scores.tex 743 B

  1. \begin{table}
  2. \caption{Performance of the actual model versus that of the baseline model, for i) the cohort of high-energy physicists and ii) a cohort from the ACL Anthology corpus of Computation Linguistics papers.}
  3. \label{table:performance}
  4. \begin{tabular}{|>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{4cm}|>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{5cm}|>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{5cm}|}
  5. \toprule
  6. Cohort & High-energy physics\newline ($N=2195$) & Computational Linguistics\newline ($N=578$) \\
  7. \midrule
  8. Model\newline $\mu(d_{{\mathrm{{TV}}}}(\bm{{y_{{a}}}}, \bm{{y_{{a}}}}^{{\text{{pred}}}}))$ & \textbf{0.306} & \textbf{0.337} \\
  9. Baseline\newline $\mu(d_{{\mathrm{{TV}}}}(\bm{{y_{{a}}}}, \bm{{x_{{a}}}}))$ & 0.316 & 0.466 \\
  10. \bottomrule
  11. \end{tabular}
  12. \end{table}