topic_pacs_validation.tex 36 KB

  1. \begin{longtable}[H]{p{0.25\textwidth}|p{0.6\textwidth}|p{0.15\textwidth}}
  2. \caption{PACS categories most correlated to the topics derived with the unsupervised model. Correlation is measured as the mutual pointwise information (pmi).}
  3. \label{table:full_topics_pacs_pmi}\\
  4. \toprule
  5. & & pmi \\
  6. topic & PACS category & \\
  7. \midrule
  8. \endfirsthead
  9. \caption[]{PACS categories most correlated to the topics derived with the unsupervised model. Correlation is measured as the mutual pointwise information (pmi).} \\
  10. \toprule
  11. & & pmi \\
  12. topic & PACS category & \\
  13. \midrule
  14. \endhead
  15. \midrule
  16. \multicolumn{3}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\
  17. \midrule
  18. \endfoot
  19. \bottomrule
  20. \endlastfoot
  21. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Algorithms and\\ calculation\\ techniques\end{tabular}} & Lattice theory and statistics & 1.39 \\
  22. & Lattice gauge theory & 1.17 \\
  23. & Lattice QCD calculations & 1.12 \\
  24. & Particle correlations and fluctuations & 0.99 \\
  25. & Inelastic scattering: many-particle final states & 0.80 \\
  26. \cline{1-3}
  27. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Amplitude of\\ processes in\\ colliders\end{tabular}} & Baryon resonances (S=C=B=0) & 1.13 \\
  28. & Pion-baryon interactions & 1.10 \\
  29. & Meson-meson interactions & 1.03 \\
  30. & Nucleon-nucleon interactions & 0.93 \\
  31. & Dispersion relations & 0.92 \\
  32. \cline{1-3}
  33. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Amplitudes and\\ Feynman Diagram\end{tabular}} & Analytic properties of S matrix & 1.66 \\
  34. & Properties of perturbation theory & 1.57 \\
  35. & General properties of perturbation theory & 1.39 \\
  36. & Dispersion relations & 1.04 \\
  37. & Lattice theory and statistics & 0.86 \\
  38. \cline{1-3}
  39. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Analyses and\\ measurements\\ from colliders\end{tabular}} & Neutrino-induced reactions & 0.96 \\
  40. & Muons & 0.89 \\
  41. & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particle detectors; cosmic ray detectors & 0.81 \\
  42. & Pion-baryon interactions & 0.79 \\
  43. & Meson production & 0.77 \\
  44. \cline{1-3}
  45. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Annihilation\\ and scattering\\ cross-sections\end{tabular}} & Total cross sections & 1.60 \\
  46. & Hadron production in e−e+ interactions & 1.23 \\
  47. & Meson production & 1.11 \\
  48. & Elastic and Compton scattering & 1.07 \\
  49. & Electromagnetic processes and properties & 1.03 \\
  50. \cline{1-3}
  51. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Astrophysics\end{tabular}} & Collective flow & 1.91 \\
  52. & Hydrodynamic models & 1.74 \\
  53. & Particle correlations and fluctuations & 1.52 \\
  54. & Relativistic heavy-ion collisions & 1.38 \\
  55. & Particle and resonance production & 1.35 \\
  56. \cline{1-3}
  57. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Black holes\end{tabular}} & Black holes & 2.64 \\
  58. & Quantum aspects of black holes, evaporation, thermodynamics & 2.59 \\
  59. & Physics of black holes & 2.57 \\
  60. & Classical black holes & 2.55 \\
  61. & Higher-dimensional black holes, black strings, and related objects & 2.38 \\
  62. \cline{1-3}
  63. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Boundary\\ conditions/non-\\ locality\end{tabular}} & Entanglement and quantum nonlocality & 1.18 \\
  64. & Theory of quantized fields & 0.90 \\
  65. & Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory & 0.80 \\
  66. & Conformal field theory, algebraic structures & 0.71 \\
  67. & Integrable systems & 0.70 \\
  68. \cline{1-3}
  69. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}CP violating\\ processes\end{tabular}} & Decays of bottom mesons & 1.53 \\
  70. & Determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi \& Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements & 1.48 \\
  71. & Bottom mesons (|B|>0) & 1.34 \\
  72. & Charge conjugation, parity, time reversal, and other discrete symmetries & 1.30 \\
  73. & Decays of bottom mesons & 1.19 \\
  74. \cline{1-3}
  75. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Conformal Field\\ Theory\end{tabular}} & Conformal field theory, algebraic structures & 1.72 \\
  76. & Algebraic methods & 1.34 \\
  77. & Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory & 1.19 \\
  78. & Lattice theory and statistics & 1.15 \\
  79. & M theory & 0.99 \\
  80. \cline{1-3}
  81. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Cosmological\\ sources\end{tabular}} & Background radiations & 1.86 \\
  82. & Observational cosmology (including Hubble constant, distance scale, cosmological constant, early Universe, etc) & 1.55 \\
  83. & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particles; cosmic rays & 1.49 \\
  84. & Dark energy & 1.29 \\
  85. & Cosmology & 1.21 \\
  86. \cline{1-3}
  87. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Cosmology and\\ gravity\end{tabular}} & Lorentz and Poincaré invariance & 1.34 \\
  88. & Loop quantum gravity, quantum geometry, spin foams & 1.32 \\
  89. & Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.) & 1.30 \\
  90. & Dark energy & 1.28 \\
  91. & Quantum cosmology & 1.26 \\
  92. \cline{1-3}
  93. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Cross-sections\\ in colliders\end{tabular}} & Total cross sections & 1.57 \\
  94. & Inclusive production with identified hadrons & 1.43 \\
  95. & Particle and resonance production & 1.42 \\
  96. & Production & 1.40 \\
  97. & Inclusive production with identified leptons, photons, or other nonhadronic particles & 1.36 \\
  98. \cline{1-3}
  99. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Dark matter\\ (particles and\\ direct\\ searches)\end{tabular}} & Dark matter & 2.36 \\
  100. & Elementary particle processes & 1.94 \\
  101. & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particle detectors; cosmic ray detectors & 1.40 \\
  102. & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particles; cosmic rays & 1.18 \\
  103. & Supersymmetric partners of known particles & 1.15 \\
  104. \cline{1-3}
  105. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Dark matter in\\ the universe\end{tabular}} & Dark matter & 1.86 \\
  106. & Dark energy & 1.69 \\
  107. & Elementary particle processes & 1.44 \\
  108. & Observational cosmology (including Hubble constant, distance scale, cosmological constant, early Universe, etc) & 1.36 \\
  109. & Cosmology & 1.27 \\
  110. \cline{1-3}
  111. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Decay\\ measurements\end{tabular}} & Decays of charmed mesons & 1.93 \\
  112. & Decays of bottom mesons & 1.91 \\
  113. & Determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi \& Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements & 1.83 \\
  114. & Decays of J/ψ, Υ, and other quarkonia & 1.82 \\
  115. & Bottom mesons (|B|>0) & 1.82 \\
  116. \cline{1-3}
  117. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Detectors\end{tabular}} & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particle detectors; cosmic ray detectors & 1.48 \\
  118. & Muons & 0.99 \\
  119. & Ordinary neutrinos & 0.98 \\
  120. & Neutrino interactions & 0.91 \\
  121. & Solar neutrinos & 0.87 \\
  122. \cline{1-3}
  123. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Double-beta\\ decay\end{tabular}} & Baryons & 1.20 \\
  124. & Charmed baryons (|C|>0, B=0) & 1.08 \\
  125. & Glueball and nonstandard multi-quark/gluon states & 1.03 \\
  126. & Bottom baryons (|B|>0) & 0.99 \\
  127. & Hadron mass models and calculations & 0.97 \\
  128. \cline{1-3}
  129. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Early-universe\\ and other\\ cosmological\\ data\end{tabular}} & Background radiations & 1.57 \\
  130. & Dark matter & 1.38 \\
  131. & Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.) & 1.28 \\
  132. & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particles; cosmic rays & 1.27 \\
  133. & Elementary particle processes & 1.11 \\
  134. \cline{1-3}
  135. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Effective Field\\ Theory\end{tabular}} & Noncommutative field theory & 1.89 \\
  136. & Noncommutative geometry & 1.77 \\
  137. & Quantum mechanics & 0.85 \\
  138. & Nonlinear or nonlocal theories and models & 0.82 \\
  139. & Canonical quantization & 0.81 \\
  140. \cline{1-3}
  141. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Electromagnetis\\ m\end{tabular}} & Hydrodynamic models & 1.45 \\
  142. & Collective flow & 1.31 \\
  143. & Electric and magnetic moments & 1.16 \\
  144. & Relativistic heavy-ion collisions & 1.11 \\
  145. & Relativistic wave equations & 1.11 \\
  146. \cline{1-3}
  147. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Events in\\ colliders\\ (kinematics?)\end{tabular}} & Limits on production of particles & 1.71 \\
  148. & Production & 1.60 \\
  149. & Inclusive production with identified leptons, photons, or other nonhadronic particles & 1.57 \\
  150. & W bosons & 1.53 \\
  151. & Jets in large-Q2 scattering & 1.53 \\
  152. \cline{1-3}
  153. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Events in\\ colliders\\ (signatures?)\end{tabular}} & Limits on production of particles & 1.69 \\
  154. & Jets in large-Q2 scattering & 1.56 \\
  155. & Production & 1.45 \\
  156. & Inclusive production with identified leptons, photons, or other nonhadronic particles & 1.37 \\
  157. & W bosons & 1.35 \\
  158. \cline{1-3}
  159. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Experimental\\ investigation\\ of the leptonic\\ sector\end{tabular}} & Limits on production of particles & 1.38 \\
  160. & Electromagnetic decays & 1.30 \\
  161. & Decays of J/ψ, Υ, and other quarkonia & 1.26 \\
  162. & Decays of J/ψ, Υ, and other quarkonia & 1.19 \\
  163. & Muons & 1.18 \\
  164. \cline{1-3}
  165. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Experimental\\ jargon\end{tabular}} & Electromagnetic corrections to strong- and weak-interaction processes & 0.35 \\
  166. & Solar neutrinos & 0.30 \\
  167. & Electroweak radiative corrections & 0.30 \\
  168. & Nucleon-nucleon interactions & 0.29 \\
  169. & Neutrino-induced reactions & 0.25 \\
  170. \cline{1-3}
  171. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Experiments on\\ light\end{tabular}} & Specific calculations & 1.31 \\
  172. & Elastic and Compton scattering & 1.26 \\
  173. & Electromagnetic processes and properties & 1.09 \\
  174. & Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.) & 1.09 \\
  175. & Quantum electrodynamics & 1.08 \\
  176. \cline{1-3}
  177. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Field theory\\ and gravity\end{tabular}} & Classical general relativity & 1.10 \\
  178. & Modified theories of gravity & 1.08 \\
  179. & Lower dimensional models; minisuperspace models & 1.06 \\
  180. & Fundamental problems and general formalism & 1.05 \\
  181. & Classical black holes & 1.02 \\
  182. \cline{1-3}
  183. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Flavor mixing\end{tabular}} & Quark and lepton masses and mixing & 1.36 \\
  184. & Flavor symmetries & 1.30 \\
  185. & Charge conjugation, parity, time reversal, and other discrete symmetries & 1.28 \\
  186. & Determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi \& Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements & 1.10 \\
  187. & Neutrino mass and mixing & 1.06 \\
  188. \cline{1-3}
  189. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Flavour physics\end{tabular}} & Global symmetries (e.g., baryon number, lepton number) & 1.04 \\
  190. & Flavor symmetries & 1.03 \\
  191. & Non-standard-model neutrinos, right-handed neutrinos, etc. & 1.02 \\
  192. & Unification of couplings; mass relations & 1.00 \\
  193. & Quark and lepton masses and mixing & 0.99 \\
  194. \cline{1-3}
  195. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Form factors\end{tabular}} & Electromagnetic form factors & 1.97 \\
  196. & Relativistic quark model & 1.34 \\
  197. & Protons and neutrons & 1.33 \\
  198. & Hyperons & 1.18 \\
  199. & Sum rules & 1.18 \\
  200. \cline{1-3}
  201. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Gauge Theory\end{tabular}} & Gauge field theories & 1.20 \\
  202. & Lorentz and Poincaré invariance & 1.16 \\
  203. & Canonical formalism, Lagrangians, and variational principles & 1.10 \\
  204. & Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach & 1.09 \\
  205. & Noncommutative field theory & 1.08 \\
  206. \cline{1-3}
  207. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Gauge symmetry\\ breaking/GUTs\end{tabular}} & Unified theories and models of strong and electroweak interactions & 1.34 \\
  208. & Unification of couplings; mass relations & 1.26 \\
  209. & Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetries & 1.15 \\
  210. & Unified field theories and models & 1.14 \\
  211. & Spontaneous and radiative symmetry breaking & 0.96 \\
  212. \cline{1-3}
  213. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Gravitons and\\ extra-\\ dimensions\end{tabular}} & Higher-dimensional gravity and other theories of gravity & 1.41 \\
  214. & Gravity in more than four dimensions, Kaluza-Klein theory, unified field theories; alternative theories of gravity & 1.39 \\
  215. & Modified theories of gravity & 1.34 \\
  216. & Lower dimensional models; minisuperspace models & 1.08 \\
  217. & String and brane phenomenology & 1.04 \\
  218. \cline{1-3}
  219. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Hadronic zoo\end{tabular}} & Decays of J/ψ, Υ, and other quarkonia & 1.92 \\
  220. & Heavy quarkonia & 1.73 \\
  221. & Exotic mesons & 1.71 \\
  222. & Decays of J/ψ, Υ, and other quarkonia & 1.65 \\
  223. & Mesons with S=C=B=0, mass > 2.5 GeV (including quarkonia) & 1.58 \\
  224. \cline{1-3}
  225. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Heavy quarks\\ and ions\end{tabular}} & Particle and resonance production & 1.40 \\
  226. & Particle correlations and fluctuations & 1.39 \\
  227. & Collective flow & 1.38 \\
  228. & Relativistic heavy-ion collisions & 1.37 \\
  229. & Fragmentation into hadrons & 1.29 \\
  230. \cline{1-3}
  231. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Higgs boson\end{tabular}} & Other neutral Higgs bosons & 1.91 \\
  232. & Supersymmetric Higgs bosons & 1.87 \\
  233. & Non-standard-model Higgs bosons & 1.77 \\
  234. & Extensions of electroweak Higgs sector & 1.73 \\
  235. & Standard-model Higgs bosons & 1.69 \\
  236. \cline{1-3}
  237. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Higgs sector\\ beyond the SM\end{tabular}} & Other neutral Higgs bosons & 1.65 \\
  238. & Supersymmetric Higgs bosons & 1.64 \\
  239. & Non-standard-model Higgs bosons & 1.60 \\
  240. & Extensions of electroweak Higgs sector & 1.55 \\
  241. & Standard-model Higgs bosons & 1.37 \\
  242. \cline{1-3}
  243. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}High-energy\\ source fluxes\end{tabular}} & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particles; cosmic rays & 1.39 \\
  244. & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particle detectors; cosmic ray detectors & 1.33 \\
  245. & Solar neutrinos & 1.28 \\
  246. & Background radiations & 0.89 \\
  247. & Ordinary neutrinos & 0.74 \\
  248. \cline{1-3}
  249. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Holographic\\ Principle and\\ dualities\end{tabular}} & Entanglement and quantum nonlocality & 1.89 \\
  250. & Gauge/string duality & 1.53 \\
  251. & Conformal field theory, algebraic structures & 1.43 \\
  252. & Higher-dimensional black holes, black strings, and related objects & 1.06 \\
  253. & Quantum aspects of black holes, evaporation, thermodynamics & 1.02 \\
  254. \cline{1-3}
  255. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Inflation\end{tabular}} & Particle-theory and field-theory models of the early Universe (including cosmic pancakes, cosmic strings, chaotic phenomena, inflationary universe, etc.) & 1.80 \\
  256. & Origin and formation of the Universe & 1.78 \\
  257. & Observational cosmology (including Hubble constant, distance scale, cosmological constant, early Universe, etc) & 1.76 \\
  258. & Background radiations & 1.70 \\
  259. & Quantum cosmology & 1.67 \\
  260. \cline{1-3}
  261. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Lattice\\ calculation\\ techniques\end{tabular}} & Lattice QCD calculations & 1.38 \\
  262. & Lattice gauge theory & 1.36 \\
  263. & Lattice theory and statistics & 0.80 \\
  264. & General properties of perturbation theory & 0.76 \\
  265. & Renormalization & 0.74 \\
  266. \cline{1-3}
  267. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Lepton/Meson\\ decay\end{tabular}} & Determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi \& Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements & 1.97 \\
  268. & Decays of charmed mesons & 1.94 \\
  269. & Decays of bottom mesons & 1.89 \\
  270. & Decays of charmed mesons & 1.86 \\
  271. & Bottom mesons (|B|>0) & 1.81 \\
  272. \cline{1-3}
  273. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Lie algebra\end{tabular}} & Algebraic methods & 1.39 \\
  274. & Integrable systems & 1.28 \\
  275. & Geometry, differential geometry, and topology & 1.19 \\
  276. & Noncommutative geometry & 1.03 \\
  277. & Quantum mechanics & 0.94 \\
  278. \cline{1-3}
  279. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Loops and\\ higher order\\ expansions in\\ Feynman\\ Diagrams\end{tabular}} & Electromagnetic corrections to strong- and weak-interaction processes & 1.32 \\
  280. & Electroweak radiative corrections & 1.23 \\
  281. & Specific calculations & 1.08 \\
  282. & Summation of perturbation theory & 1.00 \\
  283. & General properties of perturbation theory & 0.98 \\
  284. \cline{1-3}
  285. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}M-theory and\\ theories of\\ everything\end{tabular}} & M theory & 1.63 \\
  286. & Supergravity & 1.34 \\
  287. & Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory & 1.27 \\
  288. & Compactification and four-dimensional models & 1.22 \\
  289. & D branes & 1.13 \\
  290. \cline{1-3}
  291. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Matter in Yang-\\ Mills theories\end{tabular}} & Technicolor models & 1.23 \\
  292. & Unified theories and models of strong and electroweak interactions & 1.06 \\
  293. & Unification of couplings; mass relations & 0.99 \\
  294. & Composite models & 0.94 \\
  295. & Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetries & 0.88 \\
  296. \cline{1-3}
  297. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Measurements\\ and analysis of\\ colliders data\end{tabular}} & Determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi \& Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements & 0.90 \\
  298. & Solar neutrinos & 0.87 \\
  299. & Muons & 0.84 \\
  300. & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particle detectors; cosmic ray detectors & 0.75 \\
  301. & Decays of charmed mesons & 0.73 \\
  302. \cline{1-3}
  303. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Meson\\ phenomenology\end{tabular}} & Other mesons with S=C=0, mass < 2.5 GeV & 1.53 \\
  304. & Hadron mass models and calculations & 1.48 \\
  305. & Meson-meson interactions & 1.45 \\
  306. & Mesons & 1.41 \\
  307. & Glueball and nonstandard multi-quark/gluon states & 1.37 \\
  308. \cline{1-3}
  309. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Neutrino\\ physics\end{tabular}} & Ordinary neutrinos & 2.04 \\
  310. & Solar neutrinos & 1.98 \\
  311. & Non-standard-model neutrinos, right-handed neutrinos, etc. & 1.97 \\
  312. & Neutrino mass and mixing & 1.94 \\
  313. & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particles; cosmic rays & 1.92 \\
  314. \cline{1-3}
  315. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Non-abelian\\ theories\end{tabular}} & Gauge field theories & 1.04 \\
  316. & Magnetic monopoles & 1.03 \\
  317. & Canonical formalism, Lagrangians, and variational principles & 0.97 \\
  318. & Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach & 0.88 \\
  319. & Noncommutative field theory & 0.87 \\
  320. \cline{1-3}
  321. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Partons\\ distributions\end{tabular}} & Summation of perturbation theory & 1.62 \\
  322. & Factorization & 1.49 \\
  323. & Production & 1.46 \\
  324. & Jets in large-Q2 scattering & 1.44 \\
  325. & Perturbative calculations & 1.43 \\
  326. \cline{1-3}
  327. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Perturbative\\ QCD\end{tabular}} & Factorization & 1.17 \\
  328. & Summation of perturbation theory & 1.10 \\
  329. & Perturbative calculations & 1.03 \\
  330. & Production & 0.66 \\
  331. & Heavy quark effective theory & 0.65 \\
  332. \cline{1-3}
  333. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Phenomenologica\\ l jargon\end{tabular}} & Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory & 0.34 \\
  334. & Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.) & 0.31 \\
  335. & Loop quantum gravity, quantum geometry, spin foams & 0.30 \\
  336. & Experimental tests of gravitational theories & 0.29 \\
  337. & Potential models & 0.27 \\
  338. \cline{1-3}
  339. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}QCD calculation\\ techniques\end{tabular}} & Gluons & 1.29 \\
  340. & General properties of perturbation theory & 1.02 \\
  341. & Renormalization & 0.96 \\
  342. & General properties of QCD (dynamics, confinement, etc.) & 0.94 \\
  343. & Lattice gauge theory & 0.89 \\
  344. \cline{1-3}
  345. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Quantum\\ Chromodynamics\\ (QCD)\end{tabular}} & Sum rules & 2.24 \\
  346. & Other nonperturbative calculations & 1.42 \\
  347. & Bottom baryons (|B|>0) & 1.32 \\
  348. & Charmed baryons (|C|>0, B=0) & 1.26 \\
  349. & Heavy quark effective theory & 1.16 \\
  350. \cline{1-3}
  351. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Quantum Field\\ Theory\end{tabular}} & Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory & 1.32 \\
  352. & Quantum mechanics & 1.15 \\
  353. & Algebraic methods & 1.06 \\
  354. & Canonical quantization & 0.97 \\
  355. & Theory of quantized fields & 0.95 \\
  356. \cline{1-3}
  357. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Quantum Systems\\ and Equations\\ of motion\end{tabular}} & Canonical formalism, Lagrangians, and variational principles & 1.23 \\
  358. & Magnetic monopoles & 1.15 \\
  359. & Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach & 1.11 \\
  360. & Relativistic wave equations & 1.04 \\
  361. & Canonical quantization & 1.00 \\
  362. \cline{1-3}
  363. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Quantum systems\\ and\\ thermodynamics\end{tabular}} & Hydrodynamic models & 1.21 \\
  364. & Theory of quantized fields & 0.96 \\
  365. & Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory & 0.93 \\
  366. & Entanglement and quantum nonlocality & 0.90 \\
  367. & Quark-gluon plasma & 0.75 \\
  368. \cline{1-3}
  369. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Renormalization\end{tabular}} & Renormalization group evolution of parameters & 1.77 \\
  370. & Renormalization & 1.46 \\
  371. & General properties of perturbation theory & 0.85 \\
  372. & Technicolor models & 0.85 \\
  373. & Other nonperturbative techniques & 0.81 \\
  374. \cline{1-3}
  375. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Scattering of\\ composite\\ particles\end{tabular}} & Total and inclusive cross sections (including deep-inelastic processes) & 1.78 \\
  376. & Photon and charged-lepton interactions with hadrons & 1.65 \\
  377. & Elastic and Compton scattering & 1.49 \\
  378. & Regge theory, duality, absorptive/optical models & 1.35 \\
  379. & Polarization in interactions and scattering & 1.32 \\
  380. \cline{1-3}
  381. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Search for BSM\\ physics\end{tabular}} & Muons & 1.12 \\
  382. & Decays of K mesons & 1.09 \\
  383. & Decays of taus & 1.09 \\
  384. & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particle detectors; cosmic ray detectors & 1.07 \\
  385. & Neutral currents & 1.05 \\
  386. \cline{1-3}
  387. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Sigma models\\ (?)\end{tabular}} & Integrable systems & 1.74 \\
  388. & Algebraic methods & 1.23 \\
  389. & Supersymmetry & 1.09 \\
  390. & Lattice theory and statistics & 1.00 \\
  391. & Conformal field theory, algebraic structures & 0.99 \\
  392. \cline{1-3}
  393. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Solar neutrinos\end{tabular}} & Solar neutrinos & 2.64 \\
  394. & Ordinary neutrinos & 2.30 \\
  395. & Neutrino mass and mixing & 2.13 \\
  396. & Non-standard-model neutrinos, right-handed neutrinos, etc. & 1.98 \\
  397. & Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particles; cosmic rays & 1.89 \\
  398. \cline{1-3}
  399. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Space-time\\ geometry and\\ gravity\end{tabular}} & Exact solutions & 1.75 \\
  400. & Classical general relativity & 1.57 \\
  401. & Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes, spacetimes with fluids, radiation or classical fields & 1.53 \\
  402. & Classical black holes & 1.51 \\
  403. & Higher-dimensional black holes, black strings, and related objects & 1.51 \\
  404. \cline{1-3}
  405. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Spin/angular mo\\ mentum/polariza\\ tion\end{tabular}} & Polarization in interactions and scattering & 1.80 \\
  406. & Photon and charged-lepton interactions with hadrons & 1.47 \\
  407. & Fragmentation into hadrons & 1.41 \\
  408. & Inclusive production with identified hadrons & 1.35 \\
  409. & Meson production & 1.21 \\
  410. \cline{1-3}
  411. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}States of\\ matter\end{tabular}} & Quark deconfinement, quark-gluon plasma production, and phase transitions & 1.09 \\
  412. & Finite-temperature field theory & 1.08 \\
  413. & Gauge/string duality & 1.02 \\
  414. & Lattice theory and statistics & 0.90 \\
  415. & Quark matter & 0.84 \\
  416. \cline{1-3}
  417. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}String theory\end{tabular}} & D branes & 1.86 \\
  418. & Magnetic monopoles & 1.71 \\
  419. & Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory & 1.67 \\
  420. & Extended classical solutions; cosmic strings, domain walls, texture & 1.52 \\
  421. & Strings and branes & 1.46 \\
  422. \cline{1-3}
  423. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Supergravity\end{tabular}} & M theory & 1.62 \\
  424. & Supergravity & 1.58 \\
  425. & Compactification and four-dimensional models & 1.51 \\
  426. & Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory & 1.37 \\
  427. & Geometry, differential geometry, and topology & 1.30 \\
  428. \cline{1-3}
  429. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Supersymmetric\\ particles\end{tabular}} & Supersymmetric partners of known particles & 1.68 \\
  430. & Supersymmetric models & 1.35 \\
  431. & Supersymmetric Higgs bosons & 1.27 \\
  432. & Unification of couplings; mass relations & 0.85 \\
  433. & Non-standard-model Higgs bosons & 0.82 \\
  434. \cline{1-3}
  435. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Supersymmetric\\ theories\end{tabular}} & Supersymmetry & 1.37 \\
  436. & M theory & 1.35 \\
  437. & Supergravity & 1.20 \\
  438. & Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory & 1.05 \\
  439. & Gauge field theories & 1.05 \\
  440. \cline{1-3}
  441. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Symétrie\\ chirale\end{tabular}} & Chiral Lagrangians & 1.55 \\
  442. & Chiral symmetries & 1.54 \\
  443. & Lattice QCD calculations & 1.48 \\
  444. & Light quarks & 1.30 \\
  445. & Lattice gauge theory & 1.21 \\
  446. \cline{1-3}
  447. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Theoretical\\ jargon\end{tabular}} & Integrable systems & 0.36 \\
  448. & Quantum mechanics & 0.36 \\
  449. & Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory & 0.33 \\
  450. & Algebraic methods & 0.31 \\
  451. & Fundamental problems and general formalism & 0.28 \\
  452. \cline{1-3}
  453. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Thermodynamics\end{tabular}} & Quark deconfinement, quark-gluon plasma production, and phase transitions & 1.62 \\
  454. & Quark matter & 1.61 \\
  455. & Finite-temperature field theory & 1.57 \\
  456. & Quark-gluon plasma & 1.35 \\
  457. & Other models for strong interactions & 1.11 \\
  458. \cline{1-3}
  459. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Top quark\end{tabular}} & Top quarks & 1.96 \\
  460. & Neutral currents & 1.20 \\
  461. & Limits on production of particles & 1.07 \\
  462. & Other neutral Higgs bosons & 0.98 \\
  463. & Other gauge bosons & 0.97 \\
  464. \cline{1-3}
  465. \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l}Topology\end{tabular}} & Compactification and four-dimensional models & 1.40 \\
  466. & Geometry, differential geometry, and topology & 1.31 \\
  467. & Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory & 1.20 \\
  468. & M theory & 1.11 \\
  469. & Strings and branes & 1.04 \\
  470. \end{longtable}