top_entered.tex 4.0 KB

  1. \begin{table}[H]
  2. \centering
  3. \caption{Physicists with the highest change scores $c_a$. $D(\bm{I_a})$ and $D(\bm{S_a})$ measure the diversity of intellectual and social capital. Numbers in parentheses indicate the share of attention dedicated to each research area during each time-period. Asterisks ($\ast$) indicate physicists with a permanent position.}
  4. \label{table:top_entered}
  5. \begin{tabular}{p{0.15\textwidth}|c|c|c|b{0.25\textwidth}|b{0.25\textwidth}}
  6. \toprule
  7. Physicist & $c_a$ & $D(\bm{I_a})$ & $D(\bm{S_a})$ & Previous main area & Current main area \\
  8. \midrule
  9. W.~Buchmuller ($\ast$) & 1 & 8.09 & 10.87 & Neutrinos \& flavour physics (0.26$\to$0.06) & String theory \& supergravity (0.12$\to$0.36)\\ \hline
  10. T.~R.~Morris ($\ast$) & 1 & 7.48 & 11.61 & Perturbative methods (0.35$\to$0.05) & AdS/CFT (0.07$\to$0.27)\\ \hline
  11. N.~Ohta & 1 & 7.00 & 9.05 & Black holes (0.36) & Black holes (0.22)\\ \hline
  12. E.~M.~C.Abreu ($\ast$) & 1 & 9.23 & 10.40 & Quantum Field Theory (0.19) & Quantum Field Theory (0.21)\\ \hline
  13. Joaquim Gomis ($\ast$) & 1 & 7.16 & 8.94 & String theory \& supergravity (0.32$\to$0.15) & Quantum Field Theory (0.27$\to$0.34)\\ \hline
  14. A.~T.~Suzuki ($\ast$) & 1 & 4.36 & 6.43 & Perturbative methods (0.61$\to$0.04) & Neutrinos \& flavour physics (0.01$\to$0.39)\\ \hline
  15. Y.~A.~Sitenko ($\ast$) & 1 & 9.56 & 5.65 & QCD (0.19) & QCD (0.29)\\ \hline
  16. H.~Verschelde ($\ast$) & 1 & 7.27 & 10.70 & Perturbative methods (0.31$\to$0.05) & Black holes (0.01$\to$0.33)\\ \hline
  17. M.~Olechowski ($\ast$) & 1 & 8.19 & 11.17 & Cosmology (0.28$\to$0.00) & Dark matter (0.04$\to$0.47)\\ \hline
  18. K.~A.~Meissner ($\ast$) & 1 & 12.07 & 10.96 & Dynamics (0.12$\to$0.01) & Dark matter (0.01$\to$0.18)\\ \hline
  19. F.~Lizzi ($\ast$) & 1 & 4.72 & 8.88 & Quantum Field Theory (0.65) & Quantum Field Theory (0.43)\\ \hline
  20. Y.~Satoh ($\ast$) & 1 & 7.62 & 5.74 & AdS/CFT (0.23$\to$0.10) & String theory \& supergravity (0.20$\to$0.42)\\ \hline
  21. M.~Zabzine & 1 & 5.11 & 7.10 & String theory \& supergravity (0.53) & String theory \& supergravity (0.68)\\ \hline
  22. M.~Visser & 1 & 9.06 & 7.97 & Black holes (0.22) & Black holes (0.38)\\ \hline
  23. Subir Ghosh ($\ast$) & 1 & 6.88 & 8.18 & Quantum Field Theory (0.43) & Quantum Field Theory (0.21)\\ \hline
  24. F.~D.~Mazzitelli & 1 & 8.93 & 13.57 & Thermodynamics (0.20$\to$0.15) & AdS/CFT (0.19$\to$0.22)\\ \hline
  25. Z.~Lalak ($\ast$) & 1 & 7.31 & 9.95 & Cosmology (0.32) & Cosmology (0.26)\\ \hline
  26. A.~Falkowski & 1 & 7.93 & 10.92 & Electroweak sector (0.37) & Electroweak sector (0.36)\\ \hline
  27. Jorge G.Russo & 1 & 9.19 & 9.20 & String theory \& supergravity (0.38) & String theory \& supergravity (0.30)\\ \hline
  28. T.~A.~Jacobson ($\ast$) & 1 & 9.71 & 9.97 & Black holes (0.34) & Black holes (0.49)\\ \hline
  29. \bottomrule
  30. \end{tabular}
  31. \end{table}