#2 Assessing the performance of the aligner

lucasgautheron3 年之前創建 · 0 條評論

It would be great to explore different ways of assessing the performance of the aligner, e.g.:

  • Annotate some parts manually and see how much precision (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall) is improved
  • Look at the percentage of silence after the alignment (remember that it is zero before the alignment)
  • See if you can think of other ways!

Btw, we mentioned the possibility of removing silences automatically, so maybe you can try that already as a baseline.

It would be great to explore different ways of assessing the performance of the aligner, e.g.: - Annotate some parts manually and see how much precision (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall) is improved - Look at the percentage of silence after the alignment (remember that it is zero before the alignment) - See if you can think of other ways! Btw, we mentioned the possibility of removing silences automatically, so maybe you can try that already as a baseline.
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