Pieter Goltstein pgoltstein

More detailed data of this study: Reinert, S., Hübener, M., Bonhoeffer, T. et al. Mouse prefrontal cortex represents learned rules for categorization. Nature 593, 411–417 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03452-z

最終更新 5 ヶ月 前

最終更新 2 年 前

Category learning in mice and chronic calcium imaging in visual cortical areas

最終更新 3 年 前

Dataset of "Benchmarking miniaturized microscopy against two-photon calcium imaging using single-cell orientation tuning in mouse visual cortex". By Annet Glas, Mark Hübener, Tobias Bonhoeffer & Pieter M Goltstein; Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology

最終更新 5 年 前

Contains original data linked to Goltstein, Meijer & Pennartz (2018--)

最終更新 5 年 前

Contains original data linked to Goltstein, Reinert, Glas, Bonhoeffer and Hübener 2018

最終更新 6 年 前