Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

lh.w-g.pct.stats 6.6 KB

  1. # Title Segmentation Statistics
  2. #
  3. # generating_program mri_segstats
  4. # cvs_version $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 1.121 2016/05/31 17:27:11 greve Exp $
  5. # cmdline mri_segstats --in /corral-repl/utexas/poldracklab/data/OpenNeuro/ds000114/derivatives/freesurfer-6.0.1/sub-05/surf/lh.w-g.pct.mgh --annot sub-05 lh aparc --sum /corral-repl/utexas/poldracklab/data/OpenNeuro/ds000114/derivatives/freesurfer-6.0.1/sub-05/stats/lh.w-g.pct.stats --snr
  6. # sysname Linux
  7. # hostname nid00779
  8. # machine x86_64
  9. # user oesteban
  10. # anatomy_type surface
  11. #
  12. # SUBJECTS_DIR /corral-repl/utexas/poldracklab/data/OpenNeuro/ds000114/derivatives/freesurfer-6.0.1
  13. # subjectname sub-05
  14. # Annot sub-05 lh aparc
  15. # ColorTable /tmp/mri_segstats.tmp.sub-05.lh.124.ctab
  16. # ColorTableTimeStamp 2019/10/16 21:23:47
  17. # InVolFile /corral-repl/utexas/poldracklab/data/OpenNeuro/ds000114/derivatives/freesurfer-6.0.1/sub-05/surf/lh.w-g.pct.mgh
  18. # InVolFileTimeStamp 2019/10/16 21:23:46
  19. # InVolFrame 0
  20. # Only reporting non-empty segmentations
  21. # VertexArea_mm2 0.67881
  22. # TableCol 1 ColHeader Index
  23. # TableCol 1 FieldName Index
  24. # TableCol 1 Units NA
  25. # TableCol 2 ColHeader SegId
  26. # TableCol 2 FieldName Segmentation Id
  27. # TableCol 2 Units NA
  28. # TableCol 3 ColHeader NVertices
  29. # TableCol 3 FieldName Number of Vertices
  30. # TableCol 3 Units unitless
  31. # TableCol 4 ColHeader Area_mm2
  32. # TableCol 4 FieldName Area
  33. # TableCol 4 Units mm^2
  34. # TableCol 5 ColHeader StructName
  35. # TableCol 5 FieldName Structure Name
  36. # TableCol 5 Units NA
  37. # TableCol 6 ColHeader Mean
  38. # TableCol 6 FieldName Intensity Mean
  39. # TableCol 6 Units unknown
  40. # TableCol 7 ColHeader StdDev
  41. # TableCol 7 FieldName Itensity StdDev
  42. # TableCol 7 Units unknown
  43. # TableCol 8 ColHeader Min
  44. # TableCol 8 FieldName Intensity Min
  45. # TableCol 8 Units unknown
  46. # TableCol 9 ColHeader Max
  47. # TableCol 9 FieldName Intensity Max
  48. # TableCol 9 Units unknown
  49. # TableCol 10 ColHeader Range
  50. # TableCol 10 FieldName Intensity Range
  51. # TableCol 10 Units unknown
  52. # TableCol 11 ColHeader SNR
  53. # TableCol 11 FieldName Intensity SNR
  54. # TableCol 11 Units none
  55. # NRows 35
  56. # NTableCols 11
  57. # ColHeaders Index SegId NVertices Area_mm2 StructName Mean StdDev Min Max Range SNR
  58. 1 1000 8615 5881.5 unknown 0.1945 2.8039 -41.4496 54.7472 96.1968 0.0694
  59. 2 1001 1126 817.0 bankssts 45.3213 10.6704 17.1611 72.9856 55.8245 4.2474
  60. 3 1002 785 510.0 caudalanteriorcingulate 47.7013 7.5427 0.0000 64.4577 64.4577 6.3242
  61. 4 1003 3783 2511.8 caudalmiddlefrontal 40.3840 8.6276 13.0102 67.9250 54.9148 4.6808
  62. 5 1005 2340 1572.7 cuneus 34.1065 10.6719 -39.7979 63.4910 103.2889 3.1959
  63. 6 1006 614 471.0 entorhinal 52.4902 11.2993 15.5989 82.3098 66.7109 4.6455
  64. 7 1007 4454 3231.5 fusiform 47.1762 11.2295 6.7922 80.6492 73.8570 4.2011
  65. 8 1008 7546 5032.3 inferiorparietal 41.4051 9.4873 7.2908 70.8995 63.6087 4.3643
  66. 9 1009 5112 3603.7 inferiortemporal 47.7271 11.1395 -35.3451 78.2349 113.5801 4.2845
  67. 10 1010 1848 1210.7 isthmuscingulate 38.2043 11.7951 -5.0979 66.8704 71.9683 3.2390
  68. 11 1011 9522 6167.6 lateraloccipital 37.1118 12.0366 -6.9598 71.5316 78.4915 3.0832
  69. 12 1012 3941 2796.9 lateralorbitofrontal 47.4708 10.8567 1.4462 89.7908 88.3446 4.3725
  70. 13 1013 4291 2965.6 lingual 36.2398 13.0013 -95.3188 67.3902 162.7090 2.7874
  71. 14 1014 2928 2067.5 medialorbitofrontal 41.0936 20.1677 -72.9906 74.8968 147.8874 2.0376
  72. 15 1015 4657 3236.6 middletemporal 48.5251 10.3417 9.1170 78.6353 69.5183 4.6922
  73. 16 1016 1023 677.6 parahippocampal 50.9674 9.0976 13.5882 70.0078 56.4196 5.6023
  74. 17 1017 2148 1405.2 paracentral 33.9937 8.4505 1.4149 62.5583 61.1434 4.0227
  75. 18 1018 2552 1787.1 parsopercularis 41.5452 8.6024 15.6348 67.3785 51.7437 4.8295
  76. 19 1019 938 661.1 parsorbitalis 46.0189 8.9970 16.2143 73.7007 57.4864 5.1149
  77. 20 1020 1919 1344.7 parstriangularis 42.5694 9.6714 6.5392 68.7380 62.1988 4.4016
  78. 21 1021 2372 1594.8 pericalcarine 29.8639 12.3206 -3.6988 67.0114 70.7101 2.4239
  79. 22 1022 6227 3946.4 postcentral 30.8990 10.2984 -3.3550 64.3625 67.7175 3.0004
  80. 23 1023 1692 1223.9 posteriorcingulate 46.1827 10.2674 7.5938 77.4015 69.8077 4.4980
  81. 24 1024 8115 5031.0 precentral 33.3649 11.3398 -4.8825 71.3285 76.2110 2.9423
  82. 25 1025 5853 4045.5 precuneus 40.3843 9.0536 -35.7005 68.0623 103.7628 4.4606
  83. 26 1026 846 582.4 rostralanteriorcingulate 50.7318 7.8120 24.5486 75.9017 51.3531 6.4941
  84. 27 1027 8496 5962.8 rostralmiddlefrontal 43.2498 10.0635 -32.4566 74.3578 106.8143 4.2977
  85. 28 1028 9982 6996.6 superiorfrontal 43.0988 9.0703 7.7916 74.5163 66.7247 4.7516
  86. 29 1029 8350 5496.7 superiorparietal 36.0078 9.5220 -10.1479 67.4786 77.6265 3.7815
  87. 30 1030 6375 4240.5 superiortemporal 46.0665 9.6975 4.5380 80.4253 75.8873 4.7504
  88. 31 1031 6079 4098.5 supramarginal 42.6526 8.9155 12.7959 77.7075 64.9115 4.7841
  89. 32 1032 420 270.7 frontalpole 39.3851 12.0399 13.5285 79.9183 66.3898 3.2712
  90. 33 1033 720 559.3 temporalpole 53.4848 11.1682 22.8991 83.8039 60.9048 4.7890
  91. 34 1034 837 541.6 transversetemporal 30.8448 6.1302 14.0353 49.4931 35.4578 5.0316
  92. 35 1035 3451 2461.6 insula 40.1940 12.5542 -39.1992 69.7304 108.9296 3.2016