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Delete copy of ontology file

stephenjboyle 11 months ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 81 deletions
  1. 0 81

+ 0 - 81

@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-@prefix probs:       	<> .
-@prefix ufpc:   	<> .
-@prefix dc:     	<> .
-@prefix owl:    	<> .
-@prefix rdf:    	<> .
-@prefix rdfs:   	<> .
-@prefix time:		<> .
-@prefix xsd:    	<> .
-    rdf:type            owl:Ontology ;
-    rdfs:label          "Physical Resources Observatory (PRObs) Ontology additions for PRODCOM"@en ;
-    dc:title            "Physical Resources Observatory (PRObs) Ontology additions for PRODCOM"@en ;
-    rdfs:comment        "The ontology provides entities describing PRODCOM classifications for use with the Physical Resources Observatory (PRObs) data integration system"@en ;
-    dc:description      "The ontology provides entities describing PRODCOM classifications for use with the Physical Resources Observatory (PRObs) data integration system"@en ;
-    owl:versionIRI      <> ;
-    owl:versionInfo     "1.0" .
-#    Classes
-    rdf:type            owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf     probs:ClassificationCode ;
-    rdfs:label          "PRODCOM classification code"@en ;
-    rdfs:comment        "A label within a PRODCOM ClassificationCodeList"@en .
-    rdf:type            owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf     probs:ClassificationCodeList ;
-    rdfs:label          "PRODCOM classification code list"@en ;
-    rdfs:comment        "A set of PRODCOM ClassificationCodes, usually from a specific year. Example: the 2017-18 PRODCOM list."@en .
-#    Time Periods
-    rdf:type        owl:NamedIndividual , time:DateTimeDescription ;
-    time:unitType   time:unitYear ;
-    time:year       "2014"^^xsd:gYear .
-    rdf:type        owl:NamedIndividual , time:DateTimeDescription ;
-    time:unitType   time:unitYear ;
-    time:year       "2015"^^xsd:gYear .
-    rdf:type        owl:NamedIndividual , time:DateTimeDescription ;
-    time:unitType   time:unitYear ;
-    time:year       "2016"^^xsd:gYear .
-    rdf:type        owl:NamedIndividual , time:DateTimeDescription ;
-    time:unitType   time:unitYear ;
-    time:year       "2017"^^xsd:gYear .
-    rdf:type        owl:NamedIndividual , time:DateTimeDescription ;
-    time:unitType   time:unitYear ;
-    time:year       "2018"^^xsd:gYear .
-    rdf:type        owl:NamedIndividual , time:DateTimeDescription ;
-    time:unitType   time:unitYear ;
-    time:year       "2019"^^xsd:gYear .
-    rdf:type        owl:NamedIndividual , time:DateTimeDescription ;
-    time:unitType   time:unitYear ;
-    time:year       "2020"^^xsd:gYear .