123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155 |
- function [lat,coeff,rs,converge,yf] = latencyfit4AM(y,t,peak,fig)
- %Fits a double Gaussian + cumulative Gaussian to neural data. latency is
- %taken as the point at which the fit reaches 33% of its maximum.
- %Input args:
- %y = row vector of neural data, can be raw MUA or difference
- %t = row vector of time in ms (same length as y)
- %peak: 1 = chooses starting guesses appropriate for raw MUA (default), 2 (or any other value) = starting values for modulation curves
- %fig = 1 (open a figure and show the fit), 0 = no figure (default)
- %Output args
- %lat = latency at 33% of the peak
- %coeff = fit coefficients
- %rs = adjusted r-squared value of fit
- %converge - did fit converge?
- %M.W.Self 2014
- %Checks
- if nargin < 3
- peak = 1;
- end
- if nargin < 4
- fig = 0;
- end
- if size(y,1)>size(y,2)
- y = y';
- end
- if size(t,1)>size(t,2)
- t = t';
- end
- if peak == 1
- %These are the limits and initial guesses of the fit.
- %These can be used to restrain the fit to exclude unlikely values and
- %prevent fitting of noise.
- %Note also that the initial guesses for the gains will depend on your
- %units. This was designed to fit normalised MUA data, i.e. the data
- %falls mostly between 0 and 1.
- %The second Gaussian will sometimes fit noise components, but this
- %generally has little impact on the overall goodness of fit or the
- %measured latency.
- %1t Gaussian, mean = 20-100ms [50ms]
- %2nd Gaussian, mean = 40-200ms [100ms]
- %CumGauss, mean = 50-200ms [100ms]
- %first Gaussian
- g1g = [0.001 0.015 0.5]; %Gain of first Gaussian [min mean max]
- g1m = [0.02 0.05 0.1]; %Mean of first Gaussian
- g1s = [0.001 0.01 0.1]; %STD of first Gaussian
- %second Gaussian
- g2g = [0 0.01 0.5]; %Gain of second Gaussian
- g2m = [0.04 0.1 0.2]; %Mean of second Gaussian
- g2s = [0.001 0.02 0.2]; %STD of second Gaussian
- %cumulative gaussian
- cg = [0 0.1 0.5]; %Gain of cum. Gauss
- cm = [0.05 0.1 0.2]; %Mean of cum. Gauss
- cs = [0.001 0.05 1]; %Std of cum. Gauss
- else
- %Fitting the modulation depends a little on the average shape of the
- %modulation. Some monkeys have more oscillatory modulation profiles than
- %others. In principle you could get rid of one of the two Gaussians for less
- %oscillatory profiles.
- %The fits depend a lot on the limits, if you have very similar
- %modulation shapes across electrodes then you can use very tight
- %limits and get well behaved fits. The more variability you have the
- %wider the limits will have to be and the greater the chance that you
- %get some weird fits. Check adjusted r-squared values to reject bad fits.
- %1t Gaussian, mean = 50-125ms [100ms]
- %2nd Gaussian, mean = 100-200ms [150ms]
- %CumGauss, mean = 50-400ms [150ms]
- %First Gaussian
- g1g = [0 0.004 0.2]; %Gain of first Gaussian [min mean max]
- g1m = [0.05 0.1 0.125]; %Mean of first Gaussian
- g1s = [0.005 0.03 0.025]; %STD of first Gaussian
- %second Gaussian
- g2g = [0 0.004 0.3]; %Gain of second Gaussian
- g2m = [0.1 0.15 0.2]; %Mean of second Gaussian
- g2s = [0.005 0.03 0.025]; %STD of second Gaussian
- %cumulative gaussian
- cg = [0 0.06 0.5]; %Gain of second Gaussian
- cm = [0.05 0.15 0.4]; %Mean of second Gaussian
- cs = [0.005 0.05 0.2]; %STD of second Gaussian
- end
- %Assign to vectors
- lower = [g1g(1) g1m(1) g1s(1) g2g(1) g2m(1) g2s(1) cg(1) cm(1) cs(1)];
- guess = [g1g(2) g1m(2) g1s(2) g2g(2) g2m(2) g2s(2) cg(2) cm(2) cs(2)];
- upper = [g1g(3) g1m(3) g1s(3) g2g(3) g2m(3) g2s(3) cg(3) cm(3) cs(3)];
- %Set up the fit
- ft = fittype('a.*normpdf(t,b,c) + d.*normpdf(t,e,f) +g.*normcdf(t,h,k);',...
- 'independent',{'t'},...
- 'coefficients',{'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','k'});
- fo = fitoptions('method','NonlinearLeastSquares','MaxFunEvals',1000,'Lower',lower,'Upper',upper);
- set(fo,'Startpoint',guess);
- %Fit the model and get the best fitting parameters
- [cfun,gof,output] = fit(t',y',ft,fo);
- converge = output.exitflag;
- coeff=coeffvalues(cfun);
- rs = gof.adjrsquare;
- %regenerate best fitting model
- yf = coeff(1).*normpdf(t,coeff(2),coeff(3)) + coeff(4).*normpdf(t,coeff(5),coeff(6)) +coeff(7).*normcdf(t,coeff(8),coeff(9));
- %Get the latency%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %There are (at least) two approaches that can be used to get the latency, either
- %searching forwards from trial onset to find the first point at which the
- %fitted curve reaches 33% or searching backwards from the maximum of the fitted data to find
- %this point. These SHOULD give the same value, however when fitting
- %modulation, the two Gaussians sometimes pick up noise components and the
- %second approach can be more robust. If the modulation tends to increase over time
- %then the second approach often gives too late latencies and the first approach is preferred.
- %generally we use the first approach (Searching from trial onset), and if
- %it picks up too many noise components we examine the fitting limits to try
- %and avoid this.
- %calculate the 33% of maximum point
- [mf,mfix] = max(yf);
- approach = 1; %1 = search forwards from start, 2 = search backwards from maximum
- %Find the first model value that comes within 1% (peak) of the 33% point. As we're fitting a smooth curve, this should
- %generally work, to be safe we iterate using progressively larger % values
- %until we find something.
- ixs = [1:mfix]; %only search before maximum model value
- perc = 0;
- l33ix = [];
- while isempty(l33ix)
- perc = perc+0.01;
- searchval = perc.*mf;
- if approach == 1
- l33ix = find(abs(yf(ixs)-mf*0.33)<searchval,1,'first');
- else
- l33ix = find(abs(yf(ixs)-mf*0.33)<searchval,1,'last');
- end
- end
- lat = t(l33ix);
- %Plot out data, fitted model and latency
- if fig
- figure;area(t,y),hold on,plot(t,yf,'r')
- hold on
- plot([lat,lat],get(gca,'YLim'),'m')
- end
- return