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- function cm=circmean(ph)
- % Synopsis
- % cm=circmean(ph)
- % Desription:
- % cm is the circular mean or mean direction of the phase data in
- % ph (angular data) in radians
- % ignores NaN
- % for ma matrix, calculates the mean for every column
- [rows,cols]=size(ph);
- if(rows==1 & cols>1)
- ph=ph';
- [rows,cols]=size(ph);
- end;
- for(c=1:cols)
- C=sum(cos(ph(:,c)), 'omitnan');
- S=sum(sin(ph(:,c)), 'omitnan');
- t=atan(S/C);
- if (C<0)
- cm(c)=t+pi;
- else
- if (S<0)
- cm(c)=t+2*pi;
- else
- cm(c)=t;
- end;
- end;
- end;