8.7 KB

  1. import pandas as pd
  2. import numpy as np
  3. from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  4. import matplotlib.dates as mdates
  5. import argparse
  6. import yaml
  7. from mix_simul.scenarios import Scenario
  8. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  9. parser.add_argument("--begin", help="begin date (YYYY-MM-DD), between 1985-01-01 and 2015-01-01", required=True)
  10. parser.add_argument("--end", help="end date (YYYY-MM-DD), between 1985-01-01 and 2015-01-01", required=True)
  11. parser.add_argument("--flexibility", help="enable load flexibility modeling", action="store_true")
  12. parser.add_argument("--scenarios", help="path to scenarios parameters yml file", default="scenarios/rte.yml")
  13. args = parser.parse_args()
  14. with open(args.scenarios, 'r') as f:
  15. scenarios = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
  16. potential = pd.read_parquet("data/potential.parquet")
  17. potential = potential.loc['1985-01-01 00:00:00':'2015-01-01 00:00:00', :]
  18. potential.fillna(0, inplace=True)
  19. begin = args.begin
  20. end = args.end
  21. flexibility = args.flexibility
  22. potential = potential.loc[(
  23. slice(f'{begin} 00:00:00', f'{end} 00:00:00'), 'FR'), :]
  24. # intermittent sources potential
  25. p = potential[["onshore", "offshore", "solar"]].to_xarray().to_array()
  26. p = np.insert(p, 3, 0.7, axis=0) # nuclear power-like
  27. times = potential.index.get_level_values(0)
  28. n_scenarios = len(scenarios)
  29. fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n_scenarios, ncols=2, sharex="col", sharey=True)
  30. w, h = fig.get_size_inches()
  31. fig.set_figwidth(w*1.5)
  32. fig.set_figheight(h*1.5)
  33. fig_storage, axes_storage = plt.subplots(nrows=n_scenarios, ncols=2, sharex="col", sharey=True)
  34. fig_storage.set_figwidth(w*1.5)
  35. fig_storage.set_figheight(h*1.5)
  36. fig_dispatch, axes_dispatch = plt.subplots(nrows=n_scenarios, ncols=2, sharex="col", sharey=True)
  37. fig_dispatch.set_figwidth(w*1.5)
  38. fig_dispatch.set_figheight(h*1.5)
  39. fig_gap_distribution, axes_gap_distribution = plt.subplots(nrows=int(np.ceil(n_scenarios/2)), ncols=2, sharex="col", sharey=True)
  40. fig_gap_distribution.set_figwidth(w*1.5)
  41. fig_gap_distribution.set_figheight(h*1.5)
  42. months = [
  43. "Février",
  44. "Juin"
  45. ]
  46. labels = [
  47. "load (GW)",
  48. "production (GW)",
  49. "available power (production-storage) (GW)",
  50. "power deficit"
  51. ]
  52. labels_storage = [
  53. "Batteries (TWh)",
  54. "STEP (TWh)",
  55. "P2G (TWh)"
  56. ]
  57. labels_dispatch = [
  58. "Hydro (GW)",
  59. "Biomass (GW)",
  60. "Thermal (GW)"
  61. ]
  62. date_fmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%d/%m')
  63. # for step in np.linspace(start, stop, 2050-2022, True)[::-1]:
  64. row = 0
  65. for scenario in scenarios:
  66. if not flexibility:
  67. scenarios[scenario]["flexibility_power"] = 0
  68. scenario_model = Scenario(**scenarios[scenario])
  69. S, load, production, gap, storage, dp =, p)
  70. print(f"{scenario}:", S, gap.max(), np.quantile(gap, 0.95))
  71. print(f"exports: {np.minimum(np.maximum(-gap, 0), 39).sum()/1000} TWh; imports: {np.minimum(np.maximum(gap, 0), 39).sum()/1000} TWh")
  72. print(f"dispatchable: " + ", ".join([f"{dp[i].sum()/1000:.2f} TWh" for i in range(dp.shape[0])]))
  73. potential['load'] = load
  74. potential['production'] = production
  75. potential['available'] = production-np.diff(storage.sum(axis=0), append=0)
  76. for i in range(3):
  77. potential[f"storage_{i}"] = np.diff(storage[i,:], append=0)#storage[i,:]/1000
  78. potential[f"storage_{i}"] = storage[i,:]/1000
  79. for i in range(dp.shape[0]):
  80. potential[f"dispatch_{i}"] = dp[i,:]
  81. potential["dispatch"] = dp.sum(axis=0)
  82. data = [
  83. potential.loc[(slice('2013-02-01 00:00:00',
  84. '2013-03-01 00:00:00'), 'FR'), :],
  85. potential.loc[(slice('2013-06-01 00:00:00',
  86. '2013-07-01 00:00:00'), 'FR'), :]
  87. ]
  88. for col in range(2):
  89. ax = axes[row, col] if axes.ndim > 1 else axes[col]
  90. ax.plot(data[col].index.get_level_values(0), data[col]
  91. ["load"], label="adjusted load (GW)", lw=1)
  92. ax.plot(data[col].index.get_level_values(0), data[col]
  93. ["production"], label="production (GW)", ls="dotted", lw=1)
  94. ax.plot(data[col].index.get_level_values(0), data[col]["available"],
  95. label="available power (production-d(storage)/dt) (GW)", lw=1)
  96. ax.fill_between(
  97. data[col].index.get_level_values(0),
  98. data[col]["available"],
  99. data[col]["load"],
  100. where=data[col]["load"] > data[col]["available"],
  101. color='red',
  102. alpha=0.15
  103. )
  104. ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_fmt)
  105. ax.text(
  106. 0.5, 0.87, f"Scénario {scenario} ({months[col]})", ha='center', transform=ax.transAxes)
  107. ax.set_ylim(10, 210)
  108. ax = axes_storage[row, col] if axes.ndim > 1 else axes_storage[col]
  109. for i in np.arange(3):
  110. if i == 2:
  111. base = 0
  112. else:
  113. base = np.sum([data[col][f"storage_{j}"] for j in np.arange(i+1,3)], axis=0)
  114. ax.fill_between(data[col].index.get_level_values(0), base, base+data[col]
  115. [f"storage_{i}"], label=f"storage {i}", alpha=0.5)
  116. ax.plot(data[col].index.get_level_values(0), base+data[col]
  117. [f"storage_{i}"], label=f"storage {i}", lw=0.25)
  118. ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_fmt)
  119. ax.text(
  120. 0.5, 0.87, f"Scénario {scenario} ({months[col]})", ha='center', transform=ax.transAxes)
  121. ax = axes_dispatch[row, col] if axes.ndim > 1 else axes_dispatch[col]
  122. for i in range(dp.shape[0]):
  123. if i == 0:
  124. base = 0
  125. else:
  126. base = np.sum([data[col][f"dispatch_{j}"] for j in np.arange(i)], axis=0)
  127. ax.fill_between(data[col].index.get_level_values(0), base, base+data[col]
  128. [f"dispatch_{i}"], label=f"dispatch {i}", alpha=0.5)
  129. ax.plot(data[col].index.get_level_values(0), base+data[col]
  130. [f"dispatch_{i}"], label=f"dispatch {i}", lw=0.25)
  131. ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_fmt)
  132. ax.text(
  133. 0.5, 0.87, f"Scénario {scenario} ({months[col]})", ha='center', transform=ax.transAxes)
  134. div = int(np.ceil(n_scenarios/2))
  135. ax = axes_gap_distribution[row%div, row//div] if axes_gap_distribution.ndim > 1 else axes_gap_distribution[row%div]
  136. hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(-gap, bins=1000)
  137. hist = np.cumsum(hist)
  138. hist = 100*(hist - hist.min()) / hist.ptp()
  139. keep = np.abs(bin_edges[:-1]) < 50
  140. ax.plot(bin_edges[:-1][keep], hist[keep], label="power gap")
  141. ax.text(
  142. 0.5, 0.87, f"Scénario {scenario}", ha='center', transform=ax.transAxes)
  143. row += 1
  144. for axs in [axes, axes_dispatch, axes_storage]:
  145. if axes.ndim > 1:
  146. for label in axs[-1, 0].get_xmajorticklabels() + axs[-1, 1].get_xmajorticklabels():
  147. label.set_rotation(30)
  148. label.set_horizontalalignment("right")
  149. else:
  150. for label in axs[0].get_xmajorticklabels() + axs[-1].get_xmajorticklabels():
  151. label.set_rotation(30)
  152. label.set_horizontalalignment("right")
  153. flex = "With" if flexibility else "Without"
  154. plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
  155. fig.suptitle(f"Simulations based on {begin}--{end} weather data.\n{flex} consumption flexibility; no nuclear seasonality (unrealistic)")
  156. fig.text(1, 0, 'Lucas Gautheron', ha="right")
  157. fig.legend(labels, loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.1),
  158. ncol=len(labels), bbox_transform=fig.transFigure)
  159. fig.savefig("output/load_supply.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200)
  160. fig_storage.suptitle(f"Simulations based on {begin}--{end} weather data.\n{flex} consumption flexibility; no nuclear seasonality (unrealistic)")
  161. fig_storage.text(1, 0, 'Lucas Gautheron', ha="right")
  162. fig_storage.legend(labels_storage, loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.1),
  163. ncol=len(labels_storage), bbox_transform=fig_storage.transFigure)
  164. fig_storage.savefig("output/storage.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200)
  165. fig_dispatch.suptitle(f"Simulations based on {begin}--{end} weather data.\n{flex} consumption flexibility; no nuclear seasonality (unrealistic)")
  166. fig_dispatch.text(1, 0, 'Lucas Gautheron', ha="right")
  167. fig_dispatch.legend(labels_dispatch, loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.1),
  168. ncol=len(labels_dispatch), bbox_transform=fig_dispatch.transFigure)
  169. fig_dispatch.savefig("output/dispatch.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200)
  170. fig_gap_distribution.suptitle(f"Power gap cumulative distribution (%)\nSimulations based on {begin}--{end} weather data.\n{flex} consumption flexibility; no nuclear seasonality (unrealistic)")
  171. fig_gap_distribution.legend(["Power gap (available-load) (GW)"], loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.1),
  172. ncol=1, bbox_transform=fig_dispatch.transFigure)
  173. fig_gap_distribution.text(1, 0, 'Lucas Gautheron', ha="right")
  174. fig_gap_distribution.savefig("output/gap_distribution.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200)