,4711221,140159923,p/st
  3035. 3034,26515274,Non-electronic spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges,20235955,85108370,2161431,26910500,88048,6083247,p/st
  3036. 3035,26515279,Other instruments for measuring or checking pressure,657442,60207030,5077543,70923210,645701,64844240,p/st
  3037. 3036,26515283,Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring variables of liquids/gases (including heat meters; excluding for measuring pressure/flow/level of liquids),:,104417270,:,82114360,1259014,158041224,p/st
  3038. 3037,26515289,Non-electronic instruments for measuring or checking variables of liquids or gases (including heat meters; excluding for measuring or checking pressure/flow/level of liquids),:,96035680,:,70675470,1308438,31462238,p/st
  3039. 3038,26515313,Electronic gas or smoke analysers,2358708,274777120,1082757,74667910,981759,177088300,p/st
  3040. 3039,26515319,Non-electronic gas or smoke analysers,1406768,48324960,3390356,84805530,:,:,p/st
  3041. 3040,26515320,Chromatographs and electrophoresis instruments,:,58966560,:,48077980,14178,14956597,p/st
  3042. 3041,26515330,"Spectrometers, spectrophotometers... using optical radiations",:,278158920,:,101834690,16050,228474797,p/st
  3043. 3042,26515350,"Instruments and apparatus using optical radiations, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3044. 3043,26515381,"Electronic ph and rh meters, other apparatus for measuring conductivity and electrochemical quantities (including use laboratory/field environment, use process monitoring/control)",:,15270240,:,10451210,26391,6451686,p/st
  3045. 3044,26515383,Other electronic instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis n.e.c.,:,238769940,:,102631920,223412,137697195,p/st
  3046. 3045,26515390,Other instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis n.e.c.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3047. 3046,26515395,"Other non-electronic instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analyses, n.e.c.",:,112003180,:,93671480,286624,64968574,p/st
  3048. 3047,26516100,Microscopes and diffraction apparatus (excluding optical microscopes),:,82148720,:,31954250,:,:,p/st
  3049. 3048,26516200,Machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of materials,:,143790730,:,38510570,66281,136959175,p/st
  3050. 3049,26516210,"Electronic machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of metals (excluding metallographic machines or appliances, instruments for detecting defects)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3051. 3050,26516230,Non-electronic machines and appliances for testing mechanical properties of metals,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3052. 3051,26516255,Electronic machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of materials (excluding for metals),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3053. 3052,26516259,"Non-electronic machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of materials (excluding for metals, including for textiles, paper, paperboard, plastics, wood, concrete, rubber, leather/linoleum)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3054. 3053,26516330,Gas supply or production meters (including calibrated),1009482,29206480,1408504,93492860,2344156,135122680,p/st
  3055. 3054,26516350,Liquid supply or production meters (including calibrated) (excluding pumps),1418807,21117400,2006002,27403860,:,7186284,p/st
  3056. 3055,26516370,"Electricity supply or production meters (including calibrated) (excluding voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters and the like)",934435,64200770,5496854,268629670,3892864,196337276,p/st
  3057. 3056,26516430,"Revolution, production and entry counters, billiards meters, taxi-, mileometers, pedometers, hand-held counters, scalers, instruments/apparatus for measuring short time intervals",:,72934610,:,68751360,5660,6419747,p/st
  3058. 3057,26516453,Vehicle speed indicators,:,54096750,:,110834390,:,:,p/st
  3059. 3058,26516455,Speed indicators and tachometers (excl. for land vehicles),:,20991000,:,25930720,:,:,p/st
  3060. 3059,26516470,Stroboscopes (including photographic or cinematographic cameras permanently incorporated in stroboscopes),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3061. 3060,26516500,Hydraulic or pneumatic automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus,:,49439250,:,36725800,59957,125799902,p/st
  3062. 3061,26516620,Test benches,1085600,39959170,710300,16704350,159626,13941392,kg
  3063. 3062,26516630,"Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.c. in HS 90",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3064. 3063,26516650,"Electronic instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities (including comparators, coordinate measuring machines (CMMs))",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3065. 3064,26516670,"Other electronic instruments, appliances,... for measuring or checking",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3066. 3065,26516683,"Other instruments, appliances,... for measuring or checking geometrical quantities",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3067. 3066,26516689,"Non-electronic measuring machines and instruments (excluding test benches, optical instruments and appliances as well as machines and instruments for balancing mechanical parts or for measuring or checking geometrical quantities)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3068. 3067,26516690,"Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines n.e.c.",:,657662590,:,458032010,86857831,925753134,p/st
  3069. 3068,26517015,Electronic thermostats,3745805,74095740,6697980,89029530,1116372,30865662,p/st
  3070. 3069,26517019,Non-electronic thermostats,3611418,21165810,16847012,44041700,:,:,p/st
  3071. 3070,26517030,Manostats,118807,12534880,2090538,36826760,90476,3255501,p/st
  3072. 3071,26517090,"Instruments and apparatus, regulating or controlling, n.e.c.",:,859909000,:,882758300,2598083,201024331,p/st
  3073. 3072,26518100,Parts of radar apparatus and radio navigational aid apparatus,:,179171150,:,324730780,:,22983563,:
  3074. 3073,26518110,Parts of radar apparatus and radio navigational aid apparatus,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3075. 3074,26518200,"Parts and accessories for the goods of 26.51.12, 26.51.32, 26.51.33, 26.51.4 and 26.51.5; microtomes; parts n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,351493721,:
  3076. 3075,26518300,Parts and accessories for microscopes and diffraction apparatus excluding for optical microscopes,:,33122960,:,38517680,:,33989985,:
  3077. 3076,26518433,Parts and accessories for electricity supply or production meters,:,6257990,:,82437680,:,30732203,:
  3078. 3077,26518435,Parts and accessories for gas or liquid supply or production meters excluding for pumps for liquids,:,17489940,:,67207450,:,21666077,:
  3079. 3078,26518450,Parts and accessories of HS 9029,:,22583250,:,38827330,:,9368405,:
  3080. 3079,26518520,"Parts and accessories of instruments, appliances and machines of HS 9031",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3081. 3080,26518530,"Parts and accessories of instruments, appliances and machines of HS 9031, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,296285946,:
  3082. 3081,26518550,Parts and accessories for automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus,:,232307140,:,187922450,:,104118996,:
  3083. 3082,26518600,Parts and accessories of instruments and apparatus of 26.51.11 and 26.51.62,:,150374440,:,128274360,:,66830164,:
  3084. 3083,26521100,"Wrist-watches, pocket-watches, with case of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal",682597,630342230,1322171,698790600,0,0,p/st
  3085. 3084,26521200,"Other wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stop-watches",5349497,246921270,21608563,817955210,:,0,p/st
  3086. 3085,26521300,"Instrument panel clocks and clocks of a similar type for vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels (including vehicle chronographs)",4921,5460020,296715,7269780,0,0,p/st
  3087. 3086,26521400,Clocks with watch movements; alarm clocks and wall clocks; other clocks,1375729,28731220,11345482,68229730,1543,6118608,p/st
  3088. 3087,26522100,"Watch movements, complete and assembled",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3089. 3088,26522110,Watch and clock movements,:,14931130,:,13142890,0,0,p/st
  3090. 3089,26522200,"Clock movements, complete and assembled",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3091. 3090,26522210,Watch and clock cases and parts thereof,:,3512920,:,6595210,:,0,:
  3092. 3091,26522300,"Complete watch movements, unassembled or partly assembled; incomplete watch movements, assembled",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3093. 3092,26522310,Other clock and watch parts,:,4174240,:,31137390,:,0,:
  3094. 3093,26522400,Rough watch movements,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3095. 3094,26522410,Time-registers and time-recorders,197456,738180,485601,15427900,:,:,p/st
  3096. 3095,26522440,"Time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (excluding clocks of HS 9101 to 9105, time registers and time recorders)",215682,3767490,1948577,12851190,:,:,p/st
  3097. 3096,26522470,"Time switches, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (including switches for making and breaking the circuit supplying electrical apparatus)",136728,2790860,1906842,11136900,652223,19858099,p/st
  3098. 3097,26522500,"Unassembled complete, incomplete and rough clock movements",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3099. 3098,26522600,Watch and clock cases and parts thereof,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3100. 3099,26522700,Other clock and watch parts,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3101. 3100,26522810,Time-registers and time-recorders,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3102. 3101,26522830,"Parking meters and others (excluding process-timers, stop-clocks and the like)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3103. 3102,26522840,"Time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (excluding clocks of HS 9101 to 9105, time registers and time recorders)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3104. 3103,26522850,"Process-timers, stop-clocks and the like (excluding chronometer watches, chronograph watches and stop-watches)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3105. 3104,26522870,"Time switches, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (including switches for making and breaking the circuit supplying electrical apparatus)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3106. 3105,26601115,"Apparatus based on the use of X-rays, for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses (including radiography and radiotherapy apparatus)",74346,412778880,89858,198936230,2835,:,p/st
  3107. 3106,26601119,"Apparatus based on the use of X-rays (excluding for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary use)",273374,215664030,155286,67808880,6470,232518508,p/st
  3108. 3107,26601130,"Apparatus based on the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiations, whether or not for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses, including radiography or radiotherapy apparatus",158085,38169660,202336,17088030,:,:,p/st
  3109. 3108,26601150,X-ray tubes (excluding glass envelopes for X-ray tubes),8016,28567980,34252,36662680,:,:,p/st
  3110. 3109,26601170,"X-ray generators, high tension generators, including parts of HS 9022",:,278247120,:,213152800,:,84857472,:
  3111. 3110,26601230,Electro-cardiographs,:,34446460,:,38945360,0,0,p/st
  3112. 3111,26601280,"Electro-diagnostic, apparatus (excluding electro-cardiographs), n.e.c.",:,484298000,:,347151220,3494631,782336569,p/st
  3113. 3112,26601300,"Ultraviolet or infrared apparatus used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences",:,11541300,:,11164850,729,6508720,p/st
  3114. 3113,26601433,Appliances for overcoming deafness (excluding parts and accessories),964450,198645300,2463939,276437170,182510,18320463,p/st
  3115. 3114,26601439,"Parts and accessories of hearing aids (excluding for headphones, amplifiers and the like)",:,154747340,:,127982080,:,11776381,:
  3116. 3115,26601450,Pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles (excluding parts and accessories),4091,4996850,81962,159577050,0,0,p/st
  3117. 3116,267000Z0,Instant print cameras and other cameras (excluding digital cameras),829408,40578330,1850494,41162330,8455,15493857,p/st
  3118. 3117,26701100,"Mounted objective lenses, of any material, for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers",569768,53047700,1675004,133333190,1975,23581279,p/st
  3119. 3118,26701250,"Cameras of a kind used for preparing printing plates or cylinders; cameras specially designed for underwater use, for aerial survey or for medical or surgical examination of internal organs; comparison cameras for forensic or criminological laboratories",:,:,:,:,8455,15493857,p/st
  3120. 3119,26701300,Digital cameras,413656,113580300,4213207,418335200,18980,23805993,p/st
  3121. 3120,26701400,"Instant print cameras and other cameras (excluding digital cameras, cameras of a kind used for preparing printing plates or cylinders as well as cameras specially designed for underwater use, for aerial survey or for medical or surgical examination of internal organs; comparison cameras for forensic",:,:,:,:,0,0,p/st
  3122. 3121,26701500,Cinematographic cameras for film,12844,3546000,32739,5662820,0,0,p/st
  3123. 3122,26701530,Cinematographic cameras for film of a width < 16 mm or for double 8 mm film,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3124. 3123,26701550,Cinematographic cameras (excluding for film of a width < 16 mm wide or for double 8 mm film),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3125. 3124,26701600,Cinematographic projectors; slide projectors; other image projectors,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3126. 3125,26701650,Cinematographic projectors,16444,4973370,64592,11625700,:,:,p/st
  3127. 3126,26701700,"Flashlights (excluding photographic flashbulbs, flashcubes and the like); photographic enlargers; apparatus for photographic laboratories; negatoscopes, projection screens",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3128. 3127,26701800,"Microfilm, microfiche or other microform readers",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3129. 3128,26701900,Parts and accessories of photographic equipment,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3130. 3129,26701910,"Flashlights (including photographic flashbulbs, flashcubes and the like); photographic enlargers; apparatus for photographic laboratories; negastoscopes, projection screens",:,17342470,:,41833360,:,:,p/st
  3131. 3130,26701990,Parts and accessories of photographic equipment,:,89779420,:,81349850,:,66046517,:
  3132. 3131,26702153,"Prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, n.e.c.",601700,101267480,714900,108311890,101518,61344634,kg
  3133. 3132,26702155,"Mounted lenses, prisms, mirrors, etc., of any material, n.e.c.",:,35832220,:,34761620,4662,9633043,p/st
  3134. 3133,26702170,"Mounted objective lenses of any material (excluding for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)",170306,7386600,769044,14952170,:,:,p/st
  3135. 3134,26702180,Unmounted sheets and plates of polarising material; mounted filters of any material,115200,14831890,569200,18130510,20923,6992369,kg
  3136. 3135,26702230,Binoculars (including night vision binoculars),127455,9560490,870603,15621390,:,:,p/st
  3137. 3136,26702250,Instruments (excluding binoculars) such as optical telescopes,:,28920010,:,12756010,845,3871468,p/st
  3138. 3137,26702270,"Compound optical microscopes, including those for photomicrography, cinephotomicrography or microprojection",57203,19094230,156175,13052630,:,:,p/st
  3139. 3138,26702310,Telescopic sights for fitting to arms; periscopes; telescopes...,:,38003960,:,19012420,847,97012559,p/st
  3140. 3139,26702330,"Lasers (excluding laser diodes, machines and appliances incorporating lasers)",:,431371380,:,138462860,14143,227469858,p/st
  3141. 3140,26702390,"Other optical appliances and instruments, n.e.c. in HS 90",:,37337730,:,74033980,:,:,:
  3142. 3141,26702410,"Parts and accessories (including mountings) of binoculars, etc.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3143. 3142,26702420,Rangefinders,:,20813930,:,19854390,:,:,p/st
  3144. 3143,26702430,Parts and accessories of optical microscopes of HS 9011,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3145. 3144,26702450,"Other instruments and apparatus using optical radiation (UV, visible, IR)",:,322597620,:,197702540,117431,157620313,p/st
  3146. 3145,26702490,"Exposure meters, stroboscopes, optical instruments, appliances and machines for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices, profile projectors and other optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or",:,319353080,:,133852040,13575,240207832,p/st
  3147. 3146,26702500,Parts and accessories of optical appliances and instruments of HS 9013,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3148. 3147,26702510,"Parts and accessories (including mountings) of binoculars, monoculars, other optical telescopes, other astronomical instruments (excluding for instruments for radio-astronomy)",:,7942560,:,14173290,:,0,:
  3149. 3148,26702530,Parts and accessories of optical microscopes of HS 9011,:,32331020,:,28681690,:,13292345,:
  3150. 3149,26702610,Parts and accessories of optical appliances and instruments of HS 9013,:,:,:,:,:,23008658,:
  3151. 3150,26702630,Parts and accessories of appliances and instruments of CN 9031 41 00 and for optical instruments and appliances of CN 9031 49 90,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3152. 3151,26801100,"Magnetic tapes and magnetic discs, unrecorded, for the recording of sound or of other phenomena",1099000,69766770,1776500,111133890,:,:,kg
  3153. 3152,26801200,"Optical media for the recording of sound or of other phenomena (excluding goods of HS 37), unrecorded",477900,37618550,1559400,36292130,3361,318250,kg
  3154. 3153,26801300,"Other recording media, including matrices and masters for the production of disks",413000,65930900,1513400,22356320,:,:,kg
  3155. 3154,26801400,Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe,3067000,33639810,319600,8404280,11206843,22609420,kg
  3156. 3155,269900Z0,Other units of automatic data processing machines,6562260,677316870,14332970,806611620,804591,200763115,p/st
  3157. 3156,269900Z2,"Parts and accessories for the goods of 26.51.12, 26.51.32, 26.51.33, 26.51.4 and 26.51.5; microtomes; parts n.e.c. and Parts and accessories of optical appliances and instruments of HS 9013",:,1204786950,:,962195170,:,374502378,:
  3158. 3157,269900Z3,"Parts and accessories of instruments, appliances and machines of HS 9031",:,420294920,:,289111460,:,:,:
  3159. 3158,269900Z4,Radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy reception apparatus (excluding those combined with radio receivers),293863,13106770,304435,9939730,:,:,p/st
  3160. 3159,27111010,"Electric motors of an output <= 37,5 W (including synchronous motors <= 18 W, universal AC/DC motors, AC and DC motors)",4604707,88960680,20193408,197296620,:,45242794,p/st
  3161. 3160,27111030,"DC motors and generators of an output > 37,5 W but <= 750 W (excluding starter motors for internal combustion engines)",221466,52684150,6211166,131568100,296558,65407736,p/st
  3162. 3161,27111050,DC motors and DC generators of an output > 750 W but <= 75 kW (excluding starter motors for internal combustion engines),21397,61954170,265099,48327900,23194,26275565,p/st
  3163. 3162,27111053,DC motors and generators of an output > 0.75 kW but <= 7.5 kW (excluding starter motors for internal combustion engines),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3164. 3163,27111055,DC motors and generators of an output > 7.5 kW but <= 75 kW (excluding starter motors for internal combustion engines),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3165. 3164,27111070,DC motors and generators of an output > 75 kW but <= 375 kW (excluding starter motors for internal combustion engines),1951,39581540,20016,24439960,:,:,p/st
  3166. 3165,27111090,DC motors and generators of an output > 375 kW (excluding starter motors for internal combustion engines),7601,1227510,7988,1049320,:,:,p/st
  3167. 3166,27112100,"Universal AC/DC motors of an output > 37,5 W",2785345,17552040,2801177,63644440,:,:,p/st
  3168. 3167,27112230,Single-phase AC motors of an output <= 750 W,329199,9488970,1837252,36652390,:,:,p/st
  3169. 3168,27112250,Single-phase AC motors of an output > 750 W,15640,4157610,1433212,14039790,0,0,p/st
  3170. 3169,27112300,Multi-phase AC motors of an output <= 750 W,62684,33153240,267523,39203330,:,:,p/st
  3171. 3170,27112403,"Multi-phase AC motors of an output > 0,75 kW but <= 7,5 kW",174787,71944010,272433,47687230,:,:,p/st
  3172. 3171,27112405,"Multi-phase AC motors of an output > 7,5 kW but <= 37 kW",9695,14829180,71172,27127540,5177,3449417,p/st
  3173. 3172,27112407,Multi-phase AC motors of an output > 37 kW but <= 75 kW,3776,3443250,237403,14382500,:,446006,p/st
  3174. 3173,27112530,Multi-phase AC traction motors of an output > 75 kW,4908,6219800,1032,10719960,:,:,p/st
  3175. 3174,27112540,Multi-phase AC motors of an output > 75 kW but <= 375 kW (excluding traction motors),640,9134480,63948,15161990,76,1624328,p/st
  3176. 3175,27112560,Multi-phase AC motors of an output > 375 kW but <= 750 kW (excluding traction motors),20736,2390490,29786,5197900,64,2531169,p/st
  3177. 3176,27112590,Multi-phase AC motors of an output > 750 kW (excluding traction motors),35935,9371650,6877,11454530,852,26445527,p/st
  3178. 3177,27112610,Alternators of an output <= 75 kVA,84243,65692790,227027,51380350,40446,:,p/st
  3179. 3178,27112630,Alternators of an output > 75 kVA but <= 375 kVA,101329,148119120,44611,68757800,:,:,p/st
  3180. 3179,27112650,Alternators > 375 kVA but <= 750 kVA,18265,21059440,60903,18698960,:,:,p/st
  3181. 3180,27112670,Alternators of an output > 750 kVA,62430,145023720,545800,46876650,:,181216421,p/st
  3182. 3181,27113110,"Generating sets with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines, of an output <= 75 kVA",51838,82512960,33559,40690850,15823,85174581,p/st
  3183. 3182,27113130,Generating sets with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines of an output > 75 kVA but <= 375 kVA,39320,149350380,2520,24110310,5937,96368075,p/st
  3184. 3183,27113150,Generating sets with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines of an output > 375 kVA but <= 750 kVA,23399,130666220,524,9106160,5495,199849430,p/st
  3185. 3184,27113170,Generating sets with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines of an output > 750 kVA,5116,434754250,694,61402760,3704,434668689,p/st
  3186. 3185,27113233,"Generating sets with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of an output <= 7,5 kVA",21688,2044030,32002,6867290,:,:,p/st
  3187. 3186,27113235,"Generating sets with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of an output > 7,5 kVA",3406,78181750,7174,86321280,304,:,p/st
  3188. 3187,27113250,Generating sets (excluding wind-powered and powered by spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine),662038,60420450,13969,46088610,425,85757469,p/st
  3189. 3188,27113270,Rotary converters,14490,2115990,1113994,13161190,367,430036,p/st
  3190. 3189,27114120,Liquid dielectric transformers having a power handling capacity <= 650 kVA,54413,5044950,153821,52668680,:,:,p/st
  3191. 3190,27114150,Liquid dielectric transformers having a power handling capacity > 650 kVA but <= 10 000 kVA,448,4666620,78799,48605370,46,4106448,p/st
  3192. 3191,27114180,Liquid dielectric transformers having a power handling capacity > 10 000 kVA,1720,69633120,38831,102822870,:,:,p/st
  3193. 3192,27114220,Measuring transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (including for voltage measurement),1426697,22508920,1473374,19828320,606759,28284303,p/st
  3194. 3193,27114240,"Other transformers, n.e.c., having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA",7022449,27824530,20179194,49218810,9737418,101607218,p/st
  3195. 3194,27114260,"Other transformers, having a power handling capacity > 1 kVA but <= 16 kVA",282225,18897380,672168,9241190,117705,24861122,p/st
  3196. 3195,27114330,"Transformers, n.e.c., having a power handling capacity > 16 kVA but <= 500 kVA",15914,9299240,216578,24075500,32262,30715092,p/st
  3197. 3196,27114380,"Transformers, n.e.c., having a power handling capacity > 500 kVA",52139,4268060,147279,43165890,649,10299200,p/st
  3198. 3197,27115013,Inductors for discharge lamps or tubes,1628147,11957350,1674201,12532000,21703,71863,p/st
  3199. 3198,27115015,Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes (excluding inductors),801513,14492860,2749002,25527610,506035,14145574,p/st
  3200. 3199,27115023,Polycrystalline semiconductors,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3201. 3200,27115030,"Rectifiers (excluding of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3202. 3201,27115033,Accumulator chargers,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3203. 3202,27115035,Rectifiers,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3204. 3203,27115040,"Power supply units for telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3205. 3204,27115050,Accumulator chargers,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3206. 3205,27115053,"Inverters having a power handling capacity <= 7,5 kVA",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3207. 3206,27115055,"Inverters having a power handling capacity > 7,5 kVA",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3208. 3207,27115070,"Static converters (excluding polycrystalline semiconductors, converters specially designed for welding, without welding equipment, accumulator chargers, rectifiers, inverters)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3209. 3208,27115080,"Inductors (excluding induction coils, deflection coils for cathode-ray tubes, for discharge lamps and tubes)",:,85103710,:,105593100,1408332,5284771,p/st
  3210. 3209,27116100,Parts suitable for machines of HS 8501 or 8502,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3211. 3210,27116110,"Parts suitable for use solely or principally with electric motors and generators, electric generating sets and rotary converters, n.e.c. (excluding fuel cells)",:,:,:,:,:,249483842,:
  3212. 3211,27116203,Ferrite cores of transformers and inductors,219000,4721740,1091200,7611100,0,0,kg
  3213. 3212,27116205,Parts of transformers and inductors (excluding ferrite cores),:,19989630,:,46223960,:,18536051,:
  3214. 3213,27116207,Parts of static converters,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3215. 3214,27116208,"Electronic assemblies of static converters of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, n.e.c.",:,2309200,:,7254900,:,547526,:
  3216. 3215,27121010,Fuses for a voltage > 1 kV,:,8714450,:,6045930,:,:,p/st
  3217. 3216,27121020,Automatic circuit breakers >1kV,:,36530990,:,42096800,7388,28720043,p/st
  3218. 3217,27121030,Isolating switches and make-and-break switches >1kV,:,32972680,:,55979020,1395101,22394972,p/st
  3219. 3218,27121040,"Lightning arresters, voltage limiters and surge suppressors for a voltage > 1 kV",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3220. 3219,27121041,Lightning arresters and voltage limiters for a voltage > 1 kV,:,:,:,:,:,:,p/st
  3221. 3220,27121090,Other apparatus for switching... electrical circuits > 1 000 V,:,60859500,:,88509700,:,129274413,p/st
  3222. 3221,27122130,Fuses for a voltage <= 1 kV and for a current <= 10 A,:,60121800,:,24777840,:,9480192,p/st
  3223. 3222,27122150,Fuses for a voltage <= 1 kV and for a current > 10 A but <= 63 A,:,7468180,:,12538770,13290198,9489318,p/st
  3224. 3223,27122170,Fuses for a voltage <= 1 kV and for a current > 63 A,:,16756570,:,15930620,10529829,:,p/st
  3225. 3224,27122230,Automatic circuit breakers for a voltage <= 1 kV and for a current <= 63 A,:,43636820,:,95143840,307715400,65132832,p/st
  3226. 3225,27122250,Automatic circuit breakers for a voltage <= 1 kV and for a current > 63 A,:,18869790,:,63258270,:,:,p/st
  3227. 3226,27122330,"Electrical apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1 kV and a current <= 16 A (excluding fuses, automatic circuit breakers)",:,51928630,:,29074970,51665379,7855864,p/st
  3228. 3227,27122350,"Electrical apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1 kV and for a current > 16 A but <= 125 A (excluding fuses, automatic circuit breakers)",:,18481960,:,29079500,1696766,11442162,p/st
  3229. 3228,27122370,"Electrical apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1 kV and for a current > 125 A (excluding fuses, automatic circuit breakers)",:,11528420,:,32319770,:,7859286,p/st
  3230. 3229,27122433,Relays for a voltage <= 60 V and for a current <= 2 A,:,12894650,:,18222450,85907,3001129,p/st
  3231. 3230,27122435,Relays for a voltage <= 60 V and for a current > 2 A,:,16460710,:,57071540,:,:,p/st
  3232. 3231,27122450,Relays for a voltage > 60 V but <= 1 kV,:,171686330,:,114982370,15501471,151788016,p/st
  3233. 3232,27123130,Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machine for a voltage <= 1 kV,:,117889660,:,126796630,:,111599576,p/st
  3234. 3233,27123150,Programmable memory controllers for a voltage <= 1 kV,:,303413630,:,351365750,19730,40208973,p/st
  3235. 3234,27123170,"Other bases for electric control, distribution of electricity, voltage <= 1 000 V",:,524439940,:,807986920,5085042,895169220,p/st
  3236. 3235,27123203,"Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage > 1.000 V but <= 72,5 kV",:,17914030,:,44548300,31951,194584051,p/st
  3237. 3236,27123205,"Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage > 72,5 kV",:,10217020,:,122151430,1265,14008692,p/st
  3238. 3237,27124030,"Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases for apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity (excluding those equipped with their apparatus)",:,58260360,:,108515560,3954277,295853628,p/st
  3239. 3238,27124090,"Other parts of apparatus of HS 8535, 8536, 8537",:,275941100,:,437072490,:,286095110,:
  3240. 3239,27201100,Primary cells and primary batteries,660952786,169386780,997722118,314232210,5224446,19929962,p/st
  3241. 3240,27201110,"Manganese dioxide cells and batteries, alkaline, in the form of cylindrical cells (excl. spent)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3242. 3241,27201115,"Other manganese dioxide cells and batteries, alkaline (excl. spent, and cylindrical cells)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3243. 3242,27201120,"Manganese dioxide cells and batteries, non-alkaline, in the form of cylindrical cells (excl. spent)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3244. 3243,27201125,"Other manganese dioxide cells and batteries, non-alkaline (excl. spent, and cylindrical cells)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3245. 3244,27201130,Mercuric oxide primary cells and primary batteries (excl. spent),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3246. 3245,27201140,Silver oxide primary cells and primary batteries (excl. spent),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3247. 3246,27201150,"Lithium primary cells and primary batteries, in the form of cylindrical cells (excl. spent)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3248. 3247,27201155,"Lithium primary cells and primary batteries, in the form of button cells (excl. spent)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3249. 3248,27201160,"Lithium primary cells and primary batteries (excl. spent, and in the form of cylindrical or button cells)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3250. 3249,27201170,Air-zinc primary cells and primary batteries (excl. spent),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3251. 3250,27201175,"Dry zinc-carbon primary batteries of a voltage of >= 5,5 V but <= 6,5 V (excl. spent)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3252. 3251,27201190,"Other primary cells and primary batteries, electric (excl. spent, dry zinc-carbon batteries of a voltage of >= 5,5 V but <= 6,5 V, and those of manganese dioxide, mercuric oxide, silver oxide, lithium and air-zinc)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3253. 3252,27201200,"Parts of primary cells and primary batteries (excluding battery carbons, for rechargeable batteries)",:,5632160,:,15992230,:,48811982,:
  3254. 3253,27202100,Lead-acid accumulators for starting piston engines,1349681,53168400,9031356,461256850,28673,4113292,p/st
  3255. 3254,27202110,"Lead-acid accumulators of a kind used for starting piston engines (starter batteries), working with liquid electrolyte (excl. spent)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3256. 3255,27202120,"Lead-acid accumulators of a kind used for starting piston engines (starter batteries), working with non-liquid electrolyte (excl. spent)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3257. 3256,27202200,"Lead-acid accumulators, excluding for starting piston engines",6194973,175618400,8277021,196783180,1671567,154343139,ce/el
  3258. 3257,27202210,Lead-acid traction accumulators (excluding accumulators for starting piston engines),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3259. 3258,27202230,"Electric accumulators, including separators therefor, whether or not rectangular (including square). Other lead-acid accumulators than of a kind used for starting piston engine. Working with liquid electrolyte",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3260. 3259,27202240,"Electric accumulators, including separators therefor, whether or not rectangular (including square). Other lead-acid accumulators than of a kind used for starting piston engine. Other than working with liquid electrolyte",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3261. 3260,27202250,Lead-acid accumulators (excluding traction accumulators and accumulators for starting piston engines),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3262. 3261,27202300,"Nickel-cadmium, nickel metal hydride, lithium-ion, lithium polymer, nickel-iron and other electric accumulators",:,175375790,:,461733640,1494231,34502150,p/st
  3263. 3262,27202310,Hermetically sealed nickel-cadmium accumulators (excl. spent),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3264. 3263,27202320,Not hermetically sealed nickel-cadmium accumulators (excl. spent),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3265. 3264,27202330,Nickel-iron accumulators (excl. spent),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3266. 3265,27202340,Nickel-metal hydride accumulators (excl. spent),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3267. 3266,27202350,Lithium-ion accumulators (excl. spent),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3268. 3267,27202395,Other electric accumulators,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3269. 3268,27202400,Parts of electric accumulators including separators,:,73286390,:,108285300,:,:,:
  3270. 3269,27202410,Parts of electric accumulators. Separators.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3271. 3270,27202420,Parts of electric accumulators. Other than separators.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3272. 3271,27311100,Optical fibre cables made up of individually sheathed fibres whether or not assembled with electric conductors or fitted with connectors,7266200,136907130,10163100,152693970,14318831,276638872,kg
  3273. 3272,27311200,Optical fibres and optical fibre bundles; optical fibre cables (except those made up of individually sheathed fibres),92000,32934500,1962500,51184800,56476,57305486,kg
  3274. 3273,27321100,Winding wire for electrical purposes,4149700,51528840,11103500,88322860,11054860,70547641,kg
  3275. 3274,27321130,Insulated winding wire lacquered or enamelled,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3276. 3275,27321150,Other insulated winding wire (including anodised),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3277. 3276,27321200,Insulated coaxial cables and other coaxial electric conductors for data and control purposes whether or not fitted with connectors,2039900,54043280,15905000,130579440,5347823,115756214,kg
  3278. 3277,27321340,"Other electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1 000 V, fitted with connectors",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3279. 3278,27321380,"Other electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1 000 V, not fitted with connectors",65693000,480051060,223552200,973051680,52803960,467648032,kg
  3280. 3279,27321400,"Insulated electric conductors for voltage >1 000 V (excluding winding wire, coaxial cable and other coaxial electric conductors, ignition and other wiring sets used in vehicles, aircraft, ships)",3707300,57378050,78295200,483551380,1216969,231101783,kg
  3281. 3280,27331100,Electrical apparatus for switching electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1 kV (including push-button and rotary switches) (excluding relays),:,322850120,:,571281130,97426280,219079015,p/st
  3282. 3281,27331200,Lamp-holders for a voltage <= 1 kV,:,13303540,:,50972640,1626887,1992768,p/st
  3283. 3282,27331310,Plugs and sockets for coaxial cables for a voltage <= 1 kV,:,25631950,:,50330520,5173547,11683986,p/st
  3284. 3283,27331330,Plugs and sockets for printed circuits for a voltage <= 1 kV,:,72260110,:,74277880,:,:,p/st
  3285. 3284,27331350,"Plugs and sockets for a voltage <= 1 kV (excluding for coaxial cables, for printed circuits)",:,380427200,:,510766420,50518770,110990453,p/st
  3286. 3285,27331360,Prefabricated elements for electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1 kV,:,27885040,:,27213810,3520447,43392611,p/st
  3287. 3286,27331370,Connections and contact elements for wires and cables for a voltage <= 1 kV,:,320082670,:,297169840,45229280,159334755,p/st
  3288. 3287,27331380,"Other apparatus for connections to or in electrical circuit, voltage <= 1 000 V",:,182604470,:,233845420,6621149,77487538,p/st
  3289. 3288,27331410,"Trunking, ducting and cable trays for electrical circuits, of plastics",6108600,24553470,8475900,20635370,:,149109699,kg
  3290. 3289,27331430,"Insulating fittings of plastic, for electrical machines, appliances or equipment (excluding electrical insulators)",1485700,26170630,3304100,27409400,1629577,8044076,kg
  3291. 3290,27401100,Sealed beam lamp units,450424,17132640,2940920,34270540,:,:,p/st
  3292. 3291,27401250,Tungsten halogen filament lamps for motorcycles and motor vehicles (excluding ultraviolet and infrared lamps),3113122,7984220,28004721,42774790,0,0,p/st
  3293. 3292,27401293,"Tungsten halogen filament lamps, for a voltage > 100 V (excluding ultraviolet and infra-red lamps, for motorcycles and motor vehicles)",2654820,4255400,49712538,24870580,23864,3025084,p/st
  3294. 3293,27401295,"Tungsten halogen filament lamps for a voltage <= 100 V (excluding ultraviolet and infrared lamps, for motorcycles and motor vehicles)",1320403,3654300,17119898,13835520,29015,3313676,p/st
  3295. 3294,27401300,"Filament lamps of a power <= 200 W and for a voltage > 100 V including reflector lamps (excluding ultraviolet, infrared lamps, tungsten halogen filament lamps and sealed beam lamp units)",1877673,4920330,16800652,12590170,0,0,p/st
  3296. 3295,27401460,"Filament lamps for motorcycles or other motor vehicles excluding sealed beam lamp units, tungsten halogen lamps",20211892,56702380,61928872,35311540,:,:,p/st
  3297. 3296,27401490,Filament lamps n.e.c.,3607514,5655220,18943472,17756670,63724641,7995027,p/st
  3298. 3297,27401510,"Fluorescent hot cathode discharge lamps, with double ended cap (excluding ultraviolet lamps)",3306831,7259270,22122502,18355290,76003,3124323,p/st
  3299. 3298,27401530,"Fluorescent hot cathode discharge lamps (excluding ultraviolet lamps, with double ended cap)",5211517,8608810,19013813,20793020,0,0,p/st
  3300. 3299,27401550,Other discharge lamps (excluding ultraviolet lamps),1601845,32810910,11284262,56253510,:,:,p/st
  3301. 3300,27401570,"Ultraviolet or infrared lamps, arc lamps",2726115,44228590,5753330,29737640,501471,42685389,p/st
  3302. 3301,27402100,"Portable electric lamps worked by dry batteries, accumulators or magnetos (excluding for cycles or motor vehicles)",:,28524480,:,77331770,66202,11211744,p/st
  3303. 3302,27402200,"Electric table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps",:,37339310,:,184338190,180489,27492671,p/st
  3304. 3303,27402300,Non-electrical lamps and lighting fittings,:,15106660,:,84452070,:,26759214,p/st
  3305. 3304,27402400,"Illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like (including road signs)",:,19465480,:,42943240,364211,192647176,p/st
  3306. 3305,27402500,Chandeliers and other electric ceiling or wall lighting fittings (excluding those used for lighting public open spaces or thoroughfares),:,223778550,:,517463150,8968290,443450785,p/st
  3307. 3306,27403010,"Searchlights and spotlights (including for stage sets, photographic or film studios)",:,55516810,:,74063840,1735511,98983654,p/st
  3308. 3307,27403030,"Electrical lighting or visual signalling equipment for motor vehicles (excluding electric filament or discharge lamps, sealed beam lamp units, ultraviolet, infrared and arc lamps)",4750900,163722960,26310100,779365940,1174838,87624762,kg
  3309. 3308,27403090,"Electric lamps and lighting fittings, of plastic and other materials, of a kind used for filament lamps and tubular lamps, including lighting sets for Christmas trees and LED lamps",:,209361780,:,738771370,6619254,375382983,p/st
  3310. 3309,27403100,"Photographic flashbulbs, flashcubes and the like",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3311. 3310,27403200,Lighting sets for Christmas trees,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3312. 3311,27403300,"Searchlights and spotlights (including for stage sets, photographic or film studios)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3313. 3312,27403910,"Electrical lighting or visual signalling equipment for motor vehicles (excluding electric filament or discharge lamps, sealed beam lamp units, ultraviolet, infrared and arc lamps)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3314. 3313,27403930,"Electric lamps and lighting fittings, of plastic and other materials, of a kind used for filament lamps and tubular fluorescent lamps",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3315. 3314,27404100,"Parts for electric filament or discharge lamps (including sealed beam lamp units, ultraviolet or infrared lamps, arc lamps)",:,9017080,:,10311530,:,:,:
  3316. 3315,27404230,"Parts of portable electric lamps worked by dry batteries, accumulators or magnetos (excluding for cycles or motor vehicles)",:,1433320,:,2281260,:,299999,:
  3317. 3316,27404250,"Parts (excluding of glass or plastics) of lamps and lighting fittings, illuminated signs and nameplates and the like, n.e.s.",:,51324670,:,140610130,:,17169516,:
  3318. 3317,27511110,"Combined refrigerators-freezers, with separate external doors",90791,23560750,2006427,410618990,0,0,p/st
  3319. 3318,27511133,"Household-type refrigerators (including compression-type, electrical absorption-type) (excluding built-in)",226660,15267450,2200101,263177370,0,0,p/st
  3320. 3319,27511135,Compression-type built-in refrigerators,4022,1991500,176730,36023890,0,0,p/st
  3321. 3320,27511150,Chest freezers of a capacity <= 800 litres,9214,2129490,311245,28780880,:,:,p/st
  3322. 3321,27511170,Upright freezers of a capacity <= 900 litres,25671,29247000,560226,89974990,0,0,p/st
  3323. 3322,27511200,Household dishwashing machines,184523,13231800,1568042,245666720,0,0,p/st
  3324. 3323,27511300,"Cloth washing and drying machines, of the household type",:,76304120,:,742561960,:,:,p/st
  3325. 3324,27511400,Electric blankets,90168,1250900,1018247,11636790,0,0,p/st
  3326. 3325,27511530,"Table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W",1180010,21201150,6499240,59618660,3648829,134069832,p/st
  3327. 3326,27511580,"Ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, with a maximum horizontal side <= 120 cm",490649,41584890,1765092,99047050,11447,7812518,p/st
  3328. 3327,27512123,Vacuum cleaners with a self-contained electric motor of a power <= 1 500 W and having a dust bag or other receptable capacity <= 20 l,717668,64415380,7716223,372834790,:,:,p/st
  3329. 3328,27512125,Other vacuum cleaners with a self-contained electric motor,142914,6281850,1479903,62649800,:,:,p/st
  3330. 3329,27512170,"Domestic food grinders, mixers and fruit or vegetable juice extractors, with a self-contained electric motor",795508,22099750,8047235,142752550,0,0,p/st
  3331. 3330,27512190,Other electromechanical appliances,7668700,42372950,16290700,203763870,:,:,kg
  3332. 3331,27512200,"Shavers, hair-removing appliances and hair clippers, with self-contained electric motor",1504406,25719560,12200304,135518150,:,:,p/st
  3333. 3332,27512310,Electric hair dryers,751692,19291190,5592567,72435810,15316,1700754,p/st
  3334. 3333,27512313,Electric hair drying hoods,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3335. 3334,27512315,Electric hair dryers (excluding drying hoods),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3336. 3335,27512330,"Electric hairdressing apparatus (including hair curlers, curling tongs) (excluding hair drying hoods, hair dryers)",:,40960310,:,96202310,0,0,p/st
  3337. 3336,27512350,Electric hand-drying apparatus,50543,2322790,457711,14638390,108875,5907582,p/st
  3338. 3337,27512370,Electric smoothing irons,525485,10199430,6614441,84665920,0,0,p/st
  3339. 3338,27512410,"Vacuum cleaners, including dry cleaners and wet vacuum cleaners (excluding with self-contained electric motor)",101630,13940180,426429,10860030,:,:,p/st
  3340. 3339,27512430,Domestic electric coffee or tea makers (including percolators),890848,22753430,4601728,148382060,0,0,p/st
  3341. 3340,27512450,"Domestic electric toasters (including toaster ovens for toasting bread, potatoes or other small items)",363752,7244600,5850443,74434150,0,0,p/st
  3342. 3341,27512490,"Electro-thermic appliances, for domestic use (excluding hairdressing appliances and hand dryers, space-heating and soil-heating apparatus, water heaters, immersion heaters, smoothing irons, microwave ovens, ovens, cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, grillers, roasters, coffee makers, tea makers",833737,21210390,14459957,192266460,102748,6611382,p/st
  3343. 3342,27512530,Electric instantaneous water heaters,380411,28839040,1804074,39370810,901177,123588123,p/st
  3344. 3343,27512550,Electric water heaters (including storage water heaters) (excluding instantaneous),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3345. 3344,27512560,Electric water heaters and immersion heaters (excluding instantaneous water heaters),560146,26507710,7461617,96011240,536145,117306398,p/st
  3346. 3345,27512570,"Electric immersion heaters (including portable immersion heaters for liquids, usually with a handle or a hook)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3347. 3346,27512630,Electric storage heating radiators,40129,2894190,594425,20349090,:,:,p/st
  3348. 3347,27512650,"Electric radiators, convection heaters and heaters or fires with built-in fans",574044,31404640,5078831,94427740,302873,30824598,p/st
  3349. 3348,27512690,Other electric space heaters,172891,9730130,4837503,64797970,848043,38448903,p/st
  3350. 3349,27512700,Domestic microwave ovens,1079308,87837820,4040641,170432370,:,:,p/st
  3351. 3350,27512810,Domestic electric cookers with at least an oven and a hob (including combined gas-electric appliances),68350,20952360,1385020,155592750,:,:,p/st
  3352. 3351,27512830,"Electric cooking plates, boiling rings and hobs for domestic use",161710,7302110,1347271,107525400,:,:,p/st
  3353. 3352,27512833,Domestic electric hobs for building-in,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3354. 3353,27512835,"Domestic electric cooking plates, boiling rings and hobs (excluding hobs for building-in)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3355. 3354,27512850,Domestic electric grills and roasters,222974,5033960,1296862,21922030,0,0,p/st
  3356. 3355,27512870,Domestic electric ovens for building-in,49238,11972940,1261687,244425790,:,:,p/st
  3357. 3356,27512890,"Domestic electric ovens (excluding those for building-in, microwave ovens)",200965,8523150,5956986,98776610,0,0,p/st
  3358. 3357,27512900,Electric heating resistors (excluding of carbon),865400,55320010,3077200,58982570,774058,32269839,kg
  3359. 3358,27513010,Parts for vacuum cleaners,:,12745840,:,45984690,:,:,:
  3360. 3359,27513030,Parts for electro-mechanical domestic appliances with a self-contained electric motor (excluding parts for vacuum cleaners),:,6737670,:,14855530,:,:,:
  3361. 3360,27513050,Parts for shavers and hair clippers with a self-contained electric motor,:,2905970,:,9625400,:,0,:
  3362. 3361,27513070,Parts of appliances of HS 8516,:,14987130,:,120821330,:,21147068,:
  3363. 3362,27521113,"Iron or steel gas domestic cooking appliances and plate warmers, with an oven (including those with subsidiary boilers for central heating, separate ovens for both gas and other fuels)",93624,29464480,532969,71503460,395197,154756066,p/st
  3364. 3363,27521115,"Iron or steel gas domestic cooking appliances and plate warmers (including those with subsidiary boilers for central heating, for both gas and other fuels; excluding those with ovens)",537905,11028510,2015549,100418010,:,:,p/st
  3365. 3364,27521190,"Other domestic cooking appliances and plate warmers, of iron or steel or of copper, non-electric",:,8921630,:,51789160,:,:,p/st
  3366. 3365,27521233,"Iron or steel gas domestic appliances with an exhaust outlet, including heaters, grates, fires and braziers, for both gas and other fuels (excluding cooking appliances and plate warmers)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3367. 3366,27521234,"Iron or steel gas domestic appliances, including heaters, grates, fires and braziers, for both gas and other fuels radiators (excluding cooking appliances and plate warmers )",92159,7787420,387914,20889960,204793,67207729,p/st
  3368. 3367,27521235,"Iron or steel gas domestic appliances, including heaters, grates, fires and braziers, for both gas and other fuels radiators (excluding cooking appliances, plate warmers and appliances with an exhaust outlet)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3369. 3368,27521250,"Iron or steel liquid fuel domestic appliances, including heaters, grates, fires and braziers (excluding cooking appliances and plate warmers)",2461,308090,7402,838950,:,:,p/st
  3370. 3369,27521270,"Iron or steel solid fuel domestic appliances, including heaters, grates, fires and braziers (excluding cooking appliances and plate warmers)",54332,9106140,1301054,44890010,171411,52382310,p/st
  3371. 3370,27521300,"Air heaters or hot air distributors n.e.c., of iron or steel, non-electric",:,16909480,:,20158510,440360,140213535,p/st
  3372. 3371,27521400,Non-electric instantaneous or storage water heaters,:,22673640,:,48795230,248302,40373231,p/st
  3373. 3372,27522000,"Iron or steel parts of stoves, cookers, plate warmers and similar non-electric domestic appliances",:,17352240,:,46344820,:,19382436,:
  3374. 3373,27901150,"Machines with translation or dictionary functions, aerial amplifiers and other electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in HS 85 (excluding accumulator chargers, sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment)",:,798337190,:,889550090,:,375676138,:
  3375. 3374,27901230,Electrical insulators (excluding of glass or ceramics),706700,22530860,15636200,40743220,756573,13867248,kg
  3376. 3375,27901280,"Insulating fittings for electrical purposes, of materials other than ceramics or plastics; electrical conduit tubing and joints therefor, of base metal lined with insulating material",615700,13980190,763300,13658820,8147,2845997,kg
  3377. 3376,27901330,Carbon electrodes for furnaces,3269100,16527270,5415200,14900270,:,:,kg
  3378. 3377,27901350,Carbon electrodes (excluding for furnaces),5361800,35683200,20047000,13999490,:,24117399,kg
  3379. 3378,27901370,Carbon brushes,177900,5059750,159600,14058380,:,:,kg
  3380. 3379,27901390,Articles of graphite or other carbon for electrical purposes (excluding carbon electrodes and brushes),444100,14962500,141200,11588970,1300,16552409,kg
  3381. 3380,27902020,Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal display (LCD),583000,73319640,875300,94230180,:,27729933,kg
  3382. 3381,27902050,Indicator panels incorporating light emitting diodes (LED),506600,61405400,1228200,56987580,457776,42027217,kg
  3383. 3382,27902080,"Electrical apparatus for sound or visual signalling, n.e.c.",826800,60437680,1855000,66090870,963368,66385299,kg
  3384. 3383,27903109,Electric soldering irons and guns,:,4242130,:,3944230,:,:,p/st
  3385. 3384,27903118,Electric brazing or soldering machines and apparatus (excluding soldering irons and guns),:,12144660,:,9662740,6,276045,p/st
  3386. 3385,27903145,Electric machines and apparatus for resistance welding of metal,:,16344150,:,17728230,1607,16206782,p/st
  3387. 3386,27903154,Fully or partly automatic electric machines for arc welding of metals (including plasma arc),:,11136630,:,16534830,64599,15167623,p/st
  3388. 3387,27903163,Other for manual welding with coated electrodes,:,2957470,:,6408010,:,:,p/st
  3389. 3388,27903172,Other shielded arc welding,:,2426990,:,8570420,:,:,p/st
  3390. 3389,27903181,"Electrical machines and apparatus for welding or spraying of metals, n.e.c.",41712,2197180,9589,2721380,:,:,p/st
  3391. 3390,27903190,Machines and apparatus for resistance welding of plastics,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3392. 3391,27903191,Electrical machines and apparatus for welding thermoplastic materials (excluding wire bonders of a kind used for the manufacture of semiconductor devices),66183,24321360,374338,23300980,59678,12331892,p/st
  3393. 3392,27903199,"Machines and apparatus for welding (excluding for resistance welding of plastics, for arc and plasma arc welding, for treating metals)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3394. 3393,27903200,Parts of machines and apparatus of HS 8515,:,32136100,:,53185880,:,8483238,:
  3395. 3394,27903330,"Parts of electrical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations and airfields",:,20154390,:,26316700,:,6078684,:
  3396. 3395,27903350,Parts of apparatus of HS 8531,:,96403010,:,132554300,:,60321444,:
  3397. 3396,27903370,"Parts of electrical machines/apparatus with individual functions, n.e.c.",:,174390820,:,143672420,:,8227725,:
  3398. 3397,27903390,"Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, n.e.c.",:,430410500,:,33028210,:,86376858,:
  3399. 3398,27904010,Particle accelerators,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3400. 3399,27904030,Signal generators,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3401. 3400,27904050,"Electro-magnetic couplings, clutches and brakes (excluding mechanical hydraulic or pneumatic brakes controlled by electro-magnetic devices)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3402. 3401,27904060,"Electromagnets and electromagnetic lifting heads, and their parts (excluding magnets for medical use); electromagnetic or permanent magnet chucks, clamps and similar holding devices and their parts, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3403. 3402,27904070,"Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3404. 3403,27904130,"Rectifiers (excluding of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)",:,53157650,:,150458440,6376,7206817,p/st
  3405. 3404,27904133,Accumulator chargers,1678873,56106360,6714429,94245420,207984,13586640,p/st
  3406. 3405,27904140,"Power supply units for telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof",5388242,131940980,24090791,308652450,401282,64659450,p/st
  3407. 3406,27904153,"Inverters having a power handling capacity <= 7,5 kVA",:,154187290,:,93126900,2726295,263364778,p/st
  3408. 3407,27904155,"Inverters having a power handling capacity > 7,5 kVA",:,96704060,:,84849270,269346,110992734,p/st
  3409. 3408,27904170,"Static converters (excluding polycrystalline semiconductors, converters specially designed for welding, without welding equipment, accumulator chargers, rectifiers, inverters)",:,234578370,:,398391560,148730,60868970,p/st
  3410. 3409,27904190,"Parts of static converters, n.e.c. (excl. electronic assemblies of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)",:,82482610,:,96349790,:,4661959,:
  3411. 3410,27904200,Fuel cells,:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  3412. 3411,27904300,Surge suppressors for a voltage > 1 kV,:,:,:,:,45507,3565766,p/st
  3413. 3412,27904400,"Appliance cords, extension cords, and other electrical cord sets, for a voltage <= 1 kV, with insulated wire and connectors",13333300,410839710,39349600,596684140,7626715,190276843,kg
  3414. 3413,27904510,Particle accelerators,50000,5674750,102900,6694110,:,:,kg
  3415. 3414,27904530,Signal generators,178100,63381040,378600,28893650,26598,10004905,kg
  3416. 3415,27904550,"Electro-magnetic couplings, clutches and brakes (excluding mechanical hydraulic or pneumatic brakes controlled by electro-magnetic devices)",:,17736230,:,6948120,272601,17234535,p/st
  3417. 3416,27904560,"Electromagnets and electromagnetic lifting heads, and their parts (excluding magnets for medical use); electromagnetic or permanent magnet chucks, clamps and similar holding devices and their parts, n.e.c.",2426600,79444880,3691400,61393270,4572307,54459489,kg
  3418. 3417,27904570,"Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment",264004,1047530,806039,6076850,:,:,p/st
  3419. 3418,27905100,"Fixed capacitors for 50/60 Hz circuits having a reactive power handling capacity >= 0,5 kvar",:,12218450,:,13318380,3591837,8091984,p/st
  3420. 3419,27905220,"Fixed electrical capacitors, tantalum or aluminium electrolytic (excluding power capacitors)",:,22796670,:,80204700,0,0,p/st
  3421. 3420,27905240,Other fixed electrical capacitors n.e.c.,:,81480110,:,103975570,392683000,57635142,p/st
  3422. 3421,27905300,Variable capacitors (including pre-sets),:,896500,:,1966780,0,0,p/st
  3423. 3422,27906035,"Fixed electrical resistors for a power handling capacity <= 20 W (excluding heating resistors and fixed carbon resistors, composition or film types)",:,35781330,:,53823870,81187000,14979411,p/st
  3424. 3423,27906037,"Fixed electrical resistors for a power handling capacity > 20 W (excluding heating resistors and fixed carbon resistors, composition or film types)",:,31831110,:,14579460,:,:,p/st
  3425. 3424,27906055,Wirewound variable resistors for a power handling capacity <= 20 W,:,3437010,:,2502120,:,:,p/st
  3426. 3425,27906057,Wirewound variable resistors for a power handling capacity > 20 W,:,4234570,:,2212670,171303,2276797,p/st
  3427. 3426,27906080,"Fixed carbon resistors, composition or film types (excluding heating resistors); electrical variable resistors, including rheostats and potentiometers (excluding wirewound variable resistors and heating resistors)",:,93848810,:,93300660,:,25313972,p/st
  3428. 3427,27907010,"Electrical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways or tramways",:,26006520,:,7945030,:,32990749,:
  3429. 3428,27907030,"Electrical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields",639800,38409350,369000,17297780,16454366,222110943,kg
  3430. 3429,27908100,"Parts of fixed, variable or adjustable (pre-set) electrical capacitors",:,1503850,:,3981100,:,0,:
  3431. 3430,27908200,Parts of electrical resistors (including for rheostats and potentiometers) (excluding for heating resistors),:,2102060,:,3748130,:,537260,:
  3432. 3431,279900Z0,"Lightning arresters, voltage limiters and surge suppressors, for a voltage > 1.kV",:,11627400,:,14161420,:,:,p/st
  3433. 3432,279900Z1,"Parts suitable for use solely or principally with electric motors and generators, electric generating sets and rotary converters, n.e.c.",:,224799140,:,426927230,:,249483842,:
  3434. 3433,28111100,Outboard motors for marine propulsion,6280,3546240,9116,15786610,0,0,p/st
  3435. 3434,28111200,Spark ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines for marine propulsion (excluding outboard motors) and for other use (excluding aircraft engines and engines for vehicles of CN chapter 87),124931,16414570,106250,54926210,0,0,p/st
  3436. 3435,28111310,Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel engine) for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3437. 3436,28111311,Marine propulsion compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power <= 200 kW,10810,23812790,2108,5047880,:,24471010,p/st
  3438. 3437,28111315,Marine propulsion compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power > 200 kW but <= 1 000 kW,9005,36077450,58380,54978830,:,:,p/st
  3439. 3438,28111319,Marine propulsion compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power > 1 000 kW,1984,21248920,9629,24030880,:,:,p/st
  3440. 3439,28111320,Rail traction compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel),4625,1984670,339,31239290,:,:,p/st
  3441. 3440,28111331,Industrial use compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power <= 15 kW,7133,14288890,34656,16080910,:,:,p/st
  3442. 3441,28111333,Industrial use compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power > 15 kW but <= 30 kW,26358,45880160,3610,11343760,:,:,p/st
  3443. 3442,28111335,Industrial use compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power > 30 kW but <= 50 kW,20118,54141790,7514,22996230,:,:,p/st
  3444. 3443,28111337,Industrial use compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power > 50 kW but <= 100 kW,390051,223611470,198762,102281170,:,:,p/st
  3445. 3444,28111353,Industrial use compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power > 100 kW but <= 200 kW,57692,415593160,11499,43459660,:,:,p/st
  3446. 3445,28111355,Industrial use compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power > 200 kW but <= 300 kW,6311,69850580,48498,34856840,:,:,p/st
  3447. 3446,28111357,Industrial use compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power > 300 kW but <= 500 kW,837,18918980,7138,92402250,:,:,p/st
  3448. 3447,28111373,Industrial use compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power > 500 kW but <= 1 000 kW,2343,94736680,7267,69004650,:,:,p/st
  3449. 3448,28111375,Industrial use compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) of a power > 1 000 kW,952208,596992360,13888,150387790,:,:,p/st
  3450. 3449,28112130,Steam turbines and other vapour turbines (excluding for electricity generation),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3451. 3450,28112150,Steam turbines for electricity generation,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3452. 3451,28112160,Steam turbines and other vapour turbines,:,5890460,:,8257690,:,:,kW
  3453. 3452,28112200,Hydraulic turbines and water wheels,:,6491720,:,5926920,:,:,kW
  3454. 3453,28112300,Gas turbines (excluding turbojets and turboprops),:,1407356740,:,1188727890,936082,263137783,kW
  3455. 3454,28112400,"Generating sets, wind-powered",6452,3853210,3216,620650740,:,:,p/st
  3456. 3455,28113100,Parts for steam turbines and other vapour turbines,:,85184610,:,91078270,:,9614792,:
  3457. 3456,28113200,Parts for hydraulic turbines and water wheels (including regulators),:,4948050,:,4012130,:,:,:
  3458. 3457,28113300,Parts of gas turbines (excluding turbo-jets and turbo-propellers),:,1023455220,:,825920290,:,481191326,:
  3459. 3458,28114100,Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines (excluding for aircraft engines),:,464127170,:,2075161930,:,328129171,:
  3460. 3459,28114200,Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines,:,1011827280,:,1366962110,:,753186490,:
  3461. 3460,28121130,Hydraulic cylinders,:,34078300,:,55221760,662314,150076996,p/st
  3462. 3461,28121180,Pneumatic linear acting actuators (including cylinders),:,19857780,:,45608120,1051859,43102878,p/st
  3463. 3462,28121200,Rotating hydraulic and pneumatic motors,:,201084050,:,193042150,155964,112937593,p/st
  3464. 3463,28121320,Hydraulic pumps (piston),69209,75094530,191274,62289500,33823,25132604,p/st
  3465. 3464,28121350,Hydraulic pumps (gear),68032,16017240,170778,34232730,122219,13793103,p/st
  3466. 3465,28121380,Hydraulic pumps (vane),21963,3434280,88966,12261990,:,:,p/st
  3467. 3466,28121420,Pressure-reducing valves combined with filters or lubricators,662500,59484160,362900,35648110,651233,47238984,kg
  3468. 3467,28121450,Valves for the control of oleohydraulic power transmission,4499400,216954240,6004200,173714380,2143366,269411523,kg
  3469. 3468,28121480,Valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission,847400,90253640,2004400,77616120,2618903,132881244,kg
  3470. 3469,28121530,"Reciprocating positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps",:,25925730,:,43452770,452,8819738,p/st
  3471. 3470,28121580,"Rotary positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps",:,25173640,:,27332640,76,11087410,p/st
  3472. 3471,28121630,"Hydraulic systems, with cylinders as actuators",:,134465720,:,133373150,:,49805514,p/st
  3473. 3472,28121680,"Hydraulic systems, with actuators other than cylinders",:,60908840,:,19341200,139425,29051981,p/st
  3474. 3473,28122000,Parts of fluid power equipment,:,90916060,:,294323650,:,75434314,:
  3475. 3474,28131105,"Pumps fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages",1364886,100068790,438212,32682100,:,:,p/st
  3476. 3475,28131125,"Pumps fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, for dispensing liquids (excl.pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)",2202321,35964240,2014014,45698640,:,59947301,p/st
  3477. 3476,28131145,"Hand pumps for liquids, excluding pumps fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device",40124791,31016620,195474108,30208450,:,:,p/st
  3478. 3477,28131165,"Fuel, lubricating or cooling-medium pumps for internal combustion engines",5344830,205251190,15791013,659405310,:,:,p/st
  3479. 3478,28131185,Concrete pumps,13046,2308800,5507,5154010,76,669579,p/st
  3480. 3479,28131220,"Positive displacement reciprocating pumps, dosing and proportioning",2080596,20085020,115474,11419740,39223,35774008,p/st
  3481. 3480,28131250,In-line reciprocating piston pumps,492591,35462000,685093,14952770,:,:,p/st
  3482. 3481,28131280,"Positive displacement reciprocating pumps, diaphragm",190872,23651650,505095,30682280,674029,13974472,p/st
  3483. 3482,28131320,"Positive displacement pumps, rotary, gear",227201,56086970,50978,17296810,4466,18338714,p/st
  3484. 3483,28131340,"Positive displacement pumps, rotary, vane",64224,13763350,565256,11019990,323689,6086669,p/st
  3485. 3484,28131360,"Positive displacement pumps, rotary, screw",4685,2579390,364,427610,0,0,p/st
  3486. 3485,28131380,"Positive displacement pumps, rotary (including peristaltic, rotary lobe and helical rotor pumps) (excluding hydraulic units, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps)",68443,98606230,1287409,40234640,149173,88552135,p/st
  3487. 3486,28131413,"Submersible motor, single-stage rotodynamic drainage and sewage pumps",238601,95488300,500684,65324700,605494,37738260,p/st
  3488. 3487,28131415,"Submersible motor, multi-stage rotodynamic pumps",19727,8259460,92001,9916000,33,7653963,p/st
  3489. 3488,28131417,Glandless impeller pumps for heating systems and warm water supply,96835,14842230,770877,39905810,:,:,p/st
  3490. 3489,28131420,Rotodynamic pumps <= 15 mm discharge,344952,4888180,197708,5267850,:,:,p/st
  3491. 3490,28131430,"Centrifugal pumps with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm, channel impeller pumps, side channel pumps, peripheral pumps and regenerative pumps",8634,366100,456185,2088130,250908,38513922,p/st
  3492. 3491,28131451,"Centrifugal pumps with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm, single-stage with a single entry impeller, close coupled",4771,3042160,51274,10480250,10332,31174786,p/st
  3493. 3492,28131453,"Centrifugal pumps with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm, single stage with a single entry impeller, long coupled",62391,57939250,1724123,9464270,7138,56383816,p/st
  3494. 3493,28131455,"Centrifugal pumps with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm, single-stage with double entry impeller",1838,381220,104582,2581740,:,40725701,p/st
  3495. 3494,28131460,"Centrifugal pumps with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm, multi-stage (including self-priming)",30845,10625870,57595,11709290,:,97273775,p/st
  3496. 3495,28131471,Rotodynamic single-stage mixed flow or axial pumps,90030,92158590,130583,25665120,1653,12830369,p/st
  3497. 3496,28131475,Rotodynamic multi-stage mixed flow or axial pumps,43971,69382800,1307163,16226450,0,0,p/st
  3498. 3497,28131480,"Other liquid pumps, liquid elevators",656217,117230940,5577891,142325680,232400,7967650,p/st
  3499. 3498,28132170,"Rotary piston vacuum pumps, sliding vane rotary pumps, molecular drag pumps, Roots pumps, diffusion pumps, cryopumps and adsorption pumps",198282,27416850,112419,34012840,373988,:,p/st
  3500. 3499,28132190,Vacuum pumps of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of semiconductors or flat panel displays; liquid ring,581713,45662870,2404205,78806300,:,:,p/st
  3501. 3500,28132200,Hand or foot-operated air pumps,527276,5204430,3644351,15071650,:,:,p/st
  3502. 3501,28132300,Compressors for refrigeration equipment,439193,77117710,2133377,129860550,:,:,p/st
  3503. 3502,28132400,Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing,141941,7627740,228548,26823460,55,998095,p/st
  3504. 3503,28132530,"Turbo-compressors, single stage",940953,333099140,1775131,361784490,:,:,p/st
  3505. 3504,28132550,"Turbo-compressors, multistage",15166,11680070,840453,99815120,0,0,p/st
  3506. 3505,28132630,"Reciprocating displacement compressors having a gauge pressure capacity <= 15 bar, giving a flow <= 60 m³/hour",208374,16265890,913009,27629880,:,2050943,p/st
  3507. 3506,28132650,"Reciprocating displacement compressors having a gauge pressure capacity <= 15 bar, giving a flow per hour > 60 m³",1765,604370,108757,17419630,0,0,p/st
  3508. 3507,28132670,"Reciprocating displacement compressors having a gauge pressure capacity > 15 bar, giving a flow per hour <= 120 m³",4917,4250450,17839,2331000,2716,31559196,p/st
  3509. 3508,28132690,"Reciprocating displacement compressors having a gauge pressure capacity > 15 bar, giving a flow per hour > 120 m³",1052,9212170,99189,19627100,:,:,p/st
  3510. 3509,28132730,"Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft",10148,12148940,125295,8237290,:,:,p/st
  3511. 3510,28132753,Multi-shaft screw compressors,41436,46495110,146106,114736950,85,:,p/st
  3512. 3511,28132755,Multi-shaft compressors (excluding screw compressors),1366,894500,2862,5668280,:,:,p/st
  3513. 3512,28132800,"Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps and compressors)",112982,64323580,4925247,156180460,21822,22490789,p/st
  3514. 3513,28133100,Parts of pumps for liquids and for liquid elevators,:,489697400,:,424768830,:,278024798,:
  3515. 3514,28133200,"Parts of air and vacuum pumps, of air and gas compressors, of fans, and of hoods",:,320579840,:,283427050,:,281657864,:
  3516. 3515,28141120,"Pressure-reducing valves of cast iron or steel, for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like (excluding those combined with lubricators or filters)",2726900,157448510,2538400,34712020,5907980,66748035,kg
  3517. 3516,28141140,"Pressure-reducing valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like (excluding of cast iron or steel, those combined with filters or lubricators)",869700,43476340,1982600,50435240,2497589,25883172,kg
  3518. 3517,28141160,"Check valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like",4586300,121261030,4774600,76208140,2221123,82005772,kg
  3519. 3518,28141170,Valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes,90200,3818340,4323200,54266580,0,0,kg
  3520. 3519,28141180,"Safety or relief valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like",2629800,168104090,2941800,94056580,4887657,99506086,kg
  3521. 3520,28141233,"Mixing valves for sinks, wash basins, bidets, water cisterns etc. excluding valves for pressure-reducing or oleohydraulic/pneumatic power transmissions, check valves, safety/relief valves",2923400,74873720,16702300,257938320,788693,112253185,kg
  3522. 3521,28141235,"Taps, cocks and valves for sinks, wash basins, bidets, water cisterns etc. excluding valves for pressure-reducing/oleohydraulic transmissions, check, safety, relief and mixing valves",2065800,29716550,10737400,130037440,3554796,137662975,kg
  3523. 3522,28141253,Central heating radiator thermostatic valves,641200,16570640,2035300,31698010,:,:,kg
  3524. 3523,28141255,Central heating radiator valves (excl. thermostatic valves),227900,7785290,2859200,41074260,:,:,kg
  3525. 3524,28141313,Temperature regulators (excl. thermostatic valves for central heating radiators),115300,16574100,581200,18906260,51811,2890483,kg
  3526. 3525,28141315,"Process control valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks etc. excluding valves for pressure-reducing or oleohydraulic/pneumatic power transmissions, check, safety/relief valves, temp. regulators",1851300,158191430,3595700,130262380,39556231,189563918,kg
  3527. 3526,28141333,"Other gate valves, of cast iron",898100,6821040,1596900,7345860,4205463,7825065,kg
  3528. 3527,28141335,"Other gate valves, of steel",2586600,80899710,1656300,23817600,3403573,53451128,kg
  3529. 3528,28141337,"Other gate valves, other",2006700,40293980,939300,13989260,:,:,kg
  3530. 3529,28141353,"Globe valves, of cast iron",72200,891640,883200,4307570,:,:,kg
  3531. 3530,28141355,"Globe valves, of steel",722800,39987970,917500,21800930,387419,24437930,kg
  3532. 3531,28141357,Other globe valves,952800,30160240,1445900,32019270,156093,13880936,kg
  3533. 3532,28141373,Ball and plug valves,4788700,128109020,6193200,93869760,1883479,57656815,kg
  3534. 3533,28141375,Butterfly valves,947800,58801170,2613600,35670390,429803,32302919,kg
  3535. 3534,28141377,Diaphragm valves,2342300,37557050,399400,11553380,805683,40359542,kg
  3536. 3535,28141380,Other appliances,10583400,502925450,22971100,557821310,3720072,149107418,kg
  3537. 3536,28142000,"Parts for taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like (including for pressure reducing-valves and thermostatically controlled valves)",:,526089400,:,484778210,:,895974540,:
  3538. 3537,28151030,Ball bearings,10173400,229130940,9123600,155786450,10693994,105909863,kg
  3539. 3538,28151053,Tapered roller bearings (including cone and tapered roller assemblies),1162200,21720980,4375600,57309080,:,:,kg
  3540. 3539,28151055,Spherical roller bearings,4602800,103780340,1034400,24991070,:,:,kg
  3541. 3540,28151057,"Cylindrical roller bearings (excluding roller bearings, needle roller bearings)",678700,34942210,1159000,38672160,513972,44007437,kg
  3542. 3541,28151070,Needle roller bearings,192900,7015520,1019400,17996040,:,4103026,kg
  3543. 3542,28151090,"Roller bearings (including combined ball/roller bearings) (excluding tapered roller bearings, spherical roller bearings, needle roller bearings)",483700,11946240,1853200,27641260,:,3890860,kg
  3544. 3543,28152130,Iron or steel roller chain of a kind used for cycles and motor cycles,234200,3088080,1157800,13216650,0,0,kg
  3545. 3544,28152150,Iron or steel roller chain (excluding of a kind used for cycles or motor-cycles),3037000,29859690,4631500,40930830,272052,4543329,kg
  3546. 3545,28152170,Iron or steel articulated link chain (excluding roller chain),2944500,17937170,4337300,15182560,418907,9886274,kg
  3547. 3546,28152230,Cranks and crankshafts,35099200,106543700,58771000,201818460,333734,6151688,kg
  3548. 3547,28152250,Cardan shafts,831300,60206410,987800,23868270,:,30282775,kg
  3549. 3548,28152270,Other shafts,6362200,114150200,10386600,158957850,2028,152851,kg
  3550. 3549,28152330,Bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings,5314200,43767860,1920300,30436380,:,:,kg
  3551. 3550,28152350,"Bearing housings not incorporating ball or roller bearings, plain shaft bearings",4244900,185823650,11102100,143823110,964278,139758404,kg
  3552. 3551,28152432,"Gear boxes for stationary equipment, spur and helical gear boxes",352900,15977670,4377500,49319390,1618304,93948692,kg
  3553. 3552,28152433,"Gear boxes ..., bevel and bevel/spur and helical gear boxes",91600,3860550,269700,6455730,7171,404941,kg
  3554. 3553,28152434,"Gear boxes ..., worm gear boxes",10300,502440,156200,4947110,:,2193528,kg
  3555. 3554,28152440,Other gear boxes,2659000,23612850,3286200,43762170,861636,13612876,kg
  3556. 3555,28152450,Gearboxes and other speed changers for machinery and land/sea vehicles excluding gears and gearing,2469200,79991250,6987100,127259260,1907038,46424538,kg
  3557. 3556,28152473,Ball or roller screws,31300,2875360,118100,4854890,:,274904,kg
  3558. 3557,28152475,"Other transmission elements (excluding gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gearboxes and other speed changers)",1828900,31731640,8687800,91092030,:,:,kg
  3559. 3558,28152500,Flywheels and pulleys (including pulley blocks),3404400,52061320,38649100,245160520,:,53564055,kg
  3560. 3559,28152600,Clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints),1917000,92534880,2755300,54323450,1720105,75657887,kg
  3561. 3560,28153130,"Balls, needles and rollers for ball or roller bearings",6210800,40902600,4134200,32431270,:,:,kg
  3562. 3561,28153150,"Parts of ball or roller bearings (excluding balls, needles and rollers)",:,23531600,:,83792930,:,:,:
  3563. 3562,28153200,Iron or steel parts of articulated link chain,:,3587380,:,6026210,:,:,:
  3564. 3563,28153930,Parts of bearing housings,:,17153330,:,6717760,:,0,:
  3565. 3564,28153950,"Parts of transmission, cam and crankshafts, cranks, plain shaft bearings, gears, ball/roller screws, gearboxes, torque converters, flywheels, pulleys, clutches, shaft couplings, universal joints",:,78445490,:,227450550,:,70330911,:
  3566. 3565,28211130,Furnace burners for liquid fuel,12481,8070290,94583,12643120,:,1765773,p/st
  3567. 3566,28211150,Furnace burners for solid fuel or gas (including combination burners),:,9334780,:,7968860,4132,23634891,p/st
  3568. 3567,28211170,"Mechanical stokers (including their mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances)",:,208010,:,9650270,0,0,p/st
  3569. 3568,28211230,"Non-electric furnaces and ovens for the roasting, melting or other heat-treatment of ores, pyrites or of metals",:,7091730,:,5689860,72,22811320,p/st
  3570. 3569,28211270,"Industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, non-electric, including incinerators (excluding those for the roasting, melting or other heat treatment of ores, pyrites or metals, bakery ovens, drying ovens and ovens for cracking operations)",2357200,20972660,811400,5091350,983079,36944346,kg
  3571. 3570,28211330,Electric bakery and biscuit ovens,28586,902900,30990,5902860,0,0,p/st
  3572. 3571,28211351,Resistance heated industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens (excluding bakery and biscuit ovens),466200,14678060,416800,9121340,:,27882784,kg
  3573. 3572,28211353,Electrical induction industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens,473000,11111700,192000,2557970,:,22075581,kg
  3574. 3573,28211354,"Electric furnaces and ovens (excluding induction- and resistance-heated); equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction, other than ovens and furnaces.",2139500,53711010,2730100,28969360,300641,16188532,kg
  3575. 3574,28211355,"Electrical industrial/laboratory furnaces/ovens, induction/dielectric heating equipt. including dielectric furnaces/ovens excluding infra-red radiation ovens, resistance heated furnaces/ovens",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3576. 3575,28211357,Electric infra-red radiation ovens,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3577. 3576,28211430,"Parts for furnace burners for liquid fuel, for pulverised solid fuel or for gas, for mechanical stokers, mechanical grates, mechanical ash discharges and similar appliances",:,32501570,:,22732380,:,7283242,:
  3578. 3577,28211450,Parts for non-electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens,:,39052300,:,22231660,:,14196904,:
  3579. 3578,28211470,"Parts for industrial or laboratory electric, induction or dielectric furnaces and ovens or heating equipment",:,26380290,:,18095580,:,38204798,:
  3580. 3579,28221130,Pulley tackle and hoists powered by an electric motor (excluding of the kind used for raising vehicles),24953,21270290,75133,22085240,6182,10683610,p/st
  3581. 3580,28221170,"Pulley tackle and hoists, non-powered by electric motor (other than skip hoists or hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles)",33658,13892300,278807,10161070,1475,9396922,p/st
  3582. 3581,28221200,Winches and capstans (excluding those for raising vehicles),156278,66443580,464977,37449900,139152,31661857,p/st
  3583. 3582,28221250,Winches and capstans powered by an electric motor or internal combustion piston engines (excluding those for raising vehicles),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3584. 3583,28221260,Winches and capstans (excluding those for raising vehicles),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3585. 3584,28221270,Winches and capstans (excluding those for raising vehicles and those powered by an electric motor or an internal combustion piston engine),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3586. 3585,28221330,Built-in jacking systems of a type used in garages for raising vehicles,35327,929320,60551,27559450,1704,1277562,p/st
  3587. 3586,28221350,Hydraulic jacks and hoists for raising vehicles (excluding those for use in garages),70247,22135650,657221,39049470,21272,25877468,p/st
  3588. 3587,28221370,"Jacks and hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles (excluding built-in jacking systems of a kind used in garages, hydraulic jacks and hoists)",61532,10485780,1280308,27273630,18996,18812096,p/st
  3589. 3588,28221420,Overhead travelling cranes on fixed support,:,14432010,:,16094170,1139,82601207,p/st
  3590. 3589,28221433,Mobile lifting frames on tyres and straddle carriers,:,3106790,:,11946340,0,0,p/st
  3591. 3590,28221435,"Transporter cranes, gantry cranes and bridge cranes",:,7508640,:,15382910,:,:,p/st
  3592. 3591,28221440,Tower cranes and portal or pedestal jib cranes,:,19409990,:,66748270,1054,55676594,p/st
  3593. 3592,28221450,"Self-propelled lifting equipment, of a kind mounted to run on rails in servicing building sites, quarries and the like",:,58850280,:,44148410,:,1457789,p/st
  3594. 3593,28221460,Lifting equipment designed for mounting on road vehicles,:,3964860,:,110057170,11470,51141250,p/st
  3595. 3594,28221470,"Lifting equipment (excluding overhead travelling cranes, tower, transporter, gantry, portal, bridge or pedestal jib cranes, mobile lifting frames or straddle carriers, self-propelled machinery)",:,12839750,:,6864290,6020,22384706,p/st
  3596. 3595,28221513,"Self-propelled works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment, powered by an electric motor, with a lifting height >= 1 m",22356,172749340,73687,306463270,875,28986962,p/st
  3597. 3596,28221515,"Self-propelled works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment, powered by an electric motor, with a lifting height < 1 m",4305,9910410,44937,121149350,:,:,p/st
  3598. 3597,28221530,"Self-propelled works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment, non-powered by an electric motor",58540,720084910,19418,329071740,22434,397361607,p/st
  3599. 3598,28221550,Works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment (excluding self-propelled trucks),12923,18789850,82102,17168480,:,:,p/st
  3600. 3599,28221570,"Works trucks, self-propelled, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports for short distance transport of goods; tractors of the type used on railway station platforms",14080,15081610,613843,14072570,:,:,p/st
  3601. 3600,28221630,Electrically operated lifts and skip hoists,:,28037230,:,157927080,9536,58022973,p/st
  3602. 3601,28221650,Lifts and skip hoists (excluding electrically operated),:,96985650,:,58832790,1708,:,p/st
  3603. 3602,28221670,Escalators and moving walkways,:,1707630,:,10191890,0,0,p/st
  3604. 3603,28221710,Pneumatic elevators and conveyors specially designed for agricultural use,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3605. 3604,28221733,Pneumatic elevators and conveyors for bulk materials (excluding those specially designed for agricultural use),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3606. 3605,28221735,"Pneumatic elevators and conveyors (excluding for agricultural use, for bulk materials)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3607. 3606,28221740,Pneumatic elevators and conveyors,:,32885950,:,23553920,1957,53916525,p/st
  3608. 3607,28221750,Bucket type continuous-action elevators and conveyors for goods or materials,:,9849730,:,3658890,363,4992757,p/st
  3609. 3608,28221770,Belt type continuous-action elevators and conveyors for goods or materials,:,82880900,:,32871430,12068,176244197,p/st
  3610. 3609,28221793,"Roller conveyors for goods or materials (excluding pneumatic elevators and conveyors, those specially designed for use underground, bucket type, belt type)",:,57410960,:,25836700,:,97642214,p/st
  3611. 3610,28221795,"Continuous-action elevators or conveyors for goods or materials (excluding pneumatic elevators or conveyors, those designed for use underground, bucket type, belt type, roller conveyors)",:,42888960,:,53686720,9932,75046483,p/st
  3612. 3611,28221820,"Teleferics, chair-lifts, ski-draglines and traction mechanisms for funiculars",:,15023230,:,1241200,0,0,p/st
  3613. 3612,28221830,"Rolling-mill machinery; roller tables for feeding and removing products; tilters and manipulators for ingots, balls, bars and slabs",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3614. 3613,28221840,"Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.",:,234026840,:,327181200,319740,538213923,p/st
  3615. 3614,28221850,Loading machinery specially designed for agricultural use,:,9084820,:,37112290,:,:,p/st
  3616. 3615,28221890,"Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3617. 3616,28221930,"Parts of machinery of HS 8425, 8427 and 8428 (excluding lift, skip hoists or escalators)",:,248500430,:,412211870,:,197577196,:
  3618. 3617,28221950,"Parts of lifts, skip hoists or escalators",:,154018300,:,242599410,:,48251908,:
  3619. 3618,28221970,"Parts of self-propelled works trucks, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports for short distance transport of goods, incl. tractors for railways station platforms, n.e.s.",:,40037250,:,22871760,:,0,:
  3620. 3619,28222000,"Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips for cranes, excavators and the like",8082900,31386580,19750800,60242180,23322544,98904947,kg
  3621. 3620,28231000,Accounting machines and similar machines incorporating a calculating device,1271629,62089590,7214475,191401450,294048,71248018,p/st
  3622. 3621,28231100,Typewriters and word-processing machines,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3623. 3622,28231200,"Electronic calculators and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3624. 3623,28231300,"Accounting machines, cash registers, postage-franking machines, ticket-issuing machines and similar machines, incorporating a calculating device",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3625. 3624,28232100,Photo-copying apparatus incorporating an optical system or of the contact type and thermo-copying apparatus,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3626. 3625,28232110,Office machines,:,84329690,:,125680320,2755,23581279,p/st
  3627. 3626,28232200,"Sheet fed office type offset printing machinery, for sheet size <= 22 x 36 cm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3628. 3627,28232210,Parts and accessories of office machines,:,975431280,:,1583707900,:,740353839,:
  3629. 3628,28232300,Other office machines,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3630. 3629,28232400,Parts and accessories of typewriters and calculating machines,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3631. 3630,28232500,Parts and accessories of the machines of HS 8472,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3632. 3631,28232600,Parts and accessories of printers of HS 8443 3,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3633. 3632,28241113,Electromechanical hand drills operated without an external source of power,456267,37807520,2289319,176207790,:,:,p/st
  3634. 3633,28241115,Electropneumatic drills of all kinds for working in the hand,21631,3267410,290271,25473900,0,0,p/st
  3635. 3634,28241117,"Electromechanical hand drills of all kinds (excluding those operated without an external source of power, electropneumatic)",268767,7128860,1133227,50915260,:,:,p/st
  3636. 3635,28241120,"Electromechanical hand tools operated without an external source of power (excluding drills, saws )",135234,11446470,1506368,97080740,:,:,p/st
  3637. 3636,28241123,Electromechanical chainsaws,8958,725240,169909,10453680,:,:,p/st
  3638. 3637,28241125,Electromechanical circular saws,283629,29001790,544926,29671400,:,:,p/st
  3639. 3638,28241127,"Electromechanical handsaws (excluding chainsaws, circular saws)",218845,20101680,1425655,44462430,:,:,p/st
  3640. 3639,28241133,"Electro-mechanical hand tools used for working textile materials (excluding drills, saws)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3641. 3640,28241135,"Electro-mechanical hand tools operated without an external source of power (excluding drills, saws, those used for working textile materials)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3642. 3641,28241150,"Grinders, sanders and planers, for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor, operating with an external source of power",384950,21737720,2106830,60540670,:,:,p/st
  3643. 3642,28241180,Electromechanical hedge trimmers and lawn edge cutters,93153,3869970,2046356,61523380,:,:,p/st
  3644. 3643,28241185,"Electromechanical hand tools, with self-contained electric motor operating with an external source of power (excluding saws, drills, grinders, sanders, planers, hedge trimmers and lawn edge cutters)",74469,3762910,1505624,68958050,15247,751708,p/st
  3645. 3644,28241190,Other electric tools,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3646. 3645,28241240,"Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic, including combined rotary-percussion",:,31146830,:,46351180,81536,5295037,p/st
  3647. 3646,28241260,Chainsaws with a self-contained non-electric motor,156373,1143700,379296,25653850,0,0,p/st
  3648. 3647,28241280,"Handtools, hydraulic or with a self-contained non-electric motor (excluding chainsaws)",:,32883160,:,95407460,24653,16387010,p/st
  3649. 3648,28242100,Parts for chainsaws and other hand tools with a self-contained motor (excluding for pneumatic tools),:,30160160,:,68709890,:,837259,:
  3650. 3649,28242250,Parts for pneumatic hand tools,:,9083870,:,11287240,:,2137634,:
  3651. 3650,28251130,Heat exchange units,:,215319570,:,209086010,1006950,269540420,p/st
  3652. 3651,28251150,Machinery for liquefying air or other gases,:,38682130,:,8809280,30,27844001,p/st
  3653. 3652,28251220,"Window or wall air conditioning systems, self-contained or split-systems",:,34076380,:,66953540,:,:,p/st
  3654. 3653,28251240,Air conditioning machines of a kind used in motor vehicles,:,27518390,:,51391850,635386,76036593,p/st
  3655. 3654,28251250,"Air conditioning machines with refrigeration unit (excluding those used in motor vehicles, self-contained or split-systems machines)",:,183247260,:,195857990,26741,71396306,p/st
  3656. 3655,28251270,"Air conditioning machines not containing a refrigeration unit; central station air handling units; vav boxes and terminals, constant volume units and fan coil units",:,88825210,:,141648520,28893,104790856,p/st
  3657. 3656,28251333,Refrigerated show-cases and counters incorporating a refrigerating unit or evaporator for frozen food storage,8170,10337530,48477,49628710,5711,28485063,p/st
  3658. 3657,28251335,Refrigerated show-cases and counters incorporating a refrigerating unit or evaporator (excluding for frozen food storage),244210,28369830,509652,132652260,25591,102256265,p/st
  3659. 3658,28251340,"Deep-freezing refrigerating furniture (excluding chest freezers of a capacity <= 800 litres, upright freezers of a capacity <= 900 litres)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3660. 3659,28251350,"Refrigerating furniture (excluding for deep-freezing, show-cases and counters incorporating a refrigerating unit or evaporator)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3661. 3660,28251360,"Refrigerating furniture with a refrigerating unit or evaporator (excluding combined refrigerator-freezers, with separate external doors, household refrigerators, refrigerated show-cases and counters)",29566,16392030,313811,40405860,39541,65234353,p/st
  3662. 3661,28251380,Heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of HS 8415,:,7328380,:,89721640,8196,25185075,p/st
  3663. 3662,28251390,Other refrigerating or freezing equipment,:,69103750,:,130313550,146828,164249946,p/st
  3664. 3663,28251410,Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excluding intake filters for internal combustion engines),:,284716950,:,115873810,15120617,401983643,p/st
  3665. 3664,28251420,"Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases by a liquid process (excluding intake air filters for internal combustion engines, machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3666. 3665,28251430,"Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excluding those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)",:,205138840,:,143327910,:,:,p/st
  3667. 3666,28251440,"Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases by catalytic process (excluding intake air filters for internal combustion engines, machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air)",:,566807310,:,219245280,:,:,p/st
  3668. 3667,28251450,"Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases with stainless steel housing, and with inlet and outlet tube bores with inside diameters not exceeding 1,3 cm (excluding intake filters for internal combustion engines)",:,78949700,:,92362680,0,0,p/st
  3669. 3668,28251470,"Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases including for filtering dust from gases (excluding air filters for internal combustion engines, using liquid or catalytic process)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3670. 3669,28252010,"Fans of a kind used solely or principally for cooling microprocessors, telecommunication apparatus, automatic data processing machines or units of automatic data processing machines",482554,9496390,998726,26661040,0,0,p/st
  3671. 3670,28252030,"Axial fans (excluding table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)",727624,34708650,5303044,90856290,254160,91580640,p/st
  3672. 3671,28252050,"Centrifugal fans (excluding table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)",509396,27789020,865837,50558880,267545,166989859,p/st
  3673. 3672,28252070,"Fans (excluding table, floor, wall, ceiling or roof fans with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W, axial fans, centrifugal fans)",823862,28223330,4487502,137500990,13408,4048274,p/st
  3674. 3673,28253010,"Parts for air conditioning machines (including condensers, absorbers, evaporators and generators)",:,140795410,:,386914770,:,66961342,:
  3675. 3674,28253030,"Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment (including evaporators, complete refrigerating units)",:,3594820,:,9871680,2092,12334174,p/st
  3676. 3675,28253050,Parts for non-domestic refrigerating equipment (including evaporators and condensers),:,10572830,:,33572260,12465000,62287976,p/st
  3677. 3676,28253070,"Parts of refrigerating or freezing equipment and heat pumps, n.e.s.",:,34800160,:,121484300,:,12310219,:
  3678. 3677,28253080,"Parts of machinery, plant and laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated, for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature, and of non-electric instantaneous and storage water heaters, n.e.c.",:,120685610,:,159573000,:,33493789,:
  3679. 3678,28291100,Producer gas or water gas generators; acetylene gas generators and the like; distilling or rectifying plant,:,68208940,:,22978890,:,:,p/st
  3680. 3679,28291230,Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water,:,234558570,:,146951540,4944175,401111022,p/st
  3681. 3680,28291250,Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying beverages (excluding water),:,15433390,:,10297630,:,:,p/st
  3682. 3681,28291270,"Machinery and apparatus for solid-liquid separation/ purification excluding for water and beverages, centrifuges and centrifugal dryers, oil/petrol filters for internal combustion engines",:,424680110,:,142968960,3918138,261651477,p/st
  3683. 3682,28291330,Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines,:,164634790,:,269368590,15661572,46031004,p/st
  3684. 3683,28291350,Intake air filters for internal combustion engines,:,112558840,:,99020600,:,53865194,p/st
  3685. 3684,28292120,Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers,:,12054440,:,9215760,665,19640230,p/st
  3686. 3685,28292150,"Machinery for filling, closing, sealing, capsuling or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers, machinery for aerating beverages",:,127459990,:,147509610,7427,183205767,p/st
  3687. 3686,28292180,"Machinery for packing or wrapping (excluding for filling, closing, sealing, capsuling or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers)",:,99100050,:,148393390,3017,154968232,p/st
  3688. 3687,28292210,Fire extinguishers,:,44775850,:,52008430,1699000,62743107,p/st
  3689. 3688,28292220,Spray guns and similar appliances,:,79158250,:,49785030,587690,83242269,p/st
  3690. 3689,28292230,"Steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet-projecting machines (excluding fire extinguishers, spray guns and similar appliances)",:,53206110,:,126974640,8927,25454276,p/st
  3691. 3690,28292240,"Other mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying",:,70753400,:,85272320,46746,25025380,p/st
  3692. 3691,28292300,Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal; mechanical seals,25611800,303718690,5083800,194248350,5118765,277911871,kg
  3693. 3692,28293130,Continuous and discontinuous totalisers,30857,1087180,24370,3539370,0,0,p/st
  3694. 3693,28293180,Automatic gravimetric filling machines,15502,30575640,72432,18093010,:,10266,p/st
  3695. 3694,28293200,"Personal weighing machines, including baby scales; household scales",1049532,15987830,6588779,39185910,:,:,p/st
  3696. 3695,28293910,"Automatic catchweighing machines and checkweighers, of a maximum weighing capacity <= 5 000 kg",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3697. 3696,28293930,"Weigh/price labelling machines, weighbridges and other weighing machinery (excluding shop-scales, personal and household scales, scales for continuous weighing of goods on conveyors, constant weight scales and balances of a sensitivity <= 5 cg)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3698. 3697,28293940,Other weighing machinery,305613,40265410,1029042,21185560,352150,143037859,p/st
  3699. 3698,28293950,"Non-automatic retail weighing machines, maximum weighing capacity <= 30 kg",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3700. 3699,28293960,Levels,:,3281680,:,18842380,:,:,p/st
  3701. 3700,28293975,Measuring rods and tapes and divided scales,:,12382310,:,17523250,5794693,:,p/st
  3702. 3701,28293979,"Hand-held instruments for measuring length, n.e.s.",:,5134470,:,7038780,:,:,:
  3703. 3702,28294100,"Centrifuges (excluding cream separators, clothes dryers, those used in laboratories)",:,29540570,:,15306860,:,:,p/st
  3704. 3703,28294200,"Calendering or other rolling machines, excluding metal or glass",:,5187290,:,7072970,0,0,p/st
  3705. 3704,28294330,Automatic goods-vending machines incorporating heating or refrigerating devices,50181,17163020,46788,29332570,17563,42440143,p/st
  3706. 3705,28294350,Automatic goods-vending machines (including money-changing machines) (excluding those incorporating heating or refrigerating devices),63348,11124130,105140,10154210,5094,16556971,p/st
  3707. 3706,28295000,Non-domestic dish-washing machines,37339,11482290,34483,63239000,12042,21100300,p/st
  3708. 3707,28296030,Cooling towers and similar plant for direct cooling by means of recirculated water,:,15158960,:,7869410,:,:,p/st
  3709. 3708,28296050,Vacuum-vapour plant for the deposition of metal,:,16144890,:,3441230,:,:,p/st
  3710. 3709,28296090,"Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated, for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature, n.e.c.",:,70305900,:,81546090,56730,77452177,p/st
  3711. 3710,28297020,"Hand-held blow pipes for soldering, brazing or welding (excluding electric, laser, other light or photon beam, ultrasonic, electron beam, magnetic pulse or plasma arc)",:,2978820,:,7507160,0,0,p/st
  3712. 3711,28297090,"Machinery and apparatus for soldering, brazing, welding or surface tempering (excluding hand-held blow pipes and electric machines and apparatus)",:,27384770,:,5517160,2513,20774065,p/st
  3713. 3712,28298100,"Parts for producer gas or water generators, acetylene gas generators and similar water process gas generators",:,7045640,:,3990140,:,0,:
  3714. 3713,28298220,Parts for centrifuges and centrifugal dryers,:,33903050,:,23846060,:,10213649,:
  3715. 3714,28298250,"Parts for filtering and purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases (excluding for centrifuges and centrifugal dryers)",:,361130560,:,310953680,:,221706001,:
  3716. 3715,28298313,Cylinders for calendering or other rolling machines (excluding those for calendering or rolling machines for metals or glass),:,2218850,:,2839510,428,2942955,p/st
  3717. 3716,28298315,"Parts for calendering or other rolling machines (excluding cylinders, those for calendering or rolling machines for metals or glass)",:,3079740,:,6796120,:,0,:
  3718. 3717,28298320,"Weighing machine weights of all kinds, parts of weighing machinery (excluding for balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better)",:,42624480,:,39523680,:,28928787,:
  3719. 3718,28298340,"Parts for mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids/powders; fire-extinguishers, spray guns and similar appliances and steam/sand-blasting machines",:,183865880,:,135305750,:,78570043,:
  3720. 3719,28298350,Parts for automatic-goods vending machines (including for money-changing machines),:,19163030,:,37480430,:,88381033,:
  3721. 3720,28298400,"Non-automatic lubricating pots, greasing nipples, oil seal rings, hand wheels, levers, hand grips, safety guards and baseplates for machinery",:,142253290,:,95845280,:,44096410,:
  3722. 3721,28298510,Parts of dish-washing machines,:,6044850,:,17460610,:,4147513,:
  3723. 3722,28298520,Parts of packing and wrapping machines,:,102806310,:,182062670,:,69928251,:
  3724. 3723,28298600,Parts of machinery and apparatus of HS 8468,:,4940810,:,8329470,:,4422417,:
  3725. 3724,28301000,Pedestrian-controlled tractors,44866,35443450,7233,659760,0,0,p/st
  3726. 3725,28302100,"New agricultural and forestry tractors, wheeled, of an engine power <= 37 kW",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3727. 3726,28302110,"Tractors of an engine power <= 37 kW, excluding pedestrian-controlled tractors, road tractors for semi-trailers, track-laying tractors",4069,61113200,12084,59215410,0,0,p/st
  3728. 3727,28302200,"New agricultural and forestry tractors, wheeled, of an engine power > 37 kW but <= 59 kW (excluding pedestrian-controlled tractors)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3729. 3728,28302210,"Tractors of an engine power > 37 kW but <= 59 kW, excluding pedestrian-controlled tractors, road tractors for semi-trailers, track-laying tractors",:,:,:,:,0,0,p/st
  3730. 3729,28302300,"Tractors of an engine power > 59 kW, excluding pedestrian-controlled tractors, road tractors for semi-trailers, track-laying tractors",:,:,:,:,0,0,p/st
  3731. 3730,28302330,"New agricultural and forestry tractors, wheeled, of an engine power > 59 kW but <= 75 kW (excluding pedestrian-controlled tractors)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3732. 3731,28302350,"New agricultural and forestry tractors, wheeled, of an engine power > 75 kW but <= 90 kW (excluding pedestrian-controlled tractors)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3733. 3732,28302370,"New agricultural and forestry tractors, wheeled, of an engine power > 90 kW (excluding pedestrian-controlled tractors)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3734. 3733,28302390,"New tractors excluding agricultural/forestry tractors, wheeled, pedestrian-controlled tractors - road tractors for semi-trailers, track-laying tractors - tractors used on railway platforms",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3735. 3734,28303130,Mouldboard ploughs,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3736. 3735,28303140,Ploughs,2901,2797370,24584,14252910,28,:,p/st
  3737. 3736,28303150,Ploughs (excluding mouldboard ploughs),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3738. 3737,28303210,Scarifiers and cultivators,19764,12456420,66927,11719940,2984,18631868,p/st
  3739. 3738,28303220,Disc harrows,2176,6313000,1716,5647200,4,:,p/st
  3740. 3739,28303230,Harrows (excluding disc harrows),4300,3146410,11606,15474190,:,5380588,p/st
  3741. 3740,28303250,Rotovators,207,473230,21998,2600540,0,0,p/st
  3742. 3741,28303270,Weeders and hoes,13096,1823730,57479,6515880,582,2009878,p/st
  3743. 3742,28303300,"Seeders, planters and transplanters",76849,11230680,108271,23645370,364,13543295,p/st
  3744. 3743,28303333,Central driven precision spacing seeders for agricultural or horticultural use,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3745. 3744,28303335,Seeders for agricultural or horticultural use (excluding central driven precision spacing seeders),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3746. 3745,28303350,Planters and transplanters,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3747. 3746,28303430,Distributors for mineral or chemical fertiliser for soil preparation,38750,2782480,97077,11325140,185,1818244,p/st
  3748. 3747,28303450,Manure spreaders and fertiliser distributors (excluding for mineral or chemical fertilisers),38769,7306930,3916,1499030,2896,27498375,p/st
  3749. 3748,28303900,"Agricultural... forestry machinery, n.e.c.; lawn or sports-ground rollers",:,24939640,:,27622610,4718,16625412,p/st
  3750. 3749,28304010,"Electric mowers for lawns, parks, golf courses or sports grounds",249704,36328480,720076,45010660,1028750,184697777,p/st
  3751. 3750,28304030,"Mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds, powered non-electrically, with the cutting device rotating in a horizontal plane",602414,143262680,798055,146791550,24646,38940536,p/st
  3752. 3751,28304050,"Motor mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds, powered non-electrically, with the cutting device rotating in a vertical plane or with cutter bars",19329,25405170,92659,54668790,1248,23545918,p/st
  3753. 3752,28304070,"Mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds, without motor",1703,121240,74048,2741020,0,0,p/st
  3754. 3753,28305130,"Motor mowers (excluding for lawns, parks, golf courses or sports grounds)",837,4457580,31925,8442220,:,:,p/st
  3755. 3754,28305150,"Mowers, including cutter bars, designed to be carried on or hauled by a tractor",27909,27416950,21906,35926700,11746,54044281,p/st
  3756. 3755,28305153,"Mowers designed to be hauled or carried by a tractor, with cutting device rotating in a horizontal plane (excluding those with a motor, for lawns, parks, golf courses or sports grounds)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3757. 3756,28305155,"Mowers designed to be carried or hauled by a tractor (excluding those with a motor, for lawns, parks, golf courses/sports grounds, with cutting device rotating in a horizontal plane)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3758. 3757,28305170,"Mowers (excluding those with motors, for lawns, parks, golf courses or sports grounds, those designed to be hauled or carried by a tractor)",1096,764570,13907,5469970,0,0,p/st
  3759. 3758,28305200,Hay-making machinery,13389,5360190,10409,29385460,:,2153604,p/st
  3760. 3759,28305330,Pick-up balers,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3761. 3760,28305340,"Straw or fodder balers, including pick-up balers",2534,27775820,6072,50566800,0,0,p/st
  3762. 3761,28305350,Straw or fodder balers (excluding pick-up balers),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3763. 3762,28305420,Potato-diggers and potato harvesters,130,1600560,47,11087710,53,8115939,p/st
  3764. 3763,28305450,Beet-topping machines and beet harvesters,123,2082110,11,4438760,7,67300,p/st
  3765. 3764,28305480,"Root or tuber harvesting machines (excluding potato-diggers and potato harvesters, beet-topping machines and beet harvesters)",490,2717220,74,24220740,40,985548,p/st
  3766. 3765,28305915,Combine harvester-threshers,11721,36846730,786,108779380,0,0,p/st
  3767. 3766,28305930,Agricultural threshing machinery (excluding combine harvester-threshers),169,953460,306,281900,:,:,p/st
  3768. 3767,28305945,Forage harvesters (excluding self-propelled),68,1608620,81,1045380,0,0,p/st
  3769. 3768,28305960,"Forage harvesters, self-propelled",89,9851960,196,29475120,:,:,p/st
  3770. 3769,28305970,"Harvesting machines (excluding combine harvester threshers, root or tuber harvesting machines, forage harvesters)",830,3805040,15198,3654070,63,7851301,p/st
  3771. 3770,28305975,Grape harvesters,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3772. 3771,28305990,"Harvesting machines (excluding combine harvester threshers, root or tuber harvesting machines, forage harvesters, grape harvesters)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3773. 3772,28306010,Agricultural or horticultural watering appliances,:,5595220,:,9436710,:,:,p/st
  3774. 3773,28306030,"Portable mechanical appliances with or without a motor, for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, for agricultural or horticultural use (excluding watering appliances)",29851,4123640,750491,2229880,31690,1411021,p/st
  3775. 3774,28306050,Sprayers and powder distributors designed to be mounted on or drawn by agricultural tractors (excluding watering appliances),6524,4273860,1702,7808170,651,12319345,p/st
  3776. 3775,28306090,"Other appliances, agricultural or horticultural",:,8525890,:,6765800,253,40140532,p/st
  3777. 3776,28307040,Self-loading or unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agriculture,2966,15955430,16629,9664690,3147,32195695,p/st
  3778. 3777,28308100,"Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce",:,5236890,:,8684130,5343,112796149,p/st
  3779. 3778,28308200,Milking machines,:,2841730,:,12422770,:,:,p/st
  3780. 3779,28308300,Machinery for preparing animal feedstuffs,:,9289970,:,20781300,205,4526219,p/st
  3781. 3780,28308400,Poultry incubators and brooders,:,11878940,:,5495290,:,:,p/st
  3782. 3781,28308500,Poultry-keeping machinery (excluding poultry incubators and brooders),:,2652900,:,24689150,:,:,p/st
  3783. 3782,28308630,Forestry machinery,5592,29763400,43657,30446930,2519,28537534,p/st
  3784. 3783,28308640,Automatic drinking troughs for farm animals,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3785. 3784,28308650,Other machinery of HS 84.36,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3786. 3785,28308660,Other machinery of HS 8436,:,9114200,:,17709010,973604,55090285,p/st
  3787. 3786,28309100,Parts of machinery and apparatus of HS 8433,:,71005760,:,265556380,:,50055323,:
  3788. 3787,28309200,"Parts of agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation",:,31492930,:,62502320,:,52286493,:
  3789. 3788,28309330,Parts of poultry-keeping machinery or poultry incubators and brooders,:,3130520,:,12032930,:,:,:
  3790. 3789,28309380,"Parts of machinery of HS 8436, n.e.c.",:,20314240,:,18111060,:,16863814,:
  3791. 3790,28309400,Parts for milking machines and dairy machinery,:,32521280,:,28670180,:,23929187,:
  3792. 3791,283099Z0,"Tractors of an engine power > 37 kW, excluding pedestrian-controlled tractors, road tractors for semi-trailers, track-laying tractors",30442,1136950440,51591,684819490,0,0,p/st
  3793. 3792,28411110,"Machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes",3893,32701300,14458,79921950,2084,46802103,p/st
  3794. 3793,28411120,"Machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes, or by plasma arc processes",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3795. 3794,28411130,"Machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by ultrasonic processes (excluding machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)",4002,3955570,24648,1838890,:,1090490,p/st
  3796. 3795,28411140,"Machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by electro-chemical, electron-beam, ionic-beam or by ultrasonic processes (excluding machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3797. 3796,28411150,"Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by electro-discharge processes",4635,24824070,2057,14195840,34,12789305,p/st
  3798. 3797,28411160,Water-jet cutting machines,148,261490,179,2839570,0,0,p/st
  3799. 3798,28411170,"Machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by electro-chemical, electron-beam, ionic-beam or plasma arc processes",59455,14863960,66108,6582420,742,74046106,p/st
  3800. 3799,28411180,"Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by ultrasonic processes, for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3801. 3800,28411220,Horizontal machining centres for working metal,349,44913900,848,51102290,:,:,p/st
  3802. 3801,28411240,Vertical machining centres for working metal (including combined horizontal and vertical machining centres),48425,69901810,3418,93671440,:,:,p/st
  3803. 3802,28411250,Unit construction machines (single station) for working metal,3644,2646780,37374,811310,0,0,p/st
  3804. 3803,28411270,Multi-station transfer machines for working metal,170,1162090,6171,8838650,:,:,p/st
  3805. 3804,28412123,"Numerically controlled horizontal lathes, turning centres, for removing metal",19101,43582960,1463,61747240,:,:,p/st
  3806. 3805,28412127,"Numerically controlled horizontal lathes, automatic lathes, for removing metal (excluding turning centres)",369,6613530,504,11389360,:,:,p/st
  3807. 3806,28412129,"Numerically controlled horizontal lathes, for removing metal (excluding turning centres, automatic lathes)",195,6125900,529,17849990,:,:,p/st
  3808. 3807,28412130,"Numerically controlled horizontal lathes, either automatic or not, for removing metal (excluding turning centres)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3809. 3808,28412140,"Non-numerically controlled horizontal lathes, for removing metal",58929,4973740,4873,3276970,:,:,p/st
  3810. 3809,28412160,"Lathes, including turning centres, for removing metal (excluding horizontal lathes)",5246,10054660,5023,14323010,:,:,p/st
  3811. 3810,28412213,Numerically controlled drilling machines for working metal (excluding way-type unit head machines),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3812. 3811,28412217,Numerically controlled knee-type milling machines for working metal (excluding boring-milling machines),20,317630,307,2513570,0,0,p/st
  3813. 3812,28412220,"Numerically controlled milling machines and tool-milling machines for working metal (including plano-milling machines) (excluding boring-milling machines, knee-type)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3814. 3813,28412223,"Numerically controlled tool-milling machines for working metal (excluding boring-milling machines, knee-type machines)",2515,10263320,2096,9691000,:,:,p/st
  3815. 3814,28412225,"Numerically controlled milling machines for working metal (including plano-milling machines) (excluding boring-milling machines, knee-type, tool-milling machines)",247,603130,652,4225990,20,272623,p/st
  3816. 3815,28412233,"Way-type unit heads for working metal by drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping",9791,996380,27958,1095570,0,0,p/st
  3817. 3816,28412235,Non-numerically controlled drilling machines for working metal (excluding way-type unit head machines),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3818. 3817,28412240,Numerically controlled boring and boring-milling machines for working metal (excluding drilling machines),11574,2301370,428,27989430,0,0,p/st
  3819. 3818,28412260,Non-numerically controlled boring and boring-milling machines for working metal (excluding drilling machines),4028,2228220,3610,1803400,53,3169950,p/st
  3820. 3819,28412270,Non-numerically controlled milling machines for working metal (excluding boring-milling machines),9802,8912360,1504400,29722840,:,:,p/st
  3821. 3820,28412280,Threading or tapping machines for working metal (excluding drilling machines),123945,1490360,52630,695180,:,:,p/st
  3822. 3821,28412300,"Machine tools for deburring, sharpening, grinding or otherwise finishing metal",82747,62836940,815685,28214010,1963,78808446,p/st
  3823. 3822,28412305,"Numerically controlled flat-surface grinding machines for working metal, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to a minimum accuracy of 0,01 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3824. 3823,28412315,"Numerically controlled cylindrical surface grinding machines for working metal, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to a minimum accuracy of 0,01 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3825. 3824,28412325,Other numerically controlled grinding machines in which the positioning in any axis can be set up to minimum accuracy of 0.01mm,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3826. 3825,28412335,"Non-numerically controlled flat-surface grinding machines for working metal, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to a minimum accuracy of 0,01 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3827. 3826,28412345,"Non-numerically controlled cylindrical surface grinding machines for working metal, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to a minimum accuracy of 0,01 mm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3828. 3827,28412355,"Non-numerically controlled grinding machines for working metal, in which any axis can be set to a minimum accuracy of 0.01mm excluding flat-surface grinding machines, cylindrical surface grinding machines",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3829. 3828,28412365,Numerically controlled sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines for working metal,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3830. 3829,28412375,Non-numerically controlled sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines for working metal,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3831. 3830,28412385,Honing or lapping machines for working metal,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3832. 3831,28412395,Machines for deburring or polishing metal (excluding gear finishing machines),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3833. 3832,28412410,"Broaching machines for working metals, metal carbides or cermets",8276,2048900,14,65640,9502,4841046,p/st
  3834. 3833,28412430,"Gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing machines, for working metals, metal carbides or cermets (excluding planing, slotting and broaching machines)",3007,2525020,143,517350,9,:,p/st
  3835. 3834,28412470,"Sawing or cutting-off machines for working metals, metal carbides or cermets",65266,8465650,107159,15658200,:,:,p/st
  3836. 3835,28412490,"Planing, shaping or slotting machines and other machine-tools for working metals, metal carbides or cermets, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3837. 3836,28412491,"Planing, shaping or slotting machines and other machine-tools for working metals, metal carbides or cermets, n.e.c. (excluding filing machines)",:,:,:,:,:,:,p/st
  3838. 3837,28413120,"Numerically controlled bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines for working flat metal products (including presses)",5427,7870650,713,19741780,:,:,p/st
  3839. 3838,28413140,"Numerically controlled bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines for working metal (including presses) (excluding those for working flat metal products)",16607,8342060,492,5857860,125,15376367,p/st
  3840. 3839,28413160,"Non-numerically controlled bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines for working flat metal products (including presses)",59524,2306400,3909,1566860,0,0,p/st
  3841. 3840,28413180,"Non-numerically controlled bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines for working metal (including presses) (excluding those for working flat metal products)",29077,7130330,98362,10878840,:,2216341,p/st
  3842. 3841,28413220,Numerically controlled shearing machines for working metal (including presses) (excluding combined punching and shearing machines),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3843. 3842,28413240,"Numerically controlled punching or notching machines for working metal (including presses, combined punching and shearing machines)",1636,5068110,11283,19769150,:,:,p/st
  3844. 3843,28413260,Non-numerically controlled shearing machines for working metal (including presses) (excluding combined punching and shearing machines),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3845. 3844,28413261,"Shearing machines, incl. presses, not numerically controlled, for working metal (excl. machines for working flat metal products and combined punching and shearing machines)",4031,4014170,4792,3823930,365,6264615,p/st
  3846. 3845,28413280,"Non-numerically controlled punching or notching machines for working metal (including presses, combined punching and shearing machines)",9013,4067150,3614,4873520,64,1946000,p/st
  3847. 3846,28413310,Numerically controlled forging or die-stamping machines and hammers for working metal (including presses),12679,3614240,243,2957430,:,:,p/st
  3848. 3847,28413320,Non-numerically controlled forging or die-stamping machines and hammers for working metal (including presses),20654,58446640,189473,9383050,:,:,p/st
  3849. 3848,28413330,Presses for moulding metallic powders by sintering or for compressing scrap metal into bales,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3850. 3849,28413340,"Other hydraulic presses, numerically controlled, for working metal",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3851. 3850,28413350,Hydraulic presses for working metal n.e.c.,951,3773720,2203,6580100,141,8790081,p/st
  3852. 3851,28413360,Non-hydraulic presses for working metal n.e.c.,10969,7254620,26613,10432010,:,:,p/st
  3853. 3852,28413370,"Other non-hydraulic presses, numerically controlled, for working metal",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3854. 3853,28413380,Other non-numerically controlled presses for working metal,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3855. 3854,28413410,"Draw-benches for bars, tubes, profiles, wire or the like of metal, sintered metal carbides or cermets",4867,502510,931,837550,0,0,p/st
  3856. 3855,28413430,"Thread rolling machines for working metal, sintered metal carbides or cermets",1096,594050,58,293430,0,0,p/st
  3857. 3856,28413450,"Machines for working wire (excluding draw-benches, thread rolling machines)",1758,4661640,25669,5572370,:,:,p/st
  3858. 3857,28413470,"Riveting machines, swaging machines and spinning lathes for working metal, machines for manufacturing flexible tubes of spiral metal strip and electro-magnetic pulse metal forming machines, and other machine tools for working metal without removing metal",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3859. 3858,28413471,"Swaging machines and spinning lathes for working metal, machines for manufacturing flexible tubes of spiral metal strip and electro-magnetic pulse metal forming machines, and other machine tools for working metal without removing metal (excluding riveting machines)",:,:,:,:,:,:,p/st
  3860. 3859,28414030,"Parts and accessories for metal cutting machine tools (excluding tool holders and self-opening dieheads, work holders, dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools)",:,67329260,:,142903290,:,29109015,:
  3861. 3860,28414050,"Parts and accessories for metal forming machine-tools (excluding tool holders and self-opening dieheads, work holders, dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools)",:,92409580,:,105396100,:,53802457,:
  3862. 3861,28414070,Parts and accessories for machine-tools operated by ultrasonic processes,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3863. 3862,28491130,"Sawing machines for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like mineral materials or for cold working glass",2306,1228180,78609,12377910,0,0,p/st
  3864. 3863,28491150,"Grinding or polishing machines for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like mineral materials or for cold working glass",:,5023760,:,9688990,91,:,p/st
  3865. 3864,28491170,"Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like mineral materials or for cold working glass (excluding sawing machines, grinding or polishing machines)",:,3489470,:,10363980,:,:,p/st
  3866. 3865,28491210,"Multi-purpose machines where the workpiece is manually transferred between operations, for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3867. 3866,28491220,"Multi-purpose machines where the workpiece is automatically transferred between operations for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials",19918,5775780,25006,20925820,0,0,p/st
  3868. 3867,28491233,"Band saws for working wood, cork, bone and hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3869. 3868,28491235,"Circular saws for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3870. 3869,28491237,"Sawing machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (excluding band saws, circular saws)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3871. 3870,28491240,Machining centres,39977,1018090,135983,9459830,0,0,p/st
  3872. 3871,28491250,"Planing, milling or moulding (by cutting) machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3873. 3872,28491263,"Grinding, sanding or polishing machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3874. 3873,28491265,"Bending or assembling machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3875. 3874,28491267,"Drilling or morticing machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3876. 3875,28491275,"Splitting, slicing or paring machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3877. 3876,28491279,"Machine tools for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3878. 3877,28491283,"Machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis",244100,19394820,35400,3148110,1282744,32953107,kg
  3879. 3878,28491287,"Presses for the manufacture of particle board or fibre building board of wood or other ligneous materials, and other machines with individual functions for treating wood or cork",:,8688090,:,20523880,:,:,p/st
  3880. 3879,28491290,"Machine tools for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials, n.e.c",152857,27561160,1631712,134665390,8656,22099536,p/st
  3881. 3880,28491310,"Drilling machines for working metal, numerically controlled (excl. way-type unit head machines)",186,5439100,1201,2481920,26,7854723,p/st
  3882. 3881,28491320,"Drilling machines for working metal, not numerically controlled (excl. way-type unit head machines and hand-operated machines)",29351,6851620,84653,10476790,232,725473,p/st
  3883. 3882,28491330,Filing machines,:,:,:,:,0,0,p/st
  3884. 3883,28491340,"Shearing machines, incl. presses, numerically controlled, for working metal (other than combined punching and shearing machines)",403,546930,152,2387170,:,134600,p/st
  3885. 3884,28491350,"Shearing machines, incl. presses, not numerically controlled, for working flat metal products (excl. combined punching and shearing machines)",650,127360,11552,4384070,0,0,p/st
  3886. 3885,28491360,Riveting machines,:,:,:,:,:,:,p/st
  3887. 3886,28492110,"Arbors, collets and sleeves for machine-tools and hand tools",119000,8427590,402500,13002560,593515,20018935,kg
  3888. 3887,28492130,"Tool holders for lathes (excluding arbors, collets and sleeves)",93200,7409930,397800,9389130,29482,3987818,kg
  3889. 3888,28492140,"Tool holders, self-opening dieheads and workholders of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3890. 3889,28492150,"Tool holders, n.e.c.",121800,21925410,712500,19066940,:,:,kg
  3891. 3890,28492170,Self-opening dieheads for machine tools,8700,1119200,195300,7599020,0,0,kg
  3892. 3891,28492230,"Jigs and fixtures for specific applications, and sets of standard jig and fixture components for machine-tools and hand tools",481200,23763230,408900,10819840,3496079,192307254,kg
  3893. 3892,28492250,"Work holders for lathes (excluding jigs and fixtures for specific applications, and sets of standard jig and fixture components)",144900,3720100,78400,2915200,1815146,8731906,kg
  3894. 3893,28492270,"Work holders for machine-tools and hand tools (excluding jigs and fixtures for specific applications, and sets of standard jig and fixture components, those for lathes)",629300,16984900,545600,10061690,55893,2945236,kg
  3895. 3894,28492350,Dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools n.e.s.,181900,10621090,403400,11623600,:,:,kg
  3896. 3895,28492430,Parts and accessories for machines of HS 8464,:,4779340,:,12040430,:,1336877,:
  3897. 3896,28492450,Parts and accessories for machines of HS 8465,:,10935820,:,31057050,:,18490424,:
  3898. 3897,28911130,"Converters, ladles, ingot moulds and casting machines of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries",:,22047020,:,12929930,1820,19336809,p/st
  3899. 3898,28911153,Mills for rolling metal tubes; hot or combination hot and cold metal-rolling mills,:,7641820,:,1649680,:,:,p/st
  3900. 3899,28911157,Cold metal-rolling mills,:,2538540,:,8817720,0,0,p/st
  3901. 3900,28911230,"Parts for converters, ladles, ingot moulds and casting machines of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries",:,14686910,:,11650570,:,:,:
  3902. 3901,28911250,Rolls for rolling mills,:,58599390,:,9960080,2351,72159421,p/st
  3903. 3902,28911270,Parts of metal-rolling mills (excluding rolls),:,24072660,:,6981050,:,:,:
  3904. 3903,28921100,"Continuous-action elevators and conveyors, for underground use",:,22666980,:,1440550,46,10788552,p/st
  3905. 3904,28921233,Self-propelled coal or rock cutters and tunnelling machinery,:,5528800,:,9101790,:,:,p/st
  3906. 3905,28921235,Coal or rock cutters and tunnelling machinery (excluding self-propelled),:,1134940,:,345330,2,:,p/st
  3907. 3906,28921253,Self-propelled boring or sinking machinery,:,6923430,:,24402290,:,:,p/st
  3908. 3907,28921255,Boring or sinking machinery (including fixed platforms used for oil or natural gas exploration) (excluding self-propelled),:,44885780,:,24194710,23,:,p/st
  3909. 3908,28922130,Crawler dozers (excluding wheeled),20420,21553360,383,41421110,0,0,p/st
  3910. 3909,28922150,Wheeled dozers (excluding track-laying),140495,12658890,246923,25435240,0,0,p/st
  3911. 3910,28922200,Motor graders and levellers,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3912. 3911,28922210,"Motor graders, levellers and scrapers",77337,9416910,134748,3188220,0,0,p/st
  3913. 3912,28922300,Motor scrapers,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3914. 3913,28922310,Ride-on compaction equipment and the like,2287,30124520,10296,92991660,:,:,p/st
  3915. 3914,28922400,Ride-on compaction equipment and the like,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3916. 3915,28922430,Loaders specially designed for underground use,477,6775190,13,1391290,0,0,p/st
  3917. 3916,28922450,Wheeled or crawler front-end shovel loaders (excl. specially designed for underground use),68347,486426400,133588,221509110,:,:,p/st
  3918. 3917,28922500,"Self-propelled mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders, with a 360 degree revolving superstructure, except front-end shovel loaders",113736,670007600,18391,711401280,:,:,p/st
  3919. 3918,28922530,Loaders specially designed for underground use,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3920. 3919,28922550,Wheeled or crawler front-end shovel loaders (excl. specially designed for underground use),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3921. 3920,28922600,"Self-propelled mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders, with a 360 degree revolving superstructure, except front-end shovel loaders",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3922. 3921,28922630,"Self-propelled mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders (excl. self-propelled mechanical shovels with a 360° revolving superstructure and front-end shovel loaders)",20008,608992360,43369,51371000,14856,:,p/st
  3923. 3922,28922650,"Self-propelled earth moving, excavating... machinery, n.e.c.",:,22242340,:,14361640,355,2071475,p/st
  3924. 3923,28922700,Bulldozer or angledozer blades,13802500,16512100,458200,1175440,:,:,kg
  3925. 3924,28922730,"Self-propelled mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders (excl. self-propelled mechanical shovels with a 360° revolving superstructure and front-end shovel loaders)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3926. 3925,28922750,"Self-propelled earth moving, excavating... machinery, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3927. 3926,28922800,Bulldozer or angledozer blades,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3928. 3927,28922810,Dumpers for off-highway use,74944,657015210,13595,148103110,:,:,p/st
  3929. 3928,28922900,Dumpers for off-highway use,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3930. 3929,28923010,Pile-drivers and pile-extractors,6487,7665970,1523,10338680,:,9136847,p/st
  3931. 3930,28923030,Snow-ploughs and snow-blowers,908,253830,4125,897760,:,1332314,p/st
  3932. 3931,28923050,Tamping or compacting machinery (excluding self-propelled),18497,8692390,127248,9333160,:,:,p/st
  3933. 3932,28923070,"Scrapers earth moving, excavating, extracting... machinery, not self-propelled",:,22829040,:,18512560,9479,31267181,p/st
  3934. 3933,28923090,"Machinery for public works, building or the like, n.e.s.",:,58212040,:,77800830,5936,30305588,p/st
  3935. 3934,28924030,"Sorting, screening, separating, washing machines; crushing, grinding, mixing, kneading machines excluding concrete/mortar mixers, machines for mixing mineral substances with bitumen",:,623078610,:,65237680,10538,771370071,p/st
  3936. 3935,28924050,Concrete or mortar mixers,:,12173740,:,21962120,51282,44450021,p/st
  3937. 3936,28924070,Machines for mixing mineral substances with bitumen,:,5943240,:,2461460,:,:,p/st
  3938. 3937,28925000,Track-laying tractors,2271,7003650,102,15574260,0,0,p/st
  3939. 3938,28926130,Parts for boring or sinking machinery,:,393061150,:,127598650,:,369606579,:
  3940. 3939,28926150,"Parts for earthmoving equipment, ships¿ derricks, cranes, mobile lifting frames excluding buckets, shovels, grabs, grips, blades (all types of construction equipment), for boring/sinking machinery",:,419770180,:,762593420,:,158498637,:
  3941. 3940,28926200,Parts of machinery of HS 8474,:,200823570,:,182372180,:,209530382,:
  3942. 3941,28931100,Centrifugal cream separators,:,13015960,:,516120,0,0,p/st
  3943. 3942,28931200,"Dairy machinery (including homogenisers, irradiators, butter-making machines, cheese-making machines)",:,14139080,:,12337620,468,10465740,p/st
  3944. 3943,28931300,Machinery used in the milling industry or for the working of cereals or dried leguminous vegetables (excluding farm-type machinery),:,19129440,:,5054970,654,2711397,p/st
  3945. 3944,28931400,"Presses, crushers and similar machinery used in the manufacture of wines, cider, fruit juices or similar beverages",:,652970,:,2233160,0,0,p/st
  3946. 3945,28931530,"Bakery ovens, including biscuit ovens, non-electric",:,4754820,:,7076390,109,9953574,p/st
  3947. 3946,28931560,Non-domestic percolators and other appliances for making coffee and other hot drinks,:,26822220,:,71734680,:,17218566,p/st
  3948. 3947,28931580,"Non-domestic equipment for cooking or heating food (excluding non-electric tunnel ovens, non-electric bakery ovens, non-electric percolators)",:,64156300,:,185684530,185887,178143429,p/st
  3949. 3948,28931600,Dryers for the treatment of agricultural products by a process involving a change in temperature,:,9684380,:,5967000,:,:,p/st
  3950. 3949,28931713,Bakery machinery (excl. ovens and dough rollers),:,23121230,:,48288070,10247,48654568,p/st
  3951. 3950,28931715,"Industrial machinery for the manufacture or preparation of macaroni, spaghetti or similar products",:,459420,:,3236470,0,0,p/st
  3952. 3951,28931720,"Industrial machinery for the manufacture or preparation of confectionery, cocoa or chocolate",:,22105800,:,19678870,:,10523914,p/st
  3953. 3952,28931730,Industrial machinery for the manufacture or preparation of sugar,:,1808540,:,78170,53,5180969,p/st
  3954. 3953,28931740,Industrial brewery machinery,:,3162670,:,3327690,:,:,p/st
  3955. 3954,28931750,Industrial machinery for the preparation of meat or poultry,:,24928480,:,42793390,508,28974415,p/st
  3956. 3955,28931760,"Industrial machinery for the preparation of fruits, nuts or vegetables (excluding for use in milling or for working dried leguminous vegetables)",:,9283890,:,8336960,:,:,p/st
  3957. 3956,28931770,"Machinery for the preparation or manufacture of food or drink, n.e.c.",:,41337030,:,67089830,22913,110879807,p/st
  3958. 3957,28931780,Machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils,:,12506040,:,3977600,:,:,p/st
  3959. 3958,28931800,"Machinery for preparing or making up tobacco (excl. dryers and other heating equipment, centrifuges and filter presses)",:,40008550,:,865950,:,:,p/st
  3960. 3959,28931900,Machinery for the preparation or making up of tobacco,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3961. 3960,28932000,"Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables",183247,80971190,55695,2151180,:,:,p/st
  3962. 3961,28933100,"Parts for presses, crushers and similar machinery used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices or similar beverages",:,559140,:,392640,:,0,:
  3963. 3962,28933200,Parts of machinery of HS 8438,:,65549380,:,133835950,:,46829480,:
  3964. 3963,28933300,Parts for machinery for the preparation or making up of tobacco,:,31970350,:,5919290,:,22379002,:
  3965. 3964,28933400,Parts of machinery of HS 8437,:,16303800,:,8685840,:,:,:
  3966. 3965,28941100,"Machines for extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textile materials; machines for preparing textile fibres",120086,6146980,19938,3605120,0,0,p/st
  3967. 3966,28941200,"Textile spinning machines; textile doubling, twisting, winding or reeling machines",12881,3092040,15706,2667220,:,:,p/st
  3968. 3967,28941300,Weaving machines,1147,2744520,142264,2218370,9,15970,p/st
  3969. 3968,28941430,Circular knitting machines,3167,8285820,39403,4065790,0,0,p/st
  3970. 3969,28941450,"Flat knitting machines, stitch-bonding machines and warp knitting machines",44055,3337840,1891,4995460,0,0,p/st
  3971. 3970,28941470,"Machines for making gimped yarn, tulle, lace, embroidery, trimmings, braid or net, and machines for tufting",20675,3107780,917715,11355690,15,:,p/st
  3972. 3971,28941510,"Auxiliary machinery for machines of HS 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447",692300,11758680,56000,2774300,402723,13831887,kg
  3973. 3972,28941530,"Printing machinery for printing textile materials (excluding offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)",779,2271580,1624,2316350,:,:,p/st
  3974. 3973,28942110,"Machinery for the manufacture or finishing of felt or non-wovens in the piece or in shapes (including machinery for making felt hats, blocks for making hats)",148700,3007860,84400,1779380,0,0,kg
  3975. 3974,28942130,Ironing machines and presses (including fusing presses; excluding calendering machines),126903,6462710,163851,9949150,:,2410257,p/st
  3976. 3975,28942150,"Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines (including wringers and mangles, shaker-tumblers; excluding household or laundry-type washing machines)",:,1124080,:,1794830,:,:,p/st
  3977. 3976,28942170,"Machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics",:,5624140,:,10395190,152,6685526,p/st
  3978. 3977,28942180,"Machines used in the manufacture of linoleum or other floor coverings for applying the paste to the base fabric or other support; machines for dressing, finishing, wringing, drying, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made up textile articles",:,12342690,:,17843190,24,17778640,p/st
  3979. 3978,28942230,Household or laundry-type washing machines of a dry linen capacity > 10 kg (including machines that both wash and dry),16609,2447760,101936,34018360,0,0,p/st
  3980. 3979,28942250,Dry-cleaning machines,:,776540,:,1138300,0,0,p/st
  3981. 3980,28942270,"Drying machines, of a dry linen capacity > 10 kg",:,959980,:,39904900,:,:,p/st
  3982. 3981,28942300,Centrifugal clothes-dryers,10746,976800,36526,1045530,0,0,p/st
  3983. 3982,28942430,Industrial automatic sewing machines (excluding book-sewing machines),962,1631780,1775,929880,:,:,p/st
  3984. 3983,28942450,"Industrial sewing machines (excluding book-sewing machines, automatic machines)",17767,1242450,65702,2097130,0,0,p/st
  3985. 3984,28943030,"Machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather",:,134730,:,851130,0,0,p/st
  3986. 3985,28943050,"Machinery for making/repairing footwear including skiving or pairing machines, machines for cutting leather into shapes, perforating and pricking machines excluding sewing machines",:,415130,:,615900,:,:,p/st
  3987. 3986,28943070,"Machinery for making/repairing articles of hides, skins or leather, n.e.c.",:,561900,:,330980,0,0,p/st
  3988. 3987,28944000,"Domestic sewing machines (excluding furniture, bases and covers)",61028,2202790,446116,33882350,:,:,p/st
  3989. 3988,28945110,Parts and accessories of machines of HS 8444 and 8445 or their auxiliary machinery,:,16379620,:,14371470,:,14345193,:
  3990. 3989,28945130,"Spindles and spindle flyers, spinning ring and ring travellers",7200,224580,48700,402070,0,0,kg
  3991. 3990,28945150,"Parts and accessories for weaving machines (looms) or for their auxiliary machinery (including shuttles, reeds for looms, healds and heald frames)",:,1568290,:,3480360,:,736879,:
  3992. 3991,28945170,Parts and accessories of machines of HS 8447 or of their auxiliary machinery,:,15319410,:,8721300,:,7382481,:
  3993. 3992,28945210,Parts for household or laundry-type washing machines (including for those that both wash and dry),:,3073550,:,38609680,:,:,:
  3994. 3993,28945220,Parts of machines of HS 8451,:,16237650,:,22474600,:,4638005,:
  3995. 3994,28945230,Sewing machine needles,37900,383590,14800,445630,0,0,kg
  3996. 3995,28945250,"Furniture, bases and covers for sewing machines and parts thereof",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3997. 3996,28945260,"Furniture, bases and covers for sewing machines and parts thereof; other parts of sewing machines",:,806340,:,5916260,:,:,:
  3998. 3997,28945270,"Parts of industrial sewing machines (excluding needles, furniture, bases and covers and parts thereof)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  3999. 3998,28945280,"Parts of machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather, or for making or repairing footwear or other articles of hides, skins or leather (excluding sewing machines)",:,2233070,:,2014560,:,:,:
  4000. 3999,28951113,Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material,:,1380900,:,687780,0,0,p/st
  4001. 4000,28951115,Machinery for making paper or paperboard,:,3175760,:,2364280,:,:,p/st
  4002. 4001,28951117,Machinery for finishing paper or paperboard,:,9258380,:,8764120,36,:,p/st
  4003. 4002,28951133,Combined reel slitting and re-reeling cutting machines for paper and paperboard (excluding film cutting machines and apparatus),:,12823710,:,5435550,:,34292265,p/st
  4004. 4003,28951135,"Slitting and cross cutting machines for paper or paperboard (excluding film cutting machines and apparatus, combined reel slitting and re-reeling machines)",:,7983190,:,8031490,:,:,p/st
  4005. 4004,28951137,"Guillotines for paper or paperboard (excluding film cutting machines and apparatus, combined reel slitting and re-reeling machines, slitting and cross cutting machines)",:,1702550,:,4513830,0,0,p/st
  4006. 4005,28951140,Other cutting machines for paper or paperboard,:,5606660,:,11181400,26088,5318991,p/st
  4007. 4006,28951150,"Machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes of paper or paperboard",:,1750780,:,5521930,0,0,p/st
  4008. 4007,28951160,"Machines for making cartons, boxes, cases, tubes, drums, or similar containers of paper or paperboard (excluding machines for moulding articles)",:,14549160,:,24184420,215,16373322,p/st
  4009. 4008,28951170,"Machines for moulding articles in paper pulp, paper or paperboard (including packing for eggs, plates or dishes for confectionery or camping, toys)",:,3068260,:,3325720,0,0,p/st
  4010. 4009,28951190,"Machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, n.e.c.",:,10244210,:,13605590,0,0,p/st
  4011. 4010,28951230,Parts of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material,:,4285060,:,3063710,:,:,:
  4012. 4011,28951250,Parts of machinery of HS 8439 n.e.c. for making or finishing paper or paperboard,:,21410680,:,21758620,:,20090798,:
  4013. 4012,28951270,"Parts for cutting machines, machines for making bags, sacks/ envelopes, making cartons, boxes, cases, tubes, drums/similar containers, for moulding articles in paper, -pulp, -board",:,24611360,:,59625570,:,26330318,:
  4014. 4013,28961010,Injection-moulding machines for working rubber or plastics or for manufacturing rubber or plastic products,56508,11067310,39628,90140870,:,180227,p/st
  4015. 4014,28961030,"Extruders for working rubber or plastics, or for manufacturing rubber or plastic products",2305,10008210,19843,21460070,136,10481709,p/st
  4016. 4015,28961040,Blow-moulding machines for working rubber or plastics or for manufacturing rubber or plastic products,5981,2838160,1017,14024060,0,0,p/st
  4017. 4016,28961050,Vacuum-moulding machines and other thermoforming machines for working rubber or plastics or for manufacturing rubber or plastic products,2550,6584060,598,9857290,2599,6021650,p/st
  4018. 4017,28961060,Machinery for moulding or retreading pneumatic tyres or for moulding or otherwise forming inner tubes of rubber or plastics,1344,3047620,1230,2421100,0,0,p/st
  4019. 4018,28961073,"Other presses for moulding or forming rubber or plastics, etc., n.e.c.",2349,2027390,15426,12344870,:,:,p/st
  4020. 4019,28961075,"Machinery for moulding or forming rubber or plastics, etc., n.e.c.",11792,5770290,526584,6198700,:,:,p/st
  4021. 4020,28961082,Machines for processing reactive resins,877,5717020,29425,2048890,110,1209121,p/st
  4022. 4021,28961084,Machines for the manufacture of foam products (excluding machines for processing reactive resins),19763,1543630,161,1877430,:,:,p/st
  4023. 4022,28961091,Size reduction equipment for working rubber or plastics,679,4448020,28886,1006520,:,:,p/st
  4024. 4023,28961093,"Mixers, kneaders and agitators, for preparing rubber or plastics",2268,32159890,255,1247620,194,2848278,p/st
  4025. 4024,28961095,"Cutting, splitting and peeling machines for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials",1325,20977150,4698,3373130,:,3138011,p/st
  4026. 4025,28961097,"Machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials, n.e.c.",:,17919650,:,41031430,158,11261934,p/st
  4027. 4026,28962000,Parts for machinery for working rubber or plastics or for manufacturing rubber or plastic products (excluding moulding tools),:,54086080,:,129054910,:,15848609,:
  4028. 4027,289900Z0,"Riveting machines, swaging machines and spinning lathes for working metal, machines for manufacturing flexible tubes of spiral metal strip and electro-magnetic pulse metal forming machines, and other machine tools for working metal without removing metal",139601,14426090,64395,12359070,:,:,p/st
  4029. 4028,289900Z1,"Planing, shaping or slotting machines and other machine-tools for working metals, metal carbides or cermets, n.e.c.",16046,2997160,36133,2970770,:,:,p/st
  4030. 4029,28991110,Folding machines for books,:,6477350,:,8401370,1449,14964582,p/st
  4031. 4030,28991130,Collating machines and gathering machines for books,:,7529030,:,4361850,65,3840670,p/st
  4032. 4031,28991150,"Sewing, wire stitching and stapling machines for books including for manufacturing of cardboard boxes or like excluding stapling machines for office use, for cardboard box manufacture",:,6813140,:,3254420,309,5307584,p/st
  4033. 4032,28991170,Unsewn (perfect) binding machines for books,:,3337960,:,1925770,0,0,p/st
  4034. 4033,28991190,Other book-binding machines,:,7527560,:,14544730,:,:,p/st
  4035. 4034,28991200,"Machinery, apparatus and equipment, for type-setting, for preparing or making printing blocks, plates",552437,19821550,2881255,11820200,:,:,p/st
  4036. 4035,28991330,Reel fed offset printing machinery,79601,35989380,2728,8755670,0,0,p/st
  4037. 4036,28991390,Other offset printing machinery,23906,6634910,12906,60601840,:,:,p/st
  4038. 4037,28991410,Reel fed letterpress printing machinery (excluding flexographic printing),11324,726330,22,57290,0,0,p/st
  4039. 4038,28991430,Flexographic printing machinery,927,17781130,20345,14933940,220,14053179,p/st
  4040. 4039,28991450,Gravure printing machinery,725,3554610,50,154710,18,2142197,p/st
  4041. 4040,28991490,"Other printing machinery, excluding those of the office type, n.e.c.",89152,104384330,13959,30531240,44272,111464975,p/st
  4042. 4041,28992020,Machines and apparatus used solely or principally for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers,:,4311970,:,1577320,0,0,p/st
  4043. 4042,28992040,Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits,:,242055730,:,52642540,34477,43551165,p/st
  4044. 4043,28992060,Machines and apparatus used solely or principally for the manufacture of flat panel displays,:,482140,:,1077160,9,3780214,p/st
  4045. 4044,28993130,"Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard",:,7971970,:,3181200,:,:,p/st
  4046. 4045,28993150,"Non-domestic dryers (excluding those for agricultural products, those for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard)",:,22293050,:,25450730,1467,17820845,p/st
  4047. 4046,28993200,"Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements",:,26672080,:,16175750,:,:,:
  4048. 4047,28993905,"Machines for treating metal, having individual functions (excluding robots)",:,16221060,:,10230550,1222,29202551,p/st
  4049. 4048,28993910,"Machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation, and parts thereof",:,284040,:,101560,0,0,p/st
  4050. 4049,28993915,"Machines and mechanical appliances, having individual functions, for mixing, kneading, crushing, grinding, screening, sifting, homogenising, emulsifying or stirring (excluding robots)",:,118224600,:,95873110,19713,219187380,p/st
  4051. 4050,28993920,"Machines for assembling electric or electronic lamps, tubes, valves or flashbulbs, in glass envelopes",:,11815860,:,253160,0,0,p/st
  4052. 4051,28993925,Mobile hydraulic powered mine roof supports,:,22602730,:,3309440,:,:,p/st
  4053. 4052,28993930,Machines for manufacturing or hot working glass or glassware,:,36662710,:,26760180,85,18071794,p/st
  4054. 4053,28993935,"Industrial robots for multiple uses (excluding robots designed to perform a specific function (e.g. lifting, handling, loading or unloading))",:,63302280,:,79091690,:,:,p/st
  4055. 4054,28993940,Central greasing systems,:,2076550,:,7564980,:,:,p/st
  4056. 4055,28993945,"Machines and apparatus used solely or principally for (a) the manufacture or repair of masks and reticles, (b) assembling semiconductor devices or electronic integrated circuits, and (c) lifting, handling, loading or unloading of boules, wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits",:,9502370,:,11760170,:,:,p/st
  4057. 4056,28993950,Rope or cable-making machines,2483,1033670,13921,1177940,17,707222,p/st
  4058. 4057,28993953,"Other machinery for earth, stone, ores, etc., n.e.c.",:,33109410,:,18701700,93,16139482,p/st
  4059. 4058,28993955,"Other machines and mechanical appliances of HS 84, n.e.c.",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4060. 4059,28993956,"Other machines and mechanical appliances of HS 84, n.e.c.",:,786480280,:,622967550,911128,546373208,p/st
  4061. 4060,28993960,"Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4062. 4061,28993965,"Aircraft launching gear and parts thereof, deck-arrestor or similar gear and parts thereof, for civil use",0,7664130,0,2421260,:,:,kg
  4063. 4062,28993970,Machines for balancing mechanical parts,233500,27614560,512100,7856940,:,:,kg
  4064. 4063,28993975,"Tables for casino games, automatic bowling alley equipment, and other funfair, table or parlour games, including pintables (excluding operated by coins, banknotes ""paper currency"", discs or other similar articles, billiards, video games for use with a television receiver, playing cards and electric",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4065. 4064,28993980,"Tables for casino games, automatic bowling alley equipment, and other funfair, table or parlour games, incl. pintables (excl. operated by coins, banknotes ""paper currency"", discs or other similar articles, billiards, video games for use with a television receiver, playing cards and electric car raci",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4066. 4065,28994000,Parts of printing and book-binding machinery,:,144510020,:,87498530,:,50978133,:
  4067. 4066,28995100,"Parts and accessories of machines and apparatus used solely or principally for (a) the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays, (b) the manufacture or repair of masks and reticles, (c) assembling semiconductor device",:,122649600,:,92222080,:,52318432,:
  4068. 4067,28995230,"Parts for machines for assembling electric/electronic lamps, tubes/valves/flashbulbs, in glass envelopes, for manufacturing/ hot working glass/glassware excluding moulds for glass making",:,29037920,:,21096990,:,34523823,:
  4069. 4068,28995280,Parts of machines of HS 8479,:,289847120,:,350817480,:,114264204,:
  4070. 4069,29101100,"Spark-ignition reciprocating internal combustion piston engines, for the vehicles of HS 87 (excluding motorcycles), of a cylinder capacity <= 1 000 cm³",:,:,:,:,0,0,p/st
  4071. 4070,29101200,"Spark-ignition reciprocating internal combustion piston engines, for the vehicles of HS 87 (excluding motorcycles), of a cylinder capacity > 1 000 cm³",:,:,:,:,1170735,2196981761,p/st
  4072. 4071,29101300,Vehicle compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) (excluding for railway or tramway rolling stock),848901,1828231400,702267,979335940,:,:,p/st
  4073. 4072,29101310,Vehicle compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel) (excluding for railway or tramway rolling stock and wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4074. 4073,29102100,Vehicles with only spark-ignition engine of a cylinder capacity <= 1 500 cm³,335918,4493717710,912713,9753527340,232398,2715777887,p/st
  4075. 4074,29102230,"Motor vehicles with only petrol engine > 1 500 cm³ (including motor caravans of a capacity > 3 000 cm³) (excluding vehicles for transporting >= 10 persons, snowmobiles, golf cars and similar vehicles)",530383,18782818830,318715,7610782140,840322,23621388892,p/st
  4076. 4075,29102250,Motor caravans with only spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine of a cylinder capacity > 1 500 cm³ but <= 3 000 cm³,808,32408050,2726,49377170,0,0,p/st
  4077. 4076,29102310,"Motor vehicles with only diesel or semi-diesel engine <= 1 500 cm³ (excluding vehicles for transporting >= 10 persons, snowmobiles, golf cars and similar vehicles)",144284,1774493990,140045,1911124790,4641,58703959,p/st
  4078. 4077,29102330,"Motor vehicles with only diesel or semi-diesel engine > 1 500 cm³ but <= 2 500 cm³ (excluding vehicles for transporting >= 10 persons, motor caravans, snowmobiles, golf cars and similar vehicles)",234020,6055648470,766249,15112385680,535150,11130191520,p/st
  4079. 4078,29102340,"Motor vehicles with only diesel or semi-diesel engine > 2 500 cm³ (excluding vehicles for transporting >= 10 persons, motor caravans, snowmobiles, golf cars and similar vehicles)",60863,3356926840,68937,2448721630,:,:,p/st
  4080. 4079,29102353,Motor caravans with only compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity > 1 500 cm³ but <= 2 500 cm³,577,22328200,4400,152990060,7967,301894670,p/st
  4081. 4080,29102355,Motor caravans with only compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity > 2 500 cm³,244,11254280,408,25644940,0,0,p/st
  4082. 4081,29102400,"Other motor vehicles for the transport of persons (excluding vehicles for transporting >= 10 persons, snowmobiles, golf cars and similar vehicles)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4083. 4082,29102410,"Motor vehicles, with both spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine and electric motor as motors for propulsion, other than those capable of being charged by plugging to external source of electric power",79521,1246859800,27010,389663050,0,0,p/st
  4084. 4083,29102430,"Motor vehicles, with both spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine and electric motor as motors for propulsion, capable of being charged by plugging to external source of electric power",3646,160356440,20387,450106030,0,0,p/st
  4085. 4084,29102450,"Motor vehicles, with only electric motor for propulsion",4435,92379980,14358,388337080,:,:,p/st
  4086. 4085,29102490,"Other motor vehicles for the transport of persons (excluding vehicles with only electric motor for propulsion , vehicles for transporting >= 10 persons, snowmobiles, golf cars and similar vehicles)",73242,191403260,6340,34460460,7806,28439436,p/st
  4087. 4086,29103000,Motor vehicles for the transport of >= 10 persons,12976,145983040,115482,346892570,:,:,p/st
  4088. 4087,29104110,"Goods vehicles with a diesel or semi-diesel engine, of a gross vehicle weight <= 5 tonnes (excluding dumpers for off-highway use)",23444,322011420,286623,4107993440,:,:,p/st
  4089. 4088,29104130,"Goods vehicles with a diesel or semi-diesel engine, of a gross vehicle weight > 5 tonnes but <= 20 tonnes (including vans) (excluding dumpers for off-highway use, tractors)",5475,192773560,60682,1197698580,:,:,p/st
  4090. 4089,29104140,"Goods vehicles with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a gross vehicle weight > 20 tonnes (excluding dumpers designed for off-highway use)",527,49845760,6934,523398730,:,:,p/st
  4091. 4090,29104200,"Goods vehicles, with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine; other goods vehicles, new",32903,52566450,71508,234459490,0,0,p/st
  4092. 4091,29104300,Road tractors for semi-trailers,945,44076070,6443,530464060,:,:,p/st
  4093. 4092,29104400,"Chassis fitted with engines, for tractors, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for carrying people, goods vehicles and special purpose vehicles including for racing cars",24618,20695260,25134,135387930,:,:,p/st
  4094. 4093,29105100,Crane lorries,351,32918760,1875,123610860,0,0,p/st
  4095. 4094,29105200,"Motor vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow, golf cars and similar vehicles",76121,24582200,54378,40956460,:,:,p/st
  4096. 4095,29105930,Fire-fighting vehicles,174,5214680,39,5996650,180,41143190,p/st
  4097. 4096,29105950,Concrete-mixer lorries,141,3005580,8,890280,0,0,p/st
  4098. 4097,29105990,Other special-purpose motor vehicles n.e.c.,414,1245800,175,8385520,4150,272675009,p/st
  4099. 4098,29201030,Bodies for motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (including for golf cars and similar vehicles) (excluding those for transporting >= 10 persons),48326,28099080,1251711,262242110,1794,64605838,p/st
  4100. 4099,29201050,"Bodies for lorries, vans, buses, coaches, tractors, dumpers and special purpose motor vehicles including completely equipped and incomplete bodies, vehicles for the transport of >= 10 persons",20670,30255040,219865,185012740,85774,656003970,p/st
  4101. 4100,29202100,Containers specially designed and equipped for carriage by one or more modes of transport (including containers for transporting fluids),89872,67260800,199463,99656800,5013,40653838,p/st
  4102. 4101,29202210,Folding caravans; caravans of a weight <= 750 kg (including semi-trailer caravans,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4103. 4102,29202230,Caravans of a weight > 750 kg but <= 3 500 kg (including semi-trailer caravans) (excluding folding caravans),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4104. 4103,29202250,Caravans of a weight > 3 500 kg,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4105. 4104,29202292,"Trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type, for housing or camping, of a weight <= 1 600 kg",6991,56233610,21275,13906580,18304,297919400,p/st
  4106. 4105,29202298,"Trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type, for housing or camping, of a weight > 1 600 kg",4380,46303810,1989,15091500,6339,135558420,p/st
  4107. 4106,29202300,Other trailers and semi-trailers n.e.c.,:,163880340,:,155955470,75444,1029910913,p/st
  4108. 4107,29203030,"Chassis for trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles which are not mechanically propelled",:,8224490,:,17340020,63745,105087433,p/st
  4109. 4108,29203050,"Bodies of trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles which are not mechanically propelled",:,3645380,:,24255600,657,26458074,p/st
  4110. 4109,29203070,"Axles of trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles which are not mechanically propelled",:,11700010,:,77259090,147664,15361539,p/st
  4111. 4110,29203090,"Parts for trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles which are not mechanically propelled (excluding chassis, bodies, axles)",:,72946060,:,285703100,:,124893061,:
  4112. 4111,29311000,"Insulated ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of a kind used in vehicles, aircraft or ships",3378500,180103470,75934900,1438106080,2175938,114382835,kg
  4113. 4112,29312130,Sparking plugs,:,33660600,:,76194230,:,:,p/st
  4114. 4113,29312150,"Ignition magnetos, magneto-dynamos and magnetic flywheels",124000,1261420,52800,2531680,0,0,kg
  4115. 4114,29312170,Distributors and ignition coils,999800,28324100,3038800,83580030,5357,686689,kg
  4116. 4115,29312230,Starter motors and dual-purpose starter-generators,4255800,141633090,17377400,240655190,744372,10455474,kg
  4117. 4116,29312250,Generators for internal combustion engines (including dynamos and alternators) (excluding dual-purpose starter-generators),3060000,112500000,15256300,164173430,529174,9804145,kg
  4118. 4117,29312270,"Equipment, n.e.c., for internal combustion engines",370200,13032690,1062800,95936290,34796,:,kg
  4119. 4118,29312310,Electrical or battery operated lighting or visual signalling of a kind used on bicycles,:,6043950,:,18911790,:,:,p/st
  4120. 4119,29312330,"Sound signalling burglar alarms, electrical, of a kind used for motor vehicles",76396,1510870,903292,9756870,174692,20802582,p/st
  4121. 4120,29312350,Electrical sound signalling equipment for cycles or motor vehicles (excl. burglar alarms for motor vehicles),175300,6313690,1221400,34597580,:,:,kg
  4122. 4121,29312370,"Windscreen wipers, defrosters and demisters for motorcycles or motor vehicles",2389400,45002210,5513500,57444500,342819,12802993,kg
  4123. 4122,29313030,"Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators and cut-outs for internal combustion engines",:,74825410,:,51508860,:,9662701,:
  4124. 4123,29313080,Parts of equipment of HS 8512,:,30659390,:,131962470,:,17516283,:
  4125. 4124,29321000,Seats for motor vehicles,:,53097090,:,70891230,2730174,2024533747,p/st
  4126. 4125,29322030,Safety seat belts,4981422,33229030,12693749,118202900,4490624,28715480,p/st
  4127. 4126,29322050,Airbags with inflator system and parts thereof,:,87597180,:,225796190,:,:,:
  4128. 4127,29322090,"Parts and accessories of bodies (including cabs), n.e.c.",:,657985590,:,2620629650,:,4068964377,:
  4129. 4128,29323010,Bumpers and parts thereof (including plastic bumpers),38491800,209658300,31604300,314432360,:,:,kg
  4130. 4129,29323020,Brakes and servo-brakes and their parts (excluding unmounted linings or pads),149228700,833677470,271610600,1141105180,114715343,730014715,kg
  4131. 4130,29323033,Gear boxes and their parts,:,501760430,:,2671241900,:,417964570,p/st
  4132. 4131,29323036,"Drive-axles with differential, non-driving axles and their parts",32448400,226106140,81267400,613131110,:,567190619,kg
  4133. 4132,29323040,Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof,38511900,144734870,127822100,714505960,54163804,112111741,kg
  4134. 4133,29323050,Suspension systems and parts thereof (including shock absorbers),:,293529560,:,746872220,6987536,307126969,p/st
  4135. 4134,29323061,"Radiators for tractors, motor cars, goods vehicles, crane lorries, fire-fighting vehicles, concrete-mixer-, road sweeper-, spraying lorries, mobile workshops and radiological units; parts thereof",:,128930730,:,161094390,1885877,190087490,p/st
  4136. 4135,29323063,Silencers and exhaust pipes; parts thereof,8436800,160803890,31762600,436194200,16439688,765810396,kg
  4137. 4136,29323065,Clutches and parts thereof,37734200,286408070,53294500,380027550,25160740,245323782,kg
  4138. 4137,29323067,"Steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes; parts thereof",16911500,265363490,62115800,781530170,13647812,225300284,kg
  4139. 4138,29323090,"Other parts and accessories, n.e.c., for vehicles of HS 8701 to 8705",:,1922595950,:,3101368670,:,2324528044,:
  4140. 4139,299900Z0,"Flashlights; photographic enlargers; apparatus for photographic laboratories; negatoscopes, projection screens",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4141. 4140,299900Z1,"Flashlights; Image projectors; Cinematographic projectors; photographic enlargers and reducers; apparatus for photographic laboratories; negatoscopes, projection screens",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4142. 4141,30112130,Cruise vessels,:,:,:,:,:,:,CGT
  4143. 4142,30112150,Ferries,:,:,:,:,:,:,CGT
  4144. 4143,30112210,Crude oil tankers,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4145. 4144,30112230,Oil product tankers,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4146. 4145,30112250,Chemical tankers,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4147. 4146,30112270,Gas carriers,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4148. 4147,30112300,"Refrigerated vessels, except tankers",:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4149. 4148,30112410,Bulk carriers,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4150. 4149,30112430,General cargo ships,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4151. 4150,30112450,Container carriers,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4152. 4151,30112470,Ro-ro cargo ships,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4153. 4152,30112490,Other dry cargo ships,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4154. 4153,30113130,Fishing vessels,:,:,:,:,:,19091562,CGT
  4155. 4154,30113150,Fish factory vessels,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4156. 4155,30113200,Tugs and pusher craft,:,:,:,:,:,:,CGT
  4157. 4156,30113330,Dredgers,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4158. 4157,30113350,Other non-cargo carrying vessels,:,:,:,:,313,29967947,CGT
  4159. 4158,30114030,Offshore vessels,:,:,:,:,0,0,CGT
  4160. 4159,30114050,Offshore infrastructures,:,:,:,:,16,237204421,p/st
  4161. 4160,30115000,"Other floating structures (including rafts, tanks, coffer-dams, landing stages, buoys and beacons)",:,:,:,:,154590,187262026,p/st
  4162. 4161,30119100,"Conversion and reconstruction of ships, floating platforms and structures",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4163. 4162,30119200,Fitting out services of ships and floating platforms and structures,:,:,:,:,:,271625583,:
  4164. 4163,30121100,"Sailboats (except inflatable) for pleasure or sports, with or without auxiliary motor",108225,67100520,2706,59625390,1139,387798145,p/st
  4165. 4164,30121200,Inflatable vessels for pleasure or sports,16729,19620130,122691,12099960,1384,38469435,p/st
  4166. 4165,30121930,"Motor boats and motor yachts, for pleasure or sports (excluding outboard motor boats)",805,616243150,1248,547922470,439,379589811,p/st
  4167. 4166,30121970,Other vessels for pleasure or sports n.e.c.; rowing boats and canoes,21683,12450790,92425,13617310,26756,16060775,p/st
  4168. 4167,30201100,Rail locomotives powered from an external source of electricity,7398,1820560,3898,238430,0,0,p/st
  4169. 4168,30201200,Diesel-electric locomotives,:,18353700,:,25321680,:,:,p/st
  4170. 4169,30201300,Other rail locomotives; locomotive tenders,:,8113900,:,222300,:,:,p/st
  4171. 4170,30202000,"Self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and trucks, except maintenance or service vehicles",1794,597090,17108,1193442320,571,442586150,p/st
  4172. 4171,30203100,"Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles (including workshops, cranes, ballast tampers, track-liners, testing coaches and track inspection vehicles)",1020,2069800,376,53681930,:,:,p/st
  4173. 4172,30203200,"Rail/tramway passenger coaches; luggage vans, post office coaches and other special purpose rail/tramway coaches excluding rail/tramway maintenance/service vehicles, self-propelled",202,73180,537,2271550,:,:,p/st
  4174. 4173,30203300,"Railway or tramway goods vans and wagons, not self-propelled",2302,230960,20793,22838500,:,:,p/st
  4175. 4174,30204030,Parts of locomotives or rolling-stock,:,201579080,:,529239130,:,299895057,:
  4176. 4175,30204050,"Mechanical or electromechanical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields",:,:,:,:,:,:,kg
  4177. 4176,30204060,"Mechanical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways or tramways; parts of mechanical (including electromechanical), signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4178. 4177,30204070,"Fixtures and fittings and mechanical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways or tramways; parts of railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings, mechanical (including electromechanical), signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland wate",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4179. 4178,30209100,Reconditioning of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling-stock,:,:,:,:,:,38688446,:
  4180. 4179,30301100,"Aircraft spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines, for civil use",69313,40148030,2242,11532450,:,:,p/st
  4181. 4180,30301200,"Turbo-jets and turbo-propellers, for civil use",10970,9851525930,48467,7111003040,:,:,p/st
  4182. 4181,30301300,"Reaction engines, for civil use (including ramjets, pulse jets and rocket engines) (excluding turbojets, guided missiles incorporating power units)",32600,5045520,8668,5417250,1489,31485051,p/st
  4183. 4182,30301400,"Ground flying trainers and parts thereof, for civil use",:,205445710,:,157605610,:,:,:
  4184. 4183,30301500,"Parts for aircraft spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines, for use in civil aircraft",:,76359740,:,53971400,:,200242965,:
  4185. 4184,30301600,"Parts of turbo-jets or turbo-propellers, for use in civil aircraft",:,7847134410,:,9122923020,:,468488713,:
  4186. 4185,30302000,"Balloons, dirigibles and other non-powered aircraft, for civil use (including sounding, pilot and ceiling balloons, meteorological kites and the like)",0,6430510,0,739210,:,:,p/st
  4187. 4186,30303100,"Helicopters, for civil use",310,341664070,8946,430631960,0,0,p/st
  4188. 4187,30303200,"Aeroplanes and other aircraft of an unladen weight <= 2 000 kg, for civil use",0,16015230,12,47575500,:,:,p/st
  4189. 4188,30303300,"Aeroplanes and other aircraft of an unladen weight > 2 000 kg, but <= 15 000 kg, for civil use",4014,1776791040,119,154094990,0,0,p/st
  4190. 4189,30303400,"Aeroplanes and other aircraft of an unladen weight > 15 000 kg, for civil use",68,1515197680,191,7993661970,0,0,p/st
  4191. 4190,30304000,"Spacecraft, satellites and launch vehicles, for civil use",41700,100345230,200,3677140,:,:,kg
  4192. 4191,30305010,Seats for aircraft; parts thereof,:,1217409140,:,347293790,:,1072544971,:
  4193. 4192,30305030,"Propellers and rotors and parts thereof for dirigibles, gliders, and other non-powered aircraft, helicopters and aeroplanes, for civil use",:,249190610,:,178283310,:,63721811,:
  4194. 4193,30305050,"Undercarriages and parts thereof for dirigibles, gliders, hang gliders and other non-powered aircraft, helicopters, aeroplanes, spacecraft and spacecraft launch vehicles, for civil use",:,790620160,:,724721090,:,:,:
  4195. 4194,30305090,"Parts for all types of aircraft excluding propellers, rotors, under carriages, for civil use",:,13538942630,:,3534407940,:,11253252649,:
  4196. 4195,30306030,Reconditioning of civil aircraft engines,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4197. 4196,30306050,Reconditioning of civil helicopters,:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  4198. 4197,30306070,"Reconditioning of civil aeroplanes and other aircraft (excluding helicopters, aircraft engines)",:,:,:,:,:,32972498,:
  4199. 4198,30911100,Motorcycles and cycles with an auxiliary motor with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine <= 50 cm3,10733,3247580,14668,4754090,0,0,p/st
  4200. 4199,30911200,Motorcycles with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine > 50 cm³,36333,234920600,143102,486807020,:,:,p/st
  4201. 4200,30911300,Side cars for motorcycles; cycles with auxiliary motors other than reciprocating internal combustion piston engine,23834,9189920,368695,66722390,1296,2652081,p/st
  4202. 4201,30912000,Parts and accessories of motorcycles and side-cars,:,87198850,:,114888270,:,43028734,:
  4203. 4202,30912030,"Saddles for motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4204. 4203,30912090,"Parts and accessories for motorcycles, mopeds and scooters (excluding saddles)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4205. 4204,30913100,"Spark-ignition reciprocating internal combustion piston engines, for motorcycles, of a cylinder capacity <= 1 000 cm³",:,:,:,:,0,0,p/st
  4206. 4205,30913200,"Spark-ignition reciprocating internal combustion piston engines, for motorcycles, of a cylinder capacity > 1 000 cm³",:,:,:,:,0,0,p/st
  4207. 4206,30921000,"Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles), non-motorised",610376,78554660,3367678,434765400,82887,55607013,p/st
  4208. 4207,30921030,"Non-motorized bicycles and other cycles, without ball bearings (including delivery tricycles)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4209. 4208,30921050,Non-motorized bicycles and other cycles with ball bearings (including delivery tricycles),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4210. 4209,30922030,Invalid carriages not mechanically propelled,114775,9709130,1022337,50383160,30866,24221201,p/st
  4211. 4210,30922090,Invalid carriages motorised or mechanically propelled,59509,10389430,132725,57601600,7270,18104874,p/st
  4212. 4211,30923010,"Frames and forks, for bicycles",42852,4975540,725925,38516190,2408,1926609,p/st
  4213. 4212,30923030,"Parts of frames, front forks, brakes, coaster braking hubs, hub brakes, pedals crank-gear and free-wheel sprocket-wheels for bicycles, other non-motorized cycles and side-cars",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4214. 4213,30923060,"Parts and accessories of bicycles and other cycles, not motorised (excl. frames, front forks, lighting or visual signalling equipment of a kind used on bicycles)",:,87600990,:,254384260,:,32466036,:
  4215. 4214,30923070,Parts and accessories for invalid carriages,:,17480410,:,57694630,:,86298151,:
  4216. 4215,30923090,"Other parts and accessories of bicycles and other cycles, not motorised",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4217. 4216,30924030,Baby carriages,165679,14624970,1652906,109398380,500,630796,p/st
  4218. 4217,30924050,Parts of baby carriages,:,4710300,:,28939770,:,:,:
  4219. 4218,30991000,"Vehicles not mechanically propelled including industry trolleys, barrows, luggage trucks, hopper-trucks, hand pulled golf trolleys, shopping trolleys",:,28040770,:,79096510,1530777,67452975,p/st
  4220. 4219,31001150,"Swivel seats with variable height adjustments (excluding medical, surgical, dental or veterinary, and barbers¿ chairs)",:,53369460,:,144444890,1777804,206603397,p/st
  4221. 4220,31001155,"Upholstered swivel seats with variable height adjustment, with backrest and fitted with castors or glides excluding medical, surgical, dental or veterinary seats - barbers' or similar chairs",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4222. 4221,31001159,"Non-upholstered swivel seats with variable height adjustment (excluding seats with castors or glides, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary seats, barbers' or similar chairs)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4223. 4222,31001170,"Upholstered seats with metal frames (excluding swivel seats, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary seats, barbers¿ or similar chairs, for motor vehicles, for aircraft)",:,41092040,:,138878420,979525,164770096,p/st
  4224. 4223,31001190,"Non-upholstered seats with metal frames (excluding medical, surgical, dental or veterinary seats, barbers¿ or similar chairs, swivel seats)",:,20902870,:,160447390,1004467,27705978,p/st
  4225. 4224,31001210,Seats convertible into beds (excluding garden seats or camping equipment),:,5165560,:,24888940,56331,14321238,p/st
  4226. 4225,31001230,"Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials",:,1218410,:,7069990,0,0,p/st
  4227. 4226,31001250,Upholstered seats with wooden frames (including three piece suites) (excluding swivel seats),:,100007410,:,840034110,3560829,1136920392,p/st
  4228. 4227,31001290,Non-upholstered seats with wooden frames (excluding swivel seats),:,13737110,:,130542810,20276,6249786,p/st
  4229. 4228,31001300,"Other seats, of HS 9401, n.e.c.",:,52134880,:,209225630,690041,33445880,p/st
  4230. 4229,31001400,Parts of seats,:,128833960,:,1031732140,:,214353177,:
  4231. 4230,31002030,"Parts of furniture, of metal, n.e.s. (excl. of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)",:,44032360,:,248068190,:,43864852,:
  4232. 4231,31002050,"Parts of furniture, of wood, n.e.s. (excl. seats)",:,16901100,:,414618820,:,215245189,:
  4233. 4232,31002090,"Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)",:,59770740,:,120750700,:,34576294,:
  4234. 4233,31011100,Metal furniture for offices,:,94403800,:,102374950,4721351,267820274,p/st
  4235. 4234,31011110,Office metal drawing tables (excluding those designed/fitted with machines or instruments as part of the table),:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4236. 4235,31011140,"Metal furniture of a kind used in offices, of a height <= 80 cm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4237. 4236,31011170,"Metal furniture of a kind used in offices, of a height > 80 cm",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4238. 4237,31011200,Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices,:,46296650,:,101883000,4461857,484303102,p/st
  4239. 4238,31011300,Wooden furniture for shops,:,46617030,:,43908610,792016,276375375,p/st
  4240. 4239,31021000,Kitchen furniture,:,42796200,:,137038670,33708002,1695834236,p/st
  4241. 4240,31031100,"Mattress supports (including wooden or metal frames fitted with springs or steel wire mesh, upholstered mattress bases, with wooden slats, divans)",:,18567960,:,28164630,2615794,299153615,p/st
  4242. 4241,31031230,"Mattresses of cellular rubber (including with a metal frame) (excluding water-mattresses, pneumatic mattresses)",:,256430,:,2601870,56433,11680564,p/st
  4243. 4242,31031250,"Mattresses of cellular plastics (including with a metal frame) (excluding water-mattresses, pneumatic mattresses)",:,9765850,:,45733440,1272826,41153456,p/st
  4244. 4243,31031270,Mattresses with spring interiors (excluding of cellular rubber or plastics),:,25658470,:,39876390,3655394,496961228,p/st
  4245. 4244,31031290,"Mattresses (excluding with spring interiors, of cellular rubber or plastics)",:,11052340,:,40671910,1248072,71071213,p/st
  4246. 4245,31091100,"Metal furniture (excluding office, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture; barbers¿ chairs - cases and cabinets specially designed for hi-fi systems, videos or televisions)",38132300,194221030,213356400,610245520,61963767,600456272,kg
  4247. 4246,31091230,"Wooden bedroom furniture (excluding builders¿ fittings for cupboards to be built into walls, mattress supports, lamps and lighting fittings, floor standing mirrors, seats)",:,33402000,:,560084500,5374417,580194372,p/st
  4248. 4247,31091250,"Wooden furniture for the dining-room and living-room (excluding floor standing mirrors, seats)",:,79331480,:,753001520,985274,128600271,p/st
  4249. 4248,31091300,"Other wooden furniture (excluding bedroom, dining-, living-room, kitchen, office, shop, medical, surgical, dental/veterinary furniture, cases and cabinets designed for hi-fi, videos and televisions)",:,104181900,:,734888800,4440878,554845039,p/st
  4250. 4249,31091430,"Furniture of plastics (excluding medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture - cases and cabinets specially designed for hi-fi systems, videos and televisions)",:,31319340,:,132690840,4127097,86534272,p/st
  4251. 4250,31091450,"Furniture of materials other than metal, wood or plastic (excluding seats, cases and cabinets specially designed for hi-fi systems, videos and televisions)",:,21945470,:,58713100,246284,11785507,p/st
  4252. 4251,32111000,"Coin (excluding coin mounted in objects of personal adornment, coins usable only as scrap or waste metal)",774900,17040220,57500,6112280,:,:,kg
  4253. 4252,32121100,"Cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, including synthetic or reconstructed, worked but not set",:,837222020,:,959941330,:,10806803,:
  4254. 4253,32121200,"Industrial diamonds, worked; dust and powder of natural or synthetic precious or semi-precious stones",:,19141240,:,19567320,:,0,:
  4255. 4254,32121330,"Articles of jewellery and parts thereof of precious metal (including plated, clad)",:,4171029920,:,2660570930,:,164018388,:
  4256. 4255,32121351,Articles of goldsmiths¿ or silversmiths¿ wares of silver,:,7601730,:,3959390,:,15696898,:
  4257. 4256,32121353,"Articles of goldsmiths¿ or silversmiths¿ wares of precious metals, n.e.c.",:,5677850,:,5622660,:,:,:
  4258. 4257,32121355,Articles of goldsmiths¿ or silversmiths¿ wares of base metal clad with precious metal,:,6108320,:,2590640,:,7601492,:
  4259. 4258,32121400,"Other articles of precious metal; articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones",:,39756220,:,64981280,:,83300444,:
  4260. 4259,32131000,Imitation jewellery and related articles,3627800,146560560,10099500,317295510,854392,37077806,kg
  4261. 4260,32201110,Acoustic new upright pianos (including automatic pianos),7094,1529010,2441,6112220,0,0,p/st
  4262. 4261,32201130,Acoustic grand pianos (including automatic pianos),453,3126700,1025,12305090,0,0,p/st
  4263. 4262,32201150,"Keyboard stringed instruments (including harpsichords, spinets and clavichords)",:,1337360,:,1068010,0,0,p/st
  4264. 4263,32201200,Other string musical instruments,233366,23799010,937081,40673940,:,:,p/st
  4265. 4264,32201310,"Keyboard pipe organs, harmoniums and similar keyboard instruments with free metal reeds",:,968710,:,920770,4477,4871845,p/st
  4266. 4265,32201340,Accordions and similar instruments; mouth organs,127908,1335790,280955,1036520,0,0,p/st
  4267. 4266,32201370,Other wind instruments,:,14329500,:,18956670,5857,5847126,p/st
  4268. 4267,32201400,"Musical or keyboard instruments, the sound of which is produced, or must be amplified, electrically",:,32479530,:,120024480,:,:,p/st
  4269. 4268,32201510,Percussion musical instruments,:,4050990,:,13732740,2890,1517104,p/st
  4270. 4269,32201530,"Musical boxes, fairground organs, mechanical street organs, mechanical singing birds, musical saws, rattles, mouth-operated sirens; decoy calls; mouth-blown-, call horns and whistles",:,2848030,:,2603300,:,:,:
  4271. 4270,32201600,"Metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes; mechanisms for musical boxes; musical instrument strings",:,6319080,:,6953020,:,:,:
  4272. 4271,32202000,Parts and accessories of musical instruments,:,17015700,:,53088770,:,6536097,:
  4273. 4272,32301131,"Skis, for winter sports",:,2326470,:,6192750,0,0,pa
  4274. 4273,32301137,"Ski-bindings, ski brakes and ski poles",:,7525740,:,3713490,:,0,:
  4275. 4274,32301150,"Ice skates and roller skates, including skating boots with skates attached; parts and accessories therefor",:,23540440,:,29231210,:,:,:
  4276. 4275,32301200,Snow-ski footwear,68570,8097720,137490,7451130,0,0,pa
  4277. 4276,32301300,"Water-skis, surfboards, sailboards and other water-sport equipment",:,16470020,:,36242010,:,552089,:
  4278. 4277,32301400,Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment,:,115853520,:,376385640,:,34394926,:
  4279. 4278,32301510,"Leather sports gloves, mittens and mitts",565096,4863060,2005972,12934250,0,0,pa
  4280. 4279,32301530,Golf clubs and other golf equipment (including golf balls),:,233585620,:,278994460,:,144380440,:
  4281. 4280,32301550,"Articles and equipment for table-tennis (including bats, balls and nets)",:,847270,:,9230500,:,:,:
  4282. 4281,32301560,"Tennis, badminton or similar rackets, whether or not strung",:,8719840,:,20569110,0,0,p/st
  4283. 4282,32301580,"Balls (excluding golf balls, table-tennis balls, medicine balls and punch balls)",:,20032000,:,75832150,107164,1218246,p/st
  4284. 4283,32301590,"Other articles and equipment for sport and open-air games, n.e.c.",:,89880850,:,244608030,:,183692838,:
  4285. 4284,32301600,"Fishing rods, other line fishing tackle; articles for hunting or fishing n.e.c.",:,38869820,:,77277110,:,32978202,:
  4286. 4285,32401100,Dolls representing only human beings,:,78546740,:,200557030,0,0,p/st
  4287. 4286,32401200,Toys representing animals or non-human creatures,:,133227790,:,505208250,544,3394664,p/st
  4288. 4287,32401300,Parts and accessories for dolls representing only human beings,:,13029810,:,32137310,:,0,:
  4289. 4288,32402000,Toy trains and their accessories; other reduced-size models or construction sets and constructional toys,:,60277510,:,372476330,:,15541766,:
  4290. 4289,32403100,Wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children (excluding bicycles); dolls¿ carriages,:,26652410,:,147050870,5988,1260451,p/st
  4291. 4290,32403200,Puzzles,:,19586980,:,48828430,2902794,19997262,p/st
  4292. 4291,32403900,Games and toys n.e.c.,:,351383680,:,1130685510,:,:,:
  4293. 4292,32403920,"Toy musical instruments and apparatus; toys put up in sets or outfits (excluding electric trains, scale model assembly kits, construction sets and constructional toys, and puzzles); toys and models incorporating a motor; toy weapons",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4294. 4293,32403940,Other toys of plastics,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4295. 4294,32403960,Toy die-cast miniature models of metal,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4296. 4295,32403990,Other toys n.e.c.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4297. 4296,32404100,Playing cards,670500,16767610,4352500,55102500,:,:,kg
  4298. 4297,32404210,"Articles and accessories for billiards (excluding mechanical counters, time meters and cue racks)",:,11451790,:,12367910,:,13241014,:
  4299. 4298,32404230,"Games operated by coins, banknotes, discs or other similar articles (excluding bowling alley equipment)",:,168088830,:,136890700,7902378,265762488,p/st
  4300. 4299,32404250,Electric car racing sets having the character of competitive games,:,8558450,:,8152090,0,0,p/st
  4301. 4300,32404270,"Tables for casino games, automatic bowling alley equipment, and other funfair, table or parlour games, including pintables (excluding operated by coins, banknotes `paper currency¿, discs or other similar articles, billiards, video games for use with a television receiver, playing cards and electric",5791900,94836210,35247900,209944390,:,27964913,kg
  4302. 4301,32501130,"Dental drill engines, whether or not combined on a single base with other dental equipment",:,10618460,:,9080630,0,0,p/st
  4303. 4302,32501150,Instruments and appliances used in dental sciences (excluding drill engines),:,49871130,:,101211420,32525740,34483899,p/st
  4304. 4303,32501200,"Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilisers",:,18728220,:,13997110,45233,26795716,p/st
  4305. 4304,32501311,"Syringes, with or without needles, used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences",:,113332750,:,149115120,:,:,p/st
  4306. 4305,32501313,"Tubular metal needles, for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences",:,36152090,:,62534820,3697000,10101863,p/st
  4307. 4306,32501315,"Needles for sutures used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences",:,618390,:,16356150,0,0,p/st
  4308. 4307,32501317,"Needles, catheters, cannulae and the like used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences (excluding tubular metal needles and needles for sutures)",:,212917260,:,718976420,2126990000,159441979,p/st
  4309. 4308,32501320,Ophthalmic instruments and appliances,:,131753840,:,149178290,17975447,142700218,p/st
  4310. 4309,32501333,"Instruments and apparatus for measuring blood-pressure (including sphygmomanometers, tensiometers, oscillometers)",:,39425690,:,30463120,25655,269200,p/st
  4311. 4310,32501335,Endoscopes for medical purposes,:,50363580,:,144301690,:,2514059,p/st
  4312. 4311,32501340,"Clinical or veterinary thermometers, liquid filled, for direct reading (excluding those combined with other instruments)",20454,799020,10752503,2142040,0,0,p/st
  4313. 4312,32501353,Renal dialysis equipment,:,4401130,:,70345590,0,0,p/st
  4314. 4313,32501355,Diathermic apparatus (including ultrasonic),:,18670100,:,29696640,:,7933430,p/st
  4315. 4314,32501363,Transfusion apparatus (excluding special blood storage glass bottles),:,51269340,:,58174500,382070,157767461,p/st
  4316. 4315,32501365,Anaesthetic apparatus and instruments,:,36902550,:,43822000,1996738,27976319,p/st
  4317. 4316,32501370,"Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical or veterinary sciences, n.e.s.",:,673215660,:,1173192340,113140280,835183136,p/st
  4318. 4317,32501373,Ultrasonic lithotripsy instruments,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4319. 4318,32501379,Other instruments and appliances: others,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4320. 4319,32501380,"Centrifuges of a kind used in laboratories (excluding cream separators, clothes dryers)",:,24169050,:,13071690,6487,31086954,p/st
  4321. 4320,32502130,"Mechano-therapy appliances, massage apparatus, psychological aptitude-testing apparatus (excluding wholly stationary mechano-therapy apparatus)",:,44459340,:,202970210,47202,4631161,p/st
  4322. 4321,32502180,"Ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, respiration apparatus",:,226637830,:,230499970,64056382,79180307,p/st
  4323. 4322,32502235,Artificial joints,:,329426160,:,407005970,1229063,182447215,p/st
  4324. 4323,32502239,"Orthopaedic appliances, splints and other fracture appliances",:,167317540,:,376269020,:,:,:
  4325. 4324,32502253,Individual artificial teeth of plastics (including metal posts for fixing) (excluding dentures or part dentures),30761000,2835990,17682800,2909880,381608,7644838,p/st
  4326. 4325,32502255,Individual artificial teeth not made of plastics (including metal posts for fixing) (excluding dentures or part dentures),5798800,18828290,85035400,15094180,937945,50221862,p/st
  4327. 4326,32502259,"Dental fittings (including dentures and part dentures, metal crowns, cast tin bars, stainless steel bars) (excluding individual artificial teeth)",:,5858350,:,44189400,:,93275691,:
  4328. 4327,32502290,"Artificial parts of the body (excluding artificial teeth and dental fittings, artificial joints, orthopaedic and fracture appliances, heart pacemakers)",:,199243410,:,190647710,:,211617827,:
  4329. 4328,32502300,Parts and accessories of articles and apparatus of HS 9021,:,61797960,:,264854930,:,28910536,:
  4330. 4329,32503030,"Dentists¿, barbers¿ or similar chairs and parts thereof (excluding dentists¿ spittoon mouth rinsers, chairs incorporating dental appliances)",:,4078550,:,19159150,:,:,:
  4331. 4330,32503050,"Medical, surgical or veterinary furniture, and parts thereof (excluding tables and seats specialised for X-ray purposes)",:,72359110,:,94679760,:,145254201,:
  4332. 4331,32504130,Contact lenses,1386989262,821225270,1240779223,438186760,:,200460835,p/st
  4333. 4332,32504153,Unmounted spectacle lenses other than for the correction of vision,177188,1443440,717196,3212930,0,0,p/st
  4334. 4333,32504155,"Unmounted single focal spectacle lenses for the correction of vision, with both sides finished",3100202,35567760,18963957,118642690,2525487,25420055,p/st
  4335. 4334,32504159,"Unmounted spectacle lenses for the correction of vision, with both sides finished other than single focal lenses",26794065,37889370,14372419,60834500,7154807,147866358,p/st
  4336. 4335,32504170,"Unmounted spectacle lenses for the correction of vision, other than those with both sides finished",1027927,6874720,38015175,80230580,3876558,14583595,p/st
  4337. 4336,32504250,Sunglasses,13467445,145546980,42063577,273943210,4729144,15524656,p/st
  4338. 4337,32504290,"Spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective, protective or other (excluding sunglasses)",:,55426380,:,153909540,:,274270820,:
  4339. 4338,32504350,"Plastic frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the like",2327370,56523000,19215752,160334330,8168,197338,p/st
  4340. 4339,32504390,"Non-plastic frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles and the like",1550500,41082540,6211456,60363540,96803,2404554,p/st
  4341. 4340,32504400,"Parts of frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the like (excluding screws, chains without securing device, springs of base metal)",:,1430530,:,6351340,:,0,:
  4342. 4341,32505010,Dental cements and other dental fillings; bone reconstruction cements,:,62020810,:,69876720,:,6078684,:
  4343. 4342,32505020,Gel preparations for use in human or veterinary medicine as a lubricant for surgical operations or physical examinations or as a coupling agent between the body and medical instruments,:,24382110,:,12495210,:,16348227,:
  4344. 4343,32505030,"Sterile surgical or dental adhesion barriers, whether or not absorbable; sterile suture materials, including sterile absorbable surgical or dental yarns (excluding catgut); sterile tissue adhesives for surgical wound closure; sterile laminaria and sterile laminaria tents; sterile absorbable surgical",:,130596420,:,150375580,:,9468785,:
  4345. 4344,32505050,Appliances identifiable for ostomy use,:,97445270,:,126605660,:,:,:
  4346. 4345,32911110,"Brooms and brushes of twigs or other vegetable materials, bound together",1059637,1577400,5616240,5644340,120100,208744,p/st
  4347. 4346,32911130,"Non-motorised, hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4348. 4347,32911140,"Non-motorised, hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers and other brushes for road, household or animals",:,7130210,:,40925600,2025800,6606819,p/st
  4349. 4348,32911150,"Other brushes for road, household or animals",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4350. 4349,32911190,"Brushes, n.e.c.",:,15557370,:,59401820,61522547,46806666,p/st
  4351. 4350,32911210,Tooth brushes,18967394,28041680,159521731,79989690,:,:,p/st
  4352. 4351,32911235,Hair brushes,7454109,33438540,21413372,21958820,11309300,39810875,p/st
  4353. 4352,32911237,Shaving and toilet brushes for personal use (excluding tooth brushes and hair brushes),:,5514770,:,17485220,221001,1571857,p/st
  4354. 4353,32911250,Artists¿ brushes and writing brushes,3785140,6115790,15513609,9585330,4829300,6830392,p/st
  4355. 4354,32911270,Brushes for the application of cosmetics,41282808,36503790,50470094,63030100,:,:,p/st
  4356. 4355,32911930,"Paint brushes, distempering brushes, paper-hanging brushes and varnishing brushes",2620209,3513770,51541511,36614100,:,:,p/st
  4357. 4356,32911950,Paint pads and rollers,4319690,4689240,34249731,19780080,:,:,p/st
  4358. 4357,32911970,"Brushes constituting parts of machines, appliances or vehicles (excluding for road-sweepers)",:,8153380,:,10214460,7316149,17541378,p/st
  4359. 4358,32991130,"Protective gloves, mittens and mitts for all trades, of leather or composition leather",1817598,4667690,9378572,20600270,98627,3451698,pa
  4360. 4359,32991150,Safety headgear,7157005,69637870,133512582,122106110,4218547,71381478,p/st
  4361. 4360,32991190,Headgear of rubber or plastic (excluding safety headgear),1764255,3117150,25047219,5831270,0,0,p/st
  4362. 4361,32991210,Ball-point pens,68309265,23519450,368858624,110706560,:,:,p/st
  4363. 4362,32991230,Felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers,44613690,23578390,198497173,82761320,1942224,691252,p/st
  4364. 4363,32991250,Propelling or sliding pencils,2099824,820930,19574662,3618950,0,0,p/st
  4365. 4364,32991300,"Indian ink drawing pens; fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens",1654487,10036310,6633775,12756080,:,:,p/st
  4366. 4365,32991330,Indian ink drawing pens,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4367. 4366,32991350,"Fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens (excluding Indian ink drawing pens)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4368. 4367,32991410,Pen or pencil sets containing two or more writing instruments,287900,4225570,1127800,8981120,:,:,kg
  4369. 4368,32991430,"Refills for ball-point pens, comprising the ball-point and ink-reservoir",19486627,2638300,10822803,2793120,:,:,p/st
  4370. 4369,32991450,"Pen nibs and nib points; duplicating stylos; pen-holders, pencil-holders and similar holders; parts (including caps and clips) of articles of HS 9608",:,9494890,:,6585280,:,:,:
  4371. 4370,32991510,"Pencils and crayons with leads encased in a rigid sheath (excluding pencils for medicinal, cosmetic or toilet uses)",:,17543060,:,39563210,:,952468,p/st
  4372. 4371,32991530,Black or coloured pencil leads,:,559670,:,2047350,0,0,p/st
  4373. 4372,32991550,"Pastels, drawing charcoals, writing or drawing chalks and tailors¿ chalks",461500,4091390,2138900,9864090,175979,1085927,kg
  4374. 4373,32991610,Slates and boards with writing or drawing surfaces,:,6075620,:,28382210,529719,6886286,p/st
  4375. 4374,32991630,"Hand-operated date, sealing or numbering stamps, and the like",:,7276730,:,9894980,2581682,19949354,p/st
  4376. 4375,32991650,Ink-pads (excluding hand operated ink-rollers),:,822170,:,2110840,0,0,p/st
  4377. 4376,32991670,"Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions (excluding rolls of carbon or other copying paper strip)",:,81733680,:,113589350,7746682,54819944,p/st
  4378. 4377,32992130,"Umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-stick umbrellas, garden umbrellas and similar umbrellas (excluding umbrella cases)",4806931,11581270,19881354,63794320,1060350,11727332,p/st
  4379. 4378,32992150,"Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4380. 4379,32992160,"Walking sticks, seat sticks and the like excluding whips and crops",:,:,:,:,:,:,p/st
  4381. 4380,32992200,"Parts, trimmings and accessories of umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4382. 4381,32992210,"Parts, trimmings and accessories of umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks, seat sticks and the like excluding parts for whips and crops",:,:,:,:,:,0,:
  4383. 4382,32992300,"Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners, press-studs and parts thereof; buttons; slide fasteners",:,23294060,:,20558570,:,23746678,:
  4384. 4383,32992430,"Button blanks, button moulds and other parts of buttons",37800,587510,33900,700780,0,0,kg
  4385. 4384,32992450,"Chain scoops, sliders, runners, end pieces and narrow strips of any length mounted with chain scoops for slide fasteners",:,3153990,:,10265380,:,0,:
  4386. 4385,32993000,Products of human or animal hair; similar products of textile materials,3132300,31975820,3924200,105435540,23665,5282489,kg
  4387. 4386,32994110,"Cigarette lighters and other lighters (including mechanical lighters, electrical lighters, chemical lighters, non-mechanical lighters, vehicle lighters)",:,2767710,:,29401600,0,0,p/st
  4388. 4387,32994130,"Smoking pipes (including pipe bowls) and cigar or cigarette holders, and parts thereof",70900,2054110,556600,1752210,0,0,kg
  4389. 4388,32994210,"Ferro-cerium, pyrophoric alloys, articles of combustible materials, n.e.c.",31213500,32484470,5810400,7734850,35900624,43280824,kg
  4390. 4389,32994230,"Parts of cigarette and other lighters (excluding flints, wicks, fuel in ampoules, bottles, cans or other containers used for filling or refilling cigarette or similar lighters)",:,550150,:,4410220,:,0,:
  4391. 4390,32994300,"Liquid or liquefied-gas fuels in containers, for lighters, <= 300 cm³",:,6231830,:,775130,:,:,p/st
  4392. 4391,32995130,"Articles for Christmas festivities (excluding electric garlands, natural Christmas trees, Christmas tree stands, candles, statuettes, statues and the like used for decorating places of worship)",:,20081140,:,258471950,:,19126923,:
  4393. 4392,32995150,"Festive, carnival or other entertainment articles, n.e.c.",:,43852620,:,111812400,:,22726910,:
  4394. 4393,32995220,"Combs, hair-slides and the like (excluding of hard rubber or plastics, electro-thermic hairdressing apparatus)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4395. 4394,32995250,"Hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, hair-curlers and the like, and parts thereof (excluding electro-thermic hairdressing apparatus)",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4396. 4395,32995280,"Scent sprays and similar toilet sprays, and mounts and heads therefor (excluding reservoirs for scent sprays presented separately, rubber bulbs)",467500,4902030,4865200,49492820,:,:,kg
  4397. 4396,32995300,"Instruments, apparatus and models designed for demonstrational purposes and unsuitable for other uses (excluding ground flying trainers, printed plans, diagrams or illustrations)",2634500,114485940,1165000,42241510,1574999,130064905,kg
  4398. 4397,32995400,"Candles, tapers and the like (including night lights fitted with a float) (excluding anti-asthmatic candles, wax matches or vestas, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles)",11072500,83306010,88437000,297284460,4010116,70211140,kg
  4399. 4398,32995500,"Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof",:,6839070,:,82084190,:,5467280,:
  4400. 4399,32995910,Breathing appliances and gas masks (excluding therapeutic respiration apparatus and protective masks having neither mechanical parts nor replaceable filters),:,216863710,:,84200150,6024522,213715537,p/st
  4401. 4400,32995920,"Articles of gut (excluding silkworm gut), goldbeater¿s skin, bladders or tendons",200,34520,2200,51920,0,0,kg
  4402. 4401,32995930,"Carvings from animal material such as ivory, bone, tortoise shell, horn, antlers, coral, mother-of-pearl",29100,700560,198800,1589460,0,0,kg
  4403. 4402,32995940,"Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials n.e.s; moulded or carved articles of wax, of paraffin, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles n.e.s; worked, unhardened gelatin, and articles of unhardened",574300,6993580,2648600,24978280,:,4381352,kg
  4404. 4403,32995950,Hand sieves and hand riddles,103900,4436970,255800,2222030,:,:,kg
  4405. 4404,32995960,"Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases, and parts thereof (excluding separate glass inners)",450500,6717680,3849400,35312630,29078,1811400,kg
  4406. 4405,32995970,"Tailors' dummies and other lay figures, automata and other animated displays used for shop window dressing (excl. the articles actually on display, educational models and toy dolls)",865100,18355880,1657400,15791940,1475201,22955046,kg
  4407. 4406,32995980,"Globes, printed (excluding relief globes)",:,1153690,:,2449540,0,0,p/st
  4408. 4407,32995990,Wooden coffins,12901,488660,168791,1697480,470890,56192182,p/st
  4409. 4408,33111200,"Repair and maintenance of metal tanks, reservoirs, vats and other containers",:,:,:,:,:,56719176,:
  4410. 4409,33111300,Repair and maintenance services of steam generators (excluding central heating hot water boilers) and of systems of metal pipes in industrial plants,:,:,:,:,:,535521918,:
  4411. 4410,33111900,Repair and maintenance of non-domestic central heating boilers,:,:,:,:,:,6670697,:
  4412. 4411,33121100,"Repair and maintenance of engines and turbines (excluding aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines)",:,:,:,:,:,593191281,:
  4413. 4412,33121210,Repair and maintenance of pumps and compressors,:,:,:,:,:,452521473,:
  4414. 4413,33121220,Repair and maintenance of taps and valves,:,:,:,:,:,90653267,:
  4415. 4414,33121400,Repair and maintenance of furnaces and furnace burners,:,:,:,:,:,48214265,:
  4416. 4415,33121500,Repair and maintenance of lifting and handling equipment,:,:,:,:,:,428749701,:
  4417. 4416,33121800,Repair and maintenance of non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment,:,:,:,:,:,372842689,:
  4418. 4417,33121990,Repair and maintenance of other general purpose machinery n.e.c.,:,:,:,:,:,269153729,:
  4419. 4418,33122110,Repair and maintenance services of agricultural tractors,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4420. 4419,33122120,Repair and maintenance of agricultural and forestry machinery,:,:,:,:,:,15717431,:
  4421. 4420,33122200,Repair and maintenance services of metalworking machine tools,:,:,:,:,:,71437371,:
  4422. 4421,33122300,Repair and maintenance of machinery for metallurgy,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4423. 4422,33122400,"Repair and maintenance of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction",:,:,:,:,:,170287565,:
  4424. 4423,33122500,"Repair and maintenance of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing",:,:,:,:,:,171286801,:
  4425. 4424,33122600,"Repair and maintenance of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production",:,:,:,:,:,5034962,:
  4426. 4425,33122700,Repair and maintenance of machinery for paper and paperboard production,:,:,:,:,:,36882749,:
  4427. 4426,33122800,Repair and maintenance services of machinery for plastics and rubber,:,:,:,:,:,11176383,:
  4428. 4427,33122910,"Repair and maintenance service of machine tools for working wood, cork, stone, hard rubber and similar hard materials",:,:,:,:,:,6444842,:
  4429. 4428,33122990,Repair and maintenance of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.,:,:,:,:,:,459187608,:
  4430. 4429,33131110,"Repair and maintenance of instruments and apparatus for measuring, checking, testing, navigating and other purposes (excluding industrial process control equipment)",:,:,:,:,:,295488610,:
  4431. 4430,33131120,Repair and maintenance of industrial time measure instruments and apparatus,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4432. 4431,33131200,Repair and maintenance of medical and surgical equipment,:,:,:,:,:,523057707,:
  4433. 4432,33131300,"Repair and maintenance of professional photographic, cinematographic and optical instruments",:,:,:,:,:,31919650,:
  4434. 4433,33131900,Repair and maintenance services of other professional electronic equipment,:,:,:,:,:,57558717,:
  4435. 4434,33141120,"Repair and maintenance of electric motors, generators and transformers",:,:,:,:,:,371213798,:
  4436. 4435,33141150,Repair and maintenance of electricity distribution and control apparatus,:,:,:,:,:,169229014,:
  4437. 4436,33141900,"Repair and maintenance of electrical equipment (excluding electricity distribution and control apparatus, motors, generators and transformers, television and radio transmitters)",:,:,:,:,:,44553823,:
  4438. 4437,33151010,"Repair and maintenance services of ships, boats and floating structures (excluding yachts, other pleasure or sports vessels, rowing boats and canoes)",:,:,:,:,:,333039798,:
  4439. 4438,33151030,Repair and maintenance services of pleasure and sporting boats,:,:,:,:,:,145330626,:
  4440. 4439,33161000,Repair and maintenance of civil aircraft and aircraft engines,:,:,:,:,:,4959760229,:
  4441. 4440,33171100,"Repair and maintenance of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling-stock and of mechanical (and electro-mechanical) signalling, safety or traffic control equipment",:,:,:,:,:,1474220630,:
  4442. 4441,33191020,"Repair services of tarpaulins and camping equipment, and other made-up textile articles",:,:,:,:,:,592013,:
  4443. 4442,33201100,"Installation services of steam generators (excluding central heating hot water boilers), including installation services for metal pipe systems in industrial plants",:,:,:,:,:,131847788,:
  4444. 4443,33202100,Installation of office machinery,:,:,:,:,:,377565,:
  4445. 4444,33202910,"Installation of engines and turbines (excluding aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines)",:,:,:,:,:,128288866,:
  4446. 4445,33202920,Installation of pumps and compressors,:,:,:,:,:,74882225,:
  4447. 4446,33202930,Installation of furnaces and furnace burners,:,:,:,:,:,6622789,:
  4448. 4447,33202940,Installation of lifting and handling equipment (excluding lifts and escalators),:,:,:,:,:,213480557,:
  4449. 4448,33202950,Installation of non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment,:,:,:,:,:,400464257,:
  4450. 4449,33202960,"Installation of general purpose machines and apparatus for weighing, filtration, distillation, packaging, bottling, spraying, steam/sand blasting, calendering",:,:,:,:,:,48413884,:
  4451. 4450,33202970,"Installation services of machine tools for working wood, cork, stone, hard rubber and similar hard materials",:,:,:,:,:,498477,:
  4452. 4451,33203100,Installation of agricultural and forestry machinery,:,:,:,:,:,19627682,:
  4453. 4452,33203200,Installation services of metalworking machine tools,:,:,:,:,:,1496572,:
  4454. 4453,33203300,Installation of machinery for metallurgy,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4455. 4454,33203400,"Installation of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4456. 4455,33203500,"Installation of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing",:,:,:,:,:,80179543,:
  4457. 4456,33203600,"Installation of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production",:,:,:,:,:,1100756,:
  4458. 4457,33203700,Installation of machinery for paper and paperboard production,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4459. 4458,33203800,Installation services of industrial machinery and equipment for plastic and rubber production,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4460. 4459,33203900,Installation of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.,:,:,:,:,:,95745263,:
  4461. 4460,33204100,Installation of medical and surgical equipment,:,:,:,:,:,48573580,:
  4462. 4461,33204200,Installation services of professional electronic equipment,:,:,:,:,:,489527416,:
  4463. 4462,33205020,"Installation of electric motors, generators and transformers",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4464. 4463,33205050,Installation of electricity distribution and control apparatus,:,:,:,:,:,253918806,:
  4465. 4464,33205090,"Installation of other electrical equipment, excluding electrical signalling equipment for motorways, roads...",:,:,:,:,:,18930726,:
  4466. 4465,33206000,Design and assembly of industrial process control equipment and automated production plants,:,:,:,:,:,731786191,:
  4467. 4466,33207000,Installation of industrial time measure instruments and apparatus,:,:,:,:,:,1068817,:
  4468. 4467,38322000,Metal secondary raw materials,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4469. 4468,38323000,Metal secondary raw materials,:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4470. 4469,399900Z0,"Prefabricated buildings of plastics, concrete or aluminium",:,24448840,:,48995110,:,:,:
  4471. 4470,399900Z1,"Spark-ignition reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, for the vehicles of HS 87, of a cylinder capacity <= 1 000 cm³",47269,2224160,8499,4809730,0,0,p/st
  4472. 4471,399900Z2,"Spark-ignition reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, for the vehicles of HS 87, of a cylinder capacity > 1 000 cm³",961419,1511852390,194539,354211190,1170735,2196981761,p/st
  4473. 4472,399900Z3,"Fixtures and fittings and mechanical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways or tramways; parts of railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings, mechanical (including electromechanical), signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland wate",:,:,:,:,:,:,:
  4474. 4473,399900Z4,"Hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, hair-curlers and the like, and parts thereof (excluding electro-thermic hairdressing apparatus)",417600,10780550,1708300,28636530,0,0,kg
  4475. 4474,399900Z5,"Railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings (excluding sleepers of wood, concrete or steel, sections of track and other track fixtures not yet assembled and railway or tramway track construction material); mechanical, including electromechanical, signalling, safety or traffic control equipment fo",:,46382040,:,30064370,:,:,:
  4476. 4475,399900Z6,"Saddlery and harness for any animal made from any material (including riding whips and crops and their parts, traces, leads, kneepads, muzzles, saddle cloths, dog coats,); Walking sticks, seat sticks and the like; Parts, trimmings and accessories",:,43437240,:,88649310,:,:,:
  4477. 4476,399900Z7,Kaolin,873633000,136343970,68664000,17970280,779629000,:,kg