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DESKTOP-G83C30D\lukas 3 éve

+ 18 - 0

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+name	type	units	low_cutoff	high_cutoff	description	sampling_frequency	status
+Fp1	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+FP2	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+F3	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+F4	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+C3	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+C4	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+P3	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+P4	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+O1	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+O2	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+F7	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+F8	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+T3	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+Fz	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+Cz	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+Pz	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good
+oxy	EEG	µV	0.0	0.0	ElectroEncephaloGram	1000.0	good

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"TaskName": "Driver_s_attention_with_visual_stimulation_and_audio_disturbance", "Manufacturer": "BrainProducts", "PowerLineFrequency": 50, "SamplingFrequency": 1000.0, "SoftwareFilters": "n/a", "RecordingDuration": 3312.219, "RecordingType": "continuous", "EEGReference": "forehead", "EEGGround": "right ear", "EEGPlacementScheme": "10-20", "EEGChannelCount": 17, "EOGChannelCount": 0, "ECGChannelCount": 0, "EMGChannelCount": 0, "MiscChannelCount": 0, "TriggerChannelCount": 0}

A különbségek nem kerülnek megjelenítésre, a fájl túl nagy
+ 9933 - 0

+ 1 - 0

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+ 94 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Brain Vision Data Exchange Header File Version 1.0
+; Data created by the Vision Recorder
+[Common Infos]
+; Data orientation: MULTIPLEXED=ch1,pt1, ch2,pt1 ...
+; Sampling interval in microseconds
+[Binary Infos]
+[Channel Infos]
+; Each entry: Ch<Channel number>=<Name>,<Reference channel name>,
+; <Resolution in "Unit">,<Unit>, Future extensions..
+; Fields are delimited by commas, some fields might be omitted (empty).
+; Commas in channel names are coded as "\1".
+A m p l i f i e r  S e t u p
+Number of channels: 17
+Sampling Rate [Hz]: 1000
+Sampling Interval [µS]: 1000
+#     Name      Phys. Chn.    Resolution / Unit   Low Cutoff [s]   High Cutoff [Hz]   Notch [Hz]    Gradient         Offset
+1     Fp1         1          0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+2     FP2         2          0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+3     F3          3          0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+4     F4          4          0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+5     C3          5          0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+6     C4          6          0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+7     P3          7          0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+8     P4          8          0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+9     O1          9          0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+10    O2          10         0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+11    F7          11         0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+12    F8          12         0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+13    T3          13         0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+14    Fz          14         0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+15    Cz          15         0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+16    Pz          16         0.0488281 µV             DC                0              Off
+17    oxy         17           1.19209 µV             DC                0              Off
+S o f t w a r e  F i l t e r s
+Data / Ref / Gnd Electrodes Selected Impedance Measurement Range: 0 - 2 kOhm
+Impedance [kOhm] at 14:40:16 :
+Fp1:          0
+FP2:          0
+F3:           0
+F4:           0
+C3:           0
+C4:           0
+P3:           0
+P4:           0
+O1:           1
+O2:           1
+F7:           0
+F8:           0
+T3:           0
+Fz:           0
+Cz:           0
+Pz:           0
+Ref:          0
+Gnd:          3

A különbségek nem kerülnek megjelenítésre, a fájl túl nagy
+ 9943 - 0

+ 2 - 0

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+filename	acq_time
+eeg/sub-16_task-Driver_s_attention_with_visual_stimulation_and_audio_disturbance_eeg.vhdr	2014-04-10T14:42:26