12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576777879808182838485868788899091929394 |
- # Table of FreeSurfer cortical parcellation anatomical statistics
- #
- # CreationTime 2019/10/16-21:35:50-GMT
- # generating_program mris_anatomical_stats
- # cvs_version $Id: mris_anatomical_stats.c,v 1.79 2016/03/14 15:15:34 greve Exp $
- # mrisurf.c-cvs_version $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.781.2.6 2016/12/27 16:47:14 zkaufman Exp $
- # cmdline mris_anatomical_stats -th3 -mgz -cortex ../label/rh.cortex.label -f ../stats/rh.aparc.pial.stats -b -a ../label/rh.aparc.annot -c ../label/aparc.annot.ctab sub-05 rh pial
- # sysname Linux
- # hostname nid00779
- # machine x86_64
- # user oesteban
- #
- # SUBJECTS_DIR /corral-repl/utexas/poldracklab/data/OpenNeuro/ds000114/derivatives/freesurfer-6.0.1
- # anatomy_type surface
- # subjectname sub-05
- # hemi rh
- # AnnotationFile ../label/rh.aparc.annot
- # AnnotationFileTimeStamp 2019/10/16 21:04:21
- # Measure Cortex, NumVert, Number of Vertices, 129058, unitless
- # Measure Cortex, PialSurfArea, Pial Surface Total Area, 107463, mm^2
- # Measure Cortex, MeanThickness, Mean Thickness, 2.41455, mm
- # Measure BrainSeg, BrainSegVol, Brain Segmentation Volume, 1243754.000000, mm^3
- # Measure BrainSegNotVent, BrainSegVolNotVent, Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles, 1203974.000000, mm^3
- # Measure BrainSegNotVentSurf, BrainSegVolNotVentSurf, Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles from Surf, 1203538.734600, mm^3
- # Measure Cortex, CortexVol Total cortical gray matter volume, 474198.855385, mm^3
- # Measure SupraTentorial, SupraTentorialVol, Supratentorial volume, 1096365.734600, mm^3
- # Measure SupraTentorialNotVent, SupraTentorialVolNotVent, Supratentorial volume, 1062497.734600, mm^3
- # Measure EstimatedTotalIntraCranialVol, eTIV, Estimated Total Intracranial Volume, 1726969.647695, mm^3
- # NTableCols 10
- # TableCol 1 ColHeader StructName
- # TableCol 1 FieldName Structure Name
- # TableCol 1 Units NA
- # TableCol 2 ColHeader NumVert
- # TableCol 2 FieldName Number of Vertices
- # TableCol 2 Units unitless
- # TableCol 3 ColHeader SurfArea
- # TableCol 3 FieldName Surface Area
- # TableCol 3 Units mm^2
- # TableCol 4 ColHeader GrayVol
- # TableCol 4 FieldName Gray Matter Volume
- # TableCol 4 Units mm^3
- # TableCol 5 ColHeader ThickAvg
- # TableCol 5 FieldName Average Thickness
- # TableCol 5 Units mm
- # TableCol 6 ColHeader ThickStd
- # TableCol 6 FieldName Thickness StdDev
- # TableCol 6 Units mm
- # TableCol 7 ColHeader MeanCurv
- # TableCol 7 FieldName Integrated Rectified Mean Curvature
- # TableCol 7 Units mm^-1
- # TableCol 8 ColHeader GausCurv
- # TableCol 8 FieldName Integrated Rectified Gaussian Curvature
- # TableCol 8 Units mm^-2
- # TableCol 9 ColHeader FoldInd
- # TableCol 9 FieldName Folding Index
- # TableCol 9 Units unitless
- # TableCol 10 ColHeader CurvInd
- # TableCol 10 FieldName Intrinsic Curvature Index
- # TableCol 10 Units unitless
- # ColHeaders StructName NumVert SurfArea GrayVol ThickAvg ThickStd MeanCurv GausCurv FoldInd CurvInd
- bankssts 1105 779 2110 2.669 0.522 0.134 0.034 20 1.7
- caudalanteriorcingulate 829 647 1422 2.502 0.615 0.168 0.041 40 1.2
- caudalmiddlefrontal 3003 2282 4923 2.278 0.546 0.124 0.021 28 2.9
- cuneus 2447 1855 3316 1.948 0.471 0.126 0.028 26 3.0
- entorhinal 526 819 2529 4.176 0.559 0.218 0.043 7 1.2
- fusiform 4207 3520 9343 2.825 0.642 0.129 0.030 53 5.5
- inferiorparietal 7830 6642 14746 2.375 0.651 0.139 0.028 80 9.5
- inferiortemporal 4491 3974 10707 3.020 0.701 0.139 0.028 74 5.8
- isthmuscingulate 1691 1279 3070 2.564 0.732 0.142 0.034 34 2.3
- lateraloccipital 9709 7370 15269 2.230 0.566 0.134 0.031 135 12.8
- lateralorbitofrontal 4048 3482 7883 2.588 0.716 0.159 0.036 58 6.5
- lingual 5220 4103 7907 2.097 0.599 0.136 0.032 90 7.5
- medialorbitofrontal 2405 2416 5297 2.539 0.777 0.174 0.033 32 3.7
- middletemporal 4453 4263 10967 2.911 0.666 0.138 0.026 40 5.0
- parahippocampal 1038 923 2498 3.117 0.714 0.122 0.026 11 1.3
- paracentral 2534 1978 4009 2.185 0.625 0.110 0.016 18 1.7
- parsopercularis 1835 1538 3448 2.419 0.493 0.148 0.030 23 2.4
- parsorbitalis 1407 1404 3053 2.529 0.681 0.176 0.037 19 2.1
- parstriangularis 2624 2256 4711 2.354 0.469 0.145 0.029 26 3.0
- pericalcarine 2527 1516 2646 1.736 0.482 0.104 0.025 27 2.6
- postcentral 6018 4625 8231 1.963 0.613 0.111 0.019 43 4.9
- posteriorcingulate 1697 1476 3330 2.322 0.755 0.153 0.030 31 2.1
- precentral 7293 5491 12937 2.517 0.628 0.104 0.019 60 5.6
- precuneus 5260 4018 8774 2.276 0.634 0.128 0.026 51 5.8
- rostralanteriorcingulate 638 579 1542 3.084 0.664 0.127 0.022 8 0.5
- rostralmiddlefrontal 9166 8428 16075 2.126 0.569 0.167 0.031 120 13.8
- superiorfrontal 10033 8849 19906 2.483 0.623 0.144 0.027 100 11.7
- superiorparietal 7763 6405 11434 1.999 0.532 0.137 0.025 74 8.4
- superiortemporal 6293 5295 12923 2.691 0.628 0.112 0.021 47 5.4
- supramarginal 6003 5192 11376 2.382 0.566 0.144 0.029 61 7.6
- frontalpole 441 579 1126 2.532 0.630 0.211 0.039 5 0.7
- temporalpole 841 924 2693 3.460 0.562 0.143 0.026 6 0.9
- transversetemporal 476 348 888 2.762 0.268 0.092 0.013 2 0.2
- insula 3481 2366 8146 3.259 0.899 0.126 0.043 51 4.3