Supporting files to reproduce all figures in the article "Learning accurate path integration in ring attractor models of the head direction system".

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Instructions to reproduce all main text, supplementary and appendix figures of the manuscript "Learning accurate path integration in ring attractor models of the head direction system". The code to reproduce results can be found in Place a folder containing the code in the parent folder downloaded from this data repository.

Instructions are based on default values of various parameters. After generating figures, please remember to revert parameters to these default values.

The figures are reproduced from saved networks. In order to generate the results from scratch, execute with the desired parameters for each figure mentioned below. Simulation takes ~8 hours on a mid-range gaming laptop, while the reduced network drastically reduces simulation time to ~3 minutes.


  • Fig. 1B,C, 2A-C, 3A-C,E,F, Fig. 3 - Fig. Sup. 2: Run with vel_hist = True.

  • Fig. 1 - Fig. Sup. 1: Run The upper-left panel in A also appears in Fig. 1E.

  • Fig. 2D: Run

  • Fig. 3D, 4, Fig. 4 - Fig. Sup. 1A, App. 1 - Fig. 1E, App. 2 - Fig. 1A-C: Run The diffusion coefficients for Fig. S5E were obtained by running with d_coeff = True for the corresponding networks.

  • Fig. 3 - Fig. Sup. 1: Run with cut_exc = True.

  • Fig. 3 - Fig. Sup. 3: Run with data_dir = '\savefiles\trained_networks\Parallel\Perturb_Conn\'. The networks were randomly generated, therefore results can vary. By varying the parameter 'run' in the dictionary params from 0 to 11, one can see multiple examples of such networks.

  • Fig. 4 - Fig. Sup. 1B: Run with PI_err = False, and 'gain': .125 in the dictionary params.

  • Fig. 4 - Fig. Sup. 1C: Run with PI_err = False and 'gain': 10 in the dictionary params. Also plot margins in lines 761 and 766 need to be adjusted.

  • Fig. 4 - Fig. Sup. 1D-F: Run with PI_err = False, sim_run = 'Long', and 'gain': -1 in the dictionary params.

  • App. 1 - Fig. 1A-D: Run with 'n_sigma': 0.7 in the dictionary params.

  • App. 2 - Fig. 1D,E: Run with sim_run = '4Medium', PI_err = False and 'tau_s': 1 in the dictionary params.

  • App. 3 - Fig. 1: Run with 'vary_w_rot': True and 'adj': True in the dictionary params.

  • App. 3 - Fig. 2: Run with PI_example_dir = '\savefiles\PI_example1.npz', 'vary_w_rot': True in the dictionary params and filename = "fly_rec" + util.filename(params) + 'NoLearn'. Also set err_lim = 180 in line 487.

  • App. 3 - Fig. 3: Run with PI_example_dir = '\savefiles\PI_example_360_max.npz', PI_err = False, and 'rand_w_rot': True in the dictionary params.

  • App. 5 - Fig. 1-4: Run