relacs.cfg 3.1 KB

  1. *Settings
  2. General:
  3. readinterval : 10ms
  4. processinterval: 50ms
  5. aitimeout : 10seconds
  6. Plugins:
  7. pluginpathes : [ base*, base*, calibration*, ephys*, patchclamp*, comedi*, rtaicomedi*, dynclampsim ]
  8. pluginhelppathes: ~
  9. controlplugin : [ Session, Session, SpectrumAnalyzer ]
  10. modelplugin : NeuronModels
  11. Pathes:
  12. pathformat : %04Y-%02m-%02d-%a2a
  13. defaultpath: dry/
  14. repropath : [ stimuli/repros/, reprodata, stimuli/repros/ ]
  15. infofile : info.dat
  16. Save:
  17. saverelacscore : true
  18. saverelacsplugins: true
  19. saverelacslog : true
  20. saveattenuators : true
  21. Date/time formats:
  22. elapsedformat : "%02H:%02M"
  23. sessiontimeformat: %Hh%02Mmin%02Ssec
  24. reprotimeformat : %Mmin%02Ssec
  25. Plotting:
  26. printcommand: ~
  27. *Metadata
  28. -Setup-:
  29. Identifier (Name): Dynclamp@Draguhn
  30. Maintainer : Paul Pfeiffer
  31. Creator : Jan Benda
  32. Location:
  33. Lab : Andreas Draguhn-Lab
  34. Institute : University of Heidelberg
  35. University: University of Heidelberg
  36. Address : Im Neuenheimer Feld 326
  37. *RELACS
  38. input data:
  39. inputsamplerate : 20kHz
  40. inputtracecapacity : 600s
  41. inputunipolar : false
  42. inputtraceid : [ V-1, Current-1, Cooperative-Cluster-Current, Open-Channels, Stimulus-Current-1, Total-Current-1 ]
  43. inputtracescale : [ 100, 10, 10, 1, 10, 10 ]
  44. inputtraceunit : [ mV, nA, nA, ~, nA, nA ]
  45. inputtracedevice : [ ai-1, ai-1, ai-1, ai-1, ai-1, ai-1 ]
  46. inputtracechannel : [ 3, 0, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003 ]
  47. inputtracereference: [ ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground ]
  48. inputtracemaxvalue : [ 80, 3, 3, 800, 3, 3 ]
  49. inputtracecenter : [ true, true, true, true, true, true ]
  50. output data:
  51. outputtraceid : Current-1
  52. outputtracedevice : ao-1
  53. outputtracechannel : 0
  54. outputtracescale : 1
  55. outputtraceunit : nA
  56. outputtracemaxrate : 20kHz
  57. outputtracemodality: current
  58. *Macros
  59. file : macros.cfg
  60. mainfile : macros.cfg
  61. fallbackonreload: true
  62. *FilterDetectors
  63. Filter1:
  64. name : Spikes-1
  65. filter : IntraSpikeDetector
  66. inputtrace : V-1
  67. save : true
  68. savemeanquality: true
  69. plot : true
  70. buffersize : 300000
  71. storesize : true
  72. *AudioMonitor
  73. device : [ "-1 default", "0 HDA Intel: ALC663 Analog (hw:0,0) (2 channels)", "2 sysdefault (128 channels)", "3 front (2 channels)", "4 surround40 (2 channels)", "5 surround51 (2 channels)", "6 surround71 (2 channels)", "7 pulse (32 channels)", "8 dmix (2 channels)", "9 default (32 channels) - default" ]
  74. enable : true
  75. mute : true
  76. gain : 1
  77. audiorate: [ "44.1", "8", "16", "22.05", "44.1", "48", "96" ]
  78. *Analog Input Devices
  79. Device1:
  80. plugin: [ DynClampAnalogInput, DynClampAISim ]
  81. device: /dev/comedi0
  82. ident : ai-1
  83. *Analog Output Devices
  84. Device1:
  85. plugin: [ DynClampAnalogOutput, DynClampAOSim ]
  86. device: /dev/comedi0
  87. ident : ao-1