specific_vocabulary_th_ph.tex 3.4 KB

  1. \begin{longtable}{p{7cm}|p{7cm}}
  2. \caption{Vocabulary specific to phenomenology (left column) versus theory (right column).}
  3. \label{table:specific_pheno_vocabulary_th_ph}\\
  4. \toprule
  5. Vocabulary specific to phenomenology & Vocabulary specific to theory \\
  6. \midrule
  7. \endfirsthead
  8. \caption[]{Vocabulary specific to phenomenology (left column) versus theory (right column).} \\
  9. \toprule
  10. Vocabulary specific to phenomenology & Vocabulary specific to theory \\
  11. \midrule
  12. \endhead
  13. \midrule
  14. \multicolumn{2}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\
  15. \midrule
  16. \endfoot
  17. \bottomrule
  18. \endlastfoot
  19. quark, lhc, qcd, neutrino, experimental data, mssm, dark matter, extra dimension, parton, phenomenology, gluon, color, mixing, standard model, electroweak, collider, nucleon, effective theory, sensitivity, new physic, high energy, hadron, chiral perturbation theory, next-to-leading order, impact, neutrino mass, resonance, signal, process, accuracy, collaboration, distribution, flavor, decay, effective field theory, determination, violation, evolution, account, meson, element, baryon, higgs, contribution, gamma & algebra, manifold, geometry, spacetime, partition, modulus space, gravity, theory, branes, correspondence, central charge, deformation, action, chern-simons, duality, string, horizon, supergravity, ad, quantum, space-time, yang-mills, coordinate, entropy, conformal field theory, sitter, field, construction, surface, dimension, boundary, transformation, black hole, solution, mechanic, space, conjecture, type, class, quantization, dirac, formulation, background, connection, massless \\
  20. \end{longtable}