#1 Remove latex keywords from the list of subculture specific vocabulary

1 سال پیش باز شده توسط lucasgautheron · 0 دیدگاه

Right now, $\to$ shows up as one of the keywords most specific to phenomenology. This is because it refers to specific event signatures (like pp collisions resulting in the production of certain particles). Either the paper should explain that, or such "keywords" should be filtered.

Right now, $\to$ shows up as one of the keywords most specific to phenomenology. This is because it refers to specific event signatures (like pp collisions resulting in the production of certain particles). Either the paper should explain that, or such "keywords" should be filtered.
برای پیوستن به گفتگو، وارد شودید.
بدون برچسب
بدون نقطه عطف
بدون مسئول رسیدگی
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