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Evangelos Paraskevopoulos 7 months ago
1 changed files with 9 additions and 1 deletions
  1. 9 1

+ 9 - 1

@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
 # Uni-Vs.MultisensoryTraining
-Pre- and post training EEG data of Multi- vs. Unisensory training
+Pre- and post training EEG data of Multi- vs. Unisensory training. 
+Data provided @ RawData folder.
+EEG and event file data folder structure for each group is self-explanatory. 
+The file Cognitive.sav is an SPSS file containing D prime and cognitive evaluation data for each subject.
+The file MIWithinBetweenBandsAllSubjectsAllTimesAllConditions2.m is the code for estimating GCMI on the single trial data. It is assumed that one has the GCMI toolbox and brainstorm. Once the hilbert transformed beamformer data are estimated for each trial from Brainstorm, they are exported and using the code provided, the connectivity is estimated for each trial. After that a simple mean is estimated for the trials of each subject and each condition to compile the hypernetwork of each subject, that will be subjected to statistical analysis via the Network Based Statistics Toolbox.