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  1. ,question,topic1,topic2,categories1,categories2
  2. 0,0,Lattice calculation techniques,,"['Algebraic methods', 'Renormalization', 'General properties of QCD (dynamics, confinement, etc.)', 'Lattice gauge theory', 'Properties of perturbation theory']","['Expansions for large numbers of components (e.g., 1/Nc expansions)', 'Chiral symmetries', 'Lattice theory and statistics', 'General properties of perturbation theory', 'Lattice QCD calculations']"
  3. 1,1,Chern–Simons,String theory,"['Noncommutative field theory', 'Canonical formalism, Lagrangians, and variational principles', 'Other nonperturbative techniques', 'Other internal and higher symmetries', 'Noncommutative geometry']","['Strings and branes', 'Nonlinear or nonlocal theories and models', 'Compactification and four-dimensional models', 'Exact solutions', 'Supergravity']"
  4. 2,2,Systems energy and time-evolution,,"['Hydrodynamic models', 'Quark-gluon plasma', 'Relativistic heavy-ion collisions', 'Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory', 'Finite-temperature field theory']","['Quark deconfinement, quark-gluon plasma production, and phase transitions', 'Experimental tests of gravitational theories', 'Collective flow', 'Theory of quantized fields', 'Entanglement and quantum nonlocality']"
  5. 3,3,Theoretical jargon,CP violation bis,"['Algebraic methods', 'Phenomenology of quantum gravity', 'Solutions of wave equations: bound states', 'Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory', 'Theory of quantized fields']","['Determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi & Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements', 'Charge conjugation, parity, time reversal, and other discrete symmetries', 'Decays of bottom mesons', 'Ordinary neutrinos', 'Neutral currents']"
  6. 4,4,Superfields,,"['M theory', 'Lattice theory and statistics', 'Algebraic methods', 'Integrable systems', 'Supergravity']","['Conformal field theory, algebraic structures', 'Nonlinear or nonlocal theories and models', 'Supersymmetry', 'Geometry, differential geometry, and topology', 'Symmetry and conservation laws']"
  7. 5,5,Perturbative QCD,Mesons resonances,"['Factorization', 'Sum rules', 'Quantum chromodynamics', 'Fragmentation into hadrons', 'General properties of perturbation theory']","['Heavy quarkonia', 'Charmed mesons (|C|>0, B=0)', 'Hadron production in e−e+ interactions', 'Meson-meson interactions', 'Electromagnetic decays']"
  8. 6,6,Inflation,,"['Particle-theory and field-theory models of the early Universe (including cosmic pancakes, cosmic strings, chaotic phenomena, inflationary universe, etc.)', 'Observational cosmology (including Hubble constant, distance scale, cosmological constant, early Universe, etc)', 'Cosmology', 'Dark energy', 'Background radiations']","['Quantum cosmology', 'Phenomenology of quantum gravity', 'Origin and formation of the Universe', 'Mathematical and relativistic aspects of cosmology', 'Modified theories of gravity']"
  9. 7,7,Lepton/Meson decay,,"['Decays of K mesons', 'Bottom mesons (|B|>0)', 'Decays of taus', 'Decays of bottom mesons', 'Determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi & Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements']","['Leptonic, semileptonic, and radiative decays', 'Decays of charmed mesons', 'Decays of bottom mesons', 'Leptonic, semileptonic, and radiative decays of mesons', 'Decays of charmed mesons']"
  10. 8,8,Conformal Field Theory,,"['M theory', 'Algebraic methods', 'Strings and branes', 'Lattice theory and statistics', 'Integrable systems']","['Canonical quantization', 'Noncommutative geometry', 'Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory', 'Geometry, differential geometry, and topology', 'Conformal field theory, algebraic structures']"
  11. 9,9,QCD calculation techniques,Perturbative QCD,"['Lattice gauge theory', 'General properties of QCD (dynamics, confinement, etc.)', 'Finite-temperature field theory', 'Lattice QCD calculations', 'Expansions for large numbers of components (e.g., 1/Nc expansions)']","['General properties of perturbation theory', 'Quantum chromodynamics', 'Fragmentation into hadrons', 'Sum rules', 'Perturbative calculations']"
  12. 10,10,Algorithms and calculation techniques,,"['Inelastic scattering: many-particle final states', 'Light quarks', 'Particle correlations and fluctuations', 'Collective flow', 'Lattice theory and statistics']","['Lattice gauge theory', 'Fragmentation into hadrons', 'Gluons', 'Jets in large-Q2 scattering', 'Lattice QCD calculations']"
  13. 11,11,Lie algebra,Matter in SU gauge symmetries,"['Algebraic methods', 'Loop quantum gravity, quantum geometry, spin foams', 'Geometry, differential geometry, and topology', 'Other internal and higher symmetries', 'Conformal field theory, algebraic structures']","['Composite models', 'Technicolor models', 'Lattice gauge theory', 'Unified theories and models of strong and electroweak interactions', 'Spontaneous and radiative symmetry breaking']"
  14. 12,12,Theoretical jargon,,"['Integrable systems', 'Algebraic methods', 'Fundamental problems and general formalism', 'Quantum mechanics', 'Nonlinear or nonlocal theories and models']","['Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory', 'Solutions of wave equations: bound states', 'Geometry, differential geometry, and topology', 'Phenomenology of quantum gravity', 'Theory of quantized fields']"
  15. 13,13,Annihilation and scattering cross-sections,,"['Baryon resonances (S=C=B=0)', 'Meson production', 'Total cross sections', 'Photon and charged-lepton interactions with hadrons', 'Elastic and Compton scattering']","['Baryon production', 'Regge theory, duality, absorptive/optical models', 'Hadron production in e−e+ interactions', 'Nucleon-nucleon interactions', 'Electromagnetic processes and properties']"
  16. 14,14,Search for BSM physics,,"['Decays of bottom mesons', 'Leptonic, semileptonic, and radiative decays of mesons', 'Decays of taus', 'Models beyond the standard model', 'Limits on production of particles']","['Decays of K mesons', 'Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particle detectors; cosmic ray detectors', 'Other gauge bosons', 'Muons', 'Neutral currents']"
  17. 15,15,Phenomenological jargon ,,"['Exotic mesons', 'Phenomenological quark models', 'Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.)', 'Potential models', 'Experimental tests of gravitational theories']","['Phenomenology of quantum gravity', 'Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory', 'Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.)', 'Loop quantum gravity, quantum geometry, spin foams', 'Glueball and nonstandard multi-quark/gluon states']"
  18. 16,16,Phenomenological jargon ,,"['Glueball and nonstandard multi-quark/gluon states', 'Phenomenological quark models', 'Experimental tests of gravitational theories', 'Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.)', 'Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory']","['Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.)', 'Exotic mesons', 'Phenomenology of quantum gravity', 'Loop quantum gravity, quantum geometry, spin foams', 'Potential models']"
  19. 17,17,Inflation,Thermodynamics,"['Mathematical and relativistic aspects of cosmology', 'Quantum cosmology', 'Background radiations', 'Phenomenology of quantum gravity', 'Observational cosmology (including Hubble constant, distance scale, cosmological constant, early Universe, etc)']","['Quark matter', 'Other models for strong interactions', 'Quark deconfinement, quark-gluon plasma production, and phase transitions', 'Quark-gluon plasma', 'Chiral symmetries']"
  20. 18,18,Form factors,Theoretical jargon,"['Baryon production', 'Baryon resonances (S=C=B=0)', 'Protons and neutrons', 'pi, K, and eta mesons', 'Dispersion relations']","['Algebraic methods', 'Fundamental problems and general formalism', 'Phenomenology of quantum gravity', 'Integrable systems', 'Solutions of wave equations: bound states']"
  21. 19,19,Particles properties,,"['Extensions of electroweak gauge sector', 'Non-standard-model neutrinos, right-handed neutrinos, etc.', 'Global symmetries (e.g., baryon number, lepton number)', 'Quark and lepton masses and mixing', 'Decays of taus']","['Neutrino mass and mixing', 'Models beyond the standard model', 'Flavor symmetries', 'Unified theories and models of strong and electroweak interactions', 'Unification of couplings; mass relations']"
  22. 20,20,Quantum Field Theory,M-theory,"['Algebraic methods', 'Quantum mechanics', 'Theory of quantized fields', 'Relativistic wave equations', 'Integrable systems']","['Supersymmetry', 'Supergravity', 'Gauge field theories', 'Properties of perturbation theory', 'Geometry, differential geometry, and topology']"
  23. 21,21,Annihilation and scattering cross-sections,,"['Total cross sections', 'Photon and charged-lepton interactions with hadrons', 'Regge theory, duality, absorptive/optical models', 'Meson production', 'Electromagnetic processes and properties']","['Elastic and Compton scattering', 'Baryon resonances (S=C=B=0)', 'Hadron production in e−e+ interactions', 'Nucleon-nucleon interactions', 'Baryon production']"
  24. 22,22,Top quark,,"['Limits on production of particles', 'Non-standard-model Higgs bosons', 'Extensions of electroweak gauge sector', 'Inclusive production with identified leptons, photons, or other nonhadronic particles', 'Decays of taus']","['Other neutral Higgs bosons', 'Other gauge bosons', 'Standard-model Higgs bosons', 'Top quarks', 'Neutral currents']"
  25. 23,23,Lepton/Meson decay,,"['Bottom mesons (|B|>0)', 'Decays of bottom mesons', 'Decays of charmed mesons', 'Determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi & Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements', 'Decays of taus']","['Decays of bottom mesons', 'Decays of charmed mesons', 'Leptonic, semileptonic, and radiative decays of mesons', 'Decays of K mesons', 'Leptonic, semileptonic, and radiative decays']"
  26. 24,24,Gauge Theory,,"['Noncommutative field theory', 'General properties of perturbation theory', 'Lorentz and Poincaré invariance', 'Geometry, differential geometry, and topology', 'Canonical formalism, Lagrangians, and variational principles']","['Other internal and higher symmetries', 'Canonical quantization', 'Gauge field theories', 'Symmetry and conservation laws', 'Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach']"
  27. 25,25,Higgs beyond the SM,Stars physics,"['Limits on production of particles', 'Supersymmetric models', 'Standard-model Higgs bosons', 'Supersymmetric Higgs bosons', 'Other neutral Higgs bosons']","['Quarks, gluons, and QCD in nuclear reactions', 'Quark matter', 'Quark deconfinement, quark-gluon plasma production, and phase transitions', 'Relativistic heavy-ion collisions', 'Quark-gluon plasma']"
  28. 26,26,Theoretical jargon,,"['Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory', 'Solutions of wave equations: bound states', 'Theory of quantized fields', 'Quantum mechanics', 'Geometry, differential geometry, and topology']","['Nonlinear or nonlocal theories and models', 'Fundamental problems and general formalism', 'Integrable systems', 'Algebraic methods', 'Phenomenology of quantum gravity']"
  29. 27,27,Theoretical jargon,Perturbative QCD,"['Algebraic methods', 'Quantum mechanics', 'Solutions of wave equations: bound states', 'Theory of quantized fields', 'Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory']","['Fragmentation into hadrons', 'Production', 'General properties of perturbation theory', 'Factorization', 'Renormalization group evolution of parameters']"
  30. 28,28,Cross-sections in colliders,,"['Production', 'Inelastic scattering: many-particle final states', 'Particle and resonance production', 'Hadron-induced high- and super-high-energy interactions', 'Inclusive production with identified hadrons']","['Particle correlations and fluctuations', 'Jets in large-Q2 scattering', 'Z bosons', 'Total cross sections', 'Inclusive production with identified leptons, photons, or other nonhadronic particles']"
  31. 29,29,Topology,Cosmology and gravity,"['Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory', 'D branes', 'Geometry, differential geometry, and topology', 'Strings and branes', 'Noncommutative geometry']","['Modified theories of gravity', 'Mathematical and relativistic aspects of cosmology', 'Dark energy', 'Lorentz and Poincaré invariance', 'Cosmology']"
  32. 30,30,Experimental jargon,,"['Ordinary neutrinos', 'Nucleon-nucleon interactions', 'Neutrino-induced reactions', 'Electromagnetic corrections to strong- and weak-interaction processes', 'Baryons']","['Inelastic scattering: many-particle final states', 'Summation of perturbation theory', 'Electroweak radiative corrections', 'Solar neutrinos', 'Decays of K mesons']"
  33. 31,31,Higgs boson,,"['Supersymmetric Higgs bosons', 'Extensions of electroweak Higgs sector', 'Limits on production of particles', 'Other gauge bosons', 'Other neutral Higgs bosons']","['Supersymmetric models', 'Standard-model Higgs bosons', 'Unification of couplings; mass relations', 'Extensions of electroweak gauge sector', 'Non-standard-model Higgs bosons']"
  34. 32,32,Lattice calculation techniques,cp violation,"['Lattice QCD calculations', 'Properties of perturbation theory', 'General properties of perturbation theory', 'Algebraic methods', 'Renormalization']","['Neutral currents', 'Global symmetries (e.g., baryon number, lepton number)', 'Flavor symmetries', 'Determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi & Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements', 'Decays of K mesons']"
  35. 33,33,Matter in SU gauge symmetries,,"['Spontaneous and radiative symmetry breaking', 'Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetries', 'Lattice gauge theory', 'Flavor symmetries', 'Extensions of electroweak gauge sector']","['Chiral symmetries', 'Unified theories and models of strong and electroweak interactions', 'Composite models', 'Unification of couplings; mass relations', 'Technicolor models']"
  36. 34,34,Conformal Field Theory,,"['Geometry, differential geometry, and topology', 'Integrable systems', 'Canonical quantization', 'Conformal field theory, algebraic structures', 'M theory']","['Strings and branes', 'Algebraic methods', 'Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory', 'Lattice theory and statistics', 'Noncommutative geometry']"
  37. 35,35,Supersymmetric gauge theories,,"['Strings and branes', 'Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory', 'Gauge/string duality', 'Compactification and four-dimensional models', 'M theory']","['Supergravity', 'Properties of perturbation theory', 'Supersymmetry', 'Gauge field theories', 'D branes']"
  38. 36,36,Experimental jargon,Events in colliders (final states),"['Solar neutrinos', 'Electroweak radiative corrections', 'Neutrino-induced reactions', 'Summation of perturbation theory', 'Ordinary neutrinos']","['Inelastic scattering: many-particle final states', 'Inclusive production with identified leptons, photons, or other nonhadronic particles', 'Hadron-induced high- and super-high-energy interactions', 'Experimental tests', 'Production']"
  39. 37,37,Perturbative QCD,,"['Renormalization group evolution of parameters', 'Summation of perturbation theory', 'Factorization', 'Quantum chromodynamics', 'Sum rules']","['Fragmentation into hadrons', 'Perturbative calculations', 'General properties of perturbation theory', 'Production', 'Heavy quark effective theory']"
  40. 38,38,Electromagnetism,Particles properties,"['Quantum electrodynamics', 'Electric and magnetic moments', 'Quark-gluon plasma', 'Specific calculations', 'Quark deconfinement, quark-gluon plasma production, and phase transitions']","['Neutrino mass and mixing', 'Unification of couplings; mass relations', 'Global symmetries (e.g., baryon number, lepton number)', 'Flavor symmetries', 'Extensions of electroweak gauge sector']"
  41. 39,39,Supergravity,Lattice calculation techniques,"['Supersymmetry', 'Supergravity', 'M theory', 'Compactification and four-dimensional models', 'String and brane phenomenology']","['Properties of perturbation theory', 'Lattice theory and statistics', 'Lattice QCD calculations', 'Expansions for large numbers of components (e.g., 1/Nc expansions)', 'Algebraic methods']"
  42. 40,40,Perturbative QCD,,"['Quantum chromodynamics', 'Fragmentation into hadrons', 'Heavy quark effective theory', 'Sum rules', 'Factorization']","['Perturbative calculations', 'Renormalization group evolution of parameters', 'General properties of perturbation theory', 'Production', 'Summation of perturbation theory']"
  43. 41,41,Chern–Simons,Measurements and analysis of colliders data,"['Magnetic monopoles', 'Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach', 'Other nonperturbative techniques', 'Canonical formalism, Lagrangians, and variational principles', 'Geometry, differential geometry, and topology']","['Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particle detectors; cosmic ray detectors', 'Decays of charmed mesons', 'Muons', 'Bottom mesons (|B|>0)', 'Ordinary neutrinos']"
  44. 42,42,Cosmological sources,,"['Origin and formation of the Universe', 'Observational cosmology (including Hubble constant, distance scale, cosmological constant, early Universe, etc)', 'Dark energy', 'Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particles; cosmic rays', 'Background radiations']","['Phenomenology of quantum gravity', 'Cosmology', 'Particle-theory and field-theory models of the early Universe (including cosmic pancakes, cosmic strings, chaotic phenomena, inflationary universe, etc.)', 'Quantum cosmology', 'Neutrino, muon, pion, and other elementary particle detectors; cosmic ray detectors']"
  45. 43,43,Phenomenological jargon ,Amplitude of processes in colliders,"['Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.)', 'Exotic mesons', 'Loop quantum gravity, quantum geometry, spin foams', 'Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.)', 'Potential models']","['Decays of other mesons', 'Dispersion relations', 'Hadronic decays', 'Meson-meson interactions', 'Meson production']"
  46. 44,44,CP violation bis,Space-time geometry and gravity,"['Bottom mesons (|B|>0)', 'Flavor symmetries', 'Decays of bottom mesons', 'Decays of K mesons', 'Decays of charmed mesons']","['Higher-dimensional gravity and other theories of gravity', 'Lower dimensional models; minisuperspace models', 'Classical black holes', 'Fundamental problems and general formalism', 'Gravity in more than four dimensions, Kaluza-Klein theory, unified field theories; alternative theories of gravity']"
  47. 45,45,QCD calculation techniques,,"['General properties of QCD (dynamics, confinement, etc.)', 'Finite-temperature field theory', 'Gluons', 'Renormalization', 'Expansions for large numbers of components (e.g., 1/Nc expansions)']","['General properties of perturbation theory', 'Lattice gauge theory', 'Lattice QCD calculations', 'Other nonperturbative techniques', 'Other nonperturbative calculations']"
  48. 46,46,Dark matter in the universe,Gravitons and extra-dimensions,"['Elementary particle processes', 'Observational cosmology (including Hubble constant, distance scale, cosmological constant, early Universe, etc)', 'Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.)', 'Cosmology', 'Dark matter']","['Modified theories of gravity', 'String and brane phenomenology', 'Quantum gravity', 'Dark energy', 'Gravity in more than four dimensions, Kaluza-Klein theory, unified field theories; alternative theories of gravity']"
  49. 47,47,Particles properties,Phenomenological jargon ,"['Extensions of electroweak gauge sector', 'Quark and lepton masses and mixing', 'Unification of couplings; mass relations', 'Models beyond the standard model', 'Flavor symmetries']","['Phenomenological quark models', 'Loop quantum gravity, quantum geometry, spin foams', 'Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.)', 'Phenomenology of quantum gravity', 'Foundations of quantum mechanics; measurement theory']"
  50. 48,48,Gauge symmetries/symmetry breaking/GUTs,,"['Other internal and higher symmetries', 'Unification of couplings; mass relations', 'Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetries', 'Unified theories and models of strong and electroweak interactions', 'Composite models']","['Unified field theories and models', 'Technicolor models', 'Extensions of electroweak gauge sector', 'Flavor symmetries', 'Spontaneous and radiative symmetry breaking']"
  51. 49,49,Gauge Theory,,"['Canonical formalism, Lagrangians, and variational principles', 'Gauge field theories', 'Noncommutative field theory', 'Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach', 'Geometry, differential geometry, and topology']","['General properties of perturbation theory', 'Canonical quantization', 'Symmetry and conservation laws', 'Other internal and higher symmetries', 'Lorentz and Poincaré invariance']"