durationProcStages.m 642 B

  1. % duration of proecssing stages
  2. clear all
  3. close all
  4. clc
  5. dataPath = './data';
  6. dataFile = '/hmmBu4RroiAveMap3StagBL.mat';
  7. load([dataPath dataFile],'proBump','nPca', 'x','y','cond', 'subj','flatGam')
  8. % most likely model: lkhCV [bumps Model, hand Model, Subjects]
  9. models = 1;
  10. % COMPUTE durations
  11. mOnset = cell(models,1); onset = cell(models,1); %(number of bumps model)
  12. stages = cell(models,1); mStage = cell(models,1);
  13. for buM = 1:models
  14. [mOnset{buM,1}, onset{buM,1}, stages{buM,1}, mStage{buM,1}] = getDurations(proBump{buM},x,y); % proBump cell(3,3)
  15. end
  16. stagesR = stages{1,1};
  17. save('./dataSave/durationStages.mat', 'stagesR')