p11_v07_d01_b01_Resting.vhdr 2.4 KB

  1. Brain Vision Data Exchange Header File Version 2.0
  2. ; Data created from history path: p11_v07_d01_b01_Resting/Raw Data
  3. [Common Infos]
  4. Codepage=UTF-8
  5. DataFile=p11_v07_d01_b01_Resting.dat
  6. MarkerFile=p11_v07_d01_b01_Resting.vmrk
  7. DataFormat=ASCII
  8. ; Data orientation: VECTORIZED=ch1,pt1, ch1,pt2..., MULTIPLEXED=ch1,pt1, ch2,pt1 ...
  9. DataOrientation=VECTORIZED
  10. DataType=TIMEDOMAIN
  11. NumberOfChannels=15
  12. DataPoints=321710
  13. ; Sampling interval in microseconds if time domain (convert to Hertz:
  14. ; 1000000 / SamplingInterval) or in Hertz if frequency domain:
  15. SamplingInterval=2000
  16. [User Infos]
  17. ; Each entry: Prop<Number>=<Type>,<Name>,<Value>,<Value2>,...,<ValueN>
  18. ; Property number must be unique. Types can be int, single, string, bool, byte, double, uint
  19. ; or arrays of those, indicated int-array etc
  20. ; Array types have more than one value, number of values determines size of array.
  21. ; Fields are delimited by commas, commas in strings are written \1
  22. [ASCII Infos]
  23. ; Decimal symbol for floating point numbers: the header file always uses a dot (.),
  24. ; however the data file might use a different one
  25. DecimalSymbol=.
  26. ; SkipLines, SkipColumns: leading lines and columns with additional information.
  27. SkipLines=0
  28. SkipColumns=1
  29. [Channel Infos]
  30. ; Each entry: Ch<Channel number>=<Name>,<Reference channel name>,
  31. ; <Resolution in "Unit">,<Unit>, Future extensions...
  32. ; Fields are delimited by commas, some fields might be omitted (empty).
  33. ; Commas in channel names are coded as "\1".
  34. Ch1=F2,,,µV
  35. Ch2=F4,,,µV
  36. Ch3=FC2,,,µV
  37. Ch4=FC4,,,µV
  38. Ch5=C2,,,µV
  39. Ch6=Cz,,,µV
  40. Ch7=C1,,,µV
  41. Ch8=FC1,,,µV
  42. Ch9=FC3,,,µV
  43. Ch10=F1,,,µV
  44. Ch11=F3,,,µV
  45. Ch12=EOGU,,,µV
  46. Ch13=EOGD,,,µV
  47. Ch14=EOGR,,,µV
  48. Ch15=EOGL,,,µV
  49. [Channel User Infos]
  50. ; Each entry: Prop<Number>=Ch<ChannelNumber>,<Type>,<Name>,<Value>,<Value2>,...,<ValueN>
  51. ; Property number must be unique. Types can be int, single, string, bool, byte, double, uint
  52. ; or arrays of those, indicated int-array etc
  53. ; Array types have more than one value, number of values determines size of array.
  54. ; Fields are delimited by commas, commas in strings are written \1
  55. ; Properties are assigned to channels using their channel number.
  56. [Coordinates]
  57. ; Each entry: Ch<Channel number>=<Radius>,<Theta>,<Phi>
  58. Ch1=1,49,68
  59. Ch2=1,60,51
  60. Ch3=1,31,46
  61. Ch4=1,49,29
  62. Ch5=1,23,0
  63. Ch6=1,0,0
  64. Ch7=1,-23,0
  65. Ch8=1,-31,-46
  66. Ch9=1,-49,-29
  67. Ch10=1,-49,-68
  68. Ch11=1,-60,-51
  69. Ch12=0,0,0
  70. Ch13=0,0,0
  71. Ch14=0,0,0
  72. Ch15=0,0,0