#3 Select samples to re-annotate by hand

öppnade 3 år sedan av lucasgautheron · 2 kommentarer
See https://childproject.readthedocs.io/en/latest/samplers.html#high-volubility-sampler
Lucas Gautheron kommenterad 3 år sedan

Is the eaf builder working for you, after having re-installed the package?


Afterwards, here is a tutorial to annotate with ELAN: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DmscIlHPXdrf7cUZ68_SYHLSQDVpFZ4Gju_NoadwY2c/edit#

Is the eaf builder working for you, after having re-installed the package? https://childproject.readthedocs.io/en/latest/elan.html Afterwards, here is a tutorial to annotate with ELAN: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DmscIlHPXdrf7cUZ68_SYHLSQDVpFZ4Gju_NoadwY2c/edit#
mfrebo kommenterad 3 år sedan

Yes the eaf-builder works now but I'm having issues with Elan which doesn't play the appropriate audio for a given time

Yes the eaf-builder works now but I'm having issues with Elan which doesn't play the appropriate audio for a given time
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